nrDNA ITS 和cpDNA rpl16 基因测序法对六种鼠尾草的检测
目前,常用的大肠菌群检测方法主要包括,16S rRNA 基因测序、荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)、实时荧光定量PCR技术、拟南芥芯片技术等。
其中,16S rRNA 基因测序是目前应用最为广泛的一种方法。
该方法通过对肠道微生物的16S rRNA基因进行测序和分析,可以准确地鉴定出肠道微生物的种类和数量,为进一步研究肠道微生物群落结构和功能提供了重要的数据支持。
N Hogle l (ol eo i cec n eho g , nvrt o l t ncSineadTc nl yo hn , hx u Scun605 ) Ⅲ n- ta C lg f f Si eadTcn l y U i sy f e r i c ec ehoo f iaC e i e Le n o e i E c o n g C  ̄d ,i a 104 h
唇形科 ( ai a) Lba e 鼠尾草属 ( a i) 物是一 类重 要 的药 t Sla 植 v
用植物 , 全世界有 1 0 多种 , 0 0 生长于温热带 地区 。该 属多种 植物如丹参 ( . io ha 、 S ml r i )红根草 ( .rn ̄ 、 t rz i Spi i )云南 鼠尾 草 ot ( . mm e i 和甘 西 鼠尾草 ( .rw li 等都 被 我 国 民 S ) Jn s ) a ns S p eak ) z si 间长 期用作 丹参 使用 , 种类 除可作 为丹 参 的新资 源 , 这些 还 将可能成 为优 良丹参种质选育基 因库的种质资 源l 4。 lJ - 为了对 鼠尾草属丹参 近缘物种进行 深入研 究 , 者对 已 笔 报道 的提取 核酸的方法 均 做 了尝试 并在 此基 础 上进 行 了改 进 , 用 CA 发现 T B法 提 取总 D A TB法提 取 总 R A具 有 良 N ,S N 好 的效 果。产物经 琼脂 糖凝 胶 电泳 检测 , 得 D A和 R A 所 N N 质量较好 , 其纯度 和浓 度均可满 足分 子生物学的研究 需要 。
取液 ; 取新鲜植 物材料 02 03g在液氮 中研磨 成粉并快速 .~ . , 转移 到离心管 中 , ℃水 浴 1 , 间缓慢摇 动几次 ; 入 6 6 0 其 h 加 2 5 l 氯仿/ 异戊 醇 ( :)小 心缓 慢 混 匀 , 0r i 离心 1 2 1, 4 8 0 0 /mn 5
鼠尾草属植物的DNA 及RNA 高效提取方法聂洪丽,宋先强,邓科君,杨足君*(电子科技大学生命科学与技术学院,四川成都610054)摘要 以鼠尾草属植物为原料,采用C T AB 法提取D NA,并在TSB 法及氯化锂沉淀法的基础上改进并建立了一种高效高质量提取RNA 的方法。
用核酸测定仪测浓度和琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测质量,均获得了高浓度和高质量的DNA 及RNA,为R T PC R 、分子克隆等分子生物学实验提供了很好的模板。
关键词 鼠尾草属;R NA 提取;DNA 提取中图分类号 Q503 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2007)30-09474-01Highly Efficient Method o f D NA and R NA Extraction in Sa lvia N IE Hong li et al (C ollege of Life Science and Technology,University of Electronic Science and Technology of Chin a,C hengdu,Sichu an 610054)Abstract C TAB method for extractin g D NA,R NA isolation wi th high efficiency and high quality was p ut forward b ased on the TSB method an d li thi um chloride precipitation method,in which the plants of Salvia was used as material.Through n ucleic acid determin ator an d agarose gel electroph oresis detec tion,the DNA and R NA extracted from root,stem and leaf of the m aterial were with high concentration and q uality.Key w ords Salvia;RNA Extraction;D NA E xtraction作者简介 聂洪丽(1986-),女,四川成都人,本科生,专业:生物技术。
青藏高原甘西鼠尾草内生放线菌抗性菌株筛选采用平板涂布法从青藏高原药用植物甘西鼠尾草Salvia przewalskii中分离内生放线菌24株,以西瓜镰刀病菌Fusarium moniliforme、玉米大斑病菌Helminthosporium turcicum和玉米小斑病菌Bipolaris maydis为靶标菌,采用平板对峙法研究了甘西鼠尾草内生放线菌的抑菌活性。
表型鉴定结合16S rDNA系统发育分析初步确定菌株的分类地位全部为链霉菌。
标签:甘西鼠尾草;内生放线菌;抗性菌株;分离;筛选鼠尾草属Salvia Linn是唇形科Lamiaceae鼠尾草族Salvieae中最大的一个属,全世界约有1 050种,主要分布在亚热带、热带、温带地区,在我国西南地区最多[1]。
放线菌是产生生物活性物质最多的微生物[4],产生的生物活性物质超过11 000种,占已发现微生物药物的2/3[5-6]。
菝葜属菝葜复合种和草本菝葜组的系统发育研究本研究通过形态特征分析,RAPD分析及nrDNA ITS,cpDNA的matK、trnT-L、trnL-F和rpl16等序列分析,以及等位酶分析,结合细胞学和形态学研究结果,对菝葜属菝葜组菝葜复合种和草本菝葜组的系统发育进行了研究,获得了如下主要结果:1.菝葜复合种的系统发育关系1.1菝葜复合种的形态特征分析用9个性状特征或导出值对菝葜复合种的60份材料进行了形态数量统计。
1.3基于matk、ITS和trnT-L序列的系统发育分析nrDNA ITS序列和cpDNA matk以及trnT-L序列分析强烈支持菝葜复合种(包括广布种菝葜的不同居群、小果菝葜、三脉菝葜、红果菝葜、粗糙菝葜和S.biflora)为单系类群。
表16S rRNA基因序列鉴定细菌的通用解释标准
< 95%
小鼠自由饮用含3% DSS的蒸馏水,连续7 d造模。
50 mg/kg m b的CA灌胃提高了厚壁菌门和拟杆菌门的丰度比值,恢复了DSS诱导的UC小鼠中Akkermansia等有益菌属的丰度下降,降低了Alistipes等有害菌属的相对丰度。
关键词:鼠尾草酸;溃疡性结肠炎;氧化应激;肠道通透性;肠道菌群文章编号:1673-9078(2024)03-18-27 DOI: 10.13982/j.mfst.1673-9078.2024.3.0353Ameliorative Effects of Carnosic Acid on Dextran SulfateSodium-induced Ulcerative Colitis in MiceJIAO Xinxin1, XU Min2, WU Hua1, LIU Zixuan1, XIAO Junsong2*(1.College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China) (2.Beijing Engineering and Technology Research Center of Food Additives (Beijing Technology and BusinessUniversity), Beijing 100048, China)Abstract: The ameliorative effects of carnosic acid (CA) on dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced ulcerative colitis (UC) in mice were assessed. Ulcerative colitis was induced by the oral administration of 3% DSS via distilled drinking water引文格式:焦鑫鑫,许敏,吴华,等.