UnitAdvertisement英语基础模块下册 ppt课件




I. General Introduction
Characteristics of Advertisements
广告的特点极为鲜明,由于受到各方面 的限制,尤其是篇幅空间、发布时间等的影 响,广告应尽可能的简练(Brief),常用简单 的口语化词汇及简单句;同时,为了吸引潜 在的不同消费群体,广告往往具有相当的创 新性(Creative),亲和力(Affable)、说服性 强(Persuasive)
I. General Introduction
不论采用何种方式,正文通常由如下四个 部分构成
1,引言(Lead-in Paragraph) 引言衔接正文主体与标题,使消费者对
广告的兴趣转化为对宣传对象的兴趣。 某些短小的广告也常常终止于引言部分。 2,内部段落(Interior Paragraphs) 内部段落是正文的中心部分,它要通过 较为详尽的描述使宣传对象清晰明了,具 有戏剧性、说明力,能够给消费者深刻 印象,从而引起消费者的兴趣
I. General Introduction
How Is an Advertisement Laid Out?
I. General Introduction
标题是广告中最重要的组成部分之一,也最容易引起人们的注意。 “好的标题,等于广告成功了一半” 。清晰(Clarity)和生动(Force) 是广告标题的主要特点。
Lesson 16:Advertisements
General Introduction
Writing Practice

Advertisement English .ppt

Advertisement English .ppt

As another legendary adman, Raymond Rubicam, once noted, “The only purpose of advertising is to sell. It has no other justification worth mentioning”.
Another early titan of advertising, Claude Hopkins, put it this way: Instead of sales, they seek applause.
Advertising is attempting to influence the buying behavior of your customers or clients by providing a persuasive selling message about your products and/or services.
1. 突出优势特点 A whole new way to enjoy the view. (Sharp)
享受视觉的全新方式。(夏普) Intelligent entertainment discovered. (Philips)
夏普强调其良好的视觉感,而飞利浦则突出 其先进的功能。
挡不住的诱惑。 Always Coca-cola。 Coke refreshes you like no other can.
Specialized advertising agencies often handle the advertising of a company’s products, services, or corporate brand, although some aspects maypany (in-house). There are two basic types of advertising, informative advertising and persuasive advertising.

Unit 9 Advertisement 英语基础模块下册祥解

Unit 9 Advertisement  英语基础模块下册祥解
and walk it into town,
that means you are doing an advertising promotion.
如果你把这个牌子放在一头大象背上,牵 着它进程,那就意味着你在进行广告促销。
Advertising is bringing products or services to the attention of potential and current customers
I am more or less feeling a little nervous about my future. 16. Attitude (to, towards) 对…的态度,看法 17. play an important role in…. 在…中起重要作用 eg. It is agreed that women play an important role in economic development.
在顾客能看到的地方,招贴海报是很有力度的。多彩 有趣的海报会使路人耳目一新。收音机里的广告的主 要优点是它们比电视广告便宜,很多人仍然听收音机 广播,比如他们在出租车上或者在开车的时候。
13. It is said that… 据说…. eg. It is said that he is rich. 14. have a very good effect on …有好影响 eg. Reading practice has a very good effect on our English study. 15. more or less 或多或少 eg. She is more or less excited. 她多少有点激动。

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 9《Advertisement》ppt课件1

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 9《Advertisement》ppt课件1

A: Royal Fashion Company, may I help you? B: I’d like to have a word with Manager Li? A: Sorry, he isn’t in at the moment, but I’m his secretary. Can I take a message? B: Of course, thank you. Please tell him to call me as soon as he comes back. A: OK, what’s your telephone number? B: 6548392. A: Sorry. I can’t hear you clearly. Speak louder, please. B: Yes, 6548392. A: Could you leave your name? B: Certainly, Wang Ming, this is Wang Ming speaking. A: Ok, Mr Wang, I’ll ask him to call you back. B: Thank you very much.
that is an advertisement.
如果在周六要举行一场时装秀,而你画了一个写有“周 六将在展览中心上演一场时装秀”的牌子,那就是一个 牌子。
If you put the sign on the back of an elephant
Unit U9 nit 7
1. Advertising is an important way of promotion in commercial business. 广告是商品交易中一种重要的促销手段。


Some advertisement for gardens
Advertisement for Coca Cola
Some famous English ads
Good to the last drop.
The new digital era.
We lead. Others copy.
Impossible made possible. .
Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
To me, the past is black and white,
but the future is always color.
Ask for more.
Feel the new space.
No business too small, no problem too big.
By deng xiyao

With the development of material prosperity, advertisements have become more and more important in our daily life. Advertisements give latest information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in their local shops. Advertising helps sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheapper.Advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TVstations.



