拒绝沉迷手机 远离“垃圾快乐”
老师:某某 时间:20XX.XX
04 班主任寄语
想想劳碌的父母,为了自己的未来,让我们共同 携起手来,拒绝沉迷手机,远离“垃圾快乐”, 做一个高尚的人,做一个自律的学生,共创一个 健康和谐的校园!
02 手机的危害
孩子玩手机,关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能成为学习的 好帮手,助力孩子遨游知识的海洋。孩子玩手机,关键在于引 导。合理用时,手机也能成为学习的好帮手,助力孩子遨游知 识的海洋。
02 手机的危害
孩子玩手机,关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能成 为学习的好帮手,助力孩子遨游知识的海洋。孩子玩 手机,关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能成为学习 的好帮手,助力孩子遨游知识的海洋。孩子玩手机, 关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能成为学习的好帮 手,助力孩子遨游知识的海洋。
03 合理使用手机
孩子玩手机,关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能 成为学习的好帮手,助力孩子遨游知识的海洋。孩 子玩手机,关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能成 为学习的好帮手,助力孩子遨游知识的海洋。孩子 玩手机,关键在于引导。合理用时,手机也能成为
it will interrupt the whole environment and the partner will think you don't respcet him. Another example is when you are having a boring class or meeting,then you will take out your phone reading novels,surfing on the Internet ,playing games ,all thest will distract you from good working.
Secondly, our cell phones still causes many serious problems. On one hand,the most problem is electric wave radiation ,which is bad for our health. On the other hand, it will affect our learning and working. For example,When we are at an important meeting with an important partner ,if your cell phone rings,
手机的利弊英文版PPT 课件
With the improving of our living standard, nowadays ,almost everyone can afford a cell phone. Every cion has two sides. When we are enjoying the benefits that cell phones have brought us ,we are now faced many problems.
热点话题9 手机管控 -备战2023中考英语高频话题和热点话题写作课件精讲(共27张PPT
• 教育部最近宣布禁止学生把手机带入课堂,为此学校将组织开展一次 “拒绝手机诱惑,健康学习生活”的演讲活动。请你根据提示用英语 写一篇 80 词左右的演讲稿。
• 参考词汇∶eyesight 视力
• 提示∶(1)花大量时间玩游戏,不能按时完成作业,甚至上课睡觉。
• (2)伤害眼睛,不利于健康。
• (3)远离智能手机,培养学习兴趣;多花时间与家人、朋友面对面 交流;积极参加各种活动。
• Some students think we can use mobile phones to search for information and watch news online at any time. We can also contact our family and friends with them. Besides, we can relax ourselves by listening to music and watching movies.
• That’s all. Thank you.
(2021·湖北·广水市教学研究室九年级阶段练习) 最近教育部规定学生原则 上不得将手机带入校园,严禁带手机进课堂,学校严格执行这一规定,同学们 对此有不同的议论, 上周你们班召开了班会对这一规定进行了讨论,请根据 下面表格中所给材料提示,写一篇英语短文。
热点写作话题 9 手机管控
【话题解读】 2021年1月,教育部办公厅印发《关于加强中小学生手机管理工
作的通知》。中小学生原则上不得将个人手机带入校园。确有需求 的,须经家长同意、书面提出申请,进校后应将手机由学校统一保 管,禁止带入课堂。青少年使用手机出现逐年增加态势,特别是疫 情后开始上网课,很多学生开始沉迷网络和游戏。青少年生理和心 理尚未成熟,对不良信息缺乏甄别能力,沉迷手机问题尤为突出, 严重影响了青少年的学习、生活和身心健康,衍生出许多社会性问 题,形成了新的社会矛盾。
Questions Can you list some harms that “phone freak”may bring? How to get rid of the bad habit?
Psychological harm
Psychological problems like Attention Deficit Disorder Sequelas(后遗症): depression(抑郁症)、obsession(强迫症)、 anxiety(焦 虑症)、Personality split(性格分裂症) Low efficiency. Studies show that whenever you take a break from what you are doing to check your smart phone, it is hard to go back to your original task, according to Adam Gazzaley, a neurologist at UCSF. And playing with phones waste your time, so it will take more time to complete the task which does not need so much time originally. Divorce. A survey by South Korean marriage consulting agency Duo earlier this year shows that smart phones are killing intimate relationships, reports The Korea Herald. About half of the respondents said they had had fights with their boyfriend or girlfriend because of smart phones. And 32.8 percent of them fought about smart phone obsession.
中学生手机陷阱:危害不可忽视 课件(共20张PPT)
Trap of mobile phones for middle school students: the harm cannot be ignored.
