介词加关系代词引导的定语从句 ppt课件

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3. ⑴ The colorless gas is called oxygen, _w__h_ic_h_ is important and necessary to us human beings.
⑵ The colorless gas is called oxygen, _w_i_th_o_u__t _w_h_i_c_hwe could not live.
6.This is the book which she is looking for .
1. 关系副词在定语从句中的基本用 法:when作_时__间__状语, where作_地__点_ 状语, why作_原__因__状语(先行词只有 _r_e_a_s_o_n_一词); 在定语从句中, 关系副 词一般可转化为“介词 +which/whom”。
⑶ The colorless gas is called oxygen, _in__w_h_i_c_h_ fires burn much better.
he has 3 sons, and two of t_he_m are teachers. he has 3 sons, two ofw_ho_mare teachers.
Is this the place _a_t_w_h__ic_h__ that traffic accident occurred?
3. The reason why he was absent was not clear.
The reason _fo_r__w_h_i_c_h_ he was absent was not clear.
2. “介词+which/whom” 中的介词, 可 置于从句之前可也置于ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้句之后, 但 以置于之前较为正式。“介词
+which/ whom”中只能用which指代 物, 用whom指代人。但含有介词的动 词短语一般不能拆开, 介词仍放在动 词的后面。如: look after, take care of, look for 等。
3.I still remember the day when/on which I first came to Beijing.
4.Do you know the reason why/for which he is absent?
5.The woman with whom I talked just now comes from America.
⑵ The factory __th_a_t__ we visited yesterday is in the west of the city.
⑶ The factory _in__w_h__ic_h_ there are many modern machines is in the
west of the city.
2. ⑴ There are several reasons _w__h_y_ we can’t do that.
⑵ The reason __w_h_i_ch_/_th_a_t__ he explains to me is unreasonable.
⑶ He couldn’t give the teacher a good reason f_o_r_w_h_i_c_h_ he was late for school.
5. Alice asked the policeman with _w_h_o_m__ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.
三、对比练习 1. ⑴ The factory _w_h_e_r_e_ his father works is in the west of the city.
Part 6
关系副词、“介词+which/whom” 引导的定语从句在高考中的运用
1.All these are windows through _wh_ich the
outside world can see more about China 2.This is the village where/in which I ever lived. 3.Can you tell me the office where /in which he works?
This school once had three buildings, but
one of _th_em_ was destroyed in a fire.
This school once had three buildings, one of
w_h_ic_h was destroyed in a fire.
一、句型转换 1. I shall never forget the day when New China was founded.
I shall never forget the day _o_n__w_h_i_c_h_ New China was founded.
2. Is this the place where that traffic accident occurred?
3. There are two buildings, the larger of _w__h_i_ch__ stands nearly a hundred feet high.
4. The English play in _w__h_ic_h__ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.