腹腔镜胰腺假性囊肿内引流术的疗效观察 万经磊

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者的术前一般情况(性别、年龄、囊肿大小)、术中情况( 手术时间、出血量)及术后情况( 排气时间、进食时间、术后住院时间、住院费
用及并发症) 等。 符合正态分布且方差齐性的计量资料组间比较采用 t 检验,方差不齐采用 t′检验;计数资料组间比较采用 χ2 检验
结果 或 Fisher 精确检验。
LIDP 组和 OSIDP 组患者在术中出血量[ (87. 72 ± 24. 48) ml vs (103. 75 ± 26. 83) ml,t = - 2. 109, P =
的治疗方案,其中内引流术在PPC 的治疗中依然起着 囊壁与胃壁之间的黏连,确认胃壁与囊肿壁拟吻合区
举足轻重的作用,传统内引流术主要以开腹手术治疗 域内无脾血管、胃短血管等重要结构走形,打开囊肿
为主,该方法虽然能够改善患者症状并获得良好的临 前壁长约2 cm 切口抽出囊液及内容物,注意吸引时
床效果,但创伤大、术后恢复慢、并发症相对较多。随 不要吸住囊肿内壁以免出血,进镜查看囊壁内有无结
, , among whom 2 patients were complicated by bleeding. Conclusion LIDP has the advantages of small trauma clear visual field low intraoper , , , , ative blood loss fast postoperative recovery short length of hospital stay and low incidence of complications. Compared with OSIDP LIDP , does not increase the time of operation but it leads to a significant increase in average hospital cost. This surgical procedure is simple and easy , , and does not have high requirements for surgical equipment and therefore it holds promise for clinical application.
收作通doi稿者信:1日 简 作0.期 介 者39:::62万 杨90/1经 永j7. i磊 生s-s0n(,3.电119-0子802717信-;-修箱)5,2回:男5y6日y,.s主w2期0x要t1:@72从.01012事976..-肝0c20o胆75m-。胰1疾0。病的微创治疗研究。
万经磊,等. 腹腔镜胰腺假性囊肿内引流术的疗效观察
0 041] 、术后排气时间[(3. 00 ± 1. 02)d vs (3. 79 ± 1. 10)d,t = - 2. 517, P = 0. 016]、术后首次进食时间[(3. 09 ± 0 97) d vs (3. 87 ±
0 99)d,t = - 2. 705, P = 0. 010]、 术 后 住 院 天 数 [ ( 4. 90 ± 1. 54 ) d vs ( 8. 66 ± 3. 71 ) d, t = - 4. 548, P < 0. 001 ] 和 住 院 费 用
摘要:目的 对比分析腹腔镜胰腺假性囊肿内引流术( LIDP) 与开腹胰腺假性囊肿内引流术( OSIDP) 的临床疗效,评价 LIDP 的 方法 可行性、安全性及优越性。 回顾性分析 2011 年 6 月 - 2016 年 8 月就诊于吉林大学中日联谊医院和吉林大学第二医院行内
引流术的 46 例胰腺假性囊肿( PPC) 患者的临床资料,其中 22 例行 LIDP( LIDP 组) ,24 例行 OSIDP( OSIDP 组) 。 比较并分析 2 组患
具有创伤小、视野清晰直观、术中出血量少、术后恢复快、住院时间短、并发症发生率低的优势;较 OSIDP 没有增加手术时间,但平均
关键词:胰腺假囊肿; 腹腔镜; 引流术; 治疗结果 中图分类号:R657. 52 文献标志码:A 文章编号: ( ) 1001 - 5256 2017 09 - 1762 - 04
Clinical effect of laparoscopic internal drainage in treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst
, , , ( , , WAN Jinglei SHI Yaopu WANG Bin et al. Department of Hepato - Biliary - Pancreatic Surgery The Second Hospital of Jilin University , ) Changchun 130041 China
: ; ; ; Key words pancreatic pseudocyst laparoscopes drainage treatment outcome
胰腺假性囊肿( , )多因 空肠 吻合术 。
pancreatic pseudocyst PPC
Roux - en - Y
[5 - 6]
临床肝胆病杂志第 卷第期 年月 , , 33 9 2017 9 J Clin Hepatol Vol.33 No.9 Sep.2017
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万经磊1,石耀璞1,王 彬2,龚志文1,杨 杭1,杨永生1
(1 吉林大学第二医院肝胆胰外科,长春130041; 2 吉林大学中日联谊医院肝胆胰外科,长春130033)
着腹腔镜技术在胰腺外科中的广泛开展,其优势也越 节、突起或肿瘤样改变,切取部分囊壁送病理检查;
发明显。腹腔镜在PPC 治疗中的应用始于1994 年 (4)打开与囊肿前壁切口处对应位置的胃后壁约1 cm
