
组织公民行为量表(Organizational Citizenship Behavior,简称OCB),组织公民行为即为个人除了达到组织的基本要求之外,还额外为组织做出自发性的工作和奉献。
由Organ(1889)提出组织公民行为包括5个维度,即公民美德、责任意识、利他行为、运动员精神、文明礼貌,而Williams & Anderson(1991) 修改为三大维度,包含:注重个人的公民行为、注重组织的公民行为及角色内行为。
组织公民行为量表的条目一、注重个人的公民行为1. 帮助那些缺席人员2. 帮助那些工作量繁重的人①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意3. 没有被要求时仍然协助上司完成他(她)的工作①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意4. 抽时间倾听同事遇到的问题和担忧①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意5. 主动自觉地帮助新员工①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意6. 对其他人员表达自我关注①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意7. 传递资讯给同事①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意二、注重组织的公民行为8. 对工作的参与度高于标准要求9. 提高对工作中能力欠缺的关注度①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意10. 本不该休息的时候停止工作①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意11. 花大量的时间打私人电话①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意12. 对工作中无关重要的事情经常抱怨①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意13. 节约和保护组织财产①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意14. 为维护秩序而遵守非正式的制度①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意三、角色内行为15. 恰当的完成布置的工作任务16. 能履行工作描述中明确指定的责任①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意17. 能完成被期望的任务①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意18. 满足工作要求的行为表现①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意19. 参与可直接对他(她)的绩效产生影响的活动①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意20. 忽视了他(她)本有义务去做的工作①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意21. 没有承担最基本的责任①完全不同意②不同意③普通④同意⑤完全同意。

• 注重招聘与选拔 • 加强员工培训与教育 • 丰富的工作任务 • 建设企业文化 • 建立有效激励机制
• 3)自愿合作行为能使组织更有效率地利用资源, 减少不必要的资源争夺,特别是能更有效地利用 稀缺资源。
• 4)促进团队成员之间以及跨团队的工作协调。 组织公民行为的一个核心特点是组织成员能够从 组织的大局出发考虑问题,这样会使组织中的群 体利益和个体利益都得到有效的协调。
• 5)通过创造一个使人更加愉快工作的环境,从而 吸引和保留高素质的员工。组织成员做出较多组 织公民行为的环境是一个充满互相合作、互相支 持的环境,这样的环境一定是一个非常适合工作 的有吸引力的环境。
• 4)组织服从(organizational compliance):对组织 中的规则、程序的内化和接纳,在无人监督的情 况下也自觉遵守。
• 5)个体主动性(individual initiative):在工作 任务上自觉地达到远超出最低标准的水平, 包括自觉表现出创造性的行为,表现出格外 高度的热情和努力,自觉承担额外的工作责 任,并鼓励组织中他人也这样做。
• 1)组织公民行为充当了组织运行的润滑剂,减少 人际矛盾冲突。例如,利他和助人行为就起到了 这方面作用,主动为他人提供方便,帮助他人, 维护人际和谐,从而保证了工作关系的顺畅。
• 2)能提升同事和管理者的生产力。例如,通过帮 助有困难的同事就提高了同事的生产力;另外, 员工主动协调人际关系、主动承担工作,减少管 理者在冲突协调、工作分派方面耗费不必要的精 力,从而使管理者的精力能够放在更重要的事情 上;员工积极为工作献计献策也更有利于管理者 工作的开展。
• 一、组织公民行为的概念及作用 • 二、组织公民行为的维度 • 三、组织公民行为的影响因素 • 四、组织公民行为与管理

樊景立 组织公民行为量表组织公平量表

樊景立-组织公民行为量表、组织公平量表.Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale英文名称:Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale中文名称:组织公民行为量表作者:Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C.出处:Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C. “Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society.”Administrative Science Quarterly, 1997, 42, 421-444.简介:条目:部属的工作行为:以下列叙述来描述他(她)的行为您是否同意?请逐项阅读后填答。
1-非常不同意5-有点同意2-相当不同意6-相当同意3-有点不同意7-非当同意4-不能确定Identification with the company认同组织Eager to tell outsiders good news about the company and clarify their misunderstandings主动对外介绍或宣传公司优点,或澄清他人对公司的误解。
Willing to stand up to protect the reputation of the company.努力维护公司形象,并积极参与有关活动。
Makes constructive suggestions that can improve the operation of the company. 主动提出建设性的改善方案,供公司有关单位参考。
.Actively attends company meetings.以积极的态度参与公司内相关会议。

