
爱尔兰英⽂导游词爱尔兰英⽂介绍Republic of Ireland⽤英语介绍爱尔兰As far as tourist appeal goes, the small island of Ireland punches far above its own weight. The country is so packed with delights that visitors are often reduced to describing its charms in hyperbolic clichés: it is the greenest country, full of the friendliest people, all of whom would be geniuses if they weren't distracted by the lure of the pub.Ireland is indeed a green country - so much rainfall must have its benefits - and the people are justifiably renowned for their friendliness. As for the geniuses, well, the Irish will proudly point to their four Nobel Laureates for Literature and declare that the success rate is unmatched in any other country of its size, all the while ensuring that the sacred 'round' system (where everyone buys a drink for everyone else in turn) is strictly adhered to.Yet Ireland's charms run far deeper than the legendary craic of the pub or the accomplishments of a bunch of (mostly) dead writers. It has a remarkable history that is woven into virtually everything, from the prehistoric stone monuments of the Boyne Valley to the monuments honouring its fallen patriots, men and women who dared challenge the imperious might of its longtime occupier and contemporary friend, Britain.It has a vibrant and dynamic capital, Dublin, which has spearheaded a stunning period of economic growth that has seen the country transformed from rural backwater to the envy of Europe. As a result, the Irish have grown in worldliness that continues to propel them to greater heights of achievement. Even the thorniest issue of all - Northern Ireland - has seen a kind of resolution and Ireland looks to the future with untrammelled confidence.位于欧洲西部的爱尔兰岛南部。

Russian National Flag
German National Flag
French German
Russian Irish
Irish Harp is so closely associated with Irish identity that it serves as the nation's national emblem.
The Celtic tribes arrived in the island about the 6th century BC.
In the 9th century the Viking 北欧海盗 invasions began. They were driven away in about 1014.
French National Flag, also known as the French tricolour, The Tricolour was used during the French Revolution and has since become a symbol of liberty around the world. Other nations have also adopted the design, usually associated with Freedom 自由, Equality 平等 and Fraternity (Brotherhood) 博爱.
The Liffey River flows through Dublin.
The Shannon River (370 km long; Severn River: 338 km; Thames River: 336 km.) is the longest river in the British Isles. It consists of a chain of lakes, begins in the northwest and flows southwest before reaching the Atlantic Ocean through a wide, lengthy estuary 河口. It provides electric power for much of the country.

02. Climate
03. Major Cities
Major Cities
The capital city of Ireland is Dublin, which is located in Dublin Bay. With one-fourth of the country's total population living there, Dublin is the largest city in Ireland. It is also the country's chief port, the commercial and financial center, and the seat of culture.
The The Republic of Ireland
The island of Ireland is the third largest island in Europe. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean, separated from the island of Great Britain by the Irish Sea and from mainland Europe by the Celtic Sea.
The island of Ireland is epublic of Ireland, which is an independent country, and Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom.
Cork (科克) is the second largest city in Ireland. The city has a reputation for independence dating back to 1491, when its people fought to overthrow the English rule. The people of Cork are proud of their participation in the Irish War of Independence

2. Celts – 600 BCE 3. St. Patrick , 432– Catholicism
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Stone circle in County Cork, ca 3500BC
St. Patrick and Catholicism
Republic of Ireland
GREEN: represents the catholics who want an unit Ireland
WHITE: represents the hope for peace
ORANGE: represents the protestant community
1916, the Easter Rising 1919 ,the Irish War of Independence
- Declared 24 April 1916 - Ratified 21 January 1919 - Recognised 6 December 1922 - Constitution 29 December 1937 - Left the Commonwealth 18 April 1949 - European Union Membership 1 January 1973
4. Total land area: 81,421 Sq km.
5. The highest peak is Carrauntoohil 1,041
m. The River Shannon, at 386 km is the longest river in Ireland.

