



国际贸易合同外贸销售中英文合同7篇篇1国际贸易合同(International Trade Contract)甲方(买方):____________(以下简称甲方)乙方(卖方):____________(以下简称乙方)鉴于甲、乙双方本着互利共赢的原则,经友好协商,就甲方向乙方购买商品事宜达成如下协议:一、商品名称、规格型号、数量及价格(Product Description, Specifications, Quantity and Price)1. 商品名称(Product Name):____________________2. 规格型号(Specification & Model):______________3. 数量(Quantity):______________________4. 单价(Unit Price):______________________5. 总价(Total Price):______________________二、付款方式及时间(Payment Term and Time)1. 甲方应在合同签订后______天内支付乙方总金额的______%作为预付款。

2. 甲方应在收到货物并验收合格后______天内支付剩余款项。

3. 付款方式为:______________________。

三、交货期限与地点(Delivery Time and Place)1. 乙方应于本合同签订后______天内交货。

2. 交货地点:______________________。

3. 运输方式:______________________。

四、质量保证与索赔(Quality Assurance and Claim)1. 乙方应保证所销售的商品符合甲方要求,且质量合格。

2. 若因商品质量问题造成甲方损失,乙方应承担相应责任并赔偿甲方损失。

3. 如发生索赔事件,双方应友好协商解决。



国际贸易销售合同International Trade Sales Contract合同编号:__________甲方(卖方):_____________,地址:_____________,邮编:_____________乙方(买方):_____________,地址:_____________,邮编:_____________经过友好协商,双方就甲方向乙方销售下列货物及提供相关服务达成协议,具体条款如下:一、货物名称、规格和数量1.1 货物名称:____________________________________________________1.2 规格:________________________________________________________1.3 数量:________________________________________________________二、交货时间和地点2.1 交货时间:在本合同签订后_______天内完成发货。

2.2 交货地点:_____________________________________________________三、价格和支付方式3.1 价格:货物总价为人民币(RMB)________元/美元(USD)________元,价格已包括相关税费。

3.2 支付方式:买方应在合同生效后________天内付款,支付方式为_____________。


四、装运和保险4.1 货物装运:甲方需按照本合同约定将货物按时、完好地装运至交货地点。

4.2 货物保险:甲方应按本合同约定投保适当的货物运输保险,保险费用由甲方负责支付。

五、质量标准和验收5.1 货物质量:货物应符合国家相关质量标准和本合同约定的技术要求。

5.2 验收:买方应在收到货物后________天内进行验收。



国际贸易销售合同(中英文)国际贸易销售合同(中英文)一、合同背景本合同由以下双方共同订立:乙方:(销售方名称), 地址:(销售方地址), (销售方国家)甲方:(购买方名称), 地址:(购买方地址), (购买方国家)本合同旨在明确乙方向甲方销售货品的相关条款和条件,以确保双方在国际贸易交易过程中的权益。

二、货品描述1. 乙方同意向甲方出售以下货品:货品名称:(货品名称)规格:(货品规格)数量:(货品数量)单价:(货品单价)2. 所有货品必须符合以下标准:质量标准:符合国际标准(如ISO等)。


3. 货品的交付方式:交货地点:(交货地点)运输方式:(运输方式)乙方将承担货品的货运费用,并采取合理的措施确保货品在交付过程中的安全和完好。

三、付款方式1. 甲方同意按以下方式支付乙方购买货品的费用:首款:(首款金额)应在签署本合同时支付。


2. 付款方式:甲方将通过电汇或信用证的方式支付乙方货款。

四、交货时间和验收1. 乙方同意按以下时间表交付货品:货品交付日期:(交货日期)2. 甲方应在货品交付后的(天数)内进行验收。


五、风险和所有权转移1. 在货品交付至甲方之前,货品的所有权归乙方所有。


六、合同终止1. 若一方违反合同条款,另一方有权解除合同,并有权追究违约方的法律责任。

七、争议解决1. 本合同的订立、有效性、解释和履行应适用于(销售方国家)法律。

2. 若双方就本合同的履行发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成时,应提交(仲裁机构名称)的仲裁进行解决。

八、其他条款1. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

2. 本合同自双方代表在合同上签字之日起生效,并持续有效直至合同履行完毕。





原因:1. 20世纪70年代两次石油危机的爆发引起世界经济动荡不安,新贸易保护主义兴起,非关税壁垒措施应运而兴。



2. 非关税壁垒的特点,主要种类。





类别:绝对配额 ------分全球配额和国别配额;国别配额------分自主配额和协议配额关税配额绝对配额: 1.全球配额(又称总配额指的是对一种商品只笼统的跪地一定时期内的其进口的最高配额,但不作国别或区域分配(对邻近国家有利))2.国别配额(在一定时期的总配额内按国别和地区进行分配,各国家和地区安配额使用,超过不准进入)又分为自主配额(又称单方面配额是由进口国家单方面强制规定某些商品在一定时期内从某个国家或区域的进口配额。




EXW贸易术语EXW 贸易术语即工厂交货…(指定地点),贸易术语 exw是指当卖方在其所在地或其他指定的地点将货物交给买方处置时,即完成交货,卖方不办理出口清关手续或将货物装上任何运输工具。

EXW 是卖方承当责任最小的术语。



在买方不能直接或间接的办理出口手续时,不应使用该术语,而应使用 FCA ,如果卖方同意装载货物并承当费用和风险的话。

A 卖方义务B 买方义务A1 提供符合合同规定的货物卖方必须提供符合销售合同规定的货物和商业发票或有同等作用的电子讯息,以及合同可能要求的、证明货物符合合同规定的其他任何凭证。

B1 支付价款买方必须按照销售合同规定支付价款。

A2 许可证、其他许可和手续应买方要求并由其承当风险和费用,在需要办理海关手续时,卖方必须给予买方一切协助,以帮助买方取得为货物出口所需的出口许可证或其他官方许可。

B2 许可证、其他许可和手续买方必须自担风险和费用,取得任何出口和进口许可证或其他官方许可,在需要办理海关手续时,并办理货物出口的一切海关手续。

A3 运输合同与保险合同a)运输合同无义务。


B3 运输合同与保险合同a)运输合同无义务。


A4 交货卖方必须按照合同约定的日期或期限,或如果未约定日期或期限,按照交付此类货物的惯常时间,在指定的地点将未置于任何运输车辆上的货物交给买方处置。


B4 受领货物买方必须在卖方按照A4和A7/B7规定交货时受领货物。

A5 风险转移除B5规定者外,卖方必须承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险,直至已经按照A4规定交货为止。

