国际植物新品种保护的起源、现状与发展趋势1 国际植物新品种保护的起源1.1 植物新品种保护制度的产生植物新品种保护是知识产权保护的一种形式,在历史上是专利保护的一个分支。
1.2 国际植物新品种保护联盟(UPOV)的建立到20世纪50年代,荷兰和德国先后建立起真正带有现代色彩的植物新品种保护制度,促进了UPOV公约的建立。
此外,国际工业产权保护协会(AIPPI)和国际植物品种保护育种者协会(ASSINSEL),为UPOV 的建立也发挥了重要的作用。
1.3 我国植物新品种保护制度的建立1993年8月,农业部、专利局、林业部、国家科委联合成立了《中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例》立法领导小组和工作小组并于1995年5月开始着手起草《条例》。
保护植物新品种国际公约(1961年12月2日制定)1972年11月10日 1978年10月23日在日内瓦修订1991年3月19日第一章定义第1条定义第二章缔约方义务总论第2条缔约方的基本义务第3条需要保护的属和种第4条国民的待遇第三章授予育种家权利的条件第5条保护的条件第6条新颖性第7条奇异性第8条均一性第9条稳定性第四章申请授予育种家权利第10条提交申请第11条优先权第12条申请的审查第13条临时性保护第五章育种家权利(品种权)第14条品种权适用范围第15条品种权的例外第16条品种权的终止第17条行使品种权的一些限制条件第18条管理商业性活动的措施第19条品种权期限第六章品种命名第20条品种命名第七章品种权的无效和取消第21条品种权的无效第22条品种权的取消第八章联盟第23条成员第24条法律地位和办公地点第25条机构第26条理事会第27条办公室第28条语言第29条财务第九章本公约履行;其它协定第30条本公约的履行第31条受早期条例约束的缔约国与缔约各方之间的关系第32条特殊协定第十章终止条款第33条签字第34条批准、接受或核准;加入第35条保留权第36条有关法规和受保护植物属、种的通讯交流,需出版的资料第37条生效、早期条例的终止第38条本公约的修正第39条退约第40条保护现有的权益第41条本公约的原始文本和官方文本第42条保存人的作用第一章定义第1条定义为制定本法规,特作以下定义:(i)“本公约”系保护植物新品种国际公约目前(1991)的法规;(ii)“1961/1972法规”系1972年11月10日修订的1961年12月2日制定的保护植物新品种国际公约;(iii)“1978年法规”系指1978年10月23日制定的保护植物新品种国际公约的法规;(iv)“育种家”系指--培育或发现和开发了一个品种的人;--上述人员的雇主或按照有关缔约方的法律规定代理雇主工作的人;--上述第一个人或第二个人的继承人,视具体情况而定;(v)“育种家的权利”系指根据本公约向育种家提供的权利;(vi)“品种”系指已知最低一级植物分类单元中的一个植物分类,不论授予育种家的权利的条件是否充分满足,分类可以是:--通过某一特定的基因或基因型组合的特征的表达来下定义;--由于表示至少一种所说的特性,因而不同于任何其它植物分类;--经过繁殖后其适应性未变,被认为是一个分类单元;(vii)“缔约方”系指参加本公约的一个国家或一个政府间组织;(viii)“领土”对于缔约方来讲,当缔约方是一个国家时,则指那个国家的领土,当缔约方是一个政府间组织时,则为适用于该政府间组织制定的协议的领域;(ix)“权力”系指第30款(1)(ii)所涉及的权力;(x)“联盟”系指根据1961年法规成立并和本公约中在1972年法规1978年法规和本法规继续提及的国际保护植物新品种联盟;(xi)“联盟成员”系指1961/1972法规或1978年的法规的缔约国家或缔约方。
专业技术人员——知识产权试题答案1 .下列文件被认为是世界上第一部版权法的是( A )A.1709 年英国的《安娜女王法》 B.1890 年美国的《谢尔曼反不正当竞争法》C .世贸组织的《知识产权协定》 D.1900 的《巴黎公约》2 .说知识产权是( C ) ,比较全面。
A.活着的人的智力成果 B .自然人的智力成果C .自然人或法人的智力成果D .公民的智力成果3 .专利权的地域性是指在( B )拥有法律保护A .权利人所在的民族区域B .申请地所在的国家或者地区C .权利人所在国家的建交国家或地区D .权利人的国籍国或地区4 .下列选项,哪项中含有保护期限不受时间限制的知识产权?( B )A.商标权 B.著作权 C.实用新型专利权 D .发明专利权5.狭义的知识产权包括( A )A.工业产权和版权 B.著作权和商标权C.专利权和著作权 D .邻接权和集成电路布图设计权6.作者的传播权包括( D )A.放映权和展览权 B.人身权和财产权C.排他权和独占权 D .表演者权、录制者权、广播组织权、出版者权7.以下属于知识产权范围的是( D )A .石子游戏规则B .数学累加方法C .作家头脑中的灵感D .舞蹈演员的表演8.以下属于知识产权性质范围的是( C )A .可触摸性B .不可复制性 C.无形性 D.永久性9.工业产权中的创造性成果权包括( A )A .发明专利权、使用新型权、外观设计权 B.商标权、商号权C .服务标记权、货源标记权、原产地名称权D .制止不正当竞争权10.以下属于边缘保护对象的是( A)A.外观设计权 B .商标权 C.著作权 D .专利权11.广义的版权分为( B )A.人身权和邻接权 B .作品的创作者权、作品的传播权C.财产权和邻接权 D .人身权和表演者权12.知识产权公约协议中, 1994 年 4 月 15 签署、 1995 年 1 月 1 日生效的是那一协议( C ) A .尼泊尔公约 B .巴黎公约 C .与贸易有关的知识产权 D .世界知识产权组织公约13.以下不是我国民法通则中保护的知识产权形式的是( D )A.著作权、专利权 B.商标权、发明权C .发现权及其他科技成果权D .制止不正当竞争权14.以下属于身份权的是( C )A.发行权 B.复制权 C.署名权 D .展览权15.知识产权法的渊源一般分为两类,是指那两类( B )A.国际条约、国际惯例 B.国内法、国际法 C .法律、国际条约 D .法律、法规16 .将营销模式纳入专利保护范围的是那个国家( B )A .荷兰B .美国C .中国D .丹麦17 .国家知识产权保护的趋势不包括( D )A .知识产权保护的内容和范围不断扩大B .知识产权的保护和国际贸易的关系越来越密切C .知识产权保护的标准趋向国际化D .知识产权的保护趋于国内保护18 .发明专利的保护期是 20 年,起算日期为( A)A.申请日 B .发明完成日 C .专利权生效日 D .专利申请文件公开日19.1961 年通过的第一个保护植物新品种国际公约是( B )A.wToB .upov C.un D.ok20 .一项发明或实用新型获得专利授权的实质条件是( C )A .创造性、新颖性、技术性B .新颖性、美观性、实用性C .新颖性、创造性、实用性D .创造性、合法性、新颖性21 .我国加强知识产权保护的必要性和紧迫性的原因不包括( D )A .对知识资源的创造、占用和运用是提升综合国力的关键B .知识产权决定国际竞争力 C .建设创新性国家需要加强知识产权保护 D .知识产权保护有利于保护权利人22 .下列行为中不视为侵犯专利权的是( D )A .为生产经营的目的使用不知是假冒的专利产品B .购进假冒的专利产品再行销售的C .在专利权人的专利申请日以前从事相同产品制造,在专利授权后扩大该产品的生产规模D .专为科学实验的目的使用他人的专利23 .在洗衣机上的商标是( C )A .集体商标B .证明商标 C.商品商标 D .服务商标24 .红昌家俱厂设计了以下几个产品商标,不符合商标法有关规定的是( D )A .红昌B .长白山C .江南D .奥林匹克五环图形25 .一家饼干厂要以“香脆”作为商标申请注册,依我国商标法规定获得注册应具备的条件是( B )A .已经使用B .已经使用并具有显著特征 C.售后服务好 D .商品销售量大26 .甲公司想把注册商标“梅花”用在自己新近研发的产品上,应当( A )A.另行提出注册申请 B .向商标评审委员会申请核准C .变更注册申请D .取得商标管理部门的同意27.麦当劳商标属于( D )A .等级商标B .集体商标 C.证明商标 D .立体商标28 .普通商标许可合同中的许可人应当承担的义务是( A )A .保护注册商标的有效性B .不能再许可他人以同样的方式使用注册商标C .发生商标侵权时协助被许可人查明侵权事实D .在使用人使用期间自己不得以同样方式使用商标29.甲于 1999 年 3 月 1 日开始使用“春花”牌商标,乙于同年 4 月 1 日开始使用相同的商标。
国际植物新品种保护公约(1991年)【颁布单位】【颁布日期】1991-3-19【实施日期】1991-3-19【文号】【题注】第一章定义第一条定义本文本的目的:(I)“本公约”系指国际植物新品种保护公约目前的文本(1991);(Ⅱ)“1961/1972年文本”系指1961年12月2日制定的,1972年11月10日补充修订的国际植物新品种保护公约的文本;(III)“1978年文本”系指1978年10月23日制定的国际植物新品种保护公约的文本;(Ⅳ) “育种者”系指培育或发现并开发了一个品种的人:上述人员的雇主或按照有关缔约方的法律规定代理雇主工作的人;或视情况而定,上述第一个人或第二个人的继承人;(Ⅴ)“品种权”系指根据本公约向育种者提供的权利;(Ⅵ)“品种”系指已知植物最低分类单元中单一的植物群,不论授予品种权的条件是否充分满足,该植物群可以是:以某一特定基因型或基因型组合表达的特性来确定;至少表现出上述的一种特性,以区别于任何其他植物群,并且作为一个分类单元,其适用性经过繁殖不发生变化;(Ⅶ)“缔约方”系指参加本公约的一个国家或一个政府间组织;(Ⅷ)“领土”对于缔约方来讲,当缔约方是一个国家时,则指那个国家的领土;当缔约方是一个政府间组织时,则为该政府间组织制定的协议所适用的领土;(Ⅸ)“主管机关”系指第30条(1)款(“)所述的主管机关;(X)“联盟”系指根据1961年文本成立并在1972年文本、1978年文本和本公约中进一步提及的国际植物新品种保护联盟;(Ⅺ)“联盟成员”系指1961/1972年文本或1978年文本的缔约国家或缔约方。
自己的土地上以种植为目的生产种子的行为,被排除 在育种者权利保护范围之外,即所谓的 “ 农民特权 ” (./012034506768292) 。 !""! 年文本也维护了这个原则, 《条例》 但做法要求上有所变化。 规定农民利用授权品 种在自己的土地上以种植为目的生产种子的行为不受 “农民特权” 品种权的约束, 这就是赋予 , 它是品种权的 “强制性例外” 。 !""! 文本规定的品种权强制性例外主 要为: 私人的非商业性活动、 试验性质的活动、 为培育 “农民特权” 其他品种的活动等; 而 的有无或享有何种 “强制性” 程度, 由各成员国自行规定, 公约不再对此有 要求,这实际上是为各成员国加强育种者权利提供了 “农民特权” 更大的空间, 弱化了 。 “农民特权” “双刃剑” 的弱化, 是一把 , 它一方面为 各成员国更灵活地平衡育种者权利和农民利益创造了 “农民特 条件, 另一方面为发达国家要求我国政府限制 权” 提供了藉口。