IrelandIreland is a European country, its capital is Dublin, and the population of Ireland is about 4.2million, the national flower is White clover. Its climate including: mild climate humid and typical temperate oceanic climate.Ireland is an island, it lies at northwestern Europe, it is about 70282KM ². It is a green country. The whole land is surrounded by small hills. Irish longest river is River Shannon, and other Rivers and more short. The land was divided into two parts by River Life, the southern area and the northern one.From AD5, Ireland has ever been invaded by Dane, Norman, and British. The longest reign, the most cruel exploitation and oppression, the history of Ireland were the most affected British colonist invasion. But,Strong and brave Irish people never succumbs to British rule, they try every means to fight for national independence. Southern Ireland 26 County independent, but Northern Ireland 6 counties were still British rule. Real estate bubble is Ireland's debt crisis the initiator of evil. With the real estate bubble burst, coupled with the impact of the international financial tsunami, Ireland's 5 bigbanks are on the verge of bankruptcy. The Irish government shortly before that, due to salvage their five big banks may be the highest cost 50000000000 Euros, is expected in 2010 fiscal deficit rose to gross domestic product ( GDP ) 32%, public debt will account for 100% of GDP. The real estate industry abducted bank, bank and kidnapped government, it is the sovereign debt crisis behind the simple logic.Ireland have many outstanding scientists, such as George Bernard Shaw (In 1925 the Nobel Prize for Literature), William Butler Yeats (In 1923the Nobel Prize for Literature),Samuel Beckett (In 1969 the Nobel Prize for Literature), Seamus Heaney (In 1995 the Nobel Prize for Literature).Music in Irish culture occupies an important position, the Irish harp is typical of the traditional musical instruments, and its shape was chosen as patriotic emblem logo, that music in Ireland occupies the extremely important position. So here are also many famous bands, such as U2, Westlife,The Cranberries and many others. Irish writers are imaginative as well, such as Jonathan Swift and James Joyce.Irish culture is very unique. It originated from the Celt culture, mainly by literature, music, dance and traditional sports. Irish Men’s traditional costume is dress.Ireland is loyal to love; you can get married but not allowed to divorce here.The Catholic is Irish mainly religion.Ireland is a tourist attraction.In winter, wind and rain are frequent. June is the best tourist season, the rain is less and the temperature is maintained at 15℃.Ireland has two kind of special wine is worthwhile to taste, one of them is a 700 historical Irish whiskey ( Irish Whiskey ) and another one is single taste sweet crown the Baileys Irish Cream ( Baileys ).Ireland's traditional diet is very similar to the British.Family eating is simple, including potato, vegetable, and beef. Bread is the staple food of the Irish.The people in Ireland are simple and honest. If you want to be free, and only enjoy yourself, I think you can have a visit to Ireland.。
Ireland 爱尔兰简介英文版汇编

Céad Mile Fáilte! Welcome to Ireland!
•Ireland means: •Eire – Green •Land – land, island
•Why? Because the island is full of shamrocks and clovers!
Some famous Irish People and Musicians
A Very brief Introduction to Ireland (Not only Northern Ireland)
Spring 2013 Survey of English Speaking Countries Irene Florente
What do you know about Ireland?
Important Historical Events in Ireland
• The Great Potato Famine
• In Ireland, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852. • During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%. • The proximate cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight.[ • Although blight ravaged potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840s, the impact and human cost in Ireland – where one-third of the population was entirely dependent on the potato for food – was exacerbated by a host of political, social and economic factors which remain the subject of historical debate.

英语国家概况名词解释——美国爱尔兰Rupert MurdochAustralian-born US newspaper publisher. he became a us citizen in 1985.Pilgrims Thanksgiving DayThe Pilgrims in 1620, 201 of them sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. The first winter after their arrival was very cold and when spring came, half of them were dead. Then the Indians came to their help and taught them how to grow corn. They had a good harvest that year. So they invited the Indians and held the first Thanksgiving celebration in America to give thanks to God.Republic of Ireland—the Republic of Ireland is an independent country situated in western Europe. It occupies four-fifths of the island of Ireland. Its capital is Dublin. The republic of Ireland is also known as Eire in Irish.Irish Catholicism—Ireland is one of the most catholic countries of Europe. Catholicism is an integral and pervasive influence on national life. Today 93.1% of the Irish population are Roman Catholics. About half the Catholic bishops in the United States are of Irish origin.爱尔兰裔。

