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每日英语:The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today .


Part I 佳句诵读

1. John's careless work made him lose face before his boss.


2. Faced with difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out.


3.In face of the disaster,people united,making every effort together to rescue the trapped people.在灾难面前,人们团结起来,齐心协力营救被困群众。

4. I felt that he was not at ease with what he had prepared.


5. He didn't feel at ease in the strange surroundings.


6. When you feel nervous,you'd better listen to some light music to put yourself at ease.


7. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia,closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain.


8. Tu You you is the first woman in China to win the Nobel Prize.


9. —The last one to arrive pays for the meal/pay the bill. 最后一个到的请客。

—Agreed! 同意!

10. The ability to express an idea is as important as the idea itself.


11. However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries

approach others closely and are more likely to touch them.


12. You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.

=It is likely that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.


13. It's probable that they will come back next week.


14. Most people know that Marie Curie was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize,

and the first person to win it twice. (win)

15. There was no signal in that faraway village and all my attempts to contact (contact) you failed.

16. That means the price is likely to go (go) down because of the competition.

17. If you can find suitable learning methods,your learning efficiency is likely to be



= It's likely that your learning efficiency will be improved if you can find suitable learning methods.

18. He studied hard and at last he had a chance to go abroad.


19. We divided ourselves into different groups which represented different

countries,such as China,Japan,America,the UK.


20. The children were curious to know what was happening over there.


Task 2单句语法填空

1.But curiously (curious) enough it was Katharine who refused this.

2.Ari stopped at their table to exchange greetings (greet).

3.Much to his delight,the top student will represent his school to make (make) a speech at the meeting.

4.Professor Li introduced us a new approach to foreign language learning at yesterday's lecture.

5.The town walls were built as a defence (defend) against enemy attacks.

6.Even though faced (face)with so many difficulties,he would never give in. 7.Walking helped to ease (easy) him of his pain.

8.Turning (turn) his back to his friends in need put him in great disadvantage. 9.Their criticism did not discourage me. On the contrary,I worked even harder. 10.The man became angry and shouted at his son. In general,he is a nice man and seldom loses his tempers,though.

Task 3短文改错
