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S 3. ___ Cats are clean and do not require much attention. ___ There are definite(明确的) advantages to having a G cat as a pet. S ___ Cats like living indoors and are safe to have around children. S ___ Cats are inexpensive to feed and easy to keep healthy. 4. ___ Many credit card companies charge people S annual fees of $25 to $ 50. ___ Credit card companies make money from their G customers in several ways. ___ Nearly all credit-card companies charge people S high interest rates, up to 20% or more. ___Most credit card companies sell their customers’ S names and addresses to other companies.
List three specific reasons why he or she is a good friend. _____________________ ________________________ _______________________ Everyone has goals. What are three of the specific goals in your life? _____________________ ________________________ _______________________ At one time or another you had to do a really unpleasant chore (杂务,琐事)or job. Write three specific reasons why that chore or job was so unpleasant. _____________________ ________________________ _______________________
Practice 4
1. ___ Last night we could hear and smell a large S animal prowling(潜行) outside our tent. ___ Green flies with stinging(刺人的) bites are in S abundance around our campsite. G ___ The time has come to find a new campsite. S ___ Nearby we came upon a nest of baby rattlesnakes. G 2. ___ Children are at risk at the school. S ___ There are two active gangs(帮派) in the school. S ___ Knives and guns have been found in lockers. S ___ Drug busts(突击搜捕) have been made at the school.
Reading is an active process as opposed to watching TV, which is passive. While you are reading, you must keep asking yourself, “What’s the point?”

S 6. ___ deadbolt locks S ___ alarm system ___ barking dog S G ___ kinds of security 7. ___surprised S ___tone of voice G ___enthusiastic S ___humorous S S 8. ___ divorce S ___ failing grades G ___major problems ___ eviction S 9. ___ not taking notes in class S G ___poor study habits ___ missing classes S S ___ cramming for exams 10. ___ hurry up S S ___get to bed ___ commands G ___ clean up this mess S
let’s practise!

S 1. ___ home cooking S ___ take-out G ___Ways to eat dinner 来自百度文库 ___frozen foods 2. ___ hot and humid S S ___cold and rainy ___ cloudy with scattered S showers G ___weather forecasts S 3. ___ oversleeping G ___ bad habits S ___ overeating ___ smoking S S 4. ___ traffic delays ___ head cold S S ___ bad coffee G ___ minor problems 5. ___ communicating G S ___ writing ___ reading S S ___ speaking
S 1. ___ Teenagers gather at malls to meet friends, eat fast food, and socialize. ___ Elderly people often walk at malls for exercise. S G ___ Malls have many uses in American society. ___ Malls provide space for community groups to S stage event. S 2. ___ Instead of working full-time, many of today’s employees work part-time with little job security and few benefits. ___ Job security and our ideas about work have G changed dramatically in recent years. S ___ Unlike in years past, most people entering the workforce(劳动力) today will change jobs several times during their careers. ___ Rather than work for someone else, many of S today’s workers hope to start their own businesses.
Main idea is a general idea supported by specific ideas. To find the main idea, you have to identify the general idea and the specific ideas. Let’s practise!
S 5. ___ Communicating with family and friends using computer e-mail takes very little effort or time. ___ Finding information is as easy as S typing several key words. ___ Shopping can be quickly handled online with a few clicks of the mouse and the use of a credit card. G ___ Computers make everyday matters much easier. S
Practice 3

G 1. ___My family has real problems. ___ My mother has cancer. S S ___ My sister is pregnant. S ___ I lost my job. S 2. ___ Iris has a great smile. S ___ Iris asks you questions about yourself. G ___ Iris is a pleasure to be around. S ___ Iris really listens when you talk. S 3. ___ I feel short of breath. ___ I’m getting dizzy and sweating. S ___ There is a pain in my chest. S ___ I may be having a heart attack. G G 4. ___ My boss is hard to work for. S ___ He lacks a sense of humour. S ___ He never gives praise. S ___ He times all our breaks to the second. 5. ___ We had different political beliefs. S G ___ The date was a nightmare. ___ We were dressed completely differently. S S ___ Both of us were too nervous to say much.
昌平一中 马娜
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let’s Read!
School bullies( 仗势欺人者) have been around as long as there have been schools. Studies reveal several reasons why some children become bullies. Research shows that a certain combination of size and personality may be one factor. Bigger, more aggressive children are more likely to try to dominate their smaller, quieter peers. Another factor linked to bullying is overexposure to violent TV programs. By the time the average American child is ten years old, he or she has watched thousands of acts of violence, including assault and murder. Such exposure can lead to aggression and violence. Finally, exposure to real violence is a factor in bullying. Studies indicate that victims of bullies often turn into bullies themselves. Whether abused by family members or tormented by other kids, bullies typically learn their behavior from others. Look closely into the eyes of a bully, and you may be looking into the eyes of a former victim.