Characteristic / Test ConditionsDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS = 0V, I D = 250µA)On State Drain Current 2 (V DS > I D(on) x R DS(on) Max, V GS = 10V)Drain-Source On-State Resistance 2 (V GS = 10V, 0.5 I D[Cont.])Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V DS = V DSS , V GS= 0V)Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (VDS = 0.8 V DSS , V GS = 0V, T C = 125°C)Gate-Source Leakage Current (V GS = ±30V, V DS = 0V)Gate Threshold Voltage (V DS = V GS , I D = 1.0mA)050-5572 Re v CMAXIMUM RATINGSAll Ratings: T C = 25°C unless otherwise specified.Symbol V DSS I D I DM V GS V GSM P D T J ,T STGT L I AR E AR E ASParameterDrain-Source VoltageContinuous Drain Current @ T C = 25°C Pulsed Drain Current 1Gate-Source Voltage Continuous Gate-Source Voltage Transient Total Power Dissipation @ T C = 25°C Linear Derating FactorOperating and Storage Junction Temperature Range Lead Temperature: 0.063" from Case for 10 Sec.Avalanche Current 1 (Repetitive and Non-Repetitive)Repetitive Avalanche Energy 1Single Pulse Avalanche Energy 4UNIT Volts AmpsVolts Watts W/°C °C Amps mJSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol BV DSS I D(on)R DS(on)I DSS I GSS V GS(th)UNIT Volts AmpsOhms µA nA VoltsMIN TYP MAX 1000111.0025250±10024APT1001RBVR10001144±30±402802.24-55 to 15030011301210APT1001RBVR1000V11A 1.000ΩPower MOS V ® is a new generation of high voltage N-Channel enhancement mode power MOSFETs. This new technology minimizes the JFET effect,increases packing density and reduces the on-resistance. Power MOS V ®also achieves faster switching speeds through optimized gate layout.•Faster Switching •100% Avalanche Tested •Lower Leakage•Popular TO-247 PackagePOWER MOS V ®CAUTION: These Devices are Sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handling Procedures Should Be Followed.USA405 S.W. Columbia StreetBend, Oregon 97702-1035Phone: (541) 382-8028FAX: (541) 388-0364EUROPEAvenue J.F. Kennedy Bât B4 Parc Cadéra NordF-33700 Merignac - FrancePhone: (33)557921515FAX: (33)556479761APT Website - Symbol I S I SM V SD t rr Q rrDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSSymbol C iss C oss C rss Q g Q gs Q gd t d(on)t r t d(off)t fTest ConditionsV GS = 0V V DS = 25V f = 1 MHz V GS = 10V V DD = 0.5 V DSS I D = I D[Cont.] @ 25°CV GS = 15V V DD = 0.5 V DSS I D = I D[Cont.] @ 25°CR G = 1.6ΩMINTYPMAX305036602803901352001502251624701051224112255851224UNITpFnC ns APT1001RBVRCharacteristic Input Capacitance Output CapacitanceReverse Transfer Capacitance Total Gate Charge 3Gate-Source Charge Gate-Drain ("Miller") Charge Turn-on Delay Time Rise TimeTurn-off Delay Time Fall Time050-5572 R e v CCharacteristic / Test Conditions Continuous Source Current (Body Diode)Pulsed Source Current 1 (Body Diode)Diode Forward Voltage 2 (V GS = 0V, I S = -I D[Cont.])Reverse Recovery Time (I S = -I D[Cont.], dl S /dt = 100A/µs)Reverse Recovery Charge (I S = -I D[Cont.], dl S /dt = 100A/µs)SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICSUNIT Amps Volts ns µCMINTYPMAX11441.370091Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction3See MIL-STD-750 Method 3471temperature.4Starting T j = +25°C, L = 20mH, R G = 25Ω, Peak I L= 11A2Pulse Test: Pulse width < 380 µS, Duty Cycle < 2%APT Reserves the right to change, without notice, the specifications and information contained herein.THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSSymbol R θJC R θJAMINTYPMAX0.4540UNIT °C/WCharacteristic Junction to Case Junction to AmbientZ θJ C , T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E (°C /W )10-510-410-310-210-1 1.010RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (SECONDS)FIGURE 1, MAXIMUM EFFECTIVE TRANSIENT THERMAL IMPEDANCE, JUNCTION-TO-CASE vs PULSE DURATION0. DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 2, TYPICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 3, TYPICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS V GS , GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I D , DRAIN CURRENT (AMPERES)FIGURE 4, TYPICAL TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 5, R DS (ON) vs DRAIN CURRENTT C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 6, MAXIMUM DRAIN CURRENT vs CASE TEMPERATURE FIGURE 7, BREAKDOWN VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)T C , CASE TEMPERATURE (°C)FIGURE 8, ON-RESISTANCE vs. TEMPERATURE FIGURE 9, THRESHOLD VOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURER D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C E I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V G S (T H ), T H R E S H O L D V O L T A G E B V D S S , D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E B R E A K D O W N R D S (O N ), D R A I N -T O -S O U R C E O N R E S I S T A N C EI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )(N O R M A L I Z E D )V O L T A G E (N O R M A L I Z E D)255075100125150-50-250255075100125150-50-250255075100125150APT1001RBVR201612841. R e v CV DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 10, MAXIMUM SAFE OPERATING AREAFIGURE 11, TYPICAL CAPACITANCE vs DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE Q g , TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC)V SD , SOURCE-TO-DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)FIGURE 12, GATE CHARGES vs GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGEFIGURE 13, TYPICAL SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEV G S , G A T E -T O -S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V O L T S )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )I D R , R E V E R S E D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P E R E S )C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )Dimensions in Millimeters and (Inches)APT1001RBVR501051.5.12016128411,0005,0001,00050010050501051.5.1050-5572 R e v CAPT's devices are covered by one or more of the following U.S.patents:4,895,8105,045,9035,089,4345,182,2345,019,5225,262,3365,256,5834,748,1035,283,2025,231,4745,434,0955,528,058TO-247 Package Outline。
CMC-CA羧甲基纤维素钙 羧甲基纤维素CMC-Ca 羧甲纤维素钙 CMC 羧甲纤维素[CAS 9050-04-8] [CAS 9000-11-7]商品名 ECG-505 商品名: NS-300简介:羧甲基纤维素的两种不同型号最初是由 GOTOKU CHEMICAL CO.,LTD.( 五德化学株式会社 ) 研发出来的。
一种是钙型的“ ECG-505 ”而另一种是自由型“ NS-300 ”。
ECG-505 于 1962 年生产,于 1968 年3 月 26 日成功获准专利。
NS-300 的生产在 1967 年开始。
在日本 ECG505 已经获得了最高的评价。
ECG505 和 NS-300 由 NICHIRIN CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD( 一个优秀的转包合同工厂 ) 在严格的控制条件下生产的。
ECG505 和 NS-300 作为片剂和颗粒剂的崩解剂和分散剂已经被广泛的应用。
ECG-500 在 1966 年被日本药典收录。
ECG-500 在 1985 年被 USP-XXI ,US-NF X VI 收录,在 1994 年被欧洲药典( EP )收录。
NS-300 也在 1986 年被日本药典收录。
1992 年,ECG-500 成为 International Harmonization Monographs (国际协调专论)的 25 种最常用的药用辅料之一,并且 NS-300 也作为 ECG-505 的补充条款被选入。
Ⅰ .ECG-505 和 NS-300 的特点ECG-505 和 NS-300 是由纤维素羧甲基化的得到的。
ECG-505 是世界上唯一一种含钙的崩解剂。
NS-300 是由羧甲基纤维素钠在低的 pH 值下酸化处理而得。
ECG-505 和 NS-300 能快速吸水膨胀因此能在短时间内快速崩解。
第 10 页 共 10 页
D602 型
350Ω 100℃时最高 7.5℃ 50℃时最高 2.5℃
0.02pH PH14 时 0.19pH PH10 时 0.08pH
(100℃) △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - ○ ○ ○ △ ○ △ ○ - - ○ ○
*:当在 25℃下进行一点校正时。 ○,△:可执行功能(△:指示精度与 Pt1000Ω相比较差)。
涂层颜色: 盖 箱
:深海墨绿色(Munsell 0.6GY3.1/2.0) :灰白色(Munsell 2.5Y8.4/1.2)。
IM 12B7C1-02E 第3版
PH400G 型智能室外型 pH 转换器在配置“EXAPH 智能室外型 pH 转换器测量系统”时使用。
<特点> ○各种类型的内置触点输出功能可对各应用系统进行控制。 ○用缓冲溶液自动校正过程中,电极特性退化可自动检测。因此,电极更换周期可以探测,而到目前为止是根
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
5.1kΩ 100℃时最高 7.5℃ 50℃时最高 2.5℃
0.02pH PH14 时 0.19pH PH10 时 0.08pH
(100℃) △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ △ ○ △ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
温度传感器 液体温度测量错误 *
温度显示 mA 输出 mV 输出 E.m.f 显示 不对称电位 斜率显示 RE 阻抗显示 响应时间显示 自动校正 手动校正 自动温度补偿 手动温度补偿 标准温度转换 自动清洗 GE 自诊断 RE 自诊断 半值宽度检查 响应时间检查
C. GLASNOST: Upravlja skupni nivo glasnosti. D. VISOKI TONI: Modificira barvo tona v višjih frekvencah. E. SREDNJI TONI: Modificira barvo tona v srednjih frekvencah.
M. KONEKTOR NAPÁJACIEHO KÁBLA IEC A POISTKA: Slúži na pripojenie priloženého kábla, ktorého druhý koniec zapojte do uzemnenej zásuvky s napätím a frekvenciou uvedenou vedľa konektora. Ak potrebujete skontrolovať alebo vymeniť poistku, vytiahnite napájací kábel zo zásuvky a zapáčením otvorte kryt s poistkou pod konektorom. Poistku možno vymeniť iba za poistku rovnakého typu a rovnakých parametrov.
