



4 / 15
9 地车充电器维修采购
*按近 1 年项目金额排序,最多展示前 10 记录。
1 AUDIT 检测台
中标金额 (万元)
本报告于 2023 年 02 月 21 日 生成
2 / 15
1.3.2 重点项目 重点项目
一汽模具(天津)有 限公司
中标金额 (万元)
小车变频控制柜及小车变频调压系 一汽模具制造有限公

TOP3 水冷机维修组件 10.28
一汽模具制造有限公 司
TOP10 西门子备件
一汽模具制造有限公 司
公告时间 2022-12-30 2023-02-09 2023-01-13 2022-10-12 2022-11-21 2022-12-23 2022-10-17 2022-10-17 2022-10-31 2022-09-02
*项目金额排序,最多展示前 10 记录。
小车变频控制柜及小车变频调压系 统
2 水冷机维修组件 10.28
3 钢构螺栓
4 甩油盘(带密封圈)



备 注
□ □ □ □ □ □
单 杆 伸 缩 缸 SZK
Z (气/手动)
40 63 40 40
M (手动)
...T00 —无控 ...T08 —气控 ...T12 —电控
□ □ □ □ □ □
09 10 11 12
双 杆 伸 缩 缸 SZV
M (手动) D Z (双导杆) (气/手动)
扬角参数 (优选)
2D 图册

竖 横 竖 横 竖 横 竖 夹 横 竖 紧 横
Z (气/手动)
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
...T00… —无控 ...T08… —气控 ...T12… —电控
竖 横

竖 横 竖 横 竖 横 竖 横
°; K:…4型参数 A10(夹臂居中) A11(夹臂偏右) A12(夹臂偏左) K 50 A11 ... K2 50 A11 ... K 63 A11 ... K2 63 A11 ... K 80 A11 ... K2 80 A11 ... V 80 A11 ... V2 80 A11 ... K 50 Z A11 ... K2 50 Z A11 ... K 63 Z A11 ... K2 63 Z A11 ... K 80 Z A11 ... K2 80 Z A11 ... V 80 Z A11 ... V2 80 Z A11 ... MK 50.1 A11 ... MK2 50.1 A11 ... MK 63.1 A11 ... MK2 63.1 A11 ... K 50 A12 ... K2 50 A12 ... K 63 A12 ... K2 63 A12 ... K 80 A12 ... K2 80 A12 ... V 80 A12 ... V2 80 A12 ... K 50 Z A12 ... K2 50 Z A12 ... K 63 Z A12 ... K2 63 Z A12 ... K 80 Z A12 ... K2 80 Z A12 ... V 80 Z A12 ... V2 80 Z A12 ... MK 50.1 A12 ... MK2 50.1 A12 ... MK 63.1 A12 ... MK2 63.1 A12 ... -






















当从无杆腔输入压缩空气时,有杆腔排气,气缸两腔的压力差作用在活塞上所形成 的力克服阻力负载推动活塞运动,使活塞杆伸出;当有杆腔进气,无杆腔排气时,使活 塞杆缩回。若有杆腔和无杆腔交替进气和排气,活塞实现往复直线运动。
13 12 11 10 9 8 7
1、3-缓冲柱塞;2-活塞;4-缸筒;5-导向套 ;6-防尘圈;7-前端盖 ;8- 气口 ;9-传感器;10-活塞杆;11-耐磨环;12-密封圈 ;13-后端盖;14-缓冲 节流阀
气缸的原理 ........................................................................................................................ 3 普通气缸 .................................................................................................................... 3 磁性开关气缸的结构和工作原理.....................................................................动作指示灯 ;2-保护电路 ;3-开关外壳;4-导线;5-活塞;6-磁环;7 -缸筒;8-舌簧开关



