1片 QDARB安博维/科苏厄贝沙坦 37¥ 150mg7安博诺厄贝沙坦氢氯噻嗪 37¥美卡素替米沙坦43¥代文缬沙坦 45¥ 80mg7复代文缬沙坦氢氯噻嗪 49倍博特缬沙坦氨氯地平 60科素亚/科什兰氯沙坦钾 47/36¥ 50mg7海捷亚氯沙坦钾氢氯噻嗪片 47¥ 50mg7CCB波依定非洛地平 39¥ 5mg10拜新同硝苯地平 35¥ 30mg7压氏达我院暂缺/ 络活喜苯磺酸氨氯地平38¥ 5mg7施慧达·左旋氨氯地平 40 ¥ 2.5mg14ACEI雅施达培哚普利 40¥洛丁新贝那普利 50 ¥开博通卡托普利 22¥倍他乐克25mg20/47.5mg7 美托洛尔 18¥福辛普利钠蒙诺.波立维硫酸氢氯吡格雷 1片 QD -抗血小板聚集147¥泰嘉氯吡格雷 2片 QD 88¥阿司匹林拜阿司匹林 1片 QD 16¥万爽力曲美他嗪 1片 TID -心绞痛预防治疗54¥欣康依姆多单硝酸异山梨酯 1片 TID 46¥消心痛硝酸异山梨酯 1片 TID 1.2¥心得安本院暂缺盐酸普萘洛尔片 1片 TID¥麝香保心丸 2粒 TID 23¥速效救心丸平时4粒 TID / 急救10粒 QD 19¥养心氏片 3粒 TID ¥益心舒胶囊 3粒 TID 37¥心可舒 4粒 TID 24¥复方丹参滴丸 10粒 TID 29¥冠心丹参滴丸 10粒 TID 20¥参松养心胶囊 2-4粒 TID 29¥通心络胶囊 3粒 TID 31¥通塞脉片 5片 TID -用于轻中度动脉粥样硬化性血栓性脑梗死缺血性中风中经络恢复期气虚血瘀证;血栓性脉管炎脱疽的毒热证;硝酸甘油氟伐他汀来适可1片 QD 40mg 7粒 33.7¥阿托伐他汀钙立普妥 1粒 QD 20mg7粒 76 ¥非诺贝特力平脂 1片 QD 200mg10粒 43¥辛伐他汀舒降之 1粒 QD 20mg7粒 25 ¥血脂康胶囊2粒 BID 0.3g24粒 28¥绞股蓝总苷片1片 TID 高脂血症16¥荷丹片 5片 TID 高脂血症16¥银杏叶片 3片 QD 0.4g36片 37¥脑塞通本院暂缺 1粒 TID¥血塞通软胶囊 2粒 TID怡开胰激肽原酶 2片 TID血管扩张药,有改善微循环作用尼莫同尼莫地平 1粒 TID¥CCB,对扩张脑血管特异性较好脑心通胶囊 3粒 TID¥培达西洛他唑 2片 BID¥西比灵盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊1粒-BID适于脑血供不足,椎动脉缺血,脑血栓形成后等敏使朗倍他司汀1片 TID -----抗眩晕¥金水宝胶囊 3粒 TID¥镇咳宁胶囊 2粒 TID ¥强力枇杷露 10ml TID¥急支糖浆 20ml TID¥杏桔合剂 20ml TID¥沐舒坦氨溴索 1片 TID¥兰苏氨溴索 1片 BID说明书:1片 QD¥清咽滴丸 2丸 TID ¥咳嗽合剂 25ml tid桑杏合剂 20ml bidbid金水宝胶囊 3粒 TID¥百令胶囊 0.2g规格,一次5-15粒,TID¥香砂养胃丸 4片 BID¥养胃舒 3粒 TID¥胃乐宁 3片 TID¥胃复春 4片 TID¥吗丁啉多潘立酮 1片 TID¥奥克奥美拉唑 1粒 QD达喜/威地美铝碳酸镁 1-2 TID¥制酸莫沙必利 1粒 TID¥促进胃动力必奇思密达蒙脱石散 1袋 QD¥六味安消胶囊 3粒 bid 理气除热、通便降逆吡格列酮瑞彤 1片 QD格列吡嗪控释片瑞易宁 QD 5 14 38¥格列吡嗪片迪沙 2.5 80 20¥格列本脲优降糖¥格列喹酮糖适平 1片 TID 30 30 38¥格列齐特达美康 30 30 56¥格列美脲亚莫利 2 15 77¥罗格列酮文迪雅¥瑞格列奈诺和龙、孚来迪 1粒 BID¥阿卡波糖拜糖平 1片 TID 74¥二甲双胍肠溶片格华止1片 TID ¥消渴丸 8颗 TID¥甘精胰岛素注射液来得时¥赖脯胰岛素优泌乐¥泰诺酚麻美敏¥新康泰克日夜百服宁荆防合剂 20ml bid阿莫西林阿莫仙 1粒 TID¥阿奇霉素2粒 QD¥甲硝唑 3片 TID¥头孢克洛 2-4片 BID¥维普洛美沙星 1片 QD¥仁苏、逻施立罗红霉素 1片 TID¥采乐酮康唑外用抗真菌药达克宁外用抗真菌药头孢氨苄美丰 1片 TID¥安定、舒乐安定艾司唑仑1mg20片1盒精二处方酒石酸唑吡坦片思诺思 10mg20片1盒精二处方阿普唑仑 0.4mg20片1盒精二处方本院自制类鼻鼽合剂痹痛合剂补血复明合剂鼻渊合剂疳积合剂归芍合剂红霖四物合剂咳嗽合剂抗炎合剂桑杏合剂杏桔合剂利咽合剂桑菊消炎合剂青陈合剂清燥合剂消肿洗剂消炎膏乌敛梅膏莫匹罗星百多邦外用 -外用的软膏、滴眼液等,剂量不改,频率均打QD 白内停吡诺克辛滴眼液¥达克宁外用真菌感染障翳散眼药水¥艾唯多萘敏维滴眼液¥辅舒良洗鼻液¥麝香壮骨膏关节止痛膏¥青鹏软膏——止痛消肿;用于痛风,湿痹雪山金罗汉止痛涂膜剂泡脚方:红花艾叶苏木透骨草川乌刺五加泡水喝中药方:枸杞生苡仁川贝白菊浙麦冬省公费、区公费除白下都是双处方,其余单处方盖三淳、罗盖全骨化三醇胶囊 1片BID-骨质疏松10粒阿法迪三阿法骨化醇胶囊 1片QD -骨质疏松 20片钙尔奇D碳酸钙D3 1片BID-骨质疏松30片美多巴多巴丝肼胶囊 1片TID-帕金森哈乐坦索罗辛缓释胶囊 1粒 QD-前列腺增生保列治、保法止非那雄胺 1片 TID-前列腺增生甲磺酸多沙唑嗪片可多华 1片 QN-前列腺增生茶苯海明 1片 TID-眩晕¥多奈哌齐安理申 1片 QD-阿尔茨海默型痴呆¥开瑞坦氯雷他定 1片 QD-过敏性鼻炎,特发性荨麻疹¥伊巴斯汀还少胶囊 3粒 TID温肾补脾.