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“If it’s out there, it’s in here.”
Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration: 押韵、韵律、头韵
“The daily diary of the American Dream.”
Parallel construction: 并列结构
“When it rains, it pours.” 不雨则已,一雨倾盆
Common types of direct action headlines:
◦ Assertion 主张 ◦ Command 指令 ◦ How-to heads 结果 ◦ News announcements 新闻发布型
2. Indirect action
Better at drawing the reader in and building a brand image. Consider:
What is the best way to summarize the major elements of television commercials?
How is Web advertising written?
Although advertising is highly visual, words are crucial in four types of advertisements:
Subheads 小标题(副标题) ◦ Lead reader into copy ◦ Larger than body copy
Taglines结尾 ◦ Short, catchy有吸引力, memorable phrases易 记忆 ◦ Used to wrap up a creative idea总结创意
Avoid “brag and boast” copy. It is “we” focused and pompous.避免“炫耀和自夸”。这是“我们”专注和自大。
The creative team begins with the strategy statement from the client or creative brief from agency planners. 创意团队的工作始于客户的战略陈述或 代理策划人的创意简报
What basic writing style is used for advertising copy?
Which copy elements are essential to a print ads?
How can we characterize the messages and tools of radio advertising?
Slogans ◦ Repeated from ad to ad ◦ Used to reinforce brand identity 强化品牌识别
Direct Address: 直接陈述
“Have it your way” “Think small”
A startling or unexpected phrase: 惊异、出人意料
◦ Target: attract only prospects吸引潜在消费者 ◦ Stop and grab: work with the visual to stop and grab
readers’ attention ◦ Identify: identify the product and brand; start the sale ◦ Change scanning to reading: lead readers into body copy
“Help, I Think I Need a Tourniquet!” 止血带
Common types of indirect action headlines:
◦ Puzzles 疑惑 ◦ Associations 联想 ◦ Blind headlines盲标题
Captions 解说词 ◦ Second highest readership ◦ Provide information
Body copy is the persuasive heart of the message. 正文是说服性信息的核心
Nike’s “Let me Play” campaign reflected its strategy of talking to women about sports in a way that reflects their attitudes and feelings.
◦ Includes ad message text, captions题注或字幕、解 说词, call to action
Headlines convey the main message, get attention, and communicate the concept.
They must also:
◦ Many have a background in English or literature. ◦ They love words, have a sense of “voice” and
tone, and are versatile.多才多艺
◦ The text of an ad. ◦ The words people say in a radio or TV
The tighter the writing, the easier it is to understand and the greater its impact.文案越紧凑, 就越容易理解,震撼力也越大
Be succinct 简练 Be single-minded 专注 Be specific 具体(明确) Get personal Keep a single focus Be conversational 对话式
explanation 4. Abstract: If a message tries to convey abstract
◦ The person who shapes and sculpts the words in marketing communication. 营销传播中创作和雕琢 文字的人
Be original 原创 Use news Use magic phrases Use variety 多样性 Use imaginative description
富有想象力 Tell a story – with feeling
Tone of voice
Write to the target audience, as if in conversation with one person.
The lead paragraph 导语段 First paragraph of body copy Catches the reader’s attention
The closing paragraph 结尾段 Last paragraph of body copy Refers back to creative concept Wraps up the Big Idea 总结大创意 Usually includes “call to action”
Display copy
◦ All elements readers see in their initial scanning ◦ Includes headlines, subheads, call-outs插图标注,
taglines结束语, and slogans
Body copy
◦ All elements designed to be read and absorbed理 解
Grammar and adese低俗表达
Sometimes writers use incorrect grammar for effect.
Avoid clichés, superlatives, stock phrases, and vague generalities.避免陈词滥调,最高级、吹嘘和含糊笼统。
Combination : 组合
“It’s your land, lend a hand”.
Its primary role is to maintain reader interest.
Body copy also:
◦ Develops the sales message 阐述销售信息 ◦ States the argument 陈述论证 ◦ Summarizes the proof 总结证据 ◦ Provides explanation 给出解释
Writing styles
Straightforward: Factual, from an anonymous source. Narrative:叙述 Tells a story in the first or third
person. Dialogue: Lets the reader “listen in.” Explanation: Explains how something works. Translation: Translates technical language.转化
1. Complex: If the message is complicated 2. High involvement: In ads for high-involvement
products 3. Explanation: Information that needs definition and
Cue for the product: 产品线索
“Good to the last drop” 滴滴香浓 “Nothing runs like a Deere” 迪尔无人能及 “Breakfast of Champions” 冠
“In the valley of the Jolly, ho-ho-ho, Green Giant” 在乔利山谷里,呼-呼-呼,绿巨人
Even beautiful writing has to make the strategy sing.
If the copy doesn’t the audience and deliver on the objectives, then it’s not effective copywriting.如果文 案没有打动受众和根据目标传递信息,就是无效的
Good headlines interrupt readers’ scanning and get their attention.
1. Direct action
These are straightforward and informative. Consider:
来自百度文库“Keep Your Body Strong” (Johnson & Johnson)