The Right Cylinder for the Right DutyContentsIntroduction (2)Hydraulic vs. Pneumatic (2)Design Factors (2)Capacity (3)Stroking Distance (3)Speed (3)Temperature (3)Mounting Styles (4)Cylinder Bore Size (4)Piston Rod Size (4)Cylinder Configurations (5)Rod Ends / Rod Threading (5)Cylinder Body Tube (5)Stop Tubing (5)Seals (5)Additional Considerations (5)Conclusion ..................................................................................................6About the AuthorsJim Hauser is a Senior Engineer who started his career as an Engineer Trainee at Parker Hannifin Cylinder Division 43 years ago. Throughouthis tenure, he has held positions as a Design Engineer, Lab Supervisor and most recently Quote Engineering. He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Rade Knezevic has 24 years with Parker Hannifin and is currently a Global Account Manager. He holds a BSin Industrial Engineering, from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. Rade is responsible for the sales growth of Industrial and Mobile cylinders in the Eastern Region of the US, which includes management of six field-based Cylinder Application Engineers (CAEs). Rade started his career in Manufactur-ing Engineering as a Trainee and has held positions as a CAE, Product Manager and Division Business Development Manager.Jim Hauser Rade Knezevic Senior Engineer, Division Sales Manager, Parker Cylinder Division Parker Cylinder DivisionIntroductionThe first hydraulic press may have been invented in the 3rd Century BC, but the fluid power universe has become a little more compli-cated since then. Today’s hydraulic cylinders, which essentially convert fluid pressure and flow into force and linear movement, are complex devices incorporating a wide range of individual components available in a multitude of dimensions, configurations and materials. For many OEM design engineers, playing it safe by over-engineering cylinder specifications has become a precautionary habit in the presence of ever-improving cylinder technologies. This article will help clarify why less is sometimes more when it comes to complex hydraulic systems, while identifying some of the many factors to be considered when specifying hydraulic cylinders.Design Factors in Hydraulic Cylinder SpecificationSpecifying hydraulic cylindersis essentially a balancing act as each design factor influences one or more of the many other design considerations. For example, the urethane seals ideal for applications as cold as -65°F (-54°C) will tolerate 200°F (129°C) of heat, while other materials capable of tolerating temperatures as high as 500°F (260°C), will do so at the sacri-fice of some cold-temperature performance.Although NFPA standards and ISO-compliant guidelines are a great starting point for hydraulic system design, many industries have guidelines of their own. Working with an engineering manufacturer experienced with all these standards can expedite the design process.Cylinder manufacturers can offera range of options capable ofachieving the widest scope ofperformance requirements thatincrease the likelihood thatstandard components will meetthe design criteria of a application.For example, most cylinder man-ufacturers offer 19 mount options,which cover the standard NFPAmount offerings. Standard compo-nents have the additionaladvantage of being readilyavailable worldwide, expeditingjust-in-time warehousing anddelivery of replacement parts ascomponents reach the end oftheir service life cycle.A review of the major factors is tobe considered when specifyinghydraulic cylinders follows.Hydraulic vs. PneumaticAlthough pneumatic systems are in some respects simpler, they are generally incapable of achieving the transfer of higher loads and forces. Hydraulic cylin-ders also have the advantage of smoother, more controllable movement as they are devoid of the spring-like action associated with the release of gaseous fluid media. As an added benefit, hydraulic systems can perform ancillary functions such as lubricating and cooling.However, since the availability ofpower and media is a non-nego-tiable factor in fluid powersystem design, it should benoted that a properly designedand sized pneumatic system canachieve higher performancewhere a compact footprint is notrequired. Further considerationsof pneumatic cylinder design areoutside the scope of this article.Although NFPA standards and ISO-compliant guidelines are a great starting point for hydraulic system design,many industries have guidelines of their own. “”CapacityMedium-duty systems account for most of industrial applications and are typically at 1000 PSI. Heavy-duty systems are com-mon to applications such as hydraulic presses, automotive applications, and other related industrial applications. Standard heavy-duty hydraulic cylindersare capable of handling pres-sures as high as 3000 PSI, withload capabilities relative to thefull piston area (in square inches)when exposed to fluid pressuremultiplied by the gauge pressurein PSI. Excessive load require-ments may be achieved withoutsacrificing other areas of perfor-mance through the use oftandem cylinder constructionsrather than larger bore or customhigh-pressure cylinder designs.Stroking Distance RequirementsAlthough custom stroke distanc-es above 10 feet (3.05m) are possible. Pressure rating can be a concern. Rod diameter needs to be determined to handle the load. If necessary, a pressurerating on load in thrust (pushmode) will need to be specified.Rod sag from horizontal applica-tions may result in premature rodbearing wear. Weighing eachpositive effect against potentialnegatives is essential to optimiz-ing hydraulic systemperformance.SpeedEvery application engineer has his or her own definition of “excessive speed.” As a good rule of thumb, standard hydraulic cylinder seals can easily handle speeds up to 3.28 feet (1 meter) per second. The tolerance threshold for standard cushions is roughly two thirds (2/3) of that speed. Frequently, a standard low-fric-tion seal is the better choice forhigher speed applications. Buthere too, what you gain in oneaspect of performance you losein another. The greater the fluidvelocity, the higher the fluidtemperature, so when opting forspeed-increasing customizationsit is essential to consider theimpact of higher temperatures onthe entire hydraulic system. Insome hydraulic systems, over-sized the ports may eliminateescalated temperature concerns.TemperatureAs previously noted, hydraulic cylinder systems using standard components can be designed to meet application temperatures as hot as 500°F (260°C) and as cold as -65°F (-54°C). But tempera-tures affect both the “hard” and “soft” design components of cylinders. Applications requiringtemperature extremes at eitheror both ends of the temperaturespectrum require extensiveknowledge of the interdependen-cy of individual components toachieve the best balance ofshort- and long-termperformance expectations. Forexample, applications near thenorth or south poles, will seecontraction of the seals andmetal parts due to the extremetemperatures.Mounting StylesThere are fundamentally three categories of mounting styles. Both Fixed and Pivot styles can absorb forces on the cylinder’s centerline and typically include medium- and heavy-duty mounts for accommodating thrust or tension. A third category of Fixed styles allows the entire cylinder to be supported by the mounting surface below cylinder centerline, rather than absorbing forces only along the centerline.There are several available standardized mounts within these categories. Engineers can use these variety of mount offerings for an ever-widening number of application require-ments. NFPA Tie rod cylinders, which are used in the majority of industrial systems, typically can be mounted using a variety of standard mating configurations from trunnion-style heads and caps to extended tie rod cap and/ or head end styles, flange-style heads, side-lug and side-tapped styles, a range of spherical bearing configurations, and cap fixed clevis designs. Most of these mounting options are available for both single acting and double rod cylinders.The goal of every mounting design is to allow the mount to absorb force, stabilizing the system and optimizing perfor-mance. For rods loaded primarilyin compression (push), cap endmounts are recommended; forthose in tension (pull), a headend mount is preferred.It is the amount of tension orcompression that determinespiston rod diameter; it is theamount of pull or push thatdetermines the bore diameter.Other relevant factors to considerwhen selecting a mounting styleinclude:• Load• Speed• Cylinder motion (straight/fixed or pivot)Every mounting type comes withits own benefits and limitations.For example, trunnions forpivot-mounted cylinders areincompatible with self-aligningbearings where the small bearingarea is positioned at a distancefrom the trunnions and cylinderheads. Improper use of such aconfiguration introduces bendingforces that can overstress thetrunnion pins.Many performance expectationsthat at first appear to requireatypical mounts can be accom-modated by existing styles,sometimes with only slightmodifications, facilitating replace-ment and reducing costs.Cylinder Bore SizeBore size is related to operating pressure; as previously noted, it is the amount of push or pull force required that determines the bore size needed. Earlier generations of steel and alumi-num mill equipment oftenrequired the use of non-standardbore and rod sizes. Today,virtually every industrial require-ment can be met with NFPAstandard and/or ISO-compliantcomponents.Style J(NFPA MF1)Style JB(NFPA MF5)Style H(NFPA MF2)Piston Rod Size OEM design engineers probablyrequest customization of piston rod sizes more frequently than any other hydraulic cylinder component. What is not always considered is the simple fact that push or pull is never independent of stroke length. Just as a pushed rope holds a straight line only in relation to its length (the longer the rope, the more the rope curls), piston rods under compression or tension tend to diffuse force in non-linear directions.Specifying costly materials such as stainless steel or alloy steels for the rods themselves is another common example of over-engi-neering. In most extreme applications, chrome plating provides a high level of corrosion-resistance required to optimize system longevity.Cylinder ConfigurationsFor applications requiring equal force pressure on both sides of the piston, a standard double-acting cylinder configuration using pressure to extend and retract the cylinder, combined with a four-way directional control valve to direct pressure to either the head or the end cap, is almost always preferable to more customized solutions. An experienced hydraulic solu-tions manufacturer will be familiar with every conceivable cylinder assembly configuration and the unintended consequences of customizing individual components versus combining standard cylinders in creative ways to meet unusual performance requirements.Rod Ends / RodThreadingThis is one area where standardoptions are so vast customizationis rarely needed. Additionally,standard threads can be made ininch or metric format. Typically,each available diameter isavailable in four distinct rod endstyles. Even in those rareinstances where a modificationseems to be called for, it isimportant to considerthe effects of modifications onfunction-enhancing accessories.The relatively small performancecompromise resulting fromstandardizing rod ends is almostalways warranted by the versatil-ity such standardization affords.Even a modest modificationsuch as under-sizing threads willrequire de-rating the cylinder andmay necessitate special toolingfor non-standard pitch, resultingin delays, expense, and theinability to readily mate withaccessory components.CylinderBody TubeStandard cylinder bodies areplain steel or chromed plated andwill be able to handle a majorityof applications. Using alloysteels, stainless steel or brassmaterials are prevalent in specialapplication like a water typeenvironment.Stop TubingStop tubing is generally used tolengthen the distance betweenthe rod bearing and the pistonbearing in order to reducebearing load on push-strokecylinders when the cylinder isfully extended. Stop tubing isespecially critical for horizontallymounted cylinders where it helpsto restrict the extended positionof the rod. In such applications,increased distance helps achievegreater stability and increasebearing life.SealsAlthough it is not common torequire all existing materialcompounds, an experiencedhydraulic system manufacturerwill offer seals to meet a com-plete range of temperatures andfluid types, and can help guidean engineer’s specification tomeet precise application require-ments.HY08-1731-B1 07/20© 2020 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin CorporationCylinder Division500 South Wolf RoadDes Plaines, IL 60016-3198 USA /cylinder ConclusionThere are certainly applications for which specifying the right cylinder for the right duty require some customization either in component size, material type or configuration. However, far more often than not, partnering with an experienced hydraulic system solution manufacturer early in the design process will save the OEM engineering team time and money while ensuring the system does its assigned duties as efficiently as possible for as long as possible.Additional Considerations Every industrial application is unique, and there are many ancillary components involved in hydraulic cylinder specification. Energy-absorbing cushions, pillow blocks, regenerative circuits, over- or under-sizing ports — all these and more contribute to optimizing the performance of hydraulic sys -tems, depending on each application’s specific perfor -mance requirements. As with the specification of more fundamental components, selecting appropriate ancillary components can present a specification challenge. For example, cushions are intended to retard the force of motion, but OEM engineers sometimes overlook the fact that fluids are typically not moving very fast anyway and may not require such redundancy in certain types of systems. An engineer may be tempted to take a “belt and suspenders” approach to design -ing push/pull systems by using cushions with spring cylinder systems, overlooking the fact that the oil needs to work its way through the cap, hoses, valves and so on. In such cases, specifying standard single action cylinders with cushions may be wiser than attempting to insert cushions into spring cylinders.New Automated Cylinder Quoting ToolNeed help determining the right cylinder for yourneeds? Use Parker’s easy to use cylinder quoting tool.。