鼠尾草酸对葡聚糖硫酸钠诱导的小鼠溃疡性结肠炎的改善作用[J] .现代食品科技,2024, 40(3):18-27.JIAO Xinxin, XU Min, WU Hua, et al. Ameliorative effects of carnosic acid on dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis in mice [J] . Modern Food Science and Technology, 2024, 40(3): 18-27.收稿日期:2023-03-25基金项目:北京市自然科学基金资助项目(6212002);北京市教委一般项目(KM202010011010)作者简介:焦鑫鑫(1997-),女,研究生,研究方向:芳香植物的综合利用,E-mail:通讯作者:肖俊松(1980-),男,博士,副教授,研究方向:多酚及其代谢产物对代谢综合症的干预机制,E-mail:18for seven days. A total of 60 mice were randomly divided into five groups: blank control (CK), DSS model (DSS), low-dose carnosic acid (CAL), high-dose carnosic acid (CAH), and mesalazine (PC). The ameliorative effects of CA were evaluated based on body weight, disease activity index (DAI) score, colonic histopathology, and changes in intestinal permeability. To investigate the possible mechanism of CA, the activities of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), the level of malondialdehyde (MDA), the expression level of tight junction proteins, including ZO-1 and occludin, and the changes in intestinal flora in mice were examined. When the CA and DSS groups were compared, CA intervention was found to reduce weight loss and the DAI score and ameliorate the pathological damage in colonic tissues in UC mice. The MPO activity was also found to significantly decrease in the CA groups. The MDA content in the colon tissue was reduced by 13.75% and 70%, respectively (P<0.05), while the SOD activity increased by 6.12- and 9.62-fold, respectively (P<0.05), in the CAL and CAH groups. Notably, the intestinal permeability was significantly reduced, and the expression levels of ZO-1 and occludin were restored. Gavage of 50 mg/kg CA enhanced the abundance ratios of Firmicutes and Bacteroides and restored the decrease in the abundance of beneficial bacteria, such as Akkermansia,caused by DSS. The relative abundance of detrimental bacteria, such as Alistipes, was also reduced. Overall, CA may mitigate UC by lowering the levels of oxidative stress, protecting the intestinal barrier, and regulating the composition of the intestinal microbial community.Key words: carnosic acid; ulcerative colitis; oxidative stress; intestinal permeability; intestinal flora溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis,UC)是一种以腹部疼痛、体重下降、出血性腹泻、粪便隐血为主要特征的慢性肠道炎症性疾病[1] 。
茶组植物种间关系的cpDNA、rDNA ITS和mtDNA序列分析
2018年31卷1期 Vol. 31 No. 1西"表$% &Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences27文章编号:1001 -4829(2018)1 -0027 -07 DOI:10. 16213/j. cnki. scjas.2018. 1.005茶组植物种间关系的cPDNA、rDNA ITS和mtDNA序列分析刘振1,赵洋\杨培迪\成杨\刘本英2,李游勇2,杨阳“(1.湖南省农业科学院茶叶研究所,国家茶树改良中心湖南分中心,湖南长沙410125;2.云南省农业科学院茶叶研究所,云南勐海666201)摘要:【目的】DNA序列分析在物种系统进化、分类和鉴定等方面展示出了强大的生命力。
【方法】本研究对来源于C pDNA、rD-N A ITS和mtDNA序列的15对引物在茶组植物的5种2变种共16份资源中进行了种间关系研究。
对在种间存在位点差异的8对引物序列比对:序列长度最长的为390F-1326R(859 bp),最短的为or£25 ( 446 b p);品种间变异位点最多的为rbcla-rev(24个),最少的为nad4 j〇r£25 (2个)。
位点变异率最高的为rbcla-rev(4. 76%),最低为nad4L/orf25(0.37 %),C pDNA的碱基变异率平均值(2.91 C)要远高于mtDNA(0.55 %);8对引物在茶变种内发生变异的位点共有9个,占总位点数的0. 19 C ;不同变种间发生变异的位点有90个,占总位点数的1. 85 C ;将8对引物测序得到的序列拼接,按照M P法构建了分子系统树,可以将参试的16份茶树资源分为3大类。
高通量16S rRNA标签测序法比较人与不同动物肠道微生物组多样性