B5 风险转移买方必须按照下述规定承当货物灭失或损坏的一切风险:自按照A4规定交货之时起;及由于买方未能按照B7规定通知卖方,则自约定的交货日期或交货期限届满之日起,但以该项货物已正式划归合同项下,即清楚地划出或以其他方式确定为合同项下之货物为限。



国际贸易合同外贸销售中英文合同国际贸易合同(International Trade Contract)甲方(买方):____________(以下简称甲方)乙方(卖方):____________(以下简称乙方)鉴于甲、乙双方本着友好合作之精神,依据相关法律法规之规定,经过充分协商,同意签订以下国际贸易合同,以兹互信,共同遵守。

一、商品及规格质量(Commodity, Specifications and Quality)乙方应按照本合同规定向甲方提供以下商品:__________ (插入商品描述)。




二、数量及包装(Quantity and Packing)本合同规定的交易商品数量为_______(数量),包装应符合国际标准和惯例,确保商品在运输过程中的安全。



三、价格及支付方式(Price and Payment)交易价格以双方商定的价格为准,总计金额为________(金额)。




四、交货与装运(Delivery and Shipment)乙方应按照合同规定的时间和地点交货。






六、检验与索赔(Inspection and Claim)甲方有权对收到的商品进行检验。




联合国国际货物销售合同公约(中英文版)United Nations Convention on Contracts for the InternationalSale of Goods(1980)THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION,BEARING IN MIND the broad objectives in the resolutions adopted by the sixth special session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order, CONSIDERING that the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit is an important element in promoting friendly relations among States,BEING OF THE OPINION that the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social, economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade,HA VE DECREED as follows:PART I SPHERE OF APPLICATION AND GENERAL PROVISIONSChapter I SPHERE OF APPLICATIONArticle 1(1) This Convention applies to contracts of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different States:(a) when the States are Contracting States; or(b) when the rules of private international law lead to the application of the law of a ContractingState.(2) The fact that the parties have their places of business in different States is to be disregarded whenever this fact does not appear either from the contract or from any dealings between, or from information disclosed by, the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract.(3) Neither the nationality of the parties nor the civil or commercial character of the parties or of the contract is to be taken into consideration in determining the application of this Convention. Article 2This Convention does not apply to sales:(a) of goods bought for personal, family or household use, unless the seller, at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract, neither knew nor ought to have known that the goods were bought for any such use;(b) by auction;(c) on execution or otherwise by authority of law;(d) of stocks, shares, investment securities, negotiable instruments or money;(e) of ships, vessels, hovercraft or aircraft;(f) of electricity.Article 3(1) Contracts for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced are to be considered sales unless the party who orders the goods undertakes to supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for such manufacture or production.(2) This Convention does not apply to contracts in which the preponderant part of the obligations of the party who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour or other services.Article 4This Convention governs only the formation of the contract of sale and the rights and obligations of the seller and the buyer arising from such a contract. In particular, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Convention, it is not concerned with:(a) the validity of the contract or of any of its provisions or of any usage;(b) the effect which the contract may have on the property in the goods sold.Article 5This Convention does not apply to the liability of the seller for death or personal injury caused by the goods to any person.Article 6The parties may exclude the application of this Convention or, subject to article 12, derogate from or vary the effect of any of its provisions.Chapter II GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 7(1) In the interpretation of this Convention, regard is to be had to its international character and to the need to promote uniformity in its application and the observance of good faith in international trade.(2) Questions concerning matters governed by this Convention which are not expressly settled in it are to be settled in conformity with the general principles on which it is based or, in the absence of such principles, in conformity with the law applicable by virtue of the rules of private international law.Article 8(1) For the purposes of this Convention statements made by and other conduct of a party are to be interpreted according to his intent where the other party knew or could not have been unaware what that intent was.(2) If the preceding paragraph is not applicable, statements made by and other conduct of a party are to be interpreted according to the understanding that a reasonable person of the same kind as the other party would have had in the same circumstances.(3) In determining the intent of a party or the understanding a reasonable person would have had, due consideration is to be given to all relevant circumstances of the case including the negotiations, any practices which the parties have established between themselves, usages and any subsequent conduct of the parties.Article 9(1) The parties are bound by any usage to which they have agreed and by any practices which they have established between themselves.(2) The parties are considered, unless otherwise agreed, to have impliedly made applicable to their contract or its formation a usage of which the parties knew or ought to have known and which in international trade is widely known to, and regularly observed by, parties to contracts of the type involved in the particular trade concerned.Article 10For the purposes of this Convention:(a) if a party has more than one place of business, the place ofbusiness is that which has the closest relationship to the contract and its performance, having regard to the circumstances known to or contemplated by the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract;(b) if a party does not have a place of business, reference is to be made to his habitual residence.Article 11A contract of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form. It may be proved by any means, including witnesses.Article 12Any provision of article 11, article 29 or Part II of this Convention that allows a contract of sale or its modification or termination by agreement or any offer, acceptance or other indication of intention to be made in any form other than in writing does not apply where any party has his place of business in a Contracting State which has made a declaration under article 96 of this Convention. The parties may not derogate from or vary the effect or this article.Article 13For the purposes of this Convention "writing" includes telegram and telex.PART II FORMATION OF THE CONTRACTArticle 14(1) A proposal for concluding a contract addressed to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in case of acceptance. A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price.(2) A proposal other than one addressed to one or more specific persons is to be considered merely as an invitation to make offers, unless the contrary is clearly indicated by the person making the proposal.Article 15(1) An offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.(2) An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. Article 16(1) Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance.(2) However, an offer cannot be revoked:(a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwise, that it is irrevocable; or(b) if it was reasonable for the offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.Article 17An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror.Article 18(1) A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is an acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance.(2) An acceptance of an offer becomes effective at the moment the indication of assent reaches the offeror. An acceptance is not effective if the indication of assent does not reach the offeror within the time he has fixed or, if no time is fixed, within a reasonable time, due account being taken of the circumstances of the transaction, including the rapidity of the means of communication employed by the offeror. An oral offer must be accepted immediately unless the circumstances indicate otherwise.(3) However, if, by virtue of the offer or as a result of practices which the parties have established between themselves or of usage, the offeree may indicate assent by performing an act, such as one relating to the dispatch of the goods or payment of the price, without notice to the offeror, the acceptance is effective at the moment theact is performed, provided that the act is performed within the period of time laid down in the preceding paragraph.Article 19(1) A reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additions, limitations or other modifications is a rejection of the offer and constitutes a counter-offer.(2) However, a reply to an offer which purports to be an acceptance but contains additional or different terms which do not materially alter the terms of the offer constitutes an acceptance, unless the offeror, without undue delay, objects orally to the discrepancy or dispatches a notice to that effect. If he does not so object, the terms of the contract are the terms of the offer with the modifications contained in the acceptance.(3) Additional or different terms relating, among other things, to the price, payment, quality and quantity of the goods, place and time of delivery, extent of one partys liability to the other or the settlement of disputes are considered to alter the terms of the offer materially. Article 20(1) A period of time for acceptance fixed by the offeror in a telegram or a letter begins to run from the moment the telegram is handed in for dispatch or from the date shown on the letter or, if no such date is shown, from the date shown on the envelope. A period of time foracceptance fixed by the offeror by telephone, telex or other means of instantaneous communication, begins to run from the moment that the offer reaches the offeree.(2) Official holidays or non-business days occurring during the period for acceptance are included in calculating the period. However, if a notice of acceptance cannot be delivered at the address of the offeror on the last day of the period because that day falls on an official holiday or a non-business day at the place of business of the offeror, the period is extended until the first business day which follows.Article 21(1) A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatchesa notice to that effect.(2) If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror orally informs the offeree that he considers his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.Article 22An acceptance may be withdrawn if the withdrawal reaches theofferor before or at the same time as the acceptance would have become effective.Article 23A contract is concluded at the moment when an acceptance of an offer becomes effective in accordance with the provisions of this Convention.Article 24For the purposes of this Part of the Convention, an offer, declaration of acceptance or any other indication of intention "reaches" the addressee when it is made orally to him or delivered by any other means to him personally, to his place of business or mailing address or, if he does not have a place of business or mailing address, to his habitual residence.PART III SALE OF GOODSChapter I GENERAL PROVISIONSArticle 25A breach of contract committed by one of the parties is fundamental if it results in such detriment to the other party as substantially to deprive him of what he is entitled to expect under the contract, unless the party in breach did not foresee and a reasonable person of the same kind in the same circumstances would not have foreseen such a result.Article 26A declaration of avoidance of the contract is effective only if made by notice to the other party.Article 27Unless otherwise expressly provided in this Part of the Convention, if any notice, request or other communication is given or made by a party in accordance with this Part and by means appropriate in the circumstances, a delay or error in the transmission of the communication or its failure to arrive does not deprive that party of the right to rely on the communication.Article 28If, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, one party is entitled to require performance of any obligation by the other party, a court is not bound to enter a judgement for specific performance unless the court would do so under its own law in respect of similar contracts of sale not governed by this Convention.Article 29(1) A contract may be modified or terminated by the mere agreement of the parties.