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2020学年第一学期期中考试 八年级英语试卷

、单项选择。(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ()1.1 can play

_____ piano well but I can ' t play _____________ soccer. A. an; a

B. a; the

C. the; /

D. /; an

()2. I don ' t like soap operas, because I think they are


A. meanin gless

B. in teresti ng

C. educatio nal

D. famous


— Mary eats less tha n before because she wants to become thinner.

—But I think the best way to be thinner is _____ e xercise.

A. with

B. through

C. around

D. about

()4. Old Peter often gives money to poor children, he isn ' t very rich. A. if B. because

C. although

D. and


— How ofte n do you play computer games, Jack?

— ______ e ver. I have too much homework to do every day.

A. Always

B. Ofte n

C. Sometimes

D. Hardly


— The girls enjoyed __________ at the party last ni ght.

—Yes. They really had a good time. A. themselves B. herself C. yourselves D. himself


— How do you like this book, Li nda?

— I really don ' t want to read it, because there is _____ in it.

A. someth ing in teresti ng

B. nothing in teresti ng

C. in teresti ng someth ing

D. in terest ing nothing


— Who sings better, Lucy or her sister?


— Can you help me ________ whe n the pla ne will leave for Shan ghai? —Yes. Wait a minu te, please.

A. wait for

B. look for


— How often do you watch n ews?

A. I can ' t stand it

B. I like watching it in the evening

C. I watch it every morning

D. I think it ' s very interesting


— Where did you _______ three days ago? —I _______ to Shan ghai with my father.

A. went; went

B. go; went

C. went; go

D. go; go

()13. Li Na is one of

_____ tennis players in China.

A. the most popular

B. the more popular

C. more popular

D. as popular ()14.

— Mom, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you like to buy me a _______ ne?


—Lucy. She sings A. as beautiful as C. more beautifully tha


()9. All pare nts

_____her sister.

B. more beautiful tha n D. the most beautifully their childre n can be successful.

A. decide

B. liste n

C. hope

D. try C. bring out D. find out

A. small

B. smaller

C. bigger

D. biggest

()15. ——Mom, I got first prize in the competiti on.

—____ , Jack!

A. Good luck

B. Right now

C. Good idea

D. Well do ne

()16. —I don ' t know how to be successful.

—you work hard, nothing is impossible (不可能的).

A. As soon as

B. As long as

C. As many as

D. As

much as

()17. —Which box is mine?

—Well, my box is not __________ as yours, though they look the same.

A. so big

B. bigger

C. biggest

D. the biggest

()18. Our history teacher is ___ tha n others. He always starts the less ons

with an interesting story.

A. as popular

B. more popular

C. most popular

D. the most popular

()19. —Where do you live?

—In Beiji ng. It is one of _____ in China.

A. as large cities

B. the largest cities

C. the largest city

D. a larger city

()20. —How _____ t he dinner yesterday?

—The food ________ very n ice.

A. was; taste

B. were; tasted

C. was; tasted

D. is;



Mrs. Gree n is an old woma n. She is 21 years old. Although she is old, 22 ____

she is very 23 and looks 24 . Why? Because she has a healthy lifestyle( 生活方式).Mrs. Green often exercises. She goes shopping three 25 a week on foot . She thi nks 26 is good for health .Mrs. Gree n has a(n) 27 . Every morning

she takes 28 dog for a walk for 29 . She often washes clothes and 30 ____

her house. Mrs. Gree n has eating habits. She eats vegetables every day. She

eats meat once a week . She drinks milk and eats an egg 31 breakfast. She eats

an apple every day . She often says, “Eating an apple every day is good for health. ” Sometimes Mrs. Green 32 TV after dinner . Her favorite 34 is Healthy _________________________

Living .She doesn ' t like soap operas. She often goes to bed 35 nine thirty .

She sleeps for eight hours every ni ght.

21 . A.41 B.14 C.71 D.17

22. A.so B.but C.or D. 不填

23. A.healthy B.health C.good D.bad

24. A.old B.young C.wonderful D.thin

25. s B.prices C.time D.times

26. A.walking B. sleeping C.dancing D.running
