

汉英比较与翻译chapter 4

汉英比较与翻译chapter 4
如果说她早已失掉了那蔚蓝色眼睛的、花儿般的魅力, 也失掉了她脸儿和身段的那种玉洁冰清、苗条多姿的 气质和那苹果花似的颜色——二十六年前这种花容月 貌曾那样迅速而奇妙地影响过艾舍斯特——那么在四 十三岁的今天,她依旧是个好看而忠实的伴侣,不过 两颊淡淡地有点儿斑驳,而灰蓝色的眼睛也有了岁月 的沉淀。
English: right-extending heavy-tailed like a peacock
This is the cat. This is the cat that killed the rat. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt(麦芽). This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house. This is the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that was built by Jack. …
英语国家沿袭了古代希腊人非常严格和规 范的语词系统。古代希腊人认为,语词系统 与思维系统是相一致的,要表达一个清晰合 理的思想就离不开清晰合理的词形和句法。 而在一个毫无条理的陈述结构中,思想肯定 也是杂乱无章的,而杂乱无章的思想是没有 意义的。英语形合的特征正是在这样一种 背景之下形成的。
与之相反,中国人重直觉,强调意念流, 只要能够达意,词的形式是无关紧要的, 词语之间的关系常在不言中,语法意义 和逻辑关系常隐藏在字里行间。正所 谓‚子曰:辞,达而已矣‛(《论语.卫灵 公》)。(The master said, in official speeches, all that matters is to get one’s meaning through.)



除旅游点的介绍和广告外,新闻报道、法律文献、 科技文章等也都要求简洁明了,忌节外生枝,因 此四字词组也广泛应用于这几类文体中。 外交人员要立场坚定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、业 外交人员要立场坚定、目光远大、头脑敏捷、业 务熟练、才华出众、风格高尚。 务熟练、才华出众、风格高尚。 A Chinese diplomat should be firm in stand, broad in vision, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, and noble in character.
1 汉英音韵修辞格(phonological 汉英音韵修辞格(phonological rhetorical devices)
在语音四要素音量、音势、音高、音色中, 在语音四要素音量、音势、音高、音色中, 音色是各种语言都重视的。 音色是各种语言都重视的。英语是音势敏感 的语言,而汉语是音高敏感的语言, 的语言,而汉语是音高敏感的语言,因此英 语强调重音,汉语成为典型的声调语, 语强调重音,汉语成为典型的声调语,声调 对字、 句各级单位的组成都有影响。 对字、词、句各级单位的组成都有影响。英 语是重音计时的(stress-timed), ),每一语 语是重音计时的(stress-timed),每一语 句虽是重音和轻音交替出现, 句虽是重音和轻音交替出现,但仍以重读音 节为主。汉语是以音节计时的(syllable节为主。汉语是以音节计时的(syllabletimed),音节数是韵律的基础。 timed),音节数是韵律的基础。 ),音节数是韵律的基础
(1)语音形式对比 汉英相似: 汉英相似: 狼嚎 鸽子咕咕 咯咯 关门声:砰 铃声:丁零 howl Coo Giggle, gurgle Bang Tingling



汉语学家王力:西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性;中国语法是软的,富有弹性。……所以中国语法以达意为主。 英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人写文章却往往化整为零。
This matter must be dealt with.
What language is spoken there?
This task must be fulfilled in time.
There is nothing wrong with this computer.
2 –ible, -able 结尾的形容词作定语,与every, the only或形容词最高级连用来修饰一个名词时,也常需后置。 The doctors have tried every way possible. 大夫们已经试过各种可能的办法了。 They had the greatest difficulty imaginable getting there in time. 为了能及时赶到那儿,他们克服了极大的困难。 It is the only wild berry edible here in this area. 它是这个地区惟一能食用的野莓。
I worked very hard on this book.

汉英篇章对比与翻译 例句

汉英篇章对比与翻译 例句

You must remember, my dear mother, that I have never considered this matter as certain. I have had my doubts, I confess; but they are fainter than they were, and they may soon be entirely done away.你应该记住,我的好妈妈,我从来没有把这件事情看得一定如此。


Look at that sunset. I never saw one redder. ones, the same瞧那晚霞。


各式各样的球鞋象装在万花筒里,在她面前转开了:白色的,蓝色的,高筒的,矮帮的,…给圆圆挑一双吧---- 《人到中年》莲花是自成一类的花卉,我个人认为是花中最美丽者,只要想想它是那么连枝带叶整个浮在水上。


