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The earth is polluted.
air pollution
n. 煤炭
The factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke.
water pollution
Factories put waste into the river.
People are throwing litter into the river.
What should we do?
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
Factories are also putting waste into the river.
Yes, everyone in this town should play a part.
mobile phone pollution
litter v. 乱扔 n. 垃圾
rubbish waste 垃圾,废弃物
People should throw away litter in the bin.
n. 垃圾箱
noise pollution There are more cars on the road.
e.g. Every student should try to study hard in order to study in a university. 为了进入大学学习,每个学生都应该 努力学习。
2. Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. be related to 与…有关 e.g. I am not related to him in any way. 我和他无任何关系。
What caused the problem?
People are throwing _l_it_t_e_r__ into the river. Factories are putting _w_a_s_t_e_ into the river.
How should the problem be solved?
1b Listen and complete the sentences.
What was the problem? The river was __r_e_a_ll_y_d_i_r_ty___. Even the bottom (底部) of the river was full of _r_u_b_b_i_s_h__. There were no more __fi_s_h__ for fishermen (渔民) to catch.
We should write to the _g_o_v_e_r_n_m__e_n_t_ and ask them to _c_lo_s_e__d_o_w_n__ the factories. Everyone should help to __cl_e_a_n_u__p__ the river.
river in this town. 4. We should ask the teachers for help.
The river was dirty. Even the bottom of the But it used to river was full of rubbish. be so clean!
We should write to the government and ask them to close down the factories.
What else can we do?
Everyone should help to clean up the river.
1. We’re trying to save the earth! 我们正在竭尽全力拯救地球! try to do =try one’s best to do 努力去做某事。
The river has always been the nicest river in this town.
Yes, it used to be so clean.
But I was there last weekend and the river was really dirty.
What caused the problem?
Here are some words related to
1a different kinds of pollution. Write
them in the box below. Then add
more words.
loud music cars rubbish planes littering ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones
noise pollution air pollution water pollution _l_ou__d_m__u_si_c___ __f_a_ct_o_r_ie_s___ ____sh_i_p_s_____ __p_l_an__es______ __sm__o_k_in_g____ ___r_u_b_b_i_sh____ _m__o_b_il_e_p_h_o_n_e_s ___ca_r_s______ ___l_it_t_er_i_n_g___ b_u_i_ld_i_n_g_h_o_us_e_s_ b_u_il_d_in_g_h_o_u_s_es_ ___f_ac_t_o_r_ie_s___
Yes, but people are throwing litter into the river.
Everyone in this town should play a part in cleaning it up!
Make conversations using the pollution in 1a.
Listen again and check (√) the sentences you hear.
1. We could go fishing in the river.
√ 2. The river was really dirty. √ 3. The river has always been the nicest