(2) A contract in writing which contains a provision requiring any modification or termination by agreement to be in writing may not be otherwise modified or terminated by agreement. However, a partymay be precluded by his conduct from asserting such a provision to the extent that the other party has relied on that conduct.Chapter II OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLERArticle 30The seller must deliver the goods, hand over any documents relating to them and transfer the property in the goods, as required by the contract and this Convention.Section I. Delivery of the goods and handing over of documents Article 31If the seller is not bound to deliver the goods at any other particular place, his obligation to deliver consists:(a) if the contract of sale involves carriage of the goods - in handing the goods over to the first carrier for transmission to the buyer; (b) if, in cases not within the preceding subparagraph, the contract relates to specific goods, or unidentified goods to be drawn from a specific stock or to be manufactured or produced, and at the time of the conclusion of the contract the parties knew that the goods were at, or were to be manufactured or produced at, a particular place - in placing the goods at the buyers disposal at that place;(c) in other cases - in placing the goods at the buyers disposal at the place where the seller had his place of business at the time of the conclusion of the contract.Article 32(1) If the seller, in accordance with the contract or this Convention, hands the goods over to a carrier and if the goods are not clearly identified to the contract by markings on the goods, by shipping documents or otherwise, the seller must give the buyer notice of the consignment specifying the goods.(2) If the seller is bound to arrange for carriage of the goods, he must make such contracts as are necessary for carriage to the place fixed by means of transportation appropriate in the circumstances and according to the usual terms for such transportation.(3) If the seller is not bound to effect insurance in respect of the carriage of the goods, he must, at the buyers request, provide him with all available information necessary to enable him to effect such insurance.Article 33The seller must deliver the goods:(a) if a date is fixed by or determinable from the contract, on that date;(b) if a period of time is fixed by or determinable from the contract, at any time within that period unless circumstances indicate that the buyer is to choose a date; or(c) in any other case, within a reasonable time after the conclusion ofthe contract.Article 34If the seller is bound to hand over documents relating to the goods, he must hand them over at the time and place and in the form required by the contract. If the seller has handed over documents before that time, he may, up to that time, cure any lack of conformity in the documents, if the exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or unreasonable expense. However, the buyer retains any right to claim damages as provided for in this Convention.Section II. Conformity of the goods and third party claimsArticle 35(1) The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity, quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract.(2) Except where the parties have agreed otherwise, the goods do not conform with the contract unless they:(a) are fit for the purposes for which goods of the same description would ordinarily be used;(b) are fit for any particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract, except where the circumstances show that the buyer did not rely, orthat it was unreasonable for him to rely, on the sellers skill and judgement;(c) possess the qualities of goods which the seller has held out to the buyer as a sample or model;(d) are contained or packaged in the manner usual for such goods or, where there is no such manner, in a manner adequate to preserve and protect the goods.(3) The seller is not liable under subparagraphs (a) to (d) of the preceding paragraph for any lack of conformity of the goods if at the time of the conclusion of the contract the buyer knew or could not have been unaware of such lack of conformity.Article 36(1) The seller is liable in accordance with the contract and this Convention for any lack of conformity which exists at the time when the risk passes to the buyer, even though the lack of conformity becomes apparent only after that time.(2) The seller is also liable for any lack of conformity which occurs after the time indicated in the preceding paragraph and which is due to a breach of any of his obligations, including a breach of any guarantee that for a period of time the goods will remain fit for their ordinary purpose or for some particular purpose or will retain specified qualities or characteristics.Article 37If the seller has delivered goods before the date for delivery, he may, up to that date, deliver any missing part or make up any deficiency in the quantity of the goods delivered, or deliver goods in replacement of any non-conforming goods delivered or remedy any lack of conformity in the goods delivered, provided that the exercise of this right does not cause the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or unreasonable expense. However, the buyer retains any right to claim damages as provided for in this Convention.Article 38(1) The buyer must examine the goods, or cause them to be examined, within as short a period as is practicable in the circumstances.(2) If the contract involves carriage of the goods, examination may be deferred until after the goods have arrived at their destination. (3) If the goods are redirected in transit or redispatched by the buyer without a reasonable opportunity for examination by him and at the time of the conclusion of the contract the seller knew or ought to have known of the possibility of such redirection or redispatch, examination may be deferred until after the goods have arrived at the new destination.Article 39(1) The buyer loses the right to rely on a lack of conformity of the goods if he does not give notice to the seller specifying the nature of the lack of conformity within a reasonable time after he has discovered it or ought to have discovered it.(2) In any event, the buyer loses the right to rely on a lack of conformity of the goods if he does not give the seller notice thereof at the latest within a period of two years from the date on which the goods were actually handed over to the buyer, unless this time-limit is inconsistent with a contractual period of guarantee.Article 40The seller is not entitled to rely on the provisions of articles 38 and 39 if the lack of conformity relates to facts of which he knew or could not have been unaware and which he did not disclose to the buyer.Article 41The seller must deliver goods which are free from any right or claim of a third party, unless the buyer agreed to take the goods subject to that right or claim. However, if such right or claim is based on industrial property or other intellectual property, the sellers obligation is governed by article 42.Article 42(1) The seller must deliver goods which are free from any right orclaim of a third party based on industrial property or other intellectual property, of which at the time of the conclusion of the contract the seller knew or could not have been unaware, provided that the right or claim is based on industrial property or other intellectual property:(a) under the law of the State where the goods will be resold or otherwise used, if it was contemplated by the parties at the time of the conclusion of the contract that the goods would be resold or otherwise used in that State; or(b) in any other case, under the law of the State where the buyer has his place of business.(2) The obligation of the seller under the preceding paragraph does not extend to cases where:(a) at the time of the conclusion of the contract the buyer knew or could not have been unaware of the right or claim; or(b) the right or claim results from the sellers compliance with technical drawings, designs, formulae or other such specifications furnished by the buyer.Article 43(1) The buyer loses the right to rely on the provisions of article 41 or article 42 if he does not give notice to the seller specifying the nature of the right or claim of the third party within a reasonable time afterhe has become aware or ought to have become aware of the right or claim.(2) The seller is not entitled to rely on the provisions of the preceding paragraph if he knew of the right or claim of the third party and the nature of it.Article 44Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of article 39 and paragraph (1) of article 43, the buyer may reduce the price in accordance with article 50 or claim damages, except for loss of profit, if he has a reasonable excuse for his failure to give the required notice.Section III. Remedies for breach of contract by the sellerArticle 45(1) If the seller fails to perform any of his obligations under the contract or this Convention, the buyer may:(a) exercise the rights provided in articles 46 to 52;(b) claim damages as provided in articles 74 to 77.(2) The buyer is not deprived of any right he may have to claim damages by exercising his right to other remedies.(3) No period of grace may be granted to the seller by a court or arbitral tribunal when the buyer resorts to a remedy for breach of contract.(1) The buyer may require performance by the seller of his obligations unless the buyer has resorted to a remedy which is inconsistent with this requirement.(2) If the goods do not conform with the contract, the buyer may require delivery of substitute goods only if the lack of conformity constitutes a fundamental breach of contract and a request for substitute goods is made either in conjunction with notice given under article 39 or within a reasonable time thereafter.(3) If the goods do not conform with the contract, the buyer may require the seller to remedy the lack of conformity by repair, unless this is unreasonable having regard to all the circumstances. A request for repair must be made either in conjunction with notice given under article 39 or within a reasonable time thereafter.Article 47(1) The buyer may fix an additional period of time of reasonable length for performance by the seller of his obligations.(2) Unless the buyer has received notice from the seller that he will not perform within the period so fixed, the buyer may not, during that period, resort to any remedy for breach of contract. However, the buyer is not deprived thereby of any right he may have to claim damages for delay in performance.(1) Subject to article 49, the seller may, even after the date for delivery, remedy at his own expense any failure to perform his obligations, if he can do so without unreasonable delay and without causing the buyer unreasonable inconvenience or uncertainty of reimbursement by the seller of expenses advanced by the buyer. However, the buyer retains any right to claim damages as provided for in this Convention.(2) If the seller requests the buyer to make known whether he will accept performance and the buyer does not comply with the request within a reasonable time, the seller may perform within the time indicated in his request. The buyer may not, during that period of time, resort to any remedy which is inconsistent with performance by the seller.(3) A notice by the seller that he will perform within a specified period of time is assumed to include a request, under the preceding paragraph, that the buyer make known his decision.(4) A request or notice by the seller under paragraph (2) or (3) of this article is not effective unless received by the buyer.Article 49(1) The buyer may declare the contract avoided:(a) if the failure by the seller to perform any of his obligations underthe contract or this Convention amounts to a fundamental breach of contract; or(b) in case of non-delivery, if the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional period of time fixed by the buyer in accordance with paragraph (1) of article 47 or declares that he will not deliver within the period so fixed.(2) However, in cases where the seller has delivered the goods, the buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided unless he does so:(a) in respect of late delivery, within a reasonable time after he has become aware that delivery has been made;(b) in respect of any breach other than late delivery, within a reasonable time:(i) after he knew or ought to have known of the breach;(ii) after the expiration of any additional period of time fixed by the buyer in accordance with paragraph (1) of article 47, or after the seller has declared that he will not perform his obligations within such an additional period; or(iii) after the expiration of any additional period of time indicated by the seller in accordance with paragraph (2) of article 48, or after the buyer has declared that he will not accept performance.Article 50If the goods do not conform with the contract and whether or not the price has already been paid, the buyer may reduce the price in the same proportion as the value that the goods actually delivered had at the time of the delivery bears to the value that conforming goods would have had at that time. However, if the seller remedies any failure to perform his obligations in accordance with article 37 or article 48 or if the buyer refuses to accept performance by the seller in accordance with those articles, the buyer may not reduce the price. Article 51(1) If the seller delivers only a part of the goods or if only a part of the goods delivered is in conformity with the contract, articles 46 to 50 apply in respect of the part which is missing or which does not conform.(2) The buyer may declare the contract avoided in its entirety only if the failure to make delivery completely or in conformity with the contract amounts to a fundamental breach of the contract.Article 52(1) If the seller delivers the goods before the date fixed, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery.(2) If the seller delivers a quantity of goods greater than that provided for in the contract, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery of the excess quantity. If the buyer takes delivery of all。



