越狱》剧本中英对照 (16)

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Previously on Prison Break:
我需要你帮我出去 I need you to let me get us out of here.
你再戏弄我,我就杀了你 If you try to screw me over again, I'll kill you.
如果疯子有什么不规矩的话 Because if Crazy steps out of line,
我唯一做的就是 给他们注射40cc的药然后说再见 all I gotta do is shoot him with 40ccs of shut-your-trap, and it's beddy-bye.
Scofield和他的P.I.组,他们在越狱 Scofield and his whole PI crew,they're escaping.
你知道我不能让你离开这儿,老大 You know I can't let you leave here, boss.
我戒了18个月了 I've been clean for 18 months now.
我想帮曾和我一样的人 脱离苦海 I want to help people get from where I've been to where I am.
我今晚要带我哥哥出去 需要你的帮助 I'm getting my brother out of here tonight, and I need your help.
你在请求我违反法律 You're asking me to break the law.
我只想让你犯个错误:忘记锁门 I'm asking you to make a mistake. Forget to lock up.
今晚离开时别锁门 Leave the door unlocked when you leave tonight.
精神病区的犯人都穿... -The inmates in the psych ward all wear...
白色衣服的 -White.
过氧化氢用来漂白 -Peroxide acts as a bleach.
伪装 -Camouflage.
你马子在哪里 -Where's your girl?
她一个小时内会去我那里 -She'll be at my place in about an hour.
很快,我们就要你帮忙 Pretty soon, we're going to call in our favor.
但我要上飞机无论有没有你 I'm getting on that plane with or without you.
我不能让你那么做 I can't let you do that.
进展加速了 -There's been an acceleration.
你要什么,大点的飞机 -Don't you want a bigger plane?
不是每个人都能拿到机票. Well, not everybody gonna have a ticket.
如果你不能说服一个蹒跚的老白痴 If you can't convince a doddering old fool
这是对国家经济最有利的做法 what the best thing is for this country's economy,
大概你不是我们想要的那种帮手 perhaps you're not the kind of helper we're looking for.
我要越狱 I'm breaking out,
你要确保我哥一起走 and you're going to make sure my brother goes with me.
你个混蛋! You son of a bitch.
放松,典狱长 We're going to take this real easy, Warden.
我只要你帮我做两件事 I just need you to do a couple things for me.
你使自己又多了十年刑期 -You just bought yourself 10 years.
典狱长? Warden?
Bellick车在这里,长官 Bellick's truck is here, sir.
我正在查看 I'm staring right at it.
我们该去找他么? Should we start looking for him?
Michael, 如果你把那把刀放下... -Michael, if you just put that shank down...
告诉守卫你跟bellick谈过 -Tell the guard you spoke with Bellick,
他说他有私人事物要处理 and he said he's taking some personal time.
你逃不出去的,孩子 You can't possibly get away with this, son.
我想你体会不到我要将我哥救出去的 I don't think

you want to find out
心情有多么强烈 how badly I want to get my brother out of here.
- 长官? - Mack -MACK: Sir? -Mack.
是的 Yes, sir,
我刚跟Bellick谈过 I just spoke with Bellick.
他进城去了 He's walked into town.
要处理些私人事务 -He's taking some personal time.
他没事吧 -Is he all right?
他很好 -He's fine.
收到 -Copy that
Okay Okay
我还需要你再做一件事 I just need you to do one more thing.
把Lincoln转到医务室 Have Lincoln transferred to the infirmary.
他要在那过夜 And he needs to be there overnight.
你计划了多久了? How long have you been planning this?
今天我们不谈这个,典狱长 That is a conversation for another day, Warden.
调度室 -Pope to Base.
请说,长官 Go ahead, sir,
把Lincoln Burrows转到医务室 Have Lincoln Burrows transferred to the infirmary.
我要他在那里过夜,接受检查 -I want him held overnight for tests.
收到 -Copy that,
一旦我们逃脱了你会发现Bellick在警卫休息室下的洞中 Once we're gone, you'll find Bellick in a hole under the guards' break room.
我很抱歉半夜把你抓住 I'm sorry you got caught in the middle,
但有一天,你会理解我的所作所为 but, one day, you'll understand why I did this.