而组织公民行为的理论就是起源于对以上问题的探讨:组织中的员工应该具备哪些特定的行为,才能协助组织达成高效的目标?基于以上问题和上述研究的基础,Bateman和Organ于1983年在组织研究的文献中第一次讨论了组织公民行为(Organizational Citizen-ship Behavior, 简称OCB)的概念。
概念有关OCB的概念目前还没有一个准确具体的界定,从上述1988年Organ 正式定义的OCB概念开始,有关OCB概念的研究就没有停止过,但总的来说,研究者经常引用的还是1997年Organ对于OCB重新的定义,认为OCB是一种能够对组织的社会和心理环境提供维持和增强作用,进而支持任务绩效的行为。
比如:Chen提出了群体OCB的概念,她认为群体OCB 指的是一个工作群体作为一个整体从事组织公民行为的程度,它不是群体中个体的组织公民行为的累加,而是一个完全在群体层次进行测量的构念。

Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB)Scale英文名称:Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB)Scale中文名称:组织公民行为量表作者:Farh,J.L.,Earley,P.C.,&Lin,S.C.出处:Farh,J.L.,Earley,P.C.,&Lin,S.C.“Impetus for action:A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society.”Administrative Scien ce Quarterly,1997,42,421-444.简介:条目:部属的工作行为:以下列叙述来描述他(她)的行为您是否同意?请逐项阅读后填答。
1-非常不同意5-有点同意2-相当不同意6-相当同意3-有点不同意7-非当同意4-不能确定Identification with the company认同组织Eager to tell outsiders good news about the company and clarify their misunders tandings主动对外介绍或宣传公司优点,或澄清他人对公司的误解。
Willing to stand up to protect the reputation of the company.努力维护公司形象,并积极参与有关活动。
Makes constructive suggestions that can improve the operation of the company.主动提出建设性的改善方案,供公司有关单位参考。
Actively attends company meetings.以积极的态度参与公司内相关会议。

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民行 为和工作绩效 总量 表的 Co — rn
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作者 在本 研究 中使用 的是 19 9 7年 F r、 a e 及 “n采用 ahE r y l 台湾华人 的样本 , 定义 出的组织公民行 为的五维模型 , 即认 同组
织、 利他主义、 公德觉悟 、 人际间和谐及保护公 司资源五个维度 。
性 别
男 女
模型 非标准化系数 B 3 ( 常量 ) 协助 同事
人 际 和谐

二、文献综述1.概念组织公民行为( organizational citizenship behaviors)指的是有益于组织,但在组织正式的薪酬体系中尚未得到明确或直接确认的行为。
研究者们对组织公民行为的维度尚未达成共识,organ(1988a)将组织公民行为分为五大类:利他(altruism)、事先知会(courtesy)、责任意识(conscientious)、运动员精神(sportsmanship)和公民道德(civic virtue)。
podsakoff对现有的组织公民行为模型进行归纳总结,概括出组织公民行为的七个相对独立的维度:助人为乐(helping behavior)、运动员精神(sportsmanship)、组织忠诚(organizational loyalty)、组织遵从(organizational compliance)、个人主动性(individual initiative)、公民道德(civic virtue)和自我发展(self development)。

• 组织公民行为概述 • 组织公民行为的类型 • 组织公民行为的影响因素 • 如何提升组织公民行为 • 组织公民行为与组织绩效的关系 • 案例分析
组织公民行为是指在组织正式的 薪酬体系中未明确规定,但能够 对组织或个人产生积极影响的自 觉、自发的个体行为。
变革型领导风格能够激发 员工的内在动机和自我发 展,从而促进组织公民行 为的表现。
服务型领导关注员工的需 要和发展,通过提供支持 和资源来促进员工的组织 公民行为。
根据员工的成熟度和需求 ,采取不同的领导风格, 能够更好地激发员工的组 织公民行为。
自我效能感强的员工对自己的能 力有信心,更愿意主动承担责任 和参与组织活动。
组织文化中强调团队合作和互相支持,能够激发员工表现出更多 的组织公民行为。
鼓励创新和接受新思想的组织文化,能够激发员工的主动性和创造 性,从而表现出更多的组织公民行为。
组织文化中强调公正和公平,能够提高员工的满意度和忠诚度,从 而增加组织公民行为。
某公司注重组织文化建设,通过倡导诚信、创新、团结等价值观,营造积极向 上的工作氛围。同时,公司还鼓励员工之间的交流和合作,促进信息的流通和 知识的共享,提高组织的创新能力和竞争力。
组织公民行为对个人绩效和组织绩效具有正 向影响,能够提高个人和组织的工作效率和 质量。