# #$$# 年文本所述的品种概念的外延进一 步扩大
《条例》 指出, 植物新品种是指经过人工培育的或 者对发现的野生植物加以开发, 具备新颖性、 特异性、 一致性和稳定性并有适当命名的植物品种。 “品种” (第一 的定义 *+,- 公约 !""! 年文本关于 “系指一个已知最低一级植物分类单元中 节第 0 款) : 的一个植物群, 不论品种权的授予条件是否充分满足, 这样一个植物群能够通过某一特定基因或基因型组合 所表达的特征加以确定;通过至少一种所表述的特性 区别于任何其他植物群; 并且, 由于其适合于繁殖的特 性不变而被做为一个整体看待。” !""! 年文本的上述定义是在生物学意义上对品
- 河南滑丰种业 * 滑县种子公司 , ,.#/."" 0
相同点:权利内容、申请程序、权利归属、 侵权责任等 不同点:调整对象、审查内容、保护期限等
1、申请:农业部品种保护办公室 2、费用 :
新颖性,是指申请品种权的植物新品种 在申请日前该品种繁殖材料未被销售,或 者经育种者许可,在中国境内销售该品种 繁殖材料未超过1年;在中国境外销售藤本 植物、林木、果树和观赏树木品种繁殖材 料未超过6年,销售其他植物品种繁殖材 料未超过4年。
(二)各国主要立法模式 特别法模式:澳大利亚、英国、欧盟 专利法模式:德国和法国 《欧洲专利公约》 特别法与专利法相结合模式:美国、丹麦、日本
(三)我国的植物新品种保护制度 《植物新品种保护条例》1997.3.20、1997.10.1 《国际植物新品种保护公约(1978年文本) 《植物新品种保护条例》农业部分和林业部分实施细则 《植物新品种保护条例》2013.1.16修订
1、合理使用:科研活动、农民自繁自用 2、强制许可使用:满足国家利益或公共利
益、自己无正当理由不实施又不许可他 人以合理条件实施的。
期限:20年:藤本植物、林木、果树和观赏树木 15年:其他植物
终止: 书面申明放弃 未按规定缴纳年费 未按审批机关要求提供检测所需授权品种的 繁殖材料 不再符合被授予品种权时的特征和特性的
无效:依职权或依申请对不符合新颖性、特异性、 一致性、稳定性的,宣告品种权无效。(自始无效, 无溯及力)
理论上,被控侵权的品种的性状特征 必须与授予品种权的性状特征相同,才能 构成侵权。被控侵权的植物新品种性状特 征多于或者少于该品种权的植物新品种的)或者无性繁 殖作物时,由于品种自身能够保持遗传特性的一 致和稳定,纯合种本身即是繁殖材料,其子代也 可以继续作为繁殖材料使用。因此,在侵权认定 上相对较为简单。然而,当授权品种是杂交种时, 由于授权品种与繁殖材料出现分离,如何界定侵 权行为?
INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF NEW VARIETIESOF PLANTSof December 2, 1961, as Revised at Geneva on November 10, 1972, on October 23, 1978, and on March 19, 1991CHAPTER IDEFINITIONSArticle 1DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Act:(i) "this Convention" means the present (1991) Act of the International Conventionfor the Protection of New Varieties of Plants;(ii) "Act of 1961/1972" means the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants of December 2, 1961, as amended by the Additional Act of November 10, 1972;(iii) "Act of 1978" means the Act of October 23, 1978, of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants;(iv) "breeder" means- the person who bred, or discovered and developed, a variety,- the person who is the employer of the aforementioned person or who has commissioned the latter's work, where the laws of the relevant Contracting Party so provide, or- the successor in title of the first or second aforementioned person, as the case may be;(v) "breeder's right" means the right of the breeder provided for in this Convention;(vi) "variety" means a plant grouping within a single botanical taxon of the lowest known rank, which grouping, irrespective of whether the conditions for the grant of a breeder's right are fully met, can be- defined by the expression of the characteristics resulting from a given genotype or combination of genotypes,- distinguished from any other plant grouping by the expression of at least one of the said characteristics and- considered as a unit with regard to its suitability for being propagated unchanged;(vii) "Contracting Party" means a State or an intergovernmental organization party to this Convention;(viii) "territory," in relation to a Contracting Party, means, where the Contracting Party is a State, the territory of that State and, where the Contracting Party is an intergovernmental organization, the territory in which the constitutingtreaty of that intergovernmental organization applies;(ix) "authority" means the authority referred to in Article 30(1)(ii);(x) "Union" means the Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants founded by the Act of 1961 and further mentioned in the Act of 1972, the Act of 1978 and in this Convention;(xi) "member of the Union" means a State party to the Act of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978, or a Contracting Party.CHAPTER IIGENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE CONTRACTING PARTIESArticle 2Basic Obligation of the Contracting PartiesEach Contracting Party shall grant and protect breeders' rights.Article 3Genera and Species to be Protected(1) [States already members of the Union] Each Contracting Party which is boundby the Act of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978 shall apply the provisions of this Convention,(i) a t the date on which it becomes bound by this Convention, to all plantgenera and species to which it applies, on the said date, the provisions ofthe Act of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978 and,(ii) a t the latest by the expiration of a period of five years after the said date, to all plant genera and species.(2) [New members of the Union] Each Contracting Party which is not bound by theAct of 1961/1972 or the Act of 1978 shall apply the provisions of thisConvention,(i) a t the date on which it becomes bound by this Convention, to at least 15plant genera or species and,(ii) a t the latest by the expiration of a period of 10 years from the said date, to all plant genera and species.Article 4National Treatment(1) [Treatment] Without prejudice to the rights specified in this Convention,nationals of a Contracting Party as well as natural persons resident and legal entities having their registered offices within the territory of a Contracting Party shall, insofar as the grant and protection of breeders' rights are concerned, enjoy within the territory of each other Contracting Party the same treatment as is accorded or may hereafter be accorded by the laws of each such otherContracting Party to its own nationals, provided that the said nationals, natural persons or legal entities comply with the conditions and formalities imposed on the nationals of the said other Contracting Party.