Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement:战略合作框架协议




案例:丰田公司与通用战略联盟 丰田公司拥有生产小型车的经验。
然而,对美出口受到限额的限制。 1983年,丰田与通用签订战略联盟
协议,建立合资企业——新联合汽车制 造公司。
通过股权合资,通用公司成功的引 入了丰田高新技术,提高了自己在中小 型汽车领域的竞争实力;而丰田公司则 通过合资成功的打入了美国市场。
2、契约式联盟:不涉及股权参与, 而是借助契约形式,联合研究开发 市场的行为。 (1)技术性协议 (2)研究开发合作协议 (3)生产营销协议 (4)产业协调协议:
(三)按联盟企业产业合作方 向划分
1、横向战略联盟,是行业竞争对手 之间的联盟。 2、纵向战略联盟:投入—产出关系 如:丰田汽车与其零部件供应商之间 的联盟(整车制造商——零部件独家 供应商) 3、混合战略联盟

质量 价格
生产 经营
运营 效率
物流 市场营销
送和订 货时间
品牌形象 营销组合
客户 管理
具有网络型组织的企业,对 于增强企业组织的活力和形 成企业之间的价值连锁起着 重要作用。
服务提供 商
国外企业,往往具有本国 企业所不具备的特殊资源,而 当这些资源不能有效地通过市 场交易或并购获得的时候,战 略联盟就可用来与其他企业共 享或交换有价值的资源。
四按联盟企业所在价值链位置 的不同,战略联盟划分为:
1、资源补缺型国际战略联盟 2、市场营销型国际战略联盟 3、联合研制型国际战略联盟
1 开拓新的市场 2 降低研究与开发成本和风险 3 优化资源要素组合 4 消除不必要的竞争,共同应竞争促进了跨国公司战 略联盟的形成.。 2.跨国公司的联合是技术创新的内在要求。 3.扩大跨国公司的规模效应和获取更高的资本 收益,实现多元化经营。 4跨区域的联盟是突破贸易壁垒的有效途径 5 促进组织结构优化的需要 。



战略合作框架协议书英文版Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement.Article 1: Purpose and Scope.This Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Parties, with the aim of establishing a long-term strategic partnership to promote mutual benefits, collaboration, and shared success in the identified areas of cooperation. The scope of this Agreement covers the areas specified in Article 3, and may be expanded upon mutual agreement by the Parties.Article 2: Parties to the Agreement.Party A: [Name of Party A]Registered Address: [Address of Party A]Legal Representative: [Legal Representative of Party A]Party B: [Name of Party B]Registered Address: [Address of Party B]Legal Representative: [Legal Representative of Party B]Article 3: Areas of Cooperation.The Parties agree to collaborate in the following areas:1. [Specific Area 1]2. [Specific Area 2]3. [Specific Area 3](Additional areas of cooperation can be added as needed.)。

A Strategic Framework for GARD为企业战略框架

A Strategic Framework for GARD为企业战略框架

• To define and agree GARD goal, purpose and expected results
• To define and agree the role that each participant could have in achieving GARD goal
THROUGH the tools:
3. Building Participants build their working relationship through agreeing the goal, objectives and core
principles that will underpin the alliance1
4. Planning Participants plan programme of poglermamenmteesdsusatraeinablecontrol activities
begin to outline a coherent project
5. Managing Participants explore structure and management of
their alliance
8. Measuring Measuring and reporting on impact and effectiveness – outputs and outcomes. Is the Alliance achieving its goal?
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战略联盟(Strategic Alliance)

战略联盟(Strategic Alliance)

战略联盟(Strategic Alliance)2008-06-061人分享此文什么是战略联盟?战略联盟就是两上或两个以上的企业或跨国公司为了达到共同的战略目标而采取的相互合作、共担风险、共享利益的联合行动。






25种全球最流行的管理工具:目录1 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)2 全面质量管理(Total Quality Management,TQM)3 顾客细分(Customer Segmentation)4 外包(Outsourcing)5 核心能力6 供应链管理(Supply Chain Management ,SCM)7 战略规划(Strategic Planning)8 业务流程再造(Business Process Reengineering,BPR)9 知识管理( Knowledge Management,KM)10 使命书和愿景书11 平衡记分卡(The Blanced ScoreCard,BSC)12 作业导向管理13 忠诚度管理14 六西格玛(6σ)15 战略联盟(Strategic Alliance)16 基准管理(benchmarking)17 变革管理计划(Change Management)18 增长战略(Growth Strategies)19 经济附加值增值分析(Economic Value Added,EVA)20 价格优化模型(Price Optimization Models)21 开放市场创新22 规模定制(Mass Customiza.tion,MC)23 情景设定和突发计划(Scenario Planning)24 海外经营25 射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)战略联盟产生的背景企业战略联盟的出现绝不是偶然的,它是时代发展的产物。