目 录 contents
浪费时间和注意力 影响课堂表现和学习成绩 妨碍社交和人际交往能力 导致身体疲劳和眼睛疲劳 容易上瘾对身心健康造成影响 暴露个人隐私和安全风险
1. 过多使用手机对身体有害:长时间低头看手机容易导致颈椎病、 肩周炎等疾病,频繁使用手机还可能对手部肌肉造成压力和损伤。 2. 长时间使用手机对眼睛有害:手机屏幕的蓝光会使眼睛疲劳、 干涩、视力下降,可能导致近视等多种视觉问题。同时,长时间使 用手机还容易让人眨眼次数减少,影响眼部的润泽和保护。
Result in physical and eye fatigue.
身体疲劳: 手指长时间操作手机引起肌肉疲劳
长时间使用手机操作导致手指肌肉疲劳,可能导致手指关节疼痛、手指僵硬,影响手指灵活度和灵敏度, 进而影响书写和其他生活动作,严重时可能导致手指运动障碍和手部功能障碍。
Hinder social and interpersonal communication skills.
1. 学生过分依赖手机的文字表达能力,缺乏口 头表达能力 2. 过多使用手机导致中学生在面对真实社交场 景时缺乏自信和沉稳 频繁接触虚拟社交而疏远现实社交,导致中学 生的社交与情感认知能力缺失
1. 手机会让学生失去注意力和专注力,对学习成绩和 能力产生负面影响。使用手机容易使学生分心,不集 中精力学习或听课,导致错过关键知识点。手机游戏 和社交媒体等应用也会给学生带来不必要的娱乐和消 遣,影响正常学习。 2. 长时间使用手机会对学生身体产生负面影响,如导 致近视、颈椎病、肥胖症等。手机使用时间过长还会 影响学生的睡眠,进而影响学习和健康状况。此外, 手机的电磁辐射也会对学生的身体健康造成潜在威胁。
Advantage of mobile phone
Mobile phone is really necessary and important in modern society as it brings a lot of convenient to our lives and provides a new way for us to contact with the world.
• If you don't want to continue a person
• Put down the mobile phone you will gain love
Drop your mobile phone and back to your life,放下你的手机,回到你的生活,
and you may find a pleasant landscape or a beautiful girl.
phenomenon, that is, people who look down at the mobile phone and left out in the cold in front of friends or family
About Family
To make more time for the spring and family
Put down the mobile phone looked up, just know the life have missed?
But...every coins have two sides LOGO We have been kidnapped(绑架)
Mobile phone, let our distance become so close, yet so far!
Phubbing(低头族) This was coined words, describe now twenty-first CeLntOurGy Oa unique social phenomenon, that is, people who look down at the mobile phone and left out in the cold in front of friends or family
Put down the mobile phone you will gain love
Drop your mobile phone and back to your life,放下你的手机,回到你的生活,
and you may find a pleasant landscape or a beautiful girl.
To make more time for the spring LOGO and family
Put down the mobile phone looked up, just know the life have missed?
We did't have WIFI,and talk to the people around you. 我们没有WiFi,和你周围的人交谈
825-放下手机 保护眼睛主题教育PPT课件(3款)
两只葡萄黑又亮,只能欣赏不能 吃,
蓝蓝的天空、白白的云朵、绿绿的草地,这些美丽的风景都需要我 们用眼睛才可以看到。
我们都知道一句名言“眼睛是心灵的窗户”,眼 睛还是人体中最重要的器官之一,我们所接受的外界 信息中有80%是靠它来完成的。所以眼睛的作用可大 了,一定要注意保护自己的眼睛。
(1)视力低下,眼睛经常干涩和疲劳,影响学习、生活和以后的工作质量。 (2)中高度近视,会导致眼球突出,眼脸松弛,影响容貌。 (3)升学、参军和找工作受限。 (4)多种体育活动不能参加,影响身体的正常发育。 (5)给日常生活带来极大不便,如交际、旅游、冬天夏天镜片容易反霜打滑等。 (6)老年后因为眼花而必须佩戴两副眼镜。 (7)近视患者其白内障、青光眼的发病率明显高于正常人。 (8)高度近视容易引发玻璃体混浊、视网膜出血和脱离而失明。
综上所述,近视眼的发生是受遗传、环境、体质等因 素综合作用的结果。在环境相同条件下,遗传决定了个体 发病的易感性,环境因素可以诱发并促成近视的发生发 展。
近年来,随着学生学习负担的加重,近视负荷明显增 加,各地学生近视眼患病率有大幅度增加的趋势,说明环 境因素对学生近视的发生影响很大,并在起着主要作用。 从预防角度出发,应当把改造环境因素,减轻学生学习负 担放在预防措施的首要位置去抓,才能取得较好的效果。
放下手机 保护眼睛
Put down the phone to protect his eyes
别 让
远离手机 健康成长的英语主题班会
远离手机健康成长的英语主题班会Purpose:1. Through discrimination, we can achieve the purpose of self-education, and let students clearly realize that when using mobile phones, they should pay attention to time and occasions, and really make good use of mobile phones.2. Taking the reasonable use of mobile phones as an opportunity, it reflects that all high-tech products should be accepted dialectically and truly reflect its value in use.activity process:1、 Class meeting import:As a product of modern high technology, mobile phones have been owned by more and more middle school students, and gradually entered the school, even the classroom. Our class is no exception. Due to their immature body and mind, poor self-control ability and insufficient understanding of the rational use of mobile phones, middle school students can not get rid of the temptation of mobile phones, thus affecting their normal study and life. How dowe use mobile phones in our life?2、 Appreciating sketch: me and mobile phone3、Students' free debate: can middle school students bring smartphones?From the sketches, we can think about the "advantages" and "disadvantages" of mobile phones.(1) Benefits of using smart phones:1. Convenient contact with parents;2. Convenient contact with classmates and friends;3. It can be used for entertainment and reduce the pressure of learning;4. The alarm clock device inside can be used at any time;5. When students go out to play or encounter danger in other places, they can ask their parents, teachers or police for help in time;6. It is the expression of fashion.