IrelandClimate:Ireland is not very hot during summer, nor very cold in winter, actually it has a quite temperate climate_ does not vary from one season the next.Ireland had a quite unspoiled landscape, due to the comparative poverty of the country. Conflicts often arise between those who seek development and those who seek to protect the environment.Environmentthe third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island in the world, it lies to the northwest of continental Europe . To the east of Ireland is Great Britain.Relatively low-lying mountains surrounding a central plain, the island has lush vegetation, a product of its mild but changeable oceanic climate. Thick woodlands covered the island until the 17th century. Today, it is the most deforested area in Europe.Twenty-six mammal species are native to Ireland, with some, such as the red fox, hedgehog and badger, being very common. Others, like the Irish hare, red deer, and pine marten are less so.The population of Ireland is estimated to be 6.5 million people, with just under 4.5 million in the Republic of Ireland and just under 1.8 million in Northern Ireland. This is a significant increase from a modern historical low of 4.2 million in the 1960s but still much lower than the peak population of over 8 million in the mid-19th century prior to the Great Famine.Large populations of people of Irish live in many western countries, particularly in English-speaking countries including Great Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, New Zealand, Mexico, France, Germany and Brazil. The largest number of people of Irish descent live in the United States—about ten times more than in Ireland itself Historically, emigration has been caused by politics,The Irish Sea separating the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean in the south and in the north by the North Channel.The sea is of significant economic importance to regional trade, shipping and transport, fishing and so on.The Irish Hills Its name comes from the Irish immigrants who settled there from 1830-1850. It is renowned throughout the state for its beautiful scenery, especially in the summer, with its many hills and larger lakes surrounded. As for tourism, the Irish Hills offer some family-oriented locations, including family-owned restaurants and bars that offer a variety of different food. Population and migrationAccording to the 1841 census, there were 6.5 million of population. But in the late 1980s there were 3million population remained in the Irish Republic. At present, prosperity brought its population up to 4 million. This is a significant increase, but still much lower than the peak population of over 8 million in the mid-19th century prior to the Great Famine.There are 4.5 million population at present in the Republic because of an increased prosperity.Reasons:Great Famine in 1845 led a mass emigrationBefore Great Famine, 2/3 of the Irish population depended on agriculture for a living. In 1845-1848, there was a successive and serious failure of potato crop, many Irish people starved to death or died of the diseasesBritish government appeared to be indifferent to the fate of the poorest people Emigrants of Irish people ( move out from his own country, while immigrants move into a foreign country ):----- before Famine, emigrants were often the younger sons of farmers who were seeking to better their economic position in America and Canada. These people were not very poor; they usually had some education and some money to start their new life. Many of them became heads of families (名门望族) or succeed in political and economical life of the United States.Among them, there were 7 US presidents.----- L ater immigrants to the United States and Canada were entirely different; they emigrated just because of Famine.----- J ewish immigrants there were an increase in Jewish immigration to Ireland during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1871, the Jewish population of Ireland was 258; The Jewish population of Ireland reached around 5,500 in the late 1940s, but has since (2008) declined to around 2,000, mainly through emigration to larger Jewish communities such as those in the United States, England and Israel. The Republic of Ireland currently has four synagogues: three in Dublin, one in Cork.The civil serviceThe cabinet organized with Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister dominates sixteen Government Departments. Each Department is headed by a Minister. The civil service is independent in the performance of its duties and has no involvement in party politics.Recruitment to the civil service is by public competitive exams administered by the independent Civil Service CommissionTeachers and members of the health services, the police force, the army and the staff of local authorities belong to the wider public service, rather than the civil service proper.GovernmentAfter independence from the Great Britain, Ireland takes a polity mixed with both the Britain and the United States.Britain model: the president is primarily a symbolic head ( besides a certain power of guarding constitution, for instance, refer a proposed legislation to the Supreme Court for a decision as to whether it contains anything repugnant to the Constitution, and the power of refusing to dissolve parliament ).America model: president, not queen; checks and balancesIreland is a representative democracy: most of its offices are filled through election, either direct or indirect, by the representatives of Irish people.The Government is headed by President, not the Queen.The President appoints the Prime Minister, not necessarily the head of the Party in power.The Prime Minister organizes the CabinetThe Cabinet is organized by 16 Ministers of the Government assigned by the Prime MinisterThe legislation is interpreted by a hierarchy of courts ( 法院的特权阶级)An unarmed police force ( Guardians of the Peace ) enforces the lawThe presidentThe head of government and elected by direct vote of the people. Every citizen of 35 years of age or over is eligible to run for presidentThe term of office is seven years. A President can be re-elected once onlyThe President acts as symbolic Head of State and does not have executive functions.The GovernmentThe executive branch of the country, checked by the legislature and the judiciary, that is , the parliament and the legal system. It consists of 7-15 members, all must be elected members of the Irish ParliamentThe Prime Minister is appointed by the President