

国贸09-2 推销员之死

国贸09-2 推销员之死

• Bad drama reinforces our prejudices. It informs us of what we knew when we came into the theater - the infirm have rights, homosexuals are people, too. It appeals to our sense of self-worth, and, as such, is but oldfashioned melodrama come again in modern clothes .
• Willy 的东奔西跑任劳任怨 VS 工作危机 ---- 一直以来,作为一个每周都要长途到外地去工作的职员,Willy 都是恪守本职,努力想要发挥自己的作用,为了家庭的维持,也为了自 己的成功。然而在已经60岁的年纪,公司仍然不给他重用,似乎是对他 的存在与否并不在意。这样的反差,让Willy 不能接受。 这也是二战后经历了30年代经济大萧条的美国社会中,梦想与现实的 冲突---每一个渴望成功的小人物都有着这样的艰辛。

[trying to bring him out of I t]. I got a new kind of American-type cheese. • I just thought you’d like a change---• [with a covering laugh ]. I thought it would be a surprise. ----想要岔开话题,却因小事惹来丈夫不快,在一一被丈夫反驳之后, Linda也并不生气,一二再而三地温柔以对。
以上几个部分,顺着剧情的承接,综合借助音乐,灯光,布景, 讲述了这部剧的开始,营造了一个失意、消极的气氛,也很好地表达了 主人公的心情和处境。 主角Willy 不顺利的家庭和工作纠缠在一起,互相施加反作用力,让 他开始不堪重负。



推销员之死英文好词佳句1.推销员之死英文介绍The salesman is a typical die of modern tragedy. It is revealed that the United States of some social ills, smashing success ", "everyone can the myth. Willy lothrop is the tragic character. The tragedy of his dead wrong values around, cannot face reality. His life is in the wrong in the dream, and dreams of a mistake to die. Willy represents his class, so he's tragedy is a group of holding the tragedy of dream of success. As the name suggests, he Lowman, he belongs to lower the society. Willy: nothing at all, the salesman wages, only bring commissions. They sell is something, he believes, if has the charm, pleasing the gate is open towards him. He put his life in such dreams above the building. He to David singh mann admiring, because David sell very successful. He needn't leave the hotel, a telephone can clinch a deal, 84 when he died, there are so many buyers with his funeral behavior. Because he always living in their own imagination, in a world of fantasy as the reality, so often boast. He ignored his marketing unwelcome facts, boast about themselves in New England, said his how important how high he sales that sank into their lies. At an early age, his brother this advised him to go to Alaska is rich, but his wife, Linda said, "do you not at warner work well? Hope to become shareholders." He missed the opportunity, even first ask the boss to persuade him Linda in his city, he also can refuse to hire, because "he is very important in New England," but the reality is, the boss gave him the chop. Treat eldest biff he desperately instill "likable, attractive can succeed" thought, to make biff long-term cannot correctly understand oneself, he still palliative biff theft, caused the tragedy of another generation.Willy blindness made him jealous of success, neighbor Charley refused to offer him Charlie's career. He forced biff believes his charm will make old boss gave him borrow money. Finally, when biff ShengLeiJuXia to help his face reality, he finally biff for accepting his point of view, he decided to commit suicide, need to have some money to him. However, Willie's tragedy is not entirely due to its character, the weakness of American society is part of itself. Willy finally found himself as he installment buying things, you pay the money, then used or bad things. He paid the last house, while he had to go to the tomb. In American society, people are old elephant was ate meat, orange, skin is thrown away. However, his two sons of sacrifice, is not worthy of his doing it. The second important biff is character, he is the victim of philosophy, Willie because willy long thin and thick always young compared with Cardiff love the father, and biff as idols. Willy: biff for coach like that, even to steal something is no problem, then to display gallantry brother, urged biff brothers to steal wood. Biff so to behave in accordance with his father's values, until flunked math, to find his father for help, found in Boston, the father's privacy completely changed to his father. Because his father told him how important he constantly, so that he can't listens to the people, and have steal habit for many years, I not only, still have nothing in prison. He tried to help her father losing face and fantasy, both is mediocrity, can start, but will not succeed. But when the play, he finally came. If, mueller on dramatis personae still hope, then hope is in biff. His father is a son of neglect. In the home, biff always pinned him down. Hubby grew up a drifter, also very selfish, but the insane father threw in restaurants, and prostitutes. But the first victims of philosophy is Willie, sadly, until he still believes his play will be successful. Lindais a wife, but she did not image help willy back to reality, on the contrary make Willie in their imagination and blindness in deeper. The death of her willy is responsible, but he seems to be mueller spokesperson, shouted out of many people, must pay attention ", "the old man is not to like orange peel is like. Ben and Charlie is to prove willy philosophy and the fallacy of the characters. This represents full of adventure and cruel competition. 17 years old, he entered the jungles of Africa 21 walked out became millionaires. He succeeded. His philosophy is "and" not fight strangers. Charley a realist, he does not believe in a personal charm. He's saying: "J P Morgan clothes off like a butcher, but he bring his pouch, he very likable." Because of his practical spirit, he also received in American society has limited success. He and his father and son Bernard Willie completely opposite. This also USES the symbolism, such as the symbol of human society; the jungle The wife of filar dark demonstration of guilt, Forest fires symbol 。