What are the purposes of advertising?
To brand their products To brand their corporate culture To have consumers be interested in their products
To gain profits by taking money from the consumers’ pockets
6.Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up)
提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜) 7.Intel Inside. (Intel Pentium) 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔 奔腾) 8.Connecting People. (Nokia) 科技以人为本。(诺基亚) 9.For the Road Ahead. (Honda) 康庄大道。(本田) 10.Let us make things better. (Philips) 让我们做的更好。(飞利浦)
ads lead customers to form unreasonable consume-habit
ads spread false information an• help consumers make informed choices • entertain people • increase product sales • make people aware of social problems and government policies •….
Magazine Ads Packing Ads
Public Ads
• GOT MILK?”是美国Body By Milk发起的一



Sunday am.
Sunday pm.
Read newspapers
Work in Joe’s restaurant ( near
movie studio )
Read a lot of books
Go to acting class
Waiting for telephone calls and read newspapers
Reading and
Grammar Focus
The joy of
/ snEʊ/
cinema classroom dining hall computer lab playground
Label the pictures of housework activities using the vocabulary in the box.
Ironing Car-washing Watering the plants Painting the wall
1) Stressful 2) Relax 3) Iron 4) Clients 5) Smooth 6) Satisfaction 7) Complain

中职教育英语基础模块 Unit9 Advertisement

中职教育英语基础模块 Unit9 Advertisement

• Para. 7
What is advertisement and advertising promotion?
Fast reading
Think about the following questions and discuss.
• 1. What is an ad used for?
• 2. Why do people put ads in newspapers? • 3. What are the advantages of ads on radio announcements? • 4. What are the disadvantages of advertisements?
• Most adults read newspapers, so putting ads in newspapers is a common way of advertising.
What are the advantages of ads on radio announcements?
• A major advantage of radio announcements is that they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example, when they are in taxies or in their own cars.
• Find some famous English ads and compare them with their Chinese version.
• Try to make a new English ad for our school.


Impossible made possible. 9
Байду номын сангаас
Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
To me, the past is black and white,
but the future is always color.
Ask for more.
By deng xiyao
With the development of material prosperity, advertisements have become more and more important in our daily life. Advertisements give latest information about products. If there were no advertising, consumers could not know about goods in their local shops. Advertising helps sell to a bigger market. Therefore, as more goods are sold they are cheapper.Advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TVstations.
But there are also some opinions against advertising.Some people think that advertisements do not give much information but only try to persuade you to buy. They create a demand for goods that are not really needed. Besides, advertising adds to the cost of goods. Further more, they are ugly to look at and spoil the enviroments. Actually, every coin has two sides. Advertising is without exception. But in today's world, advertising is not only necessary but also helpful.



Part2 Reading
Task 1
• Read Task 1 and answer the following two questions:
1.What mediums does advertising have?
2.What purposes is advertising intended to achieve?
• 2.[美国俚语]美国广告业;美国广告业的影响(或 作风、方式);美国广告业典型手法
• On November19, New York Life's new Home Office building at 51 Madison Avenue for business.
• 11月19日,纽约人寿位于麦迪逊大道51号的新总 部开业。
Major advertising media
• Magazine
• Television
• Newspaper
• Yellow Pages
• Radio
• Outdoors
• Cinema
• Internet -
• 推销产品的一种手E段x• ea rmceiasnseof selling
here in this chamber is brilliant. 这个屋子里的所 有广告都很有创意。) • 而advertisement则在第一个意思中是可数名词, 第二个是不可数名词。 • 1、一则广告,某一个具体的广告; • 2、做一则广告或某一个具体广告的动作(例:A company plans to do an advertising which will do advertisement 10 times. 一个公司计划做一个 广告,这个广告准备播出十次。)

Section 22 广告制作Advertisement 商务英语 教学课件(共52张PPT)