用于脾肾虚损所致的腰膝酸痛,耳鸣目眩甲钴胺片弥可保 0.5mg TID-周围神经病¥黄连素盐酸小檗碱美多巴多巴丝肼乐喜林尼麦角林片复方阿发酮酸开同 4粒 TID¥十一酸睾酮胶丸安特尔 1粒 TID 36¥双氯芬酸纳缓释片扶他林1片 QD血府逐瘀胶囊 6粒 BID百奥蚓激酶肠溶胶囊1粒TID说明书2粒TID-适于缺血性脑血管病中纤维蛋白原增高及血小板凝集率增高仙灵骨葆胶囊 3 粒BID——滋补肝肾,活血通络,强筋壮骨阿仑膦酸钠片-----骨质疏松六味地黄丸8粒 TID¥杞菊地黄丸 8粒 TID六味地黄胶囊2粒 QD¥二十五味珊瑚胶囊 4粒 QD -开窍通络止痛.用于“白脉病”,神志不清,身体麻木.头昏目眩 ,脑部疼痛,血压不调,头痛,癫痫及各种神经性疼痛;;滴眼;每日三次,每次1-2滴3.47;经眼给药一次1-2滴,一日滴眼3-4次;茺蔚子青葙子决明子蝉衣没药黄芪昆布海藻关木通炉甘石牛胆干膏羊胆干膏珍珠琥珀天然冰片麝香硼砂海螵蛸黄连素核黄素山药无水硫酸钙荸荠粉行滞祛瘀,退障消翳;用于老年性白内障及角膜翳;外用;临用时,将本品倒入滴眼用溶剂瓶中,摇匀后滴入眼2~3滴,一日3~4次,或遵医嘱;9.5;经眼给药一次1-2滴,一日3-4次,滴入结膜囊;可根据年龄、症状适当增,养肝明目;;滴眼液:滴入眼睑内,一次1-2滴,一日3-5次;手癣、足癣-外用药.如脓疱病.疖病.毛囊炎等原发性感染,对湿疹.皮炎.糜烂.溃疡和创伤等继发细菌感染亦可起到抗菌及防止原发病加重作用;2.用于预防和治疗外科手术后伤口感染化脓;,一日2-3次,5日为1疗程;中医:疏风散热,消肿止痛,清利咽喉.用于急性咽炎,慢性,咽粘膜红肿,咽干,口臭等症.含服,一次2~4丸,日4次;紫河车,熟地黄,天冬,麦冬,杜仲盐,牛膝盐,黄柏盐,龟甲制,补肾益肺;2.主治:用于肺肾两亏,虚劳咳嗽,骨蒸潮热,盗汗遗精,腰膝酸软;一次3粒,一日3次;黄芪、白术炒、防风,固表,止汗;2.主治:用于表虚不固,自汗恶风,面色晄白,或体虚易感风邪者;,一次5g,一日3次;一次15-30g,一日2次;潮热盗汗,耳鸣遗精,口干咽燥口服;一次8g,一日2次;0.4g24 6 bid 头痛.胸痛.内热瞀闷.失眠多梦.心悸怔忡.急躁善怒抗妇炎胶囊 0.35g36 4tid 盆腔炎、阴道炎、慢性宫颈炎龙血竭胶囊 0.4g36 6 tid 功能:活血散瘀,定痛止血,敛疮生肌;跌打损伤,瘀血作痛,外伤出血,脓疮久不收口、慢性咽炎氟康唑=博泰 50mg6 4 tid 11.3 阴道念珠菌病;滋阴合剂 250ml瓶 10ml bid小金丸 0.6g8袋 2-5bid 瘰疬、瘿瘤、乳岩、乳癖缺货头孢克肟0.112 45.4罗红霉素0.1512 仁苏23.2 逻施立 31.9头孢地尼 0.16 49.3250ml 20.8元皮肤康 50ml 24.46元蛇黄洗剂250ml 39.3元50ml 24.1元呋康唑 506 11.3口服,一次3~4粒,一日3次; 散活镇痛月黄祛瘀。
瑞格列奈(孚来迪/诺和龙 )的用法
• 通常在餐前15分钟内服用本药。服药时间 也可掌握在餐前0~30分钟内。例如,如 果患者服用本类药物5分钟后吃饭,在餐 后2小时测得血糖较高,而餐后3-5小时血 糖偏低,可建议患者提前20分钟~ 30分 钟服药。
• 格列齐特(达美康) • 格列齐特缓释片(达美康缓释片) • 格列美脲(安多美) • 格列吡嗪(迪沙) • 格列吡嗪控释片(瑞易宁) • 格列喹酮(捷适) • 格列本脲(优降糖)
持续后效应 氨基糖苷类和喹诺酮类 投药目标达到最大药物接触,药物浓度越高,杀菌率及杀菌范围也越大 24小时AUC(浓度时间曲线下面积)/MIC、峰浓度/MIC是疗效相关的主要
• T>MIC:血药浓度超过MIC的维持时间
• 不良反应:本品较大剂量易引起糖尿病、 消化道溃疡和类柯兴综合征症状,对下丘 脑-垂体-肾上腺轴抑制作用较强。并发感染 为主要的不良反应。
1、类肾上腺皮质功能亢进症:应低盐、低糖、高蛋白饮食 及含钾丰富的水果,注意补充维生素D和钙。
2、诱发或加重多种疾病 ① 诱发或加重感染:必要时合用足量有效抗生素。 ② 诱发或加重溃疡:必要时可与抗酸药或受体阻断药合用 ③ 诱发高血压和动脉粥样硬化:抗高血压药 ④ 诱发糖尿病:治疗糖尿病药物 ⑤ 诱发精神失常或癫痫发作:与中枢兴奋作用有关。 ⑥ 骨质疏松和骨坏死:儿童和绝经期妇女更易发生。 3、其他: ① 肌肉萎缩、伤口愈合延缓 ②抑制儿童生长发育青光眼 ③ 孕妇可致畸胎
高血糖 胰岛素抵抗 甘油三酯
50-70 mg/dl 15-30% 20%
Cusi & DeFronzo, Diabetes Reviews, 6: 89, 1998
吸收快、起效快和作用时间短 降低餐后血糖为主 不与磺脲类联用 副作用:低血糖、体重增加(较轻) 严重肾功能或肝功能不全的患者不用
胰岛素增敏剂- 噻唑烷二酮类 thiazolidinedione(TZD)