你不可能越过高墙的 You'll never make it over the wall.
对不起,Henry I'm sorry, Henry.
一切都好? Everything all right?
对,管训局有人打电话来对他 进行斥责 Yeah, he's getting an earful from someone over at the DOC.
他在和Drushal先生通话? Oh. Is he on with Mr. Drushal?
我不知道,但这已变成了电话会议 I'm not sure, but it's turning into a conference call
他说过不想被打搅 and he said he didn't want to be disturbed.
当然 -Oh, well, of course.
祝晚上愉快 -Have a good night.
你知道,Michael... You know, Michael...
你知道,他时常发脾气 You know, he can be a big old grump sometimes,
但我希望你了解他对你的评价很高 but I hope you know how highly he thinks of you.
没你的帮忙那个泰姬陵不可能赶在他结婚周年时完成的 There's no way he'd get that Taj Mahal done in time for his anniversary without your help.
6:55 It's 6:55.
离放风还有5分钟 That's five minutes till tier.
离下次点名还有1小时 It's one hour till the next count.
一小时翻过高墙 然后跑得越远越好 One hour to get over that wall and as far away from this prison as possible.
你没把马桶拧开,是不是? You unscrewed the toilet, right?
我们少了5分钟 That's five minutes we don't have.
抱歉,抱歉 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
我只是... I'm just...
我只是觉得脑袋有点晕 Just...I just feel like my head is spinning a little.
你没事吧 Are you okay?
如果我们被抓... If we get caught,
我不想再呆十年,兄弟 I can't do 10 more years, bro.
我不想 I can't.
放风,一小时 Tier time, one hour!

There's no going back now.
越狱 第21集
如果你在某个管道中被卡住,孩子... If you get stuck in one of them pipes, boy...
狱警 Bull.
继续走,狱警,继续走 T-BAG: Keep walking, Bull, keep walking.
你没事吧 -You okay?
好极了 -Great.
还是有蓝色 It's got blue spots.
对,我开始的比较迟 -No, I got a late start.
你现在就做好一件事 -Only one thing you needed to do.
把好风 Block the gate.
我帮你搞定 I got to finish this off.
为你祈祷,Theodore. Said a prayer for you, Theodore.
为大家祈祷 Said a prayer for us all.
我想他死 I want him dead.
任何碍事的人... Anybody gets in the way,
一并解决 gets run over
MACK: Hey, do you want some coffee?
就半杯,Mack Just a half cup, Mack.
如果喝的太多,我晚上会睡不着 If I have more than that, I'll be up all night.
谢谢,兄弟 Thank you, bro.
还有几个螺丝? How many more screws?
叫C-note出来 Get C-Note out here.
啊?没看见他 Huh? Haven't seen him, man.
那真是感动人 你护着你的兄弟 That's real touching and all, you sticking up for a brother,
但你现在给我站到一边去 but y'all need to step aside, right now.
需要什么? Something you need?
他在哪儿? -Where is he?
告诉你了,我们没看见他 -Told you, we haven't seen him.
GUARD: Wilson, medical eval, five minutes,
Ramirez, report to the...
一直以来,你所说的一切都是谎言 This whole time, everything you said was a lie?
不,不,我从没放弃过要还Lincoln 一个清白从没放弃 No. No, I never stopped fighting for Lincoln's innocence, never.
我接了案子他们才找我的 They approached me after I took this case.
他们是谁? Who's they?
John Abruzzi John Abruzzi
- John Abruzzi,那个黑帮头子? - 对,对 -John Abruzzi, the mob boss? -Yes, yes.
他给了你多少钱 How much did he pay you?
我父亲的自由 My father's freedom.
你说过你父亲已经被判无罪了 -You said your father was exonerated.
我说谎了,好吧? -I lied, okay?
我答应监视你 I agreed to keep tabs on you.
作为交换,Abruzzi找个终身监禁的人 In exchange, Abruzzi had some guy who was already doing a life sentence
顶替爸爸本没犯谋杀罪 cop to the murder that my father didn't commit.
这就是我使他免于牢狱的方法 And that's how I got him out of jail.
你父亲的命运在我手里 -Your dad's life for mine.
这儿没人想受伤害,Veronica -No one needs to get hurt here, Veronica.
