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XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修五module 6知识详解1.protect vt. 保护(回归课本p53)in the 1990s the chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes in the hoh xil nature reserve—the huge national park on the qinghai-tibetan plateau,which is the main habitat of the antelopes.20世纪90年代,中国政府开始积极开展在可可西里自然保护区的保护藏羚羊的工作——可可西里自然保护区是一个位于青藏高原的大型国家公园,是藏羚羊的主要栖息地。【归纳总结】【例句探源】①he put on the sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴上太阳镜以保护眼睛免受日光的强烈照射。②it is their duty to protect their friends against the enemy.保护朋友不受敌人伤害是他们的责任。③(高考江苏卷)however,laws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.然而,人们制定了法律保护狼免遭打猎人以及为了得到它们的皮而捕杀它们的人的伤害。

④that coat is too thin to give you any prot ection against the cold.那件外套太薄了,根本无法御寒。【注意】prevent/keep/stop sb./sth.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生。主动句中prevent/stop...from...中的from可省略,在被动句中from不可省略,且keep...from...中的from也不能省略。【易混辨析】defend,protect二者都有“保护;使安全”之意,有时可以互换使用,区别如下:defend指“保卫;防御”,应用范围很广,对象可以是具体的,也可以是抽象的;而protect指“保护……以免遭受危险或伤害等”。①they built defense works to defend themselves against enemy.②we must protect the children from harm.【即境活用】1.—use my umbrella to ________ yourself from the rain,will you?—that’s very kind of you.a.prevent b.keepc.rescue d.protect解析:选d。prevent sb.from doing sth.=keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事;rescue sb.from从……中把某人拯救出来,使某人免遭危险;protect sb.from使……免于……。由语境知d项符合。2.flowers in our garden are well

protected ________ the cold weather.a.on b.toc.against d.with 解析:选c。句意:我们花园里的花木被保护以免遭冷空气危害。2.meanwhile adv. 当时,同时,在那当中; n.其时,其间(回归课本p53)meanwhile,in those countries where the shawls are sold,police are getting tough with the dealers.同时,在那些出售藏羚羊毛披肩的国家,警方开始严厉打击藏羚羊毛披肩的贩卖者。【归纳总结】【例句探源】①mother went shopping;meanwhile i cleaned the house.妈妈去购物了,与此同时,我打扫了房间。②the train will come in an hour.meanwhile we can have lunch.火车还有一个小时才到,在此期间我们可以吃午饭。3456


XX届高考英语一轮单元总复习讲义精品荟萃外研版必修五module 6知识详解1.protect vt. 保护(回归课本p53)in the 1990s the chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes in the hoh xil nature reserve—the huge national park on the qinghai-tibetan plateau,which is the main habitat of the antelopes.20世纪90年代,中国政府开始积极开展在可可西里自然保护区的保护藏羚羊的工作——可可西里自然保护区是一个位于青藏高原的大型国家公园,是藏羚羊的主要栖息地。【归纳总结】【例句探源】①he put on the sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight.他戴上太阳镜以保护眼睛免受日光的强烈照射。②it is their duty to protect their friends against the enemy.保护朋友不受敌人伤害是他们的责任。③(高考江苏卷)however,laws were established to protect the wolves from sportsmen and people who catch the animals for their fur.然而,人们制定了法律保护狼免遭打猎人以及为了得到它们的皮而捕杀它们的人的伤害。

④that coat is too thin to give you any protection against the cold.那件外套太薄了,根本无法御寒。【注意】prevent/keep/stop sb./sth.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生。主动句中prevent/stop...from...中的from可省略,在被动句中from不可省略,且keep...from...中的from也