推销员之死中英文对照The Death of a Salesman 推销员之死(Play by Arthur Miller) (亚瑟·米勒的戏剧作品)In the play "The Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, the protagonist, Willy Loman, is a salesman who has lived his life chasing the American Dream. However, he begins to unravel both mentally and emotionally as he realizes that his dreams are unattainable and that he has failed to achieve the success he always desired.在亚瑟·米勒的戏剧作品《推销员之死》中,主人公威利·洛曼是一个推销员,一辈子追逐美国梦。


Willy's constant pursuit of success and his obsession with material wealth have taken a toll on his mental health and strained his relationships with his family. He is haunted by the feeling that he is not living up to society's expectations and that he is a failure.威利不断追求成功和对物质财富的迷恋,对他的精神健康产生了影响,并紧张了他与家人的关系。














从剧情分析,威利生活在19世纪末到20世纪上半叶,这一时期有关白手起家的宣传很多,比如一位名叫康威尔(Russell H. Conwell)的教长写了一本名为《无数的钻石》(Acres of Diamonds)的书,在1870年至1915年之间他就该书作了5124次的演讲,核心内容是鼓励人们发财致富。



Willy 语言
人物刻画(2)— Linda Loman
Linda 语言、动作
• 工作和家庭,梦想和现实,这一切都令 Willy 失望进而心灰意冷,选择自杀。
课文节选的是第一幕的开头部分:从Willy 疲惫地回家直到与老婆谈论城市 里人太多带来的压抑感。
(2)Gentlemen Prefer Blondes~
P119 • brass bedstead 铜床 straight chair 靠背椅 athletic trophy银奖杯 ---厨房和居室陈列简单,表现生活境况。奖杯是为儿子骄傲。 • orchestra [‘ɔ:kistrə] 乐队席,乐池 ---音乐伴随剧情而变换,衬托出人物性格。 P120 • smash [smæʃ] vi 瓦解,击溃 • studebaker 美国汽车品牌 P121 • sell [sel] vi vt 说服,宣传, 使接受,
• Willy 的东奔西跑任劳任怨 VS 工作危机 ---- 一直以来,作为一个每周都要长途到外地去工作的职员,Willy 都是恪守本职,努力想要发挥自己的作用,为了家庭的维持,也为了自 己的成功。然而在已经60岁的年纪,公司仍然不给他重用,似乎是对他 的存在与否并不在意。这样的反差,让Willy 不能接受。 这也是二战后经历了30年代经济大萧条的美国社会中,梦想与现实的 冲突---每一个渴望成功的小人物都有着这样的艰辛。
以上几个部分,顺着剧情的承接,综合借助音乐,灯光,布景, 讲述了这部剧的开始,营造了一个失意、消极的气氛,也很好地表达了 主人公的心情和处境。 主角Willy 不顺利的家庭和工作纠缠在一起,互相施加反作用力,让 他开始不堪重负。


r oun d t he m be c a u s e whe n t h e y g o o ut t h e y l i ke
2 比喻 处理 方 式 差异
在 比喻 的处 理 上 , 英 若 成 与 陈 良亭 的方 式 也
有 所 不 同 。 以 下 面 两 句 话 的 翻译 为 例 :
t o s e e a l o t t a a c t i on a r ou nd t he m be c a u s e t he y’ r e s i c k a nd t i r e d t o s t a y i n t he h ous e by hi ms e l f .