Section 22 广告制作Advertisement 商务英语 教学课件(共52张PPT)
• 4. 要弄清楚不同广告媒体和方法的差异、 传媒方案的形成、控制广告本钱(běn qián) 的方法。只要仔细规划,就可以使自己的广 告投入不但值得也更有效。
• 4. 要弄清楚不同广告媒体和方法的差异、传媒方案的 形成、控制广告本钱(běn qián)的方法。只要仔细规 划,就可以使自己的广告投入不但值得也更有效。
• 1. 要让自己的广告看起来较为专业,采用专业的写 法,使用(shǐyòng)专业的图表。你的读者,特别是 第一次看到你们产品的人,都会根据广告的质量得 出有关你们公司品质的一个印象。
• You have to make your ad look professional and use professional-grade writing and professionallooking graphics. Your readers, especially those who will encounter your business for the first time, develop an impression of the quality of your company based on the quality of the advertisements.
The communication media is the means by which the advertising message is transmitted to the consumer. In addition to marketing objectives and budgetary restraints, the characteristics of the target consumers need to be considered when an advertiser decides what media to use. The types of media categories from which advertisers can choose include the following: a) Print—primarily newspapers and magazines; b) Audio—FM, AM and SW radio; c) Video—promotional videos; d) World Wide Web; e) Direct mail; f) Outdoor advertising— billboards, advertisements on public transportation.