阿卡波糖 Acarbose 伏格列波糖 Voglibose
双 糖 酶
- -
伏 格 列 波 糖
适用于碳水化合物为主要食物成分的患者 防止或延缓 IGT进展为2型糖尿病 主要副作用为消化道反应 单独使用不引起低血糖;合用患者出现低血糖,需使用 葡萄糖或蜂蜜
SGLT:钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白; GLUT:易化扩散的葡萄糖转运蛋白
1. Abdul-Ghani MA et al. Endocr Pract. 2008;14:782-790. 2. Bays H. Curr Med Res Opin. 2009;25:671-681.
PreFluid BF200 基本型蠕动泵 使用说明书
BF200蠕动泵使用说明Pre FluidBF200基本型蠕动泵使用说明书安全信息!在使用本产品时为防止火灾、电击或人身伤害等,请遵循以下本安全注意事项:1、在安装(或移除)泵头和软管前请关闭驱动器电源,否则有可能将手指或衣角绞进驱动器内;2、连接外控装置前请关闭电源,否则有可能损坏设备;3、本产品应安装在平稳的表面上,否则会因振动使产品倒踏而损坏;4、本产品应安装在受保护的场所,以免有人踩到各连接线或被连接线绊倒,从而使连接线损害或使人员受伤害;5、在清洁本产品前,请从插座上拔下电源插头;6、不要私自分解、更改或维修本产品。
目录一、概述 (1)二、产品介绍 (2)2-1产品的功能 (2)2-2产品的技术指标 (2)三、控制面板及后面板说明 (3)3-1控制面板说明 (3)3-2后面板说明 (3)四、操作说明 (5)4-1开机 (5)4-2系统设置 (5)4-3工作 (6)4-4报错信息 (7)五、外控说明 (8)5-1外控接口 (8)5-2外控的连接 (9)六、维护与维修 (13)6-1产品的维护 (13)6-2产品的维修 (13)七、售后服务 (14)附录:软管参数 (15)一、概述BF200蠕动泵是一种调速型泵。
小儿氨酚黄那敏颗粒 护彤、果果、小快克、小三九
小儿感冒 小儿氨酚烷氨颗粒 药 匹多莫德颗粒
复方锌布颗粒 滴眼液
金世力德、谱乐益 必能、臣功再欣
复方硫酸软骨素滴眼 润洁 液 复方门冬维甘滴眼液 新乐敦、益达明 复方醋酸地塞米松乳 皮炎平、美尔杰 膏
外用药膏 硝酸咪康唑乳膏 酮康唑乳膏
达克宁、选平 金达克宁、七里香
妇科 用药 胃肠 道药
蒙脱石散 奥美拉唑肠溶胶囊
须通过它的Leabharlann 用名和化学名才能确定。并不是所有的药物都有化学名,只有组成原子和原 子数已知、价键链接清楚、立体结构明确的化学药物
• 一种药物常有多个厂家生产,许多制药企业为 了树立自己药品的质量品牌,占有更广阔的市 场,获取更大的发展空间和利益,精心设计自 己的产品,注册商品名,以区别其他厂家具有 同一通用名的产品,因此同一药物往往有多个 不同商品名。 • 企业在设计、培植、拓展品牌的过程中,需要 大量资金的投入,因而,品牌药品的价格一般 比同类没有进行品牌包装的药品要高,有些甚 至要高许多。
菲利普 PulseRelief 用户手册说明书
PR38401P R 3840ENGLISH 6繁體中文 52简体中文 91ENGLISH 6ENGLISH7ENGLISH 8ENGLISH9 -This appliance is not intended for use by adults with reduced sensory or mental capabilities.They may not be able to use it according to the instructions in this user manual and they may become agitated by the treatment.-Do not use the device on children, as the device is not designed to use on children.-Do not modify the device orthe electrodes.This could cause improper functioning.-Only use the adapter supplied to charge the e of another adapter may cause a hazardous situation.-This device is designed for use by and on a single adult person.Do not apply to or treat the following parts or areas-Stimulation on the sides of the neck over the carotid sinus may have severe adverse effects on your heart rhythm or blood pressure.-Stimulation on the front of the neck may cause severe muscle spasms that could close your airway and result in breathing difficulties. -Do not apply stimulation across your chest because the introduction of electrical current into the chest may cause rhythm disturbances to your heart, which could be lethal. -Stimulation across the head or on opposite sides of the head must be avoided, as the effects on the brain are unknown. -Do not place the electrodes on skin that is not intact, clean or healthy. Open, irritated or otherwise damaged skin may lead to the delivery of too much current to the area, which may potentially cause burns. -If you recently had surgery, do not place one or both electrodes on the cut. Place the electrodes at a distance of 3 to 5 cm from the cut or along the proximal nerves or near the spine where the skin is intact. -Do not place the electrodes near cancerous lesions, as this may have a negative impact on the cancerous lesion.ENGLISH10-Do not place the electrodes on areas of skin that lack normal sensation.This may cause you to be unaware of the high intensity current administered,which may result in electrical skin burns.-Do not place the electrodes over open wounds or rashes.Open wounds may lead to the delivery of too much current to the area, potentially leading to burns.It might also cause substances in the electrode to enter the skin.-Do not place the electrodes over swollen,red,infected or inflamed areas or skin eruptions (e.g. phlebitis,thrombophlebitis and varicose veins).Stimulation must not be applied to areas with known thrombosis or thrombophlebitis,as stimulation may increase circulation, resulting in a greater risk of emboli. -Do not place the electrodes inside body cavities,e.g.the mouth.This device is not designed for internal application.-For EMS,only place the electrodes on healthy,uninjured muscles.Do not use the device in the following conditions-Do not use the device if you recently had surgery or are in the care of a doctor and have not consulted your doctor first.-Do not use the device if you have a tendency to bleed internally due to any impact or injury.-Do not use EMS stimulation to contract a muscle if contractionof the muscle may disrupt healing. For instance,if the muscle or tendon is torn,muscle contraction may exacerbate the tear,just likea voluntary contraction.This may also be the case after a recent surgical procedure or following acute trauma or fracture.Muscle contraction in case of tendinitis may also worsen symptoms.-Do not use the device while driving,operating machines or performing any other activity in which electrical stimulation can put you at risk of injury.-Do not use if you are likely to fall asleep during the treatment,as this may cause you to sense injuries too late.If you use the device at bedtime,set the timer to make it switch off automatically.-Do not use while in the bath, shower or swimming pool.This increases the risk of electric shocks and burns to the skin.-Do not apply stimulation in the presence of electronic monitoring equipment (e.g.,cardiac monitors, ECG alarms),which may not operate properly when the electrical stimulation device is in use. -Do not use the device when you are connected to high-frequency surgical equipment.This may result in burns on the skin under the electrodes and may damage the device.-Do not use the device within less than 1 metre from shortwave or microwave medical equipment. Close proximity to this equipment may cause unstable device output.-Make sure that you end the treatment in the Philips Treatment App or press the on/off button on the device before you remove the device or the electrodes.If you do not end the treatment,you may experience an unpleasant sensation in your fingers when you touch the magnets.This sensation is not harmful,but can be unpleasant.-Only use this device with the adapter,cord and accessories recommended by the manufacturer. -Always check the device and the electrodes for damage before use.Do not use the device or an electrode if it is damaged.-The device is not waterproof.Do not use the device in wet surroundings and prevent it from getting wet.-Although you can use the device indoors and outdoors,it does not withstand all weather conditions. -The device does not withstand high and low temperatures.Please check the operating conditions in chapter ‘Specifications’.Electrode placementT o get maximum results from stimulation,it is important to place the electrodes correctly.Always make sure that you have normal skin sensation in the treatment area before you attach the electrodes. The optimal place may vary slightly from person to person,so try moving the electrodes around until you get the most effective results.In some cases,it can be helpful to mark the spot for future use.For suggestions regarding placement of the electrodes, see the ‘Electrode Placement Guide’.Please note that you may need assistance to place the electrodes on certain spots on your body.As a rule,place the electrodes on or near the treatment area.Stimulation may result in visible muscle contraction,especially in burst TENS programs (programs 7 to 11).This is not harmful, but if you find these contractions uncomfortable,try moving the electrodes to a different place. Please note that when you use EMS programs (programs 16 to 20),muscle contraction is a desired effect.If no muscle contraction occurs in an EMS program,you have not placed the electrodes correctly or you have chosen a too low intensity.