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瑞 安 房 地 产 12
Our contribution to society extends beyond our products and services. Our goal is to grow with the community, and to this end we have launched several charity initiatives to benefit communities across China. We encourage education, creativity and innovation to support the long-term development of society. Based on the philosophy that “Action make a difference”, the Shui On Seagull Club was established by our employees to enhance education for disadvantaged teenagers. We also promotes sports and culture. In 2011, we sponsored the Shui On Land China Golf Challenge. Golf emphasises creativity, discipline and honesty under pressure, which matches our core values – Integrity, Dedication, Innovation and Excellence.
Sharing a Dream
Established in 2004, Shui On Land is the flagship property development company of the Shui On Group in the Chinese Mainland. Headquartered in Shanghai, Shui On Land was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 272) in October 2006. The Company develops, sells, leases, manages and operates a variety of highend properties in mixed-use communities across China. These include residential, office, retail, entertainment and cultural properties. Today, Shui On Land is recognised as one of China’s most visionary property developers. Our redevelopment projects in Shanghai have garnered worldwide acclaim. Further large-scale projects are currently under development in Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing, Foshan and Dalian.
All projects are developed with the “Total Community” concept in mind. Each community includes cutting-edge facilities for residential, office, retail, entertainment and leisure purposes. As such, We offer unique environments for customers across China to achieve an optimum balance of “LiveWork-Play”.
Vincent H. S. LO Chairman
“事实证明,我们独特的经营模式是我们致胜的关键。 我们凭借具创意的总体规划,开发配备综合设施的完善 社区,而且项目分期落成,让我们可灵活调整发展重心, 以应付市场需求及变化。”
罗康瑞 主席
瑞 安 房 地 产 3
Shui On Land
创建新天地 共寻新理想
“Our unique business model has proven to be the key of winning. The innovative hallmark approach of creating a total community with mixed-use facilities via master-planning and our phased completion gives us the flexibility to adjust our development focus to cater to market demands and changing conditions. ”
瑞安房地产有限公司成立于 2004 年,并于 2006 年10月 在香港联合交易所上市(股份代号:272),是瑞安集团 在 中 国 内 地 的 房 地 产 旗 舰 公 司 。瑞 安 房 地 产 总 部 设 于 上海,在内地房地产市场卓有成就,以高瞻远瞩见称。
瑞安房地产开发、出售、租赁、管理及经营创新、优质的 住宅、办公楼、零售、娱乐及文化等项目。目前,我们在 上海、武汉、重庆、佛山及大连中心地段有多个处于不同 开发阶段的项目。
让 想 象 无 限 延 展,令 未 来 无 限 接 近,瑞 安 房 地 产 志 在 驱动生活不断向前,成为中国最优秀及具创意的房地产 开发商。我们承诺提供创新·优质·卓越的项目,凭借 卓越的创新力及对中国市场的深入洞察,始终不懈创变, 创造更独特的生活环境,启发更优质的生活体验。创新是 瑞安的文化基因。多年来,我们创领的“整体社区”理念 及对项目当地文化的创新传承被视作业界典范。在我们 精益求精的执着坚持下,睿智的创新将被恒久延续。
Shui On Land
瑞 安 房 地 产
Chongqing Tiandi 重庆天地 Shanghai Xintiandi 上海新天地
Shui On Land’s communities are a fusion of traditional architecture with contemporary designs. Each project is both a tribute to China’s rich history and a display of cutting-edge concepts. We have been widely acclaimed for the ambitious redevelopment of Shanghai Xintiandi, where traditional Shikumen houses were adapted to create a thriving lifestyle and entertainment district. We have respected and preserved the local culture in every one of our projects. As such, each Shui On Land property stands out as a cultural epicenter of the surrounding community. We are now working to advance culture and living to new horizons in major cities across China.
“昨天,明天,相会在今天” 瑞安房地产尊崇城市的历史,主张传承当地的文化特色。 我们拥有保护文物建筑与历史文化遗产方面的专业知识 与 技 术 ,善 于 在 项 目 规 划 设 计 之 初 融 合 当 地 历 史 文 化 特色,让城市的文化基因一脉相承。在此基础上,合理 融入现代化设计与设施,达成传统与现代的完美结合, 为社区创建美好未来。我们不仅保存了上海石库门、重庆 吊 脚 楼 、岭 南“ 锅 耳 ”建 筑 等 历 史 建 筑 的 独 到 风 韵 , 更开启了传统文化的未来可能。
瑞 安 房 地 产 4
Shui On Land
THE HUB 虹桥天地
创变不止 筑造时代
Innovation is the cornerstone of Shui On Land’s corporate philosophy. We aim to be at the forefront of China’s real estate industry by pushing the boundaries of creativity in every project. Our commitment to innovation is fused with our keen insight and real-world experience in the China market. As such, each of our projects offers some of the most unique and high-quality living environments in China. Our “Total Community” concept and our unique inclusion of local culture in our projects have long been considered industry ideals. Every project is a tribute to creative excellence, while every plan seeks perfection.
瑞 安 房 地 产
Shui On Land
Strategy on a
着眼全局 独辟蹊径
Chongqing Tiandi 重庆天地
We apply our hallmark approach of masterplanning to all projects.This ensures that developments are fully consistent with the government’s urban planning and economic development objectives. This is complemented by the phased completion of each project, which gives us the flexibility to anticipate and meet changing market demands.
Building on the Past to
F lourish in the F uture
承继历史 创启未来
瑞 安 房 地 产
Shui On Land
Higher Goals
践行责任 创造价值
Shui On Land
Shui On Land China Golf Challenge 瑞安中国高尔夫挑战赛
Those who soar higher, see further.
பைடு நூலகம்
Reach out and touch perfection 锲而不舍 力求尽善尽美 — Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach -《海鸥约纳堂》理查德·巴赫
我们的每一项目充分体现“整体社区”理念,致力于打造 集“生活、工作、休闲”于一体的独特环境,以全维的配套 服务开启全面的生活体验。独到的“总体规划”理念,更使 项目周边环境得到提升与优化。
一直以来,我们定位于“城市运营商”,致力于配合政府的 城市发展规划,不仅改善社区环境,提高个人生活品质, 更全力促进城市繁荣,提升城市竞争力。