关键词:组织公民行为、维度、前因变量、结果变量自从Dennis Organ等学者在1983年第一次提出“组织公民行为”(OCB)这一概念,在二十多年的时间里,学术界对于组织公民行为的研究日益深入,取得了丰富的研究成果。
而后,Katz和Kahn (1966)又区分了角色内行为和自发行为的不同,并强调了主动保护组织和资产、提出具有建设性的改善建议、为了应付额外工作所形成的自我发展以及与同事协调合作等行为,这些行为都是组织生存和发展的关键因素[3]。
1988年,Organ正式提出组织公民行为(Organizational Citizenship Behavior)的概念,将其定义为“在组织正式的薪酬体系中尚未得到明确或直接的确认,但就整体而言有益于组织运作成效的行为总和”。


樊景立-组织公民行为量表、组织公平量表Orga ni zati onal Citize nship Behavior (OCB) Scale英文名称:Orga ni zatio nal Citize nship Behavior (OCB) Scale中文名称:组织公民行为量表 作 者:Farh, J. L., Earley, P C., & Lin, S. C.出处:Farh, J. L., Earley, P C., & Lin, S. C. “ Impetusfor action: A cultural analysis of j ustice and orga ni zati onal citize nship behavior in Chin ese rative ScienceQuarterly, 1997, 42, 421-444.简介:条目:以下列叙述来描述他(她)的行为您是否同意?请逐项阅读后填答。
4 —不能确定Identification with the company认同组织Eager to tell outsiders good n ews about the compa ny and clarify their mis un dersta ndings 主动对外介绍或宣传公司优点,或澄清他人对公司的误解。
Willi ng to sta nd up to protect the reputati on of the compa ny.努力维护公司形象,并积极参与有关活动。
Makes con structive suggesti ons that can improve the operati on of the comp any.主动提出建设性的改善方案,供公司有关单位参考Actively atte nds compa ny meet in gs.以积极的态度参与公司内相关会议。

01 内容简介
03 作者简介
02 图书目录 04 推荐
《组织与管理研究的实证方法》是2008年6月1日北京大学出版社出版的图书,作者是陈晓萍、徐淑英、樊景 立。
《组织与管理研究的实证方法》分五个部分:“科学研究的目的和过程”、“管理学的研究方法”、“管理 学研究中的测量统计方法”、“研究发表的旅程”以及附录。全书立足于思维方式、理论构建以及管理研究的全 过程,介绍了组织与管理研究中的各种实证方法,并在附录中给出了组织与管理研究方法论的经典文献,对研究 者具有极高的参考价值。
引言如何在一流期刊上发表管理学研究论文? 一流管理学期刊 为什么要发表? 发表论文的策略 投稿常犯的错误 参考文献 第一部分科学研究的目的和过程 第一章科学过程与研究设计 本章大纲 一、导言与基本概念 二、科学研究过程
陈晓萍,华盛顿大学福斯特商学院(Michael G.FosterSchool ofBusiness)组织管理学系教授,中国管 理研究国际学会现任主席。研究领域包括合作与竞争、跨文化管理、回报行为以及中国人的关系等。
徐淑英,亚利桑那州立大学凯里商学院(CarevSchool of Business)摩托罗拉国际管理讲座教授,中国管 理研究国际学会首任主席。曾任《美国管理学会学报》(Academy of ManagementJournal)的主编,也是《组 织管理研究》(Management and OrganizationReview)的创刊主编。研究领域包括组织人口学、雇佣关系和 组织文化,尤其是中国情境下的管理研究。

樊景立版的组织公民行为量表Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale英文名Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale称:中文名组织公民行为量表称:作Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C.者:出Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C. “Impetus for action: 处: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society.” Administrative ScienceQuarterly, 1997, 42, 421-444.简介:条部属的工作行为:以下列叙述来描述他(她)的行为您是否同意,请逐目:项阅读后填答。
, , 非常不同意 , , 有点同意, , 相当不同意 , , 相当同意, , 有点不同意 , , 非当同意, , 不能确定Identification with the company认同组织Eager to tell outsiders good news about the company and clarifytheirmisunderstandings主动对外介绍或宣传公司优点,或澄清他人对公司的误解。
Willing tostand up to protect the reputation of the company. 努力维护公司形象,并积极参与有关活动。
Makes constructive suggestions that can improve the operation of the company.主动提出建设性的改善方案,供公司有关单位参考。