(2) ["Nationals"] For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, "nationals" means,where the Contracting Party is a State, the nationals of that State and, wherethe Contracting Party is an intergovernmental organization, the nationals of the States which are members of that organization.CHAPTER IIICONDITIONS FOR THE GRANT OF THE BREEDER'S RIGHTArticle 5Conditions of Protection(1) [Criteria to be satisfied] The breeder's right shall be granted where the varietyis(i) n ew,(ii) d istinct,(iii) u niform and(iv) s table.(2) [Other conditions] The grant of the breeder's right shall not be subject to anyfurther or different conditions, provided that the variety is designated by a denomination in accordance with the provisions of Article 20, that the applicant complies with the formalities provided for by the law of the Contracting Party with whose authority the application has been filed and that he pays therequired fees.Article 6Novelty(1) [Criteria] The variety shall be deemed to be new if, at the date of filing of theapplication for a breeder's right, propagating or harvested material of thevariety has not been sold or otherwise disposed of to others, by or with the consent of the breeder, for purposes of exploitation of the variety(i) i n the territory of the Contracting Party in which the application has beenfiled earlier than one year before that date and(ii) i n a territory other than that of the Contracting Party in which the application has been filed earlier than four years or, in the case of trees or of vines, earlier than six years before the said date.(2) [Varieties of recent creation] Where a Contracting Party applies this Conventionto a plant genus or species to which it did not previously apply this Convention or an earlier Act, it may consider a variety of recent creation existing at the date of such extension of protection to satisfy the condition of novelty defined inparagraph (1) even where the sale or disposal to others described in that paragraph took place earlier than the time limits defined in that paragraph.(3) ["Territory" in certain cases] For the purposes of paragraph (1), all the ContractingParties which are member States of one and the same intergovernmentalorganization may act jointly, where the regulations of that organization so require, to assimilate acts done on the territories of the States members of that organization to acts done on their own territories and, should they do so, shall notify the Secretary-General accordingly.Article 7DistinctnessThe variety shall be deemed to be distinct if it is clearly distinguishable from any other variety whose existence is a matter of common knowledge at the time of the filing of the application. In particular, the filing of an application for the granting of a breeder's right or for the entering of another variety in an official register of varieties, in any country, shall be deemed to render that other variety a matter of common knowledge from the date of the application, provided that the application leads to the granting of a breeder's right or to the entering of the said other variety in the official register of varieties, as the case may be.Article 8UniformityThe variety shall be deemed to be uniform if, subject to the variation that may be expected from the particular features of its propagation, it is sufficiently uniform in its relevant characteristics.Article 9StabilityThe variety shall be deemed to be stable if its relevant characteristics remain unchanged after repeated propagation or, in the case of a particular cycle of propagation, at the end of each such cycle.CHAPTER IVAPPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF THE BREEDER'S RIGHTArticle 10Filing of Applications(1) [Place of first application] The breeder may choose the Contracting Party withwhose authority he wishes to file his first application for a breeder's right. (2) [Time of subsequent applications] The breeder may apply to the authorities ofother Contracting Parties for the grant of breeders' rights without waiting for the grant to him of a breeder's right by the authority of the Contracting Party with which the first application was filed.