你以为Abruzzi是想从 我这里得到法律建议吗? Oh, you think Abruzzi wants legal advice from me?
你所要做的就是确保Michael交出 Abruzzi所要的人 仅此而已 All you have to do is make sure Michael gives this Abruzzi guy what he needs to know,that's it.
Nick Nick
你认为他们会让我活下来么? you don't think they're gonna let me live,do you?
我想是的 I gotta believe that.
好的 Yeah. Okay.

好 Right.
起来,我们得走了 Stand up. We have to go.
起来 Get up.
Charles Charles.
Here you go.
Sucre, 把帘子放下来 Sucre, drop the sheet.
Manche,你是下一个 Manche, you're next.
快走 Let's move it.
这个给你 That one's for you.
快点,大屁股 Move your fat ass.
这个给你 That's for you.
老人优先 Age before beauty.
好吧 All right.
那么,你拿到医务室的钥匙没有? So, you got a key to the infirmary?
还没有 Not exactly.
好了,我们怎样,宝贝 -All right. How are we doing, baby?
不太好,落后了十分钟 -Not good.We're already 10 minutes behind. Let's move it.
我们赶快 Give me that.
救命! Help!
救命! Help!
救命!救命!... Help!Help!
你听到没有 -Did you hear that?
听到什么? -Hear what?
救命 Help!
听到什么没有? Hear anything?
这里没人 There's nobody here, man.
我发誓,听到什么了 I swear, I heard something.
我们走吧 Come on, let's go.
你再叫... You scream
我就割断你的喉咙,明白? and I'll cut out your windpipe, got me?
我需要他的外套和帽子 I need his jacket and his hat.
Evening, Doc.
你是老大啊,Scofield? Brains of the outfit, huh, Scofield?
他把你们带向绝路,孩子们 He's leading you off a cliff, boys.
是到如今你还以为你是老大 Now, you're acting like you still in charge.
闭嘴,贱货 Shut your mouth, bitch.
我们走 Let's go.
你 You.
你知道,他是... You know, he's...
听着,求你,别这么做 Nick, please don't do this.
告诉Michael给Abruzzi想要的 Tell Michael to give Abruzzi what he wants.
求你了,Nick,别这样 他们会杀了我的 Please, Nick, come on,they're going to kill me.
Nick Nick
Nick! Nick! Please, no!
Nick No, Nick.
每个人把衣服穿上 Everyone put your coveralls on.
我就回来 I'll be back in a minute.
你去哪儿? Yo, where you going, man?
嘿! Hey!
你们听见他说什么了,快! You heard him. Come on.
真是可笑 This is ridiculous, man.
8-1-3-5... One, three, five, eight.
Three, five, eight, one. Enter.
Eight, one, three, five. Enter.
留下余地只会让产生判断失误 The scope of this, which we're all aware of, can cloud judgment.
我提议我们看这问题简单些 I suggest we look at this in very simple terms.
我们有个雇员,她工作没做好 We have an employee, she's not working out.
我们就解雇她 We fire her.
就这么简单 It needs to be that simple.
她是美国副总统 She's the Vice President of the United States,
这就是她的最高职位 她的民调一路下滑 And that's all she'll ever be, She's plummeting in the polls,
如果我们提名她做候选人 If we keep her as our candidate,
我们等于把总统宝座让给 我们的对手 we're handing the presidency to her opponent,

的一切 and then everything we hope to gain with Caroline in office
都没有了 it's all gone,
好,如果我们叫他走 Fine, We ask her to drop out,
我们怎样才知道 她会对所知一切守口如瓶 How do we know she'll keep her mouth shut on everything she knows?
Samantha? Samantha?
是的,先生 Yes, sir.
我现在就需要你坦率的意见 I need a very frank assessment from you, right now.
根据你和她的交往 副总统会守口如瓶吗? Based on your contact with her, will the Vice President go quietly?
不会 No.
当然不会 Absolutely not.
因为总统宝座对她来说是 重中之重 Becoming president is the most important thing to her.
如果我们连那个也拿走 她就毫无顾虑 If we take that away, she has absolutely nothing to lose.
我想你保证,她会竭尽所能 拖每个人下水 And I guarantee you, she will do everything she can to take everyone she can down with her.
