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Module 7 Improvi ng our lives

Unit 1 Living with technology

Welcome to the un it

Jseful words

dust catcher flatiron ['fl?t,ai ?n] electric rice cooker electromag netic ove n electr onic calculator Jseful phrases be inven ted to meet people ' s needs 为满足民众的需求而被发明 improve people ' s lives to some degree 在一定程度上改善了人民的生活 an guage Points

1. Tech no logical developme nts in the last few decades have bee n breathtak ing.

breathtak ing

adj. very impressive, excit ing, or surpris ing

a breathtaki ng car race 惊险的汽车比赛

the breathtak ing n atural beauty / scenery of the rain forests 热带雨林令人惊叹的自然美景

2. Early TV was in black and white and had fuzzy pictures.


adj. unclear; covered with soft short hair/fur 失真的; 模糊的

a few fuzzy memories of his gran dpare nts 对祖父母的一些模糊的记忆

a fuzzy videotape of the ba nk robbery 一盘模糊的银行劫案的录像带

3. With mobile phon es, we can keep in touch with others wherever we are.


作连词,不管用什么方法 You can travel however you like.

作副词,"无论如何”、"不管怎样” You won't move that stone, however strong you are.

作副词,"究竟怎么”(表示惊奇) However did you get here without a car?


作连词,"任何时候” 门I discuss it with you whe never you like.

作副词,"任何时间” "任何时候” He might turn up on Mon day , or Friday, or whe never, and expect to be give n a meal.


作连词,"在任何地方”、"到任何地方”、"在任何情况下” Sit wherever you like.


作代词, 无论,不管 Keep calm, whatever happens

作代词,任何 , 每样 We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford.

or whatever:或其他类似的事物 Take any sport basketball, ice hockey, swimming or whatever. 作形容词,“任何的”、“无论什么的”、“任何种类、程度等的”

Take whatever measures you con sider best.


取得 / 保持联系 We're in close touch with our office in Spain.

lose touch 失去联系 We lost touch over the years

4. How have differe nt electr onic devices cha nged over time?

electro nic 电子的 electricity n.

electric 用(带)电的,产生电的

electrical 禾口电有关的,电的 +more gen eral nouns

electro nic dict ion aries/music/ba nkin g/mail an electric cable/bla nket/fa n/cooker

electrical equipme nt/devices/applia nces an electrical fault/e ngin eer an electric (al ) compa ny /curre nt/shock electric fan 电风扇 hair dryer 干发器 gramoph one 留声机

radiatio n 辐射

antennae [?n 'te n ?]

天线 吸尘器 熨斗 电锅 电磁炉 计算器

Readi ng

Part A

1. When did regular public TV broadcasting begi n around the world? It began on 11 May 1928 in New York and in London on 20 Agugust 1929.

2. What is WebTV?

Part C2

Year Event

1877 First record ing of a huma n voice was made

1925 First public show ings of wireless TV tran smissi ons were made in the USA.

1948 Cable TV bega n in the USA; 3 America n scie ntists inven ted the tran sistor

1951 Color broadcasts began in the USA.

1954 Inven ti on of tran sistor led to the developme nt of cassette recorders

1958 First LPs(lo ng-play records) came onto the market

1962 Satellite began to be used to broadcast TV.

1982 First CDs produced by using digital tech no logy were made available

1987 Developme nt of MP3 tech nology started in Germa ny

1989 Intern ati onal sta ndards for digital TV were established

1992 Developme nt of MD palyer bega n.

1. Some con sider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV.(page 2,l ine 19) con sider

be of the op in io n; regard sb/sth as sth 认为;视某人[某事物]为:

We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你.

* We consider this (to be) very important. 我们认为这非常重要.

* Do you consider it wise to interfere? 你认为应该干预吗?

* He will be considered a weak leader.他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人.

* a painting previously con sidered as worthless, but which now turns out to be very valuable 一 幅先前认为毫无价值的画,现在却变成了珍品

* He's gen erally con sidered to have the fin est tenor voice in the country.现在公认他是该国最佳 的男高音歌手.

* (formal) He's very well con sidered (if people have a high opinion of him) withi n the compa ny. 他在公司中受到很高的评价.

* Consider yourself (if You are) under arrest. 你已被逮捕.


n. 长者,高手,上级

be superior to "比 ....... 好,比…..强”

In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior to those made by mach in es.


Of the two books, I think this one is superior to that.


We will need a letter of recommendation from one of your superiors.


immediate superiors 顶头上司

superiority [sju:,pi ?ri'?riti ] n. 优越,高傲 [化]优越性

2. At that time, the record player had to be wound up by hand and only played a record for two minutes

(page 3,li ne 31-32)

wind to turn or twist

The nurse wound a ban dage around my fin ger so that bleedi ng could be stopped.

The little boy wound his arms around his mother ' s waist and prevented her leaving. Remember to wind the clock every night before you go to bed if you do not want it to stop.

3. This combi nes the TV set with the world Wide Web.(page 2, li ne 25)

combine …with …to join something together with

A good way of teaching children is to combine teaching with pleasure.

It is the TV set combined with the World Wide Web. 3. What was in ve nted in 1954? The cassette recorder. Part C1 T T F F F T T