本 中对 文化 负 载词 、 比喻 、 口语化 程度 以及 习语 等 方 面 的处 理进行 比较 , 并 结合 具 体例 句得 出结 论 。
文 本传 播 的途径 不 同 ,因而在 文化 词 的处理 上
也体 现 出 了不 同 。英 译 本 重 归 化 式 处 理 ,而 陈
译本 重 异化式 处理 。
国近代 著 名 翻 译 家 和剧 作 家 , 由他 率 先 将 De a t h o f a S a l e s ma n译 人 中 国 。 由于 译 文 中 过 多 使 用
地道北京话 , 姚 先 生 的译 本 受 众 范 围相 对 较 小 。 国内研究 De a t h o f a S a l e s ma n的 学 者 较 多采 用
英: 您不 是那 号俗 人 。 陈: 你不 是从 哈肯 沙 克 来 的 。 ( 注释 : 哈 肯 沙
留剧 目。D e a t h o f a S a l e s ma n国内有 三种现 有 的 翻译 , 它们 是 : 1 9 7 1年姚 克 的译 本 , 1 9 8 0年 陈 良廷 1 5 年第 3期

Disillusionment of Willy Loman’s American Dream

Disillusionment of Willy Loman’s American Dream

2532019年14期总第454期ENGLISH ON CAMPUSDisillusionment of Willy Loman’s American Dream文/郑清颖【摘要】《推销员之死》是亚瑟·米勒所写的一部著名剧作,曾获得过许多重要奖项,如普利策奖和托尼奖。




【关键词】推销员之死;幻灭;威利·洛曼;美国梦【Abstract】Death of a Salesman, a famous play written by Arthur Miller, won many important awards, such asPulitzer Prize and Tony Award. It revealed the disillusionment of Willy Loman’s American dream. However, there are many factors contributing to his failure. The society, himself and his family should take responsible for that. This paper will analyze the reasons leading to the disillusionment of Willy Loman’s American dream.【Key words】Death of a Salesman; disillusionment; Willy Loman; American dream 【作者简介】郑清颖(1998-),女,福建福州人,华东师范大学本科生,研究方向:英语。



推销员之死?? Death of A Salesman Arthur Miller 1949 2 第一幕一支笛子独奏曲悠扬可闻。
































Willy’s primary obsession throughout the play is what he considers to be Biff’s betrayal of his ambitions for him. Willy believes that he has every right to expect Biff to fulfill the promise inherent in him. When Biff walks out on Willy’s ambitions for him, Willy takes this rejection as a personal affront. Willy assumes that Biff’s betrayal stems from Biff’s discovery of Willy’s affair with The Woman—a betrayal of Linda’s love. Whereas Willy feels that Biff has betrayed him, Biff feels that Willy, a “phony little fake,” has betrayed him with his unending stream of ego-stroking lies.
Death of a Salesman
Death of a Salesman, deemed as vintage Miller, received an immediate success after its premiere in 1949.The play presents the individual agonizing sufferings related to his family and modern American society ethics and values at large. The play examines the living plight of common Americans in modern society.

Death of a Salesman-推销员之死 PPT

Death of a Salesman-推销员之死 PPT
that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy; e.g. hubris (or excessive pride) or avarice (financial greed).
The Lomans…
[…] stating that once he was known throughout New England, driving long hours but making unparalleled sales, his sons Biff and Happy were the pride and joy of the neighborhood, and his wife Linda went smiling throughout the day. Unfortunately, time has passed, and now his life seems to be slipping out of control.
“The American Dream”
The American Dream is a belief that in the United States of America, hard work and determination can lead to a better life, usually through the earning of money. These were values held by many early European settlers, and have been passed on to the newer generations. ()
The Tragic Flaw

Death of a Salesman

Death of a Salesman

Death of a Salesman推销员之死"Death of a Salesman" is a Shakespearean play by Arthur Miller about a salesman named Willie who believes in the American Dream and feels that if he works hard he will be rewarded well. However, it is a tragedy that he abandoned his family in the pursuit of money and ended up dying alone.《推销员之死》是阿瑟·米勒的莎士比亚戏剧,讲述了一个名叫威利的推销员,他相信美国梦,认为只要努力工作就会有好的回报。