on the nomination of the Parliament and must resign if he ceases to retain the support of a majority in the ParliamentThe Prime Minister nominates one member of the government to be the Deputy Prime Minister who'll take Prime Minister's responsibility when Prime Minister is absent; nominates 11 senators, appoints an Attorney General ( 检察长、首席检察官) who acts as legal adviser to the Government and may attend Cabinet meetings; assigns Ministers of the Government who organizes the Cabinet, each Minister is responsible for one Department generally and assisted by Ministers ofState (副部长、部长助理) in their work ( who are appointed by the Minister of the Government and are not members of the Government )ParliamentThe legislative branch of the country, checked by the executive and judiciary. It makes law for the State, but the power of the Parliament is really secondary to that of the Government cabinet and to the work of the various Parliament Committees/Department.The House of Dail ( Commons 众议院) has 166 members representing the region which elected themThe House of Senate (Lords 参议院) has 60 members, they are not directly elected. 11 members are nominated by the Prime Minister; 43 members are elected from five panels of candidates under different headings, such as that in agriculture; the remaining 6members are elected from two universities _____ three from the National Uni. of Ireland, the other three from Uni. of Dublin. The Legal SystemThe judiciary branch of the country, checked by its own hierarchy courts. The judges are appointed by the President on the advice of the government. They are guaranteed independence in every exercise of their functions, not be influenced in their work by political or personal pressures.Five decision makingEvery Ireland citizen of 35 years of age or over is eligible to run for President. Every resident citizen over the age of eighteen years may vote at the first four of the following; but the local election can only be carried out by the local residents,regardless of citizenship; EU citizen may vote at European and local election, which means the Europeans have part of the rig h t of Ireland citizens.The reasons of prosperity:1)the conversion of government's attitude:2)the transform from inward-looking towards the outward-looking ineconomy. Ireland government realized3)the protectionism of agricultural economy forbid Irish products from amore open market and forced them out with cheaper imports, the resultwas high prices at home.4)2)Ireland got rid of the controlling of Britain and went to a more openmarket in economy. Its entrance to the EU has transformed labourpractice and given Ireland access to the Single Market ( 欧盟统一市场)5) 2. a population boom:6)As is well-known, there had been 6.5 million population before 1841,but in the late 1980s there were 3 million population only, almost a halfemigrated just because of poverty ( what the people ate in the belly andthey had on the back ).There are 4.5 million population at present in theRepublic because of an increased prosperity.7) 3. a reform of education:8)Young people were better educated and more aware of their goal of life,they chose to remain and take up employment. Their attitude brought aradical change.9) 4. being member of European Market in 197110) ____ benefited from the massive infusion of EU funding11) ____ trading under the terms of Common Agricultural Policy12) ____ all citizens hold EU citizenship13) ____ The people are entitled to work, to be educated and claimthe social benefits of any other European member state, e.g. the students learning in UK enjoy the same right of scholarship( 1/3 tuition of the students fro non-EU ); Irish people can employed in any member state of EU; and they can enter any EU member state without visa and so on, Irish people are easy to move to France or other EU states to make a livelihood.14)Irish culture15)House ———the property was historically a mark of status. The Irishare very determined to own their own houses, but the rising demand also means rising house prices, a young couple would need two good incomes to afford a house16)Farm ———family business For generations, a family may live onthis farm for a hundred, two hundred years, till died in this place in the same house. Now the idea is changing. The father will urged his eldest son to get a university education, and never to come back to the family farm except to visit; a younger brother or sister would run the farm as a second income17)Pursue higher education ———Rather than leaving school at fifteen,the youth would be most likely university-educated and headed for aprofessional or semi-professional career18)Independence of women ———Many a young girl prefers going to aleading university and taking a man's major, chemical engineering for instance. After graduation, buy herself own apartment, a fancy car. Some young ladies, although over thirty, she has no plan to marry, but dates a large number of men. If she never meets anyone to marry, she may havea baby herself.The benefits of women's liberation movement brought upA.demanding contraceptives and the right to have an abortion if necessary, so that gains control of their own fertilityB.demanding the right to divorceC.taking a state or semi-state job with equal right to be promotedD.being paid maternity leave of 18 weeks ( and later, unpaid 14 weeksparental leave )E.sharing the housework together with their husbands ( cook, iron a shirtor look after children )5)Wider sight of job ———Rather than emigrating to the United States orBritain in search of employment, they would be looking forwards the new member states of the EU for job opportunities or in global ratherthan local terms6)Contradictory relation with the British ———The attitudes of the Irishpeople to the English are contradictory which forms a love/hate relationship, their admiration and condemnation of the English often go hand-in-hand.E.g. the nationalists believe Irish people should speak their own language-the first official language of the Irish Republic, while almost every Irish speaks English.The reason is perhaps there has been so much movements ( 走动、联系)between the British and Ireland that almost every Irish family has relations in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.The British regard the Irish, at best, dreamy and impractical; at worst, lazy and over-drunk. But the fact is quite the oppositive, the Irish workforce is young, highly educated, entrepreneurial and disciplined.7)The differences of the two religion ———Since 