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❖ 一打开电视,你就总会看到广告。
❖ In some parts of Britain, one person in ten, by the age of thirty, has no teeth left.Biblioteka Baidu
❖ 在英国有些地方, 1/10的人年方30, 牙齿就掉 光了。
3. 正、反均可
一.增词法 二.重复法 三.省略法 四.词类转换法 五.正反转换法 六.熟语翻译 七.词语的搭配
❖ Wet paint!
湿的油漆! 油漆未干!
❖ Leave my paper alone.
把我的论文单独放。 别动我的文稿。
❖ I hear everything. 我听见每件事。 什么事都瞒不过我。
❖ 这所学校缺少合格的老师。
❖ Unless we grasp this point we shall never be able to acquire even elementary knowledge.
❖ 不了解这一点,就不能得到起码的知识。
❖ I borrowed some books other than novels. ❖ 我借了几本书,都不是小说
❖ 人不会不犯错误。 (人总会犯错误。)
3. 委婉迂回表达的正、反译
❖ I couldn’t feel better. ❖ 我觉得身体棒极了。
❖ I couldn’t agree with you more. ❖ 我太赞成你的看法了。
❖ This place is stranger to me. ❖ 这地方我很陌生。(这地方我不熟悉。)
❖ Make haste, or you’ll be late. ❖ 快点,要不然就迟到了。
3. 正、反均可
❖ The station is no distance at all. ❖ 车站近在咫尺。(车站一点儿也不远。)
❖ I dropped medicine and took up physics. ❖ 我放弃学医,改学物理了。
3. 正、反均可
❖ There is no rule that has no exception. ❖ 没有不例外的规则
❖ It is impossible but that a man will make some mistakes.
❖ His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.
❖ 他开车时心不在焉,差点出事。
❖ This creek is free of ice in winter. ❖ 这条小溪冬天不结冰。
❖ There is a poor supply of well-qualified teachers in the school.
❖ 甘地远不只是一位聪明的律师、优秀的演说家、 坚定的人权战士和政治领袖。
❖ To our disappointment, he failed to take the overall situation into account.
❖ 使我们失望的是他不顾全大局。
❖ They excluded children from getting in. ❖ 他们不许小孩入内。
1. 正说反译 2. 反说正译
1. 正说反译(negation)
❖ The guerrillas would rather fight to death before they surrendered.
❖ 游击队员们宁愿战斗到死也绝不投降。
❖ Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader.
❖ All the articles are untouchable in the museum. ❖ 博物馆内一切展品禁止触摸。
2. 反说正译
❖ You can’t see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.
❖ They had barely enough time to catch the train. ❖ 他们差点儿没赶上火车。
❖ I’ll ride a bike instead of taking a bus. ❖ 我不想乘车,我打算骑自行车。
❖ I am below him in working ability. ❖ 我在工作能力方面不如他。
❖ 只有把望远镜调节到适合你的目光,你才能看 得见东西。
❖ Hardly a month goes by without traffic accidents occurred in that city.
❖ 那个城市几乎月月都有交通事故。
2. 反说正译
❖ You couldn’t turn on the TV without seeing advertisements.
❖ 肯定和否定是英、汉两种语言固有的语言 现象。
❖ 有时英语从正面进行表达,汉语则习惯从 反面进行表达;有时英语从反面表达的, 汉语要从正面表达才符合表达习惯。
❖ 这就需要译者根据译入语的行文习惯和修 辞效果,灵活运用正说与反说,即正反转 换法。
1. 正说反译(negation) 2. 反说正译(affirmation) 3. 正、反均可 4. 委婉迂回表达的正、反译
❖ Our excitement was beyond words when we heard the good news.
❖ 我们听到这好消息时的激动心情是无法用语言表达的。
2. 反说正译
❖ Words can’t describe the beauty of the scene. ❖ 用言词很难形容这景色的优美。