(3) [Independence of protection] No Contracting Party shall refuse to grant abreeder's right or limit its duration on the ground that protection for the same variety has not been applied for, has been refused or has expired in any other State or intergovernmental organization.Article 11Right of Priority(1) [The right; its period] Any breeder who has duly filed an application for theprotection of a variety in one of the Contracting Parties (the "first application")shall, for the purpose of filing an application for the grant of a breeder's right for the same variety with the authority of any other Contracting Party (the"subsequent application"), enjoy a right of priority for a period of twelvemonths. This period shall be computed from the date of filing of the firstapplication. The day of filing shall not be included in the latter period.(2) [Claiming the right] In order to benefit from the right of priority, the breedershall, in the subsequent application, claim the priority of the first application.The authority with which the subsequent application has been filed may require the breeder to furnish, within a period of not less than three months from the filing date of the subsequent application, a copy of the documents whichconstitute the first application, certified to be a true copy by the authority with which that application was filed, and samples or other evidence that the variety which is the subject matter of both applications is the same.(3) [Documents and material] The breeder shall be allowed a period of two yearsafter the expiration of the period of priority or, where the first application is rejected or withdrawn, an appropriate time after such rejection or withdrawal, in which to furnish, to the authority of the Contracting Party with which he has filed the subsequent application, any necessary information, document ormaterial required for the purpose of the examination under Article 12, as required by the laws of that Contracting Party.(4) [Events occurring during the period] Events occurring within the periodprovided for in paragraph (1), such as the filing of another application or thepublication or use of the variety that is the subject of the first application, shall not constitute a ground for rejecting the subsequent application. Such events shall also not give rise to any third-party right.Article 12Examination of the ApplicationAny decision to grant a breeder's right shall require an examination for compliance with the conditions under Article 5 to Article 9. In the course of the examination, the authority may grow the variety or carry out other necessary tests, cause the growing of the variety or the carrying out of other necessary tests, or take into account the results of growing tests or other trials which have already been carried out. For the purposes of examination, the authority may require the breeder to furnish all the necessary information, documents or material.Article 13Provisional ProtectionEach Contracting Party shall provide measures designed to safeguard the interests of the breeder during the period between the filing or the publication of the application for the grant of a breeder's right and the grant of that right. Such measures shall have the effect that the holder of a breeder's right shall at least be entitled to equitable remuneration from any person who, during the said period, has carried out acts which, once the right is granted, require the breeder's authorizationas provided in Article 14. A Contracting Party may provide that the said measures shall only take effect in relation to persons whom the breeder has notified of the filing of the application.CHAPTER VTHE RIGHTS OF THE BREEDERArticle 14Scope of the Breeder's Right(1) [Acts in respect of the propagating material](a) Subject to Article 15 and Article 16, the following acts in respect of the propagatingmaterial of the protected variety shall require the authorization of thebreeder:(i) p roduction or reproduction (multiplication),(ii) c onditioning for the purpose of propagation,(iii) o ffering for sale,(iv) s elling or other marketing,(v) e xporting,(vi) i mporting,(vii) stocking for any of the purposes mentioned in (i) to (vi), above.(b) The breeder may make his authorization subject to conditions andlimitations.(2) [Acts in respect of the harvested material] Subject to Article 15 and Article 16, the actsreferred to in items paragraph (1)(a)(i) to paragraph (1)(a)(vii) in respect of harvested material, including entire plants and parts of plants, obtained through the unauthorized use of propagating material of the protected variety shall require theauthorization of the breeder, unless the breeder has had reasonableopportunity to exercise his right in relation to the said propagating material.(3) [Acts in respect of certain products] Each Contracting Party may provide that,subject to Article 15 and Article 16, the acts referred to in items paragraph (1)(a)(i) to paragraph(1)(a)(vii) in respect of products made directly from harvested material of theprotected variety falling within the provisions of paragraph (2) through theunauthorized use of the said harvested material shall require the authorization of the breeder, unless the breeder has had reasonable opportunity to exercise his right in relation to the said harvested material.