3.6 53
8 115000 660 挤压制粒,药物层积 (有时崩解优于 LH-31 )
LH-B1 . 不含纤 55 维
2.5 40 11 140000 790 流化床制粒,高剂量 处方直接压片
详细说明见本册 20 页。
外观 白色略带微黄粉末 真实密度 1.3g/m 3 ( 用氦比重计测得 ) 溶解性 不溶于水部分溶于有机溶剂 在水中膨胀 溶于 10% 的氢氧化钠溶液,呈混浊的粘性液体 热解温度 大约 290 ℃
有 L-HPC 7.8 8.6
直接压片的最终结果(在片剂含量为 40% )
目前的产品( LH-21 )的性能与微晶纤维素的标准型号一样好,甚至超越了微晶纤维素。在高速旋转过程 中, LH-21 显示出很高的片重差别, LH-B1 和高密度型号微晶纤维素相似,片重差不大。
在湿法制粒中, L-HPC 在制软材过程中能起到缓释作用而适合广泛的水分含量。 LH-21 的特色被应用于 此。特别是低溶解性和低吸湿度的活性组分,可以用大量的 L-HPC 来改善崩解性。而在制片过程中用 20%-40% 的 L-HPC 也是为了此目的——如此高的含量,对于稳定性影响不大,而离子性的崩解剂就不同了。 如此应用,片剂崩解成很好的个体颗粒,这样就可以快速、完全溶解。
度(μ ( g/mL ) ( g/mL ) 纵横 安 氧基
比 息 含量
LH-11 . 多纤维 55
L.B. White 蒸汽热器产品说明书
2For over 65 years L.B. White has been America’s leading portable heat designer. With Midwestern manufacturing expertise we stand behind our craftsmanship, too. So much so, we back our products with a two-year limited warranty—the first and only of its kind in the industry*.Get more than heat from L.B. White.WE STAND BEHIND QUALITY.*Excludes Sunblast Tank Tops12’ extendable ducting (optional-part #26346 [12”] for 80 & 170 PREMIER ®8080 DF 170170 DF 350Premier ®Ductable unit heatersFuel Type(s) available: LP & Dual FuelThese versatile heaters are great for construction sites*, where low noise or an enclosed flame are important. Premier® heaters can be used to provide heat or simple air circulation inside, or be ducted in from the outside.Quiet Simple to read diagnosticsEnclosed flame promotes Included:20’ Remote ThermostatRegulator Gas Hose2®125170170 Ultra170N170N Ultra 400400 Ultra- T hermostatic temperature control (170 and 400 models)- Variable heat output promotes fuel savings- Dependable electronic spark ignition--Variable output control formaximum fuel efficiencyplate for longest lifediagnostic light for convenienttroubleshooting*250,000 - 400,000 BTU/H on LP.Tradesman®Forced Air LP/NG HeatersFuel Type(s) Available: LP, NG, & Dual Fuel Engineered to deliver reliable, directional heat, the Tradesman® heaters feature a unique 3-trial ignition system, the industry’s heaviest gauge combustion chamber and burner plate, and Self Diagnostic Service Saver models for convenient trouble-shooting.3- Dependable dual-prong electronic spark ignition - Comfort control thermostat- B uilt in air diagnostic system for troubleshooting ease - Fuel gauge indicates remaining run time - Durable composite fuel fittings for max life - Threaded drain plug- Wheels and handles for maneuvering (K125 and up)- CSA certified for U.S. and CanadaTradesman ® kForced Air HeatersFuel Type(s) available: kerosene*Provides instant, directional heat when using gas is not convenient, or a self-contained fuel source is desired. A dependable dual-prong electronic spark ignition, heavy duty enclosed motor, and long lasting composite fuel fittings are just a few of the features that provide a long life.Auxiliary 110V power receptacle(125K thru 400K)Temperature display and thermostat control fuel usageIncludes pressure gauge for easy serviceability (K75 thru K210)*Kerosene, #1 and #2 Diesel or #1 fuel oil.4- Easy to transport (single point lifting bale and bottom fork pockets for easy maneuverability)- Quiet burn with high CFM- Can accommodate up to 100’ of ducting - S eparate diagnostic light panels for burner and rest of unit- Remote thermostatic control available - Rugged, urethane wheels don’t go flat, yet absorb bumps like pneumatic tires- O-T L certified for U.S. and CanadaForeman ®Indirect-fired heatersFuel Type(s) available: Dual Fuel & DieselThe vented Foreman® heater is ideal for providing dry, clean, heat into insulated spaces, work areas, warehouses or anywhere clean air is needed. L.B. White’s Foreman® heater features an airrecirculating option, choice of dual or single air output with optionalducting, and easy diagnostics.Two 12” ducts standard or one16” duct sold separatelySwitch between LPG and NG with push lever on DF unit Air recirculation option; just add 20” duct16” Duct Adapter (#30902)Chimney, Raincap(Foreman 500s & 750 DF: #30161, #30162Foreman 750 Oil: #30161A, #30162A)Thermostat (#30125)accessories:5boss ™direct-fired heatersFuel Type(s) available: Dual FuelBoss™ heaters combine 99% fuel efficiency with the ability to distribute heat into largeconstruction or industrial spaces. Loaded with features that benefit owner and operator, thesedirect-fired heaters are engineered to be job site tough and work ashard as you do.1000 DF QuickSwitch TMControl panel featuring and diagnostic light- No parts or downtime to change fuel, confirm onsite voltage, or manage heat output - Truly portable with handle, no-flat wheels, and standard door fit- Indoor/outdoor rated and rust resistant - O-T L certified for U.S. and Canada10-sided case for easy inside-out accessStackable6- Ideal for heavy industrial and rental use - Direct-fired = 99.97% fuel efficiency- 360° heat output (200 Plus and 250 models)- Heavy duty, one piece barrel- Unique top design provides superior distribution of heat - CSA certified for U.S. and Canada (Norseman 200 Plus Only)Heaviest gauge steel body Adjustable shut-off Norseman ™Convection heatersFuel Type(s) available: LPThese heavy duty convection heaters feature cast iron burners and heavy gauge steel bodies. Norseman™ heaters are ideal for rental or frequent usage on construction sites, or anytime electricity is not available.required7- Lightweight for easy maneuverability- Variable heat (225 Plus)- Direct-fired = 99.97% fuel efficiency - Enclosed stainless steel burner provides superior wind resistance - 360° heat output- One piece barrel for strength and durability- No assembly required- CSA certified for U.S. and Canada100N Plus 225 PlusWorkman ™Convection heatersFuel Type(s) available: LP & NGThese standard duty convection heaters feature adjustable output control to save fuel, and a unique top design for superior heatdistribution. Workman™ heaters provide 360° heating and don’t require electricity.Adjustable output control for maximum fuel efficiency Unique top design provides superior distribution of heatNo electricity required8- Lightweight for easy maneuverability - Piezo ignition- Direct-fired = 99.97% fuel efficiency- T ip over switch shuts product down for safety - Works with standard 20 lb. cylinder - ETL certified for U.S. and Canada3535,000Sun Blast ®flat panel radiant heaterFuel Type(s) available: LPThis flat panel radiant is great for spot heating large areas using its tall profile. Easy to move around with its high handle and wheels, this Sun Blast® radiant heater has quiet operation. Radiant heaters heat like the sun, heating objects not the air.Directional heat with large foot print Folding handle and wheelsfor easy transportNo electricity required9- Lightweight for easy maneuverability - Piezo pilot ignition- Improved design over competitive models prevents carbon build-up for longer run time - Direct-fired = 99.97% fuel efficiency- T ip over switch shuts product down for safety - High temperature paint- ETL certified for U.S. and CanadaSun Blast ®round radiant heatersFuel Type(s) available: LP & NGProvides 360° radiant heating and doesn’t require electricity. Their rugged construction makes them durable for any construction site. Radiant heaters heat like the sun, heating objects not the air.360° heat output High handle and wheels for easy transportNo electricity required10- CSA certified high wind resistant burner - Variable BTU output- Front and back protective grill - Shuts off with loss of flame- Fit on your standard 20 lb. LP cylinder - Manual ignition- No electricity required- Direct-fired = 99.97% fuel efficiency - Quick connect P.O.L. tank connection- CSA certified for U.S. and CanadaSun Blast ®tank top Radiant HeatersFuel Type(s) available: LPTank top heaters easily fit on your standard 20 lb. LP tank and provide great spot heat.Radiant heaters heat like the sun, heating objects not the air. Units are available in single or double head models and don’t require electricity.Tip over safety switch Hand-wheel to reduce connection time No electricity required11- Lightweight steel and heavy duty cast iron models - Manual or pilot light- Assembled handle lengths from 17.5 to 41”- No regulator needed for Torchman ™ models- Can use year round- Ships in economical quantities of 4 or 8- E TL certified for Canada (Torchman ™ SV and 500 only)Torchman ™ SV Torchman ™ 500Bertha ™ 500Industrial 250Industrial 365N 300,000500,000500,000250,000365,000Handheld TorchesTorchman ™, bertha ™, & industrialFuel Type(s) available: LP & NGDesigned for a variety ofapplications, L.B. White heavy duty torches meet some of the industry’s toughest specs. Ideal for thawing pipes, burning brush, roofing, and more.Cast iron burner on Bertha &Torchman SV, Industrial 250,Extra handle (part #25791) for maneuverability available onAccessories gas hose1213The number of Btu/h may vary from the chart due to building configurations, materials, and weather variables.4,000 5,320 10,640 15,960 21,280 26,600 31,920 37,240 42,560 8,000 10,640 21,280 31,920 42,560 53,200 63,840 74,480 85,120 12,000 15,960 31,920 47,880 63,840 79,800 95,760 111,720 127,680 16,000 21,280 42,560 63,840 85,120 106,400 127,680 148,960 170,240 20,000 26,600 53,200 79,800 106,400 133,000 159,600 186,200 212,800 24,000 31,920 63,840 95,760 127,680 159,600 191,520 223,440 255,360 28,000 37,240 74,480 111,720 148,960 186,200 223,440 260,680 297,920 32,000 42,560 85,120 127,680 170,240 212,800 255,360 297,920 340,480 36,000 47,880 95,760 143,640 191,520 239,400 287,280 335,160 383,040 40,000 53,200 106,400 159,600 212,800 266,000 319,200 372,400 425,600 44,000 58,520 117,040 175,560 234,080 292,600 351,120 409,640 468,160 48,000 63,840 127,680 191,520 255,360 319,200 383,040 446,880 510,720 52,000 69,160 138,320 207,480 276,640 345,800 414,960 484,120 553,280 56,000 74,480 148,960 223,440 297,920 372,400 446,880 521,360 595,840 60,000 79,800 159,600 239,400 319,200 399,000 478,800 558,600 638,400 64,000 85,120 170,240 255,360 340,480 425,600 510,720 595,840 680,960 68,000 90,440 180,880 271,320 361,760 452,200 542,640 633,080 723,520 72,000 95,760 191,520 287,280 383,040 478,800 574,560 670,320 766,080 76,000 101,080 202,160 303,240 404,320 505,400 606,480 707,560 808,640 80,000 106,400 212,800 319,200 425,600 532,000 638,400 744,800 851,200 84,000 111,720 223,440 335,160 446,880 558,600 670,320 782,040 893,760 88,000 117,040 234,080 351,120 468,160 585,200 702,240 819,280 936,320 92,000 122,360 244,720 367,080 489,440 611,800 734,160 856,520 978,880 96,000 127,680 255,360 383,040 510,720 638,400 766,080 893,760 1,021,440 100,000 133,000 266,000 399,000 532,000 665,000 798,000 931,000 1,064,000 104,000 138,320 276,640 414,960 553,280 691,600 829,920 968,240 