1970s, together with therapid social change, the Roman Catholic Church has lost its dominance as a value in Irish culture. Now it matters little whether a person is Protestant or Catholic.The differences of the two religion :Catholics:——believe the Pope speaks with the authority of Christ__ believe the One True Faith ( Faith in God )——indirect in speech——more often speak the Irish language___ be involved in native sports such as hurling (爱尔兰曲棍球)——send their children to Catholic schools and universitiesProtestants:___ believe they can direct access to God through prayer and study of Bible___ believe the Triple in One Faith ( faith in Jesus; faith in May; faith in Bible )___ live in oled, big house___ like horse-riding and English sports, such as cricket___ speak plainly and open8)Family-oriented ———Family is the central to Irish life, the Irish are very conscious of their extended family and often maintain close relations with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.Three-generation-family Thirty years ago, Irish families were large. It's very common for a family to have 8 or 9 children, the most might be up to 16 or moreSingle mothers A third of all children are born to single mothers. Before women's liberation movement, children born outside of marriage were regarded as a matter of shame, many were given up for adoption. Now many single mothers choose to keep their children and raise them themselves. Some single mother marry the child's biological father some years after the birth of him which proves her fertility and which comes from the ancient Breton law in Ireland.9)Social communication ———The public house or pub are the main communal facility in both city and countryside. Ireland has been, traditionally, a rural and agricultural culture, the massive people lived intowns, villages or isolated farms, only the ruling class lived in big cities. Even these dwellers were one or two generations in cities.Because of the reason mentioned, Irish people have no much sense of civic responsibility, nor they pay much attention to the state of public property.The public house or pub are patronized, every neighborhood has a pub. Where people meet friends, get together with neighbors, enjoy music and story telling and so on. Pub is particularly important for men, they drink a lot there.10)Less attention to schedules ———It is almost an exception of foreigners.Irish people pay less attention to schedules, they stress completing task well.They often mix up the time of work and social life. They may go to dinner to celebrate an important occasion or go to a pub nearby to enjoy other's company, or go to help his/her fellow worker when asked at work time or in meeting;11)Stress team work ———Irish people stress team work, they can worktogether well because they know a great deal about each other. The team spirit extends beyond work, they enjoy life together in pub.12)Stress trade union ———They stress trade union, they pay to become members. Every trade and peofessions has its own union. The union is legally constituted. It will advice its members to work according to the work protocols, adopt some legal procedures against the employer and protect its members. Trade unions are widely recognized in Ireland.13)T alk culture ———One element of the Irish native culture is the talkculture, which originates from peasant culture. An oral to a written culture only slowly transferred from the late 19th century. The ability to talk isgreatly valued among people, even among the most literate classes. Thequality adds great pleasure to the day-to-day routine, it is also the key toIreland's successive business and diplomatic efforts as well as theimportant basis for Ireland's reputation as a culture of great writers.On the basis of talk culture, Ireland has a bumper harvest of reputablewriters _____________ including those who were in fact English as they lived or wrote in Ireland during the time of British colony . There are four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature: the poet Yeats, seamus Heaney, the playwrights, George Bernard Shaw and Samuel Beckett. There are other famous literary men, such as playwright Oscar idle, novelist James Joyce and so on.The Celtic Tiger:Ireland became a rich country in 1990s which greatly surprised the world. The media called it a tiger because its sudden wealth came with all the swiftness and ferocity like a beast.Post-industrial economy:Based on the hi-technique and international trade services, post-industrial economy means the third industry, that is mainly the service industry____ service employment is up to 65%____ industrial employment is up to 28%____ agricultural employment is only 7%State of womenUp to 1973, Irish women were forbidden to take up jobs after marriage, they belonged to their husbands as if they were a kind of property. This is called “marriage bar”.In 1970s, a vigorous women's liberation movement brought pressure on government. Women met resistance first from their home, they struggled hard under the lead of women's groups and trade unions. The most significance is the urge of EU. Irish women appealed (诉诸)to the more liberal legislation of the EU which made the Irish government have to reform to subject to that of EU. The rights Irish women have now are:1)Equal right to take up state or semi-state jobs if women will after theyget married2)No longer possible to dismiss a woman from her job because she waspregnant3)They are paid maternity leave of 18 weeks ( and later, unpaid 14 weeksparental leave )4)Equal opportunities to be promoted and awarded5)Having sex before marriage is not condemned as before, artificialcontraception is allowed; a woman can travel abroad for abortion( which is still banned in the country )Ireland education:First-level Schools:The vast majority of children receive their primary education in state-aidedschools. The schools are run by its own board of management (董事会), including the representatives of parents, teachers and local clergy, but receives most of its funding from the State.The present curriculum are Mathematics, English , Irish , French, History, Geography, Art, Music, Crafts, Social and Environmental Studies and Physical Education. Students bear a heavy burden.Second-level Schools:For students from 12 years upwards, Most secondary schools are privately owned by religious communities, but largely funded by the State, therefore, are sectarian; a small number of secondary schools state-owned are comprehensive and community (社区文法/综合学校)。