高通量16S rRNA标签测序法比较人与不同动物肠道微生物组多样性邓冠华;查龙应;张国霞;王玉;黎耀涛;彭欣;周宏伟;刘移民【期刊名称】《生态科学》【年(卷),期】2014(033)005【摘要】收集人、大猪、小猪、大鼠、小鼠以及鸡五个不同个体的粪便样品,每个个体取两个平行样,提取总DNA;PCR扩增,获得16S rRNA V6标签片段;Illumina 测序;经BIPES以及QIIME分析并比较菌群结构及多样性.研究结果发现,不同物种之间肠道菌群差异较大.五类物种肠道菌群均以厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门、以及变形菌门为主,但鸡的厚壁菌门显著减少,而变形菌门显著增加.从α多样性角度来看,猪肠道菌群种属丰富度及Shannon指数均显著高于人及鸡肠道菌群.从β多样性角度,尽管不同人之间的肠道菌群相似度较低,但不同物种之间相比较,小猪与大鼠肠道菌群与人相似性高于小鼠和鸡肠道菌群.与人类相比,小猪的肠道微生物组最相近,而鸡的肠道菌群相似度最低.【总页数】7页(P851-857)【作者】邓冠华;查龙应;张国霞;王玉;黎耀涛;彭欣;周宏伟;刘移民【作者单位】广州市职业病防治院职业卫生评价检测中心,广州市医学重点学科职业健康监护科,广州市职业环境与健康效应实验室,广州510620;南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院,广州510515;南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院,广州510515;内蒙古自治区赤峰市疾病预防控制中心,内蒙古赤峰024000;南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院,广州510515;南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院,广州510515;南方医科大学公共卫生与热带医学学院,广州510515;广州市职业病防治院职业卫生评价检测中心,广州市医学重点学科职业健康监护科,广州市职业环境与健康效应实验室,广州510620【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R372【相关文献】1.基于16S rRNA高通量测序方法比较新疆冷水鱼肠道中微生物多样性 [J], 黄丽丽;张艳;周红;倪永清2.基于16S rRNA高通量测序技术分析中国西门塔尔牛瘤胃微生物多样性和功能预测的研究 [J], 吴琼;王思珍;张适;胡宗福;杨浩;牛化欣3.基于16SrRNA高通量测序技术分析安格斯牛瘤胃微生物多样性和功能预测的研究 [J], 吴琼; 王思珍; 张适; 尤欢; 胡宗福; 牛化欣4.基于16S rRNA高通量测序分析大泷六线鱼表皮粘液及肠道内容物微生物多样性[J], 樊英;于晓清;李乐;王晓璐;叶海斌;胡发文;刁菁;刘洪军5.采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术分析鲜奶中微生物的多样性 [J], 吕成龙;田雨;陈芳慧;刘小军;李丽丽;吕林雪;葛继文;顾晨浩;邹彦;王根林;蔡亚非因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
方法通过蒽酮-硫酸法测定多糖含量,采用通用引物对细菌16S rRNA高可变区(V3-V4区)进行PCR扩增,运用Illumina Miseq PE250高通量测序技术对扩增子进行测序,并用QIIME等软件对测序序列进行生物信息学分析。
结果多花黄精内生菌测序共获得90 628条有效序列和5 287个OTU,稀释曲线和Coverage指数反映测序结果比较全面地覆盖了多花黄精内生细菌群落。
通过Spearman 相关性分析,在属水平共得到19个菌群与多糖含量相关,其中3个属呈正相关,16个属菌群呈负相关。
〔关键词〕多花黄精;16S rRNA;内生细菌;多样性;群落结构〔中图分类号〕R284.1 〔文献标志码〕A 〔文章编号〕doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-070X.2020.07.013〔Abstract〕 Objective To analyze the bacterial diversity and their community structure from Polygonatum cyrtonema using high-throughput sequencing technology. Methods The polysaccharide content was determined by anthrone-sulfuric acid method. PCR amplification of 16S rRNA high variable region (V3/V4 region) of bacteria was performed by using universal primers. The sequencing of amplicons was conducted by using Illumina Miseq PE250 high-throughput sequencing technology, and bioinformatics analysis of sequencing sequences was performed using software such as QIIME. The correlation between endophytic bacteria and polysaccharide was analyzed by spearman correlation. Results A total of 90 628 effective sequences and 5 287 OTUs were obtained from the sequencing of endophytic bacteria in Polygonatum cyrtonema, and the dilution curve and coverage index reflected that the sequencing results comprehensively covered the endophytic bacterial community of Polygonatum cyrtonema. Alpha diversity analysis showed that the endophytic bacteria were highly diverse. At the level of the phylum, the dominant bacteria were Proteobacteria,Actinobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Firmicutes, and Acidobacteria. At the genus level, the core flora consists of Sphingomonas, Gemmatimonas, and Streptomyces. The PICRUSt gene prediction indicated that endophytic bacteria of Polygonatum cyrtonema were mainly metabolized,including energy metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, and amino acid metabolism. Through spearman correlation analysis, the polysaccharide content associated with endophytic bacteria were obtained 19 bacterias at genus level. Among them, three genera were positively correlated and 16 genera were negatively correlated. Conclusion The diversity of endophytic bacteria in Polygonatum cyrtonema is high. There are many different kinds of bacteria, and the flora is related to polysaccharide content. The study analyzed the diversity, abundance and main genus of endophytic bacteria of Polygonatum cyrtonema, which has certain guiding significance for deep study on the internal environment of Polygonatum cyrtonema to quality.〔Keywords〕 Polygonatum cyrtonema; 16S rRNA; endophytic bacteria; diversity; community structure多花黄精为百合科(Liliaceae)黄精属(Polygonatum Mill.)多年生草本植物,以其根茎入药,在我国拥有悠久的药用历史,具有补气养阴、健脾、润肺、益肾等功效[1]。
