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cholecystectomy :surgical removal of the gall
bladder (usually for relief of gallstone pain) chol/o or chol/e: bile
-rrhea:flow, discharge溢出,流出 diarrhea : frequent and watery bowel movements;
barometer: [bərɔmitə】 压力计,压力表
…the end…
重音不在最后一个音节而是在倒数第二个长音节: thrombopoiesis: 血栓生成 acidosis: 酸中毒 laryngotracheobronchitis: 喉气管支气管炎 hysteroma: 子宫瘤 hydrophobia: 恐水症(狂犬病) dysmenorrhea :痛经
can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor
-oma: tumor,swelling肿,肿瘤 encephaloma: 脑瘤 encephal/o: head cerebroma: 脑瘤cerebr/o: cerebrum, brain
pulmon/o: lungs; pneumon/o: lungs pneumonia
nephrologist: a specialist in the science of kidneys
nephr/o: kidney; ren/o: kidneys renal failure肾衰竭
cardiologist: a specialist in cardiology; a specialist
大多数医学词汇由词根.前缀.后缀及其连接它们 的组合元音(combining vowel: o\i\e\a以0居多)构成. 词根举例:
hyster/o: womb, uterus, hyster
hysteralgia : womb pain 子宫痛 -algia: pain hysterectomy : surgical removal of the uterus
men/o: menstruation menopause: the time in a woman's life in which the
menstrual cycle ends
arthritis : inflammation of joints
arthr/o: joint; -itis: inflammation
in the structure and function and disorders of the heart
gastroenterologist: a physician who specializes in
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract gastr/o: stomach; enter/o: intestines
-malacia: softening软化 osteomalacia :abnormal softening of bones
caused by deficiencies of phosphorus or calcium or vitamin D oste/o: bones
-logist: expert pulmonologist: a specialist in the science of lungs
appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix
appendic/o: appendix;
前缀举例:dys-: bad, painful, difficult ante-: before, front; post-: after, behind para-beside, abnormal dysmorphosis: malformation ; morph/o: form antemarital : 婚前的 postabdomen : 后腹部 parathyroid: 甲状旁腺
-itis:inflammation炎症 meningitis: 脑膜炎infectious disease characterized
by inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) usually caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea
respirologist: 呼吸科学家
respire v. respiration respiratory
rheumatologist: 风湿病学家 rheumat/o: discharge oncologist : a specialist in the study and treatment
thrombopoiesis(血小板生成): -poiesis: formation of blood clots oviduct输卵管 ov/o:egg, -duct:a tube that leads the egg from the ovary(卵 巢)to the uterus
labiodental唇齿的 labi/o:lip dysmenorrhea痛经 otorhinolaryngologist耳鼻喉科学家 ot/o:ear rhin/o: nose; nas/o: nose, nasology(鼻科学)
thromb/o: clot凝结; thrombus血栓 thrombocytometer血小板计数器
cyte/o: cell
-meter: measurement instrument
thrombocytopenia: a blood disease characterized
by an abnormally small number of platelets in the blood 血小板减少 -penia: decrease
penetoneum: peritəni:əm腹膜
倒数第二个音节是短音时,重读音节放在倒数第 三个音节上: oviduct:输卵管 laryngopharyngectomy: 咽喉切除术 abodomen: 腹部 osteoclast: 拆骨器 homogamy:[həmɔɡəmi] 同配生殖
trache/o:trachea; bronch/o:bronchus
esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD食道、 胃、十二指肠镜检查 )
esophag/o: esophagus[aɪsɔfəgəs] gastr/o: stomach duoden/o: duodenum -scopy: visual examination
后缀举例: -plasty: surgical reshaping;成形术
otoplasty : reconstructive surgery of the auricle(外
of the external ear 耳成形术; ot/o: ears -ectomy: removal, cutting out切除
of tumors or in oncology 肿瘤学家 onc/o: tumor
掌握常用前缀、后缀、词根(词素)(约2000多 个),分解式记忆,是学好医学英语的基础 单词举例: laryngopharygectomy: 喉咽切除术 Laryng/o:larynx=throat; pharyng/o:pharynx=咽