1,106,560 108,000 143,640 287,280 430,920 574,560 718,200 861,840 1,005,480 1,149,120 112,000 148,960 297,920 446,880 595,840 744,800 893,760 1,042,720 1,191,680 116,000 154,280 308,560 462,840 617,120 771,400 925,680 1,079,960 1,234,240 120,000 159,600 319,200 478,800 638,400 798,000 957,600 1,117,200 1,276,800Cubic FeetRISE IN TEMPERATURE6°C / 10°F 11°C / 20°F 17°C / 30°F 22°C / 40°F 28°C / 50°F 33°C / 60°F 39°C / 70°F 44°C / 80°FWHAT BTU/H IS NEEDED TO HEAT A GIVEN AREA?1. Multiply room length x width x height to determine total cubic feet.2. L ocate desired rise in temperature.Example: Room is 10°C / 50°F, desired temperature is 21°C / 70°F = 11°C / 20°F rise in temperature3. Read Btu/h500 gallon tank - 1 heater per tank 1000 gallon tank - 2 heaters per tank WHAT size gas supply is needed for my heater?fit to your job site411 Mason Street • Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650(800) 345-7200 - (608) 783-6115 fax /LBWhiteCompanyBased in Onalaska, WI, L.B. White Company is America’s leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of propane, natural gas and kerosene heaters for construction, agricultural, tent and greenhouse environments.Founded in 1952, L.B. White offers over 65 years ofleadership in heating design and manufacturing expertise.Through the course of the company’s history,L.B. White has established a significant leadership position in markets around the world by delivering innovative products and quality service that meet the evolving needs of ourcustomers.Customer Service:Phone: 608-779-6100Email:***************************Technical Support:Phone: 608-779-6101Email:***********************Online Resources:For frequently asked questions, service guides,troubleshooting and maintenance videos, or to find the closest service center to you, visit 。
For HVAC Drive Applications使用手冊使用手冊* 規格若有變更 , 以實際產品為主CPS1 5012604701 2011-08使用之前在操作本产品前,请先详细阅读并注意相关安全讯息,确保自身安全及产品安全。
目录00 目录………………………………………………………………………………………………0-101 产品装置…………………………………………………………………………………………...1-102 检查&建议…………………………………………………………………………………..……2-103 搬运……………………………………………………………………………………….……..…3-104 接线方式……………………………………………………………………………………….…4-105 主回路端子…………………………………………………………………………………….…5-106 控制回路端子…………………………………………………………………………………….6-107 配件选购……………………………………………………………………………………….…7-108 配件卡………………………………………………………………………………………...…..8-109 规格表………………………………………………………………………………………..….9-110 数字操作器使用说明…………………………………………………………………………10-111 参数一览表……………………………………………………………………………………11-112 参数详细说明…………………………………………………………………………………12-113 成功应用范例………………………………………………………………………………13-114 警告显示码说明………………………………………………………………………………14-115 故障显示码说明………………………………………………………………………………15-116 CANopen通讯简介………………………………………………………………………………16-117 PLC 功能应用………………………………………………………………………………17-118 BACnet使用介绍及步骤…………………………………………………………………………18-119 PT100操作说明…………………………………………………………………………..19-1当您需要和本产品的技术人员连络时, 请告知技术人员这个使用手册以及韧体(firmware)的版本Issue Edition手册版本: 01Firmware Version韧体版本: 1.01Keypad Verson: 1.011Issue date发行日期: August 2011改版历程日期手册版本韧体版本修改摘要2011/08 01 1.01 增加参数由Pr03-50 模拟计算方式 ~ 03-68 AUI最高点百分比ge.更改初始值: Pr06-03 和 Pr06-04 的初始值更改为ㄧ般负载: 120%; 轻负载: 120%更改Pr08-10 中文参数名称为睡眠参考点更改Pr08-10的设定范围为 0.00~600.00Hz 或更改Pr08-11 中文参数名称为苏醒参考点更改Pr08-11的设定范围为 0.00~600.00Hz 或增加参数Pr08-18: 睡眠模式设定增加参数Pr08-19: 驱动器苏醒时积分量的上限增加 Pr02-57: 外/内部端子增加 Pr02-58: 内部端子设定值增加 Pr05-07: IM 电机1 参数 Rr (转子电阻)增加 Pr05-08: IM电机1 参数Lm (磁通互感量)增加 Pr05-09: IM电机1 参数Lx (总漏感抗)增加 Pr05-19: IM电机2 参数Rr (转子电阻)增加 Pr05-20: IM 电机2 参数 Lm (磁通互感量)增加 Pr05-21: IM 电机2 参数Lx (转子电阻)更改Pr09-50的设定范围为 0~127移除Pr09-54: BACnet Enable Master产品装置01 产品装置当使用者拿到产品机种时,请参考下列步骤,以确保使用安全。
化学品安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制。
第1部分 化学品及企业标识KE-4961-W产品名称制造商公司名称信越化学工业株式会社联系部门品保部(群马事业所)地址日本群马县安中市矶部 2丁目13-1 〒379-0195电话号码+81(0)27-385-2172传真+81(0)27-385-2753供应商信息公司名称信越有机硅国际贸易(上海)有限公司联系部门业务部地址上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路789号均瑶国际广场29楼F1室 200032电话号码+86-21-6443-5550传真+86-21-6443-5868紧急联系+86-21-3414-1011电子邮件推荐用途及限制用途RTV橡胶 导热RTV橡胶(粘结和密封)推荐用途仅限于一般工业用限制用途2013/09/12最初编制日期2018/05/15修订日期2016/04/18旧版日期第2部分 危险性概述紧急情况概述无已知的特定危害。
第3部分 成分/组成信息混合物物质/混合物含量含量(%)(%)CAS CAS 号号化学名称1344-28-120 - 30氧化铝Aluminum oxide2768-02-71 - 3烷氧基硅烷Alkoxysilane 13463-67-70.3 - 1钛氧化物Titanium oxide 分解产物CAS CAS 号号含量含量(%)(%)甲醇67-56-1第4部分 急救措施移至空气新鲜处。
信越固晶胶说明书MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETSECTION 1. COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONCOMPANY IDENTIFICATIONMANUFACTURER'S NAME: Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.ADDRESS: 6-1, 2-Chome, Ohtemachi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, JAPAN EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER:02-2715-0055(Shin-Etsu Silicone Taiwan Co., Ltd.)TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR INFORMATION:03-3246-5121(Tokyo, JAPAN)02-2715-0055(Shin-Etsu Silicone T aiwan Co., Ltd) DATA PREPARED : 07/02/2008LAST REVISION : 03/31/2010DATA ISSUED : 03/11/2011ISSUE NO 201103001276BASE NO 2PRODUCT NAME :KER-3000-M2PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION:One Component Silicone Rubber CompoundSECTION 2. COMPOSITIONSINGLE OR MIXTURE:MixtureCHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION:Organopolysiloxane mixtureHAZARDOUS COMPONENT(S)/(CAS No.):No hazardous materials present(See Section 8 of this MSDS for Exposure Guideline)(See Section 11 of this MSDS for Mutagenicity) SECTION 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHAZARDS CLASSIFICATION:None (based on IMO)None (based on DOT)FIRE AND EXPLOSION:Not considered flammable, but may burn vigorously if involved in a fire.Contact with acidic, basic or oxidizing materials generates flammable and explosive hydrogen gas.POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECT:SKIN contact ; May cause slight skin irritation and allergicskin reaction.EYES contact ; May cause slight eyes irritation. INGESTION ; Low-harmfulSECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURESSKIN contact ; Remove product from skin with dry cloth or towel, and wash exposed area with detergent.EYES contact ; Immediately flush with water for at least15 minutes.INGESTION ; Wash out mouth with water provided person is conscious. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physicianimmediately.SECTION 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESFLASH POINT(method used):Not applicable(On heating it causes curing.)FLAMMABLE LIMITS:LOWER: Not measured UPPER: Not measuredEXTINGUISHING MEDIA:Foam or carbon dioxideSPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURE:NoneUNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD:NoneSECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESSTEP TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED:Contain the spill or leak.Scrape up with cardboard or rag and place in container,in such a case pay attention to generation of hydrogen gas by contaminants.SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPRECAUTION TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING: Keep container closed when not in use.Vent the container properly to eliminate internal pressure.Store in a cool place(Qualitatively -10 to 10 degrees C).Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.Do not lay the container on its side.Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated skin contact.Avoid contact with acidic, basic or oxidizing materials.Contact lens wearers take appropriate precaution.Keep out of reach of children.* * * * * Information about the emptied container * * * * *Do not re-use this container.Keep away from heat, sparks and flame.Do not puncture or cut this container, and do not weld on or near this container.SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE GUIDELINES:ACGIH TLV-TWA : Not established,OSHA PEL : Not established [Epoxysiloxane]RESPIRATORY PROTECTION(specify type):See SECTION 11 of this MSDS for OTHER INFORMATIONVENTILATION:LOCAL EXHAUST: See SECTION 11 of this MSDS for OTHER INFORMATIONMECHANICAL(general): See SECTION 11 of this MSDS for OTHERINFORMATIONSPECIAL: Not requiredOTHER: Not requiredPROTECTIVE GLOVES:Plastic film or rubber glovesEYE PROTECTION:Safety glassesOTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT:Eyewash equipmentWORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES:Keep away from heat and flame.Avoid contact with eyes and prolonged or repeated skincontact.Avoid contact with acidic, basic or oxidizing materials. Wash hands after handling.SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT:Not applicableVAPOR PRESSURE:<1mmHg (25 degrees C) [Epoxysiloxane]VAPOR DENSITY(air=1):12.2 [Epoxysiloxane]SPECIFIC GRAVITY:1.15 (25 degrees C)MELTING POINT:Not applicableEVAPORATION RATE:Negligible (Butyl Acetate=1)SOLUBILITY IN WATER:Not solubleAPPEARANCE(color):Milk-white, translucentAPPEARANCE(form):PasteODOR:Slight odorSECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY:UnstableCONDITION TO AVOID:Contact with acidic, basic or oxidizing materials. INCOMPATIBILITY(material to avoid):Acidic, basic or oxidizing materials.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BY-PRODUCT:Flammable hydrogen gasThermal breakdown of this product during fire or veryhigh heat condition may evolve the following hazardousdecomposition product: Carbon oxides and traces ofincompletely burned carbon compounds. Silicon dioxide.Formaldehyde.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION:May occurCONDITION TO AVOID:Contact with acidic, basic and oxidizing materials. SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONCORROSIVE(SKIN)[Test by IMO]:No corrosive effect (Rabbit). [Epoxysiloxane]SKIN IRRITATION:Mild irritant with primary irritation index of 0.7[Epoxysiloxane]EYE IRRITATION:EYE-RABBIT : MILDResulted in adverse effects on the conjunctivae.The irritation of the conjunction was reversible within72 hours. [Epoxysiloxane]ACUTE TOXICITY(LD50):No information is available.ACUTE TOXICITY(LC50):No information is available.CHRONIC TOXICITY:No information is available.CARCINOGENICITY:NTP:Not listed, IARC:Not listed, OSHA REGULATED:Not listed MUTAGENICITY:Positive(Bacteria) [Epoxysiloxane]OTHER INFORMATION:This product can generate formaldehyde at approximately 150 degrees C(300'F) and above in the presence of air.Formaldehyde is a skin and respiratory sensitizer, eye andthroat irritant, acute toxicant and potential cancerhazard. So, use adequate ventilation or wear protectiveequipment such as gloves, goggles or protective clothingwhen this product is heated at approximately 150 degrees C(300'F) and above in the presence of air.SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONBIODEGRADATION:No information is available.BIOACCUMULATION:No information is available.AQUATIC TOXICITY:No information is available.OTHER INFORMATION:NoneSECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSCan be burned in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.Do not dispose the emptied container unlawfully.Observe all federal, state, and local laws.SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONID No.:NoneCLASSIFICATION AND CLASS:NonePACKAGING GROUP:NonePROPER SHIPPING NAME:NoneTECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME:NoneMARINE POLLUTANT:None* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *ID No.