(4) [Possible additional acts] Each Contracting Party may provide that, subject toArticle 15 and Article 16, acts other than those referred to in items paragraph (1)(a)(i) to paragraph(1)(a)(vii) shall also require the authorization of the breeder.(5) [Essentially derived and certain other varieties](a) The provisions of paragraph (1) to paragraph (4) shall also apply in relation to(i) v arieties which are essentially derived from the protected variety,where the protected variety is not itself an essentially derived variety, (ii) v arieties which are not clearly distinguishable in accordance with Article 7 from the protected variety and(iii) v arieties whose production requires the repeated use of the protected variety.(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a)(i), a variety shall be deemed to be essentiallyderived from another variety ("the initial variety") when(i) i t is predominantly derived from the initial variety, or from a varietythat is itself predominantly derived from the initial variety, whileretaining the expression of the essential characteristics that result fromthe genotype or combination of genotypes of the initial variety, (ii) i t is clearly distinguishable from the initial variety and(iii) e xcept for the differences which result from the act of derivation, it conforms to the initial variety in the expression of the essentialcharacteristics that result from the genotype or combination ofgenotypes of the initial variety.(c) Essentially derived varieties may be obtained for example by the selectionof a natural or induced mutant, or of a somaclonal variant, the selection ofa variant individual from plants of the initial variety, backcrossing, ortransformation by genetic engineering.Article 15Exceptions to the Breeder's Right(1) [Compulsory exceptions] The breeder's right shall not extend to(i) a cts done privately and for non-commercial purposes,(ii) a cts done for experimental purposes and(iii) a cts done for the purpose of breeding other varieties, and, except where the provisions of Article 14(5) apply, acts referred to in Article 14(1) to Article 14(4) inrespect of such other varieties.(2) [Optional exception] Notwithstanding Article 14, each Contracting Party may, withinreasonable limits and subject to the safeguarding of the legitimate interests of the breeder, restrict the breeder's right in relation to any variety in order to permit farmers to use for propagating purposes, on their own holdings, the product of the harvest which they have obtained by planting, on their own holdings, the protected variety or a variety covered by Article 14(5)(a)(i) or Article 14(5)(a)(ii).Article 16Exhaustion of the Breeder's Right(1) [Exhaustion of right] The breeder's right shall not extend to acts concerning anymaterial of the protected variety, or of a variety covered by the provisions of Article 14(5), which has been sold or otherwise marketed by the breeder or with his consent in the territory of the Contracting Party concerned, or any material derived from the said material, unless such acts(i) i nvolve further propagation of the variety in question or(ii) i nvolve an export of material of the variety, which enables the propagation of the variety, into a country which does not protect varieties of the plantgenus or species to which the variety belongs, except where the exportedmaterial is for final consumption purposes.(2) [Meaning of "material"] For the purposes of paragraph (1), "material" means, inrelation to a variety,(i) p ropagating material of any kind,(ii) h arvested material, including entire plants and parts of plants, and(iii) a ny product made directly from the harvested material.(3) ["Territory" in certain cases] For the purposes of paragraph (1), all the ContractingParties which are member States of one and the same intergovernmentalorganization may act jointly, where the regulations of that organization so require, to assimilate acts done on the territories of the States members of that organization to acts done on their own territories and, should they do so, shall notify the Secretary-General accordingly.Article 17Restrictions on the Exercise of the Breeder's Right(1) [Public interest] Except where expressly provided in this Convention, noContracting Party may restrict the free exercise of a breeder's right for reasons other than of public interest.