定义与性质 战略联盟理论
(Strategic Alliances, Inter-firm Agreement)

英特尔公司董事长格鲁夫曾断言:华人对于财富有着 一种与生俱来的创造力,但对于组织的运做似乎缺乏 足够的热情和关注。 李嘉诚先生说:有钱大家赚,利润大家分享,这样才 有人愿意合作。假如拿10%的股份是公正的,拿11%也 可以,但是如果只拿9%的股份,就会财源滚滚来。


2003年的6月,葡萄酒行业的新贵“新天”与“海尔”联手,“新 天”借助“海尔”的销售网络在上海﹑北京﹑武汉等全国30个大 城市进行了持续半年的捆绑销售,一举开创了葡萄酒营销的新模 式。 2004年岁末,格兰仕与10家不同行业领域的企业在广州签署了营 销合作协议,双方在宣传和经营渠道上达成了共享原则,合作各 方希望通过销售渠道的共享来节约经营成本和扩大产品的销售规 模。 广东金芦荟贸易有限公司在2004年新推出了一种保健食品“双清” 咽喉含片,在进入湖北市场时与在湖北省颇有影响力的报纸媒体 《楚天都市报》签订了合作协议,《楚天都市报》拿出一定的报 纸版面来刊登保健食品“双清”咽喉含片的广告但不收取广告费 用,而是按保健食品“双清”咽喉含片的销售额进行比例提成。
领先 追随

有关业务的 战略重要性 心
边 缘
1)防御性动机 一是获得市场和技术;二是确保资源供应(如与发展 中国家公司的联盟) 2)追赶动机 通过联盟获得先进的技术和管理方法,或得到新的销 售渠道,以提高自己的竞争地位。 3)保持动机 利用公司的领先地位获得最大收益。 4)重组动机 重组业务