Unit 14 AdvertisingPart ACommunicative Function Agreement or DisagreementListen to the conversations, paying attention to the ways people agree and disagree with the opinions expressed. Decide whether the second speaker agrees or disagrees with the first speaker.1. a. Agree b. Disagree2. a. Agree b. Disagree3. a. Agree b. Disagree4. a. Agree b. Disagree5. a. Agree b. Disagree6. a. Agree b. Disagree7. a. Agree b. Disagree8. a. Agree b. DisagreeScript1. --Do you think we should put an ad in the newspaper to sell our apartment?--Sure, why not?2. --Campus Daily isn't very interesting this week.--You can say that again.3. --I hear putting an ad in a newspaper costs a lot of money.--It depends.4. --In my opinion watching so many TV ads is a waste of time.--I couldn't agree with you less.5. --You don't care for commercials on TV, do you?--I'll say I don't.6. --Didn't you think the movie we saw last night was fascinating?--I wouldn't say that.7. --There'll be a football match between England and France on Channel 10 tonight.--Are you absolutely sure?8. --The design of the movie ads appeals to me very much.--You said it.Listening StrategyListen to the short conversations and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. Example: --You like to go shopping in the supermarket, don't you?--Yes, it's so convenient. Besides, things are cheaper.Q: Does the woman enjoy shopping in the supermarket?a. Yesb. No1. a. Yes b. No2. a. Yes b. No3. a. Yes b. No4. a. Yes b. No5. a. Yes b. No6. a. Yes b. No7. a. Yes b. No8. a. Yes b. NoScript1. --How do you like our campus, John?--Well, it's very large but it's not clean enough.Q: Does John have a favorable opinion of the campus?2. --How do you like your English teacher, Li Ming?--She's very strict and her classes are always well-organized. Besides, she often givesup her free time for her students.Q: Does Li Ming like her English teacher?3. --How did you enjoy your vacation, Jack?--Although it was short, I visited many museums and art galleries.Q: Did Jack enjoy his vacation?4. --Michael, everybody says Professor Fall is a boring teacher. What do you think?--Everyone falls asleep in his class. And he's hard to talk to.Q: Is Professor Fall popular among his students?5. --What's your impression of New York, Barbara?--I really like the stores and the museums appeal to me, too.Q: Does Barbara like New York very much?6. --Do you like living on campus?--I think so. But sometimes the dorm is so noisy that I can't get anything done.Q: Does the woman have a completely favorable opinion of living on campus? 7. --Do you think you will major in medicine, Mary?--I think being a doctor means a lot of study and then working all sorts of hours.Q: Does Mary want to major in medicine?8. --How do you like living with your roommates?--Well, sometimes it's hard to share a room with others but you get along with yourroommates by compromising.Q: Does the woman get along with her roommates?Part BListening TasksA ConversationPlacing an AdScriptPlacing an Ad(Ring …Ring … Sound of phone being picked up)John: Hello, Campus Daily, advertising department. This is John speaking.Maggie: Hi. I'm calling to place a couple of ads.J ohn: Sure. Under what classification?Maggie: Well, I'd like one in the "Roommates Wanted" section.J ohn: All right. And how would you like your ad to read?Maggie: It should read "Female roommate wanted for pleasant, sunny two-bedroom apartment on Fifth Avenue, three blocks from campus. Share rent and utilities. AvailableSeptember first. Call between 5 and 9 p.m. and ask for Maggie."John: Fine. And what about your other ad?Maggie: That one I'd like under "Merchandise for Sale", and I'd like it to read "Matching blue sofa and easy chair for sale, excellent condition, $350 or best offer. Call between 5 and9 p.m. and ask for Maggie." Did you get all that?J ohn: Uh, huh. You'll want your phone number on these, right?Maggie: Oh sure. Thanks for reminding me. It's 555-6792.John: And how long do you want these ads to run?Maggie: For a week, I guess. How much would that be?John: Let's see—it's $8 a week per line. Your two ads will both take up three lines, so that's $24 per ad.Maggie: All right.the paper.Exercise 1: Listening for general understandingListen to the recording once and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.1. Who are the two speakers in the telephone conversation?a. A newspaperman and a reader.b. An advertising agent and a client.c. A real estate agent and a tenant.d. A shop assistant and a customer.2. What is Maggie doing in the conversation?a. She is applying to work for a newspaper.b. She is trying to sell her apartment through a local newspaper.c. She is running the ads column of a campus newspaper.d. She is having two ads run in a school newspaper.3. What can you infer about Maggie?a. She will graduate soon.b. She feels lonely living in an apartment all by herself.c. She will move out of a two-bedroom apartment.d. She might be unable to afford a two-bedroom apartment alone.Exercise 2: Listening for detailsListen to the recording once again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.Part CAdditional ListeningA Passage Different Kinds of AdvertisingListen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing information.ScriptDifferent Kinds of AdvertisingAdvertising is an important part of marketing. Very few companies are able to sell a product without advertising. It is possible, but very unlikely. There are many different kinds of advertising. The simplest is called promotion. Promotion is using brochures or pamphlets to advertise. Theses can be handed to people on the street or they can be mailed. If they are mailed, it is called direct mail advertising. After direct mail advertising, there are: newspaper advertising, radio advertising, magazine advertising and television advertising. Newspaper advertising is the cheapest kind, while television is the most expensive.Television ads are generally used by large companies selling a product to a large market segment. Television advertising can be very successful because it reaches such a large audience. Small companies may find television advertising too expensive, so they often use newspapers to advertise. However, large companies also like newspapers because of their wide circulation.Part DTest Your ListeningA Compound DictationListen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.Advertising is an important part of the free enterprise 1) system. This is because different businesses are 2) competing for the same market. For this reason, they buy advertising 3) space in newspapers or magazines and advertising time on radio or TV. They each hope that advertisements will increase 4) demand for their products.In order to do well in the market, advertisers need to decide on a target; in other words, who are possible 5) buyers for their product? For example, what is the age and sex of their target group? How much education do they have? What are their political 6) beliefs and values? How much money do they make? Some companies such as McDonald’s target various groups, so they have many different ads—one for 7) teenagers, one for families and several in different languages.8) After advertisers decide on who, they need to determine where. What is a good place for their advertisement? Sellers of toys often advertise during children’s TV programs on Saturday morning. Sellers of expensive clothing advertise in V ogue and other fashion magazines.9) Advertisers also need to think about people’s motivation—their reasons for buying something. What makes people buy one product but not another? There are many possible reasons: health, profit, love, entertainment, etc. A study of advertising can also be a study of psychology. 10) When we think about the products that people buy, we learn about their needs, wants, fears, and values.。

Advertisement PPT_final

Advertisement PPT_final
False Advertisement:
Delhi High Court has passed an order directing IIPM not to publish any advertisements in print, television or online without the court’s approval.
WILLS were the original sponsors of Indian cricket team. A PIL was filed against the sponsorship. ITC withdrew the sponsorship
Ex-Union Health Minister Mr . Anbumani Ramadoss had challenged the name of the Bangalore Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket team, “Royal Challengers”, as a form of surrogate advertising for liquor brand “Royal Challenge”. But the Supreme Court of India has pointed out that the team was not named Royal Challenge the liquor brand Only those who drink lboro classic clothing
• https:///watch?v=LFQkWEeabls
Surrogate Advertising/Brand Extension
• Soda, Mineral Water, Music CD, Mega Cricket team clubs, Friends clubs are shown in advertisement. • Eg: Bagpiper Club Soda. Intention behind such advertisement is to popularize the whisky, liquor products. • Deeply under-regulated in India courts have more often taken the side of the advertisers.