• D o not place electrodes over the carotid sinus on the sides of your neck or on the front of your neck, across your chest or on your head.• D o not place the electrodes over open wounds. Open wounds may lead to the delivery of too much current to the area, which may cause burns. • I f you recently had surgery, do not place electrodes on the cut. Place the electrodes at a distance of 3 to 5 cm from the cut or along the proximal nerves or near the spine where the skin is intact.electrodes to select the area you want to treat.Rating your pain intensity1 Swipe vertically to rate the intensity of yourpain on a scale from 0 to 10. If you experience no pain tap 0 and if you experience the worstpain ever tap 10. If your pain is somewherein between, rate it by tapping the appropriatenumber.Note:The pain intensity you indicate is not used by the app to determine the intensity of the treatment.The rating is only stored in your treatment diary.You can switch off this feature in the settings tab of the app. Selecting your treatment1 Scroll through the list of programs and tap aprogram to select it.2 The start screen of the treatment appears.Starting and stopping a treatment1 T ap the play button on the screen.,The treatment screen opens and the time starts to count down.,The status indicator on the device starts to flashorange.2 On the treatment screen, you can tap the + orthe - to increase or decrease the intensity to a comfortable level.3 In programs with a specified maximumtreatment time, treatment continues until thetimer has counted down to 0. In programs that have no specified maximum treatment time, the timer counts up from 0. It continues to countup until you stop the treatment. If you want to stop or interrupt the treatment, tap the square in the centre of the pulsing treatment indicator to stop the program.-T o resume the program,tap ‘Continue’or the arrow next to the time.-T o end the program,tap ‘End treatment’. Switching to another program1 If you want to switch to another treatmentprogram while a program is running:-on a smartphone or iPod,tap the name of the program in the treatment screen.-on a tablet,tap ‘Treatment list’2 The list of programs opens. T ap the treatmentprogram you want to use.3 The start screen of the treatment appears.T ap the play button to start the treatment.4 T ap the + to increase the intensity to acomfortable level.Note:When you switch to another program during treatment,the intensity is automatically reset to 0. This is a safety measure.The intensity level of the previous program may be too high for the new program. Adapting the treatment time1 T ap the time displayed in the treatment screen.2 Change the remaining treatment time. Quick startFrom the start screen,you can immediately start the program you used during your previous treatment.1 From the start screen, tap the name of thetreatment under ‘My previous treatment’.2 Swipe vertically to rate the intensity of yourpain on a scale from 0 to 10.3 Start the treatment.Other app features1 After the program finishes, you get to a screenthat asks you to describe how you feel. Y ou can indicate this by tapping one of the icons.2 T ap the book symbol to open your diary.The diary shows when treatments took place, which program you used and how long thetreatment lasted.-T ap the arrow to see more details.‘Removing the rechargeable battery’to remove the battery.-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products and rechargeable batteries.Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for the environment and human health.-All plastic parts are marked with recycle symbols. Removing the rechargeable batteries Note:Always remove the rechargeable batteries before you hand in the device at an official collection point.If you have trouble removing the batteries,you can also take the device to a Philips service centre, which will remove the battery pack for you and will dispose of it in an environmentally safe way.1 Make sure the rechargeable batteries areempty. Switch on the device as often as isnecessary until you are no longer able toswitch it on because the batteries have runout completely.2 Insert the tip of a flat-head screwdriverbetween upper and lower shell at themicro-USB socket.Note:This action destroys the device and must only be executed if you intend to discard the device.3 T urn the screwdriver to separate the two shells. Note:Y ou may have to insert and turn the screwdriver a few times to break the two shells loose from each other.4 When the shells have come apart, use thescrewdriver to remove the batteries. Disposeof the plastic parts and the batteries separately according to local rules-This symbol on the device means:protected against access to hazardous parts with a finger and against vertically falling water drops when tilted up to 15 degrees.-This symbol means that the part of the device that comes into physical contact with the user (also known as the applied part) is of type BF (Body Floating) according to IEC 60601-1.The applied parts are the electrodes.-This symbol means that this device emitsnon-ionising radiation.All devices and systems that include RF transmitters or that intentionally apply RF electromagnetic energy must have a label with this symbol.-This symbol means:caution TENS output.Y ou findthis symbol near all electrode connections.-This symbol means ‘Manufactured by’and appears next to the address of the legal manufacturer.-This symbol means:Conforms to EC Directives. CE stands for ‘Conformité Européenne’.0344 is the number of the notified body.-This symbol means:read the user manual before you start using the device.-This symbol is the mark that identifies the standby button.-This is the pulse symbol.It appears next to the status indicator.-This is the battery symbol.It appears next to the battery indicator.Symbols on the adapter-This symbol means:alternating current.-This symbol means:direct current.-This symbol means:Conforms to EC Directives. CE stands for ‘Conformité Européenne’.-This symbol means:may only be used indoors. -This symbol means:USB connector.-This symbol is the certification logo that includes identification of the accredited compliance test house.-This symbol is the certification mark for technical equipment.The GS mark is based on the German Equipment and Product Safety Act.-This symbol shows that the no-load power CEC (California Energy Commission) Efficiency Level is V (five) in order to meet EU requirements.Symbols on electrode bag-This symbol means:Do not use while driving, operating machines or performing other activitiesthat may present a risk of injury.The electrodes should be used Do not place the electrodes Do not place electrodes onDo not place the electrodes。