(49CFR 172.101):NoneHAZARD CLASS(49CFR 172.101):NonePACKING GROUP(49CFR 172.101):NonePROPER SHIPPING NAME(49CFR 172.101):NoneTECHNICAL SHIPPING NAME:NoneDOT REPORTABLE QUANTITY(49CFR 172.101, APP.) :HAZARD SUBSTANCE(S) NAME / (CAS No.), CONTENTS AND RQNot applicableSECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONTOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT(TSCA) STATUS:Listed on the TSCA Inventory.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZAITION ACT OF 1986(SARA)TITLE III SECTION 313 SUPPLIER NOTIFICATION:This regulation requires submission of annual reports of toxic chemical(s) that appear in section 313 of the emergency planningand community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 and 40 CFR 372.This information must be included in all MSDS's that are copiedand distributed for the material.The toxic chemical(s) contained in this product are:CHEMICAL NAME/(CAS No.) AND CONTENTS** None *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65:This regulation requires a warning for CaliforniaProposition 65 Chemical(s) under the statute.The California Proposition 65 Chemical(s) contained in this product are:CHEMICAL NAME/(CAS No.) AND CONTENTS** None **SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATIONFor Industrial Use Only* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This materials safety data sheet is offered solely for your information, consideration and investigation.The data described in this MSDS consist of data on literature, our acquisitional data and analogical inference by data of similar chemical substance or product.Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. provides no warranties, either express or implied, and assumes no responsibility for theaccuracy or completeness of the data contained herein.。
Vulcan Series 操作员手册说明书
序言 | Vulcan Series 操作员手册
启动设备时,系统会提示您注册设备。您也可以在系统设置对 话框或者系统控制对话框中选中注册选项,按照说明进行注册。
131 AIS 131 关于 AIS 131 选择 AIS 目标
目录 | Vulcan Series 操作员手册
131 搜索 AIS 船舶 131 显示目标信息 132 呼叫 AIS 船舶 133 DSC 船舶跟踪 133 AIS SART 134 船舶警报 135 危险目标 135 AIS 目标符号和图标 138 船舶设置
序言 | Vulcan Series 操作员手册
• Naviop® 是 Navico Holding AS 的商标。 • Naviop Loop® 是 Navico Holding AS 的商标。 • NMEA® 和 NMEA 2000® 是 National Marine Electronics
• 重新定向或定位接收天线 • 增大设备和接收器之间的距离 • 将设备连接至与接收器所在电路不同的电路插座中 • 咨询经销商或经验丰富的技术人员以寻求帮助
加拿大 ISED 本设备符合加拿大 ISED(创新、科学和经济发展)的免许可证 RSS。操作必须遵从以下两个条件:(1) 该设备不会产生干扰, 并且 (2) 该设备必须可承受任何干扰,包括可能导致设备操作 不当的干扰。
Vulcan™ Series
如:电器柜;太阳能电池;电池;混合集成电路;TC热风扇与元件;电器制品;电源;传感器;荧光灯具;薄膜开关;LED显示板;军事电子器件;航空系统;LCD显示器;CRT阴极射线管产品类型颜色黏度表干主要特点(min)KE45 肟透/白/黑膏状 6 通用型,一般密封,粘接,固定用,耐燃UL-94HBKE44 肟透/白/黑粘稠状40 通用型,中等黏度,一般密封,粘接,固定用KE441 肟透/白自流平状60 低黏度,一般密封,粘接,涂覆用KE445 肟透/白自流平状15 更低黏度,一般密封,粘接,涂覆用KE40RTV 肟白/灰膏状12 密封,粘接,固定用,耐燃UL-94 V0 KE402 肟白粘稠状15 密封,粘接,披覆用,耐燃UL-94 V0KE3490 丙酮灰膏状 3 高精密要求,密封,粘接,固定用,耐燃UL-94 V0KE348 丙酮透/白/黑膏状 1 高精密要求,密封,粘接,固定用KE347 丙酮透/白/黑粘稠状 4 高精密要求,密封,粘接,固定,披覆用防潮、绝缘和保护:硅胶保护膜用于已组装完成的功能电路板,可充分地保护此电路板在极恶劣环境下使用,而不会影响其工作与讯号,如极高、低温环境,化学腐蚀环境,高污染多灰尘环境及高湿度环境中。
¾ 当安全性能降低时就可能产生危险,设备必须要送修,包括不能正 常的使用。当出现下列情形时安全性能将不再保证: 外观出现明显的缺陷 设备不能正常工作 设备在恶劣条件下存储过长的时间 设备在运输过程中受到过重的压力 设备内进入液体
2.3 系统组成 2.3.1 Power Cube 32/45 高频电源 Power Cube 32/900 和 45/900 型高频电源,主要由电源电路、高频发 生装置电路和控制电路三大部分组成。设备通过微处理器,进行系 统自检,并实时监控运行状态、信号显示及必要的中断操作。
Power Cube 高频电源的设计方案,符合当前国际电气安全标准、
EMC 和 CE 规定。
Power Cube 高频电源最基本的感应加热焊接组成方案包括:
2.3.2 Power Cube 64 高频电源 Power Cube 64/900 型高频电源由两大电气单元组成:
¾ MAIN UNIT, 用于程序控制 及管理的主单元
¾ SLAVE UNIT,起支持作用的 辅助单元
其构造主要由电源电路、高频发生装 置电路和控制电路三大部分组成。设 备通过微处理器,进行系统自检,并实时监控运行状态、信号显示 及必要的中断操作。 2.3.3 加热头 Power Cube 高频电源,允许连接不同型号的加热头,用于不同工位 的加热焊接:
toyota 7 inch Basic AVX使用者手冊说明书
Article 3 (Terms of License)1.I n assigning this product, User may not retain the original copy of the embedded Licensed Software (including associated literature, updates and upgrades) and any duplicates and associated literature with regard tothe license to use Licensed Software. User may transfer Licensed Software only to the condition of binding the assignee to abide by the terms of this Software License Agreement.2.U ser may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, decompile or otherwise analyze the source code of Licensed Software.Article 4 (Rights to Licensed Software)All rights to Licensed Software and the associated literature, including copyrights, shall reside with Licensor orthe original right holder who has granted the Right of Use and right to sublicense to Licensor (hereinafter referred to as “Original Right Holder”), and User does not have any rights other than Right of Use granted hereunder with regard to Licensed Software and the associated literature. Article 5 (Exemption Granted to Licensor)1.L icensor and Original Right Holder do not assume any responsibility for damages caused to User or third parties resulting from the exercise by User of the license granted hereunder, unless otherwise provided by any law to the contrary.2.L icensor does not warrant Licensed Software to be merchantable, compatible and fit for specific purposes.Article 6 (Responsibility for Third Parties)If disputes over the infringement of third parties’intellectual property rights, such as copyrights and patent rights, arise out of the use of Licensed Software by User, User shall resolve these disputes at User’s own expenses while keep Licensor and Original Right Holder harmless.Article 7 (Secrecy Obligation)User shall keep confidential Licensed Software provided hereunder, information contained in the associated literature or the like and those provisions of this agreement not yet in public knowledge and may not disclose or leak these to third parties without prior written consent from Licensor.Article 8 (Cancellation of the Agreement) Licensor reserves the right to cancel thisagreement forthwith and claim compensation from User for the damages caused by such cancellation when User:(1)B reaches any of the provisions of thisagreement, or(2)H as received a petition for seizure, provisionalseizure, provisional disposition or any otherkind of compulsory execution.Article 9 (Destruction of Licensed Software)If this agreement is terminated under the provision of the foregoing paragraph, User shall destroy Licensed Software, along with all associated literature and its duplicates, within two (2) weeks from the date of termination. Article 10 (Copyright Protection)1.C opyrights and all other intellectual property rights relating to Licensed Software shall reside with Licensor and Original Right Holder and in no circumstances with User.2.U ser shall abide by the laws relating to copyrights and intellectual property rights in using Licensed Software.Article 11 (Export Control)1.L icensed Software and the associated literature or the like may not be exportedto places outside the Country (including transmission outside the Country over the Internet or the like).2.U ser agrees that Licensed Software is subjectto export controls imposed by the Country and the United States of America.3.U ser agrees to comply with all the international and domestic laws that applyto this software (U.S. Export Administration Regulations and regulations established bythe U.S., the Country and their governmental agencies regarding usage by end users and export destinations).Article 12 (Miscellaneous)1.E ven if this agreement is invalidated in part by law, all other provisions shall remain in effect.2. L icensor and User shall consult each other in good faith to resolve any matters not provided for in this agreement or questions arising from the interpretation of this agreement.3.L icensor and User agree that this agreementis governed by the law of Japan and that all disputes involving claims and obligations that may arise out of this agreement will be settled by arbitration at the Tokyo District Court asthe court of first instance.ii基本操作6基本操作前面板按鈕功能57 12346右手驅動機型1237 564左手驅動機型注意• 本指南中的面板是用作清晰說明操作的範例。
PerfectCare Expert Plus Max 7.5 bar 蒸汽铁 说明书
PerfectCare ExpertPlusMax 7.5 bar pressureUp to 520g steam boost1.8L detachable watertankUltra-light ironGC8962/40Incredibly light and powerfulfor speed and comfortPerfectCare Expert Plus is designed for your comfort and convenience. Ultra-lightand easy to handle, but still with powerful steam to achieve great results faster.With OptimalTEMP technology to guarantee no burns on all ironable garments.No temperature setting needed, guaranteed no burnOptimalTEMP technology, no temperature settings requiredNo burns – guaranteedFast ironing with continuous powerful steamPowerful steam for ultimate crease removalEasy and efficient descaling system for lasting performanceSteamGlide Advanced soleplate, ultimate gliding & durabilitySave energy with ECO modeExtra convenienceUltra-light weight and comfortable iron to handlePowerful yet silent steamLarge 1.8L detachable water tank for easy refillingCarry lock for safe and easy transportAutomatic shut off when iron is left unattendedHighlightsNo temperature setting neededIron everything from silk to jeans without adjusting the temperature. Thanks toOptimalTEMP, no dial or settings are needed.So there’s no more pre-sorting the laundry, or waiting for the iron to heat up and cool down.You're ready for any fabric, anytime.No burns – guaranteedThanks to OptimalTEMP technology, we guarantee this iron will never cause burns to any ironable fabric. You can even leave it resting face down on your clothes or ironing board. No burns, no shine. Guaranteed.Ultra-powerful steamStrong, continuous steam tackles even the thickest fabrics with ease. Watch stubborn creases melt away with an extra steam boost just where you need it. This extra steam is perfect for vertical steaming to refresh clothes and curtains, too.Ultra-light weight ironThe iron is amazingly light and comfortable to handle, gliding easily and reducing wrist strain.Its minimal weight also makes it easy and effective for vertical steaming of curtains and hanging clothes.SteamGlide Advanced soleplateOur superior SteamGlide Advanced soleplate delivers smooth gliding performance on any fabric. Its stainless steel base is twice as hard as a aluminum, and our patented 6-layer coating with its advanced titanium layereffortlessly glides on any fabric for the fastest results.Easy