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?璇惧墠棰勪範锛?涓€銆佸舰瀹硅瘝 1. :: 涓€鏀惧湪鍚嶈瘝鐨刜
___________, 锛坋g. old man锛?浜屾槸甯告斁鍦╛___________鍚庨潰锛?be happy) 涓夛紟濡傛灉鍜屼笉瀹氫唬璇嶆惌閰嶏紝鍒欐斁鍦ㄤ笉瀹氫唬璇嶇殑闈?eg. something new)銆?2. 甯哥敤鐨勫舰瀹硅瘝锛?濂界殑________ 鍧忕殑____ ___ 瀹规槗鐨?_____ 闅剧殑_________ ?_______ 鍗遍櫓鐨?____ 瀹夊叏鐨?_____ 瀹夐潤鐨?______ ?鏈夎叮鐨?鍘岀儲鐨?
?鍙嬪ソ鐨?_ 鏈夌ぜ璨岀殑_____ ____ 2鎰熷畼鍔ㄨ瘝锛坃_____ ______ _______ ______ ______+ __________ 璇嶏紝look well / feel well (闄) 浜屻€? 1 .____________?eg. study hard, speak English well, terribly sorry). 澶у?ly缁撳熬(eg. slowly, carefully)銆?2. 甯哥敤鐨勫壇璇嶆湁锛?濂藉湴________ 鍧忓湴/绯熺硶鍦?__________ ______ 鎱㈠湴_______________________璁ょ湡浠旂粏鍦?_______ 绮楀績鍦?绐佺劧鍦?______ 骞歌繍鍦?______ 鐢氳嚦_______ 寰堬紝闈炲父_______ ________ 閫氬父鍦?________ 鍑犱箮_________ 鍑犱箮涓?___ ___________ ?___ 鏈€杩戯細recently lately 涓夈€佸啓鍑轰互涓嬪父鐢ㄧ殑涓庡舰瀹硅瘝/?涓庘€︿笉鍚宊
____________________ ______________________________ 浠モ€﹁嚜璞猒_________________________ 瀹虫€曞仛____________________________ 蹇欎簬鍋歘__________________________ 瀵光€︽煇浜轰弗鏍糭
____________________ 鐢熸煇浜虹殑姘?
___________________________ 涓庘€︾浉浼糭__________________________ 鍥犫€﹁€屽嚭鍚?____________
_________________________ _____________________________ 澶猒
______________________ 瀵光€︽劅鍏磋叮____________________________
瀵光€︽劅鍒版儕璁禵______________________ _____
璇惧爞娲诲姩锛?涓€銆?鍘熺骇銆佹瘮杈冪骇鍜屾渶楂樼骇鍙樺寲瑙勫緥 1.
瑙勫垯鍙樺寲: 鎯呭喌鍙樺寲鏂规硶渚嬭瘝
鍗曢煶鑺傝瘝鍜屽皯鏁板弻闊宠妭璇??clean- few-
鑺傦紝闊冲瓧姣?hot 锟紺fat- thin- 杈呴煶瀛楁瘝鍔爕缁撳熬early- angry- 浠ュ瓧姣峞缁撳熬nice- 澶氶煶鑺傝瘝鍜岄儴鍒嗗弻闊宠妭璇?/ Interesting--- 2. good/well ____________
___________ bad /ill/badly __________ ___________ much /many _____________ _________ little __________ ____________ far __________ _____________ 3.閮ㄥ垎鍙岄煶鑺傜殑姣旇緝绾у拰鏈€楂樼骇 1.tired--more tired鈥昺ost tired (
殑锛?2.pleased-more pleased-most pleased 4.浠ュ舰瀹硅瘝+ly 缁撳熬鐨勫壇璇嶏紝瑕佸姞more 鎴杕ost鏋勬垚銆?slowly 锟紺more slowly-most slowly
quickly-more quickly-most quickly happliy- more happily-most happily heavily 锟紺more heavily鈥昺ost heavily 5. 姣旇緝鐗规畩鐨? friendly鈥昮riendlier-friendliest/ friendly鈥昺ore friendly鈥昺ost friendly clever-- cleverer cleverest / clever--more clever/ most clever shy--- shyer ---- shyest 6. 浣犺兘鎯冲嚭锛氭湁浜涘崟璇嶆湰韬
?鈶燺______________________________; 鈶?________________________ __________________
______________________________;_________________________ 7. 浣犺兘鎯冲嚭锛氭湁浜涘崟璇嶅敖绠℃槸ly舰瀹硅瘝鍚楋紵鈶燺______________________________; 鈶?________________________
__________________ ______________________________ 鍥涖€佷袱鑰呮
瘮杈冨父鐢ㄥ彞鍨嬪綊绾?1. 涓よ€呮瘮杈冪敤姣旇緝绾?than 鈶燞e is taller than her. ur classroom is bigger than theirs. 2.姣斺€︽洿鈥﹀緱澶氥
€?Apples are much cheaper than grapes. 鍦ㄦ瘮杈冪骇鍓嶅彲鍔狅細much ,a little, a lot, even, far, four years?
3. 鈥滆秺鏉ヨ秺鈥︹€?姣旇緝绾? and +姣旇緝绾?鍗曢煶鑺?锛?more and more +鍘熺骇?The weather is getting cooler and cooler The flowers are more and more beautiful.
4. 琛ㄧず鈥滆秺.......瓒娾€︹€?: 鈥渢he +姣旇緝绾э紝the +姣旇緝绾?The more you eat, the fatter you鈥檒l be. (浣犲悆寰楄秺澶氾紝浣犲氨浼氳秺鑳? The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you鈥檒l make. 浣犺秺璁ょ湡锛岀姱鐨?
5锛巃s +鍘熺骇+ as She is as tall as her mother. I play the piano as well as my teacher. 缁冧範宸╁浐锛?1. My brother is ______________________ than I . 锛堟垜鍝ュ摜姣旀垜澶т袱宀侊級銆?2. Mike draws ________________________ than Tom does. Mike鐢荤殑鐢绘瘮Tom 鐢荤殑婕備寒澶氫簡銆?3. The water park is getting __________________________________(
簡)銆?4.( )_____ careful yiou are, _________ mistakes you will make. A. The more, the more ; B. The fewer, the more C. The more, the fewer.
浜旓紟涓夎€呬互涓婃瘮杈冨父鐢ㄥ彞鍨嬪綊绾?1. 澶氳€呮瘮杈冪敤
_____________绾?Which is the best, Lucy鈥檚, Tom鈥檚or Lily鈥檚? Who studies hardest, A ,B or C ? 2. 鏈€楂樼骇+ in / of + 鍦扮偣鑼冨洿/澶嶆暟鍚嶈瘝She is the strongest girl in her class. Of all the students, he is the cleverest . 3锛庘€滄渶鈥?鐨勪箣涓€鈥濄€?鈥?One of + + 鍚嶈瘝澶嶆暟鈥濄€?( ) Miss Li is one of _____ our school A. a popular teacher B. the most popular teacher C. the most popular teachers 4. ?涓夊ぇ鈥?涔熺敤鏈€楂樼骇銆?鈥渢he second/ the third biggest) The Yellow River is
______________________________ river in China.