第十一章Part Two The Republic of Ireland爱尔兰共和国地理与历史Geography and History不列颠群岛由两大岛屿和几百座小岛构成。
The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islandsare Great Britain and Ireland. Ireland is also called the Emerald Isle because ot its rich green countryside. Ireland is divided into two political units. They are Northern Ireland and the Republic ofIreland. Northern Island is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is an independentcountry.I.Geographical Features地理特点爱尔兰共和国的面积为70 , 282 平方公里。
与北爱尔兰接壤的界限为434 公里。
The Republic of Ireland covers an area of 70,282 sq.its land border with Northern Ireland is 434 km.国都是都柏林,The capital is Dublin.爱尔兰向来被比作盆地,内有海滨高地围起的石灰岩高原。
英语国家概况 Chapter 12

Chapter 12 Ireland TodayI. Political Structure 政治体制Ireland is a parliamentary republic and a unitary统一的s tate under the 1937 Constitution. The Constitution is theoretically 理论上applicable适用于to the whole of Ireland. Citizens of Northern Ireland are also considered citizens and can run for office 竞选in the South. The Republic of Ireland consists of 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland.根据1937年的宪法,爱尔兰是议会制共和国是中央集权国家。
1. Executive power 行政权suffrage 直接投票任期七年He sommons or dissolves the Oireachtas议会(Parliament); signs and promulgate s 颁布laws; appoints judges, the prime minister and other members of the cabinet;内阁and heads the defence forces.武装部队In addition, he has the right to refer提交certain bills to the Supreme Court for a decision on their constitutionality符合宪法and refer certain bills to the people by referendum. 全民公决The president is advised and assisted in his duties by the Council of State.国家委员会他召集或解散议会;签署和颁布法律;任命法官、首相和其他内阁成员;统率武装部队。
英语国家概况 第四课 爱尔兰概况 The Republic of Ireland