• 9.解热镇痛类: • 双氯芬酸钠:饭后服用,本品可能诱导或加重老年 人胃肠道出血、溃疡和穿孔。服用利尿剂或有细胞 外液丢失的老年患者慎用。 • 复方对乙酰氨基酚:孕妇哺乳期禁用,另外对肝脏 损害比较大,此类解热镇痛药退热时要交代清楚 “必要时服用”,不要让有些患者急于退热在短时 间内多次重复用药,引起大汗淋漓甚至虚脱。要告 知患者,当体温超过38.5℃时口服,若持续发热,可 间隔4~6小时重复用药1次。 • 酮洛芬:可饭后服用。与食物、奶类同服时吸收减 慢,但吸收仍较完全,可避免对胃肠道刺激。
• 克拉霉素:食物可稍延缓吸收,但不影响生物利用度。,可 空腹服用 • 诺氟沙星:18岁以下禁用,空腹服用,并同时饮水250ml。 • 左氧氟沙星:饭后服用,使用喹诺酮类药物应避免日光,防 止发生光敏反应。 • 司帕沙星:浓度依赖型药物,在每日限定剂量内一次服用较 好。 • 异烟肼:夜间顿服效果较好。 • 利福平:空腹顿服保证最佳吸收,如出现胃肠道刺激症状则 可在进食后服用。 • 伊曲康唑:餐后立即服用本品,生物利用度最高。 • 氟康唑:由于半衰期大于24h,所以一定要严格遵照医嘱合理 服用,不然容易引起药物蓄积而中毒。
非磺脲类胰 岛素促泌剂 瑞格列奈(诺和龙,孚来迪) 那格列奈(唐力) 餐前服用 餐后立即服药或餐中 服药。 进餐时与第一口食物 嚼碎后服用。 服药时间大约在每天 同一时间,与是否进 餐无关。
葡萄糖苷酶 抑制剂
阿卡波糖(拜唐苹) 伏格列波糖
胰岛素增敏 剂
罗格列酮(文迪雅、太罗)、吡 格列酮(艾汀)
• 一.中成药物 • 二.西药: • 1.生理特性 • 2.药物特性 • 3药物类别:糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、感冒药、抗生素、抗组 胺药物、激素类、维生素、排石药、、、、、 • 4药物剂型 •5
孚来迪(瑞格列奈片)【药品名称】通用名称:瑞格列奈片商品名称:孚来迪英文名称:Repaglinide Tablets汉语拼音:Ruigelienai Pian【成份】本品主要成份为瑞格列奈。
推荐起始剂量为0.5 mg(1片),以后如需要可每周或每两周作调整。
Philips Fidelio Wireless subwoofer420 W max. 8" woofer Dual wOOx passive radiators Philips Wireless Home System Sustainable Muirhead leatherTAFW1Crafted for bass chasersFeel the full power of every dramatic moment, every climactic action scene, every beat. This Fidelio subwoofer gives you beautifully controlled bass, bringing effects alive and enriching quieter scenes and music. Prepare to be moved.Give your entertainment the sound it deserves•Philips Fidelio FW1. Spine-tingling bass for movie and music•Rich, deep, perfectly controlled low frequencies•420 W max. 8" woofer. Dual wOOx passive radiators•Advanced passive radiator design•No distortion—even at high volumesA seamless experience•Philips Wireless Home System powered by DTS Play-Fi•Intelligent bass. Immerse more. Hear more•Optimizes performance of select Philips TV and audio•RCA connection. Connect to multi-channel amps and moreBeautiful Fidelio design•Head-turning looks•Muirhead leather trim with brushed-metal top•Dimensions: 240x472x400 mmIssue date 2023-01-17Version: 5.1.212 NC: 8670 001 84217EAN: 69 51613 95429 4© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective HighlightsWireless subwoofer420 W max. 8" woofer Dual wOOx passive radiators, Philips Wireless Home System, Sustainable Muirhead leatherSpecificationsSpine-tingling bassThe Fidelio FW1 subwoofer brings spine-tingling bass to movies, shows, and music. A down-firing woofer and advanced dual passive-radiator design ensure rich, perfectly timed low frequencies fill any room. You'll add a whole new dimension to everything you watch—or listen to.Head-turning looksThis head-turning FW1 subwoofer beautifully matches the Fidelio FB1 soundbar. The bevel is trimmed in anthracite Muirhead leather, while the top surface is in brushed metal. The visible elements of the twin passive radiators are detailed with metallic material, which softly catches the light.Philips Wireless Home SystemThe Play-Fi-compatible FW1 subwoofer lets you build your perfect home theater sound. Connect toa Fidelio soundbar to deepen the impact of movies and music with perfectly controlled bass—free from distortion, even at high volume. Add paired wireless speakers and create a true surround-sound setup.Intelligent bassGood things happen when this Fidelio FW1subwoofer pairs with a Philips soundbar, speakers, or TV*. The sub recognizes what it's paired with and automatically takes control of the lowest frequencies, freeing paired components toconcentrate on mids and highs. The result: even more richness and detail.RCA connectionConnect this FW1 subwoofer to your existing home cinema setup, or to select non-Play-Fi-compatibleTVs, via the RCA port.Sound•Output power (MAX): 420W @ 1% THD •Output power (RMS): 210W •Total harmonic distortion: 1%•Frequency response: 25-150 HzLoudspeakers•Subwoofer type: Active, Wireless subwoofer •Number of woofers:1•Woofer diameter: 8"•Subwoofer impedance: 3 ohm •Passive radiators: 2•Number of sound channels: 0.1Connectivity•DTS Play-Fi subwoofer channel•WiFi: 2.4GHz/5GHz, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac •Network setup: Philips Sound app, powered by DTS Play-Fi, PS Fine Tune app •Subwoofer in: 1 x 3.5mm RCA •Multiple speaker connection•Multiple speaker scenario: Surround, Grouping •Multiple speaker technology: DTS Play-Fi Multi-room•Bluetooth:No•DLNA Standard:No •Smart Home: None •Audio in: NoCompatibility •Smartphone/tablet APP controlConvenience•Subwoofer in controls: Gain, Crossover, Phase •Other controls: Source, Factory reset •Light Effect: No•Handsfree calling: No •Built-in microphone: 0Power•Power supply: 100 - 240V AC, 50/60Hz •Subwoofer standby power: < 0.5 W •Power bank:NoAccessories•Included accessories: IFU / User Manual, AC Power Cord, Safety & warranty booklet Product dimensions•Product dimensions (W x H x D): 24 x 47.2 x 40 cm •Weight:13.4 kgPackaging dimensions•EAN: 69 51613 95429 4•Packaging type: Carton•Number of products included: 1•Packaging dimensions (W x H x D): 53 x 56 x 32 cm•Gross weight: 15.5 kg •Nett weight: 13 kg •Tare weight: 2.5 kg*This feature works with DTS Play-Fi-compatible Philips TVs from 2021 or later.。
FVL-B 型真空吸吊机 使用说明书
上海孚来迪自动化科技有限公司FVL-B型真空吸吊机使用说明书产品型号:设备编号:出厂日期:安装使用该设备前 请认真阅读说明书编制日期:2011-6安全警示 SAFETY WARNINGS操作人员必须穿戴具有防护功能的鞋子,该鞋子应能够在搬运钢板时对操作人员的脚部起到保护作用!吸吊搬运时,工件下方严禁站人或将手脚伸入!吸盘破损时严禁吸吊工件!断电或压力报警时立即采取安全措施!操作人员必须经过培训,并且按照操作说明使用该设备!工件不能超过额定参数!真空泵运转时泵体表面温度可达80-90度,注意防护!吸吊时将真空吸吊机的中心尽量靠近工件中心!该吸吊机只适于吸吊表面平整、致密的工件!不能吸吊有毒、易燃、易爆物品!按照规定进行维修保养!一、组件说明序号 组件 功能(如果相应的组件存在)1 吊耳 用来将真空吸吊机悬挂在起重机的吊钩上2 真空泵 真空动力源3 真空表 显示吸盘/蓄能器内的真空度4 真空过滤器 防止灰尘和颗粒进入真空系统5 真空单向阀 在断电时将真空泵与蓄能器隔离,保证压力不泄漏6 吸盘 与工件实现密封7 手动推拉阀 手动控制工件的“吸”和“放”8 手动球阀 用来控制每个吸盘与系统的连接9 断电/压力报警单元 当压力降低或断电时提供声光报警信号10 主梁/真空蓄能器 集成有真空蓄能器,在断电时提供保护功能11 横梁 安装在主梁上,位置可以调节,同时吸盘安装在其上12 操作手柄 手扶以控制吸吊机的方向二、设备连接设备被全部运达、装配完毕并等待连接,在机器的初始操作之前必须检查完整性及运输途中是否有损坏,若有任何损坏必须立即以书面形式报知。
通常在餐前【不良反应】同其它降血糖药物一样,服用瑞格列奈片可能发生以下不良反应: 1.低血糖这些反应通常较轻微,通过给予碳水化合物较易纠正。
【禁忌】以下情况禁用: 1.已知对瑞格列奈或本品中的任何赋型剂过敏的患者。
本药在肝3A4(CYP 3A4)快速代谢为非活性产物,大部分经胆汁随粪便脏由细胞色素P450排泄(粪便中的药物原形低于1%),小部分(低于8%)随尿液排泄。
1片QD)ARB安博维/科苏厄贝沙坦37¥150mg*7安博诺厄贝沙坦氢氯噻嗪37¥美卡素替米沙坦43¥代文缬沙坦45¥80mg*7复代文缬沙坦氢氯噻嗪49倍博特缬沙坦氨氯地平60科素亚/科什兰氯沙坦钾47/36¥50mg*7海捷亚氯沙坦钾氢氯噻嗪片47¥50mg*7CCB波依定非洛地平39¥5mg*10拜新同硝苯地平35¥30mg*7压氏达(我院暂缺)/ 络活喜苯磺酸氨氯地平38¥5mg*7施慧达·左旋氨氯地平40 ¥ 2.5mg*14ACEI雅施达培哚普利40¥洛丁新贝那普利50 ¥开博通卡托普利22¥倍他乐克(25mg*20#/47.5mg*7#)美托洛尔18¥福辛普利钠蒙诺.波立维(硫酸氢)氯吡格雷1片QD -抗血小板聚集147¥泰嘉氯吡格雷2片QD 88¥阿司匹林拜阿司匹林1片QD 16¥万爽力曲美他嗪1片TID -心绞痛预防治疗54¥欣康(依姆多)单硝酸异山梨酯1片TID 46¥消心痛硝酸异山梨酯1片TID 1.2¥心得安(本院暂缺)盐酸普萘洛尔片1片TID¥麝香保心丸2粒TID 23¥速效救心丸平时4粒TID / 急救10粒QD 19¥养心氏片3粒TID ¥益心舒胶囊3粒TID 37¥心可舒4粒TID 24¥复方丹参滴丸10粒TID 29¥冠心丹参滴丸10粒TID 20¥参松养心胶囊2-4粒TID 29¥通心络胶囊3粒TID 31¥通塞脉片5片?TID -用于轻中度动脉粥样硬化性血栓性脑梗死(缺血性中风中经络)恢复期气虚血瘀证;血栓性脉管炎(脱疽)的毒热证。
