英美文化 论文
















































































英美文化概论论文---------------------------------------英美文化概论论文英美文化概况跃跃10084626机自08-2班Differences Between China and USAThe discrimination still exist in America. When you come to America, you may be surprised when you see that Blacks and Whites work side by side in offices , factories , and schools across the country . The majority of Blacks in the United States, however, live in and around only a small number of American cities.we, as Chinese, prefer to think in a spiral, casual way, while western people, more often than not, are fond of a linear, business-is-business way.If you are in China, it is not rare to see that a crowd of people throng in the supermarket, trying to get service first. People in China do line up.In contrast, in USA people always line up, no matter in a big bank or a small grocery store. And they take it for granted. Lining up haslong since become part of their life that they scarcely doubt it or grow impatient while doing it.Secondly, first come, first served. Though in words it is a normal principle here in China, it’s m ostly not the case in reality. Take an example of what usually happens in a bank. Here when we are in a middle-sized bank, and suppose we are talking with the cashier, it always tends to have someone butt in, claiming that his or her request takes only one second.And it seems that we have already been accustomed to it. So has the cashier. But in western countries, it never applies. It is always rude that you butt in while the cashier is serving his customer. No matter how little time your request costs, the cashier, more often than not, is likely to turn you down. Only one customer at a time is his principle. Thirdly, change stuff. Suppose I am in a shopping mall and the stuff I purchase cost me 142 RMB. While lining up at the casher’s and happening to check my wallet, I find I have 200 RMB and two one-Yuan coins. What will I do? To give the cashier 200 RMB, or give him 200 RMB and the two one-Yuan coins so that he could return me 60 RMB, which is more convenient for both of us.I think when the Chinese were in this situation, they would mostly choose the latter one. But in America, they won’t do so. If you try it . The cashier did not understand.So the western people are prone to lack of flexibility while doing their work. TheAmerica think that we Chinese have a tendency to make things complicate. What aninteresting contrast!What I try to say is just that we might well be in conformity with the customs and beaware of the culture differences while being abroad. Like the saying goes—while youare i n Rome, do as Romans do. If you don’t want to put yourself in the public, bearingall this in mind is perhaps the best policy. 中和美之跃的差国国异歧国当你来国跃仍然存在于美。



The Study of Domestic Violence onAmerican Beauty and Its Action Guidance Abstract:paper presents a new method for the interpretation of American Beauty.In modern society, family violence is the destruction of the traditional family happiness. Family cold violence in the Burnhams and thermal violence in the Fitts are the representatives of the domestic violence. And also, the family violence makes the family life become not only an invisible battlefield, but a nightmare, distorting the couples, the parents, children and family relationships. In this movie, the heroes awaken people with their blood and lives, to re-examine their family life. This paper focuses on the domestic violence in this film and some statistics or backgrounds specifically on the domestic violence in the United States. Then the paper will give some preventions and services act, giving family violence in real concern and action guidance.Key Words:American Beauty; domestic violence; cold violence; thermal violence; action guidance《美国丽人》中家庭暴力的研究及其行动指导摘要:本文提出了电影《美国丽人》的一种新的解读方法。












































































英美文化概论论文---------------------------------------英美文化概论论文In the past few weeks, we spent 10 lessons on essentials of British & American cultures study. In this course, we learn in brief about the history and government system etc. During the Learning process, what impresses me most is the cowboys.An integral part of the story of America, the cowboy is a national icon, a romantic, rugged metaphor for America’s frontier past, Westward expansion and creation myths. Sensationalizedby Hollywood and by real-life bad boys, the heroic, hard-working, hard-riding, free-thinking cowboy is inseparable from American history itself.America’s first cowboys came from Mexico. Beginning in the 1500s, vaqueros—the Spanish term for “cowboy”—were hired by ranchersto drive and tend to livestockbetween Mexico and what is now New Mexico and Texas. During the early 1800s, and leading up to Texas’s independence from Mexico in 1836, the number of English speaking settlers in the area increased. These American settlers took their cues from the vaquero culture, borrowing clothing styles and vocabulary and learning how to drive their cattle in the same way.The vaquero influence persisted throughout the 1800s. Cowboys came from a variety of backgrounds, and included European immigrants, African Americans, Native Americans and Midwestern and Southern