(重复)If I miss this train, I’ll catch the next one.----我想买台洗衣机。


----I want a new washing machine. ----But I don’t think you can afford a new one.He never really succeeded in his ambitions. He might have done, one felt, had it not been for the restlessness of his nature.他从未实现自己的抱负,人们觉得,如果不是因为他那不安分的天性,也许他早已实现了自己的抱负。

The Americans are reducing their defense expenditure this year. I wonder if the Russian will do too.美国人今年在削减军费开支,我不知道俄国人是否也会这样做汉语动词替代手段:搞、弄、干、做… …他以为人们不喜欢他,但他们是喜欢他的。


Features of English as a Compact Language
句子主次分明,层次清楚,前呼后拥,严密规范,句式呈“聚集型” (compactness)。
结构严谨,通常由名词性短语和动词性短语构成;主语不可或缺,谓语动词是句子的中心,两者协调一致提纲挈领,聚集各种关系网络。 英语句子先把主要信息以“主、谓、宾(表)”的语法主干形式突出地表达出来,尔后再运用动词不定式、分词短语、从句、独立结构或其他语法手段来表现次要信息或用连词、介词来衔接。
他一下子为她的出众长相所倾倒了:她一头乌发披肩,飘逸潇洒,一双黑眸炯炯有神 。 他们这群人,又想吃人,又是鬼鬼祟祟,想法子遮掩,不敢直接下手,真要令我笑死。
All these people wanting to eat human flesh and at the same time stealthily trying to keep up appearances, not daring to act promptly, really made me nearly die of laughter.
单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼, 请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点。
Part 01.
Synthetic vs. Analytic
Hypotactic vs. Paratactic
Compact vs. Diffusive
Stative vs. Dynamic
Chronicle vs. Non-chronicle



德国相机的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐 用。
误译:The main features of German cameras are their fine workmanship and durability.
改译:The German cameras are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.
She is a student.
They are students.
My family are all fond of playing table tennis.
Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else knows the answer.
The girl has seen her mother.
Labor created man. The news surprised me. 3.SVOC(主语+谓动+宾语+宾语补语) He painted door green. We elected him our monitor.
4.SVO1O2(主语+谓动+宾语1+宾语2) She sang us a song. I sent him a letter.
The government reduced the price on a large scale.
就主语和谓语动词之间存在的语义关系来 说,英语主语可以有如下七种: (1)施动主语: The hunter killed the tiger. (2)受动主语: The tiger was killed by the tiger. (3)工具主语: The gun killed the tiger. (4)地点主语: The hall seats 500.



• 了解汉英两种语言人称代词系统和人称代 词前指照应不一样特点和倾向,对汉英翻 译有一定指导作用。翻译是一个包括语言、 文化、文本、译者等各种原因复杂过程影 响翻译过程原因很多。不过,依据本节对 汉英第三人称代词语篇照应对比研究,在 汉英翻译中采取对应策略和方法,对提升 翻译质量是有所帮助。 汉语中第三人称代词使用频率比英语低很 多,常有第三人称代词省略或零式前指。 在进行汉英翻译时候,要注意英语使用习 惯,为译文增添对应衔接方式,保持译文 通顺连贯。比如:
(9)“某不能择主,屈身袁绍,Φ言不听,计不从, 今特弃之来见故人。愿赐收录。”(罗贯中,《三
• “I chose my lord unwisely,” Xu You mentioned. “I lowered myself to serve Yuan Shao. He ignored all my ideas, my plans. Now I left him and only hope that you will accept my service.”(Moss Roberts译)
• (1)He looked up at her as she stood there, hand on heart, looked quietly, almost in a kindly way. (Gone with the Wind)
• 当他抬起头来,见她一只手捂着胸口站在那儿 时,他目光非常平静,甚至非常和善。(翟象 俊译)
• 篇章连贯性也是篇章内聚力表达。它首先 经过篇章标示词如连词和副词来取得,更 主要首先则取决于各概念或命题之间与主 题语义逻辑上联络。翻译时除充分利用篇 章标示词外,还要尤其注意吃透原文,理 顺文字底层联络,译于字里行间,而且要 充分注意两种语言在谋篇布局方面差异, 努力再现原文语义结构上连贯性。比如:



汉英词汇对比及翻译一、英汉词汇意义变化的方式1. 词义的扩展:词从个别意义扩大到一般意义。



英语中Cafeteria 咖啡壶f咖啡馆、餐馆等。

2. 词义缩小:从泛指转为特指。

如“臭”原作“气味” f “难闻的气味”。

“事故” “事情” f “意外的损失或灾难”。


pois on饮料f毒药。

3. 词义的升格:指词从原先贬义或中性转为褒义。


“领袖”:衣领和衣袖f “为人表率的人” f政治领导人。

英语中Mi nister仆人f部长。

4. 词义的降格:指词从原先中性或褒义转为贬义。


英语中的例证,silly 幸福的、神圣的f愚蠢的;cunning知晓的、有技巧的f狡猾的。




1. 准确理解词义不同的词义中选出最确切的词义,这是正确理解原文的一个基本环节,也是翻译之本。


(1)据上下文辨词义:形容词“ good”,一般意义为“好的”,但在不同上下文里含义不同,如:It was a good dinner. 这是一个丰盛的宴会。

He proved to be a good listener. 他这个人善于倾听。

又如:汉译英“说”这个词根据不同上下文可译成:speak, tell , say, express , mention 等。



• • • • • • • • • • • • 经济法制化: manage economic affairs within a framework 经济全球化: economic globalization 社会知识化: build a knowledge-driven society 国际关系民主化: the practice of democracy in international relations 国民经济信息化: build an information-based national economy 科研成果产业化: apply scientific research results to industrial production
第三章 词语的翻译——词义的引申
Case 4
• That’s a tall story about the town’s high street.
改译: 有关这城主街的说法是在令人难以 置信。
high street: the main street of a town or a city; tall: a. hard to believe, exaggerated
第三章 词语的翻译——词义的引申
Case 2
• Whether you like it or not, globalization is here to stay. We are not going to reverse the trend. • 译:不管你对它的态度如何,经济全球化已成为 我们生活的一部分,这个趋势不可逆转。 • 析:若把它死译为“呆在这里”,不通顺。但引 申为“已成为我们生活的一部分”,把原文的信 息充分地传达出来,且易于读者理解。



1 外延意义不对应 红茶;白酒;红眼 2 内涵意义不对应 只要我们坚持改革开放政策,就一定能把我国建设成为强大的社 会主义国家。 [译文] So long as we stick to the reform and opening-up policy, we will surely be able to build China into a powerful Socialist country.
有的译文,从语法角度看是没有什么错误的,但 外国人看不懂,毛病就出在不符合英语的习惯表 达。 例1: 我的心和你在一起 My heart is together with you. I shall be with you in spirit. 例2: 她是一个大龄青年 She is a big-age youth. She is a single youth well above her matrimonial age.
Clan, tribe,-er, monger,freak why?
1.对应式,契合式(equivalence) 可译性基础translatability 不可译论 公积金,剪刀差,牛市 Public accumulation fund,reserve fund scissors differences/gap; bull market 2.交叉式(intersection) 翻译的魅力 3无对应 humor 阴阳虚假对应。Guangxi(关系)
2 看高论:白酒应翻译成“baijiu”,黄酒应是huangjiu— —黄?的博客



ii.语义型vs语法型 汉语句子的根据在语义,衡量一串词语是否成立为句子,标准就是看其是否能表达出相对完整的意思。 语法型:主谓一致(数,人称,),靠近,完整 就句子结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的。法治的不管主语用得着用不着,总要呆板得求句子形式的一律;人治的用得着就用,用不着就不用,只要能使对话人听懂说话人的意思,就算了。——王力
发怒之后,我不难过,也不后悔。 After I got angry, I felt neither sorrow nor regret. Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst. 进入青年期,他工作了,他恋爱了。 Youth sees him on a job and in love. 2002年10月我在英国学习。 October 2002 found me studying in England. 为了编辑出版《吴昌硕书画集》,他还走访了许多吴老的学生和吴老的学生的学生。 His interviews also included the painter’s students and their students to get in information for the publishing of the Selected Paintings of Wu Changshuo.
He spoke so well that everybody was convinced of his innocence. 他说得那么好听,以至于每一个人都相信他是无辜的。 他说的那样好听,谁都相信他是无辜的。 We took off and flew over the city and slowly gained height. 我们起飞了并且飞过城市并且慢慢飞高。 我们起飞了,飞过城市,慢慢飞高。