De-CalcRegular descaling protects your iron, extends its lifetime, and ensures the best steam performance. Our exclusive Easy De-Calcsystem collects limescale continuously with an indicator light to tell you when it needsemptying. Simply remove the plug and let the water and scale particles flow out.Silent steam technologySilencing filters minimize steam noise so our powerful steam won’t overpower the sounds of television, music or family.1.8L detachable water tank1.8-liter transparent tank gives you up to 2hours of continuous use. When the water tank is empty, you will be reminded by the indicator light and you can refill easily at any time under the tap through the large filling door.Safety carry lockLock your iron securely to the base station for easy carrying around the house and to reduce the risk of accidentally touching the hot soleplate.SpecificationsT echnologyCyclonic steam chamberFor all ironable fabricsNo burnsNo temperature settings needed OptimalTEMP technologySilent steam TechnologyFast crease removalContinuous steam: Up to 120 g/min Power: Max 2100 WPressure: Max 7.5 barReady to use: 2 minSteam boost: Up to 520 gSteam-on-demandVertical steamVoltage: 220 - 240 VEasy to useSafe on all ironable fabrics: Even delicates like silkSoleplate gliding performance: 5 stars Soleplate name: SteamGlide AdvancedWater tank capacity: 1800 mlDetachable water tankHose length: 1.7 mLow water alertPower cord length: 1.65 mPrecision steam tipReady to use: Light indicatorRefill any time during useSafety auto offSoleplate scratch resistance: 5 starsTap water suitableScale managementDescaling and cleaning: Easy De-calcDescaling reminder: LightStorageCarry lock: For transportation and safetyHose storage: Hose storage compartmentSize and weightPackaging dimensions (WxHxL): 31 x 31 x47 cmProduct dimensions (WxHxL): 23.9 x 26.9 x42.6 cmTotal weight with packaging: 5.5 kgWeight of iron: 0.8 kgWeight of iron + base: 4 kgGuarantee2 year worldwide guaranteeGreen efficiencyEnergy saving modeEnergy saving*: 45 %Product packaging: 100% recycableUser manual: 100% recycled paper* Up to 30% energy saving with ECO mode compared todefault mode based on IEC 60311© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑01‑11 Version: 9.3.1EAN: 08 71010 39207 24 。
35-55μm 70-130μm 1.5-3.0
美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 日本药典
美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 信越
25kg-----------纤维纸板桶内衬双层聚乙烯包装 1kg------------双层聚乙烯包装
休止角(°) 特点
43 快速溶胀
直接压片 口崩片
新型号 NBD-021 11 45
0.32 43 标准性质
直接压片 湿法制粒
NBD-020 14 45
0.32 43 具有更好的粘合 性质 湿法制粒
目前型号 LH-21 11 45 135
NBD 型号的优势: 高强度粘合性 好的崩解性和好的药物溶出特质 好的流动性 好的口感 优质的稳定性
NBD 型号的物理性质
ContentsChapter Page 1INTRODUCTION1.1General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.2 Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.3Indications for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.4Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 1.5Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 1.6 Adverse Reactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-63STIMULATION MODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-84INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE4.1Check Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 4.2Connect electrodes to lead wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 4.3Connect lead wires to unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 4.4Place electrodes on skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 4.5Select the electrode numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11Chapter Page 4.6 Select the mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 4.7Adjust the Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 4.8 Adjust Channel Amplitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 4.9 T urn Unit Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 4.10 Portability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 4.11 Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 4.12 Care of Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 4.13 Care of Electrode Cords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145HANDLING AND STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157ACCESSORIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181. INTRODUCTION1.1 General information:This interferential (IFC) device is a lightweight and portable medical device which can help to reduce pain and discomfort. It utilizes the low electric-current to stimulate muscle nerves to achieve the symptomatic relief of chronic intractable pain, post-traumatic pain, and post-surgical pain.1.2 CautionsFederal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of practitioners licensed by the State in which they practice to use or order the use of the device.1.3 Indications for use:This device is used in symptomatic relief of chronic intractable pain, post-traumatic and post-surgical pain.1.4 Warnings:1.4.1 The long-term effects of chronic electrical stimulation are unknown.1.4.2 Stimulation should not be applied over the carotid sinus nerves, particularly in patients with a knownsensitivity to the carotid sinus reflex.1.4.3 Stimulation should not be applied over the neck or mouth. Severe spasm of the laryngeal and pharyngealmuscles may occur and the contractions may be strong enough to close the airway or cause difficulty inbreathing.1.4.4 Stimulation should not be applied transthoracically in that the introduction of electrical current into theheart may cause cardiac arrhythmias.11.4.5 Stimulation should not be applied over swollen, infected, or inflamed areas or skin eruptions, e.g., phlebitis,thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.1.4.6 Stimulation should not be applied over, or in proximity to, cancerous lesions.1.4.7 For external use only.1.4.8 Do not use IFC on the eye area.1.4.9 This device should be used only under the continued supervision of a licensed medical practitioner.1.4.10 Safety of IFC devices for use during pregnancy or delivery has not been established.1.4.11 Electronic equipment such as ECG monitors and ECG alarms may not operate properly when IFC is in use.1.4.12 Apply the electrodes to clean, dry, and unbroken skin only.1.4.13 This device should not be used while driving, operating machinery, or during any activity in whichinvoluntary muscle contractions may put the user at undue risk of injury.1.4.14 This device should be kept out of the reach of children.1.4.15 Keep electrodes separate during treatment. Electrodes in contact with each other could result in improperstimulation or skin burns.1.5 Precautions:1.5.1 Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed heart problems.1.5.2 Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed epilepsy.21.5.3 Caution should be used in the presence of the following:(a)When there is a tendency to hemorrhage following acute trauma or fracture(b)Following recent surgical procedures when muscle contraction may disrupt the healing process.(c)Over the menstruating or pregnant uterus(d)Over areas of the skin which lack normal sensation.1.5.4 Some patients may experience skin irritation or hypersensitivity due to the electrical stimulation orelectrical conductive medium. The irritation can usually be reduced by using an alternate conductivemedium, or alternate electrode placement.1.5.5 Electrode placement and stimulation settings should be based on the guidance of the prescribingpractitioner.1.5.6 This device should be used only with the leads and electrodes recommended for use by the manufacturer.1.5.7 Isolated cases of skin irritation may occur at the site of the electrode placement following long-termapplication.1.5.8 Effectiveness is highly dependent upon patient selection by a person qualified in the management of painpatients.1.5.9 If the stimulation levels are uncomfortable or become uncomfortable, reduce the stimulation amplitude to acomfortable level and contact your physician if problems persist.1.6 Adverse Reactions:1.6.1 Possible skin irritation or electrode burn under the electrodes may occur.1.6.2 Possible allergic skin reaction to tape or gel may occur.34A panel covers the controls. Y our medical professional may ask to set these controls for you and request you leave the cover in place.Amplitude Control:It controls the "INTENSITY" level of stimulating pulses. The control located at the right top of the unit regulates the amplitude, or intensity, of the stimulation and is the ON/OFF CONTROL. The power indicator will light up with green color when the unit is working.Caution: If the stimulation levels are uncomfortable or become uncomfortable, reduce the stimulation intensity to a comfortable level and contact your physician if problems persist.Rate ControlAdjust Frequency from 1 Hz to 150 Hz by turning the control. The control is located at the left top of the unit. Electrode SwitchT o select for using two electrode pads or four electrode pads.Mode SelectorSet C, 1/1, 8/8, 10/10 mode56789NOTE: Always read this instruction manual before use.PREPARATION FOR USE4.1 Check Battery:Insert a fresh 9V alkaline or rechargeable battery into the battery compartment. Makesure that you are installing the battery properly. The battery is inserted in the casing onthe foot of the stimulator unit.BE SURE TO MATCH THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ENDS OF THEBATTERY TO THE MARKINGS IN THE BATTERY COMPARTMENT OFUNIT .CONNECTING THE STIMULATOR4.2 Connect electrodes to lead wires:Insert the lead wire connector into electrodes connector (standard 0.08 inch femaleconnection).MAKE SURE THAT NO BARE METAL OF THE PINS IS EXPOSEDCaution: Always use the electrodes with the requirements of the EN60601-1 and EN60601-2, such as withCE mark, or which are legally marketed in the US under 510(K) procedure.4. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USEAngle"L"-shapeplugSelf-adhesiveElectrodes Pads104.4 Place electrodes on skin:Apply electrodes to the exact site indicated by your physician following the instruction included with the electrodes labeling. Before applying electrodes, be sure the skin surface over which electrodes are placed is thoroughly cleaned and dried. Make sure the electrodes are placed firmly to skin and make good contact between the skin and the electrodes. Place the electrodes over the skin; attach them properly, firmly and evenly. ADJUSTING THE CONTROLS4.5 Select the electrode numbersShift to the left when applying one pair of electrodes (the "two electrodes" position). Shift the switch to the right when applying two pairs of electrodes (the "four electrodes" position). No stimulation is delivered from "Channel 1" when one pair of electrodes is utilized and the electrode switch is set in the "two electrodes" position.4.6 Select the mode:Shift "MODE" switch to set the stimulation mode recommended by your physician or therapist. For details about stimulating sequences, refer to Sec. 3 "Stimulation Modes ".114.7 Adjust the Rate:The rate is adjustable 1~150Hz.T urn Rate Control to adjust Rate to the setting recommended by your medicalprofessional.4.8 Adjust Channel Amplitude:T urn Amplitude knob clockwise. Slowly turn the Amplitude control until you reach thesetting recommended by your prescribing medical practitioner.Caution: If the stimulation levels are uncomfortable or become uncomfortable, reduce the stimulationintensity to a comfortable level and contact your physician if problems persist.4.9 T urn Unit Off:T urn Channel Amplitude control to OFF. Unplug the electrode lead wires, grasping themby the plug, not the cord. If treatment will be resumed shortly, the electrodes may be left on the skin. When the electrodes are removed, clean the skin thoroughly with mild soap and water. If there is skin irritation, consult your medical professional.12CARE AND MAINTENANCE4.10 Portability:Y our unit is portable and may be clipped to a belt, shirt pocket, bra or other clothing.4.11 Battery:T o replace the battery, open the lid cover and extract the battery. Replace it with a 9 V alkaline or similar rechargeable battery. Make sure you insert the battery correctly.13144.12 Care of Electrodes:T o avoid skin irritation and ensure good contact with skin, clean silicone rubber electrodes with soap and water frequently. The electrodes must be dried completely before using.✽If you are using self-adhesive electrodes, disregard this procedure.✽Always use the electrodes with the requirements of the EN60601-1 and EN60601-2, such as with C E mark, or which are legally marketed in the US under 510(K) procedure.4.13 Care of Electrode cords:Clean the electrode cords by wiping them with damp cloth. Coating them lightly with talcum powder will reduce tangles and prolong the life.5. HANDLING AND STORAGEKeep this device in the carrying case and store at room temperature.6. SPECIFICATIONransportation Humidity Range*All values have10% tolerance.7. ACCESSORIESSelf-Adhesive Electrodes 4 PCS.9 V Battery 1 PC.Lead Wires 2 PCS.Instruction Manual 1 PC. ArrayAC Adapter 1 PC.168. TROUBLESHOOTING17•The power indicator lights up, butunit does not function properly.•"On" and "Battery Light" are dim.•None of indicators light up.1. Check all control settings. Are they set to values prescribed byyour medical professional?2. Are electrodes in proper position?3. Check lead wires. Be sure allconnectors are firmly sealed.4. Replace cord set with another tocheck for broken wires.1. Replace battery with a new one.1. Replace battery with a new one.If your unit does not seem to operate correctly, refer to the chart below to determine what may be wrong. If none of these measures correct the problem, the unit should be serviced.9. WARRANTY* Unit: One year (12 months) from the date of the original consumer purchase.* Accessories (consisting of lead wire, AC adapter, electrodes, carrying case, and belt clip): 90 days from the date of original consumer purchase.T o obtain service from Chattanooga Group or the selling dealer under this warranty, a written claim must be made within the warranty period to Chattanooga Group or the selling dealer.Chattanooga Group shall not be held liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages. Some states do notallow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may notapply to you.18。
HPS Titan N encapsulated transformers 产品说明说明书
2FEATURES & BENEFITSHPS Titan ®N encapsulated transformers offer an innovativedesign with technological improvements for industrial and hazardous applications.The transformer core and coil is completely encapsulated in epoxy and silica, providing excellent protection from airborne contaminants and prevents the ingress of moisture.HPS Titan N three phase design has a removable hinged door and factory installed grounding lugs, reducing installationtime and money.APPROVALS• ANSI/ISA 12.12.10 - File No. E258346 (Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D and Class 1, Zone 2, Group IIC, T3 Hazardous Locations) - T3C/T3A Temperature Classification• UL 5085-1 and UL5085-2 Listed - File No. E258346• ABS Type Approval (Marine Duty Service and OffshoreApplications)APPLICATIONSPetrochemical Marine IndustrialOil & Gas Mining WastewaterSingle Phase • Copper winding • Electrostatic shield • Standard wall mounting with keyhole mounting slots • Front accessible hinged door • Standard Type 3R enclosure suitable for indoor or outdoor applications Three Phase • Higher impedance designs lower inrush and short circuit currents, allowing the use of less costly protective devices • Completely encapsulated in epoxy and silica to prevent the ingress of moisture • Standard 10kV BIL rating provides increased reliability and protection against critical equipment failure (including voltage spikes and other line transients)• Copper winding • Electrostatic shield • Improved efficiency level that reduces energy costs • Standard Type 4 enclosure suitable for indoor or outdoor applications • Removable hinged door allows for easy access to terminations • Standard integral floor and wall mounting brackets on select kVA’s for faster installation • Optional breather drains ensure that any moisture build-up due to condensation is easily eliminated without compromising Type 4/12 enclosure integrity Temperature Code*: • Class 1, Zone 2, Group IIC, T3• T3A (115o C rise units) at 40o C ambient • T3C (80o C & 95o C rise units) at 40o C ambient • HPS Titan N 80o C and 95o C rise units are suitable for 50o C ambient 80o C rise at 50o C ambient maintains T3C performance 95o C rise at 50o C ambient maintains T3A performance (95o C rise unit only available in three phase)*For three phase units only3Quick access to terminations*Easy access to ground*Removable hinged door*Installation made fast & easy!The improved three phase enclosure design allows for quick and easy installation. By simply loosening the screw clips on the side of the enclosure, installers are able to access the terminations. The removable hinged door and front accessible terminations allow for easier cable installation in confined spaces.Testing All HPS transformers are tested at HPS prior to shipment. They must meet very stringent quality criteria prior to release.→Three PhaseFactory Installed Grounding Lugs Separate High & Low Voltage Terminal Boards Wall & Floor Mounting On Select kVA’sStandard Type 4 Enclosure Adjustable Screw Clips With Gasket Stop Lifting HooksRemovable Hinged Door Encapsulated In Epoxy & Silica Wall Mounting Standard Knock-Outs For Fast Conduit Connections Front Access Hinged Door Type 3R Enclosure *On three phase units Textured Paint For Increased DurabilityVoltage TapsSingle Phase4Data subject to change without notice.Single PhasekVA:Up to 37.5kVA UL Listed:File: E258346Frequency:60 Hz (50/60Hz options available)Insulation System:130°C (80°C rise) up to 1 kVA 180°C (115°C rise) 1.5 to 37.5 kVA optional 180°C (80°C rise) 1.5 to 37.5 kVA Enclosure Type:Heavy duty enclosed Type 3R standard [optional Type 4, 12, 4X]Enclosure Finish:ANSI 61 Grey Standard Primary Taps:Refer to wiring diagrams for detailsSTANDARD SPECIFICATIONSTermination:Front accessible separated high and low voltage lead wires or copper tabs Conduit Entry:Rear or side entry Impedance:Typically 1% to 7%Mounting:Standard wall mounting with keyhole mounting slots.Lifting provisions standard from 5 kVA to 37.5 kVA.Seismic:Seismically qualified according to the International Building Code (IBC) 2018, and the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 7-10 specifications, with the following design parameters: Spectral acceleration: S DS ≤2.0 g Importance factor: I p = 1.5 Attachment/height ratio: z/h =1.0” O.S.H.P.D. California Certified Sound Level:Meets NEMA ST-20 standards (optional low noise units available)Warranty:10 yearsSpecifications & Accessories5Data subject to change without notice.Three PhasekVA:Up to 150kVA UL Listed:File: E258346Frequency:60 Hz (50/60 Hz available)Insulation System:80°C rise (130°C class) - 2 & 3 kVA only 115o C rise (180o C class)optional 80o C & 95o C (180o C class)BIL Rating:10 kVEnclosure Type:Heavy duty enclosed Type 4 standard (also meets Type 12)[optional Type 4X]Enclosure Finish:ANSI 61 Grey, UL50 textured powder coating or stainless steelNeutral:Neutral terminal for field connection (on applicable units)Standard Primary Taps:Refer to wiring diagrams for detailsOptional Accessories: • Breather drain for Type 4 and 4X enclosures (Breather drain is recommended for environments when condensation may be present) Part number: PLG19000STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSTermination:Front accessible separate high and low voltage terminals on select units Conduit Entry:Side or bottom enclosure entry (exceptions apply on bottom entry)Impedance:Typically 1.8% to 6.5%Mounting:Floor or wall/ceiling mounting available Refer to selection tables for details Seismic:Seismically qualified according to the International Building Code (IBC) 2018, and the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE 7-10 specifications, with the following design parameters: Spectral acceleration: S DS ≤2.0 g Importance factor: I p = 1.5 Attachment/height ratio: z/h =1.0” O.S.H.P.D. California Certified Sound Level:Meets NEMA ST-20 standards (optional low noise units available)Warranty:10 years6Data subject to change without notice.HPS Titan Single Phase Part Number GuideFamilykVA Primary Voltage Secondary Voltage Winding Material/ Electrostatic Shield Temp. Rise & Insul. Class Enclosure Q005L E K B 3Family:Q - Titan 1PH kVA Rating:Winding Material: C - Copper - 500VA K - CU + Shield - above 500VA Temperature Rise & Insulation Class B - 80°C 1, 3F - 115°C 2Enclosure:3 - Type 3R*4 - Type 46 - Type 4X (304SS)7 - Type 4X (316SS)5 - Type 12Example Primary Voltage: 1PH L - 240x480J - 347/380P - 600Y - 208/240/277X - Export Secondary Voltage: 1PH E - 120/2400.5 kVA 0.75 kVA 1.5 kVA 2 kVA 3 kVA 5 kVA 7.5 kVA 10 kVA 15 kVA 25 kVA 37.5 kVA 50 kVA - C50- C75- 1C5- 002- 003- 005- 007- 010- 015- 025- 037- 050*Default options - ignore if all following characters are default values.1 80o C rise is standard on units up to and including 1kVA (130o C insulation class, T3C temperature code)2 115o C rise is standard on units 1.5kVA and above (180o C insulation class, T3C temperature code)3 80o C rise is optional on units 1.5kVA and above (180o C insulation class, T3C temperature code)Part Numbering GuideHPS Titan N Three Phase Part Number GuideFamilyAppl.Type Generation Phase kVA Primary Voltage Secondary Voltage Winding Material/ Electrostatic Shield Temp. Rise & Insul. Class Frequency Enclosure TN 2A 0045K B K B 6F Family:T - Titan Type: N - Hazardous Location (North America Classification)Generation: 2 - Current Phase (Pri-Sec):A - 3PH Delta-Wye-NB - 3PH Wye-N-DeltaC - 3PH Delta-Delta/CTD - 3PH Delta-Delta kVA Rating:Winding Material: K - CU + Shield Temperature Rise & Insulation Class**A - 80o C Rise (130o C Class)B - 80o C Rise (180o C Class)C - 95o C Rise (180o C Class)F - 115o C Rise (180o C Class)Frequency: 5 - 50/60Hz 6 - 60Hz*Enclosure:F - Type 4*2G - Type 4X (304SS)H - Type 4X (316SS)Example Primary Voltage: 3PH K - 480D P - 600D, 600Y Q - 600D, 480D H - 400D 1G - 380D 1Secondary Voltage: 3PH B - 208Y/120C - 230Y/133D - 240D, 240Y/139, or 240D/120CT G - 380Y/220H - 400Y/231K - 480Y/277P - 600Y/347 2 kVA 3 kVA 6 kVA 9 kVA 15 kVA 30 kVA 45 kVA 75 kVA 112.5 kVA 150 kVA - 0002- 0003- 0006- 0009- 0015- 0030- 0045- 0075- 0112- 01501Units with primary voltage code “G” & “H” come standard as 50/60Hz and are CE marked. All others are 60Hz only.