(2) [Equitable remuneration] When any such restriction has the effect ofauthorizing a third party to perform any act for which the breeder'sauthorization is required, the Contracting Party concerned shall take allmeasures necessary to ensure that the breeder receives equitableremuneration.Article 18Measures Regulating CommerceThe breeder's right shall be independent of any measure taken by a Contracting Party to regulate within its territory the production, certification and marketing of material of varieties or the importing or exporting of such material. In any case, such measures shall not affect the application of the provisions of this Convention.Article 19Duration of the Breeder's Right(1) [Period of protection] The breeder's right shall be granted for a fixed period.(2) [Minimum period] The said period shall not be shorter than 20 years from thedate of the grant of the breeder's right. For trees and vines, the said period shall not be shorter than 25 years from the said date.CHAPTER VIVARIETY DENOMINATIONArticle 20Variety Denomination(1) [Designation of varieties by denominations; use of the denomination](a) The variety shall be designated by a denomination which will be its genericdesignation.(b) Each Contracting Party shall ensure that, subject to paragraph (4), no rights in thedesignation registered as the denomination of the variety shall hamper the free use of the denomination in connection with the variety, even after the expiration of the breeder's right.(2) [Characteristics of the denomination] The denomination must enable thevariety to be identified. It may not consist solely of figures except where this is an established practice for designating varieties. It must not be liable to mislead or to cause confusion concerning the characteristics, value or identity of the variety or the identity of the breeder. In particular, it must be different from every denomination which designates, in the territory of any Contracting Party, an existing variety of the same plant species or of a closely related species. (3) [Registration of the denomination] The denomination of the variety shall besubmitted by the breeder to the authority. If it is found that the denomination does not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (2), the authority shall refuse toregister it and shall require the breeder to propose another denomination withina prescribed period. The denomination shall be registered by the authority atthe same time as the breeder's right is granted.(4) [Prior rights of third persons] Prior rights of third persons shall not be affected.If, by reason of a prior right, the use of the denomination of a variety isforbidden to a person who, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (7), is obliged to use it, the authority shall require the breeder to submit another denomination for the variety.(5) [Same denomination in all Contracting Parties] A variety must be submitted toall Contracting Parties under the same denomination. The authority of each Contracting Party shall register the denomination so submitted, unless itconsiders the denomination unsuitable within its territory. In the latter case, it shall require the breeder to submit another denomination.(6) [Information among the authorities of Contracting Parties] The authority of aContracting Party shall ensure that the authorities of all the other Contracting Parties are informed of matters concerning variety denominations, in particular the submission, registration and cancellation of denominations. Any authority may address its observations, if any, on the registration of a denomination to the authority which communicated that denomination.(7) [Obligation to use the denomination] Any person who, within the territory ofone of the Contracting Parties, offers for sale or markets propagating material of a variety protected within the said territory shall be obliged to use thedenomination of that variety, even after the expiration of the breeder's right in that variety, except where, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (4), prior rights prevent such use.(8) [Indications used in association with denominations] When a variety is offeredfor sale or marketed, it shall be permitted to associate a trademark, trade name or other similar indication with a registered variety denomination. If such anindication is so associated, the denomination must nevertheless be easilyrecognizable.CHAPTER VIINULLITY AND CANCELLATION OF THE BREEDER'S RIGHTArticle 21Nullity of the Breeder's Right(1) [Reasons of nullity] Each Contracting Party shall declare a breeder's rightgranted by it null and void when it is established(i) t hat the conditions laid down in Article 6 or Article 7 were not complied with at thetime of the grant of the breeder's right,(ii) t hat, where the grant of the breeder's right has been essentially based upon information and documents furnished by the breeder, the conditions laiddown in Article 8 or Article 9 were not complied with at the time of the grant of the breeder's right, or(iii) t hat the breeder's right has been granted to a person who is not entitled to it, unless it is transferred to the person who is so entitled.