民美 德五个纬度。樊景立等人 ( 04 2 0 )对 于 中国文化 背景下 员 工 组 织 公 民 行 为 进 行 了 研 究 ,结 果 表 明 , 中 国员 工 将 自我 发展 与 自我培训 、维护人 际关 系 的和谐等行 为也视作 比较重 要 的组 织 公 民行 为 ,维 护 人 际 关 系 的 和 谐 可 以 视 为 对 礼 节 行 为内涵的扩充 ,而运动员精 神与公 民美德在 中国员工 组织公 民行 为中并未被发现川 。借鉴前 人 的研究 ,结合 中国文化背 景 以 及本 文 的 研 究 目的 ,本 文 对 员 工 组 织 公 民 行 为 与 知 识 转 移绩效关 系的研 究 ,主要针对 以下几个纬度 开展 :( ) 自我 1 发展行 为 ;( )利他行为 ;( )礼节行为 ;( )尽职行为。 2 3 4 知识 转 移 是 知 识 通 过 社 交 、培 训 或 学 习 等 方 式 在 不 同 的 实体 之间的传播 。知识有显性 和隐性 之分 ,隐性知 识存在 于个 体的大脑之 中,只有 经过员 工之 间的直接交 互 ,经历社 会 化的转移过程才能在 企业 的知识管理 中起关键 作用。个体 层 面上 的知 识 转 移 也 可 视 为 员 工 在 交 互 过 程 中彼 此 影 响 的 过 程 ,其绩效表 现为通过知识 转移 引起的员工 知识 的改 变 ,这 改 变可 以 用 员 工 对 知 识 转 移 的 过 程 和 结 果 的 满 意 度 去 衡 量 J 。成 功 的知 识 转 移 取 决 于 转 移 双 方 的知 识 转 移 动 机 、知 识 转 移 能 力 和 知 识 转 移 机 会 3个 主要 因 素 …。
知识 转 移 动 机 指 知 识 发 送 者 发 送 知 识 的 动机 和 知 识 接 收 者 接 受知 识 的 动 机 ,这 种 动 机 一 方 面 来 自于 对 互 惠 的 预 期 ; 另一方 面来 自于双方的合作心理 …。知识转移能力指 知识 接 收者 的 吸 收 能 力 和 知 识 发 送 者 的发 送 能 力 。根 据 社 会 心 理 学 的观点 ,吸收能力指学 习和运用新 知识 的能 力 ,它受个 体已 有 的 知识 、技 能 和 经 验 影 响 。 当 一 个 人 拥 有 更 多 的 经 验 和 知

科技经济与管理科学科技经济导刊 2016.30期浅谈管理中的组织公民行为——以高校教师为例张 磊(商丘师范学院 河南 商丘 476000)1 研究缘起谈起组织公民的研究起源于上世纪的30年代的后期,从组织学的创始人“Barnard”对组织的最基础的理论的层次出发并在管理中提出了:对整个组织系统而言,组织中每一个体的合作意愿是不可或缺的。
2 组织公民行为在高校中的现状通过对山东、四川、河南、安徽几个省的部分高校教师的调查,问卷共发放423份,回收有效问卷411份,有效率97.2%。
为了探讨高校教师工龄和组织公民行为的关系,在本研究中,将教师工龄状况分为6种情况,即小于一年、1~5年、6~10年、11~15年、16~20 年、20年以上,分别赋值为1~6。