16S rRNA基因测序是一种用于鉴定和分类微生物的技术,其原理基于微生物的16S rRNA基因序列的特性。
16S rRNA基因是所有原核生物的一个保守基因,它编码了核糖体小亚基的16S rRNA,参与蛋白质的翻译过程。
由于16S rRNA基因在所有原核生物中具有高度的保守性,因此可以通过比较不同物种的16S rRNA基因序列来确定它们之间的亲缘关系。
在16S rRNA基因测序中,首先需要提取微生物的DNA,然后使用PCR技术扩增16S rRNA基因片段。
这些数据可以通过与已知的16S rRNA基因序列进行比对,确定微生物的种类和分类。
16S rRNA基因测序的优势在于它可以在未知微生物的情况下进行分类鉴定,因为所有原核生物都具有16S rRNA基因。
然而,16S rRNA基因测序也存在一些局限性。
此外,由于16S rRNA基因序列的保守性,有时难以区分不同物种之间的差异。
总之,16S rRNA基因测序是一种有用的技术,可以用于鉴定和分类微生物,并提供有关微生物群落组成和多样性的信息。
掌叶木(Handeliodendron bodinieri Levl.Rehd.)是无患子科(Sapindaceae )掌叶木属(Handeliodendron Rehd.)植物,是我国稀有单种属植物之一,又称鸭脚板、平舟木等,为我国特有的树种。
掌叶木为落叶灌木或乔木,最高能达到15m ,树皮为黄白色;其小枝为黄褐色,有散生的皮孔,常生长在海拔高度为500~900m 的石灰岩山地[1]。
但由于砍伐、放牧、开垦北方农业学报2017,45(3):23~28JOURNAL OF NORTHERN AGRICULTUREdoi:10.3969/j.issn.2096-1197.2017.03.05收稿日期:2017-04-01基金项目:广州大学大学生创新训练项目(CX2016010);全国大学生“挑战杯”课外科技活动项目作者简介:滕婕华(1990—),女,在读硕士,研究方向为植物资源保护与利用。
基于cpDNA 和nrITS 对濒危植物掌叶木的基因检测滕婕华1,倪敏1,李超群2,李鹏伟2,谢国文1(1.广州大学生命科学学院,广东广州510006;2.中国科学院植物研究所,北京100093)摘要:通过使用叶绿体基因和核糖体基因,对掌叶木进行基因检测研究。
采用基因测序方法,用叶绿体基因(cpDNA )包括rpl 32-trnL ,trnH-psbA ,trnL-F ,trnS-G ,trnT-L ,matK ,trnH-trnK 及rps 16和核糖体核酸内转录间隔区基因(nrDNA ITS )包括ITS 1-4及ITS5f -2r 的序列,进行基因测序。
录-包含高质量$全面的表型耐药相关基因突变列表 行了更细致分层'其根据MN! 对不同药敏试验
及其置信度分级%%%&"但纳入菌株的地理区域代表性 方法的认可程度"将表型药敏试验数据分为7个层
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种抗结核药物耐药性的快速判定"但基于目前对部 可以获取更多公开数据'因此"第(版,目录-纳入
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药食同源植物鼠曲草中6种黄酮类成分的含量测定田彩云【摘要】建立了高效液相色谱法同时测定鼠曲草中6种黄酮类成分:槲皮素,木犀草素,芹菜素,山奈酚,金丝桃苷,木犀草素-4'-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷含量的方法.样品用80%甲醇超声提取,采用HPLC法检测,色谱柱:Agilent Eclipse XDB C18Column(250×4.6 mm I.D.,5μm);流动相:乙腈-0.1%甲酸梯度洗脱;流速:1.0mL/min;柱温:30℃;检测波长:360 nm.结果表明,在一定的浓度范围内6种黄酮的浓度与峰面积线性关系良好,相关系数R2为0.9997~0.9999,样品的加样回收率为95.20%~108.5%,RSD均≤2.8%.本方法简便、快捷、精密度高、重现性好,可用于鼠曲草中黄酮类成分的含量测定.研究结果为明确鼠曲草作用的物质基础以及制定质量标准提供很好的依据.【期刊名称】《人参研究》【年(卷),期】2018(030)006【总页数】3页(P30-32)【关键词】鼠曲草;黄酮;高效液相色谱法;含量测定【作者】田彩云【作者单位】内蒙古科技大学包头医学院内蒙古包头·014040【正文语种】中文鼠曲草为菊科植物鼠曲草Gnaphalium affine D.Don的全草。
《本草纲目》谓其主“寒热,除肺中寒,大升肺气”,具化痰止咳、祛风平喘之效 [4]。
【总页数】6页(P301-306)【作者】刘晓婷;郭九峰;王淑妍;李亚娇;那日【作者单位】内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院,内蒙古呼和浩特010021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S646【相关文献】1.多种剥蚀厚度恢复方法在内蒙古雅布赖盆地侏罗系和白垩系中的应用及其地质意义 [J], 田涛;任战利;杨鹏;曹展鹏;杨甫2.多种方法组合在内蒙古二连-东乌旗地区航磁异常查证中的应用--以蒙C-2007-9-1为例 [J], 高学生;苏永军;梁建刚;张国利;李建国;张素荣;滕菲3.多种物探方法在内蒙古二道河铜铅锌银矿勘查中的应用研究 [J], 牛兴国;党月辉;杨发亭4.多种物探方法在内蒙古水泉沟地区找矿效果分析 [J], 张荣;穆海旗;孙引强;周文博;刘彤5.多种物探方法在内蒙古水泉沟地区找矿效果分析 [J], 张荣;穆海旗;孙引强;周文博;刘彤因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
_基于cpDNA rps16序列分析兰考泡桐与白花泡桐和毛泡桐的遗传关系
兰考泡桐( Paulownia elongata S. Y. Hu) 、白花 泡桐( Paulownia fortunei ( Seem. ) Hemsl) 和毛泡桐 ( Paulownia tomentosa ( Thunb. ) Steud ) 为 玄 参 科 ( Scrophulariaceae) 泡桐属( Paulownia) 的落叶乔木, 是重要的速生用材和绿化型典型代表树种之一。兰 考泡桐集中分布于以黄、淮、海平原为代表的黄河流 域; 白花泡桐分布长江流域以南各省、市,是南方泡 桐种类的代表树种; 毛泡桐分布从长江中下游一直 到泡桐分布区的北界,其重点分布区为大别山和神 农架及其周边地区,是北方泡桐种类的代表种。毛 泡桐抗旱耐寒、适应能力强、木材材质致密,是优良 的家具用材[1 - 4]。由于泡桐种间生殖隔离不强,存 在非常普遍的种间混交、渐渗现象[5 - 6],使得泡桐杂 交种的单倍型来源非常丰富,兰考泡桐是泡桐天然 杂交种的代表中之一[7]。根据竺肇 华 的 观 点[7] 认 为兰考泡桐可能是毛泡桐与白花泡桐的杂交种。从 地理分布上看,毛泡桐与白花泡桐有重叠区。兰考 泡桐又是高度不育。熊金桥[8]总结有多种证据反复 证实兰考泡桐作为毛泡桐和白花泡桐的杂交种。卢 龙斗[9]通过 RAPD 标记研究泡桐属的 7 个种,其中 的结果之一是白花泡桐与兰考泡桐间遗传相似系数 为 0. 723,说明白花泡桐对兰考泡桐形成提供的遗 传份额比较大。这些在分子水平的数据支持了竺肇 华的观点,证明在泡桐属植物演化过程中兰考泡桐
行测定分析,得兰考泡桐序列长度分别为 932 933 bp; 白花泡桐序列长度为 932 bp; 毛泡桐序列长度分别为 916
918 bp。对所得 rps16 序列进行排序后的长度为 938 bp,平均 GC 含量为 34. 31% 。3 个种所代表的个体之间共有 10
6种常见呼吸道感染细菌16s rRNA基因的克隆与鉴定