*Default options are not listed if chosen **2 & 3 kVA are 130°C Class 2Type 4 enclosure is also Type 12.7Data subject to change without notice.We’re here to support youNo other transformer company can offer our service and quality in a full range of products.Fast On-Site ResponseOn-site technicians are available to assist with any technical problems or issues that cannot be resolved over the phone.Easy-To-Access Installation ManualsAll transformer installation manuals are conveniently located on our website so you can access them anywhere, anytime.Extensive InventoryWe carry a complete inventory of Distribution Transformers throughout North America to quickly meet your needs.Live Telephone Technical SupportOur inside sales team is available to quickly answer your questions. They are technically trained and able to answer most questions right over the phone.Current CalculatorCalculate the Amps, Volts, or kVA of a transformer. Visit the “Online Tools” area of the HPS Online TrainingHPS Academy has many interactive training presentations on topics such as our products, company, transformer rules & regulations and so much more. Short quizzes are available to ensure participants understand the information Technical WebinarsHPS offers interactive webinar presentations to provide customers with detailed transformer and reactor solutions. To schedule a webinar email:***********************************Support & ResourcesCOPPER WOUND, SINGLE PHASEkVA CatalogNumber CaseStyleApprox. Dimensions(Inches)o C Temp.RiseApprox.Weight(Lbs.)Mtg TypeW - WallF - FloorWiringDiagram Width Depth Height0.5QC50YECB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308019W SCD 3.1 0.75QC75YEKB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308021W SCD 3.1 1Q1C0YEKB NQ3 5.88 5.1910.568028W SCD 3.1 1.5Q1C5YEKF NQ3 5.88 5.1910.5611536W SCD 3.1 2Q002YEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511544W SCD 3.1 3Q003YEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511556W SCD 3.1 5Q005YEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115134W SCD 3.1 7.5Q007YEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115160W SCD 3.1 10Q010YEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115204W SCD 3.1 15Q015YEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115248W SCD 3.1 25Q025YEKF NQ714.5010.7521.38115345W SCD 3.1 37.5Q037YEKF NQ814.5010.7527.38115476W SCD 3.1kVA CatalogNumber CaseStyleApprox. Dimensions(Inches)o C Temp.RiseApprox.Weight(Lbs.)Mtg TypeW - WallF - FloorWiringDiagram Width Depth Height0.5QC50FECB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308018W SCD 5.1 0.75QC75FEKB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308020W SCD 5.1 1Q1C0FEKB NQ3 5.88 5.1910.568026W SCD 5.1 1.5Q1C5FEKF NQ3 5.88 5.1910.5611536W SCD 5.1 2Q002FEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511555W SCD 5.1 3Q003FEKF NQ510.007.7517.2511588W SCD 5.1 5Q005FEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115130W SCD 5.1 7.5Q007FEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115185W SCD 5.1 10Q010FEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115155W SCD 5.1 15Q015FEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115248W SCD 5.1 25Q025FEKF NQ714.5010.7521.38115345W SCD 5.1 37.5Q037FEKF NQ814.5010.7527.38115476W SCD 5.1kVA CatalogNumber CaseStyleApprox. Dimensions(Inches)o C Temp.RiseApprox.Weight(Lbs.)Mtg TypeW - WallF - FloorWiringDiagram Width Depth Height0.5QC50LECB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308023W SCD 1.10.75QC75LEKB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308024W SCD 1.11Q1C0LEKB NQ3 5.88 5.1910.568028W SCD 1.11.5Q1C5LEKF NQ3 5.88 5.1910.5611535W SCD 1.12Q002LEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511547W SCD 1.13Q003LEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511562W SCD 1.15Q005LEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115131W SCD 1.17.5Q007LEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115155W SCD 1.110Q010LEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115220W SCD 1.115Q015LEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115248W SCD 1.125Q025LEKF NQ714.5010.7521.38115345W SCD 1.137.5Q037LEKF NQ814.5010.7527.38115476W SCD 1.18Data subject to change without notice.9Data subject to change without notice.COPPER WOUND, SINGLE PHASEkVA Catalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions(Inches)oC Temp. Rise Approx. Weight (Lbs.)Mtg TypeW - Wall F - Floor WiringDiagram Width Depth Height 0.5QC50PECB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308015W SCD 2.10.75QC75PEKB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308018W SCD 2.11Q1C0PEKB NQ3 5.88 5.1910.568027W SCD 2.11.5Q1C5PEKF NQ3 5.88 5.1910.5611531W SCD 2.12Q002PEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511540W SCD 2.13Q003PEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511552W SCD 2.15Q005PEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115114W SCD 2.17.5Q007PEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115129W SCD 2.110Q010PEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115197W SCD 2.115Q015PEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115234W SCD 2.125Q025PEKF NQ714.5010.7521.38115285W SCD 2.137.5Q037PEKF NQ814.5010.7527.38115454W SCD 2.1kVA Catalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions(Inches)o C Temp.Rise Approx. Weight (Lbs.)Mtg TypeW - Wall F - Floor WiringDiagram Width Depth Height 0.5QC50XECB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308015W SCD 4.10.75QC75XEKB NQ2 5.06 4.569.308020W SCD 4.11Q1C0XEKB NQ3 5.88 5.1910.568032W SCD 4.11.5Q1C5XEKF NQ3 5.88 5.1910.5611535W SCD 4.12Q002XEKF NQ47.06 6.2511.7511554W SCD 4.13Q003XEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115105W SCD 4.15Q005XEKF NQ510.007.7517.25115138W SCD 4.17.5Q007XEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115189W SCD 4.110Q010XEKF NQ612.259.2520.88115222W SCD 4.115Q015XEKF NQ714.5010.7521.38115300W SCD 4.125Q025XEKF Consult HPS 37.5Q037XEKF Consult HPS12The primary voltage ratio of 240 or 480 is available at 60Hz only with secondary voltage of approximately 130/262V.*Single Phase Notes:Units ending with letter “B” are 80°C rise Units ending with letter “F” are 115°C rise; 80°C rise optional replace end suffix “F” with “B”80°C rise units are T3C; 115°C rise units are T3A.For shielded units 0.50kVA, replace the suffix “CB” with a “KB”Refer to wiring diagrams for tap details10Data subject to change without notice.COPPER WOUND, THREE PHASEkVACatalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions (Inches)Full Capacity Taps o C Temp. Rise Approx. Weight (Lbs.)Mtg Type W - Wall F - Floor Wiring Diagram Width Depth Height 2TN2A0002KBKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8074W/F SCD 1.33TN2A0003KBKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8078W/F SCD 1.36TN2A0006KBKF DQT215.889.8815.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115140W/F SCD 1.39TN2A0009KBKF DQT319.1311.8814.69 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115200W/F SCD 1.315TN2A0015KBKF DQT422.3813.8817.25 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115310W/F SCD 2.330TN2A0030KBKF DQT525.8816.5021.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115510 F (Opt. W)SCD 2.345TN2A0045KBKF DQT626.1319.7521.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115635 F (Opt. W)SCD 2.375TN2A0075KBKF DQT732.3822.0025.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1151180F SCD 2.3112.5TN2A0112KBKF DQT936.6330.7525.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152000F SCD 2.3150TN2A0150KBKF DQT1036.6330.531.38 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152700F SCD 2.3480D Primary Volts208Y/120 Secondary Volts 60 HzkVACatalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions (Inches)Full Capacity Taps o C Temp. Rise Approx. Weight (Lbs.)Mtg Type W - Wall F - Floor Wiring Diagram Width Depth Height 2TN2D0002KDKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8074W/F SCD 3.33TN2D0003KDKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8078W/F SCD 3.36TN2D0006KDKF DQT215.889.8815.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115140W/F SCD 3.39TN2D0009KDKF DQT319.1311.8814.69 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115200W/F SCD 3.315TN2D0015KDKF DQT422.3813.8817.25 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115310W/F SCD 4.330TN2D0030KDKF DQT525.8816.5021.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115510 F (Opt. W)SCD 4.345TN2D0045KDKF DQT626.1319.7521.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115635 F (Opt. W)SCD 4.375TN2D0075KDKF DQT732.3822.0025.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1151180F SCD 4.3112.5TN2D0112KDKF DQT936.6330.7525.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152000F SCD 4.3150TN2D0150KDKF DQT1036.6330.531.38 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152700F SCD 4.3480D Primary Volts240D Secondary Volts 60 Hz kVACatalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions (Inches)Full Capacity Taps o C Temp. Rise Approx. Weight (Lbs.)Mtg Type W - Wall F - Floor Wiring Diagram Width Depth Height 2TN2A0002KHKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8074W/F SCD 1.33TN2A0003KHKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8078W/F SCD 1.36TN2A0006KHKF DQT215.889.8815.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115140W/F SCD 1.39TN2A0009KHKF DQT319.1311.8814.69 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115200W/F SCD 1.315TN2A0015KHKF DQT422.3813.8817.25 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115310W/F SCD 2.330TN2A0030KHKF DQT525.8816.5021.