Framework Agreement for strategic cooperation战略合作框架协议

Framework Agreement for strategic cooperation战略合作框架协议

Xxxxxx CorporationIndonesia xxx CorporationFramework Agreement for Strategic CooperationFramework Agreement for Strategic CooperationParty A:Legal representative:Contact:Address:Tel:Fax:E-mail:Party B: xxx Corporation (xxx Group Sole Co., Ltd.), Republic of IndonesiaLegal representative: xxxx Chairman as RepresentativeContact: xxxAddress:Phone: (+ 62-xxx) xxxxxxxx(+ 62-xxx) xxxxxxxxE-mail:**************Based on the basic principles of equality, voluntariness, mutual benefit, and integrity, as well as through friendly consultations, Both Parties decide to establish a long-term strategic partnership. In order to fully exert Party B’s resources advantages in Indonesia and expand Party A’s construction projects, trade, investment, and other related businesses in Indonesia,Both Parties have signed a strategic cooperation agreement and hereby agree to abide by it.I. General Provisions1.1.On the basis of mutual benefit, Both Parties agree to form a long-term strategic partnership in order to fully exert Party A’s strengths in leading the “go international” platform for Chongqing enterprises and Party B’s resources advantages in Indonesia, to promote Party A’s investment, trade, construction projects, and other areas of economic and technical cooperation in Indonesia, and to further enhance Party A’s market development capabilities in line with Chongqing’s “go international” economic development strategy.1.2.This Cooperation Agreement is a framework document which outlines the rightsand obligations of Both Parties in principle. A specific business agreement and contract signed by Both Parties shall be established in accordance with the principles of this Agreement.1.3. Specific business under the framework of this Cooperation Agreement shall be set in a separate individual contract.If there is any inconsistencies between this Agreement and the individual contracts, then the individual contracts shall prevail; Matters which are not set in the individual contracts shall be applicable to this Agreement.II. Strategic Cooperation MethodAccording to the situation of Indonesian market and Party A’s demand, Party B shall recommend to Party A construction, trade, investment projects that is suitable for Party A, and assist Party A in following up the market research, information gathering, feasibility analysis and demonstration related to the specific projects, assist in contacting and coordinating with relevant government departments, other companies, and intermediaries, in order to facilitate Party A in following up the implementation of related projects.According to the actual situation of the project, Party A shall pay service fee to Party B in accordance with Party B’s service contents and the contract for specific projects agreed by Both Parties.Or Both Parties can establish a joint venture to invest and manage specific projects and distribute the profits according to the agreed proportion. On the basis of project cooperation, Both Parties can also set up a joint business venture in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in Indonesia to further develop the Indonesian market.III. Geographic Area of CooperationIndonesian regions; when the conditions are ready, by mutual agreement of Both Parties, the area could be extended to the surrounding regions, i.e. Malaysia, Philippines.IV. Content of Cooperation4.1.Consultation on Investment Projects in Indonesia4.1.1.Collect information on investment in Indonesia for Party A, assist in conducting the Indonesian market research analysis and investment feasibility studies, and use Party B's resources to acquire projects.4.1.2.Assist Party A in completing the review and approval of investment projects in Indonesia and other procedures, coordinating with relevant institutions, obtaining approvals from authorized Indonesian government agencies.4.2.Intermediary Agency Services for project contracting in Indonesia4.2.1.Party A consents Party B to act as Party A’s representative in Indonesia to develop construction projects in Indonesia, collect information on construction projects in Indonesia for Party A, conduct market research analysis and demonstration and screening the construction projects in Indonesian, assist Party A in completing the preparation of tender documents and participate in tenders, and use Party B’s resources to acquire projects.4.2.2.Assist Party A in handling project related matters during construction.4.3.International Trading in Indonesia4.3.1.Party B shall use its resources in Indonesia to provide information on international trading for Party A, assist Party A in conducting business negotiations with relevant Indonesian companies;4.3.2.Party B shall use its resources in Indonesia to assist Party A in developing, constructing, and managing regional markets or specialty markets in Indonesia, and assist in obtaining relevant approval procedures, coordinating and handling the relationship with government agencies and other relevant parties during the development, construction, and operation.4.4.Joint Investment and DevelopmentTo set up a joint business venture in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in Indonesia, where Party A is the controlling shareholder and Party B is the participating shareholder. Both Parties will jointly develop projects approved by Both Parties, on business fields agreed by Both Parties, and in the market scope according to geographical division.V. Service and Commitment5.1.During Both Parties’ cooperation process and in the spirit of good faith, Party A is committed to fully and appropriately fulfill the following obligations:5.1.1.Party A shall deem Party B as a partner in providing resources and information in Indonesia, and according to business requirements, information, and positive demonstration provided by Party B, Party A shall strive to contribute to the practical implementation of the related project.5.1.2.Party A shall promptly provide the priority areas and trends of this corporation’s overseas investment projects to Party B.5.1.3.When a specific project is implemented based on Party B’s recommendation, advice, and assistance, Party A is committed to strictly fulfill the obligation to pay service fees or set up joint ventures according to the contract for specific projects signed by Both Parties.5.2.During Both Parties’ cooperation process and in the spirit of good faith, Party B is committed to fully and appropriately fulfill the following obligations:5.2.1.Party B shall fully exert its strengths in network, personnel, and other resources in Indonesia, continuously optimize and improve the quality of information, and actively provide relevant market information within the above regions to Party A, and, if needed, assist in the completion of the corresponding local services, thus enabling Party A to conduct long-term investment, financing, acquisition, construction, trading, and other projects in the region;5.2.2.According to the development needs of Party A, and in accordance with the content and scope of the above cooperation agreement, Party B shall promptly and effectively provide quality and efficient consulting and special services for Party A.5.2.3.For projects that are being studied or developed by Party A in Indonesia, whether those projects are based on Party B’s recommendation or not, before Party A explicitly forego those projects, Party B shall not introduce or recommend those projects to other party.VI. Supplementary Provisions6.1.Confidentiality ClauseBoth Parties, without the consent of the other, shall not disclose government secrets and commercial secrets learned in the cooperation process to anyone, except if it is required by the laws, regulations, regulatory or requested by the judicial, administrative or other authorities to provide the information to the hired audit, legal, and other external professional advisors, or if it is otherwise agreed by this Agreement.6.2.Other Matters6.2.1.This Cooperation Agreement can be amended or supplemented by a written consent from Both Parties. Any amend or supplement to this Agreement shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.6.2.2.Matters not covered in this Agreement shall be negotiated and dealt by Both Parties, or executed in accordance with the national laws and regulations.6.2.3.This Agreement is valid for three years starting from the date this Agreement is signed by the legal representatives or authorized representatives of Both Parties.After the expiration date, this Agreement can be renewed by mutual agreement.6.2.4.This Cooperation Agreement is made in quadruplicates. Each Party shall keep two copies, both having the same legal effect.Party A:Signature of authorized representative:Party B:Signature of authorized representative:Signed on: December 10th, 2015 Signed at:Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia。

倡导联盟框架参考书 -回复

倡导联盟框架参考书 -回复


























跨国并购(Cross-border Mergers&Acquisition),是指跨国公司出于某种目的,通过一定的渠道或支付手段将东道国企业的全部资产或一定比例的股权买下来,从而达到对其生产经营权的控制。

分类:1 按并购产品异同或产业方向:横向并购(Horizontal Merger),纵向并购(V ertical Merger)和混合并购(Conglomerate Merger)。

2按公司法人企业变更情况:吸收兼并(Consolidation Merger,仅一家企业存在)和创立兼并(Statutory Merger,同时以一家新企业存在)3 按是否经由中介实施并购:直接并购(直接提出购买资产)和间接并购(通过市场购买其股票)4 按是否取得目标企业的同意与合作:善意并购和恶意并购(狗熊式拥抱和狙击式公开购买)狗熊式拥抱:以主动的,公开的要约,通过股东大会向其董事会施压狙击式公开购买:在其经营不善或股票下跌情形下,未经沟通即购买股票。