硝酸甘油氟伐他汀(来适可)1片QD 40mg* 7粒33.7¥阿托伐他汀钙(立普妥)1粒QD 20mg*7粒76 ¥非诺贝特(力平脂)1片QD 200mg*10粒43¥辛伐他汀(舒降之)1粒QD 20mg*7粒25 ¥血脂康胶囊2粒BID 0.3g*24粒28¥绞股蓝总苷片1片TID 高脂血症16¥荷丹片5片TID 高脂血症16¥银杏叶片3片QD 0.4g*36片37¥脑塞通(本院暂缺)1粒TID¥血塞通软胶囊2粒TID怡开胰激肽原酶2片TID(血管扩张药,有改善微循环作用)尼莫同(尼莫地平) 1粒TID¥(CCB,对扩张脑血管特异性较好)脑心通胶囊3粒TID¥培达(西洛他唑)2片BID¥西比灵(盐酸氟桂利嗪胶囊)1粒-BID适于脑血供不足,椎动脉缺血,脑血栓形成后等敏使朗(倍他司汀)1片TID -----抗眩晕¥金水宝胶囊3粒TID¥镇咳宁胶囊2粒TID ¥强力枇杷露10ml TID¥急支糖浆20ml TID¥杏桔合剂20ml TID¥沐舒坦氨溴索1片TID¥兰苏氨溴索1片BID(说明书:1片QD)¥清咽滴丸2丸TID ¥咳嗽合剂25ml tid桑杏合剂20ml bidbid金水宝胶囊3粒TID¥百令胶囊0.2g规格,一次5-15粒,TID¥香砂养胃丸4片BID¥养胃舒3粒TID¥胃乐宁3片TID¥胃复春4片TID¥吗丁啉(多潘立酮)1片TID¥奥克(奥美拉唑)1粒QD达喜/威地美(铝碳酸镁)1-2 TID¥(制酸)莫沙必利1粒TID¥(促进胃动力)必奇(思密达)蒙脱石散1袋QD¥六味安消胶囊3粒bid (理气除热、通便降逆)吡格列酮(瑞彤)1片QD格列吡嗪控释片(瑞易宁)QD 5 14 38¥格列吡嗪片(迪沙) 2.5 80 20¥格列本脲(优降糖)¥格列喹酮(糖适平)1片TID 30 30 38¥格列齐特(达美康)30 30 56¥格列美脲(亚莫利) 2 15 77¥罗格列酮(文迪雅)¥瑞格列奈(诺和龙、孚来迪)1粒BID¥阿卡波糖(拜糖平)1片TID 74¥二甲双胍肠溶片(格华止)1片TID ¥消渴丸8颗TID¥甘精胰岛素注射液(来得时)¥赖脯胰岛素(优泌乐)¥泰诺(酚麻美敏)¥新康泰克日夜百服宁荆防合剂20ml bid阿莫西林(阿莫仙)1粒TID¥阿奇霉素2粒QD¥甲硝唑3片TID¥头孢克洛2-4片BID¥维普(洛美沙星)1片QD¥仁苏、逻施立(罗红霉素)1片TID¥采乐(酮康唑)外用抗真菌药达克宁外用抗真菌药头孢氨苄(美丰)1片TID¥安定、舒乐安定(艾司唑仑)1mg*20片*1盒(精二处方)酒石酸唑吡坦片(思诺思) 10mg*20片*1盒(精二处方)阿普唑仑0.4mg*20片*1盒(精二处方)本院自制类鼻鼽合剂痹痛合剂补血复明合剂鼻渊合剂疳积合剂归芍合剂红霖四物合剂咳嗽合剂抗炎合剂桑杏合剂杏桔合剂利咽合剂桑菊消炎合剂青陈合剂清燥合剂消肿洗剂消炎膏乌敛梅膏莫匹罗星(百多邦)外用-外用的软膏、滴眼液等,剂量不改,频率均打QD 白内停(吡诺克辛滴眼液)¥达克宁外用真菌感染障翳散(眼药水)¥艾唯多(萘敏维滴眼液)¥辅舒良(洗鼻液)¥麝香壮骨膏关节止痛膏¥青鹏软膏——止痛消肿。
2021 Chevrolet Tahoe 用户指南说明书
ESSENTIAL INFORMATIONFUEL TANK CAPACITY/FUEL RECOMMENDATIONS:Your fuel tank can accommodate 18.5gallons of gasoline.Your vehicle is designed to use “Premium”unleaded gasoline with an (R+M)/2 octane rating of 91 or higher for optimum performance.The use of gasolines with lower octane ratings may degrade performance.FUSES:If electrical components in your vehicle stop working,a fuse may have blown.(You’ll notice a broken wire within the fuse.) For information on changing fuses,please consult your Owner’s Guide.TIRE PRESSURE:Improperly inflated tires can affect vehicle handling and can fail suddenly,possibly resulting in loss of vehicle control.Check your tires for proper air pressure monthly;check the air pressure in your spare tire every six months.Always use an accurate tire pressure gauge.Check the tire pressure when tires are cold,after the vehicle has been parked for at least 3 hours or has been driven less than 3 miles.(As you drive,the temperature in the tire warms up,increasing the tire pressure.) Adjust the tire pressure to the recommended specifications found on the tire inflation placard.CHANGING THE TIRES:Your spare tire,jack and lug nut wrench are located under your trunk cargo cover.(On V8 Sport models,the lug nut wrench is attached to the jack assembly.To use the wrench,remove it from the jack and extend the shaft.) Your vehicle may have a temporary or full-size spare tire.The temporary spare tire for your vehicle is labeled as such.It is smaller than a regular tire and is designed for emergency use only.Drive cautiously and replace the temporary spare tire as soon as possible.If you get a flat tire while driving,do not apply the brake heavily.Instead,gradually decrease your speed.Hold the steering wheel firmly and slowly move to a safe place on the side of the road.ROADSIDE EMERGENCIES:To fully assist you if you should have a vehicle concern,Lincoln offers a complimentary roadside assistance program.This program is separate from the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.The service is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week for the Basic Warranty Period (Canada),or New Vehicle Limited Warranty period (U.S.) of four years or 80,000 km (50,000 miles).Roadside assistance will cover:Country:Phone Number:•Changing a flat tire United States (800) 521-4140•Lockout assistance Canada (800) 665-2006•Jump-starts•Towing of your vehicle •Limited fuel deliveryFor complete details on any roadside assistance concern,please consult the Roadside Emergencies or Customer Assistance chapters of your Owner’s Guide.Ford Motor Company Customer Relationship Center P .O.Box 6248,Dearborn,MI 481211-800-392-3673 (FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired:1-800-232-5952)This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which contains more detailed information concerning the features of your vehicle,as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers.Please read your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate sections when questions arise.5W4J-19G217-BA*F5W4J19G217BA*May 2004 First PrintingQuick Reference GuideLincoln LS Litho in U.S.A.LI NCOLN LS2005 QUI CK REFERENCE GUI DE2005 M O D E L L S Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E G U I D EAUDIO SYSTEMSPREMIUM AM/FM STEREO/CASSETTE SINGLE CDPOWER/VOLUME:Press the control to turn the system on or off;turn the control to raise or lower the volume.AM/FM/CD:In radio mode ,press this control to switch between AM,FM1 or FM2 modes.In tape or CD mode ,press this control to stop play and begin radio play.I f you’re returning from tape or radio play and have a CD in place,press CD to begin play of the first CD track.The CD will begin play where it stopped last.TUNE:In radio mode ,press the left arrow to move to the next frequency down the band;hold the arrow to move quickly through the frequencies.Press the right arrow to move to the next frequency up the band;hold the arrow to move quickly through the frequencies.SEEK:In radio mode ,press the left arrow to find the next listenable station down the frequency band;press the right arrow to find the next listenable station up the frequency band.In tape or CD mode ,press the left arrow to listen to the previous selection or track;press the right arrow to listen to the next selection or track.SCAN:In radio mode ,press SCAN to hear a brief sampling of all listenable stations;press again to stop scan mode.In tape or CD mode ,press SCAN to hear a brief sampling of all selections.To stop on a particular selection,press the control again.AUTO SET:Auto Set allows you to set strong radio stations without losing your original manually set preset stations.Please consult your Owner’s Guide for details.AB C DEF G HIJ K LABCDEFRDS/MUTE:The Radio Data System allows your audio system to receive station identification or program type from RDS-equipped FM radio stations.Please consult your Owner’s Guide for details.Press MUTE to silence the playing media;press again to return to normal levels.REWIND/FF:Press REW to reverse in tape or CD mode;press FF to fast-forward in tape or CD mode.COMPRESSION/SHUFFLE:To adjust the soft and loud passages of a CD for a more consistent listening level,press COMP;press again to deactivate.Press SHUF to play all CD tracks in random order;press again to deactivate.BALANCE/FADE:Press BAL and the left SEL arrow to shift sound to the left speakers;press the right arrow to shift sound to the right speakers.Press FADE and the right arrow of SEL to shift the sound to the front;press the left arrow to adjust the sound to the rear.BASS/TREBLE:Press BASS,then use the SEL control left arrow to decrease or the right arrow to increase the audio system’s bass component.Press TREB,then use the SEL control left arrow to decrease or the right arrow to increase the audio system’s treble component.TAPE: f a tape is already loaded into the system,press TAPE to begin tape play.CLOCK:Press the RDS control until SELECT HOUR or SELECT MINS is e the left arrow of the SEL control to decrease hours/minutes,or the right arrow of the SEL control to increase hours/minutes.GHIJKL MMAUDIOPHILE SATELLITE READY AM/FM STEREO IN-DASH SIX CD RADIOAM/FM:In