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115510 F (Opt. W)SCD 2.345TN2A0045KHKF DQT626.1319.7521.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115635 F (Opt. W)SCD 2.375TN2A0075KHKF DQT732.3822.0025.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1151180F SCD 2.3112.5TN2A0112KHKF DQT936.6330.7525.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152000F SCD 2.3150TN2A0150KHKF DQT1036.6330.531.38 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152700F SCD 2.3480D Primary Volts400Y/231 Secondary Volts 60 Hz Refer to wiring diagrams for tap details Opt. W: Wall Mounting Kit “DQTW1” Available11Data subject to change without notice.COPPER WOUND, THREE PHASEkVA Catalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions(Inches)Full Capacity Taps oC Temp. RiseApprox.Weight(Lbs.)Mtg Type W - Wall F - Floor Wiring Diagram Width Depth Height 2TN2A0002PBKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8074W/F SCD 1.33TN2A0003PBKA DQT113.139.1313.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 8078W/F SCD 1.36TN2A0006PBKF DQT215.889.8815.38 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115140W/F SCD 1.39TN2A0009PBKF DQT319.1311.8814.69 2 - 5% 1FCAN, 1FCBN 115200W/F SCD 1.315TN2A0015PBKF DQT422.3813.8817.25 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115310W/F SCD 2.330TN2A0030PBKF DQT525.8816.5021.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115510 F (Opt. W)SCD 2.345TN2A0045PBKF DQT626.1319.7521.88 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 115635 F (Opt. W)SCD 2.375TN2A0075PBKF DQT732.3822.0025.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1151180F SCD 2.3112.5TN2A0112PBKF DQT936.6330.7525.63 6 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN 1152000F SCD 2.3150TN2A0150PBKFDQT1036.6330.531.386 - 2.5% 2FCAN, 4FCBN1152700FSCD 2.3600D Primary Volts208Y/120 Secondary Volts60 HzkVA Catalog Number Case Style Approx. Dimensions(Inches)Full Capacity Taps oC Temp. RiseApprox.Weight(Lbs.)Mtg Type W - Wall F - Floor Wiring Diagram Width Depth Height 2TN2A0002QKKA DQT113.139.1313.38 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 8079W/F SCD 5.33TN2A0003QKKA DQT113.139.1313.38 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 8085W/F SCD 5.36TN2A0006QKKF DQT215.889.8815.38 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 115150W/F SCD 5.39TN2A0009QKKF DQT319.1311.8814.69 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 115210W/F SCD 5.315TN2A0015QKKF DQT422.3813.8817.25 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 115320W/F SCD 6.330TN2A0030QKKF DQT525.8816.5021.88 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 115520 F (Opt. W)SCD 6.345TN2A0045QKKF DQT626.1319.7521.88 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 115665 F (Opt. W)SCD 6.375TN2A0075QKKF DQT732.3822.0025.63 3 - 5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 1151270F SCD 6.3112.5TN2A0112QKKF DQT936.6330.7525.63 3 - 4.5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN 1152200F SCD 6.3150TN2A0150QKKFDQT1036.6330.531.383 - 4.5% 1FCAN, 2FCBN1152900FSCD 6.3600D, 480D Primary Volts480Y/277 Secondary Volts60 HzDQTW1 Wall Mounting KitThe DQTW1 HPS wall mounting kits are specifically designed for standard and custom HPS Titan ® N encapsulated distribution transformers.The DQTW1 kit is can only be used on any unit up to amaximum of 800 pounds (363 kg) that utilizes an HPS DQT5 or DQT6 enclosure. Generally this would be a 30kVA or 45kVA HPS Titan ® N unit.IMPORTANTPlease ensure your wall mounting location and position meets all local building and fire codes andregulations12Data subject to change without notice.kVA ImpedancePeak Inrush Current Multiple of RMSCurrent2 3.5-6.5%15 to 20362-5%91530 1.8-4%4510 to 1875112.5 1.8-2.5%6-12150Voltage Range 120V to 600V 80o C to 115o C Temp. RiseThree PhaseTypical Performance DatakVA ImpedancePeak Inrush Current Multiple of RMSCurrent0.54-7%Consult HPS0.7511.521-2%357.5102-4%30 to 40152537.5Voltage Range 120V to 600V 80o C to 115o C Temp. RiseSingle PhasekVA 100%50%35%295.02%95.97%94.37%395.96%97.44%96.71%695.24%95.75%94.67%997.38%98.23%97.93%1597.79%98.41%98.15%*3098.28%98.85%98.75%*4598.60%98.97%98.84%*7598.93%99.03%98.82%*112.599.08%99.03%98.82%15099.15%99.13%98.96%Efficiency (% rated load)- Efficiencies are approximate, and not guaranteed- All efficiencies are based on 75o C reference temperature - Applies only to 115o C rise, with the exception of 2 & 3 kVA - *Items from 15-75kVA meet the current minimum efficiency levels in North America (DOE 2016 & NRCan 2019) for ventilated transformers. Note that these effciency levels are not required for this non-ventilated offering.13Data subject to change without notice.1A = 0.28” Dia.1B = 0.44” Dia.DIAGRAM 1 - Three Phase* Termination Tab 1A provided on 9 kVA 80o C, and 95o C rise only. Otherwise, 115o C rise have lead wire terminations.Termination DetailskVA Three Phase Voltages (Primary or Secondary)2082302402773804004806002Lead Wire369*1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 151A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 301A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 451B 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 751B 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 112.51B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1A 1501B1B1B1B1B1B1B1BkVA Single Phase Voltages (Primary or Secondary)2082402773473804004806000.5Lead Wire0.7511.52357.5101A 1A 1A 151A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 251B 1B 1B 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 37.51D1C1C1C1C1C1C1B1A = 0.22” Dia.1B = 0.28” Dia.1C = 0.34” Dia.1D = 0.44” Dia.DIAGRAM 1 - Single PhaseCopper Termination, Leads or Pads14Data subject to change without notice.Case StyleDimensions in Inches Fig. #A B C D*E F G H J KDQT1113.139.1313.38 2.5011.50 5.2511.50 6.50 3.69-DQT2115.889.8815.38 2.5014.25 6.0014.258.00 3.69-DQT3119.1311.8814.69 3.0017.508.0017.508.00 3.44-DQT4122.3813.8817.25 5.0020.7510.0020.759.00 3.69-DQT5225.8816.5021.88 4.5014.0015.00--- 4.62DQT6226.1319.7521.88 5.5014.0018.25--- 4.75DQT7232.3822.0025.63 6.0020.0020.50--- 4.88DQT8235.1326.0026.63 6.0020.0024.50--- 6.25DQT9236.6330.7525.63 6.5020.0029.25---7DQT10236.6330.5031.387.0020.5029.006.75DQT11238.8832.2533.137.0020.530.757.88FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEWREAR VIEW*D represents the typical minimum depth of the termination chamber (conduit fittings should be sized within these limits)TERMINATION CHAMBERĂ1.00HINGED FRONTPANELĂ.44(4)Ă.41(4)GHJEDB C1.372.00FACBF GK (K.O.).39H DEJ ØNØN K (K.O.)P A/2EWSIDE VIEW BACK VIEW BACKACB FGK (K.O.).39HDEJØNØNK (K.O.)PA/2SIDE VIEWBACK VIEW BACKABD ØN ONT VIEWØN K (K.O.)P A/2FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW BACK VIEWBACKK (K.O.)H J ØN K (K.O.)FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW BACK VIEW EW SIDE VIEW BACK VIEW FRONT VIEW C FG K (K.O.).39H E J ØN K (K.O.)P A/2FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW BACK VIEW BACKF G K (K.O.)H EJData subject to change without notice.ACBFG.39HDEJØNØN K (K.O.)PA/2FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEWBACK VIEWBACKACGFBØMH.34LDJEK (K.O.)K (K.O.)PRBACKFigure 1Figure 2FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW Case Style Dimensions in InchesFig. #A B C D E F G H J K 1L M N P R NQ01 3.69 5.067.19 2.50 5.63 6.19 1.502--0.88----0.22 1.25--NQ11 4.31 5.567.19 3.13 5.63 6.13 1.5020.810.88----0.22 1.25--NQ21 5.06 4.569.30 3.887.758.30 1.50210.88 X 1.13 X 1.38----0.22 1.25--NQ31 5.88 5.1910.56 4.138.319.06 1.502 1.250.88 X 1.13 X 1.38----0.28 1.25--NQ417.06 6.2511.75 5.3810.0010.30 1.252 1.50.88 X 1.13 X 1.38----0.28 1.25--NQ52107.7517.257.3815.3815.25 2.37524 1.13 X 1.3860.750.44 1.25 1.68NQ6212.259.2520.889.3818.1318.88 2.0025 1.38 X 2.5080.750.442 1.68NQ7214.510.7521.3811.6318.6319.38 2.0026 1.38 X 2.50100.750.442 1.81NQ8214.510.7527.3811.1324.5024.88 2.00261.38 X2.50100.750.5621.81FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEWREAR VIEW116Data subject to change without notice.Electrical Schematics & Connection Drawings - Single PhaseTap arrangements shown are for standard products only. May not be applicable for other products.17Data subject to change without notice.Tap arrangements shown are for standard products only. May not be applicable for other products.18Data subject to change without notice.Electrical Schematics & Connection Drawings - Three PhaseTap arrangements shown are for standard products only. May not be applicable for other products.SCD 6.3Tap arrangements shown are for standard products only. May not be applicable for other products.19Data subject to change without notice.Distributed by:EMEA (Sales Office)Hammond Power Solutions SpA Tel: +49 (152) 08800468************************************UNITED STATESHammond Power Solutions 1100 Lake StreetBaraboo, Wisconsin 53913-2866Tel: (608) 356-3921Fax: (608) 355-7623Toll Free: 1-866-705-4684*******************************CANADAHammond Power Solutions 595 Southgate DriveGuelph, Ontario N1G 3W6Tel: (519) 822-2441Fax: (519) 822-9701Toll Free: 1-888-798-8882*******************************TITANNDecember 2019ASIAHammond Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. D. No. 5-2/222/IP/B, II-Floor, Icon PlazaAllwyn X-Roads, Miyapur, Hyderabad 500 049Tel: +91-994-995-0009*****************************************CANADA UNITED STATES ASIA。
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限度范围内(不超过 0.001%)
5-7.5 不超过 5%
5-7.5 不超过 5%
5-7.5 不超过 5%
不超过 0.5%
不超过 0.5%
不超过 0.5%
35-55μm 70-130μm 1.5-3.0
35-55μm 70-130μm 1.5-3.0
0.39 50 标准性质
NBD 型号
LH-21 型号
其中比表面积测量方法:BET 法 弹性恢复的数据获得是通过在 150MP 条件下压片后 0.5 分钟内片子的厚度的增加来计算的。
NBD 型号的优势: 高强度粘合性 好的崩解性和好的药物溶出特质 好的流动性 好的口感 优质的稳定性
NBD 型号的物理性质
NBD 的理化性质 NBD-022
/ D-50)
35-55μm 70-130μm 1.5-3.0
美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 日本药典
美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 美国药典 美国国家处方集 信越
25kg-----------纤维纸板桶内衬双层聚乙烯包装 1kg------------双层聚乙烯包装
休止角(°) 特点
43 快速溶胀
直接压片 口崩片
新型号 NBD-021 11 45
0.32 43 标准性质
直接压片 湿法制粒
NBD-020 14 45
0.32 43 具有更好的粘合 性质 湿法制粒
目前型号 LH-21 11 45 135
如上图,以 L-HPC 不加其他辅料压片,测量时间水分到达片子顶端表面的时间,结果 如下图所示:
片剂性质: 200mg/T, 8mm-D,12mm-R
处方: 乳糖 DMV 100M 辅料 硬脂酸镁
(份) 90 10 0.5
崩解测定:以水为溶出介质 NBD 表现出了很好的粘合性质和较快的崩解时间。
NBD 型 L-HPC 规格
项目 描述和溶解性
PH 干燥失重
粒径:D50 粒径:90%累计(D90) D90/ D50
NBD-021 符合
限度范围内(不超过 0.36%)
信越新型 L-HPC(符合美国国家处方集和日本药典)
NBD 型(新型粘合崩解剂)
介绍: 低取代羟丙纤维素(L-HPC)多年来应用于固体制剂的崩解剂。这种聚合物水中不溶,
但分布在纤维素骨架上的羟丙基吸水后能够发生膨胀作用。信越化学研制出了新型的 NBD 型号 L-HPC。这种型号虽然和通常的 L-HPC 化学性质相同,但其粒子形态决定了其具备更 好的粘合作用。