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1 Eating with a fork instead of a spoon can help you lose weight, a new research suggests. It also says that putting mirrors in your dining room will help weight loss because they actually make junk food taste worse.

The researchers asked 185 college students to choose chocolate cake or a fruit salad and evaluate the taste. Those who ate them in a room with a mirror scored the taste of the junk food lower than those in a room without one, but it had no effect on the fruit salad.

Lea d scientist, Dr Ata Jami of the University of Central Florida, said: “A glance in the mirror tells people more than just about their physical appearance. It enables them to view themselves and helps them to judge themselves and their behaviors in a same wa y that they judge others.” The mirrors were found to push the subjects(实验对象) to compare and match their own behaviors with accepted social standards.

The study’s authors believe it proves that people don’t want to look in the mirror when they feel that they are now sticking to those social standards. When they do look in the mirror, feelings of discomfort and failure are increased. Therefore, the presence of the mirror causes a discomfort and lowers the taste of unhealthy food. But, this is only the case if the person selects the food they are eating because they are responsible for that choice.

The study suggests that mirrors be placed in eating spaces so people will start eating more healthily.

1.According to the research, which of the following may taste worst when eating in

a room with a mirror?


B.Chocolate cake.


D.Chicken soup.

2.Why can mirror influence the taste of junk food when people have it?

A.Because it reminds people of their not charming appearance.

B.Because it distracts people’s attention to judge others.

C.Because it makes people feel full.

D.Because it gives people a feeling of failure.

3.To make people eat more healthily, it’s advised to place a mirror_____.

A.in dining rooms

B.in living rooms

C.in bedrooms

D.in gardens

4.Which part of the journal may this text appear?





2. "Well, I made it," says Greg Daniels with a smile.

Recently there have been news reports and television shows reporting on the quality of school lunches. According to federal guidelines, French fries count as a serving of vegetables. Many parents and others are upset that a salty, deep-fried food is replacing healthier options like carrot sticks. As a result, the

potato---what French fries are made of --- has been getting a bad rap.

"The problem is not the potato," insists Greg. "Potatoes are very healthy. But any food, even carrots will be less healthy if it's cooked in grease(油脂)."

Two months ago, Greg decided to eat nothing but potatoes for 60 days. As a high school science teacher and son of a potato farmer, he wanted to do something to draw attention to potatoes as a healthy food and a good choice as part of anyone's regular meals.

"It's been an interesting experience," G reg said. “For a while, I wasn't sure I would make it.

I was pretty tired of eating potatoes after a few weeks."

But for Greg there were some benefits that he hadn't expected. He’s lost 15 pounds and he feels better than he has in years. "I have so much more energy," he says. "I've been running and playing on a local basketball team, and I feel like I'm playing as well as I did when I was in high school."

And Greg has gotten a lot of attention, much more than he expected. "It's been fantastic. Thousands of people have read my blog. I have been sharing recipes and talking about the experience. Every day I get to tell people what a great idea it is to eat potatoes."

Greg is glad to be back to a normal diet, but he still eats potatoes at least 5 or 6 times a week. "Everyone should!" he says with a smile. "Potatoes are healthy and taste great!"

1.What does the underline part "getting a bad rap" mean?

A.Receiving little attention.

B.Becoming good for people's health.

C.Getting more and more popular.

D.Obtaining an unfair judgment.

2.After eating potatoes for a few weeks, Greg___________.

A.gave up his plan

B.put on some weight

C.became less healthy

D.was sick of potatoes

3.Why did Greg decided to eat potatoes only?

A.Because potatoes are cheap.

B.To draw attention to himself.

C.To prove that potatoes are healthy.

D.Because he loves potatoes very much.

4.After eating potatoes for 60 days, Greg__________.