• 1. 根据语境选择合适词义
• “Each word is a new word in a new context.” (Firth, British linguist)
• 例1:“好” • ①. 好的开始是成功的一半。 • Well begun, half done. • ②. 邻居对我都很好。 • My neighbors are all very kind to me. • ③. 这个问题好解决。 • The problem can be easily solved.
• ④. 计划定好了。 • The plan has been drawn up. • ⑤. 你留个电话,有事好联系你。 • Give me your telephone number so that I can contact you
when necessary. • ⑥. 今天下午好几个人过来找你。 • Quite a few people came in looking for you this afternoon.
• Fengshui • 阴阳
• Yin-yang • 馄饨
• Wonton
• 有些词语,采用直译,既可以使译文简洁,又能保留汉语 文化词语的原汁原味,不会产生文化误解。
• 易经 • Book of changes • 号脉 • Feel the pulse • 京剧 • Peking Opera • 龙舟 • Dragon boat • 春节 • Spring Festival • 站票 • Standing-room-only tickets
• 在直译无法达到效果的情况下,可采用意译。 • 意译法舍弃了词语的语言形式和字面意义,着眼于传



英语叠音词,一般属谐音或拟声现象,有许多词来自儿童语,通常用于 口语、俚语或非正式文体。重叠在汉语里是一种重要的构词方式,也是 一种常用的语法和修辞手段。李清照的《声声慢》连用七对叠字,无论 再美的译文,都无惨戚戚
I seek but seek in vain,
①She can be scornful of those ②who are not tough in either performance or philosophy, ③ reserving for them her ultimate pejorative, “wet”, ④which in her lexicon is an accusation of gutlessness.

by Lin Yutang
词是具备音、形、义,可以独立运用的最小语言单 位。一个词既有指称意义,又有言内意义和语用意 义。
红案 Dish preparing 红白喜事 weddings and funerals 红榜 Honor roll红包 red paper bag of reward红尘
大个子蒂姆认为他那天活像个毛头大学生, 仍然有点乳臭未干。
If you think I am for him, you are all wet. 如果你认为我支持他,那你就大错特错了。
从性质上看,中国文化属人文文化,西方文化属科 学文化。在心理文化方面,人文文化“重人论、轻 器物、价值取向以道德为本位。重综合、轻分析。 重意会、轻言传。崇尚群体意识,强调同一性。追 求人与自然的和谐,把人与自然看成浑然一体。” 科学文化“重物质、轻人论,价值取向以功利为本 位。重分析、轻综合。重概念、忌笼统、强调人权, 主张个人至上,重视特殊的辩识。强调人与自然的 对立,人对自然的索取。



英汉词语对比与翻译 --- 系统、语义及其他词类在英汉语中使用的频率有差异1.我成功了。

I was in success.2. The old man cast impatient glances at the clock. 这位老师不耐烦地看了看钟。


He is a green hand4. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the hearth and picked up the pieces. I tried vainly to put them together.一进门,我就想起来了被我摔碎的娃娃。


A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese --- 英汉语对比研究人到齐就开会。

The meeting will begin when all are here. 不要人云亦云。

Don’t say what others have said.帐单撕碎了。

The bill was torn to pieces.问题解决了。

The problem was solved.你再说一个字,我马上走。

If you should say one more word, I would go at once.你死了,我去当和尚。

If you should die, I would go and be a monk.1.人在阵地在。

The position will not be given up so long as we are still living.(Condition 条件)2.人无远虑,必有近忧。

If one has no long-term considerations, he will find trouble at his doorstep.(Condition 条件) 3.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。


Lecture One
Comparison between English and Chinese vs. Translation
isn’t much to live for in this jail of a house. He was open now to charges of willful blindness. 人不犯我,我不犯人。 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没 有。 一匹马骑两个人。 他赢得起,输不起。 沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌
was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land, which were not silences at all, but motions, stirs, flutters, risings, fallings, each in its own time and matchless rhythm.

There isn’t much to live for in this jail of a house. (Charles Dickens) 住在这监狱一样的房子里,活着没有多大 意思。 My fool of a doctor told me to make my will. (John Galsworthy) 我那笨蛋医生叫我写遗嘱。
这日子是如此清新可爱;蜜蜂无言, 春花不语,海波声歇,大地音寂, 这日子是如此安静,然而并非安静, 因为万物各以其特有的节奏,或动、 或摇、或震、或起、或伏。