国际贸易购销合同中英文本合同由以下双方于______年______月______日签订买方:_________________________________________卖方:_________________________________________11 商品描述111 商品名称:_____________________________________ 112 品牌:_________________________________________ 113 规格:_________________________________________ 114 数量:_________________________________________ 115 包装:_________________________________________ 116 生产国别:_____________________________________ 12 价格条款121 单价:_________________________________________ 122 总金额:_______________________________________ 123 支付货币:_____________________________________ 13 交货条件131 交货地点:_____________________________________ 132 交货日期:_____________________________________ 133 运输方式:_____________________________________ 14 支付条件141 预付款比例:___________________________________ 142 尾款支付时间:_________________________________ 143 支付方式:_____________________________________ 15 质量标准151 标准依据:_____________________________________ 152 检验方法:_____________________________________ 16 索赔161 索赔期限:_____________________________________ 162 索赔依据:_____________________________________ 17 不可抗力171 不可抗力事件定义:_____________________________ 172 通知方式:_____________________________________ 18 争议解决181 争议解决方式:_________________________________ 182 法律适用:_____________________________________ 19 合同生效191 生效日期:_____________________________________ 192 合同有效期:___________________________________ 110 其他条款1101 变更与解除:__________________________________ 1102 保密义务:____________________________________ 1103 通知方式:____________________________________双方在此确认并同意上述条款买方代表签字:_________________________卖方代表签字:_________________________。