(2) Disadvantages of using smart phones:1. Disturbing classroom discipline, affecting teachers' lectures and other students' listening;2. Playing games and sending messages in class have seriouslyaffected their own and classmates' learning, and their academic performance has declined;3. Using mobile phones to cheat in exams;4. Increased the economic burden of the family;5. It encourages the psychology of comparison;6. Mobile phones have radiation to people, which has damaged their health to a certain extent.4、 Parents' feedback:1. Why do you give your children mobile phones?2. Why don't you give your children mobile phones?I guess parents' wishes: parents' attitudes are contradictory on whether children can use mobile phones; They not only want to communicate with their children conveniently, but also fear that they will delay their study by playing mobile phones every day. So: the school does not allow students to bring smart phones. Most parents support it. If you want to contact your children, ordinary mobile phones can also solve the problem.5、 Practice of using mobile phones for students at home and abroadPractices in some parts of China:XX No.1 Middle School: no mobile phonesXX No. 1 middle school: if you bring your mobile phone into the examination room, no matter whether it is used for cheating or not, the score of this subject will be treated as 0.XXX No. 1 middle school: students need to sign a contract with the school before using mobile phonesXX: students are not allowed to bring mobile phones. Points will be deducted for violatorsForeign practices:Finland: forbid selling mobile phones to teenagersThe Finnish market court recently decided to prohibit Finnish wireless communication companies from directly selling mobile phone access and other mobile communication services to teenagers. If this prohibition is violated, a fine of 100000 euros will be imposed.Us: legislating for campus mobile phonesSchool districts in various states in the United States have formulated rules (some are legislations of state legislatures or localgovernments) to completely ban the use of mobile phones by school students.6、Opinions vary: what do you think of the school's written regulations prohibiting students from using smartphones?7、 Class teacher summary.It is a trend for middle school students to have mobile phones. In our youth, our ability to distinguish things is not very strong. We should treat new things from a dialectical point of view; Middle school students should have a clear understanding that mobile phones can only be used as a way to contact family members and maintain friendship between friends, but it is not the only way, especially in the campus, mobile phones should be prohibited from entering the classroom; Or it can only be turned on after school. Middle school students should learn to use mobile phones at an appropriate time and place. They should not indulge in information and playing mobile games. Only by making good use of mobile phones can they do a good job in learning; Besides, students are consumers, and they have to pay their parents for their living expenses. Due to the security risks and comparison psychologycaused by mobile phones, I hope that students will not be enslaved and manipulated by mobile phones, and that people should have absolute control over mobile phones.8、Proposal for students to enter the campus without smart phones。
远离手机英文作文I can't believe how much time I used to spend on my phone. It's like I was always scrolling through social media or playing games. But now, I've made a conscious effort to distance myself from my phone.I've noticed that when I'm not constantly checking my phone, I feel more present in the moment. I can actually have a conversation with someone without feeling the need to check my notifications. It's refreshing to be able to focus on the people around me instead of being glued to a screen.Without my phone constantly buzzing and beeping, I've found that I'm able to concentrate better. I can actually get work done without the distraction of endless notifications. It's amazing how much more productive I am when I'm not constantly reaching for my phone.When I'm not on my phone, I've been able to pick up newhobbies and interests. I've started reading more, going for walks, and even trying out new recipes. It's like I have so much more time now that I'm not wasting it on my phone.I've also noticed that I sleep better now that I'm not staring at a screen before bed. I used to stay up late mindlessly scrolling through my phone, but now I make a conscious effort to put it away at least an hour before Igo to sleep. I've found that I fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more rested.Overall, distancing myself from my phone has had such a positive impact on my life. I feel more present, productive, and well-rested. I definitely don't miss the constant distraction of my phone.。
远离手机作文英文Title: Embracing a Life Beyond the Screen。