各种与定位销,吸盘, 传感器等部件连接的 结构
Double Traverse
TÜNKERS® 抓手产品介绍
主框架部件 - GF - GFLA - GK - GNFA - GNK - GNKS - GNXK - GRW - GR - GRST - GTS - GT
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重量更轻 偏移更小 精度更高 震动更小 所需维护更少 所需机器人投入更少
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TÜNKERS® 抓手产品介绍
欧标八角管抓手由欧洲欧标管研究小组开发。(现有成员: Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche, Volkswagen) Tünkers被授权允许进行制造及装配。
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文献分类号:XXX 备案号:XXXXXX 焊接工装夹具设计技术要求(征求意见稿)****—**—**发布 ****—**—**实施Q/DPCA神龙汽车有限公司企业标准神龙汽车有限公司 发布(标准密级)签 字编制审核标准化批准许泽军DUWH/STG (姓名)(部门)(姓名)(部门)(姓名)(部门)日期2008年10月10日)(签字)日期(签字)日期(签字)日期(签字)下列人员参加了本标准编写和审核:DUWH/STG 黄华目录前言 (Ⅲ)标准演变 (Ⅳ)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 夹紧器 (1)4 翻板 (5)5 气动控制 (8)6 定位销部件 (10)7 焊接夹具三坐标检测部件 (11)8 焊接夹具底板 (11)9 标牌 (11)10 工装样架(吊具) (11)11 定位销 (12)12 焊点导向部件 (13)13 翻转夹具 (15)14 旋转夹具 (15)15带滚轮夹具 (15)附件一 (16)附件二 (25)附件三 (27)前言为使焊接工装夹具在设计方面满足PSA标准的前提下,针对成本要求,作出具体的设计技术要求,形成本标准。