国际贸易销售合同SalesContract中英文模版一、合同标题国际贸易销售合同International Trade Sales Contract二、合同双方卖方(Seller):公司名称(Company Name):_____地址(Address):_____联系电话(Telephone Number):_____传真(Fax):_____电子邮箱(Email):_____买方(Buyer):公司名称(Company Name):_____地址(Address):_____联系电话(Telephone Number):_____传真(Fax):_____电子邮箱(Email):_____三、商品描述1、商品名称(Product Name):_____2、规格型号(Specification and Model):_____3、数量(Quantity):_____4、单价(Unit Price):_____5、总价(Total Price):_____四、质量标准1、卖方所提供的商品应符合相关国际标准和行业标准。


五、交货地点和方式1、交货地点(Delivery Place):_____2、交货方式(Delivery Method):_____六、交货时间卖方应在_____(具体日期)之前将货物交付给买方。







国际贸易货物买卖合同 (中英文)

国际贸易货物买卖合同 (中英文)

国际贸易货物买卖合同 (中英文)国际贸易货物买卖合同International Trade Sale and Purchase Agreement本合同由以下双方于年月日签订:卖方:(以下简称“甲方”)地质:方式:电子买方:(以下简称“乙方”)地质:方式:电子以下所列合同条款将构成甲方与乙方的协议,并在签署之日开始生效。

第一章合同简介1. 合同目的甲方同意向乙方出售货物,乙方同意购买甲方提供的货物,双方达成贸易合作的一致意愿。

2. 合同条款本合同的条款包括但不限于以下内容:(1)货物描述。










第二章货物描述1. 货物名称双方约定的货物名称为:2. 规格和型号货物的详细规格和型号为:3. 质量标准货物应符合以下质量标准:4. 包装要求货物的包装应符合以下要求:第三章数量和单价1. 货物数量合同涵盖的货物数量为:2. 货物单价货物的单价为:第四章质量标准1. 产品质量甲方保证所提供的货物符合国际质量标准,并且在交付时没有任何瑕疵或缺陷。

2. 检验和验收乙方有权对货物进行检验和验收。


第五章包装和装运1. 包装甲方负责按照约定的包装要求对货物进行包装。

2. 装运甲方负责安排货物的装运,并承担货物在运输过程中的风险直到达到乙方指定的目的地为止。

第六章付款方式和期限1. 付款方式乙方应按照以下方式向甲方支付货款:2. 付款期限乙方应在货物交付后的天内支付全部货款。

第七章合同履行的风险转移1. 风险转移风险在以下情况下转移给乙方:(1)货物交付给运输公司后。



第八章合同的违约责任1. 甲方违约责任如果甲方未能按照合同约定的方式履行合同义务,甲方应承担违约责任,并对乙方造成的损失进行赔偿。



国际贸易销售合同SalesContract中英文模版International Trade Sales Contract合同编号:[Contract Number]卖方:[Seller]买方:[Buyer]1. 合同目的本合同旨在规范卖方与买方之间的国际贸易销售活动,确保双方的权益得到保障,并以此为基础进行双方商品的交付和支付。

2. 商品信息2.1 商品名称:[商品名称]2.2 商品规格:[商品规格]2.3 数量与单位:[数量及单位]2.4 单价:[单价]2.5 总金额:[总金额]3. 付款方式3.1 买方应在合同签订之日起 [付款期限] 内,向卖方支付 [订金金额/百分比] 的订金。

3.2 买方应在交付货物之前 [付款期限] 内,向卖方支付余款。

3.3 付款方式:[付款方式]3.4 付款币种:[付款币种]3.5 付款账户:[付款账户信息]4. 交货方式与时间4.1 交货方式:[交货方式]4.2 交货地点:[交货地点]4.3 交货时间:[交货时间]4.4 运输方式:[运输方式]4.5 运输费用:[费用承担方]5. 质量检验与索赔5.1 卖方应保证所提供的商品符合国际贸易标准、买方要求和合同约定。

5.2 买方有权在货物到达目的地后 [验货期限] 内进行质量检验。

5.3 若发现商品不符合质量标准或合同约定,买方有权提出索赔,并要求退款、换货或修理。

5.4 对于因卖方原因引起的质量问题,卖方应负责赔偿买方的损失。

6. 争议解决6.1 双方应通过友好协商解决合同履行中的争议。


6.2 仲裁地点:[仲裁地点]6.3 仲裁语言:[仲裁语言]6.4 仲裁结果为终局裁决,对双方均具有法律约束力。

7. 合同变更和解除7.1 任何对合同内容的修改或补充均须经双方书面协议并签字确认。

7.2 双方若需解除合同,应通过书面通知对方,并经双方协商一致。

8. 不可抗力8.1 若因不可抗力原因导致合同无法履行或延迟履行,双方可暂停履行合同义务,且不承担违约责任。



国际贸易合同外贸销售中英文合同国际贸易合同(International Trade Contract)甲方(买方):____________(以下简称甲方)乙方(卖方):____________(以下简称乙方)鉴于甲、乙双方本着互惠互利、平等自愿的原则,经友好协商,就甲方向乙方购买商品事宜达成如下协议:一、商品名称、规格型号、数量及价格(Commodity Name, Specifications, Models, Quantity and Price)甲方向乙方购买以下商品:____________(详细列明商品名称、规格型号、数量和价格等)。

二、交货期限和地点(Delivery Time and Place)乙方应按照甲方要求的时间,将商品准时送达甲方指定的地点。


三、运输方式和费用承担(Transportation Mode and Cost)双方同意选择的运输方式为____________。


四、付款方式和时间(Payment Term and Time)甲方应按照以下方式和时间支付货款:____________。

五、质量保证和售后服务(Quality Assurance and After-sales Service)乙方应保证所销售的商品质量符合相关标准和规定,并提供相应的售后服务。