由《基础模块下册》Unit 9 Advertisement引发的几点思考

由《基础模块下册》Unit 9 Advertisement引发的几点思考

专业研讨572019年第28期由《基础模块下册》Unit 9 Advertisement引发的几点思考◎.董变琴/平遥现代工程技术学校摘要:职业教育课程改革倡导育人教育,强调课程要促进每个学生的身心健康的发展,培养学生良好的品质和终身学习的能力,课程改革提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习,课程改革的成败关键在于教师,教师是课程改革的组织者和实施者。




所以在面对中职生英语基础偏差这一情况时,我们就应该努力创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地说英语,对他们在学习过程中犯的错误采取宽容的态度.例如,这一单元的话题是广告,是和我们日常生活息息相关的一个话题,学生相对而言是比较感兴趣的,抓住这一点,我让他们在他们身边找,路上的广告牌,手机打开的网页,自己感兴趣的报纸等,然后,根据教材中的情境,真实再现于课堂并创造新的怀境,引导学生尽量用英语说一些他们了解的广告语,导入本节课主题Advertisement ,进行交流。

这样就无形中激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高了他们肯定积极性 ,而且发展了学生运用英语的能力,培养他们创新灵活运用英语的习惯,提高他们的英语能力。





在实施教学的过程中,注重与学生沟通,让学生消除对英语学习的恐惧感,只有对英语感兴趣,才能保持英语学习的动力并取得好成绩 ,因为刻板学习,不仅会影响英语学习的效果,适得其反让他们厌恶学习英语,因此创造宽松、和谐的学习氛围才有利于英语的学习。

英译汉教学课件 5.Advertisement

英译汉教学课件  5.Advertisement
这是您计划的时刻,期望的时刻,争取的时刻,长久等待的成功时刻。 欧米茄,记下此刻,和所有重要时刻。
Stylistic Features of
Grammatical Features
4.祈使句多,具有强烈的鼓动色彩。 ①So come into McDonald’s and enjoy Big Mac
Stylistic Features of
Rhetorical Features
① Featherwater:light as a feather 法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。(明喻, metaphor)
② To spread your wings in Asia. Share our vantage point. 在亚洲展开您的双翅,同我们一起高飞远望。(暗喻, simile). ③ My Paris in a Perfume。 香水一瓶,浸满巴黎芬芳。我的香水,我心中的巴黎。 (借喻metonymy) ④ I’m More satisfied! 我更满意摩尔牌香烟。(pun) ⑤ We take no pride in prejudice. 我们不以偏见为荣。(典故,allusion源于简·奥斯汀的名著 Pride and Prejudice)
打开门,等着您的就是梦寐以求的家。无论您想要一座 乡间宅第,或者是一间摩天大楼的顶屋,翻开下面 几页就可以看到世界上最美的住宅,供您挑选。
Eg2. Moms depend on Kool-Aid like kids depend on moms.
Stylistic Features of
式样与性能的协调一致使新型626与众不同。质量是马自达的 核心。 ② The Charisma of the Filipina. It comes from somewhere within. And it shines on every flight.

