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Regional Culture and language curriculum resource to the development and utilization

-- Fangchenggang City as an example

Graduate Name:Yeyanyan Tutor Name: Yuxiaojiang

Professional disciplines: Teaching• Languages Direction: Teaching

Year: 2005


As more and more intensive the curriculum theory is, curriculum resource begins to be known by people and becomes another one important subject of the research of curriculum theory. The new reform of the curriculum makes it obvious that we should attach importance to the development and utilization of the curriculum resource, many scholars and educators begin to make research on that field. The concept of curriculum resource is different in broad sense and narrow sense. The development and utilization of the curriculum resource draws more and more attention, and the importance of the curriculum resource is realized by more and more language educators. “Language curriculum resource” can be defined as the resource of the elements that is useful for achieving the purpose of language teaching and forming the language curriculum, and as the essential and direct condition to put the language curriculum in practice. Like other curriculum resources, according to different classification standard, language curriculum resource can be classified in material curriculum resource and condition curriculum resource, and in in-school curriculum resource and out-school curriculum resource, as well. It is specialized in regional characteristics, multisubstance, indirectness, dynamics and comprehensiveness, and so on. At present, the language curriculum resource is developed and utilized in varying degrees at home and abroad. Developing and utilizing regional culture as language curriculum resource has particular value and sense. Regional cultural language curriculum resource can be developed and utilized through the ways like the classroom teaching of language reading, the classroom teaching of writing, research study and extracurricular activities, and so on. During the process, we have to pay attention to the developing principles like priority, applicability, main in students, leading by teachers.

According to the characteristics of Fangchenggang City, this essay starts from language curriculum resource, trying to make the teachers and students discuss the value, ways and principles of effectively developing and utilizing regional culture curriculum resource, on the base of local regional culture. The main part of the essay is composed by four sectors:(一)the summarization of the basic theory of language curriculum resource;(二)discussing the value of developing and utilizing the regional culture as language curriculum resource;(三)taking Fangchenggang City as an example, discussing the ways of developing and utilizing the regional culture as language curriculum resource;(四)clarifying the important principles of developing
