1.Roman Culture2~3讲

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❖ C. 27~180A.D.大约200年的时间, ❖ 史称“神圣罗马帝国” ❖ *The famous Roman legions (古罗马军团) guaranteed
the Romans enjoy a long period of peace lasting two hundred years, a remarkable phenomenon in history known as the Pax Romana. (01,02,03年考过)
❖ ⑶ Its interior is two – third of a mile round.
❖ c. Sculpture ❖ ⅲ She – wolf 母狼 (另一个罗马帝国起源的角度) ❖ * This is a statue which illustrate the legend of
----1. Romans and
❖ *⑴The Romans had a lot in common with the Greeks.
❖ A. Politics:
❖ * Both peoples had traditions rooted in the idea of the citizen – assembly(公民大会), hostile to monarchy and to servility.(反对君主制及奴役)
❖ ⑴ The greatest and the best preserved Roman temple , which was built始建于 in 27 B.C. and reconstructed重建于 in the 2nd century A.D.
❖ ⑵ It is in a round ,domed form and has the
❖ ⅰ Marcus Tullius Cicero(106~43 B.C.)西塞罗
❖ * 简答题:----☆重点
❖ ⑴ Ciceronian legal and political speeches are models of Latindiction.
❖ ⑵ His eloquent, oratorical manner of writing, described as Ciceronian(style)n.解释, has had an enormous influence on the development of European prose.----言简意赅的风格
❖ ⑵. After 395, the empire was permanently divided into East (the Byzantium Empire) and west仍是罗马帝国.
❖ ⑶. In 476 the last emperor of the west was deposed by the Goths and this marked the end of the West Roman Empire.
in a new place, Rome. 肩负起特洛伊的复兴
❖ ⑵ Aeneas was a truly tragic hero .
4.Architecture and Sculpture
❖ a. ☆经常被考的重点 architecture→ 以实用性为主
❖ ⅰThe Pantheon 帕西安庙 (万神殿)
❖ ⑶To whose profit?-----站在谁的立场上?
❖ ⅱJulius Caesar (100~44B.C.)---凯撒
❖ * His Commentaries 《议政篇 》,are models of succinct Latin.
❖ * Some of his sayings:
❖ ---- I came , I saw, I conquered.
对英语诗歌有过重要影响 65~8 B.C.】
❖ said: “Captive Greece took her rude conqueror captive.”
❖ 即罗马人征服了希腊;但希腊文化征服了罗马人。
❖ ♀ Greek culture and Roman culture began to
be melted with each other.
❖ →⑴ It tells the story of Aeneas小王子, one of the
princes of Troy, who escaped from that burning city
when it fell to the Greeks, to carry on the Trojan cause
creation of Rome.
❖ * The Roman Empire began to decline in the 3rd century, increasingly troubled by the inroads of northern tribes such as the Goths.哥特人[法]
❖ ⑴. In the 4th century the emperor Constantine康斯坦 丁 moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium拜占庭 (土耳其), renamed it Constantinople君士坦丁堡 (modern Istanbul今天的伊斯坦布尔).
❖ b. Poetry
❖ ⅱVirgil (70~19 B.C.) 维吉尔
❖ * The greatest of Latin poets, wrote (and left unfinished at his early death) the great epic:
❖ the Aeneid 阿尼德(悲剧)
❖ B. 全盛时期---- 127 A.D. ❖ Two centuries later, the Roman reached its greatest extent: ❖ *Encircling the Mediterranean, reaching Scotland in the
north and spreading into Armenia and Mesopotamia in the 5 east.
periods: ❖ * before then , Rome had been a republic; ❖ * in that year, Octavius took supreme power as emperor
with the title of Augustus(国号). *共和国 → 罗马帝国
❖ D. Roman Laws 罗马法令
❖ *Another most important contribution made by the Romans to European culture was Roman laws.
❖ * It marked a victory for the plebeians. 平民
❖ Below are some of his sayings:
❖ ⑴The good of the people is the chief law. 人民的利益是法律的基础。
❖ ⑵Let wars yield to peace, laurels to paeons.
❖ ---- 战争是第二位的, 和平才是最重要的。
❖ The East Roman Empire collapsed when Constantinople fell to the Turks(土耳其穆斯林人) 7
in 145百度文库.
3. Latin Literature = The Roman Literature
❖ a. Prose 叙事诗
❖ * Two man active on the political scene wrote memorable prose.
❖ B. The Romans were confident in(崇尚) their own organization power(组织能力), their military(军事能力) and administrative capabilities(行政能力).
❖ ♂The Roman writer Horace 贺拉斯 【罗马诗人,
world’s first vast interior space. 最大的室内场馆 ⅲ The Colosseum 露天环形影剧院
❖ ⑴ It is an enormous amphitheatre built in the center of Rome in imperial time;
❖ ⑵ It held more than 5000 spectators.
❖ * It eventually to became the core of modern civil and commercial law in many western countries.
❖ 即:现代民法商业法

❖ E. The disintegration of the Roman Empire
2. Roman History
❖ * How did Roman culture originated and developed in the ancient times?
❖ Answer: ❖ A.罗马历史的分水岭 ---- 27 B.C. ❖ The year 27 B.C. divided the history of Rome into two
B. Religions:
* Their religions were alike enough for most of their deities to be readily identified. C. Languages:语法功能相似
* Their languages worked in similar ways, and were ultimately related,both being members of the Indo-European language family which 3 stretches from Bangladesh孟加拉国 to Iceland.
❖ *⑵ There was one big difference:
❖ A. The Romans built up a vast empire;
❖ the Greeks didn’t, except for the brief moment of Alexander’s conquests, which soon disintegrated.