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November 3,2020

Unusual molecule found in atmosphere on Saturn's moon Titan


Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is the only moon in our solar system that has a thick atmosphere. It's four times denser than Earth's. And now, scientists have discovered a molecule in it that has never been found in any other atmosphere.


The particle is called cyclopropenylidene, or C3H2, and it's made of carbon and hydrogen. This simple carbon-based molecule could be a precursor that contributes to chemical reactions that may create complex compounds. And those compounds could be the basis for potential life on Titan.


The molecule was first noticed as researchers used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array of telescopes in Chile. This radio telescope observatory captures a range of light signatures,

which revealed the molecule among the unique chemistry of Titan's atmosphere.当研究人员在智利使用阿塔卡马望远镜的大毫米/亚毫米阵列时,该分子首次被发现。这个射电望远镜的天文台捕获了一系列的光信号,从而揭示了该分子在土卫六大气中的独特化学性质。

The study published earlier this month in the Astronomical Journal. 该研究发表在本月初的《天文杂志》上。

"When I realized I was looking at cyclopropenylidene, my first thought was, 'Well, this is really unexpected,'" said lead study author Conor Nixon, planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, in a statement.

“当我意识到我正在看环丙烯基时,我的第一个念头是,'好吧,这真的是出乎意料的,”位于马里兰州格林贝尔特的美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心的行星科学家康纳尔·尼克松说。Cyclopropenylidene has been detected elsewhere across our galaxy, mainly in molecular clouds of gas and dust including the Taurus Molecular Cloud. This cloud, where stars are born, is located 400 light-years away in the Taurus constellation. In these clouds, temperatures are too cold for many chemical reactions to occur.



But finding it in an atmosphere is a different story. This molecule can react easily when it collides with others to form something new. The researchers were likely able to spot it because they were looking through the upper layers of Titan's atmosphere, where the molecule has fewer gases it can interact with.


"Titan is unique in our solar system," Nixon said. "It has proved to be a treasure trove of new molecules."尼克松说:“钛在我们的太阳系中是独一无二的。” “事实证明,它是新分子的宝库。”Cyclopropenylidene is the second cyclic or closed-loop molecule detected at Titan; the first was benzene in 2003. Benzene is an organic chemical compound composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. On Earth, benzene is found in crude oil, is used as an industrial chemical and occurs naturally in the wake of volcanoes and forest fires.