6种常见呼吸道感染细菌16s rRNA基因的克隆与鉴定干咏华;李爱红;安东善;刘丹薇;欧阳红生【期刊名称】《中国免疫学杂志》【年(卷),期】2007(023)007【摘要】目的:克隆并鉴定6种常见呼吸道感染细菌16s rRNA基因,为制备基因芯片探针做准备.方法:设计、合成6种细菌16s rRNA基因扩增引物;PCR扩增16s rRNA基因目的片段;克隆16s rRNA基因片段;最后对重组质粒进行鉴定.结果:(1)6种细菌16s rRNA基因片段的PCR扩增结果:大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、流感嗜血杆菌在1 300 bp处出现特异的目的片段;铜绿假单胞菌在1 100 bp出现特异的目的片段,与预计的片段大小吻合.(2)PCR产物分别与pMD18-T载体连接并转化JM109受体菌之后在Ampr培养基表面生长,其中蓝色菌落为阴性克隆,白色菌落是阳性克隆.(3)各克隆质粒PCR鉴定及双酶切鉴定,结果均可见特异目的带.(4)克隆质粒的序列分析示:6种细菌克隆质粒部分16s rRNA基因序列与GenBank中发表序列同源性为99.8%以上,说明细菌16s rRNA 基因已克隆成功.结论:成功克隆了大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌、肺炎克雷伯杆菌、流感嗜血杆菌及铜绿假单胞菌16s rRNA基因片段,为制备基因芯片探针奠定了基础.【总页数】4页(P641-643,647)【作者】干咏华;李爱红;安东善;刘丹薇;欧阳红生【作者单位】吉林省人民医院呼吸内科,长春,130021;吉化集团公司总医院,长春,132021;吉林省人民医院呼吸内科,长春,130021;吉林省人民医院呼吸内科,长春,130021;吉林大学农学部生化教研室,长春,130000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q789【相关文献】1.利用16S rRNA基因克隆文库分析东北自然发酵酸菜中细菌多样性 [J], 曹碧璇;胡滨;刘爱平2.16S rRNA、23S rRNA及16S~23S rRNA基因在细菌分离与鉴定中的应用 [J], 李鹏;马艳娇;赵云3.PCR-HRM方法分析16S rRNA基因进行细菌鉴定的可行性研究 [J], 邱会茹;王佳琳;薛文成;杨婧;任微4.细菌16S rRNA基因芯片的构建及其在细菌鉴定中的应用 [J], 薛建亚;翁心华;朱利平;万谟彬5.16S rRNA基因序列法鉴定幽门螺杆菌细菌种属 [J], 金恩鸿;朴諄娘;金东春;鞠重基因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1. 请确保样本量大于0.2g或者0.2mL。
1. 实验步骤(中英文)。
2. 相关质谱参数(中英文)。
3. 质谱图片。
4. 原始数据。
5. 鼠尾草酚含量信息。
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基因测序法郭会芳1,阚显照2,张韧1,3,陈鸿珊(1中国医学科学院北京协和医学院医药生物技术研究所,北京100050;2中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京100093;3卧龙岗大学生命科学院,澳大利亚新南威尔士卧龙岗2522)摘要:为从鼠尾草属植物中鉴别丹参品种,采用基因测序方法,用核糖体核酸内转录间隔区基因(nrDNAITS),编码核蛋白体大亚基多肽L16的基因(rpl16)及叶绿体DN A上包含trn L以及trn L和trn F间隔区的区域基因(trn L-trn F)的序列,检测六种鼠尾草属新鲜植物。
由于nrDNA ITS和rpl16突变率较高,可以做为6种鼠尾草的基源鉴定标记,依此设计了两对特异引物,从6种鼠尾草中鉴定出丹参(Salvia miltiorrhi-za)和云南鼠尾草(S.yunnanensis)。
但trn L-trn F突变率太低,未能用于鉴别。
关键词:鼠尾草属;ITS基因;rpl16基因;trn L-trn F基因中图分类号:Q945文献标识码:A文章编号:0253-2700(2008)03-345-06GUO Hui-Fang1,KAN Xian-Zhao2,ZHANG Ren1,3,CHEN Hong-Shan1**(1Institute of Medicinal Biote chnology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union of Medical College,Beijing100050,China;2State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100093,China;3School of Biological Sciences,University of Wollongong,NSW2522,Australia)Three DNA regions were sequenced for testing six fresh plant samples of Salvia species.These three DNA re-gions were nrDN A ITS(nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer),chloroplast rpl16(the gene encoding riboso-mal protein L16),and trn L-trn F(the cpDNA region comprising the trn L and the intergenic spacer between trn L andtrn F).The results showed that the nrDNA ITS and rpl16genes could provide novel information for origin identification ofSalvia species.Due to their higher mutation rates of these2gene markers,Salvia species-specific primers were designed and tior rhiza and S.yunnanensis were identified.The trn L-trn F gene expressed low mutation rate,it could not iden-tify the species.Since the damage of DNA by the pretreatments of the dry roots of Chinese herbs,it is hard to apply themolecular markers to commercial samples for identification.Salvia;ITS;rpl16;trn L-trn FThe dried root and rhizome of Salvia miltiorrhizaBunge(Danshen)has been used for hundreds of yearsas a traditional Chinese medicine(TC M),(Pharmaco-poeia Commission of PRC,2005).Danshen is used 云南植物研究2008,30(3):345~350Acta Botanica Yunnanica DOI:10.3724SP.J.1143.2008.07224Author for correspondence;Tel:+86-10-63010984;Fax:86-10-63017302;E-mail:chenhs—10@Received date:2007-09-29,Accepted date:2007-12-05作者简介:郭会芳(1983-)女,在读博士研究生,主要从事抗病毒药物研究。