settlers. In the nineteenth century, one out of three American cowboys in the south was Mexican.As America built railroads further and further west, fostering industry, transportation and white settlements in former Indian territories, the cowboy played a crucial part in the nation’s expansion. In the early 1800s, Texas cattleman had herded cows via the Shawnee Trail to cattle markets in St. Louis and Kansas City. During the 1860s and following the Civil War, they began herding via the Chisholm and Western Trails towards the new railroads in Kansas, where livestock was then loaded into freight cars and transported to markets around the country.In less than two decades cowboys herded more than six million cows and steers to the railroads. Most cowboys were young—the average age was 24—and hard-working men in need of quick cash, although the pay was low. The work was exhausting and lonely. Cowboys also helped establish towns, spending their money in the “cowtown” settlements across the wes t during their time off. Townspeople frowned oncowboys as lawless troublemakers who brought nothing but violence and immorality, and some even banned them from town.Ranching, or the raising of cattle or other livestock on range land, also expanded during the late nineteenth century. The forced removal of Native Americans and the clearing of the American frontier resulted in the near extinction of the region’s many buffalo and bison. This land, now dominated by white homesteaders, was used for ranching.Public lands on the Great Plains constituted “open range,” where any white settler could buy and raise cattle for grazing. The invention and distribution of barbed wire in the 1870s revolutionized the concept of privately owned land in the Midwest, fencing off homesteads suitable for farming and ranching—but also limiting the work to be done by cowboys.With the rise of private landholdings in the late 1800s, the cattle driving industry had lost its cachet. Private landowners and “free grazers”—vaqueros and cowboys alike—locked horns over what was appropriate use for land whose ownership was also in question. By the 1890s, the wideopen ranges and cattle trails were gone and privatized, and the days of the long cattle drives tothe railroads were over.Smaller-scale cattle drives continued until the mid-1900s, with livestock herded from Arizona to New Mexico and throughout the southwestern United States. Most cowboys left the open trail and took jobs at one of the myriad of private ranches that were settling across the West. But as the work of actual cowboys declined in the U.S., the cowboy lifestyle continued to be popularized—and stereotyped—by a new Hollywood film genre: the Western movie.The late 1900s were tough times for cowboys, ranchers, farmers and anyone working with the land in the U.S. Changing modes of food distribution and production, widespread urbanization and severe economic difficulties forced many to sell their land, go bankrupt, change professions, or take out large loans. As Vern Sager says in The Last Cowboy, “Don’t seem quite fair. A person works hard to make a little and gives it to the bank.”Cowboys in the 21st century might seem like an anachronism, but as Sager demonstrates, their work still needs to be done. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, cowboys—included in the occupation category “support activities for animal production”—numbered 9,730 workers in 2003, making an average of $19,340 per year, working in ranches, stockyards and rodeos. About one-third of these worke rs were listed in the subcategory of “spectator sports,” making their living primarily at rodeos, circuses and theatrical venues as livestock handlers.As the ranchers and cowboys of Sager’s generation age, who will be left to do their jobs? Despite decade s of socioeconomic change, cowboys still don’t have health insurance—and they don’t retire. Times might be changing, but as a symbol of persistence, self-sufficiency and a hard work ethic, cowboys live on.感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。








































一《傲慢与偏见》简介及主旨分析英国知名女作家简・奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》,以日常琐事为事件出发点,运用非常考究的语言,通过对不同人物性格的详实刻画,以及当时处于社会压迫与反抗不同地位的各个阶层间复杂关系的深刻剖析,以现实主义的手法形象、生动地描述了18世纪末-19世纪初饱受封闭守旧思想禁锢下英国乡村的风土人情。












1 、英美文学发展英美文学作品是英美两国人民智慧的结晶,同时也是英美文化的表现形式。


















英美文化差异论文 英文版

英美文化差异论文   英文版

1)A, the natural environmentIn the eyes of the Chinese people, "summer sorching", "hot summer," summer always linked with intense heat. In Shakespeare a sonnet yet such lines, Shall I compare thee to a summer 's day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate. (can I take with you? / summer than you ah, than summer came cute and photos.) The poet's compared to summer, lovely and always. "Summer" to the Chinese and British lenovo can be so different. Reason is that in different geographical position, China is located in the Asian continent, belong to a continental climate and four distinct seasons, summer most obvious characteristics is scorching, hot challenging. Britain is located in the north temperate, belong to sea climate, beautiful summer mild, pleasant. And of course many example of this, for example, in the Chinese "dongfeng" to make people