Ireland as Part of Britain
• The Normans invaded Ireland in the 10th century.
• In 1541, Henry Ⅷ declared himself King of Ireland.
• In 1800, the Act of Union created the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989 )
Seamus Heaney (1839)
Beautiful Landscape Sceneries Makes Ireland an Attraction for Film-Shooting
King Arthur Brave Heart The Wind That Shakes the Barley Saving Private Rynn Quiet Man Once P.S. I love you Becoming Jane the Count of Monte Cristo Far and Away Leap Year
Movie Recommended
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
• Winner of Cannes Film Festival.
• Irish is the first official language according to the Constitution.
• English is by far the predominant language spoken
throughout the country.

6.4 People and Religion
Population: 4,156,119 (July 2008 est.) Population in Dublin: 495,781 The basic ethnic group is Celtic, with an admixture of Norse 挪威人, French, Norman and English. There are no significant ethnic minorities. Historically Ireland has been free of ethnic conflicts because of its racial homogeneity [7hCmEudVe5ni:iti]同种.
29 December 1937; amended 1999 (theoretically applicable to Constitution the whole of Ireland. Actually it consists of 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland.) Supreme Court (Irish law is Highest court based on English common law and its constitution.)
Relations with Other Countries: Ireland attaches special importance to its relations with the United States and Australia, where people of Irish descent are numerous. Ireland’s relations with its European neighbors have become increasingly important as a result of its membership in EU. However, unlike most western European states, Ireland is not a member of NATO. Ireland, which is not part of any military alliance, strives to maintain a neutral position in world affairs.

Independence and the division of
Michael Collins had led the war effort against Britain. A treaty was signed after the War of Independence in 1921. However the people of Northern Ireland did not want to separate from England and so they remained part of the United Kingdom (UK). Many of the NI people felt betrayed by the British government for giving independence to the Irish.
The Celts
The Celtic race of people arrived from Europe to Ireland between 800-100 BC. Ireland became a Celtic country. It was from this tribal people that the modern Irish language came from and Irish identity is founded upon.
Irish History
9000 years ago Ireland was covered in ice. And the Ice Age ended. Stone age people arrived from Europe about 8000 BC. Agriculture (farming) began about 4000 BC.

Ireland has a lot of reputation,such as European Manor and Celtic Tiger.Irish economy is small but very well-developed.In between 1995 to 2004,the economy has grown by 7 percent developed,which depend on trade,small and modern.and in 2003,Ireland has become the world's second national per capita GDP.This picture is about Ireland's GDP from 2006 to 2011,we can see that GDP stabilized at around $ 50,000.January 1999, Ireland and 11 other countries took part in the euro zone,and start using the euro currency.Now we highlight several aspects of the Irish economy.First,Export-oriented economy.Look at this chart,since many years, the Irish export trade to GDP has remained at more than 45%,much higher than the United States, China, Japan and other economic powers.the reason is that Ireland has small size and population,domestic demand is relatively limited, products and services mainly depend on the international market, so its exports remain an important position in the economy and long-term.Second,Changing economic structure.The first stage.Historically, Ireland is a country with agriculture and animal husbandry,the economy is undeveloped.The second stage.Since the 1980s, the Irish economy driven by high-tech industry development, and a good investment environment to attract a lot of foreign investment, completed by the pastoral economy to a knowledge-based economy by leaps andbounds.Since 1995, the Irish economy continued to grow rapidly, becoming the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of the fastest growing economies in countries.The third stage.Since 2008, the international financial crisis,Ireland began to change the economic structure,increasing the proportion of tertiary industry in the economy.Through this chart, we can see services accounted for 70 percent of GDP, as the economy leading industries.。