T el:+86-138********;E-mail:gracenlion@ Foundation item:Pharmaceutical Innovation and Traditional Chinese Medicine Modernization Program of China(2004AA2Z3342)m ostly for its cardioprotective and anti-atherosclerotic ef-fects,but its components have been found to possess di-verse potential medicinal activities,including the inhi-bition of HIV-1integrase(Abd-Elazem et al.,2002). Although only tiorrhiza was recorded in the Chi-nese Pharmacopoeia,the dried root and rhizome of other Salvia species such as S.yunnanensis C.H.Wright, S.prz ewalskii Maxim.,S.trijuga Diels,S.digi-taloides Diels,S.flava Forrest ex Diels and other spe-cies have also been used and called Danshen.All these wild Salvia are normally not cultivated in large scales by GAP(Good Agriculture Practice)and sometimes mixed-up with Salvia miltiorrhiza due to the similar morphology and similar efficacy.Extracts from different species had different potencies for developing drugs.In the progress of TCM modernization and for further de-velopment of this valuable herb medicine,it is of criti-cal importance to accurately record the source of plant materials and standardize the herb species and the me-dicinal effects,so that the qualities of herb products will be well controlled.Since m olecular identification is under investigation and development recently,many mo-lecular markers,especially sequences of fast-evolving DNA regions,have been developed for plant taxonomic studies at the species level(Shaw et al.,2005).W e made a preliminary test to evaluate the feasibility of this method,using the nrDNA ITS region,chloroplast rpl16 gene and trn L-trn F region of the cpDNA as molecular markers to identify the six Salvia species which are used as Danshen in Yunnan province of China.All fresh Salvia samplesas listed in Table1,were collectedin the summer of2005in Yunnan Province.The fresh samples were dried with silica gel in12hours and kept cold for long time storage.Voucher specimens have been deposited in the Herbari-um of the Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing(PE).Co mmercial samples of tiorrhiza Bunge were bought from Tongrentang drug store of Beijing.Total DNA was extracted from silica gel dried leaves using the CTAB method following the protocol of Rogers and Bendich (Rogers and Bendich,1988)and used as template in polymerase chain reaction(PCR).Similar total DNA extraction method was applied to commercial samples except that PVP(polyvinylpyrro-lidone)was added to improve the quality of DN A.The nrDNA ITS region was amplified with primers ITS1N(5′-GTC GTA ACA AG G TTT CCG TA G G)modified fro m White et al.(1990)and ITS4(5′-TCC T CC GCT TAT TGA TAT GC),the rpl16gene was amplified with primers rpl16F(5CCC CTA TGT TG)and rpl16R(5′-GCT ATG CTT AGT GTG CGA CT C GTT G)(Small et al.,1998)and the trn L-trn F re-gion with5′trnL UA AF(5′-CG A A AT CGG TA G ACG CTA CG) and trnF G AA(5′-ATT TGA ACT GGT G AC ACG AG)(Taberlet et al.,1991).The PCR amplification was carried out in a vol-ume of25μl,containing5-50ng of DNA template,6.25pmol of each primer,0.2mM of each dNTP,0.75units of ExTaq DN A polymerase(TaKaRa,Dalian,China).Amplifications were conducted in a T gradient96U thermocycler(Biometre, G ttingen,Germany)with PCR regimes as follows:for ITS,one cycle of4min at70℃,4cycles of40sec at94℃,20sec at 55℃and2min at72℃,followed by30cycles of20sec at 94℃,20sec at55℃and2min at72℃with a final step for10 min at72℃;for rpl16and trn L-trn F,they were the same ex-cept for the annealing temperature at50℃instead of55℃.The PCR products were purified using the DN A Frag ment Quick Puri-DingGuo,Beijing).Sequencing reactions were performed with the same primers listed above.After precip-itation in95%EtOH and3M NaAc(pH5.2),the sequencing products were separated on a MegaBACE1000automatic DNA sequencer(Amersham Biosciences,Buckinghamshire,UK).For nrD NA ITS and rpl16,three to six individual plants per species were sequenced and only one individual plant was sequenced for trn L-trn F,all with both forward and reverse primers.Table1Plant materials