radio mode ,press this control to switch between AM,FM1 or FM2 frequency bands.In CD mode ,press this control to stop CD play and begin radio play.CD/AUX:Press to access CD or AUX mode.RADIO MEMORY PRESETS:These controls can be used to select up to six preset AM stations and twelve FM stations (six in FM1 and six in FM2).Use the AM/FM control to select the frequency band;select the station of your choice.Press and hold a memory preset control until the sound returns,indicating the station has been stored.BALANCE/FADE:Press BAL,then use the SEL control to adjust sound between left and right speakers.Press FADE,then use SEL to adjust the sound between the front and rear speakers.BASS/TREBLE:Press the BASS or TREB control,then use the SEL control up arrow to increase or down arrow to decrease that audio component.CD REWIND/FF:Press and hold the REW control until the desired selection is reached;release to disengage rewind.Press and hold FF until the desired selection is reached;release to disengage fast-forward.SEEK:In radio mode ,press the left arrow to find the next listenable station down the frequency band.Press the right arrow to find the next listenable station up the frequency band.n CD mode ,press the left arrow to move to the previous track on the current disc;press the right arrow to move to the next selection on the current disc.DB CAE FG H I JKAB CDEFTUNE:In radio mode ,press the left arrow to move to the next frequency down the band;hold the arrow to move quickly through the frequencies.Press the right arrow to move to the next frequency up the band;hold the arrow to move quickly through the frequencies.I n CD mode ,press the left arrow to listen to the previous disc;the right arrow to listen to the next disc.SCAN:In radio mode ,press SCAN to hear a brief sampling of all listenable stations;press again to stop scan mode.n CD mode ,press SCAN to hear a brief sampling of all CD selections.To stop on a particular selection,press the control again.CD LOAD:Press the LOAD control and wait for the CD door to open.(Never attempt to force the door open manually.) You can choose which slot you’d like to load by pressing the desired preset number.(As an example – to load a CD into slot 2,press LOAD and then press preset 2.) I f you don’t specify a location,the system will choose the next available slot.The display will indicate “LOAD CD#”until the CD is loaded and “LOADING CD#”while the CD is loading.CLOCK:Press MENU until SELECT HOUR or SELECT MINS is e the up arrow of SEL to increase,or the down arrow to decrease the hours and minutes.Your system comes equipped with satellite ready capability.The kit to enable satellite reception is available through your Lincoln dealer.Detailed satellite instructions are included with the dealer installed satellite kit.Dealer installed satellite kit available only in the continental United States.GHIJKCLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEMDUAL AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROL (If Equipped)DRIVER TEMP CONTROL:Press the up arrow for a warmer temperature;the down arrow for a cooler temperature.(I n single zone operation,this control manages the temperature of the entire vehicle.n dual zone,it manages the temperature of the driver’s side of the e AUTO to change zones.)FAN SPEED:To adjust the fan speed manually,press the up arrow to increase the speed;the down arrow to decrease the speed.To return to automatic fan operation,press AUTO.COOL DRIVER SEAT:Press to cool the driver’s seat.Press once for full cool,twice for medium cool and a third time for low cool.Press a fourth time to disengage.HEAT DRIVER SEAT:Press to heat the driver’s seat.Press once for full heat,twice for medium heat and a third time for low heat.Press a fourth time to disengage.AUTO (Automatic Temperature Control):Press AUTO and select the temperature you find most comfortable.The system will either heat or cool the vehicle based on your temperature selection.Press and hold AUTO for about two seconds to toggle between single zone and dual zone temperature control.MANUAL O V ERRIDE CONTROLS:These 3 buttons OFF ,,allow you to manually direct airflow.To return to full automatic control,press AUTO.OFF:Press to disengage Automatic Temperature Control.Press AUTO to resume automatic operation.AIRFLOW DIRECTION CONTROL:Press to toggle through various air distribution modes.DEFROST:Press to clear ice or fog from the windshield;the system will distribute outside air through the windshield defroster ducts and the demister outlets.DBCAFGHABCDEFCOOL PASSENGER SEAT:Press to cool the front passenger seat.Press once for full cool,twice for medium cool and a third time for low cool.Press a fourth time to disengage.HEAT PASSENGER SEAT:Press to heat the front passenger seat.Press once for full heat,twice for medium heat and a third time for low heat.Press a fourth time to disengage.PASSENGER TEMP CONTROL:Press the up arrow for a warmer temperature;the down arrow for a cooler temperature.REAR WINDOW DEFROST:Press to clear therear window and side view mirrors of thin ice or fog.Press again to turn the system off,or allow it to turn off automatically after a predetermined period of time.RECIRCULATED AIR:Press to manually engage or disengage the operation of recirculated air in all modes except defrost.A/C:Press to manually control the air conditioning;press again to disengage.Press AUTO for automatic operation.DISPLAY OUTSIDE TEMP:Press EXT to display the outside temperature.Press EXT again to return to interior temperature.°F/°C:Press to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius.The buttons for the rear heated seats are located on each of the rear door armrests.Press the top of the button for high heat,the bottom of the button for low heat;push again to deactivate.G H JKLM NOPQIEIJKLMNOPQCAUTION:DO NOT USE CD WITH ADHESIVE LABEL**CDs with adhesive labels and irregularly shaped CDs may get stuck in the CD player.Homemade CDs should be identified with permanent felt tip marker rather than adhesive labels.INTERIOR FEATURESLI NCOLN LSCongratulations on acquiring a Lincoln LS.Your elegant new vehicle possesses many sophisticated features,from steering wheel mounted controls to the electronic parking brake.This Quick Reference Guide was designed to acquaint you with many of the features you’ll be using most.For detailed information,please consult your Owner’s Guide.12387654911121414113FUEL DOOR RELEASEPress the power fuel door release control on the instrument panel to open the fuel door.4TURN SIGNAL/WIPER WASHER CONTROLSFor a single wipe with no wash,tap the end of the stalk briefly.To increase the speed of the wipers,rotate the end of the control away from you;to decrease the speed,rotate the control toward you.To activate the washer,push and hold the end of the stalk;the wash cycle will continue for up to ten seconds,until released.After release there will be three clearing wipes.(The windshield wiper won’t cycle automatically if the washer fluid is low.)5SPEED CONTROLYour speed controls are located on the steering wheel.Press ON to enable speed control.