(2) [Exclusion of other reasons] No breeder's right shall be declared null and voidfor reasons other than those referred to in paragraph (1).Article 22Cancellation of the Breeder's Right(1) [Reasons for cancellation](a) Each Contracting Party may cancel a breeder's right granted by it if it isestablished that the conditions laid down in Article 8 or Article 9 are no longerfulfilled.(b) Furthermore, each Contracting Party may cancel a breeder's right grantedby it if, after being requested to do so and within a prescribed period,(i) t he breeder does not provide the authority with the information,documents or material deemed necessary for verifying themaintenance of the variety,(ii) t he breeder fails to pay such fees as may be payable to keep his right in force, or(iii) t he breeder does not propose, where the denomination of the variety is cancelled after the grant of the right, another suitabledenomination.(2) [Exclusion of other reasons] No breeder's right shall be cancelled for reasonsother than those referred to in paragraph (1).CHAPTER VIIITHE UNIONArticle 23MembersThe Contracting Parties shall be members of the Union.Article 24Legal Status and Seat(1) [Legal personality] The Union has legal personality.(2) [Legal capacity] The Union enjoys on the territory of each Contracting Party, inconformity with the laws applicable in the said territory, such legal capacity as may be necessary for the fulfillment of the objectives of the Union and for the exercise of its functions.(3) [Seat] The seat of the Union and its permanent organs are at Geneva.(4) [Headquarters agreement] The Union has a headquarters agreement with theSwiss Confederation.Article 25OrgansThe permanent organs of the Union are the Council and the Office of the Union.Article 26The Council(1) [Composition] The Council shall consist of the representatives of the membersof the Union. Each member of the Union shall appoint one representative to the Council and one alternate. Representatives or alternates may be accompanied by assistants or advisers.(2) [Officers] The Council shall elect a President and a first Vice-President fromamong its members. It may elect other Vice-Presidents. The first Vice-President shall take the place of the President if the latter is unable to officiate. ThePresident shall hold office for three years.(3) [Sessions] The Council shall meet upon convocation by its President. Anordinary session of the Council shall be held annually. In addition, the President may convene the Council at his discretion; he shall convene it, within a period of three months, if one-third of the members of the Union so request.(4) [Observers] States not members of the Union may be invited as observers tomeetings of the Council. Other observers, as well as experts, may also beinvited to such meetings.(5) [Tasks] The tasks of the Council shall be to:(i) s tudy appropriate measures to safeguard the interests and to encouragethe development of the Union;(ii) e stablish its rules of procedure;(iii) a ppoint the Secretary-General and, if it finds it necessary, a Vice Secretary-General and determine the terms of appointment of each;(iv) e xamine an annual report on the activities of the Union and lay down the programme for its future work;(v) g ive to the Secretary-General all necessary directions for the。
国际植物新品种保护公约(International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants, UPOV)是一项国际公约,旨在保护植物新品种,以促进植物育种和创新。
国际植物新品种保护联盟1991年公约[来源] 植物新品种保护处 [发布日期] 2006-12-181961年12月2日制定1972年11月10日1978年10月23日1991年3月19日在日内瓦修订(国际植物新品种保护联盟办公室)目录第一章定义第一条定义第二章缔约方一般义务第二条缔约方的基本义务第三条受保护的属和种第四条国民待遇第三章授予育种家权利的条件第五条保护的条件第六条新颖性第七条独特性第八条一致性第九条稳定性第四章申请授予育种家权利第十条提交申请第十一条优先权第十二条申请的审查第十三条临时性保护第五章育种家权利第十四条育种家权利适用范围第十五条育种家权利的例外第十六条育种家权利的终止第十七条行使育种家权利的限制条件第十八条管理商业性活动的措施第十九条育种家权利期限第六章品种命名第二十条品种命名第七章育种家权利的无效和取消第二十一条育种家权利的无效第二十二条育种家权利的取消第八章联盟第二十三条成员第二十四条法律地位和办公地点第二十五条机构第二十六条理事会第二十七条办公室第二十八条语言第二十九条财务第九章本公约的履行;其他协定第三十条本公约的履行第三十一条缔约国与受以前条例约束的国家之间的关系第三十二条特殊协定第十章终止条款第三十三条签字第三十四条批准、接受或核准;加入第三十五条保留权第三十六条有关法规和受保护植物属、种的通讯交流,需出版的资料第三十七条生效;早期文件的终止第三十八条本公约的修正第三十九条退约第四十条保护现有的权益第四十一条本公约的原始文本和官方文本第四十二条保存机构的职责第一章定义第一条定义本文件的目的:(i)“本公约”系指保护植物新品种国际公约目前(1991)的文件;(ii)“1961/1972文件”系经1972年11月10日附加文件修订的1961年12月2日制定的保护植物新品种国际公约;(iii)“1978年文件”系指1978年10月23日制定的保护植物新品种国际公约的文件;(iv)“育种家”系指——培育或发现和开发了一个品种的人;——上述人员的雇主或按照有关缔约方的法律规定代理雇主工作的人;——视情况而定,上述第一个人或第二个人的继承人;(v)“育种家的权利”系指根据本公约向育种家提供的权利;(vi)“品种”系指已知最低一级植物分类单元中的一个植物分类,不论授予育种家的权利的条件是否充分满足,分类可以是:——通过某一特定的基因或基因型组合的特征的表达来下定义;——由于表示至少一种所说的特性,因而不同于任何其它植物分类;——经过繁殖后其适应性未变,被认为是一个分类单元;(vii)“缔约方”系指参加本公约的一个国家或一个政府间组织;(viii)“领土”对于缔约方来讲,当缔约方是一个国家时,则指那个国家的领土,当缔约方是一个政府间组织时,则为适用于该政府间组织制定的协议的领域;(ix)“权力”系指第30款(1)(ii)所涉及的权力;(x)“联盟”系指根据1961年文本成立并在1972年文本、1978年文本和本文本中继续提及的国际植物新品种保护联盟;(xi)“联盟成员”系指1961/1972年文本或1978年文本的缔约国家或缔约方。
