第六讲 分隔式定语从句详解

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Many forms of apparatus(装置,仪器)have been devised(设计)by which a more accurate(精确的)knowledge of blood pressure(压力)can be obtained(获得).


分析:先行词是apparatus,被by which后面的定语从句修饰.have been devised分隔了先行词和定语从句。不分隔的语序是:Many forms of apparatus by which a more accurate knowledge of blood pressure can be obtained have been devised.显然,句子头重脚轻。

2、被状语分隔:①Never say anything behind a person's back that you wouldn't say to his face.当面不愿说的话,千万不要在背后说。

分析:先行词是anything,定语从句that you wouldn't say to his face被状语behind a person's back分隔。②I remember viewing a half dozen men in

a chair factory whose jo

b was to bend several pieces of steel and attach them so that a folding chair would result.我记得曾在一家椅子厂见过六个工人,他们的工作是将几根钢管弯曲并组成一把折椅。

分析:先行词是men,whose job后面引导的是定语从句,被状语in a chair factory所分隔。③Temperature plays the same part in the flow of heat that pressure does in the flow of fluids.温度在热的传导中所起的作用和压力在液体的流动中所起的作用相同。

分析:先行词是part,定语从句that pressure does in the flow of fluids,被状语in the flow of heat所分隔。

3、被补语分隔:The cook turned pale,and asked the housemaid to shut the door,who asked Brittles,who asked the tinker,who pretended not to hear.厨子的脸色变得苍白,要女仆把门关上,女仆叫布立特尔关,布立特尔又叫补锅匠关,而补锅匠装着没听见。

分析:先行词是the housemaid,who asked后面引导非限制性定语从句,修饰the housemaid,定语从句和先行词被补语to shut the door分隔。

4、被同位语分隔:One was a violent thunderstorm ,the worst I had ever seen,which obscured my objective.有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我平生所仅见。这阵暴风雨遮住了我的目标。

分析:先行词是thunderstorm,定语从句被the worst I had ever seen分隔。

5、被插入语分隔:Is there anyone you can think of who may know which hospital he was sent to?你能不能想到有谁可能知道他被送往哪一家医院


分析:先行词是anyone,who后面引导定语从句,被you can think of分隔。

6、被非从句定语分隔:①Singapore is at the start of a long road,already well trodden in the west,that leads to such solutions as shelter and rest homes.新加坡眼下正踏上一条西方国家早已走了很远的漫长道路,即最终建立收容所和休养院来解决问题。

分析:先行词road,that leads后面的定语从句修饰road,被already well trodden in the west分隔。

②Does this mean that in time fish might learn to leave alone all food on hooks that they have seen before?这难道不就意味着,鱼儿很快就可能学会避开那些它们常见的鱼钩上的食物吗?

分析:先行词food,that they have seen before定语从句被on hooks分隔。


①There was something original,independent and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them .这个方案有创造性,而且别出心裁,又有魅力,所以深得他们的喜欢。

分析:先行词something,非从句定语original,independent and heroic about the plan位于定语从句that pleased all of them之前,分隔了先行词和定语从句。②No doubt there are questions of principle(原则)involved