关键词:助人为乐,组织氛围,实证研究AbstractHelping behavior that is one of the dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to employee volunteer to help others deal with or prevent problems in the work. It can be conducive to improving organizational function and efficiency. Organizational climate refers to the subjective awareness or feelings of the members for the various features of the organizational environment, and it’s very important for members. Although the study of the relationship between OCB and organizational climate is a hot topic in recent years,but there are few researchers focus on the direct impact of helping behavior on organizational climate and its dimensions.This study, which is based on the conclusions of past research on organizational climate and organizational citizenship behavior, helping behavior is the only one independent variable and dimensions of organizational climate as the dependent variable, and study the relationship of them.Here is the conclusion.1.There exist a significant correlation between helping behavior and dimensions of organizational climate.2.The results of the Linear regression analysis show that,helping behavior is positively associated with dimensions of OCB,but score about the multiple correlation coefficient is very low, and it’s probably means that organizational climate will be influence by more than one factor which maybe include other dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior.The significance of the empirical study is that its conclusion will offer some reference for the further research, and also hope to be able to use to management practice. Keywords: Helping Behavior,Organizational Climate,Empirical Study目录第一章绪论研究背景与意义研究背景随着全球性的人力资源重要性在战略层面的比重越来越大,人力资源管理的各项职能如培训、薪酬、绩效管理以及留住人力资源等职能也越趋于受到重视。

3 h d rn c l e n i h e rn iee t tr dme so s v d ee t T e f uu i n a i f
2 apc f , z i o nr i ae iat ec o o e a s e etoaeo ai tn e h hv s n cni un sm dm i T s s g r ao w s p i f n e n o n h g n gi l f o nn aae ' B ad r in s n cn il n nn aae ' B m f -n gr O , t e o i at ec o o-n gr O f om s C n h s i f e gi nu e n m f s C r o
组织文化吻合度在组织文化与员工组织公民行为角色界定之间 起到 部分调节作用,并主要体 现在人本与创新取向、 规范与安定取向的组织文化和员工组织公民 行为角色界定之间的关系 上。 组织文化吻合度在组织文化与员 工组织公民行为角色界定之间起促进作用, 吻合度越高, 组织文化与员工组织公民 行为角色界定间的相关越大. 总体来说,在组织文化对员工组织公民 行为的影响过程中,存在组织文化通过员 工组织公民 行为角色界定进而影响 组织公民 行为的作用路径;同时, 组织文化对员 工组织公民 行为角色 界定的影响又部分受到组织文化吻合度的正向调节作用。 关键词:组织公民 行为 组织文化 角色界定 组织文化吻合度 中介作用 调节作用
响。正基于此,本研究从组织文化入手,以18 9 名企业普通员工为被试, 探讨了 组织文化对员工 组织公民行为的影响作用。 研究结果表明:

业余 时间,通过各种形式来开发 自己的潜 能 ,以求为组 织提供 更大的贡献。
田荷梅 江 苏淮 阴师范 学院 江苏 淮安 2 3 0 3 0 2
【 文章摘要 】 组织公 民行 为对一个组织而言有着 非 常重要 的影响作 用,历来都是研 究者 们 研 究的热 点 。 本文 总 结 性 的 阐 述 了组 织公民行为的概念、 维度 、 测量方法及其 对组织的影响。 【 关键词】
樊景立将 组织公民行为分为以下五种 认同组织 :指员工努力维护公司形象 ,积 维度: 同组织 :员工努力维护公司形象 , 极参加公司活动 与会议 ,主动提 出有建设 认 2 协助同 积极参加公司活 动与会议 ,主动提 出有 建 性的方案等对公 司有利的行为; 、 事:指 员工在工作上 乐意帮助 同事 ,并能 设性 的方案等对 公 司有利 的行为 ;协助 同 、不生事争 事 :员工在 工作 上乐 意帮助同事 ,并能主 主动参与协调沟通 的行为 ;3
动 参与协调沟通的行 为 ;不生事争利 :员 工 不会 为了个人的利益 ,从事可能破坏组 织 和谐 的政治行为 ;保护 公司资源 :员工 不会利用上班时间及公司 资源处理私人事 务 的行为 ;敬业精神 :员工认 真工 作、出 勤表现 良好等超 越组织基本要求 的行为 。 P da of o s k f 将组织公 民行为分为 以下 七种维度 :助人行为 :自发帮助 同事避免 和解决工作相关的 问题 ;运动 员精神 :当 事情不如愿时 ,保持积极的态度为 团体的
组 织 ;组 织公 民行 为
三 组 织 公 民行 为的测 量
由于研究者们对组织公 民行为的认知 或研究对象的不同 ,开发 出不同的组织公 民行 为量 表。常用 的主要有 : S t mi h和 Ora g n根据访谈结果 ,编制 了包含利他行为和普遍服从两个因素的组 织公 民行为量表 ,这是最早的组织公 民行 为量表 ; Ma k n i和 F t r cez e et 参考 Ora e g n所提 出的五 维度结果量表 ,以代理商为被试 ,
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Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale英文名称:Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) Scale 中文名称:组织公民行为量表作者:Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C.出处:Farh, J. L., Earley, P. C., & Lin, S. C. “Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 1997, 42, 421-444.简介:条目:部属的工作行为:以下列叙述来描述他(她)的行为您是否同意?请逐项阅读后填答。
1-非常不同意5-有点同意2-相当不同意6-相当同意3-有点不同意7-非当同意4-不能确定Identification with the company认同组织Eager to tell outsiders good news about the company and clarify their misunderstandings主动对外介绍或宣传公司优点,或澄清他人对公司的误解。
Willing to stand up to protect the reputation of the company.努力维护公司形象,并积极参与有关活动。
Makes constructive suggestions that can improve the operation of the company.主动提出建设性的改善方案,供公司有关单位参考。
Actively attends company meetings.以积极的态度参与公司内相关会议。
Altruism toward colleagues协助同事Willing to assist new colleagues to adjust to the work environment.主动帮助新进同仁适应工作环境。
Willing to help colleague solve work-related problems.乐意协助同仁解决工作上的困难。
Willing to cover work assignments for colleague when needed.主动分担或代理同事之工作。
Willing to coordinate and communicate with colleagues.主动与同事协调沟通。
Impersonal harmony不生事争利(人际和睦)Often speaks ill of the supervisor or colleagues behind their backs. (R)经常在背后批评主管或谈论同事之隐私。
(R)Uses illicit tactics to seek personal influence and gain with harmful effect on interpersonal harmony in the organization. (R)在公司内争权夺利,勾心斗角,破坏组织和谐。
(R)Uses position power to pursue selfish personal gain. (R)假公济私,利用职权谋取个人利益。
(R)Takes credits, avoids blames, and fights fiercely for personal gain. (R)斤斤计较,争功诿过,不惜抗争以获得个人利益。
(R)Protecting company resources公私分明Conducts personal business on company time (e.g., trading stocks, shopping, going to barber shops). (R)利用上班时间处理私人事务,如买股票,跑银行,逛街,购物,上理容院...等。
(R)Uses company resources to do personal business (e.g., company phones, copy machines, computers, and cars). (R)利用公司资源处理私人事务,如:私自利用公电话,复印机,计算机,公务车...等。
(R)Views sick leave as benefit and makes excuse for taking sick leave. (R)经常借口请假,视为福利。
(R)Conscientiousness敬业守法Often arrives early and starts to work immediately.上班时经常提早到达,并着手处理公务。
Takes one’s job seriously and rarely makes mistakes.工作认真,并且很少出差错。
Complies with company rules and procedures even when nobody watches and no evidence can be traced.即使无人注意或无据可查时,亦随时遵守公司规定。
Does not mind taking new or challenging assignments.从不挑选工作,尽可能接受新的或困难的任务。
Tries hard to self-study to increase the quality of work outputs.为提升工作品质,而努力自我充实。
信度:效度:备注:Organizational Justice Scale英文名称:Organizational Justice Scale中文名称:组织公平量表作者:Jason A. Colquitt出处:Colquitt, J. A. (2001). "On the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice: A Construct Validation of a Measure."Journal of Applied Psychology 86(3): 386-400.简介:条目:Procedural justiceThe following items refers to the procedures used to arrive at your (outcome). To what extent:1.Have you been able to express your views and feelings during these procedures?2.Have you had influences over the (outcome) arrived at by those procedures?3.Have those procedures been applied consistently?4.Have those procedures been free of bias?5.Have those procedures been based on accurate information?6.Have you been able to appeal the (outcome) arrived at by those procedures?7.Have those procedures upheld ethical and moral standards?Distributive justiceThe following items refer to your (outcome). To what extent:1.Dos your (outcome) reflect the effort you have put into your work?2.Is your (outcome) appropriate for the work you have completed?3.Does your (outcome) reflect what you have contributed to the organization?4.Is your (outcome) justified, given your performance?Interpersonal justiceThe following items refer to (the authority figure who enacted the procedure). To what extent:1.Has (he/she) treated you in a polite manner?2.Has (he/she) treated you with dignity?3.Has (he/she) treated you with respect?4.Has (he/she) refrained from improper remarks or comments?Informational justiceThe following items refer to (the authority figure who enacted theprocedure). To what extent:1.Has (he/she) been candid in (his/her) communication with you?2.Has (he/she) explained the procedures thoroughly?3.Were (his/her) explanations regarding the procedures reasonable?4.Has (he/she) communicated details in a timely manner?5.Has (he/she) seemed to tailor (his/her) communications to individuals’specific needs?信度:效度:备注:Procedural Justice英文名称:Procedural Justice中文名称:程序公平作者:Farh, J.