六、违约责任和解决方式(Liability for Breach of Contract and Settlement)如甲、乙双方中的任何一方违反本合同的任何条款,均应承担违约责任。


七、适用法律和管辖权(Law Applicable and Jurisdiction)本合同的签订、履行、解释和争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。








一、产品名称、型号、数量及价格1. 产品名称:[产品名称]2. 型号:[型号]3. 数量:[数量]4. 价格:FOB [价格]二、交货方式1. 交货地点:[交货地点]2. 交货时间:[交货时间]3. 运输方式:[运输方式]4. 保险:由乙方按合同金额的XX%投保。

三、付款方式1. 付款方式:电汇(T/T)或信用证(L/C)2. 开证行:[开证行]3. 付款时间及条件:买方在合同签订后XX天内,通过开证行开出以卖方为受益人的不可撤销信用证。





四、违约责任1. 买方违约责任:若买方未能按合同规定的时间和金额支付货款,则应向卖方支付违约金,违约金为合同总金额的XX%。


2. 卖方违约责任:若卖方未能按合同规定的时间和数量交付产品,则应向买方支付违约金,违约金为合同总金额的XX%。


五、争议解决1. 争议解决方式:本合同引起的争议,由双方协商解决。


2. 争议解决地点:本合同的签订地和执行地均为[签订地和执行地]。

六、其他1. 不可抗力:由于战争、地震、火灾等不可抗力因素造成合同不能履行,双方均不承担违约责任。



国际贸易销售合同(英文版)SalesContractInternational Trade Sales ContractPartiesSellerpany Name: [Seller’s pany Name]Address: [Seller’s Address]Contact Person: [Seller’s Name]Phone Number: [Seller’s Phone Number]E: [Seller’s E Address]Buyerpany Name: [Buyer’s pany Name]Address: [Buyer’s Address]Contact Person: [Buyer’s Name]Phone Number: [Buyer’s Phone Number]E: [Buyer’s E Address]Product/ServicesDescriptionThe products/services to be sold under this contract are [Description of Products/Services].QuantityThe total quantity of products/services to be purchased the buyer is [Quantity].PriceThe price for the products/services shall be [Price] per [Unit of Measurement].Delivery TermsThe delivery terms are [Ex Works (EXW), Free Carrier (FCA), Free Alongside Ship (FAS), Free on Board (FOB), Cost and Freight (CFR), Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF), Delivered Duty Pd (DDP), etc.].Payment TermsThe payment terms are [Description of Payment Terms, such as 30 days after delivery, 60 days after sight of invoice, etc.].Inspection and AcceptanceThe buyer shall have the right to inspect and accept the products/services upon delivery. Any defects or discrepancies must be reported to the seller within [Number of Days] after delivery.WarrantyThe seller warrants that the products/services conform to the specifications and are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period].Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be resolved [Arbitration/Litigation] in [Place of Arbitration/Litigation].Governing LawThis contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Governing Jurisdiction].Entire AgreementThis contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this contract.Signaturesigning below, the parties acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this International Trade Sales Contract.Seller’s Signature: _________________________Date: ____________________Buyer’s Signature: _________________________Date: ____________________第二篇范文:第三方主体+甲方权益主导PartiesSellerpany Name: [Seller’s pany Name]Address: [Seller’s Address]Contact Person: [Seller’s Name]Phone Number: [Seller’s Phone Number]E: [Seller’s E Address]Buyerpany Name: [Buyer’s pany Name]Address: [Buyer’s Address]Contact Person: [Buyer’s Name]Phone Number: [Buyer’s Phone Number]E: [Buyer’s E Address]ThirdParty Contractorpany Name: [ThirdParty Contractor’s pany Name]Address: [ThirdParty Contractor’s Address]Contact Person: [ThirdParty Contractor’s Name]Phone Number: [ThirdParty Contractor’s Phone Number]E: [ThirdParty Contractor’s E Address]Product/ServicesDescriptionThe products/services to be sold under this contract are [Description of Products/Services].QuantityThe total quantity of products/services to be purchased the buyer is [Quantity].PriceThe price for the products/services shall be [Price] per [Unit of Measurement].Delivery TermsThe delivery terms are [Ex Works (EXW), Free Carrier (FCA), Free Alongside Ship (FAS), Free on Board (FOB), Cost and Freight (CFR), Cost, Insurance, and Freight (CIF), Delivered Duty Pd (DDP), etc.].Payment TermsThe payment terms are [Description of Payment Terms, such as 30 days after delivery, 60 days after sight of invoice, etc.].Inspection and AcceptanceThe buyer shall have the right to inspect and accept the products/services upon delivery. Any defects or discrepancies must be reported to the seller within [Number of Days] after delivery.WarrantyThe seller warrants that the products/services conform to the specifications and are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period].ThirdParty Contractor’s ResponsibilitiesThe thirdparty contractor shall be responsible for [List of ThirdParty Contractor’s Responsibilities], and shall ensure that the products/services meet the quality standards and specifications set forth the buyer.ThirdParty Contractor’s ObligationsThe thirdparty contractor shall ply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards, and shall indemnify and hold harmless the buyer and the seller agnst any clms, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with the products/services provided under this contract.Default and TerminationIn the event of default either party, the other party shall have the right to terminate this contract and pursue any avlable remedies.ConfidentialityAll confidential information exchanged between the parties shall be kept strictly confidential and shall not be disclosed to any third parties without the prior written consent of the other party.Intellectual Property RightsThe buyer shall retn all right, , and interest in and to any intellectual property associated with the products/services, including but not limited to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.Limitation of LiabilityNeither party shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with this contract.Independent ContractorThe thirdparty contractor is an independent contractor and nothing in this contract shall be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between the parties.AmendmentsThis contract may be amended or modified only a written instrument executed all parties.Entire AgreementThis contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this contract.Signaturesigning below, the parties acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this International Trade Sales Contract with ThirdParty Contractor.Seller’s Signature: _________________________Date: ____________________Buyer’s Signature: _________________________Date: ____________________ThirdParty Contractor’s Signature:_________________________Date: ____________________ConclusionThe inclusion of a thirdparty contractor in this international trade sales contract serves to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the supply chn. The thirdparty contractor brings specialized expertise and resources to bear on the production and delivery of the products/services, ensuring that the buyer’s requirements are met promptly and to the desired quality standards.From the perspective of the buyer, the contract is designed to prioritize the buyer’s interests and protections. The buyer retns control over the intellectual property rights, has the right to inspect and accept the products/services, and is granted a warranty agnst defects. Additionally, the buyer is protected from liability through the limitation of liability clause and is ensured confidentiality of sensitive information.The thirdparty contractor is bound obligations to ply with relevant laws and regulations, to indemnify the buyer agnst clms, and to perform their duties to the satisfaction of the buyer. The contractor’s role as an independent contractor is clearly defined, ensuring that they are not seen as an agent of the buyer.In summary, the thirdparty contractor’s involvement in thi s contract allows the buyer to leverage external expertise while mntning control over the quality and delivery of the products/services. It also provides the buyer with additional layers of protection and ensures that the seller fulfills their obligations through thethirdparty contractor. This structure enhances the overall effectiveness of the supply chn and promotes a smooth and secure international trade transaction.。

