语用学视角下的冲突性言语分析 conflict talk

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( 2013届 )





完成时间:2013 年月日成绩:



Abstract. (ii)

摘要 (ii)

1. Introduction (1)

2. Literature review (2)

2.1 Previous studies on conflict talk abroad and at home (2)

2.2 The relevant theories (3)

2.2.1 Speech Act Theory (3)

2.2.2 Politeness principles and face- threatening act (3)

3. The structural patterns of conflict talk (3)

3.1 Formats of initiating conflict talk (3)

3.2 Formats of terminating conflict talk (6)

4. The duality of conflict talk (7)

4.1 The negative sides of conflict talk (7)

4.1.1 An face threating act (7)

4.1.2 Harm towards relationship and emotion (8)

4.1.3 The damage to social harmony (9)

4.2 The positive sides of conflict talk (9)

4.2.1 An face maintaining act (9)

4.2.2 Emotion maintenance (10)

5. Conclusion (12)

Works Cited (13)

Perspective of Pragmatics

Jia Yingya

Abstract: Conflict talk is a common but complicated social phenomenon. It has been studied in many fields, such as psychology, sociology, and linguistics. Through the study from the past several decades, we generally believe that conflict talk has one core common feature, that is, one participant is disagreeing with another participants when they have different opinions, quarrel, argument and disputes all belong to it. Thus, this paper aims at probing into conflict talk, coming from English television series, from the perspective of pragmatics, and giving us a better understanding for the purpose of achieving reunification and harmony in communication.

Key words: conflict talk ; communication; pragmatics





Perspective of Pragmatics

English Department 2009 (05) Jia Yingya

Tutor: Zhu Xufeng

1. Introduction

Speaking of conflict talk, Leung stated that though the analysis of conflict talk has a extensive history in the social sciences, the study of discourse within conflict episodes and its feature is still relatively recent (Leung 93). Due to different values of the world, personal personalities and desires, non-cooperative discourses will take place and thus conflict talk may occur. Such phenomenon is a feature of daily life, it offers significant resources for the development of interactional competency. In other words, conflict can not only destroy a relationship, but also help maintaining it. It all depends on our attitude how to deal with it. Constructive approaches make the relationship become stronger, and effectively avoid the occurrence of further conflict; on the opposite, destructive approaches may weaken or cause gap in the relationship.

Conflict talk has been much focused on and researched by linguistics in recent years, a great number of studies are published. Some are about couples, Schaefer points out there are five top reasons for martial conflict: a failure of communication, financial difficulties, sexual difficulties, problems with in-laws, and disagreements over child rearing (Schaefer 23).

Some are about children. In 1990, Corsaro William A. And Rizzo Thomas compared conflict talk between Italian nursery school students and the students in the U.S.; Catherine S. P. Farris analyzed the data collected from videotaped interaction among girls and boys aged from 5 to 6 in Taiwan, and found out that the cross-sex conflicts and the same-sex boy-boy conflicts have the same frequency, and the girls subvert the masculine position in conflicts in nowadays changing society (qtd. in Catherine 552).

With the aid of pragmatics, many researchers have conducted the constructure of conflict talk, tried to explain the external factors leading to occurence. And on the other hand, more and more people begin to value the importance of interpersonal relation, lots of literature about conflict talk has been published, such as John Gray’s Men from Mars, Women are from Venus. T his paper aims to broaden our understanding, shedding some lights on the duality of conflict talk.