-L., P. C. Earley, et al.出处:Farh, J.-L., P. C. Earley, et al. (1997). "Impetus for action: A cultural analysis ofjustice and..." Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 421.简介:条目:Farh, J.-L., P. C. Earley, et al. (1997). "Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and..." Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 421.The sample for this study consisted of employees drawn from eight companies inthe electronics industry of Taiwan. All eight companies were locally owned andwere members of the 500 largest companies in Taiwan. Thirty to forty matchingquestionnaires were distributed to supervisors and subordinates in each company.The sample consisted mainly of low to mid-level managers, engineers,salespersons, and clerical staff.Participation1.Managers at all levels participate in pay and performance appraisal decisions;2.Through various channels, my company tries to understand employees’opinions regarding pay and performance appraisal policies and decisions.3.Pay decisions are made exclusively by top management in my company; othersare excluded from this process; (R)4.My company does not take employees’ opinions into account in designing payand performance appraisal policies. (R)Cronbach alpha was .717-point scale (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree)Appeal MechanismThe company has a formal appeal channel;The company imposes a time limit within which the responsible parties mustrespond to the employee’ appeal;Employees’ questions concerning pay or performanc e appraisal are usuallyanswered promptly and satisfactorily.Cronbach alpha was .817-point scale (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree)信度:Cronbach alpha was .71 7-point scale (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree)效度:备注:Justice Scale英文名称:Justice Scale中文名称:公平问卷作者:Niehoff, B. P., & Moorman, R. H.出处:Niehoff, B. P., & Moorman, R. H. (1993). Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring andorganizational citizenship behaviors. Academy of ManagementJournal, 36(3), 527-556.简介:条目:Sample: The employees and general managers of a national movie theater management company that operated 11 theaters in a large southwestern city were studied. The employees (N = 213) averaged 19.9 years of age and nearly two years of experience working in the theaters. A majority had completed high school, but only 17 percent had completed college. Each theater was under the authority of a general manager; thus, 11 general managers took part in the study. The number of employees per theater varied from 15 to 45. At each location, a group of assistant managers aided the general manager in the operation of the theater, but there were no direct lines of authority between these assistants and specific employees. In fact, the vice president for human resources described the assistant managers as a pool of assistants who could be assigned to any shift on any day. The one constant at each theater was that each general manager had ultimate responsibility for the operation and was on-site for most of the theater's hours of business. The assistant managers were not included in the data for this study.The employees completed a survey describing their perceptions of distributive and procedural justice and the monitoring behaviors of their general manager. Since the assistant managers worked various shifts but the general managers remained on-site for most of the working hours, we considered the general managers the appropriate referents for themeasurement of leader monitoring behaviors. The general managers provided data for the measures of organizational citizenship behavior; some general managers assessed OCB for 15 employees, and some assessed 45 employees.All surveys were completed on company time. Since data were being collected from two sources, employees and general managers, we asked all participants to put their names on the surveys but took precautions to insure confidentiality. Each employee received an envelope in which to seal the completed survey and mailed it directly to us. In total, 213 out of 260 employee surveys were returned for a response rate of 81 percent. Conversations with the company's vice president for human resources suggested that the demographic characteristics of the respondents reflected those of the general population of employees at the theaters.All items used a seven-point response format.Distributive justice1.My work schedule is fair.2.I think that my level of pay is fair.3.I consider my work load to be quite fair.4.Overall, the rewards I receive here are quite fair.5.I feel that my job responsibilities are fair.Formal procedures1.Job decisions are made by the general manager in an unbiasedmanner.2.My general manager makes sure that all employee concernsare heard before job decisions are made.3.To make job decisions, my general manager collects accurateand complete information.4.My general manager clarifies decisions and providesadditional information when requested by employees.5.All job decisions are applied consistently across allaffected employees. 