我们需要对她采取行动 We need to make a move on her.
现在 Now.
Okay, here we go. Go.
你没事吧,医生? You okay, Doc?
怎么了? -What's going on?
我不知道 -I don't know.
我们该做什么,干坐在这里? What are we supposed to do, just sit here?
不,我不知道 No. I don't know!
老兄... Man.
全搞砸了,兄弟 This whole thing is messed up, bro.
你可以不来的,Gordo. Feel free not to come, Gordo.
我们搞砸了 We're screwed.
我们搞砸了 We're screwed!
快,我们走 Come on, let's go! Let's...
Michael,我们得回去 -Michael, we got to go back.
我们继续向前 -We're moving forward.
按原计划 We stick with the plan.
你耳朵聋了?! Look, do your ears work, fool?
没听到么? Do you hear that?
这是精神病区的火警信号 It's the fire alarm in psych ward.
你怎么知道 How do you know?
我弄得 I set it off.
为什么? Why?
有秩序地离开大楼 MAN ON PA: Exit the building in an orderly fashion,
有秩序地离开大楼 Exit the building in an orderly fashion,
距fox river监狱10英里
我们现在命悬一线 We're in the sticks.
你知道会有多少人 听到飞机在这降落吗? You know how many people would have heard a jet like this land?
不要担心 Don't worry about it.
错误警报 False alarm.
大家都回到精神病病房 Back to the psych ward, everyone.
现在跟着我走 Walk in with me, now.
很好 Very good.
继续走 -Just gonna keep on walking. -Come on, guys, you heard him.
Come on, let's go. It's cold out here.
That's it.
Come on, baby, let's go.
等下! Hold up!
还有些迷徒者 -Got some stragglers.
好 -Cool.
走吧! Let's go!
等等 Wait a minute.
那不是病房里的东西 That's not wack-shack-issue.
全都停下来! Everybody, stop!
站在原地! Stay where you are!
我说让你们站在原地 I said, stay where you are.
出什么问题了? What's the problem?
在那的是John abruzzi That's John Abruzzi right there.

是的 那是... Yeah, that's...
那可不是件好事 That's bad news.
听着 你有所说的镇静剂吗? Listen, you got that sedative you were talking about?
有 -Yeah.
现在就有吗? -You got some now?
是的 -Yeah.
给我 -Let's have it.
可以搞定他吗? -This will put him out, right?
轻而易举 -Like a light.
我们走 Let's go.
走 快走! Let's go, let's go!
我们去哪?我们去哪? -Where are we going?
直走过大厅 -Straight down the hall. Straight down.
Nick 不要这样做 VERONlCA: Nick, please don't do this.
下来 Come on.
怎么了? -What's going on?
我要送你去飞机场 -I'm getting you to the airport.
走 走 Go, go, go.
等你到了Blackfoot 你会找到steadman You get to Blackfoot, you find Steadman.
你还有时间弄清这件事 There's still time for you to get to the bottom of this thing.
拿着这个 Take this, take this.
对这件事非常抱歉 I'm sorry about this, okay?
你得相信我 You gotta believe me,
对不起 I'm sorry.
带她去 o'hare -Take her to O'Hare.
好的 You bet.
爸爸 还没拿到我公寓的钥匙吗? Dad, you still got the key to my apartment?
好的 在那见 Yeah, just meet me there.
等下跟你解释 在那等我 I'll explain it later, just meet me there.
才走到一半 Halfway there, yo.
怎么了? -What's up?
我知道你告诉了Bellick -I know you told Bellick.
我不知道你在说什么 -I don't know what you're talking about.
我欠你的 所以我在偿还 -But I owed you, and I pay my debts.
但是只要我们一出去 But as soon as we're out of here,
我们就各走各的 you go your way, we'll go ours.
明白吗? You understand?
噢 Sara Oh, Sara.
在精神病房的是个错误警报 lt was a false alarm at the psych ward.
所以才会这么喧闹 That's what all that racket was about.
好的谢谢你 Good, thank you.
晚安 Good night.
嘿 听着 为了这个丢了命可不值得 Hey. Look, baby, it ain't worth it if it's gonna kill you.