急慢性胰腺炎、胰腺外伤及手术创伤等引起,其囊壁 1. 2. 1 腹腔镜胰腺假性囊肿- 胃吻合术 (1)探查
缺乏上皮细胞内衬[1]。由于PPC 的病因、病程、解剖 肝脏、腹壁、盆腔等是否有明显异常;(2)超声刀离断
位置、大小及并发症等的不同,其治疗也遵循个体化 胃结肠韧带,打开小网膜囊,显露胰腺;(3)游离部分
: ( ) Abstract Objective To investigate the clinical effect of laparoscopic internal drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst LIDP versus open surgi
( ) , , cal internal drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst OSIDP and the feasibility safety and superiority of LIDP. Methods A retrospective anal ( ) ysis was performed for the clinical data of 46 patients with pancreatic pseudocyst PPC who underwent internal drainage in China - Japan , , Union Hospital of Jilin University and The Second Hospital of Jilin University from June 2011 to August 2016 and among these patients 22 ( ) ( ) underwent LIDP LIDP group and 24 underwent OSIDP OSIDP group . The two groups were compared in terms of preoperative general ( , , ), ( ), status sex age and size of the cyst intraoperative conditions time of operation and intraoperative blood loss and postoperative condi ( , , , , ) tions time to first flatus time to first meal length of postoperative hospital stay hospital cost and complications . The t - test was used , for comparison of normally distributed continuous data with homogeneity of variance between groups and the t′ test was used for continuous ; data with heterogeneity of variance the Pearson chi - square test or the Fisher′s exact test was used for comparison of categorical data be ( tween groups. Results There were significant differences between the two groups in intraoperative blood loss 87. 72 ± 24. 48 ml vs 103. 75 ± , ), ( , , ), 26. 83 ml P < 0. 05 time to first flatus after surgery 3. 00 ± 1. 02 d vs 3. 79 ± 1. 10 d t = - 2. 517 P = 0. 016 time to first meal after ( , , ), ( surgery 3. 09 ± 0. 97 d vs 3. 87 ± 0. 99 d t = - 2. 705 P = 0. 010 length of postoperative hospital stay 4. 90 ± 1. 54 d vs 8. 66 ± 3. 71 , , ), ( , , ) d t = - 4. 548 P < 0. 001 and hospital cost 43 402. 06 ± 6424. 47 yuan vs 37 668. 45 ± 11 249. 01 yuan t = 2. 097 P = 0 042 . Of , ( ) ; all 22 patients in the LIDP group 2 9. 09% experienced the postoperative complication of biochemical leakage of all 24 patients in the OS , ( ) ( ), IDP group 4 16. 67% experienced postoperative complications 2 patients with biochemical leakage and 2 with grade B pancreatic fistula
[Baidu Nhomakorabea(43 402 06 ± 6424. 47) 元 vs (37 668. 45 ± 11 249. 01) 元,t = 2. 097,P = 0. 042] 方面差异均有统计学意义。 LIDP 组发生术后并发
结论 症 2 例(9. 09% ) ,均为生化漏;OSIDP 组术后并发症 4 例(16. 67% ) ,生化漏 2 例,B 级胰瘘 2 例,其中 2 例合并出血。