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Segmenting Wholesale Customers


Moving beyond legacy segmentation can drive competitive advantage and win new business


Reference Code: TE012-000391

Publication Date: 25 Mar 2011 Author: Paris Burstyn

Ovum is not liable for any perceived changes of meaning that may occur through translation, and that for the avoidance of doubt, the original English version should be referred to for any discrepancies

Ovum 不为任何翻译后可能造成的歧异负责,为避免疑义,任何意义分歧皆以英文原版为主。


In a nutshell 核心概念

Wholesale customers differ significantly in the services they buy, the criteria they use to select their suppliers, and how they do business with wholesale service providers. Wholesalers must put market segmentation models in place that match their capabilities and sales priorities to intermediaries'

evolving requirements. In addition to the traditional carriers and resellers, intermediaries today include non-telco enterprises that incorporate telecoms services into the products and services they sell to their customers.


Ovum view Ovum 观点

Just as carriers segment their retail customers (e.g. residential, SMB, enterprise), wholesale operators must establish segmentations that clearly define their target customer base. As with any sales

segmentation, analyzing the characteristics of different intermediaries enables wholesale service

providers to map their existing and planned capabilities to their customers' specific requirements.




Effective segmentation of wholesale customers will assist wholesale carriers to assess their market opportunities and define their go-to-market messages and products. We describe one form of wholesale customer segmentation in this report, although some wholesalers use others. Using customer segmentation to refine their potential customer targets, wholesalers can focus on intermediaries whose requirements most closely match their own capabilities and represent the greatest revenue and profit potential.




Ovum’s segmentation uses a range of customer attributes to distinguish segments. It does not use geography or customer value. Geographic segmentation generally depends on the areas served by a particular wholesaler. Segmentation by customer value is intimately linked to the number and values of contracts held by a wholesaler. Since both of these approaches are provider-centric (rather than customer-focused), we exclude these two factors from our attribute-based segmentation model.



We group wholesale intermediaries into four main segments:


•infrastructure owners (fixed and mobile operators, and cable television multi-service operators) 基础设施所有者(固定和移动运营商,以及有线电视多业务运营商)

•network and systems integrators (SIs)


•Internet service providers (ISPs)


•non-telco intermediaries (e.g. web 2.0 companies, application and content providers).

非电信业中间商(如Web 2.0公司,应用和内容提供商)。

These segments represent an evolution from those we have used in the past (see "New Intermediaries Re-define Wholesale Telecoms" and "Customer Segmentation in the Wholesale Market"). Our four segments include emerging intermediaries that are becoming increasingly important channels to market.