标准演变版本号日期更改内容V01 2005年05月10日创建标准V02 2006年06月10日第一次修改V03 2007年08月10日第二次修改V04 2008年10月10日第三次修改1. 范围本技术要求(标准)适用于神龙汽车有限公司焊装夹具,本标准内的相关技术要求用于指导和规范焊装夹具的设计、制造、安装、调试与验收。

2. 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。




418 778 1138 1498 1858 2218 2578 2938 3298 3658 4018
材质:铝 重量:4.87kg/m
EGT002 最大长度: 4078mm
EGT002 标准长度 (mm)
88 118 148 178
448 478 508 538
808 038 868 898
1168 1198 1228 1258
4048 4078
: 类型
2098 : L
328 688 1048 1408 1768 2128 2488 2848 3208 3568 3928
358 718 1078 1438 1798 2158 2518 2878 3238 3598 3968
388 748 1108 1468 1828 2188 2548 2908 3268 3628 3988
订购代号 :
连接EGT006 和 EGT006
装配组件 M8×25 螺栓 S8 垫片 M6×45 螺栓 S6 垫片
数量 1 1 2 2
材质:钢 重量:0.41kg
订购代号 :

连接EGT006 和 EGT006
装配组件 M8×25 螺栓 S8 垫片
数量 2 2
材质:钢 重量:0.38kg
5.3 管材的负载-弯曲曲线
EGT001 最大长度: 4078mm
EGT001 标准长度 (mm)
88 448 808 1168 1528 1888 2248 2608 2968 3328 3688
118 478 038 1198 1558 1918 2278 2638 2998 3358 3718



208 568 928 1288 1648 2008 2368 2728 3088 3448 3808
EGT001 标准长度 (mm)
1318 1678
1348 1708
2758 3118
2788 3148
EGT002 标准长度 (mm)
2038 2398
2068 2428
3478 3838
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
3508 3868
298 658 1018 1378 1738 2098 2458 2818 3178 3538 3898
388 748 1108 1468 1828 2188 2548 2908 3268 3628 3988
418 778 1138 1498 1858 2218 2578 2938 3298 3658 4018
订购代号 :
: 类型
2098 : L
材质:铝 重量 :4.87kg/m
EGT052 EGT001
VGT023 2.3 EGT054+EGT001
EGT001 (EGT002) 最大长度 598mm
2×EGT081 (2 ×EGT083)
EGT001 最大长度 1000mm





