5 按并购的支付方式:股票支付,现金支付(现金及票据)和综合证券支付(现金加权益类证券)跨国并购趋势:1 成为对外直接投资的主要方式;2 单项并购的规模不断扩大,3 跨国收购在跨国并购中占绝大比例;4横向并购的比重不断增加,横向并购活动密集行业的市场集中度正在加强;5股票互换在跨国并购的融资方式中所占比例越来越大;6快过并购的战略行动及日益明显,善意收购成为主流;7发达国家是跨国并购的主体,其中欧美公司是最活跃的参与者,发展中国家在跨过并购中比重不大且非常不平衡。



战略合作协议范本(Strategic cooperation agreement)This paper sorts people:Chopin.Finishing time:209 B.C.The core strategic partnership agreementParty A: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Party B: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)The two parties in a spirit of friendly cooperation, mutual benefit and common development, through friendly consultations to reach the common development of the core strategic partnership agreement in Hunan and the application of computer network security marketThe background, industry cooperationThe development of Internet to government agencies, enterprises and institutions to bring reform and change of the revolutionary reform. The rapid development of Internet technology to enable enterprises to improve the efficiency and market reaction speed by using Internet, in order to be more competitive. Through the use of Internet technology, any one unit of data transmission and access will be convenient and fast, but also face the open Internet brings new challenges and datasecurity risk: new security access namely customers, vendors, mobile users and remote employees and internal staff: confidential information and intrusion protection of state organs, an enterprise from hackers and commercial espionage. As everyone knows, with the rapid development of Internet technology at the same time, no more and more control, bad Web content through Internet spread and penetrated into almost every computer in the network. All these require everyone with a computer or communication network of the government agencies, the military school, and commercial enterprises must be on the safety problem caused by the interconnection with Internet, the problem of public health and the content of Internet network bandwidth efficient and reasonable to more and more attention.Bohua technology products market (domestic / foreign) positioning - production and sales in the computer network, network security, electronic communications, software and hardware technology and system management and flow control, including the network firewall system, VPN virtual private network system, anti-virus gateway system, network content. Behavior control management system and VPN system of virtual private network. According to the market survey, the current global Internet network at a high speed to promote an annual average of 65% and the popularity of. The development from various enterprises and government departments of the Internet is accounted for the increase of 85%. All new and existing Internet network for network security management and control system needs more rapidly. According to reports in the global market in 2002 the products of network security and network management control of the product is $2 billion 800 million. China is currently in Asia Internet network development speedof the fastest speed in accordance with the development of the Internet, similar products in the Chinese market should also be 1 billion 530 million yuan. China now has many computer and communication network, with the popularity of Internet technology, more and more enterprises, governments are aware of computer network interconnection is a necessary trend. In Chinese the fastest developing area is the enterprise network, government network, military and education network and all kinds of communication network.Two, the background of enterprise cooperationChangsha Bo Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in computer network security technology and information security technology research, product development and product safety services for emerging high-tech enterprises. The company has developed the hardware and software integration design with completely independent intellectual property rights, in the hardware system, operating system, encryption algorithm is the core technology with independent intellectual property rights are an integrated, modular hardware and software embedded security system. It is a comprehensive solution of network security based on integration strategy, can provide centralized management, access control, authorization, encryption, transmission, content filtering, antivirus functions and comprehensive data analysis report.The company specializes in network security technology as Bohua, with strong technical strength, the main products have now developed: Netdragon Bohua firewall YG-FWS-S series,Csop Netdragon Internet network management system of YG-BCS-S series, YG-IDS-S series of Netdragon intrusion detection system csop, csop Netdragon virtual network managementYG-VPN-S series; csop safety series products have been the Ministry of public security of the sales license (certificate number: XKC33211, XKC31127, XKC30288) and the National Security Bureau of information system security product testing certificate (certificate number: ISSTEC2003YT0031) the national copyright administration, computer software copyright (Registration No. 2003SR0351, 2003SR0351,2003SR0351), and the record in the Hunan provincial public security department and Security Bureau, and received strong support from their.The company's products have successfully entered the government, education, power and other industries, products, complete functions, convenient use, stable performance, especially the customer service service response time (and the enterprise can provide long-term customer service and thoughtful service), won the praise of users.Csop company to technological innovation as the fundamental, is the application of virtual network control method "and" virtual network technology to realize SSL control method based on "national invention patent, and multiple software products of the company have also been made in software copyright certificate.1. csop YG-FWS-S firewall system has been Netdragon high-tech product certification and double soft certificationDetection of 2. Ministry of public security of computer information system security product quality supervision and inspection center, and obtain a sales licenseThe classified information system security product inspection certificate 3. National Security Bureau information system security product testing center4. at the same time, this product also won the National Copyright Administration of computer software copyright registration certificate9, 5. Hunan, Beijing (city) public security department issued the information network security product sales license for the record6. through the science and technology project of Hunan province science and Technology Information Institute Novelty Authentication7. this product is through the national information security evaluation and certification China System Certification Center8. this product is through the evaluation and certification China people's Liberation Army Information Security System Certification Center9. this product is through the optimization of experimental system of Intel (Chinese) system optimization test centerThree background and technical cooperationCompound fourth generation firewall system Changsha Bohua Technology Co., the company launched the latest set of packet filtering and Application on a network. Due to the use of specially designed TCP protocol to implement