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2、English afternoon tea: India Darjeeling black tea (印度的大吉岭红茶)
Earl Grey tea伯爵茶, Highlands of Ceylon tea(锡兰
3、milk tea, coffee
4 a slice of lemon and milk cans切成薄片的柠檬及奶罐
The English Afternoon Tea
英(怀)122 赵雅琦 12425424
1、The Situation 2、The Origin 3、More Details…
The Current Situation
• English people have the habit of drinking tea. There is a time for tea in the morning and the afternoon on that is called Tea Break. During the Tea Break all the work is dropped.
shepherd’s pie肉馅土豆馅饼 macaroni cheese (面点)干酪 通心粉布丁 cold cuts冷肉切片(指冷吃的 熏肉或干酪等)
1、Traditionally, loose tea is brewed v. 沏(茶); 煮(咖 啡) in a teapot and serveΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu with milk and sugar.
6. If you take milk with your tea, pour the tea first and then add milk.
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4. Crumpets are buttered whole and then cut before eating. 吃烤饼时先要整体涂满黄油,食用前再切开。
5. Cakes and pastries should be made so that the use of a pastry fork is not needed, although if that’s not the case, the use of such an implement is perfectly acceptable. 蛋糕和点心都是事先准备好的,因此不需要使用 糕点叉,但如遇例外,也完全可以使用这些餐具。
Afternoon tea sandwiches often thinly sliced cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off.
Now most ordinary British families do not have time for afternoon tea at home, but in the past it was a tradition. It became popular about one hundred and fifty years ago, when rich ladies invited their friends to their houses for an afternoon cup of tea. They started offering their visitors sandwiches and cakes too. Soon everyone was enjoying Afternoon tea.
• Essential “threelayer” form:the first is
tea sandwich;the second is traditional dessert scones; the third is cake and fruit tart.
• Some horns牛角面包 , raisin bread葡萄干面包, caviar鱼子酱 and other food will be set up
2. Similarly, the food served should be consumed in a restrained fashion as well. Sandwiches are eaten first, followed by the sweet snacks, such as cakes, pastries and scones. 同样,品尝下午茶食物也是十分讲究的。先吃三明治、然后是甜点, 例如蛋糕,点心以及英式松饼。
Etiquette of afternoon tea 下午茶礼仪
1. By definition, afternoon tea is a dainty meal. So, when you drink your tea, take small sips rather than “glugging” it down. There’s a definite order to taking tea, but the actual drinking of tea can take place throughout the “meal”. 显然,下午茶是精致的一餐。所以,饮茶时要小口啜饮,不能端杯见 底。虽然喝茶的顺序有讲究,但实际上,在整个下午茶过程中,你随 时可以品尝香茗。
Classification of afternoon tea
AFTERNOON TEA (The traditional 4 o'clock tea) This is a small meal, not a drink. Traditionally it consists of tea (or coffee) served with either of the following: freshly baked scones served with cream and jam (known as a cream tea)
• Eaten from bottom to top
HIGH TEA (The traditional 6 o'clock tea)
The British working population did not have afternoon tea. They had a meal about midday, and a meal after work, between five and seven o'clock. This meal was called 'high tea' or just 'tea'.
Traditionally eaten early evening, High tea was a substantial meal that combined delicious sweet foods, such as scones, cakes, buns or tea breads, with tempting savouries, such as cheese on toast, toasted crumpets, cold meats and pickles or poached eggs on toast. This meal is now often replaced with a supper due to people eating their main meal in the evenings rather than at midday.
3. Scones are always broken, never cut. They should be served with jam and clotted cream, or butter. The jam goes on first, followed by the cream or butter. 英式松饼往往是小块的,不再作切分。一般会配上果酱、固体奶油或 黄油。先抹果酱,然后再涂奶油或黄油。
The Origin of Afternoon Tea
• The custom of taking afternoon tea is believed to have been first introduced in England in 1840 by Anna, the Seventh Duchess of Bedford. At that time lunch was taken early and dinner was not served in the evening until about 9 pm. The Duchess apparently became hungry in the afternoon and asked for some tea, bread and butter and cake to be brought to her room. This soon became a habit and the Duchess started to invite friends round to join her. 一般认为,英国下午茶的传统是维多利亚女王时代1840年 期间由贝德芙公爵夫人安娜女士所开创的。那时候,午餐 开始得很早,而通常直到晚上9点人们才开始吃晚餐。公 爵夫人每到下午便感到百无聊赖甚至饥肠辘辘,便让女仆 准备一些差点,面包,黄油以及蛋糕送往她的房间。很快, 喝下午茶便流行起来。公爵夫人也开始邀请她的朋友共饮 下午茶。
• According to statistics n. 统计 English people consume one-fourth of tea in the world every year that is known as the biggest tea consumption.
afternoon tea