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对于真菌来说有四个ab initio预测软件:

GlimmerHMM,SNAP,Genearkes,augustus 以及同源预测(homology)。四个软件中:GeneMarkes是通过隐马模型工作的,但是它不需要参考物种,是自身训练的,不需要参考序列,当处理一个新物种,没有理想的或者较近缘的已测序物种时可以采用这种方法。Augustus,GlimmerHMM,SNAP都需要参考训练集的。


perl /nas/MG01/FUNGUS/PGAP/FGAP.pl [options] Genome.fa


--all run all analysis for Fungi

--cutlen cut the scaffolds longer than this

--predict select the method to predict genes:

augustus,genemarkes,snap,glimmerhmm or homology

--prepara set the parament for augustus,snap,homology

--repeat set repeat method, defalut: repbase-proteinmasker-trf

--ncRNA set ncRNA type, default: tRNA-rRNA-miRNA-sRNA-snRNA

--rRNA_ref set Reference for rRNA, if null rRNA will be predicted by rRNAmmer

--function set dbs for gene function annotaion,default:


--lib set the lib for synteny analysis and gene family analysis, needed

--synteny synteny analysis

--family Gene Family analysi

--species species tree, default, created by lib information

--category category file, default, created by lib information

--cpu set the cpu number to use in parallel, default 20 for qsub and 5 for multi --run set the parallel type, qsub, or multi, default=qsub

--outdir set the result directory, default="."

--prefix set a prefix name for results

--help output help information to screen


perl gene-predict.pl [options]

--glimmer run glimmer by self training

--genemark run genemark by self training

--shape set the shape of prokaryote DNA, circular,linear,partial, default=partial --glimmerhmm run glimmerhmm and give a glimmerhmm parameter directory

--snap run snap and give a snap parameter file

--genemarkes run genemarkes by self traning

--augustus run augustus and set species

--homology predict genes based on proteins on a homology species

--genemarkM run genemarkM for mata gene prediction

--metagene run metagene for meta gene prediction

--metageneA run metageneA for meta gene prediction

--cpu set the cpu number to use in parallel, default=3

--run set the parallel type, qsub, or multi, default=qsub

--prefix set gene id prefix

--outdir set the result directory, default="./"

--verbose output running progress information to screen

--help output help information to screen


Self-training algorithm GeneMark-ES

a) splits input sequence at such "NN...N" strings

b) runs gene finding GeneMark.hmm on contigs

c) maps back predictions to original super-contig sequence As a result, incomplete gene structures can be predicted inside super-contig sequences.

Script:perl ./gene-predict.pl --genemarkes

GeneMarkES 输出结果为./genemark_hmm.gtf

1.2 Homology预测


perl ./gene-predict.pl --homology ../input/CNGH2S.fa.pep -prefix RHO

*.pep 序列为参考序列的蛋白序列。

1. 3 SNAP预测