the application protocol for the flow of information filtering, to achieve control of the filtering of the data stream in a transparent fashion, the overall structure of network firewall system is the latest standard strictly follow the national application level firewall and firewall design, with identity authentication, perfect access control, system maintenance, upgrade and powerful system monitoring and audit function. This product has passed the Ministry of public security of computer information system security product quality supervision and Inspection Center for testing, after testing in full compliance with the GB/T 18019-1999 csop Netdragon firewall (packet filtering firewall GB) and GB/T 18020-1999 (application level firewall GB) strict two national security technical standard.Csop Netdragon firewall system also provides a WEB browser control interface is easy to use and equipped with a full GUI management and monitoring tools, capable of operating security strategy configuration, user management, online monitoring, audit query, traffic monitoring, remote control, host maintenance convenient system. The system also realizes the design of the modular plug and play mode, can be inserted into the intrusion detection module, behavior management control module, filtering, antivirus module and virtual network (VPN) module, so as to achieve the high performance price ratio and flexible configuration. The system has multi-level authentication, operation identification function, caneffectively prevent the identification and alarm from network attacks and internal man-made misoperation, so as to ensure the reliable operation of network users, the other is equipped with hot backup function from the user network in the unattended operation of accident fault, event system switch.Four, cooperation agreement termsThe two sides abide by the laws and regulations of People's Republic of ChinaTwo, the agreement relating to Party B products include:Csop Netdragon firewall YG-FWS-S seriesCsop Netdragon Internet network management system of YG-BCS-S seriesCsop Netdragon intrusion detection system YG-IDS-SCsop Netdragon virtual network management YG-VPN-S seriesThree party products covered by this agreement, including:Four, Party A agrees that relates to the application of network security products in the system integration project, preferred network security products to Party B.Five, Party B agrees in its marketing or system integration projects involving e-government, application of OA products, preferred OA products of Party A.Six, for the support of Party A, Party B agrees to pay party a special discount on the above mentioned products without Party B, Party A in advance or purchase goods. (see Appendix A: the discount rate quotation.)Seven, Party B agrees that in the market actively cooperate with party a project promotion, providing solutions, promotional materials to Party A.Eight, Party B agrees to participate in the competition and may not be Party A has been involved in the project of Party A.Nine, Party A Party B agrees to the strict conservative commercial secrets (including price policy, publicity, training and technical information, market strategy and so on), and Party B shall strictly observe and implement the market price policy, maintain the market order.Ten, Party A Party B agreed to actively and carefully understand the products and market policies, to maximize the promotion of Party B's products.Eleven, Party B agrees to provide the competitive advantage of technical performance, its products and other information to the technical staff of Party A.Twelve, Party A agrees to provide the successful case of product application, Party B will provide opportunity for publicity for the party.Thirteen, Party B agrees to provide free security knowledge in two days is two technical staff of Party A, security product installation, maintenance training.Party A agrees to publish in various media or quotation on products and services for Party B, Party B shall not exceed the stipulated, the promised service standard and scope, so as not to mislead customers.Fourteen, according to the market changes, Party B's network security products in the market price if adjusted, the power of interpretation belongs to Party B; the agreement if the price decreases or increases, the two sides will coordinate.Fifteen, Party B will be responsible for marketing support, provide product information and promotional materials for the party to provide support, product manuals, product catalogue, price list for the party and other publicity materials.Sixteen, Party B agrees that at the request of Party A, provide pre-sales technical support for the project, including the free demo, network security design, technical support, to help the party to get the project.Seventeen, Party B will provide Party B for party a project than the standard customer service service more efficient "support for a" customer service service. Party B will appoint a technical support engineer specializing in providing customer service support services for Party A.Eighteen, Party B undertakes the customer service supportservices including telephone hotline, fax, mail, city 24 hours door-to-door service, in 48 hours a year, hardware replacement, one year free service.Nineteen, Party A Party B will be free access to the encrypted site, get information and network security products and the latest training function.Twenty, Party B will provide Party A free "core strategic partners" authorized listing.Twenty-one, other matters:1, the ownership of Party A acknowledges and agrees that this agreement relates to the full ownership of Party B all related products (including name, rights, intellectual property rights, registration marks of interests, technology, procedures, technical interfaces etc.) permanent belong to Party B. Party A shall not copy and modify.2, tort: Party A shall understand and agree that unless expressly authorized in this agreement, any unauthorized party B agrees to copy the product, or decipher for third party reference, development acts constitute infringement.3, security: Party A will strictly enforce the product's commercial confidentiality, in cooperation within three years after the termination of the agreement,Party A shall still have the obligation to comply with Party B to product technology, documents, data and relatedinformation as the commercial purpose of transfer.4, default: if there is any one of these things happen, it is breach of contract. Party B may decide to terminate the agreement, and has the right to make the following treatment: cancel their qualifications, partners in the news media, legal liability and economic compensation.Twenty-two, the validity of this Agreement on the date signed by both parties for a year after the agreement expires after mutual consultation confirmed the agreement can be deferred.Twenty-three parties, if found each other serious violation of this agreement, in violation of business ethics and the law to punish or damage the interests of the other side could play in written form to terminate this agreement.Twenty-four, the annex to this Agreement and this agreement is an integral whole.Twenty-five, four copies of this agreement, each party holding two copies.Twenty-six, matters of this agreement, negotiated by the parties.Party A: Party b:Person in charge: __________ responsible person: ______Seal: seal:Date: date:。


