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新视野第二版试题库Qui z 1 答案




”科Click nNCE on t*# speaker Icon to alat hsienin?!


Part 1 Word Dictation)

帥撞* i#J

[)ke:cTinii^ Lioi哙n -ind wrile th* wflids heniir Y<»y

going lo llblen lu die i^condliHj C MI I CB. Duilng ihe flitrl lline. wirte Hi亡woid ihdl yon he<3i. theck yi>ur diisweisi as

you liiteii tli* wconcl tiime.


Pitrr 1 Word Dkhm«n 笑小我1畀;譜已ID斶


I.1/cha^a ch曰匪

20X EHplart eiplnrt

31Z roriiHLFi^contiruily

4.1Z suslsin Eu^ra n

5.1y dif caiunl diicuuni


7.1Z celsian co lision

a 1/Execute Bxecijte


101r ationalrty national rty

_ < CW&k ONCE on iliD ipcak&r iconihi listeninc!

Y 以膏垮帀丽请不共匿汗审弘晋E僦听不痕啦|

P^rt 2 UndeuUnding Short Conveisatioru


® A Tfhe man uklng Mmeihirigi frorri her.

<■> IB. T^e man stealing frcrri her grandmother

0 C. H IB mi i i lin g from hi s qra drr ot

0 D. The ma i ts Uli bg h e g ran dmathGrtte c佃ci ea bs.

<)The v/Dinairi doean'i wory 酉hmM iEp「rta:M thing? m aoun討y O 6. Tfrie wgnifliri do•旨胡kuw whal ? irnpfli^nt n

□ C… Ttio mai d ^ssrit :om Dicer hirncef p&n of eacist^

Ttie mai d^esnt car= about c^ildnerisaijring ma'am or sir

O A. kfift vtudiii at Echool.

I QiGH ;N't ontnc ;pe?ri:or w 引曲I ?ttri nf

Y 枚芒结京市讦F妄吉开平点*烹惭听=尸啦!

Part 3 Underfunding P日"胸嶺海I、匙i芒)

Dir«cliom: In ihii i»ction ^o»1l h»«(n p*MAi pAHjig««. Liston cuofullv cmd choc$» iho bov ^iiiswor io (I IQ quo何I WE ^OII h^Rr.

Qii««iktvt 1 li耐d ori ilw tain* « 4冷l*<|+


tj 八.Tm 'ocaoncib itioc of msniod oo:pli.

j L r^e Bfrtish st*ise of lotieiy

Q C. The makers 4 B I I IE h f am ly I I J E

;<■ c The meaning 常审nih in &ta>n

5)A. r dllTlh

::;}B. Childier.

Q C. The *10 use.

Part4 Skimming and Scanning (True or False Que$tiQ)is + Blank Filling)

UirectiAiia: Read Hifr lollowilug paiuge

gnp*・命协恥鼻iifl^pviMtian giv^n in ih呻卩加乂科刖氛rh*-n*^ N ^NO) if thi«Infonncitlon 庐别口In ih«

p応巫花g化chnasB IlG |N<0 I GIVEN| H Hie infDrnin k not gl^@n In th«passage. F«i quastl^iis 810. coinplot^ the seirieiit«vwrlln the iinfoiniistlati give11 in tlie pds&dye.

O IIVM I VOS1 W diti Ipd&Qdl oil th« sdtno pj^dya oi dljlix).

Should ¥r»i He The B们閃孑

Soul "sc ar chi IKJ qtiesthms lor f9Jichcis co nsl during adnuiniistiiilioh.

As a tcader, ycu maMge lhe heecs c(20 ai rrnz-re Jtudcrrt^ 加are limv. Try hdndlir^i 20D s av«n 2J ,000 c hi Idrvn—ih ng wih Ihsr 托*…F•二「廿二|廿=F.-rri:.店汕「•;. - |ir n| -.n im =. 1 n - .y =r a- n p加低ycy. you majf ha將wh* itl^kos lo te a school adminRtnlor In EE percenl a1 ^ll school aiiniinis^atd rs co^e frurm 1he r^nks, :=^ys E-mil J.

Hal er. prefer or of

' Click ONCE on ih@ speaker icsn to si art 血亦诃


Part 5 Reading Comprehension |MuMple



Direcfeioih5: Ftecid tlie I O II QWIII^ piissjqes 匸aiirefLilly and cii-Lio^e the beM diiswefl he>m ihc f*un ch»lce»maiked A. B. C anti D ・dLiefilion^ 1 Io i lianedl uh lilt 呂JDME piKMy* DI cliidllDtj.

lYie US mi IK鋤has blocked p utile nearly all its w-=b 对岛

占liet iH 鼻色卅刨冯wer? a/tlsck&d b/ s new 亡orrtriutsr-rfrus.

Late laatwaek! nhe US Spnce Carwnand. which proi/ides aacuniy for miftiiiry compukof¥k inrifuettd «l militij arganiitfiicni- io block public Mter 聃mjmfifir cf =:ites Kad csnrraRi^ the 祈m亀

csled lh& "Codo R0d lp bug4according io 泗询0■训

TTie iflrus ts kriDw^i as a "ilemal of s=hjire H bug, hecau-se il rerhcal&s i 自戦&带[l it找If by 怕adinjtbp carts files on a nelsvork sehsr 习rd mm nding c opitf a Lu ullim ser^iit—I hereby mu l.iplyinig a^id =Dmelmtt crashing a §5stem and den/ing acc&ss to 恒gi+iin卅旦(■&■去的]■関era ofihe srte

'Thw Cddii Rud 利QF(n did「和ct £hu^ 岬iri 切nta DoD [Du^rr^nl