国际植物新品种保护联盟1961年公约的签订及其生效,标志着 关于“植物新品种”(PLANT VARIETIES)保护这一专门制度的正 式形成。首先,UPOV公约1961文本明确其目标在于“承认和保护” 育种者权利(THE BREEDER’S RIGHT),要求各成员国必须以专门 保护或专利保护的方式为这种权利提供保护。其次,公约明确保护 的客体为“植物新品种”(PLANT VARIETIES)即任何适用于有性 或无性繁殖的,并具有特定命名的栽培品种(CULTIVAR),而不是 所谓的植物(PLANT)、植物材料(PLANT MATERIAL)、植物研究 成果(THE RESULTS OF PLANT RESEARCH)等,统一了此前在各 国内法中纷繁出现的各种保护客体。再次,公约就权利必须保护的 对象、受保护的条件、保护期限以及保护限制等情况初步达成共识, 强调对育种者的权利应独立于各成员国保护种子生产、鉴定和销售 的管理措施。公约还大量借鉴了《巴黎公约》的若干做法,如规定 了植物新品种权利的申请与保护的国民待遇原则,不同成员国间的 保护独立,为植物新品种保护申请提供国际优先权制度等。
(1)植物材料无法满足专利法上新颖性的要求; (2)植物育种项目很少能显示发明创造性; (3)尽管植物育种的结果具有毫无疑问的实用性(INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION),但公共利益不允许植物育种人拥有过度的垄断 权利; (4)植物材料很难符合披露要求——所属技术领域的技术人 员能够根据说明书所提供的信息实施有关发明,甚至即使对如 何生产植物材料给出全面的描述,也不能保证随后进行相同的 过程将产生相同的结果(植物材料会发生遗传突变或变种)。
国际植物新品种保护联盟公约(THE CONVENTION ESTABLISHED THE INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR THE PROTECTION OF NEW VARIETIES OF PLANTS,UPOV)的缔 结与欧洲各国在20世纪中期对植物育种实施私权保护的法律实 践密不可分,更确切地说,UPOV公约就是欧洲各国寻求为植物 育种创新提供私权保护所达成的解决方案,为世界各国的植物 育种创新提供了一种独立于专利制度的专门保护制度。尽管 UPOV公约最初来自欧洲,却是第一个不折不扣的为植物品种创 新创立育种者权保护的国际公约。公约是一个独立的政府间合 作组织,总部设在日内瓦,其使命是“为了全社会的利益,为 鼓励植物新品种的培育而提供和促进有效的植物品种保护”。
• 德国植物品种保护法 • 联邦粮农林业部内设立 • 联邦植物品种局(VCU、DUS)
• 全国有15个测试站() • 410个员工(100多人) • 每年1500-1700件申请 • 在CPOV申请380件
• 2300万欧元,2/3来自政府,1/3靠收费 • 申请费:200欧 • 测试费:500欧 • 年费:6种算法
• 现在:一份授权在27国有效 • 23个国家仍有自己的品种保护制度
• CPVO:1994年成立(14个国家有各自的体 系)
• 43个人(12个国籍) • 费用自己解决(2008年3014件申请)
• 观赏植物:54%
• 大田作物:26%
• 菜:
• 果:
• 1996-2008年申请量:
• 之后的10年发展速度更快,又有28个成 员加入,目前有67个成员国。
• 亚洲:日本、中国、韩国、新加坡、越南 加入了UPOV
澳大利亚 中国 日本 新西兰 韩国 新加坡 越南
孟加拉国 柬埔塞 斐济 印度尼西亚 老挝民主共和国 马来西亚 蒙古 缅甸
《公约》于1961年12月2日在巴黎制定 于1968年8月10日生效。 《公约》于1972年11月10日
于1978年10月23日 于1991年03月19日 在日内瓦进行了三次修订
• 第一章 定义 • 第一条 定义 • 第二章 缔约方一般义务 • 第二条 缔约方的基本义务 • 第三条 受保护的属和种 • 第四条 国民待遇 • 第三章 授予育种家权利的条件 • 第五条 保护的条件 • 第六条 新颖性 • 第七条 特异性 • 第八条 一致性 • 第九条 稳定性
入U O 公 约 1 9 文 本 ,优 势 与劣 势 并存 ,机 遇 与威胁 同在 。 PV 91 l 优 势分 析 _ 我 国在植 物 新 品种 方面 具 有 自己独 特 的优 势 。 第 一 ,我 国 既是 世 界 上 最 大 的农 业 国家 , 也 是 用种 量 最 大 的 育 种 大 国 。我 国农 业 无 形 资 产 丰 富 ,拥 有 大 量 具有 区域 特 色 的 、 专 有 的 植 物 品种 ,在 植 物 遗 传 资源 上 优 势 明显 ,如拥 有 高等 植 物 3 8 0 ,其 中特 有 高 等植 物 1 3 0 【 由于 自然 、人文 资 源极 为 20种 90 种 2 ] 。 丰 富 , 在 植物 新 品种 的创 造 、运 用 、保 护 、管 理 等 方面 有 着 不 可 限 量 的 巨大潜 力 。 第 二 ,我 国植 物 品 种权 的年 申请 量从 2 0 年开 始 跃 居 U O 第 04 PV 四位 , 已成 为 植 物 新 品种 保 护 的新 兴 大 国 。截 止 到 2 1 年 4 3 0 i 月 0 日 ,农 业 部植 物 新 品种 保 护 办公 室 已受 理 植物 新 品种 权 申i 0 0  ̄8 7 件 ,结 案4 0 件 ,授 予 品种 权3 8 件 ;其 中2 1 年 农业 植 物 新 品 44 52 00 种 权 的 申请量 达 到 1 0 件 ,我 国居 民 的农 业 植 物 品 种权 年 申请 量 26 跃 居全 球 第二 ,有 效 品种 权量 挤 身前 十 【。 3 】 第 三 , 我 国在 植 物 新 品 种保 护方 面 的 国际 影 响 力 日益扩 大 。 我 国加 入 国 际植 物 新 品种保 护联 盟 1 年 来 ,积 极参 与U O 系 列 会 2 PV 议 和 国 际 规 则制 定 活 动 ,举 办 了U O 大 田作 物 、蔬 菜 、 林木 和 观 PV 赏 植 物 技 术 工 作组 会 议 ,承 担完 成 了U O 茶 树 、高 粱 、牡 丹 、茶 PV 花 等 测 试 指 南 ,积 极参 与 “ 亚 植物 新 品种 保 护 论 坛 ” 活动 , 国 东 际影 响力 越来 越 大 。 2 劣 势 分析 . 我 国 植物 新 品种 保 护 仍 存 在 申请 领 域 狭 窄 、植 物 新 品种 的结 构 性 矛盾 突 出 、国 际竞 争力 较弱 等 问题 。 是 从 申报 品种 的数 量 和 质 量 来看 ,尽 管 每 年 申请 的 数量 都 在 增 加 ,但 申请 总 量偏 小 ,质 量 不 尽 如人 意 ,与 发 达 国 家相 比仍 有 较 大差 距 。 二 是 植 物 新 品种 的结 构 性 矛 盾 突 出 。 首先 是 植 物 新 品种 申请 地 区分 布 不 平 衡 。 农业 植 物 新 品种 申请量 和 授 权 量 最 多 的 省份 依 次为 四 川 、 山东省 、 河南 省 、 江 苏省 、 吉林 省 和北 京 市 ,6 I省 省市 的 申请 量 约 占国 内 总量 的4 . %,授 权 量 约 占国 内 总量 的4 . %。 81 94 其 次是 品种 构 成 单 一 , 育种 创 新 集 中 在 主 要农 作 物 。在 农 业 植物 新 品种 权 申请 和 授 权 总 量 中 ,玉 米 、 水 稻 、 小麦 等 主 要
4.3 国际合作 解析
![4.3 国际合作 解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fe943c4ab5daa58da0116c175f0e7cd18525184d.png)
4.3 国际合作基础题一、单选题1.【答案】B【解析】全球性环境问题是指某些环境问题通过大气环流、洋流等大尺度的物质流动使其影响大大超过其产生地甚至达到全球,而A、C、D三个选项只会对区域环境产生影响。
【答案】2.D 3.D【解析】2.目前重大的环境问题是多个国家共同影响的结果,A正确;有些环境问题具有普遍性和共同性,成为全球性的环境问题,B正确;某些国家或地区的环境问题具有跨国、跨地区乃至涉及全球的后果,C正确;根据公平的原则,造成全球污染份额大的国家应承担更大的责任,D不正确。
【答案】5.D 6.A【解析】5.为保护生物多样性,我国加入的国际环境公约是《国际植物新品种保护公约》和《国际遗传工程和生物技术中心章程》,②、③对;《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《巴黎协定》是应对全球气候变化的公约,①、④错。
国际植物新品种保护公约(1978年文本) (1961年12月2日制定,1972年11月10日、1978年10月23日在日内瓦修订,于1981年11月8日生效。
)各缔约方考虑到1961年12月2日制定的国际植物新品种保护公约,经1 972年11月10日补充文本修订,已成为保护育种者权利的国际合作中有价值的文本。
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第8Байду номын сангаас 均一性
第9条 稳定性
第四章 申请授予育种家权利(下称品种权)
第32条 特殊协定
第十章 终止条款
第33条 签字
第34条 批准、接受或核准;加入
第35条 保留权
第36条 有关法规和受保护植物属、种的通讯交流,需出版的资料
第37条 生效、早期条例的终止
第38条 本公约的修正
第39条 退约
第40条 保护现有的权益
第4条 国民的待遇
<pre class=precontent>
第5条 保护的条件
第6条 新颖性
第7条 奇异性
第8条 均一性
第9条 稳定性
第四章 申请授予育种家权利
第10条 提交申请
第11条 优先权
第12条 申请的审查
第13条 临时性保护
第五章 育种家权利(品种权)
第14条 品种权适用范围
│ UPOV出版物 │
│ NO.221(E) │
│ISBN 92-805-0332-4│
第12条 申请的审查
第13条 临时性保护
UPOV 1991
第一章 定义
第1条 定义
第二章 缔约方义务总论
第2条 缔约方的基本义务
第3条 需要保护的属和种
第4条 国民的待遇
第三章 授予育种家权利的条件
第二章 缔约方义务总论
第2条 缔约方的基本义务
第14条 品种权适用范围
第3条 需要保护的属和种
第7条 奇异性
第6条 新颖性
第11条 优先权
1978年10月23日 在日内瓦修订
<pre class=precontent>
第三章 授予育种家权利的条件
第5条 保护的条件
各缔约方应采取措施,在提交或公开申报品种权的申请至正式批准之前的期限内,保护育种家的权益。这类措施应有如下效力,凡在此期间从事根据第十四条规定待申请批准后应由育种家本人授权的有关活动的当事人,至少应给予品种权持有人公平的报偿。缔约方可规定这类措施只适用于育种家已告知其申请的有关人员。 第五章 育种家权利(品种权)
第41条 本公约的原始文本和官方文本
第42条 保存人的作用
第一章 定义
第1条 定义
第15条 品种权的例外
第16条 品种权的终止
第17条 行使品种权的一些限制条件
第18条 管理商业性活动的措施
第19条 品种权期限