Strategic motives for JV formation
Why do companies form international joint ventures?
1. Traditionally, to enter the markets of countries with restrictions on foreign investment.
International Cooperation & Strategic Management
What is a Joint Venture
A joint venture (JV) is a business enterprise involving two or more legally distinct partner companies, each of which plays more than merely an investment role in the enterprise. A JV is considered international if at least one partner is headquartered outside the country of operation, or if the venture operates significantly in more than one country.
The motives for JV formation in order of importance:
7. Spreading risk associated with investment 8. Payback on investment 9. Exchange of existing technology 10. Sharing R&D costs 11. Develop new technology 12. Alliance to conform to government policy 13. Alliance with competitor to reduce competition













12:外部因素评价矩阵(EFE):External Factor Evaluation 是一个进行归纳和评价经济、社会、文化、人口、环境、政治、政府、法律、技术及竞争等方面信息的矩阵。










华中科技大学硕士学位论文摘要战略联盟(Strategic Alliances)是指由两个或两个以上有着对等经营实力的企业,为达到共同拥有市场、共同使用资源等战略目标,通过各种契约而结成的优势相长、风险共担的松散型网络组织。

20 世纪90 年代以来,战略联盟作为一种全新的现代组织形式,在实现延续企业竞争优势的价值目标中,正成为现代企业发展全球战略最迅速、最经济的方式和现代企业提高国际市场竞争力最有效的形式。









关键词:研究型大学群体发展战略联盟华中科技大学硕士学位论文AbstractStrategic alliances refer to loose network of inter-organizations in which at least two firms with equal strengths share mutual advantages and risks, access complementary resources and skills through various kinds of agreements aimed at pursuing a common set of strategic objectives such as holding markets, using resources together. As an entirely new modern organization form, in the process of achieving sustainable competitive advantages, strate gic alliances have been the most rapid, most economical tool for firms’globalization strategies, and the most effective way of improving their competitive ability in international markets since 1990s.The administration of higher education can be enlightened by the successful application of strategic alliances in industry. Both the academic field and administration section of a university have the analogous operation to the way of a firm. As an organization, a university also has “supply chain” and t ransactional costs, universities themselves also depend on each other in the aspect of resources, which make the universities have the theoretical possibility to set up strategic alliances. In the case of Chinese research universities, there exist two problems contradicting each other, one is the financial deficiency, the other is the duplication of similar projects, the improper allocation of resources and the low efficiency of utilizing resources, which should be addressed in no time. In addition, t he essential quality of the “great discipline” of research universities and there mission——cultivating interdisciplinary talent s also call for the reformation of the developing model which is characterized by running a university on its own. Therefore, establishing strategic alliances among Chinese research universities has practical significance.The successful application of university strategic alliances in America and the experience and the lessons of domestic university cooperation activities have set the base for establishing research university strategic alliances. However, the Chinese government should adopt active measures to expand university autonomy, delegate more华中科技大学硕士学位论文decision-making power to a university, eliminate the systematic obstacles and support and promote the establishment and management of strategic alliances at macro-level. For the part of research universities, they should embrace ideas of opening and co-competition and “increasing through means of substituting”. In the process of forging strategic alliances, they should choose appropriate potential partners and adopt effective forms of alliances, and manage alliances effectively.Key Words: Research Universities, Developing as a Group, Strategic Alliances.独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。