国际贸易销售合同(英文版)Sales Contract之欧阳体创编

国际贸易销售合同(英文版)Sales Contract之欧阳体创编

Sales ContractContract No:Contract Date:The Buyer:Address:Tel: Fax:Email:The Seller:Address:Tel: Fax:Email:The Seller and the Buyer agree to conclude this Contract subject to the terms and conditions stated below:1. Product Name:2. Purity:3. Quantity:% more or less allowed4. Unit Price: USD /KG5. Total Amount: U SD(大写)6. Terms of Delivery:7. Country of Origin and Manufacturer:8. Packing:The packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock, and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/multitransportation. The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the goods attributable to the inadequate or improper packing. The measurement, gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as "Keep away from moisture", "Handle with care" shall be stenciled on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.9. Shipping Marks:10. Time of Shipment: No later than11. Port of Loading:12. Port of Destination:13. Insurance:Insurance shall be covered by the (Buyer or Seller) for 110% of the invoice value against _______ Risks and __________ Additional Risks.14. Terms of Payment: (choose one/several of the terms)(a) L etter of Credit: The Buyer shall, ______ days prior to the timeof shipment /after this Contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller. The Letter of Credit shall expire ____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated.(b) D ocuments against payment: After shipment, the Seller shalldraw a sight bill of exchange on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Sellers bank and ______ Bank to the Buyer against payment, i.e.: D/P. The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange.(c) Documents against Acceptance: After shipment, the Seller shalldraw a sight bill of exchange, payable_____ days after the Buyer delivers the document through Seller’s bank and _________Bank to the Buyer against acceptance (D/A ___ days). The Buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange.(d) C ash on delivery (COD): The Buyer shall pay to the Seller totalamount within ______ days after the receipt of the goods (This clause is not applied to the Terms of FOB, CFR, CIF).15. Documents RequiredThe Seller shall present the following documents required to the bank for negotiation/collection:(a) F ull set of clean on board Ocean/Combined Transportation/LandBills of Lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect;(b) S igned commercial invoice in ______copies indicating ContractNo., L/C No. (Terms of L/C) and shipping marks;(c) Packing list/weight memo in ______ copies issued by__;(d) C ertificate of Quality in _______ copies issued by____;(e) C ertificate of Quantity in ___ copies issued by____;(f) Insurance policy/certificate in ___ copies (Terms of CIF);(g) C ertificate of Origin in ___ copies issued by____;(h) T he Seller shall, within ____ hours after shipment effected, sendby courier each copy of the abovementioned documents No.__.16. Terms of Shipment: (choose one of the terms)(a) F OBThe Seller shall, 30 days before the shipment date specified in the Contract, advise the Buyer by _(usually email)_ of the Contract No., commodity, quantity, amount, packages, gross weight, measurement, and the date of shipment in order that the Buyer can charter a vessel/book shipping space. In the event of the Seller's failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at the loading port, all expenses including dead freight and/or demurrage charges thus incurred shall be for the Seller's account.(b) C IF or CFRThe Seller shall ship the goods duly within the shipping duration from the port of loading to the port of destination. Under CFR terms, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by _(usually email)_ of the Contract No., commodity, invoice value and the date of dispatch two days before the shipment for the Buyer to arrange insurance in time.17. Shipping Advice:The Seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise the Buyer of the Contract No., names of commodity, loading quantity, invoice values, gross weight, name of vessel and shipment date by _________ within ________hours.18. Quality Guarantee:The Seller shall guarantee that the commodity must be in conformity with the quality, specifications and quantity specified in this Contract and Letter of Quality Guarantee. The guarantee period shall be ______ months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, and during the period the Seller shall be responsible for the damage due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer.19. Inspection (alternative):(a) T he Seller shall have the goods inspected 天数_ days before theshipment and have the Inspection Certificate issued by_机构___.The Buyer may have the goods reinspected by ________ after the goods arrival at the destination.(b) T he manufacturers shall, before delivery, make a precise andcomprehensive inspection of the goods with regard to its quality,specifications, performance and quantity/weight, and issue inspection certificates certifying the technical data and conclusion of the inspection. After arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyer shall apply to China Commodity Inspection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as CCIB) for a further inspection as to the specifications and quantity/weight of the goods. If damages of the goods are found, or the specifications and/or quantity are not in conformity with the stipulations in this Contract, except when the responsibilities lies with Insurance Company or Shipping Company, the Buyer shall, within _____ days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, claim against the Seller, or reject the goods according to the inspection certificate issued by CCIB. In case of damage of the goods incurred due to the design or manufacture defects and/or in case the quality and performance are not in conformity with the Contract, the Buyer shall, during the guarantee period, request CCIB to make a survey.20. Claim:The buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.The claims mentioned above shall be regarded as being accepted if the Seller fail to reply within ______days after the Seller received the Buyer's claim.21. Late delivery and PenaltyShould the Seller fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Clause 21 of this Contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on the condition that the Seller agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation. The rate of penalty is charged at______% for every ______ days, odd days less than _____days should be counted as ______ days. But the penalty, however, shall not exceed_______% of the total value of the goods involved in the delayed delivery. In case the Seller fail to make delivery ______ days later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract and the Seller, in spite of the cancellation, shall nevertheless pay the aforesaidpenalty to the Buyer without delay.The buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller for the losses sustained if any.22. Force Majeure:The Seller shall not be responsible for the delay of shipment or nondelivery of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The Seller shall advise the Buyer immediately of the occurrence mentioned above and within_____ days thereafter the Seller shall send a notice by courier to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate of the accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction the accident occurs as evidence thereof. Under such circumstances the Seller, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods. In case the accident lasts for more than _____ days the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract.23. Arbitration:Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement is reached, the dispute shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Shanghai SubCommission for arbitration in accordance with its rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.24. Notice:All notice shall be written in _____ and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the following addresses. If any changes of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the other party of the change of address within ____ days after the change.25. The terms FOB、CFR、CIF in the Contract are based onINCOTERMS of the International Chamber of Commerce.26. Additional clause:Conflicts between Contract clause hereabove and this additional clause, if any, it is subject to this additional clause.27. This Contract is in ______ copies, effective since being signedand sealed by both parties.The Buyer: TheSeller:(Signature and stamp) (Signature and stamp)Date: Date:。



