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据称,据说 It’s alleged that- clause that无可否认 It can’t be denied that- clause that最好 It’s preferred (advisable) thatthat一目了然 It’s at once apparent that- clause that不足为奇,无怪乎 It is no wonder that- clause that足以 It is enough that- clause that可能 It is likely(possible) that- clause that成问题的 It is questionable that- clause that也许,恐怕 It is probable that- clause that已准备,已商定 It is arranged that- clause that-
1.2 转换法:
(1)词类转换法: (1)词类转换法: One of our ways to get food is planting crops and vegetable.(动名 vegetable.(动名 词→动词) 动词) That student has made a careful study of the properties of these proteins (careful→ carefully; study (cn) →study (v))
(4)减译法:译时减去某些汉词或词组,或不能 (4)减译法:译时减去某些汉词或词组,或不能 译出的词。 由于分子运动而引起的力势必会使分子保持分 离状态。 The force due to the motion of molecules tends to keep them apart.(减去“引起,状态”) apart.(减去“引起,状态” 这边儿去. 这边儿去. This way (减去“走”) 2.2 汉语句型译法 (1)只要(有)……才会(能)…… (1)只要(有)……才会(能)…… Only can (will, is it possible)…. Only when……can( will, is it possible)
变序译法:为了打好生物学基础,掌握好 变序译法:为了打好生物学基础,掌握好 生物学,以便学习深造,一个生物学专业 的学生必须熟悉和牢记生物学中常用的记 号和符号,精通其专业术语。 Untold numbers of organisms in the past were buried beneath silt and sand and in the absence of oxygen, were transformed by heat, pressure,and time into the deposits of fossil-fuels---coal, petroleum fossil-fuels---coal, and natural gas—that now yield their gas— bound energies to man..
1.Translate English into Chinese
1. 1直译法:主要针对专业术语的译法, 1直译法:主要针对专业术语的译法, 有3种: (1)意译法:Co-suppression 共抑制 (1)意译法:Co(2)音译法:Vitamin维他命(维生素), (2)音译法:Vitamin维他命(维生素), penicilin 青霉素,外国人名的 翻译如:Mendel’s 翻译如:Mendel’s genetic laws (3)形译法:x-ray x-射线 ,θ-replication (3)形译法: x,θθ-复制, D-loop D-环(mtDNA) 复制, DD-
The students, being in laboratory, are all familiar with the operation of microscopes (省介词with) 。 (省介词with) (5)词的增译:译文 增加一些原文中无其 (5)词的增译:译文 形而有其义的词,包括复数名词,动作意 义名词, 义名词,解说性词,语气连词等的增译。 After a series of experiments important phenomena have been ascertained.一系 ascertained.一系 列实验后,许多重要现象确实知道. 列实验后,许多重要现象确实知道. Oxidation will make carbohydrate decompose.氧化(作用) decompose.氧化(作用)
(3)词序转换法:主谓转换,宾语,同位语 (3)词序转换法:主谓转换,宾语,同位语 和状语等转换。有时加译“把”,“给” 等助词。X 等助词。X-ray will show the doctor clearly how the lung suffers.光会把肺部损 suffers.光会把肺部损 害的程度显示给医生。 (4)词的省译:英语中经常使用的一些词, (4)词的省译:英语中经常使用的一些词, 如介词,冠词和代词等在汉语中不易译出 而省略。 Any living thing has life whether it is a plant ,an animal ,or a germ 任何生物,不论是动物,植物,还是微生 物,都有生命。
(2)要……,必须…… (2)要……,必须…… It is imperative to do. It is necessary to do. It is essential to do 每个人都必须改造世界观。 It is imperative for everyone of us to remould his world outlook. (3)一面(边)……,一面(边)……。 在…… (3)一面(边)……,一面(边)……。 同时 主句+while +主句 主句+while +主句 他一面做实验,一面看英语书 While doing experiments, he referred to English books.
There would be many a slip between the cup and the lip in the course of microbiological experiments. (3)加译法:译时加上某些英语词或词组,以免 (3)加译法:译时加上某些英语词或词组,以免 “中国腔” e.g. 棉花有根,茎,叶,花和果实。 Cotton plants are comprised of several parts such as roots , stems, leaves, flowers and fruits. 没关系:It 没关系:It doesn’t matter。 matter。 够了: 够了: That’s enough or full。 full。 在这儿: 在这儿: Here it is。 is。
(6)复合句译法:包括定语从句,状语从句 (6)复合句译法:包括定语从句,状语从句 和长句的译法。在此仅讲三种长句译法:a. 和长句的译法。在此仅讲三种长句译法:a. 顺序译法(E.C叙述层次同);b.变序译法 顺序译法(E.C叙述层次同);b.变序译法 (E.C叙述层次相反);c.分句译法(各成 E.C叙述层次相反);c.分句译法(各成 分在意义上相同) A student of biology must become familiar with all the signs and symbols commonly used in biology and bear them in mind firmly, and be well-versed in the technical terms, in wellorder that he may be able to build up the foundation of the biological subject and master it well for pursuing advanced study.
Lession2 Reading Material
Theory and skills of special English translation
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Main Contents
§ Translate English into Chinese 1.Direct translation 2.Converted translation 3. commonly used sentences types § Translate Chinese into English § Assignment
分句译法:过去无数生物被埋在淤泥和沙 分句译法:过去无数生物被埋在淤泥和沙 粒下。在缺氧环境条件下,由于长期温度 和压力的影响而转化为矿物燃料— 和压力的影响而转化为矿物燃料—煤,石 油和天然气。这些燃料现在为人类产生多 种多样的结合能。
1.3 commonly used sentences
有人认为 It’s thought that-clause that人们相信 It’s believed that-clause that有人指出 It has been shown that-clause that有人感到 It was felt that-clause that人们认为,据估计 It’s considered that-clause that有人以为 It’s taken that- clause that人们通常认为 It’s generally accepted thatthat人们注意到 It’s noted that- clause that人们猜测(推测,假定) It’s supposed thatthatclause
有人主张 It’s asserted that- clause that人们强调说 It’s stressed that- clause that据报道 It’s reported that- clause that前面曾经指出 It’s noted above that- clause that可见,可以看出 It can be seen that- clause that必须承认,老实说 It’s must be admitted that- clause that可以有把握的说 It may be safely said that- clause that很清楚 It is understood that- clause that据证实 It is demonstrated that- clause that概括了 It is outlined that- clause that讨论了,检查了 It’s been reviewed that- clause that-
(2)句子成分转换法: (2)句子成分转换法:
In case of shortage of water and fertilizer, wheats would undergo extreme difficulties in their growth and development(主语subject→C定 development(主语subject→C定 语attributive )
2. translate Chinese into English
2..1汉语单词和词组的译法。 2..1汉语单词和词组的译法。 (1)词类转换译法:v→n,n→v,v→adj,n→adj. (1)词类转换译法:v→n,n→v,v→adj,n→adj. e.g.学生完全不知道糖和蛋白质都是天然 e.g.学生完全不知道糖和蛋白质都是天然 有机物质。 They are entirely ignorant of caybolydrates and proteins to be natural organic material. (2)词义引申法(近似法,上下文体会法, (2)词义引申法(近似法,上下文体会法, 利用英语中惯用语)。 e.g. 在微生物实验中,他非常仔细,因为 一有疏忽,往往功败垂成。