战略合作伙伴关系 strategic partnership of cooperation

战略合作伙伴关系 strategic partnership of cooperation

战略合作伙伴关系strategic partnership of cooperation好邻居、真朋友good neighbors and trusted friends在对柬埔寨王国进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习近平在柬埔寨《柬埔寨之光》报发表题为《做肝胆相照的好邻居、真朋友》的署名文章。



A Cambodian proverb likens trust to the growth of a tree.The traditional China-Cambodia friendship,tested by the times and a changing international landscape,has grown strong like a luxuriant tree thanks to efforts made by past leaders of both countries.进入新时期,中柬友谊历久弥新、不断传承和发扬光大。


Entering the new era,the China-Cambodia friendship has continued to flourish,beaming with new vitality.Our two countries enjoy deep political trust and win-win economic cooperation.We have carried out fruitful cooperation in various areas,and maintained close consultation and coordination on international and regional affairs,setting an example of how two countries should treat each other as equals and cooperate with absolute sincerity.中国和柬埔寨是肝胆相照的好朋友。

战略管理第五章 战略与竞争优势中英文

战略管理第五章 战略与竞争优势中英文
Chapter five
战略与竞争优势 strategy and competitive advantage
成功的业务战略就是积极地去影响你所参与的游戏, 而不是仅仅是参与您所能够发现的游戏.
亚当.M.布兰登博格和巴里.J.奈尔巴夫 Successful business strategy is about actively shaping the game you play ,not just playing the game you find . 战略的核心在于以快于竞争对手模仿您今天所采取的战略 的速度为自己创造明天的优势. 加利.哈默尔和C.K.普拉哈拉德 T he essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow’s competitive advantages faster than competitors mimic the ones you possess today.

取得成本优势的途径ways to achieve a cost advantage
► 比竞争对手更有效地完成内部价值链活动,更好地
管理可能会降低价值链活动的成本的因素. ► 改造公司的价值链,完全忽略一些高成本的价值链 活动. ► Do a better job than rivals of performing internal value chain activities efficiently and of managing the factors that can drive down the costs of value chain activities. ► Revamp the firm’s value chain to bypass some cost –producing activities altogether.






















Strategic Cooperation Agreement between XXgroup and XXX

Strategic Cooperation Agreement between XXgroup and XXX

XXXX集团有限责任公司与XXXX国际投资有限公司战略合作框架协议STRATEGIC COOPERATION AGREEMENT BetweenXX XX GROUPAndXXROUP INC.本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“本协议”)由下列双方于XX年十二月(待确认)日在中华人民共和国XX市签署:This Strategic Cooperation Agreement is made on 26 December (to be confirmed) XX ("Commencement Date") between:甲方:XXXX集团有限责任公司Party A: XX XX Group (hereinafter referred to as "Party A");住所:XX市XXXAddress:, XX,1 China法定代表人:XXLegal Representative: Ms. XX乙方:XXXX国际投资有限公司Party B: XXroup, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Party B")住所:XX市Address: XX 100020 China法定代表人:黄XXLegal Representative: Dr. XX Huang鉴于:WHEREAS:1.甲方XXXX集团有限责任公司(下称“XXXX”)系XX造肉类加工、现代物流、现代分销与专业市场为主导产业,以食品科技、教育、信息、物业经营为重要支撑的大型国有食品产业集团和华北地区最大的食品生产和销售企业,以食品制,主要生产经营猪肉、牛羊肉、禽蛋制品、水产品、糖酒茶、调味品、糕点、蔬菜、水果、豆制品等20多大类2万余种商品。









二、构建战略伙伴关系的策略1. 明确合作目标在构建战略伙伴关系之前,企业应明确自身的战略目标和合作伙伴的战略目标是否一致。


2. 选择合适的合作伙伴选择合适的合作伙伴是构建战略伙伴关系的关键。




3. 签订合作协议合作协议是战略伙伴关系的基础,应明确双方的权利、义务和责任。




三、发展战略伙伴关系的策略1. 深化合作领域在合作过程中,企业应不断拓展合作领域,实现资源共享和优势互补。




战略合作意向书英文【篇一:战略合作协议书(中英)】战略合作协议书strategic cooperation agreement甲方:party a:乙方:甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、共同促进发展的原则,就化石燃料燃烧优化及尾气处理技术研究事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:in accordance with the principle of equity and free will, and common development, party a and partyb have arrived at the following agreement by friendly negotiation in terms of 一、甲方的权利义务i. party a’s right and obligation12、甲方帮助乙方争取新技术试点与推广,协助解决乙方在行业发展过程中的问题。


1. party a shall provide4. party a shall be in support of p arty b’s interactive exchange and cooperation in various forms.二、乙方权利义务ii. party b’s right and obligation1234、乙方有义务执行双方所达成的决议,维护彼此的合法权益。

1. party b is entitled to4. party b is obliged to carry out the agreement concluded by both parties, and safeguard the legitimate rights andobligations of each other.三、其它iii. others1、甲、乙双方中任何一方欲变更、解除本协议,必须采取书面形式,解除协议需提前一个月向对方提出。