• densely forested and scarcely populated,
• Mt. Tianmu,
is like a fairyland
where heavy fogs envelop halfway up the mountain and clear streams flow along the valleys.
• Jean Delisle, representative of French Interpretative Theory of Translation, says in his Translation: An Interpretive Approach, “In other words, each community has developed habits of expression that, over time, have been integrated into the language and lent it certain characteristics.”1
• “枝杈形结构”:英语采用主从关系的形合法(use of hypotaxis)。英语可以通过连词(如状语从句)、关系词(如定 语从句)和分词、动名词及不定式等构成句子,因此构成方 式是形合的;英语利用关系代词引出包孕句(embedded clause),语法结构采用层次结构,关系紧凑严密。也就是 说,英语的句子结构是在一个主句中,可在不同的地方插 入各种从属结构,层层展开。从属结构包括动词的非限定 形式、介词短语和各种从句。有人把英语句子结构比作树 状的“枝杈形”结构,犹如“参天大树,枝叶横生”。1
• “It is the meaning of a message that is transferred from one language to another, and the transfer is accomplished by analyzing and then reconstructing semantic relationships.”1
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汉英对比与翻译正确确立单句的主干:直接用原文的主语1) 如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。

________________________________________________________________, causes air pollution in cities.2) 如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。

___________________________________________________, sen tences are the “fundamental parts” of writings.替换主语以符合英语表达1) 鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。

Lu Hsun’s bones were the hardest; he was free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness; this is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people._________________________________________, free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness; this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people.2) 胎又瘪了。

The tire turns flat again?_______________________________________________.3) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。

______________________________________, just as we can’t measure the ocean by pints.______________________________________, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints.找出译文中合适的主语1) 在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。

Because of the constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history, there have formed a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan-a city in central China.2) 健康不佳就无法有效工作。

(表示条件的主语用抽象的英语名词短语表达)Poor health may cause one’s inefficiency at work.3) 北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。

Quite a few rare birds come to settle down in some places around Beijing thanks to the expansion of woods there these years.5) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。

At the turn of the century, China is most active in its diplomatic activities.英语多用被动式1) 成都新改建的府南河两岸将修建许多草坪和居民大楼。

______________________________________ along both the banks of the newly-renovated Funan River.2) 公共场所禁止吸烟。

_____________________________________________________________________________.3) 收音机的成本降低了80%。

______________________________________________________was reduced by 80%.4) 可以预见,在一个不太长的时间内,中国必在科学技术方面赶上世界最先进的国家。

__________________________________________________that China will certainly catch upwith the most advanced nations in the world in science and technology in not too long a time.无主句-增补主语到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南风景,觉得更具为有趣。

When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south.(一)谓语的确立谓语只能由动词(系动词或实义动词)或动词短语担当。



_________________________________from other places in Beijing increases year by year.3)从北京乘火车到郑州要花十多个小时。

____________________________________________________________________, the capital city of Henan province near Beijing.4)总统明天准备乘专机前往上海参观访问。

The president prepares to go to Shanghai ____________________________________________. 注意谓语动词的选择的准确性1)中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。

The central government has never ______________________ in the affairs of the HKSAR.2)中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。

The economy of China will __________________ with that of the world.3)新的景点不断出现,观光人数不断增加,地区经济也有了很大发展。

The________________________ of one new scenic spot after another and the influx of more and more tourists have also boosted the economy.采用倒装语序译出1. 地下埋藏着大量的金、银、铜、铅和锌。

2. 随着一声吼叫,呼地从树林里窜出一只老虎来。

3. 山里住着个虔诚的老和尚。

采用英语存在句there…be结构译出1. 很多年以前,这个村子里住着六个盲人。

A long, long time ago,_______________________ six blind men in this village.2. 剩下的时间不多了。

_________________________________________________________________.3. 萝卜青菜,各有所好。

___________________________________________________________for taste.4. 没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。

Without facility,___________________________________, without difficulty, ____________________________________________.采用it作主语译出1. 累得我走不动了。

________________________________so tired that I can’t walk any more.2. 要解决问题,还必须做系统、周密的调查工作和研究工作。

In order to solve the problem________________________________ to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study.3. 要成功,就要付出劳动。

______________________________________ much labor to succeed in anything.增添人称代词或名词充当主语1. 弄得不好,就会前功尽弃。

If _________________are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.2. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

If ___________________does not enter the tiger’s den, how can he get a tiger’s cub?作业:1)本文所讲的内容对通讯工程来说是很有趣的。

a. The content that this paper talks about is of great interest to communication engineers.2) 在零售和烹调行业方面,家办企业的买卖完全超过了国家办的。

b. In the retail and catering sectors, household operations have surpassed that of the state.3)和古庙正好隔河相对的那坐宝塔据说是明代的建筑。

a. The pagoda that stands facing the ancient temple and is separated from each other by the river is said to have been built in the Ming Dynasty.4) 我们大为惊奇的是,那幢经受强烈地震而幸存下来的惟一建筑物竟是砖木结构。
