V-ed分词作状语 课件

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Task2 Drill. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(2 points each) 1. Given (give) a chance, we could give a good performance. 2. Interested (interest) in English, he listens to BBC every day. 3. When hearing (hear) the news, she burst into laughter. 4. Faced (face) with this situation, they felt both joy and fear. 5. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace (宫殿), compared(compare)with his old one.
结论(part1): ①. 在上面的括号内填入下划线部分所作的句子成 分,并总结得出:V-ed分词在句子中可以 作 表语 、 宾补 、 定语 和 状语 。 ②. V-ed分词短语做状语时(见4-8),可以放在 句首、句中或句尾。如果其前面没有带逻辑主 语,一般其逻辑主语是主句的主语 ,过分短语 与句子主语是 动宾﹨被动 关系。 ③. “连词+V-ed”做状语:V-ed分词可在前加某些 连词,以表示强调,如 5、7 。
In this class, we’ve learned: ①…②…③…
Translate 4 sentences into English using the past participle as adverbial.
Except for some short songs and poems 4. included (include) in his plays(戏剧), all of Shakespeare’s greatest poems are sonnets. John Milton was one of the poets 5. starting (start) writing poems without rhyme at the end of the lines. Once 6 published (publish), his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.
Task3 Using V-ed 用括号内单词的正确形式填空,并标出其所作句子 成分。(3 points each) When 1. asked (ask) about poems(诗集), most people will say that a poem is a text 2. having (have) rhythm(韵律) and rhyme(韵 脚). The lines(诗行)3. written (write) by William Blake are famous. They have clear rhythm and rhyme. Others will add that poems must have a fixed (fix) number of lines and a fixed rhyme, such as a sonnet(十四行诗).
Part 2. 1. Seen from the top, the scenery is that attractive. 2. Seeing from the top, you could find the scenery attractive. 结论(part2): V-ed 分词短语与V-ing 分词短语作状语的区别: (见1)下划线的V-ed分词短语与句子主语 (the scenery)是 动宾 ﹨ 被动 关系; (见2)下划线的V-ing分词短语与句子主语 (you)是 主谓﹨主动 关系。 总之,V-ed分词一般表示 被动或 完成 ; V-ing分词一般表示 主动 或 进行 。
(The past participle used as adverbial)wenku.baidu.com
1.Once bitten, twice shy. 2.Once spoken, a word becomes a promise.
1.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 2.一言既出, 驷马难追。
6. The captain(长官) rushed into the building, followed by the soldiers. (伴随状语 ) 7. Rats(老鼠) should be wiped out(清除) 地点状语 where found. ( ) 8. They feel asleep at once, completely tired. 原因状语 ( )
Task1 Observation and conclusion.
结论(Part1) 1. He seemed disappointed. ( 表语 ) 2. I saw our team beaten by a weaker team. ( 宾补 ) 3. Our spoken English needs practicing. ( 定语 ) 4. Heated, water changes into steam(蒸汽). (条件/) 时间状语 5. Though beaten, we were not discouraged. ( 让步状语 )