In Death of a Salesman, Willie Loman is a complex and contradictory character whose characteristics can be analyzed in terms of:在《推销员之死》中,威利·洛曼是一个复杂而矛盾的人物,他的特点可以从以下几个方面来分析:1.Optimism and confidence:Willie is confident in his work and abilities, and he believes that through his own hard work and sales skills, he can achieve success and wealth.2. Lonely and lost: Although Willie excelled at work, he felt lonely and lost at home and in his personal life. His relationship with his wife and son was not close, and his friends were indifferent to his plight.3. Vanity and conceit: Willie is very concernedabout his image and status, he likes to show off his achievements and wealth in front of others, and he is too confident in his ability to sell. 4. Confusion and confusion: As he grows older, Willie begins to have doubts and confusion about his life and work. He realized that his dream might not come true, which made him feel very depressed and hopeless. 5. Kindness and compassion: Despite his many faults, Willie also has a kind and compassionate side.He cared about his family and friends and showed compassion for those in distress. Overall, Wiley is a conflicted and complex character whose traits reflect his struggles and frustrations in his pursuit of the American Dream. His combination of positivity and inner pain and confusion makes him a very thought-provoking character.1.乐观自信:威利对自己的工作和能力很有信心,他相信通过自己的努力和销售技巧,可以获得成功和财富。


Death of a Salesman
Death of aຫໍສະໝຸດ SalesmanMarilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller
Death of a Salesman
“How can they whip cheese?”—Willy Loman
A Studebaker
Death of a Salesman
“When we pick up our newspaper at breakfast, we expect, we even demand that it bring us momentous events since the night before. We turn on our car radio as we drive to work and expect "news" to have occurred since the morning paper went to press. Returning in the evening, we expect our house not only to shelter us, to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer, but to relax us, to dignify us, to encompass us with soft music and interesting hobbies, to be a playground, a theater, and a bar. We expect our two week vacation to be romantic, exotic, cheap, and effortless. We expect a faraway atmosphere if we go to a nearby place; and we expect everything to be relaxing, sanitary, and Americanized if we go to a faraway place. We expect new heroes every month, a new literary masterpiece every week, a rare sensation every night. . . .
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➢ Born in New York City on October 17, 1915 ➢ Began as playwright at University of Michigan
➢ Pulitzer Prize winner for Death of A Salesman
➢ Double winner of New York Drama Critics Circle Award
The American Dream is closely tied up with the literary works of another author, Horatio Alger. This author grew famous through his allegorical tales which were always based on the rags-to-riches model. He illustrated how through hard work and determination, penniless boys could make a lot of money and gain respect in America.
➢ the concept of the hero’s flaw ➢ the hero’s capacity to willingly endure
suffering ➢ the catharsis of the audience
Initial Themes
➢ Addresses family conflict in post World War II America
allow Miller to make a film for them on juvenile delinquency
The Saga Continues...
➢ 1957 - Miller convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to name names And then...
➢ Unity of action - the play is complete unto itself
➢ the tragic hero…with a twist
Also from Classical Tragedy
➢ the hero’s traits, esp. being a mixture of good and bad and being of higher moral worth than others in society
➢ 1958 - US Court of Appeals overturns his contempt conviction
Miller’s Assertions
➢ Death is not a “document of
➢ Death is not un-American; it celebrates
Miller’s Legal Troubles
➢ Suspected of being a Communist sympathizer
➢ Death seen as un-American
➢ Miller has troubles with the HUAC/McCarthy
➢ 1953 - Miller denied a passport ➢ 1955 - HUAC pressures NYC not to
➢ Takes a close look at the price paid for the “American Dream”
➢ Charges America with creating a capitalist materialism centered around a postwar economy
➢ This matginal view of the “American Dream” as envisioned by the founding fathers
Death of a Salesman and the
American Dream
Death of a Salesman is considered by many to be the quintessential modern literary work on the American dream, a term created by James Truslow Adams in his 1931 book, The Epic of America. This is somewhat ironic, given that it is such a dark and frustrated play. The idea of the American dream is as old as America itself: the country has often been seen as an empty frontier to be explored and conquered. Unlike the Old World, the New World had no social hierarchies, so a man could be whatever he wanted, rather than merely having the option of doing what his father did.
Death of a Salesman
Arthur Miller
The American Dream: At what cost?
About the Playwright: Arthur Miller
Qui ckT ime ?a nd a decomp re sso r
are n eed ed to see thi s pi cture.
the life of Willy Loman.
➢ Miller believes that tragedy is “inherently optimistic.”
From Classical Tragedy
➢ Unity of time -- the final 24 hours in Willy’s life