think of the warm sunny, the west wind that have seed the bitter taste. And in the west the opposite. Reason is the same, the two are in different geographical position, bring feel different.2)Second, productionIn English and aquaculture, ship the words very much, such as fish in the air (climb a tree to look for fish), an odd fish (weirdo), miss the boat (miss), etc. This kind of words in Chinese is much less. Reason is that British around water, aquatic fishing industry and ring navigation in its economic occupies an important place in the life, so many such words. And in China only coastal areas have fishermen netting fishing, so this relatively few words.To express "with the physical negative things" of the verbs in Chinese language has many, such as "carry, the Netherlands, pick, bear, carry, back, carry, negative, carry, ku" and so on, each word has certain negative luck with the corresponding things (such as soil, water, pick bear, the box), is really a very close. In English, but only a carry to "refers to the-action. The Chinese will this verb fine add distinguish, probably because in the long run, China agricultural society, manual work much more special reason.Chinese, we will encounter "like the same said work", "QiZhuangRuNiu" word, in English, to express the same meaning, will say work like a horse, as strong as a horse, flog a willing horse. Why the Chinese use the "bull" and English with horse? The answer isChinese have always use cows to plow fields, the early English but with the Malay farming. Cows and horses in the production process were divided into two countries do good helper, earned the people with the words can be as above usage.3)Three, and the customs and habits1, appellation and call: learning English, we found that the English name in Chinese appellation than to much less. For example, a cousin of the English words, corresponding Chinese cousin, cousin, cousin and cousin, etc. We see that the Chinese are very strict distinction between Cousins relationship, should say gender, and give size, don't like English general a word settles. The linguistic produce attributed to China two, three thousand years of the rule of feudalism. This kind of feudal society pay high attention to the blood relationship, with particular emphasis on the differences between the level, advocate the youngest, concern and orderly. Kinship relationship and gender, on his face all different, power and obligations appear with distinction, it must strictly distinguish the appellation and close. The English title number not much, except the dad, mum, grandpa, aunt, uncle and so on several appellation often use outside, other almostall need not. In Britain or America, people call each other in Chinese people against reason, and not polite, no corrections. For example: the children do not put grandpa's grandmother called grandpa and grandma, but call him by his first name, this kind of practice is decent, kind, is often buried, young said the old, only his surname in before and Mr And Mrs Or Miss. They these practices embodies the pursuit of westerners equal thought, in their eyes, title itself means not equal. 2, honorific modest words:Like title, the English language and modest words also far less than Chinese. In English, no matter how much each other age, status and how high you is you, I was I, don't like Chinese that way with many such as "you, director, engineers" honorific, etc. Chinese produce the reasons of this phenomenon is one of China's feudal social hierarchy patriarchal clan system. It requires that people with elders or superior, even peers spoke, want to use honorific, otherwise think misnomer and discourteous, even appear proud; It takes about their own modest words, such as not use, also will be considered rude. Another reason, is in the thousands of years of Chinese the influence of traditional ideas, do not wish to highlight your, always think "modest" is a virtue. And in English this kind of word of less for two reasons: one is the westerners love for equality, 2 it is they have long respect personal value, ready to show, emphasize training individual self-confidence. By the mercy of theabove ideas, westerners accept praise, congratulations on the reaction was also have very big distinction. Chinese people listen to such words will be a modest said after the discourse, and westerners will not hesitate to say: "Thank you" from the newspaper I have seen such a joke, at a ball, an American people praise a Chinese woman said: "you look very beautiful today (you today is very beautiful." The Chinese woman quickly modestly said: "Where (Where), Where (Where)." the American people feel very strange and then had to say a sentence: "everywhere (around)." According to western habit, when they praise others, total hope others to accept or the way thanks frank answer, otherwise they will be misinterpreted as the other party to doubt his judgment. And the east is more modest, cautious, even if the mind is very happy, also won't have identity or accept their praise. And as academic journals of literature or the title of the paper. The title of the article in Chinese that the article content, often have said the modest words. Such as "on......", "try to talk about the......" , ", "......Taiwan ", etc., and the English article title often is straightforward, and without any modification, such as Science andLinguistics (the Science and language ").Personal privacy:For most westerners, to strangers or not familiar people put forward How old are you? How much do you make? Are you married? Talk about such as age, income, marital status, religious belief, family problems of the topic of personal privacy category, taboo other people asked about. Greet westerners the most frequent topic is the weather situation or prediction. Such as "It 's fine for' t It?" , "It 's raining hard for' t It?" , "Your dress is do nice!" And so on. They first met or not familiar with the person before and never asked about privacy issues related to other people, in order to show respect for each other. The Chinese greet sometimes also said to the other party's care. Such as "you today look bad, ill?" "long time no see, you and get fat." "You again thin, attention body ah." Such as westerners hear You say: "You are fat" or "You are so thin" etc. Words. Even more familiar with each other, will also feel embarrassed, hard to answer, because it's not polite. But Chinese meet three points familiar, in half an hour, each other's family, personal situation got out neatly. This is both the different cultural background in action. Westerners pay special attention to personal privacy. They believed that personal things don't have to let others know, is less willing to let others intervention. And the Chinese in one thousand to live in a village, leave near, contacts, personal life or personal it is hard not to beknown or intervention. Plus Chinese unity and friendship, care for each other, help each other, believed that personal things that family and to the collective. So they are willing to understand people's sweet and sour Shan spicy, other people are willing to tell the truth. Of course, now in some developed or coastal cities, people began to accept westerners view, do not speak to involve the privacy of others.4)Four religious beliefsChinese-english language about religion a vast number of words, spectacular. For example, "the god", "Yin and Yang," "Buddha", etc. Language is the direct reflection of thought, two very different religious vocabulary is two different national religious values of portraiture. Before the sui and tang dynasties, teach the correspondences in Chinese dominant position, Chinese words about religion and the related, such as "tai chi," "way" and so on, its spirit, such as honour destiny, line filial piety and resigned, etc can be seen in the daily languages. Sui and tang dynasties time, a large number of Buddhism was introduced into, a large number of Buddhism with words, the rebirth of the karma between thought is accepted by the digestive and thought. Such Buddha, Confucianism, Taoism occupiesa dominant position in China. In Britain, the one with the Christian as the main religion. The teaching was introduced into England in 597. Later in a very long time, a lot of related words into ranks in English. Both Old English period here by Latin words, such as English infiltration angel (angels), monk (monks), and a medieval French borrow from the words, such as religion (religion), dean (moderator) and so on, and the modern English period from other loan words borrowed a lot of word in, the result of the words in English about religion than other languages more.感谢下载!欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。



英美文化论文第一篇:英美文化论文American RacismA popular saying is that America is a nation where people, with diligence and perseverance, can realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.However, others frown on this idea.This issue has given rise to a heated discussion.For my part,I’m all for the idea of disapproval.The reasons are mainly as follows:It is generally known that the United States of America is a nation of immigrants.People of different skin colors,religions and faiths creat the nation —America.And inevitably,religious conflict,racial discrimination and political struggle come along.The most prominent phenomenon is the racial discrimination.Nowadays,the racial discrimination in America remains quite serious.This social issue has been a long-standing problem.In the first place,there are so many roots of racial discrimination.Looking back in history, it began with the slave trade.Needless to say,it is so miserable and disastrous.Between 1650 and 1900, 10.24 million enslaved Africans arrived in the Americas.The transatlantic slave trade resulted in a vast and as yet still unknown loss of life for African captives both in and outside of America.Approximately 1.2 – 2.4 million Africans died during their transport to the New World.No scholars dispute the harm done to the enslaved people themselves.The African slave trade helped to shape a wide variety of societies from modern Argentina to Canada.These differed in their use of slaves, the harshness of the regime imposed on slaves, and the degree of mixing of the races that custom and law permitted.But none ofthese became as virulently racist--insisting on racial separation and a strict color bar--as the English North American colonies that became the United States.The institution of slavery was abolished through