我快要离开这了 I'm getting out of here.
Good night, Doctor.
你反应过激了 -You're overreacting.
我不是打击你 Paul -I don't mean to shock you, Paul.
但是你不用像我这样 隐瞒很多事 but I am privy to things that you're not.
我告诉你 这群人正在抛弃我 And I am telling you, the company is selling me down the river.
只是和筹款者有关 -It's a Legend for Literacy fundraiser.
一个筹款餐会而已 -the company is selling me down the river. - It's a Legend for Literacy fundraiser.
我却没有被邀请出席 lt doesn't mean anything. It's a rubber-chicken dinner.
Which I got uninvited to on the day of.
你不会对你的候选人这样做 You don't do that to your candidate,
除非这个候选人已经被除名了 unless the candidate is no longer your candidate.
Caroline 你喝多了 你才这么不安 Caroline, you've been drinking, you're upset.
你跟我这么久怎么会不了解这些 How can you not understand this is

so beyond me.
我想你在我身边有15年了 I would think, after being by my side for 15 years,
我以为你基本懂得事情是怎么发展的 you would have gained at least a rudimentary understanding of how things work.
听着 Listen to me.
听着 Listen to me.
他们这样做是为了看看你会有什么反应 They're doing this to see how you will react.
所以你要坚强 So you need to be strong.
要有总统风范 度过这个难关 Be presidential, and you get through this.
我们一起度过这个难关 We get through this.
我需要增加两寸 I'm figuring I'll need a two-inch lift,
如果要穿一双39码半的鞋跑步 if I'm gonna run with the new set of 30-by- nine-and-a-halfs.
用弹簧还是气垫? Question is,add coil springs or just stay with the spacers?
你觉得呢? What do you think?
喔 喔 喔 Whoa, whoa, whoa !
喔 嘿 Easy, hey.
我不会为了14美圆一个小时撑英雄 I ain't a hero for $14 an hour.
你们想做什么都可以 You do what you will.
给我哥哥解手铐 -Uncuff my brother.
好的 头儿 -You got it, boss.
就当我不在这 -Pretend I ain't here, boss.
是的 包括你和你的无线电话 -Oh, yeah. You and the radio.
爸爸 你在这吗? Dad, are you here?
爸爸 你得准备好了 我们要走了 Dad, you gotta get ready. We gotta go.
事情怎么样了 Savrinn? How's it going, Savrinn?
这个人说 "是的 我知道为什么她要点蜡烛" MAN: And I get why the guy's lighting the candle,
但是为什么其他两个人 要吹苏格兰风笛呢?" but why are the other two playing the bagpipes?
欢迎收听笑话在线 (AUDlENCE LAUGHlNG)
- 只要2.99美圆一分钟 50美分 - 这是什么? Welcome to Joke Line, Just $2,99 a minute,,,
每增加一分钟.... -What the hell? -,,,50 cents for each additionaI minute,
那个律师在哪? Where's the lawyer?
她走了 -She's gone.
什么? -Yeah?
所以你爸爸... -Then so is your dad.
不 不 不! No, no!
不要 Don't.
你到底逮到她了没有? -Have you got her or not?
我可以找到她 -I can find her.
你能2分钟之内把她带到我面前吗? And will you have her in front of me in the next two minutes?
这是个很简单的问题 Nick It's a very simple question, Nick.
不 但是再给我一次机会 No. Just... Just give me a chance.
你要听我说... You just got to listen to me.
不!不! -No!
嘿! -Hey!
这就是你看到的! This is happening right now!
你还有一次机会 You have one more chance!
那个律师在哪? Where's the lawyer?
那个律师在哪? Where's the lawyer?
离这儿十万八千里 She's about a million miles away from here.
你们永远找不到她 You're never gonna find her.
去你的 Why don't you just sock it?
最好开着,兄弟 Better be open, bro.
我们上路了 We're in.
首先要把窗户打开 First we gotta get that window out,
然后把栅栏弄掉 then we gotta get the bars off.
Manche Manche, Manche.
这有用么? -Is th

is gonna work?
就要知道了 -We're about to find out.
狱长? Warden?
狱长? Warden?
准备好了 Ready.
好 Pull that.
快 Come on.