合同编号:________签订日期:____年____月____日卖方:公司名称:____________________地址:____________________联系人:____________________联系电话:____________________电子邮件:____________________买方:公司名称:____________________地址:____________________联系人:____________________联系电话:____________________电子邮件:____________________鉴于:1. 卖方拥有并有权出售以下货物;2. 买方同意购买并支付以下货物;3. 双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条货物描述1. 货物名称:____________________2. 规格型号:____________________3. 数量:____________________(单位:____________________)4. 质量标准:____________________5. 包装方式:____________________第二条价格与支付1. 价格:每件(单位:____________________)______元人民币,总价为______元人民币。

2. 付款方式:买方应在合同签订后______日内,通过银行电汇将款项汇至卖方指定账户。

3. 付款账户信息:- 银行名称:____________________- 账户名称:____________________- 账号:____________________- 开户行:____________________第三条交货条款1. 交货时间:合同签订后______日内,具体交货日期以卖方通知为准。

2. 交货地点:____________________3. 交货方式:____________________4. 运输保险:买方负责购买运输保险,并将保险单副本在交货前______日内提交给卖方。



编号:_____________国际贸易买卖合同Sales Contract甲方(Seller):________________________________________________乙方(Buyer):___________________________签订日期(Date):_______年______月______日签约地(Signed at):________________ 日期(Date):__________________卖方(Seller):________________地址(Adress):_______________电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________买方(Buyer):_______________地址(Adress):_________________电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________ This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and theSellers agree to sell the under the mentioned commodity according the terms and conditions stipulated below:买卖双方就以下条款达成协议:1、COMMODITY商品quantity are allowed.备注:数量允许有5%的短溢装。

2、CommodityTechnical Standard 产品技术标准3、COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURES: Zhejiang Futurestitch Sports Co. Ltd原产国和制造商: 浙江针永体育用品有限公司4、PACKING: To be packed in standard shipping packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard of the package.包装:标准海运包装。

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编号:_____________欧阳家百(2021.03.07)国际贸易买卖合同Sales Contract甲方(Seller):________________________________________________乙方(Buyer):___________________________签订日期(Date):_______年______月______日签约地(Signed at):________________ 日期(Date):__________________卖方(Seller):________________地址(Adress):_______________电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________买方(Buyer):_______________地址(Adress):_________________电话(Tel) :________________ 传真(Fax):______________ 电子邮箱(E-mail):_____________This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under the mentioned commodity according the terms and conditions stipulated below:买卖双方就以下条款达成协议:1、COMMODITY商品备注:数量允许有5%的短溢装。

2、CommodityTechnical Standard 产品技术标准3、COUNTRY AND MANUFACTURES: Zhejiang Futurestitch Sports Co. Ltd原产国和制造商: 浙江针永体育用品有限公司4、PACKING: To be packed in standard shipping packing. The Sellers shall be liable for any damage of the commodity and expenses incurred on account of improper packing and for any rust attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers in regard of the package.包装:标准海运包装。


5、SHIPPING MARK:The Sellers shall mark on each package with the receipt address, carton No, weight, size and UPC etc.唛头:卖方用贴纸在每个箱子外面打印上到货地址、箱号、重量、尺寸和UPC6、Time of Shipment: within days after receipt of advance payment (T/T).装运期限:收到电汇预付款天内装运。

7、Timeof Delivery: Date until the effective date of contract withindays.交货期:自合同生效之日起天。

8、Portof Shipment(装运港):9、Port of Destination (目的港):10、Insurance(保险): To be effected by the seller for 110% of the CIF invoice value covering all risk insurance, to be effected by the Buyer of FOB, CFR and additional insurance.保险:采用CIF到岸价,各种保险由卖方承担,如果采用FOB离岸价,或成本加运输,或其它新增险种,保险费由买方承担。

11、付款条件(Terms of Payment):Within days after the contract signed, the Buyer shall do the advance payment xx %, and the 2nd term payment is xx% before shipment, and the final payment xx% after the shipment days. All payment is T/T.合同签署天内,买方支付预付款 xx%,发货前支付 xx%,发货后天内支付余款。


12、DOCUMENTS(文件):1.Full set of Ocean waybill in original 海运提单一套;2.Invoicein three copies发票一式三份;3.Packing List in three copies issued by the seller装箱单一式三份13、Term of Shipment装运条款To be governed by “Incoterms 2010”.装运条款应按照《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》的规定办理。

14、Shipping Advice(装运通知):The Seller shall, immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods, advise by email the buyers of the ocean waybill and packing list document (it includes commodity, quantity, gross weight, name of vessel and date of delivery etc.). In case due to the sellers not havingemailed in time, all losses caused shall be borne by the seller.装运通知:卖方应于装货后,立即将提单和装箱单资料(包括货物、数量、毛重、运输工具名称、交货日期、货物预计抵达日等)通过邮件通知买方。


15、Guarantee of Quality:Thesellerguaranteethat the commodity is fulfil the buyer’s contract requirement. The guarantee period is 12 months since the buyer received the commodity.质量保证:卖方保证合同按照客户的要求进行生产。


16、Claim(索赔):Within 60days after the arrival of the goods at destination, and found the commodity quality are lower than the approval sample, the buyer has the authority to replace or reimbursement.索赔:货物抵达目的地60天内,如发现产品低于买方确认的样品标准,买方有权要求替换或补偿。

17、Force Majeure (不可抗力):The Seller shall not be held responsible for failure or delay in delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents which may occur. Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.由于发生当事人不能预见、不可避免或无法控制的不可抗力事件,致使本合约不能履行,部分或全部商品延误交货,卖方概不负责。

18、Arbitration仲裁:Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall besubmitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the commission`s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards is final and binding upon both parties.凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。

仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力19、Notice通知:All notices shall be written in _______and served to both parties by fax/courier according to the following address within _____days after the change.所有通知用_____文写成,并按照如下地址用传真/快件送达给各方。


14.This Contract is executed in two counterparts each in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed equally authentic. This Contract is in ____copies effective since being signed/sealed by both parties本合同为中英文两种文本文,两种文本具有同等效力。