Civil War,a bloody second American revolution that cost at least 600,000 lives.Today,in the United States, although legal racial discrimination was cancelled,institutionalized racism remained intact.In addition, the United States parties which are based on different interests,1 formulate a series of related policies and harmed the interests of black people.The original U.S.Constitution permitted slavery and counted Black slaves as three-fifths of white persons in determining both Congressional representation and taxation, which were deeply rooted the racism in the very foundation of U.S.society.Unfortunately,to blacks,their performance provide discrimination discourse.In the black areas, the excessive crime happen at any moment.Worse still, Black also do the drug trade which undoubtedly violates the nation’s law.Politicians from both the Democratic and Republican Parties got the big calls “tough on crime,” embracing the so-called war on drugs, which tripled the prison population between 1980 and 1995.Two-thirds of those who entered the prison system during that period were Black, Latino or poor, and the vast majority of them were nonviolent drug offenders.Today, with the prison population swollen to more than 2 million, African Americans make up just 12 percent of the U.S.population and only 13 percent of drug users, yet account for 35 percent of drug arrests and 53 percent of drug convictions.Blacks are also 43 percent of those on death st year, the U.S.Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 30 percent of 12 year-old Black boys will spend time in jail in their lifetimes--far more than will attend college.And because manystates have laws denying present and former inmates the right to vote, an estimated 13 percent of all Black men--including one in every three in Alabama and Florida--have been disenfranchised.In light of racial discrimination,black people conducted a series of racial fights which was called the Civil Rights Movement.The most illustrious march is probably the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.It is best remembered for the glorious speech Martin Luther King, Jr.gave, in which the “I have a dream” part t urned into a national text and eclipsed the troubles the organizers had to bring to march forward.The process was long and tenuous,and many of these movements did not fully achieve their goals although,the efforts of these movements did lead to improvements in the legal rights of previously oppressed groups of people.The current status of racism in America are still in poor condition.While discrimination has decreased and old forms of segregation have been recalled,subtlepatterns of informal discrimination in housing,employment,education and virtually every social sphere still persists.Indeed,for many African Americans,discrimination,as of now,remains a central part of their experience in the United States.According to a report of American, the black’s inco me only accounted for the three-fourths of the white,and African-American family’s income was just one-tenth of the white family’s.Half of all black men in New York can’t find a job,while Black teenage unemployment stands at 37 percent nationwide.As Mr.Bus h said,”And this poverty has roots in generations of segregation and discrimination that has closed many doors of opportunity“.These statistics show a crisis among Black Americans that should be setting of alarm.Racism, notcriminal records, explains the high unemployment rate for Black men today.A recent Wall Street Journal report showed that in the city of Milwaukee, a white job applicant with a criminal record has a better chance of being called for an interview than a Black man with no criminal record.”The disadvantage carried by a young Black man applying for a job as a dishwasher or a driver is equivalent to forcing a white man to carry an 18-month prison record on his back,“ concluded reporter David Wessel.And only racism can explain these statistics: Segregation in public schools, which decreased continuously from the 1950s to the late 1980s, has now returned to levels not seen in three decades.Black infants are almost two-and-a-half times more likely than white infants to die before the age of one, a wider gap than in 1970.More than 200 years since slavery was written into the U.S.constitution, its racist legacy remains--and the words of abolitionist Frederick Douglass remain true: ”Without struggle, there can be no progress."In general,only a struggle that shakes the foundation of U.S.society can end racism.As is the always the case,the darkest hour comes before the dawn.A mixed-race man is president says much about the peaceful progress on race relations in America.I believe that the black people can have equal rights and are free to live, study and work as they wish in the future,and people can truly realize their dreams regardless of their religious beliefs, colors of skin and political convictions.第二篇:英美文化(二)带来交际中的尴尬一位50来岁的美国妇女在中国任教,有一位年的中国同事请她到自己家里来吃饭,一进门,女主人就把4岁的女儿介绍给客人。