and GenBank Accession Nos.of the sequencesTaxa Voucher Locality GenBank Accession Nos. ITS rpl16S.yunnanensis C.H.Wright NO.201757Kunming,Yunnan,China EF014344EF014350 tiorrhiza Bunge NO.2017260Beijng,China EF014345EF014351 S.przewalskii Maxim NO.2017266Lijiang,Yunnan,China EF014346EF014352NO.2017272Deqin,Yunnan,China EF053400EF053401 S.trijuga Diels NO.2017254Lijiang,Yunnan,China EF014347EF014353 S.digitaloides Diels NO.2017269Lijiang,Yunnan,China EF014348EF014354 S.flava Forrest ex Diels NO.2017262Lijiang,Yunnan,China EF014349EF014355 643云南植物研究30卷Sequence alignments were made with Clustal X 1.81(Tho mpson et al .,1997)and refined manually .Genetic distance between Salvia species was estimated with Mega 3.1(Kumar et al .,2004)based respectively on the ITS region and the rpl 16gene ,using Kimura ′s two -parameter model (Kimura ,1980).The quality of total DNA of com mercial samples was not good enough for amplifying .All PCR products were amplified from total D NA of fresh samples .We ob -tained about 630bp for the ITS region ,800bp for rpl 16and 775bp for trn L -trn F .Sequence alignments o f the former two DNA regions are shown in Fig .1and Fig .2,respectively .The ITS region consists of the 5.8S coding region and two internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1and ITS 2).GenBank accession numbers assigned for the sequences we determined are listed in T able 1.Among the six Salvia species ,sequences of the trn L -trn F region were nearly identical while those of the ITS region and the rpl 16gene were m ore variable(Fig .1,2).No intraspecific variation was detected ,although some species ,like S .przewalskii ,were repre -sented by several individuals collected from different lo -cations .The interspecific sequence divergence was higher in the ITS region (0.005-0.065)than in the rpl 16gene (0.004-0.023)(Tables 2,3),and each Salvia species was found to have a unique sequence in the two DNA regions .This indicates that nucleotide se -quences of DNA regions like nrDNA ITS and rpl 16could provide novel information for origin identification of Salvia species due to their higher mutation rate .Since the trn L -trn F region did not show enough varia -tion ,it might discount its use as a molecular marker for authentication of Salvia species in general .Fig .1 Sequence comparison of the nrDNA ITS region among the six Salvia species .Dot indicates identical nucleotide or gap as in theuppermost sequence .Hypen indicates an introduced gap .Arrow indicates the position of species -specific primer .Abbreviations :SD :S .digitaloides ;SF :S .flava ;SM :S .miltiorrhiza ;SP :S .przewalskii ;ST :S .trijuga ;SY :S .yunnanensis7433期GUO Hui -Fang et al .:Identification of Salvia Species by nrDNA ITS and cpDNA rpl 16Sequence ...Fig.2Sequence comparison of the rpl16gene among the six Salvia species.Dot indicates identical nucleotide or gap as in the uppermost sequence.Hypen indicates an introduced gap.Arrow indicates the position of species-specific primer. Abbreviations:SD:S.digitaloides;SF:S.flava;SM:tiorrhiza;SP:S.przewalskii;ST:S.trijuga;SY:S.yunnanensisTable2Genetic distance between six Salvia speciesaccording to the ITS region sequences1234561.S.yunnanensistiorrhiza0.0293.S.przewalskii0.0530.0514.S.trijuga0.0650.0600.0465.S.digitaloides0.0550.0530.0080.0416.S.flava0.0500.0480.0060.0400.005T o discriminate Salvia miltiorrhiza from S.y-unnanensis and other related species in Yunnan fastly and efficiently,species-specific primers were further designed based on sequences of the ITS region and the rpl16gene.We found that the primer pair TYF(5′-CGA CGC ACG TCC TCG GGC AGT)and TYR(5′-Table3Genetic distance between six Salvia