(You must be traveling at or above 30 miles per hour.) Press SET+ and release to set a speed,then press and hold + or – to increase or decrease speed.Pressing RES will return your vehicle to a previously set speed.To disengage speed control,press OFF or depress the brake pedal.HEADLAMP CONTROLSTurn the control clockwise to the first position to turn on the parking lamps,license plate lamps and tail lamps.Turn to the second position to turn on the headlamps.Turn the control counterclockwise to initiate the autolamp system,which turns your exterior lamps on and off automatically,based on availabledaylight;the system also keeps the lights on for a short time after the ignition switch is turned to the OFF position.To turn on the foglamps,pull the headlamp control toward you.12INTERIOR TRUNK RELEASEPress the power trunk release control on the instrument panel to open the trunk.When valet parking,you can render the switch inoperable by locking the button with your master key;lock your glove box before giving the attendant the gray valet key.6CHECK ENGINE LIGHTSolid illumination indicates a system malfunction,an overheated engine,or may come on if the vehicle runs out of fuel.Blinking illumination means an engine misfire is occurring;have the vehicle serviced immediately.9MESSAGE CENTER (If Equipped)Your Message Center is located on your instrument cluster.With the ignition in the “run”position,the Message Center will display important vehicle information while constantly monitoring vehicle systems.I t will also notify you of potential vehicle problems by displaying a system warning message.Please consult your Owner’s Guide for details.10CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEMPlease see the reverse side for details.8STEERING WHEEL AUDIO CONTROLS(I f your vehicle is equipped with the Navigation System,please refer to your Owner’s Guide for information.) Press MEDIA to select AM,FM1,FM2,TAPE,or CD (if equipped).Radio Presets:In AM,FM1 or FM2 mode,use the up or down arrow to select preset radio stations within the selected radio band.Tape Selection:Intape mode,press the up or down arrow to select the next or previous selection on the tape.CD Selection:In CD mode,press the up or down arrow to select the next or previous selection on the CD.Volume:Press VOL + or – in any mode to adjust the volume.Mute:Press this control to silence the playing media;press again to return to normal volume.ABS WARNING LIGHTf this light remains on or continues to flash,it means a malfunction has been detected;have the ABS serviced immediately.You can expect your normal braking system to continue to function unless the brake warning light remains illuminated.7101311HEATED / COOLED SEATS (If Equipped)Please see the reverse side for details.12AUDIO SYSTEMS/CLOCKSPlease see the reverse side to review the Premium AM/FM stereo/cassette single CD unit or the Audiophile Satellite Ready AM/FM stereo in-dash six-CD radio.If you have the Navigation System,please consult the Entertainment chapter of your Owner’s Guide for more information on navigation system features,or call 1-888-NAV-MAPS (1-888-628-6277).13ASHTRAYYour ashtray has an unusual feature - it has a drawer with a removable tray;the tray can be damaged if not used properly.To remove the tray,push the ashtray face and slide it open;pull the tray from the drawer to remove.(You’ll notice that the tray has a tight fit.Please take care not to damage the ashtray.) To install the tray,insert the tray into the drawer;push to close.14FRONT AND REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER CONTROLSPress the defrost control to clear ice or fog from the windshield.Press the rear defrost control to clear the rear window and side view mirrors of thin ice or fog.Press again to turn the system off,or allow it to turn off automatically after a predetermined period of time.ADDITIONAL FEATURESREMOTE ENTRY SYSTEMADVANCETRAC™ (If Equipped)The AdvanceTrac™ system automatically turns on when the engine is started.AdvanceTrac™ enhances your vehicle’s stability during maneuvers that require all available tire traction,like in wet/snowy/icy road conditions and/or when performing emergency maneuvers.ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKETo set the parking brake,pull the lever up.To release the parking brake,make sure the ignition is turned to ON,depress the brake pedal,then gently push the parking brake lever down.HOMELINK ®WIRELESS CONTROL SYSTEM (If Equipped)This control,located on the driver’s visor,provides a convenient way to replace up to three hand-held transmitters with a single built-in device.This feature will learn the radio frequency codes of most current transmitters to operate garage doors,entry gates,security systems,entry door locks,and home or office lighting.For more information,contact HomeLink® at: or 1–800–355–3515.Press and release the “unlock”icon to unlock the driver’s door.Press and release again within five seconds to unlock all doors.Press and hold this control for more than two seconds in order to begin opening the windows and moonroof (if equipped).The control can then be released and the windows and moonroof will complete the opening operation.Press and release the “lock”icon to lock all doors and arm the perimeter alarm system.Press and release again within three seconds to confirm that all doors,trunk and hood are closed and locked.One chirp will confirm that all doors,hood and trunk are closed;two chirps will indicate that one or more access points have NOT been properly closed.Press the “open trunk”icon to open the trunk.Press the “alarm”icon to activate the alarm.Press it a second time to deactivate the alarm.9。
二甲双胍活化 AMPK 系统
二甲双胍作用对AMP活化的蛋白激酶的影响。 活化的蛋白激酶的影响。 二甲双胍作用对 活化的蛋白激酶的影响 Zhou G, Myers R, Li Y, Chen Y, Shen X, Fenyk-Melody J, Wu M, Ventre J, Doebber T, Fujii N, Musi N, Hirshman MF, Goodyear LJ, Moller DE. J Clin Invest. 2001 降糖药二甲双胍通过非腺嘌呤核苷酸机制活化AMP活化的蛋白激酶级联作用。 活化的蛋白激酶级联作用。 降糖药二甲双胍通过非腺嘌呤核苷酸机制活化 活化的蛋白激酶级联作用 Hawley SA, Gadalla AE, Olsen GS, Hardie DG. Diabetes. 2002 二甲双胍增加2型糖尿病患者骨骼肌的 二甲双胍增加 型糖尿病患者骨骼肌的 AMP-活化的蛋白激酶活性 。 活化的蛋白激酶活性 Musi N, Hirshman MF, Nygren J, Svanfeldt M, Bavenholm P, Rooyackers O, Zhou G, Williamson JM, Ljunqvist O, Efendic S, Moller DE, Thorell A, Goodyear LJ. Diabetes. 2002 降糖药罗格列酮和二甲双胍通过不同的信号途径刺激AMP-活化的蛋白激酶 。 活化的蛋白激酶 降糖药罗格列酮和二甲双胍通过不同的信号途径刺激 Fryer LG, Parbu-Patel A, Carling D J Biol Chem. 2002
• • • • •
胰腺 ↑非磺脲类 ↑磺脲类 胰岛素分泌受损 肠道 ↓α糖苷酶抑制剂
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孚来迪(瑞格列奈片)【药品名称】通用名称:瑞格列奈片商品名称:孚来迪英文名称:Repaglinide Tablets汉语拼音:Ruigelienai Pian【成份】本品主要成份为瑞格列奈。
推荐起始剂量为0.5 mg(1片),以后如需要可每周或每两周作调整。
但最大日剂量不应超过16mg (32片)。
一项在健康志愿者中开展的药物相互作用研究表明,CYP2C8抑制剂吉非贝齐(每日两次,每次600mg)与瑞格列奈(单剂量0.25mg)同服,可是健康志愿者血液中瑞格列奈AUC增加8.1倍,C max增加2.4倍,清除半衰期(t1/2)从1.3小时延长到3.7小时。
甲氧苄啶(每日两次,每次160mg)是一种弱CYP2C8抑制剂,与瑞格列奈(单剂0.25mg)同服,可使瑞格列奈AUC,C max和生物半衰期有轻微的增加(分别为1.6倍,1.4倍和1.2倍),血糖水平增加无明显的统计学差异。
在最后一次服用利福平24小时后服用瑞格列奈,瑞格列奈的AUC 降低了80%(单独诱导作用)。
克拉霉素是一种CYP3A4强抑制剂,以每日两次,每次250mg剂量与瑞格列奈(单剂0.25mg)同服,可使瑞格列奈的暴露量有微弱的增加(AUC增加1.4倍,C max增加1.7倍),血清胰岛素AUC平均增值增加1.5倍(C max增加1.6倍)。
服用瑞格列奈(单次给药4mg)的同时服用CYP3A4强抑制剂酮康唑(每日200mg),可在一定范围内增加瑞格列奈的暴露量(AUC增加1.2倍,C max增加1.6倍),血糖变化低于8%。