In today's digital age, it seems as though we are constantly tethered to our smartphones. From the moment we wake up to the instant before we fall asleep, our devices accompany us, shaping our interactions, influencing our perceptions, and consuming our time. However, amidst this digital frenzy, there lies a profound necessity to detach ourselves from the virtual world and reconnect with the tangible aspects of life.First and foremost, excessive smartphone usage detracts from our ability to engage meaningfully with the present moment. Instead of savoring the beauty of a sunset or relishing in the laughter of loved ones, our attention is often diverted by the allure of notifications and social media updates. Consequently, we find ourselves living vicariously through the lens of our screens, rather than fully immersing ourselves in the richness of oursurroundings.Moreover, prolonged exposure to screens has been linked to a myriad of detrimental health effects. From eye strain and headaches to disrupted sleep patterns and increased stress levels, the consequences of excessive screen time are both tangible and far-reaching. By distancing ourselves from our smartphones, we afford our minds and bodies the opportunity to rejuvenate and recalibrate, fostering a greater sense of well-being and vitality.Furthermore, the omnipresence of smartphones has engendered a culture of distraction and disconnection. Instead of engaging in meaningful conversations or pursuing our passions with fervor, we often find ourselves ensnared in the endless scroll of social media feeds or the mindless consumption of digital content. As a result, our ability to focus, contemplate, and create is hindered, impeding our personal and intellectual growth.Beyond the individual level, the pervasive use of smartphones has profound societal implications. As webecome increasingly reliant on digital communication and virtual interactions, the fabric of community and social cohesion begins to unravel. Genuine human connection is replaced by superficial exchanges conducted through screens, fostering a sense of isolation and estrangement.In light of these concerns, it is imperative that we take proactive measures to reclaim control over our digital habits and forge a healthier relationship with technology. This entails setting boundaries around smartphone usage, prioritizing real-world experiences over virtual ones, and fostering genuine connections with those around us. Bydoing so, we not only safeguard our own well-being but also contribute to the cultivation of a more mindful and interconnected society.In conclusion, while smartphones undoubtedly afford us unprecedented convenience and connectivity, their pervasive presence in our lives has profound implications for ourwell-being and the fabric of society. By embracing a life beyond the screen, we reclaim our agency, nurturemeaningful relationships, and cultivate a deeperappreciation for the richness of the world around us. Solet us dare to disconnect, to unplug, and to rediscover the beauty of the present moment, one mindful breath at a time.。
that'all ! thank you !
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3.Do not play when charging the phone,(充电的时候不能玩 手机)as the phone is conductive when charging.
4.Never make a telephone call on rainy days.
5.wash your hands for eating after using your phone.
your mobile phone.
influence our biological clock
damage our skin
bad influence
cause numbness in the fingers
mobile phone radiation will affect intelligence
2.Please keep at least a meter away from the screen when sleeping,this can weaking cell phone radiation effectively.The best practice is to turn off your phone before sleeping .晚上睡觉保 持一米的距离,这样可以有效的减少手机辐射。
Mobile phone disease
Electrical Engineering
Is that you?
Mobile phone has been completBiblioteka ly into our life.
Playing mobile phone in the subway or car has become a habit of lif
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looked up.
Advantage of mobile phone
Mobile phone is really necessary and important in modern society as it brings a lot of convenient to our lives and provides a new way for us to contact with the world.
I would like this film, tells the single men and women
• If you don't want to continue a person • Put down the mobile phone you will gain love
But...every coins have two sides We have been kidnapped(绑架)
Mobile phone, let our distance become so close, yet so far!
This was coined words, describe now twenty-first Century a unique social phenomenon, that is, people who look down at the mobile phone and left out in the cold in front of friends or family
Drop your mobile phone and back to your life,
and you may find a pleasant landscape or a beautiful girl.
What a "busy" party
2016/3/5 此处添加公司信息
And about...
Start on this, end at this
The farthest distance in the world is when I stand in front of you ,while you are playing with the cellphone.
To make more time for the spring and family
Put down the mobile phone looked up, just know the life have missed?
We did't have WIFI,and talk to the people around you. 我们没有WiFi,和你周围的人交谈
About Family
A "happy" New Year's Eve
About Couples关于夫妻
Fall in love with smart phone
2016/3/5 此处添加公司信息
About Friends