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上海农业学报 2009,25(2):29-35

Acta Agriculturae Shanghai



王 慧1,李茂柏2,李培德3,张建明2,朱春梅4,张志奇1,Jung-Ro Lee5,朴钟泽1,2*(1安徽农业大学农学院,合肥230036;2上海市农业科学院作物育种栽培研究所,上海201106;



摘 要:选用10个氮素利用效率不同的粳稻品种,研究在3个氮素处理水平下水稻灌浆期营养物质积累的动态变化及与氮素利用效率的关系。结果表明:鞘叶和茎中氮的含量均以灌浆前期最高,以后逐渐降低,穗部氮素总积累量在整个籽粒灌浆时期均呈增加的趋势,N10、N20处理更有利于促进植株对氮的吸收及含量的提高。



中图分类号:S511.06 文献标识码:A

Study on N,P and K accumulations at rice grain filling stage

and nitrogen efficiency of grain production

under different nitrogen fertilizer rates

WANG H ui1,LI Mao-bai2,LI Pei-de3,ZH ANG Jian-ming2

ZH U Chun-mei4,ZH ANG Zhi-qi1,Jung-Ro Lee5,PIAO Zhong-ze1,2*(1Department of Agronomy,Anhui Agricultural University,Hef ei230036,China;2Crop Breeding and Cultivation Research I nstitute,S A AS,Shanghai201106,China;3Food Crops Institute,H ubei Academy of A gricultural Sciences,Wuhan430064,China;4H ai feng Farm o f S hanghai,J iangsu224100, China;5National Institute of A gricultural Biotechnology,Rural Development Adm inistration,

S uwon441707,Republic of Korea)

A bstract:Ten keng rice cultivars different in nitrogen use efficiency were used as test materials and the changes of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium accumulations at grain filling stage and their relations to nitrogen efficincy of grain production were studied under3different nitrogen fertilizer rates.The results show ed that the N contents of sheath leaf and stem reached the highest at the early filling stage and then decreased gradually,but the N accumulation of panicle increased in the w hole filling stage.The N10and N20treatments w ere more bene-ficial to the plants'absorbing N and increasing N content.The application of nitrogen fertilizer could promote P and K accumulation of grains at early filling stage and accelerate P and K transfer at later filling stage.The a-mount of N accumulation in the sheath leaf and stem at later filling stage was negatively correlated to the nitro-gen efficiency of grain production and the correlation w as very significant in the N0and N20treatments and sig-nificant in the N10treatment.The nitrogen efficiency of grain production was very positively correlated to the distribution ratio of N in the ear and very negatively co rrelated to the distribution ratios of N in the sheath leaf


基金项目:国际科技合作项目“氮肥高效利用水稻新品种的引进及利用研究”(2006DFA32990);上海市基础研究重点项目“水稻氮高效有关性状Q TLs定位及辅助选择效果分析”(04JC14088)资助

作者简介:王 慧(1983-),女,在读硕士研究生,主要从事水稻种质创新及分子育种研究