EGT002 标准长度 (mm)
1318 1678
1348 1708
2038 2398 2758
2068 2428 2788
3118 3478
3148 3508
298 658 1018 1378 1738 2098 2458 2818 3178 3538 3898
328 688 1048 1408 1768 2128 2488 2848 3208 3568 3928
358 718 1078 1438 1798 2158 2518 2878 3238 3598 3968
388 748 1108 1468 1828 2188 2548 2908 3268 3628 3988
118 478 038 1198 1558 1918 2278 2638 2998 3358 3718 4078
148 508 868 1228 1588 1948 2308 2668 3028 3388 3748
178 538 898 1258 1618 1978 2338 2698 3058 3418 3778
EGT001 5.2 圆管 直径30mm钢管EGT006 每一个单元所使用的EGT006管材最大总长度不超过300mm 如右图:239+39+17= 295mm
5.3 管材的负载-弯曲曲线
EGT001 最大长度: 4078mm
88 448 808 1168 1528 1888 2248 2608 2968 3328 3688 4048



DHRS/HGRT系列 (φ10-φ40)
HDM系列 (φ12-φ32)
功能替换 尺寸替换
MCK(A/B)系列 (φ40-φ80) CK(G)1/CKG(P)A系列* (φ40-φ100)
功能替换 □尺寸替换
DWB/DWC系列* (φ50-φ80)
功能替换 □尺寸替换
CAC3系列 (φ40-φ80)
功能替换 □尺寸替换
DFSP系列 (φ16-φ50)
功能替换 尺寸替换
功能替换 尺寸替换
MSBS/R系列 (φ32-φ50)
RSH/RS2H总长度有差异,安装及 功能尺寸一致不影响替换 STF安装尺寸一致,阻挡高度略有 差异,替换时要考虑 MSBD50安装尺寸与TWH不一,可以 完全替换TWM50 FESTO-本体安装尺寸一致,阻挡 高度不一,替换要考虑安装高度
MRL2-G系列 (φ6-φ32)
功能替换 尺寸替换
MRH系列 (φ6-φ32)替换RMTL
功能替换 尺寸替换
MCRPMS系列 (φ20/φ25)替换 RMT
功能替换 尺寸替换
SDA系列 (Φ12-Φ40)
MCMI系列 (Φ8-Φ40)
功能替换 尺寸替换
(φ8-φ25)符合ISO6432标 准,40缸径个品牌间略有 差异
暂无 功能替换 尺寸替换 CM2系列 (φ20-φ40) 功能替换 尺寸替换 CMK2系列 (Φ25/Φ32) 暂无
功能替换 尺寸替换 SCS系列 (φ125-φ250)


Tuenkers Machinery & Automation Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai
一、Mini Clamps (小夹紧器,一体式,带自锁机构)
订货实例: K32 A10 T12 105° 注意:产品订货时型号一定要按要求写完整
一、Mini Clamps (小夹紧器)
二、Vario Clamps (一体式夹紧器)
V40 BR2
V50.1/63.1/80.1 (Z)/(S)/(R)/(P)
VG40/50/63/80 (Z)/(S)/(R)/(P)
气缸型号,32为缸径 气缸提供的夹紧力:气缸选型重要参数--Clamping moment at 5bar : 55Nm
Tuenkers Machinery & Automation Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai
二、 Vario Clamps (一体式夹紧器,带自锁机构)
Tuenkers Machinery & Automation Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai
Power Clamp 种类: 一、Mini Clamps (小夹紧器) 二、 Vario Clamps (一体式夹紧器) 三、Underbody Clamp (底板缸) 四、 Dual-arm Clamp (双夹臂夹紧器) 五、Special Cylinder (伸缩销) 六、Manual Clamps (手动夹紧器) 七、Printing Unit (翻转单元)






















Tuenkers Machinery & Automation Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai
五、Special Cylinder (伸缩销、不带自锁机构)
订货实例: SZK40 A00
V50.1 气缸的其他附件及其含义
I A10 Z
P T12
105° 夹臂左右导向限位 夹臂在夹紧状态下的外部限位
止动器:可以确保夹臂在打开状态下处于打开位置不动 表示气缸带手动装置,可以手动打开、夹紧, 手柄是客户自己根据现场情况焊接上去的 气缸进气孔带调整装置,可以控制进气流量, 类似如节流阀
T04 T05
微型开关, 24V ,2出口电阻为15千欧。
微型开关,220V ,1出口。 微型开关,220V, 2出口。
Tuenkers Machinery & Automation Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai
一、Mini Clamps (小夹紧器,一体式,带自锁机构)
Tuenkers Machinery & Automation Technology Co., Ltd, Shanghai
V50.1 夹臂型号及其区别
A40:夹臂安装面到气缸安装面距离比A10大30mm,其他参数相同 A41:相对于A40来讲安装到气缸上后,将传感器正对自己,右手为A41,V2型号的夹臂也是如此; A42:相对于A40来讲安装到气缸上后,将传感器正对自己,左手为A42,V2型号的夹臂也是如此; A43:A40的延伸产品,大众标准,与A40的区别是安装面上的孔要大,具体看Data sheet A44:A41的延伸产品,大众标准,与A41的区别是安装面上的孔要大,具体看Data sheet A45:A42的延伸产品,大众标准,与A42的区别是安装面上的孔要大,具体看Data sheet



