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Helping the Remote Village援助山村

A year ago, the famous astronaut received an invitation by airmail from a remote village. Intending to sniff some fresh air, he and his interpreter paid a fortnight visit there. It was a privilege for them to be there, but they were shocked by what they saw. The tracks were muddy. The river was dry ing up. Most villagers only possessed one broom, a few tin s and several jar s and their rectangular grass huts with round angles were surrounded by weeds. Besides, their school had no roof and platform, and the students had no concept of click ing a computer at all. They were badly in need.

Soon, the astronaut made a generous voluntary donation to the village. There were textbook s for students, sewing machine s for tailor s and tractor s for farmers. His distribution catalogue also included operating a clinic and a trunk library, as well as giving weekly lessons to teach relevant farming knowledge like how to dry out seed s or raise oxen. He himself not only helped do some paperwork but also purchased grill s for boys to toast potatoes and combs for girls who were dying to get one. The other day, he heard from the villagers again inviting him to participate


in the donation anniversary. For political and security reasons, he couldn’t his outgoing arrangement-otherwise he would go. But his deeds were remembered forever.











More and more people rely on e-mail and mobile phones for communication rather than letters and public phones because the new tools seem faster and make work more efficient. However,this change has bad as well as good effects,especially dependence on the Internet. Firstly,as we lack enough practice,we are losing the beauty of hand-written Chinese words which express the writer better while machine words all have the same looks. Secondly,our spelling becomes worse if we rely on the machine too much. Last but not least,the PC screen does harm to our eyes. I prefer the

old way of communication even though it is much too slow in the eyes of many.



1. ________ n. 概念;观念

2. ___________ n. 周年纪念(日)

3. ___________ n. 宇航员;太空人

4. ________ n. 门诊部;小诊所

5. _____________ n. 安排;排列

6.__________ n. 矩形;长方形

7._________ n. 特权;特别优待

8. _________ vt.&vi. 嗅;闻;用鼻子吸

9. _______ vt. 捐赠

10.__________ vt. 分配;分发

11._______ vi. 工作;运转vt. 操作

12._________ vt.&n. 购买;买→(同义词) _____

13.________ adj. 遥远的;偏僻的

14._________ adj. 有关的;切题的

15.__________ conj. 否则;不然adv. 用别的方法


1. 接到……的来信____________________

2. 极想;渴望_________________________

3. 不久前的一天_________________________

5. 干透;使完全变干_____________________

6. 干涸_______________________

7. 在困难中;在危急中________________

8. 多达;胜任_____________________

9. 老实说__________________________



1.__________ vi. 参加;参与

→______________ n. 参与;参加;分享

→___________ n. 参与者;参赛者

2.__________ adj. 自愿的;志愿的;无偿的

→__________ n. 志愿者

→____________ adv. 自愿地;无偿地;自动地

3.________ n. 安全;保障

→________adj. 安全的;稳当的

4._______ vt.&vi. 调整;(使)适合;校准

→__________ adj. 可调节的

→__________ n. 调节;调整

5.______ n.泥; 淤泥; 泥浆

→______ adj.泥泞的; 模糊的; 混乱的