Geographical elevations
In terms of geographical elevations, the island of Ireland resembles a tea saucer, with a large central lowland comprised of limestone with an occasional relief of hills which rises at the coastline in a discontinuous border of mountains which often slo precipitously into the sea. Whereas the middle of the island has rich agricultural lan It becomes poorer in quality as one travels to the edges of the island, in particular, farmland is poor and often confined to a few fields and hills which are used to graze sheep. For most of its history Ireland has been an agricultural country, and one in which cattle are particularly valued.
The border between these two jurisdictions, drawn up in 1920, was constructed along the political and religious fault lines which have been a feature of Irish life, north and south, since the time of its colonization under Queen Elizabeth I in the late 16th century. Essentially, the border marked off the areas inhabited by the Protestant population in the north from those inhabited by the Catholics in the south. Following traditional county lines, the border is long and meandering and impossible to police effectively, so that there is easy movement between one jurisdiction and another.

Visual Culture
If one looks at Ireland’s accomplishments (成就) they are in literature and music— arts of the ear, particularly as they are manifest(表演) in the old oral culture—not of the eye.
Chapter 14:
Irish Culture: Language, Literature and Arts
The issue of language is heavily politicized. Traditionally, the Irish people spoke their own language, called Irish or Erse. It is a very ancient (and difficult) language with a rich oral culture.
What Is Irish about Irish Culture
Ireland is a culture where art flourishes, although the arts that flourish most vigorously are those associated with the ear, not the eye. Ireland is also a very people-oriented (以人 为本)society, which regards the family as central to its values. What is clear today is that Ireland is still a nation that is making itself—and the first place a nation makes itself is in its imagination.
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Here is the same beach in the late afternoon. The Irish coastline is dotted with softly sandy beaches which are very popular in the summer.
The third most populous city The second largest city “the Rebel County”
Along the west coastline, there are a few areas of pasture(牧场) in what is essentially a rocky landscape.
Castles and ruins are found all over Ireland.
The Republic of Ireland
Ireland is a Western Europe country, It faces the Atlantic on the east and the Irish sea on the west. The five-sixths of the island of Ireland belong to the Republic, with the remainder constituting Northern Ireland (UK).
The Irish Flag
The current flag is the Tricolour of Green, White and Orange. This represents the partition of the country.
Irish Symbol: The Harp
Irish Harp(竖琴) is so closely associated with Irish identity that it serves as the nation’s national emblem(国徽).
Major Cities
➢Dublin ➢Cork ➢Galway ➢Limerick ➢Waterford
Capital city
The largest city
Commercial and industrial centre
Principal port
Irish cities are now very cosmopolitan(国 际性的). Dublin is a popular weekend destination for Europeans.
Rain is very common in Ireland. It is said that you can
experience all four seasons in just one day!
It rains a lot in Ireland, making
everything very green. It is often called “The Emerald Isle”(翡翠岛)
Geography and Climate The island has a mild oceanic climate. A ring of coastal mountains surrounds low central plains. Ireland is not very hot in summer, and not very cold in winter. Rain and wind is year round. It receives the full force of storms from the Atlantic Ocean, especially in winter.
The third largest city in the Republic of Ireland
The main economic region outside of Dublin and land’s oldest city(Founded in 914AD by the Vikings)
Other sights of Dublin
Galway is a city on the west coast of Ireland.
Ireland's Cultural Heart It is a very popular town for tourists. It has many old medieval(中世纪)
These streets in the centre of the city are narrow, with little space for cars.
Town square of Galway
Galway Bay is famous for its spectacular sunsets. This was from the beach in the heart of the city.
Ireland is an intense green, or rather mixture of greens, which changes little between summer and winter; the grasslands flourish in all seasons.
The Atlantic coastline is highly indented(锯齿状) with steep cliffs(悬崖) falling into the sea.
the Irish Republic's fifth largest city.
Thank you!
Now let’s watch a video of Ireland…
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