116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 149
152 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 185
188 191 194 197 200 203 206 209 212 215 218 221
1. BASE板 欧标抓具提供多种标准化的BASE板
EGT 016
EGT 017 VGT 023
2. 主框架结构
160 0m m
EGT 052
8 326
8 329
EG8T0028-20988 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
E3G32T030325 33:8类3型41 344 347 350 353 356 359 362 365
8 820988 : L8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
368 371 374 377 380 383 386 389 392 396 398 401
88 118 148 178 208 238 268 298 328 358 388 418
448 478 508 538 568 598 628 658 688 718 748 778
101 104 107 110 113
808 038 868 898 928 958 988 8 8 8 8 8



带夹紧装置气缸,标准孔型2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/03带夹紧装置气缸,标准孔型特征一览夹紧装置通常用于对在径向移动的活塞杆进行任意位置的摩擦锁定。




• 给夹紧装置供气时,夹紧力释放• 静态握持力可达8000 N • 气缸符合 ISO 15552(DIN ISO 6431),标准(除安装长度)选型帮助带夹紧装置气缸 DNCKE页码6• 用作夹持装置(静态应用):– 压力失效时可握持和夹紧– 压力失效和压力下降时具有保护作用– 在中间停顿时,可固定住活塞杆以便于相应的工序得到执行。

• 可选择多种安装方式带夹紧装置气缸DNCKE-S ,用于与安全相关的应用场合页码9• 用于控制系统安全相关部分的气动制动/保持装置。



• 获得德国社会事故保险协会(DGUV )职业安全与健康研究所的认证。

DGUV 测试(IFA )中的测试和认证机构。


• 用作夹持装置(静态应用): – 压力失效时可握持和夹紧– 压力失效和压力下降时具有保护作用– 在中间停顿时,可固定住活塞杆以便于相应的工序得到执行。

• 用作制动装置(动态应用):– 运动制动或停止– 进入危险区域时运动中止• 夹紧装置的夹持力大于气缸的最大许用进给力• 用于符合EN ISO 13849-1标准的第1类控制系统(可靠的元件)。


• 当被用作制动装置时,须定期检查超行程• 当产品被用在与安全相关的应用场合时,必须根据有效标准及规定进行选型和布局。

带夹紧装置气缸,标准孔型型号代码32020/03 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...带夹紧装置气缸,标准孔型外围元件一览4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2020/03带夹紧装置气缸,标准孔型外围元件一览5 2020/03 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...带夹紧装置气缸DNCKE, 标准孔型技术参数-N-缸径40, 63, 100 mm -T-行程10 ... 2000 mmH--注意如果用于有安全要求的控制系统,需要额外的措施;例如,在欧洲,必须遵守欧盟机械指令中所列的各项标准。



Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders5/16" Bore Size Single ActingMounting Style NSingle Acting Spring ReturnFront Nose MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 21/2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 4"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0016 Foot BracketOptional Accessories:L0 7379 0023 Foot Bracket L0 7132 0025 Pivot Bracket L0 7130 0025 Rod ClevisMounting Style RPSingle Acting Spring ExtendRear Pivot MountingStainless Steel Rod Standard Standard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 1121/2", 3"Maximum Stroke 4"Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders 5/16" Bore Size Double Acting Block MountSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders7/16" Bore Size Single ActingMounting Style NSingle Acting Spring ReturnFront Nose MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 21/2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0024 Foot BracketOptional Accessories:L0 7379 0028 Foot BracketMounting Style RSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront Nose MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3"Maximum Stroke 6"Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders7/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders7/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingMounting Style BFNSingle Acting Spring ReturnFront Block MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3"Maximum Stroke 6"Mounting Style BRDDouble ActingRear Block MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 12"Block Mounted .75 DIA. BOLT CIRCLETrunnion MountedSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders7/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders9/16" Bore Size Single ActingMounting Style NSingle ActingSpring ReturnFront Nose MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0028 Foot BracketOptional Accessory:L0 7379 0028 Foot BracketMounting Style RSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront Nose MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for half inch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one half inch.*T o determine lengths for half inch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders9/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders3/4" Bore Size Single ActingMounting Style NSingle Acting Spring ReturnFront Nose MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0032 Foot BracketOptional Accessory:L0 7379 0040 Foot BracketMounting Style RSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront Nose MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*To determine lengths for half inch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one half inch.*To determine lengths for half inch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders3/4" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders3/4" Bore SizeDouble Acting and Adjustable Stroke Single ActingMounting Style KDXDouble ActingDouble Rod — Double End Mounting Stainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6"Maximum Stroke 12"Optional Accessories: L0 7130 0200 Rod Clevis L0 7131 0200 Pivot BracketMounting Style APAdjustable Stroke — Single Acting Spring Return — Rear Pivot Mounting Stroke adjustment in 1" increments to 3"1" Stroke adjusts 0"-1", 2" Stroke 1"-2",and 3" Stroke 2"-3"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0040 Foot BracketBlock MountedSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders3/4" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders3/4" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingMounting Style TRNSingle Acting Spring ReturnRear T runnion MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract a half inch.Mounting Style TFRSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront T runnion MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Trunnion MountedSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders7/8" Bore Size Single ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders7/8" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingMounting Style RPSingle Acting Spring ExtendRear Pivot MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessories: L0 7130 0200 Rod Clevis L0 7131 0200 Pivot Bracket*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/16" Bore Size Single ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersMounting Style RPSingle Acting Spring ExtendStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 11/2", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessories:L0 7130 0300 Rod Clevis L0 7131 0200 Pivot Bracket*To determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0040 Foot BracketNOTE: Piston rod is available w/o wrench flat (at no extra charge).Specify when ordering.Mounting Style KDXDouble ActingDouble End Mounting — Double Rod Stainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4", 5, 6"Maximum Stroke 12"1-1/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders 1-1/16" Bore SizeDouble Acting and Adjustable Stroke Single ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingMounting Style BRNSingle Acting Spring ReturnRear Block MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract a half inch.Mounting Style BFRSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront Block MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Block MountedSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/16" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingTrunnion MountedSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/4" Bore Size Single ActingMounting Style NSingle Acting Spring ReturnFront Nose MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0048 Foot Bracket*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract a half inch.*T o determine lengths for halfstroke and subtract one inch.Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0048 Foot BracketMounting Style RSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront Nose MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/4" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/2" Bore Size Single ActingMounting Style NSingle Acting Spring ReturnFront Nose MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/2", 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract a half inch.Mounting Style RPSingle ActingSpring ExtendRear Pivot MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determinestroke and subtract one inch.Optional Accessory:Optional Accessories: L0 7130 0400 Rod Clevis L0 7131 0300 Pivot BracketSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/2" Bore Size Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-1/2" Bore SizeSingle Acting Adjustable StrokeMounting Style AAdjustable Stroke — Single Acting Spring ReturnDouble End MountingStroke Adjustment in 1" Increments to 3"; 1" Stroke Adjusts 0"-1", 2" Stroke 1"-2", and 3" Stroke 2"-3"Maximum Stroke 6"Includes Mtg. Brackets Spring Load Normal 9 lbs.Spring Load Extended 18 lbs.Mounting Style APAdjustable Stroke — Single Acting Spring ReturnRear Pivot Mounting Stroke Adjustment in 1" Incrementsto 3"; 1" Stroke Adjusts 0"-1", 2" Stroke 1"-2",and 3" Stroke 2"-3"Maximum Stroke 6"Spring Load Normal 9 lbs.Spring Load Extended 18 lbs.Optional Accessories: L0 7130 0400 Rod Clevis L0 7131 0300 Pivot BracketNotes:Series SR Stainless Steel Body Air CylindersBlock Mounted1-1/2" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersTrunnion Mounted1-1/2" Bore SizeSingle and Double ActingMounting Style TRNSingle Acting Spring ReturnRear T runnion MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract a half inch.Mounting Style TFRSingle Acting Spring ExtendFront T runnion MountingStainless Steel Rod StandardStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4"Maximum Stroke 6"*T o determine lengths for halfinch stroke increments, determine length for next highest whole number stroke and subtract one inch.Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-3/4" Bore SizeSingle ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders1-3/4" Bore Size Double ActingMounting Style DDouble ActingFront Nose MountingStandard Stroke Lengths: 1/221/2", 3", 4", 5", 6"Maximum Stroke 12"Optional Accessory:L0 7379 0102 Foot BracketOptional Accessory:L0 7379 0102 Foot BracketMounting Style KDXHDouble ActingDouble End Mounting Double Hollow RodStandard Stroke Lengths: 1", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6"Maximum Stroke 12"Series SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders2" Bore Size Single ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders2" Bore Size Double ActingMounting Style DDouble ActingFront Nose Mounting Maximum Stroke 12"Optional Accessories: L0 7379 0124 Foot Bracket L0 7380 1200 Mounting NutSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders2-1/2" Bore SizeDouble ActingSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders3" Bore Size Double ActingMounting Style DDouble ActingFront Nose Mounting Maximum Stroke 12"Optional Accessories:L0 7379 0140 Foot Mount L0 7380 1500 Mounting NutSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersStandard Accessories with DimensionsSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersPort, Spring Force DataPort Size — Rod Diameter — Spring Force DataSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersMounting Styles Series SR Available Mounting StylesBore Size Recommended Model Description5/16"††7/16"9/16"3/4"7/8"1-1/16"1-1/4"1-1/2"1-3/4"2"v2-1/2"3"Max. Stroke (in.)N Nose mount, spring return••••••••••——6"NR Nose mount, spring return,—••••••••———6"hex rod (non-rotating)NRP Pivot and nose mount, spring return,—••••••••———6"hex rod (non-rotating)P Pivot mount, spring return••••••••••——6"R Nose mount, spring extended••••••••••——6"RP Pivot and nose mount, spring extend••••••••—•——6"D Nose mount, double acting••••••••••••12"DP Pivot and nose mount, double acting,—•—•—•—•————12" (under 3/4" bore) pivot pin32" (3/4" & up) DXP Pivot and nose mount, double acting,••••••••••••12" (under 3/4" bore) no pivot pin32" (3/4" & up) DX Threaded both ends, double acting—See DXP See DXP See DXP See DXP See DXP See DXP•—See DXP——32" KDX Threaded both ends, double acting,—•••••••••••6" (under 3/4" bore) double rod12" (3/4" & up) KDXH Threaded both ends, double rod,—————•••••——12"hollow rodA Nose mount, spring return, head———•—•—•————6"adjustable strokeRA Nose mount, spring extend, cap———•—•—•————6"adjustable strokeAP Pivot mount, spring return, head———•—•—•————6"adjustable strokeAR Air reservoirs———•—•—•—•——12" BRN Rear block mount, single acting,—•—•—•—•————6"spring returnBRR Rear block mount, single acting———•—•—•————6"spring extendBFD Front block mount, double acting••—•—•—•————12" BRD Rear block mount, double acting—•—•—•—•————12" BFN Front block mount, single acting—•—•—•—•————6"spring returnBFR Front block mount, single acting———•—•—•————6"spring extendTRN Rear trunnion mount, single acting,—•—•—•—•————6"spring returnTRR Rear trunnion mount, single acting———•—•—•————6"spring extendTFD Front trunnion mount, double acting—•—•—•—•————12" TRD Rear trunnion mount, double acting—•—•—•—•————12" TFN Front trunnion mount, single acting—•—•—•—•————6"spring returnTFR Front trunnion mount, single acting———•—•—•————6"spring extendv Recommended maximum stroke is 4" in models N, P, R & RP.††Recommended maximum stroke is 4".Series SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersStandard OptionsStainless Steel Piston RodsCorrosion resistant stainless steel is the standard piston rod material for all bore sizes up to and including 1.50 inch bore at no additional cost. The only exception to the stainless steel standard is when a hollow rod or non-rotating hexagonal rod option is specified. Stainless steel is also the standardmaterial on block, trunnion and KDX mounts. Stainless steel is available on other sizes for an additional charge.Rod WiperSeries SR/SRM cylinders can be fitted with a rod wiper that is specially designed to prevent contaminants from clinging to the piston rod and damaging the piston rod seal. Available in 3/4", 1-1/16", and 1-1/2" bores, the piston rod wiper can be added to the SR/SRM and SRD/SRDM series.Cushion Adjusting Needle ValvesThe fine-thread cushion needle valves make precise adjust-ment quick and easy. The needle valve is fully captured to allow for safe cushion adjustment while cylinder is pressur-ized. The brass needle valves are corrosion resistant. The standard position for needle valve adjustments is position 1,90º from the port. See port location table for Series SRThe Schrader Bellows “Check Seal” system offers excellent cushioning efficiency and long cushion seal life. This seal is specifically designed for cushion applications and has a long proven history in Schrader Bellows products. Extensive side by side testing of the check seal in Series SR cylinders signifi-cantly outlasted and outperformed competitors’ o-ring shaped seals.The Check Seal’s unique geometry exhibits the dynamic sealing capabilities of a lipseal. As the cushion sleeve enters the Check Seal at the end of stroke, the Check Seal blocks the air from exhausting directly through the port and forces the air through the adjustable needle valve orifice. The exhaust airflowBore Size 5/16"7/16"9/16"3/4"7/8"11/16"11/4"11/2"13/4"2"21/2"3"TypeSpring Return *.062".062".125"*.125"****.125"N/A N/A Spring Extend *.125".062".125"*.125"****.125"N/A N/A Double Acting *.188".125"***.125"*.125"*.250".250"N/A K-typeN/A .250".125"***.500"*.125"*.250".250"N/A*Bumpers are furnished as standard and do not affect overall length.**Bumpers do not affect overall length.BumpersBumpers are available at extra cost, add the following dimensions to the overall cylinder length by boretion of the cylinder piston.During stroke reversal, the check valve action of the Check Seal induces a fast out-of-cushion response.The Check Seal floats forward in the retainer groove as the cushion sleeve exits the Cushion Seal, thereby creating a path for maximum air flow around the Check Seal to access the piston face.The quick response of the Schrader Bellows Check Seal design yields faster cycle times and increased productivity.Cushions can be selected on nine bore sizes, ranging from .75" bore to 3.0" bore with mounting styles D, front nose mount, and DXP , rear pivot mount. Adjustable cushons are optional at either end or both ends of Series SR/SRM cylinders.Fluorocarbon SealsAvailable on all bore sizes at extra cost.Adjustable Cushion OptionSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air Cylinders Adjustable Cushion OptionSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersHow To Order Series SR Air ReservoirsMagnetic Bumpers Fluorocarbon Rod CushionsDelrin®Piston SealsWipersEnd CapsMagneticPiston --xXxxxBumpers ----x x X x FluorocarbonSeals------X S x Rod Wiper --------x x Cushions----------SOption Availability Chartx = Available OptionsS = Available as Special X = Not AvailableDelrin® is a registered trademark of Dupont .Air ReservoirsOption Availability ChartSeries SRStainless Steel Body Air CylindersHow To OrderNon-Standard Rods Port Adapters239For Cylinder Division Plant Locations – See Page II.†B u m p e r s m a y a f f e c t O A L . C o n s u l t f a c t o r y f o r d e t a i l s .M = P i s t o n p o s i t i o n s e n s i n g a v a i l a b l e。

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