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Course: American cultureInstructor: Professor YangName:张佩荣Student No: 080661Class: 131804Date: April 7, 2011American cultural patterns and values In order to understand deeply the American and to help us in our adjustment to American life and in the formation of more fulfilling relationships with American values, I want to analysis the current American main cultural patterns and values, such as individualism, equality and progress, as well as understanding the way in which American friendships operate, can make an contribution to understanding the American society.The most important and most basic characteristic of American culture is individualism. Daniel Boorstin, the well-known sociohistorian, has written that “…of all American myths, none is stronger than that of the loner moving west, across the land…” This pioneering spirit is a synonym for individualism.”The pioneering spirit, handed down to the present generation of Americans from their American forefathers, includes the concepts of self-reliance, self-actualization, autonomy, and personal growth. So, the seeming self-centeredness of the American child, for example, is seldom questioned by parents or teachers. It is implicitly accepted that each person, whether he be an adult or a child, shouldbe encouraged to make his own decisions, develop his own opinions, solve his own problems, and have his own possessions. In general, Americans learn to view the world from their own point of view, that of the individual self. This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional basic American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of American character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most American s believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want.A second aspect of American culture is the emphasis placed on equality. Can a poor country boy from the hills of Kentucky become president of the United States? Can a poor African American from the center city become wealthy and famous all over the world? Can a woman become president of the United States? The great American dream is that each individual has an equal chance for success, whether rich or poor. This concept of equal opportunity to succeed is a basic idea in capitalism, the economic system of the United States.A person’s background is not as important as that person’s position. There are forceful examples I want to mention here, for example, President Abraham Lincoln and the boxer Mohammed Ali. There two men did not have the advantages of wealth, good educational opportunities, or contact with powerful people. The differences between people, such as age, sex, race, religion, and class difference are reducing.A second aspect of American culture shared by most Americans is the concept of friendship. Given the American values of self- reliance and self-actualization, we can realize why Americans tend not to have long and deep friendships. Though their personalrelationships seem to be marked by friendliness, Americans tend to avoid personal commitments that might bring obligations. They simply do not like to get involved. If an American smiles at you, that smile may not mean what a smile means in our country. It may mean no more than an acknowledgement of your presence. In the same way, if you meet an American, he might say, “I’ll call you,”but he never does, or he might suggest, “let’s get together,”and the two of you never do. And another example of friendly, but impersonal,. During working hours, they may be joking and talking with you and making you feel included. Then, as soon as working hours are over, their behavior seems to change. They act as if they hardly know you any more and don’t even include you in any of their personal activities.A fourth important aspect of American culture is the value placed on progress. In three different areas, we can see how the value of progress affects the American people. The first concerns the relationship between parents and their children. Most foreign students have been raised to respect their parents. They consider and value highly what their parents have taught them. Moreover, what their parents have taught them has generally become their own standard for living. Because of the idea of progress, most American children believe that their parents’ ideas and standards are not necessarily the best, American think that there owe there is always some change to be made for the better. A second area affected by the idea of progress concerns the material world. Many Americans assume that there are enough material goods for everyone; they tend to think that the supply is endless. So they are always trying to work for more, more and still more. A third area involves the American’s concept of time. They are very time-conscious, perhaps because time is such an important factor in the worldof business and material acquisition. Americans tend to live by the motto, “Time is money.”They believe you should use your time well and get the most that you can from it.Taking into account of foregoing aspects and examples and Being aware of the American emphasis placed on individualism, equality and progress, as well as understanding the way in which American friendships operate, can help us communicate with the American easily and avoid common sense mistakes when we getting with the American .References:The research of Daniel BoorstinThe American society and lifeAn Introduction to American Culture。
