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Assimilation of Speech Sounds in



Definition & Theoretical Research Shane (2006):

it is a process in which a segment takes on feature of sounds from a neighbouring one.

Victoria Fromkin (2004):

assimilation is a kind of ease of articulation process in which one sound influences the pronunciation of another adjacent or nearby sound.

Ladefoged (2006):

anticipatory co-articulation is by far the commonest cause of assimilations in English.

Definition & Theoretical Research

Roach (2001): regressive

defines two kinds of assimilation


regressive:when the final consonant changes to become like the initial consonant of the second word

progressive:when the final consonant becomes like the preceding consonant in some way as in voicing

Definition & Theoretical Research

Dai Weidong(2010):

A New Concise Course in Linguistics for Students of English

“assimilating one sound to another

by‘copying’a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar”

Hu Zhuanglin (2006):

assimilation is a process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound

regressive assimilation:

If a following sound is influencing a preceding sound

progressive assimilation:

if a preceding sound is influencing a following sound

3 Types

Direction Result Feature


regressive assimilation

newspaper :/njuspeipə/

/njuzpeipə/progressive assimilation

it's :/its/what's : /wɒts/

/itz/ /wɒtz/

reciprocal/double assimilation

did you : /di ’dʒu/

/did u/



term explanation

the assimilated sound/

the target

sound that changes

the conditioning sound/

the trigger

sound that causes the change

homorganic sound

(同器官发出的,发音部位相同的)two sounds that have the same place of articulation

Types Classified According to Result

plete or total assimilation:

one phone becomes identical to another phone or two different phones become completely identical.

e.g. we t p aint /we p p eɪnt/

whi te c oat /waɪk kəʊkt/

te n m en /te m m en/

goo d b oy /gʊb bɔɪ/

(cited from 李梅.英语语音的同化[J].内蒙古科技与经济,2000(7)

2. Partial assimilation:

one phone is partly identical to another phone or

one phone acquires the same feature (place,manner, voicing, height, rounding, etc.)as another phone.

(a) Acquire the feature of place:

no t me /nɒp mi:/

i n bed /ɪm bed/

(b) Voicing assimilation such as third person singular

and plural endings –s:

pat pat[s] pad pad[z]

cup cup[s] cub cub[z]

(cited from Linguistics --A Course Book by Hu Zhuanglin)