6.Employees are allowed to challenge or appeal job decisionsmade by the general manager.Interactional justice1.When decisions are made about my job, the general managertreats me with kindness and consideration.2.When decisions are made about my job, the general managertreats me with respect and dignity.3.When decisions are made about my job, the general manageris sensitive to my personal needs.4.When decisions are made about my job, the general managerdeals with me in a truthful manner.5.When decisions are made about my job, the general managershows concern for my rights as an employee.6.Concerning decisions made about my job, the general managerdiscusses the implications of the decisions with me.7.The general manager offers adequate justification fordecisions made about my job.8.When making decisions about my job, the general manageroffers explanations that make sense to me.9.My general manager explains very clearly any decision madeabout my job.信度:The CFI for the three justice dimensions was .92. This scale was based on one used by Moorman (1991) and had reported reliabilities above .90 for all three dimensions.效度:备注:OCB Scale英文名称:OCB Scale中文名称:组织公民行为问卷作者:Niehoff, B. P., & Moorman, R. H.出处:Niehoff, B. P., & Moorman, R. H. (1993). Justice as a mediator of the relationship between methods of monitoring and organizational citizenship behaviors. Academy of Management Journal, 36(3), 527-556.简介:条Sample: The employees and general managers of a national movie目:theater management company that operated 11 theaters in a large southwestern city were studied. The employees (N = 213) averaged19.9 years of age and nearly two years of experience workingin the theaters. A majority had completed high school, but only17 percent had completed college. Each theater was under theauthority of a general manager; thus, 11 general managers tookpart in the study. The number of employees per theater variedfrom 15 to 45. At each location, a group of assistant managersaided the general manager in the operation of the theater, butthere were no direct lines of authority between these assistantsand specific employees. In fact, the vice president for humanresources described the assistant managers as a pool ofassistants who could be assigned to any shift on any day. Theone constant at each theater was that each general manager hadultimate responsibility for the operation and was on-site formost of the theater's hours of business. The assistant managerswere not included in the data for this study.The employees completed a survey describing their perceptionsof distributive and procedural justice and the monitoringbehaviors of their general manager. Since the assistantmanagers worked various shifts but the general managersremained on-site for most of the working hours, we consideredthe general managers the appropriate referents for themeasurement of leader monitoring behaviors. The generalmanagers provided data for the measures of organizationalcitizenship behavior; some general managers assessed OCB for15 employees, and some assessed 45 employees.All surveys were completed on company time. Since data were being collectedfrom two sources, employees and general managers, we asked all participants toput their names on the surveys but took precautions to insure confidentiality.Each employee received an envelope in which to seal the completed survey and mailed it directly to us. In total, 213 out of 260 employee surveys were returnedfor a response rate of 81 percent. Conversations with the company's vice president for human resources suggested that the demographic characteristics of the respondents reflected those of the general population of employees at the theatersAltruism1.Helps others who have heavy work loads.2.Helps others who have been absent.3.Willingly gives of his/her time to help others who have workrelated problems.4.Helps orient new people even though it is not required.Courtesy1.Consults with me or other individuals who might be affectedby his/her actions or decisions.2.Does not abuse the rights of others.3.Takes steps to prevent problems with other workers.rms me before taking any important actions.Sportsmanship1.Consumes a lot of time complaining about trivial matters.(R)2.Tends to make "mountains out of molehills" (makes problemsbigger than they are). (R)3.Constantly talks about wanting to quit his/her job. (R)4.Always focuses on what's wrong with his/her situation,rather than the positive side of it. (R)Conscientiousness1.Is always punctual.2.Never takes long lunches or breaks.3.Does not take extra breaks.4.Obeys company rules, regulations and procedures even whenno one is watching.Civic virtue1.Keeps abreast of changes in the organization.2.Attends functions that are not required, but that help thecompany image.3.Attends and participates in meetings regarding theorganization.4."Keeps up" with developments in the company.Items denoted with ( R ) are reverse scored.信度:The reliabilities were over .70 for each dimension, and all items used a seven-point response format.效度:备注:cognition-and affect-based trust英文名称:cognition-and affect-based trust中文名称:基于情感和认知的信任作者:Kok-Yee Ng (黄国燕) and Roy Y. J. Chua (蔡泳瑜)出处:Management and Organization ReviewVolume 2 Page 43 - March 2006doi:10.1111/j.1740-8784.2006.00028.x Volume 2 Issue 1简介:条目:Do I contribute more when I trust more? Differential effects ofcognition-and affect-based trustKok-Yee Ng (黄国燕) and Roy Y. J. Chua (蔡泳瑜)基于McAllister (1995)的信任量表基于情感的信任1. 你能够与他们自由地分享想法、感受和希望。