现在怎么办,天才? What now, genius?
慢慢来 Take your time.
还剩15分钟越过围墙 We got 15 minutes to get over that wall.
我们成功了 We're through.
你确定他没出去? And you're sure you didn't see him walk out?
确定 Positive.
快些,我需要这些衣服 SCOFlELD: Let's go, guys, I need those suits.
干得好,小子 Good job, kiddo.
Let's go, let's go. Come on.
拿着这个 Take this.
我就知道 HAYWlRE: I knew it.
Haywire -Haywire.
我就知道 -I knew it.
当你进精神病区,我就知道 As soon as I saw you go into psych ward,I knew it.
要么我也加入... Either I come with...
要么我打个小报告 You want me to make a little person-to-person call here?
Haywire,放松些 Haywire, just take it easy.
你也要管教我? The other person being a correctional officer.
让他加入 He's in.
什么? -What?
让他加入 -He's in.
你疯了 You're crazy!
You're crazy!
Lincoln之后 我们按字母顺序排队 Okay, after Lincoln, we go alphabetically.
慢着,Abruzzi -Whoa, hold on, A-bruzzi.
你不想要飞机座位? -You want a seat on the plane?
在我后面排队 Line forms after me.
好了 Got it?
快,快 Yeah. Go, go, go.
嘿,Roy? -Hey, Roy?
怎么? -Yeah?
你看到狱长离开么? -Did you see Pope leave?
没有 -No.
有没有可能经过这里 No way he could have walked by?
我从打点就没离开过 I haven't left my post since I punched in.
好 All right.
嘿 -Hey, hey, hey.
Charles? -Charles?
你还好么,老家伙? -You okay, old man?
不好 -No.
让我们看看 Let's take a look.
只剩几步路 It's just a few more steps.
你能做到 You can make it.
我还能走一两步... Oh, I could make it another foot, maybe two,
何必呢,我不是为我自己 but why? I wasn't going for me.
我是为了女儿 I was going for my daughter.
你可以替我做到 And you can do that.
你能向我发誓么? Will you promise me?
好,我发誓 Yes, I promise.
钱埋在尤他州Tooele镇外 KK农场的地窖里 The money is buried under a silo at the Double K Ranch just outside of Tooele, Utah.
你们可以分个够 There's plenty to split.
我拿走那笔钱后 政府不想再丢脸 The government didn't want any more embarrassment
于是他们在文件中弄虚作假 after I took off with the money, so they lowballed it to the papers.
事实上,那个地窖中 不是1百万美元 The truth is, Michael,it's not $1 million under that silo.
而是5百万 There's $5 million there.
大厅检查了? -You check the chow hall?
是的,没有 -Yeah. Nothing.
谁去打他的手机? -Anybody try his cell phone?
哦 -Oh.
带我给Anna问候 Give Anna her Papa's love.
我会的 I will. I will.
来... Here,
慢点 easy, easy

哪里响? Now, where is that coming from?
哦,天啊 -Oh! Oh, my God.
管理中心,这里是SE5 -Control, this is S and E 5.
狱长办公室有3号紧急情况 I have a code three in the warden's office.
重复,3号紧急情况 I repeat, code three.
到中心来 -Sound the alarm. -Patterson to Base. Right now.
-马上 -拉警报 -No, right now. -Sound the alarm !
兄弟,我们得走了 -Yo, bro, we gotta go.
走吧,Michael -Go, Michael.
走,不要回头 Go, and don't look back.
不,不 -No, no, no. -Go on.
我还是最后走 I better go last.
快,Michael Come on, Michael!
快,快 Come on. Come on.
Michael,抓紧 Michael, move it!
MAN ON P.A: All prisoners, prepare for immediate shakedown,
快 Come on!
Michael,快 Michael, come on! Come on, Michael.
快,Michael Michael, come on.
Go, go, go.
快,抓紧 Come on, move it!
Michael,快 Michael, come on, move.
Michael Michael
抓住我的手 grab my hand.
给我手 Michael, give me your hand.
给我手,快 Give me your hand. Come on.
给我手 Give me your hand.
快 Come on.
站住别动 Check out the wire. He's on the wall!
趴下 Get down!
别开枪 -Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
趴下 -Get down!