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Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement:战略合作框架协议Strategic Cooperation Framework AgreementParty a:Party b:Through a friendly negotiation between party a and party b, twosides decide to establish strategic cooperative relations, on the basis of mutual benefit, two sides integrate advantages with unified resource , and cooperate extensively on the project of developing Tanzania agriculture, to achieve good investment returns and social benefits. To this end, the two sides together to achieve the strategic cooperation framework agreement.First, Cooperation Purposes1, Both sides’ establishing mutual trust in cooperation andpractice with the tacit understanding is the basis of strategic partnership in business cooperation, improving the efficiency and common development are the cooperative goals as well as the fundamental interests.2, The basic principle of this agreement is voluntary, win-win,mutual benefit, mutual promotion and common development, to keep a secret, market coordination protection3, Give full play to the advantages of both sides, achive complementary advantages, enhance competitiveness, and develope market together.4, This agreement is framework agreement and should be a guiding document for the long-term cooperation in the future,/5 1also the foundation of relevant contract that signed by two parties .Second, The Methods and Contents of Cooperation1, The Methods of CooperationBoth sides establish professional business teams for exchanging cooperation contents regularly, location can be in Tansania or in headquarters in Chongqing, China. Two sides could understand therelevant situation of the cooperation projects by designated personnel , and both Parties are responsible for keeping confidential informations strictly. Party b offer party a the support of agricultural projects in Tanzania, party a take the responsibility strictly for the above confidential informations.2, Cooperation ContentsThe specific contents of bilateral strategic cooperation (includingbut not limited to the following contents):(1) The two parties cooperate comprehensively in Dakawa agricultural demonstration zone in Morogoro Province, Tanzania, party b could provide or rent agricultural machinery and equipments or technical support toparty a, party a could offer party b necessary venues used for the storage or maintenance of equipments, etc.(2) The two sides can discuss and cooperate deeply in the further development of Chinese(3)The two sides comprehansively cooperate in promoting excellent agricultural products (new varieties, such as rice, maize and vegatable, ect.) ,as a sole partner of party a in Mbeya Province in Tansania, party b is responsible for the product/5 2promotion and sales (with the exception of the special requirements of Tansania.), party a provides party b with support, such as training, telephone and on-site guidance as well as visit reception in Dakawa demonstration zone, ect.In order to better explore the market, both parties make materials together that are relerant to product publicity and promotion (including but not limited to display boards, posters, etc.), at the same time, websites of both parties achieve friendly links and exchange of visits. The specific promotion way be determined by mutual negotiation.(4) In addition to the above cooperation contents, new added cooperation projects can signed supplementary agreement based on this framework .Third, the rights and obligations of both sides(a) The rights and obligations of party a1, In order to better deepen understanding and cooperation. party a may not regularly inspects area of party b to understand party b's work, 2, party a are responsible for the quality of its products accordingto the contracts signed with party b, as well as provide producttechnical support and after-sales service in coordance with the contract.(b) The Rights and Abligations of Party b1, Party b has the right to adjust the price according to the market prices of related agricultural products within the scope of price adjustment in the contract.2, If party a requires, party b should receive customers from/5 3party a for related inspections, party b respects and acknowledgesthe customers' information as commercial secrets, without party a's allows, party b shall not to contact and reveal the above informations.Fourth, Confidentiality Agreement1, both parties should strictly keep each other's business secrets either learnt through the work contacts or other channels , without the prior written consent of the other party, and shall not be disclosed toa third party.2, in addition to work needs stipulated on the provisions of this agreement , without prior consent of the other party,both sides shallnot use, copy each other's technical informations, business information and other data.Fifth, The Period of ValidityThis agreement is valid for 3 years, from 2003 toIf both parties are satisfied for the cooperation between each other, this agreement will be automatically renewed __1__ year on the condition that both parties agree on it.Sixth, Matters Not Mentioned HereinFor issues not stipulated in this agreement, the two parties should negotiate and solve jointly on the matters that both parties think it need to increase during the process of cooperation, or sign a supplementary agreement.Seven, Liability for Breach of ContractBoth parties abide by these terms and conditions, cooperation of dispute should be resolved through friendly consultation; If it doesn't work by consultation ,both parties caninstitut e proceedings in the People’s Court./5 4Eight, Protocol ValidationThe two parties validate the agreement with their signatures and seals, this agreement is in quadruplicate, each party holds two copies, each copy has equal legal effect.Party a:Legal representative: contact:Address: Lane Number 12 at Nanping East Road in Chongqing ,China Telephone:Zip code: 400060Party b:Legal representative: contact:Address:Telephone:Zip code: P.O.BOX8416Location:Nanping district in Chongqing ,China Signing date: September 29, 2013/5 5。
