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本文对计算机的原理作了简要的介绍,重点放在 软件上。 A brief introduction to the principles of a computer is given with emphasis on software . 本文提出了解决这一问题的新方法,这种方法简 单而切实可行。 A new method to solve(for solving/of solving) this problem is presented,which is simple and practicable.
The fundamental principles of modern communication are discussed(in the paper).
同时给出了公式。 An formula is also given. 所得结果表明,上述公式适用于各种情况。 The results obtained demonstrate that above equation holds for all cases.
examine discover propel maintain invert ignite weaken dismantle liquefy be composed of
(2)注意词汇搭配。 晶体管和电子管相比有不少优点。 Transistors have several advantages over electron tubes 必须求出该电阻上的电流与电压。 It is necessary to find out the current through and the voltage across the resistor. (本句中要注意在current和voltage后要用不同的介词,不 能写成 the current and voltage on the resistor.)
本书简要地介绍了数字计算机的基础知识。 Fundamentals of a digital computer is briefly introduced in this book. → A brief introduction is given to fundamentals of a digital computer in this book. 电流用整流子进行整流 The current is rectified by means of a commutator. → Rectification of the current is obtained by means of a commutator.
(5)趋于用名词来表示动作。例如: 我们把无线电波与水波作了比较。 Radio waves are compared with water waves → A comparison of radio waves with water waves is made. 本文对这一设备的性能进行了分析。 The performance of this device is analyzed in the paper. → An analysis of the performance of this device is made in the paper.
(3)表示比较的结构:主语(物)+be十比较级(或 as十原级)+in十要比较的名词十than或as)十 物B(有时in这一介词短语可用某个副词表示或省 去)。 X-rays are shorter in wavelength than light rays(are). This substance is more complicated chemically (或 In chemical structure) than that one (is). This circle is smaller(in area) than that square (is).
(3)应避免使用口语,使语句显得稳重。例如: many lots of(或 a lot of) quite a few several (4)一般在科技文中不使用生活用语中或新闻报道 中使用的缩略词语。例如: lab laboratory auto automobile mike microphone ad advertisement 另外,由于科技文是对科学技术的如实描述,既不 能夸大,也不能缩小,所以科技文中的修辞方法比 较单调,而绝不要使用华丽的词藻,也绝不要滥用 修辞格(如夸张、拟人、双关等,特别是一些明 喻)。
2.常采用be句型 (1)主语→系动词→表语(由名词担任)。这一句型所表达 的语气比用形容词作表语的句型来得强。如: 这个信号太弱。 This is too small(weak) a signal. 这台仪器是如此的灵敏以致干能测出压力的微弱变化。 This is so sensitive an instrument that it can measure the slight change in pressure.
普通英语词 科技英语中的非技术词 (一般语体) (正式语体) ask inquire begin commence buy purchase change transform cheap inexpensive end conclude finish complete get obtain give accord have possess method technique obtainable available about approximately
我们通常见到的英文文摘的第一句话“本文提出了 (介绍了,证明了)…”.例如: A new procedure for checking the stability of 2-D digital filters is proposed. A numerical analysis of an amplifier is presented, along with a design procedure and experimental results.
Байду номын сангаас
②一些短语动词往往由正式动词(通常来源于拉丁语)替 代,表现出科技英语要求精炼,表达上力避冗赘。例如: 短语动词 正式动词 turn on complete(接通) take in absorb push in insert; add push down depress put up erect put together aggregate put out ;go out extinguish put in add wear away erode take away remove send for summon use up consume; exhaust
需要注意副词的的位置,如: The circuit is then completed. Wires are usually made of copper.
由于科技文侧重于叙述科技内容,很少涉及动作发生的时间,所 以最大量使用的时态是一般现在时,其次是一般将来时和现在完 成时,再次是一般过去时和现在进行时,其它时态相对来说用得 不多,例如: 本文讨论了现代通讯的基本原理。
(2)表示尺寸、大小、数量的结构:主语(物)十be 十数量十表示大小等的形容词(或in十表示大小 等的名词)。 The mountain is 2000 meters high (in height) These steel plates are 2 centimeters thick (in thickness). This well is 40 meters deep(in depth).
(6)在某些情况下,英语与汉语的词序是不同的. 例如: 接收机每个部分的电路将分章详细介绍。 The circuits for each receiver section are presented in detail In separate chapters. 钢铁 动植物 来回 左右 东南 西北 iron and steel plants and animals back and forth right and left southeast northwest
carry out come across make up put up with go with fill up bring out break up
perform encounter invent tolerate accompany occupy introduce repture
look at[over] find out drive forward keep up turn upside down set fire [light] to make…weak take…into pieces turn…into liquid be made up of
quick say similar touch try use put fire happy careful care heart enough In the end by which in which
rapid remark identical contact endeavor employ或 utilize place flame excited cautious caution center sufficient eventually whereby wherein
(1)科 技文的词汇总的来说形体比较长,词 义比较专一,如: A complete explanation is given(to) phase and frequency modulation in the book ①科技人员趋向于使用一些显得稳重的规范 词(formal words),如:
科技论文及文摘从句子结构方面来看,一般具有以下一些特 征。 1.句子比较长,结构严密紧凑。通常可采用三种手段来处 理使文章的句子变得较为严密、紧凑: ①with短语、形容词短语、分词短语等。 ②分词独立结构。 ③各类从句(尤其是定语从句)。
例如: 我们对器件参数进行了初步的分析,其结果令人 满意。 An initial analysis of the device parameters have been made with satisfactory results. 电子与原子核的大小大致相同,其直径大约为10 厘米。 An electron is about as large as a nucleus, its diameter being about 10 cm.
计算机已广泛地用于我们的国防。 Computers have been widely used in our national defense. 本文提出了一种新的计算机辅助设计方法。 This paper presents a new computer-aided design method. A new computer-aided design method is presented in the paper.
这个解验证无误—The solution checks. 证毕—This completes the proof. 这等于是说—This amounts to saying…/This is equivalent to saying. 所得结果与计算值相吻合—The results obtained are in good agreement with the calculated values. 这一点需要进一步考虑—This point deserves some further consideration.