speciesaccording to the rpl16gene sequences1234561.S.yunnanensistiorrhiza0.0053.S.przewalskii0.0170.0154.S.trijuga0.0230.0200.0195.S.digitaloides0.0150.0150.0080.0196.S.flava0.0160.0130.0070.0170.004GGG CGC AAC ACG CG C AAT)(Fig.1)specifically amplified the ITS region of S.yunnanensis at the an-nealing temperature of55℃(Fig.3:A),while prim-ers RYF-1(5′-TCA AAC AAA ATA GAT GAA T)and RYR(5′-AGT TAA ATC AGT CAT ATC)(Fig.2) specifically amplified the rpl16gene of tiorrhiza843云南植物研究30卷Fig.3Specific amplification of parts of the nrDNA ITS region(A)and the rpl16gene(B).Separation of the fragments was achieved by electrophoresis on1.5%agarose gels,and bands were visualized with GoldViewTM(SBS Genetech,Beijing).M:1.5kb DNA marker.Abbreviations:SD:S.digitaloides;SF:S.flava;SM:tiorrhiza;SP:S.przewalskii;ST:S.trijuga;SY:S.yunnanensisat the annealing temperature of40℃(Fig.3:B). Thus,primers TYF and TYR differentiated S.y-unnanensis from the other five Salvia species and prim-ers RYF-1and RYR offered an alternative method for the Chinese Pharmacopoeia to authenticate -tiorrhiza.One of the problems that restrain the development of traditional Chinese medicine is the authentication of raw material in the field and on the commercial mar-kets.Ways based on DNA sequencing may offer an al-ternative and more reliable method for the identification of Chinese medicinal materials(Zhao et al.,2002; Cao and Komatsu,2003;Chen et al.,2002;Wang et al.,2005;Lau et al.,2001;Sun et al.,2004;Ding et al.,2002;Kojoma et al.,2002;Hosokawa et al., 2004;Xu et al.,2006)and this will lead to another set of standardization of traditional Chinese medicine. However,DNA-based polymorphism may not handle the identification all by itself.M orphological and chemical studies are indispensable since most Chinese medicinal materials on the market have been pro-cessed.The condition of storage and processing of raw materials often result in DNA degradation.All the sam-ples tested were live plants collected in the field and dried by silica gel soon after.Samples bought from the market had also been tested in our laboratory,but un-fortunately,the quality of DNA was not qualified to be amplified.With the fact of DNA degradation,species-specific primers aimed for shorter DNA fragments should be designed,which may give satisfactory re-sults.In conclusion,we have been able to molecularly distinguish some Salvia species used as TCM plants with two markers.However,since it′s hard to apply the markers to the commercial samples,maybe molecu-lar identification based on sequence analyses couldn′t shoulder the task of identifying Chinese medicinal ma-terials all alone.DNA-based polymorphism may offer an efficient choice for authenticating medicinal herbal species for researchers,but further investigation is still in need for developing its market value.thank Ms.J-X Li and Drs.J Zhao, Y-Z Cun,S-S Wang and Y-F Li for their help with sample col-lection.Dr.H Gao is thanked for her assistance in the laboratory work.Especially we thank Prof.Xiao-Quan Wang of IB-CAS for his useful guidance and discussion.Abd-Elazem IS,Chen HS,Bates RB et al.,2002.Isolation of two highly potent and non-toxic inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1)integrase from Salvia miltiorrhiza[J].Antiviral Res,(1):91—106Cao H,Komatsu K,2003.Molecular identification of six medicinal Cur-cuma plants produced in Sichuan:evidence from plastid trn K gene sequences[J].Acta Pharm Sin,(11):871—875Chen Y Q,Wang N,Zhou H et al.,2002.Differentiation of medicinal Cordyceps species by rDNA ITS sequence analysis[J].Planta9433期GUO Hui-Fang et al.:Identification of Salvia 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