Unit 6-Advertising(课堂PPT)

Unit 6-Advertising(课堂PPT)
e.g. fivefold. 分成五份
2. Multiplied by a specified number: …倍的;增加具体数的 e.g. fiftyfold. 50倍的
Business knowledge and language
Para 6: Direct mail is the third-leading … and sales mailings.
population in Australia.
Business knowledge and language
Para 8: Magazines account for … life, and prestige.
❖ Subscription:订阅 v. subscribe 认捐, 签署, 订阅, 同意
e.g. How much did you subscribe for? subscribe for
预订,订阅; 捐款, 捐助; 认购 subscribe to
对...捐款; 订阅(报刊); 同意, 赞成
Business knowledge and language
❖ life span: the average or maximum length of time an organism, a material, or an object can be expected to survive or last 有机体、物质或物体预计持续或存在的平均 或最长期限 E.g. 现代医学延长了人的寿命。 Modern medicine has increased man's life span.
TV commercial Radio advertising Online advertising Product placements Press advertising Billboard advertising

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 9《Advertisement》ppt课件3

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 9《Advertisement》ppt课件3

20. in fact: 实际上 In fact, I forgot what had happened. 实际上,我忘记发生了什么。 21. What they want is just to make us pay more money. 主语从句 22. …{that we make sure what is real and what is false in the ads. } →主语从 句 ↓
1.Start Ahead.( Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔) 2.Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up) 提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜) 3.Focus on life. (Olympus) 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯) 4.We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机) 5.The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 6.Take Toshiba, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。 (东芝电子)
宾语从句 I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道接下来做什么。
23. make sure: 确保;确定 He made sure that the door was locked before leaving. 他确保离开前把门锁好。
Exercises on Textbook on Page 81
7. mean: 意味着;意思是 What do you mean? 你什么意思? Do you mean me? 你指的是我吗? 8. bring… to the attention of: “使…引起…的注意, 使…成为…” The news brings the matter to the attention of old people. 这条新闻引起了老人的注意。
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如果在周六要举行一场时装秀,而你画了一个写有“周 六将在展览中心上演一场时装秀”的牌子,那就是一个 牌子。
If you put the sign on the back of an elephant
and walk it into town,
eg. It is agreed that women play an important role in economic
Unit 9Unit 7
1. Advertising is an important way of promotion in commercial business. 广告是商品交易中一种重要的促销手段。
2. the public 公众,社会 eg. This museum will be open to the public next
and you paint a sign
saying “ Fashion Show coming to the Exhibition Center on Saturday”,
that is an advertisement.
6. by means of 通过,借助于 1. eg. We have learnt a lot from foreign
countries by means of foreign language
If a fashion show is to be held on Saturday,
遛狗。 walk a horse 遛马
5. bring….to the attention of 使…引起…的注 意
eg. The teacher’s talk brought the English reading skill to the attention of the students.
eg. She is more or less excited. 她多少有点激动。
I am more or less feeling a little nervous about my future.
16. Attitude (to, towards) 对…的态度,看法
17. play an important role in…. 在…中起 商业广告
通过发送小册子,广告传单或者邮件,展示海报或 者报纸广告,制作收音机,电视或者因特网商业广 告等等。
7. a great deal of 大量,许多 +不可数n. eg. a great deal of work 大量的工作
12. appear new to sb. 使人耳目一新
在顾客能看到的地方,招贴海报是很有力度的。多彩 有趣的海报会使路人耳目一新。收音机里的广告的主 要优点是它们比电视广告便宜,很多人仍然听收音机 广播,比如他们在出租车上或者在开车的时候。
13. It is said that… 据说….
that means you are doing an advertising promotion.
如果你把这个牌子放在一头大象背上,牵 着它进程,那就意味着你在进行广告促销。
Advertising is bringing products or services to the attention of potential and current customers
by means of sending brochures, flyers or mails, showing posters
or newspaper ads, making radio, TV or the Internet commercials
There is usually a great deal of snow in the mountain area of the Northeast.
8. If designed well if (they are ) designed well 如果他们被设计好的 话
• 9. selected customers 经过选择的客户
eg. It is said that he is rich.
14. have a very good effect on …有好影响
eg. Reading practice has a very good effect on our English study.
15. more or less 或多或少
week. in public 公开地,当众
Advertisements are used to send commercial information
about some commodities or services to the public.
send sth. to sb. 发送某物给某人
3. Fashion show 服装表演
4. walk to walk sb.带领(陪着)某人走 to walk + 动物 赶着(牵着)….. eg. The lady is walking her dog. 这位夫人在
1. 10. a common way of 一种常见的方法
如果设计得好的话,宣传册可包含大量信息。 邮寄广告可以直接寄到经过选择的客人手里。
大多数成年人都读报纸,所以在报纸上刊登广 告是一种常见的广告途径。
11. be powerful in … 在….方面有力度,有力量