



QVMZO are double proportional valves,which provide the indipendent flow and pressure control in systems with fixed displacement pump, according to the electronic reference signal.They operate in association with elec-tronic drivers, see sect. ݝ, which sup-ply the proportional valves with correct current signal to align valve regulation to the reference signal supplied to the electronic driver.The cartridge ܨ regulates the flow at port A according to the reference signal Q .The cartridge ܩoperates as 3-way pressure compensator between P and A ports discharging excess flow throu-gh port T.The pressure is regulated according to the reference signal P .The pressure relief valve with manual setting ܪoperates as safety valve.The coils are fully plastic encapsulated (insulation class H ) and valves have antivibration, antishock and weather-proof features.Surface mounting: ISO size 16, 25, flan-ge attachment 1 1/4” SAE 3000.Max flow up to 170 l/min, 280 l/min, 500l/min respectively with compensating Δp = 7 bar.Max pressure: 250 bar.Maximum pressure 250= 250 barSeries number Proportional pressure and flow control valves type QVMZOindipendent pressure and 3-way compensated flow regulationTable F500-11/EQVMZO-A Double proportional valve for pressure and flow controlA =without integral transducer Regulation characteristics:L2=linear (only for size 20);S2=progressive (only for size 20)L4=linear;S4=progressive20/3/***/250Coil voltage (only for -A execution) - = standard coil for 24 C Atos drivers 6 = optional coil for 12V Atos drivers 18=optional coil for low current drivers18/L4-1MODEL CODEF5003=3-waySize:20=ISO 6263 size 2032=ISO 6263 size 2540=flange 1” 1/4 SAE 3000Seals material:omit for NBR (mineral oil & water glycol)PE = FPMNote :-electrical signals (e.g. actual - feedback signals) taken via valve electronics must not be used to switch off the machine safety functions. This is in accordance with the regolations to the European standard (Safety requirements of fluid techno-logy systems and components - hydraulics).-basic information for commissioning and start-up are present on installation notes always enclosed to the specific techni-cal tables and relevant components.Electric wiring to reference generators must be made using shielded cables: the sheat must be connected to the power supply zero on the generator side . The power supply must be properly stabilized or rectified and filtered. For complete electric wiring with all available options, see section G4ELECTRIC WIRINGConnector COIL LEAD COIL LEADEARTH CONDUCTORPIN 12Pilot valvePressure controlAssembly position Any positionSubplate surface finishing Roughness index Ra 0,4 - flatness ratio 0,01/100 (ISO 1101)Ambient temperature -20°C ÷ +70°CFluidHydraulic oil as per DIN 51524 ... 535 for other fluids see section ݗRecommended viscosity 15 ÷100 mm 2/s at 40°C (ISO VG 15÷100)Fluid contamination class ISO 4406 class 20/18/15 NAS 1638 class 9, in line filters of 10 μm (β10 _>75 recommended)Fluid temperature-20°C +60°C (standard seals and water glycol) -20°C +80°C (/PE seals)3MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF PROPORTIONAL PRESSURE AND FLOW VALVES QVMZO5TYPICAL APPLICATION IN PLASTIC INJECTION MACHINES3.1 Coils characteristics Standardoption /6option /18Valve modelQVMZOCoil resistance R at 20°Max. solenoid current Max. powerProtection degree (CEI EN-60529)IP65Duty factorContinuous rating (ED=100%)Flow control Q Pressure control P Flow control Q Pressure control P Flow control QPressure control P3 ÷ 3,3 Ω30 W 35 W30 W 35 W30 W 35 W13 ÷ 13,4 Ω2 ÷ 2,2 Ω2,2 A 2,4 A 0,9 A 0,75 A 1,75 A 2 AF5006DIAGRAMS6.1Regulation diagrams for valves with Atos electronic drivers1 = QVMZO…L2, L42 = QVMZO…S2, S43 = QVMZO (pressure regulation)6.2Regulation diagrams: driving current vs. regulated flow and vs. regulated pressure1 = QVMZO-A-20/3L22 = QVMZO-A-20/3S23= QVMZO-A-20/3L44= QVMZO-A-20/3S45= QVMZO-A-32/3L46= QVMZO-A-32/3S47= QVMZO-A-40/3L48= QVMZO-A-40/3S49= QVMZO (pressure regulation)Note:(1) = with standard coil 12 V DC (2) = with coil 18 V DCR e g u l a t e d f l o w [% o f t h e m a x ]P r e s s u r e a t p o r t P [% o f t h e m a x ]Reference signal Q [% of the max]Reference signal P R [% of the max]R e g u l a t e d f l o w [l /m i n ]R e g u l a t e d f l o w [l / m i n ]Driving current [mA]Driving current [mA]341212356R e g u l a t e d f l o w [l /m i n ]R e g u l a t e d p r e s s u r e [b a r ]Driving current [mA]Driving current [mA]879(1)(2)(1)(2)(1)(2)(1)(2)7ELECTRONIC DRIVERS FOR QVMZO-A*For complete information about the drivers characteristics and relevant options, see the technical data sheet specified in the table.Valve model Data sheetDrivers model E-MI-AC-01FG010-AE-MI-AS-IR G020E-BM-AC-011FG025E-BM-AS G030E-ME-AC-01FG035E-RP-AC-01FG10007/13。

Power-Tiny 操作手册 USA说明书

Power-Tiny 操作手册 USA说明书

Operating manual Power-TinySet of Equipment supplied– 1 Power-Tiny with battery pack and fluid tank 250 ml– 1 charger– 1 bottle of fluid 250 mlWhen the order includes a radio remote, the following items are supplied additionally:– 1 receiver with 3 pin XLR-plug– 1 radio remote– 1 manual …Radio remote control“Please check whether all the products you ordered are supplied.Contents1.Procedure of the Power-Tiny42.Safety Instructions53.Description of the parts64.Fluid74.1 General5.Operating the Power-Tiny75.1 Selecting the Location5.2 Mounting the Power-Tiny5.3 Starting-up the Power-Tiny5.4 Control choices5.4.1 0 - 10 Volt (+) DC control5.4.2 Control via Radio remote5.4.3 Others5.5 Status Display of the Battery/Sleep mode5.6 Changing the battery pack5.7 Wiring of the connector6.The battery pack96.1 Capacity6.2 Operating and Storing6.3 Charging the Battery6.4 Safety Instructions6.5 Technical Data7.The Charger117.1 Operating the Charger7.2 General Notes7.3 Technical Data8.Service and Maintenance138.1 The machine does not work perfectly8.1.1 There will be no fog if…8.1.2 The yellow LED lights permanently if…8.2 Care and Maintenance9.Technical Data1410.Warranty Conditions151. Procedure of the Power-TinyThe Power-Tiny is a battery-operated, microprocessor-controlled fog generator. It is based (as most fog generators) on the vaporizer principle, i.e. a glycol fluid is evaporated and condenses into fog when leaving the fog nozzle. However, the Power-Tiny only heats when fog is actually needed.Because of the sleep mode the machine uses only 1.5 milliamperes in idle status and consequently it may remain connected to the the battery for several hours with no discharging to speak of – the standby-time is approx. 250 hours.The following sequence produces fog:a)Warming up (1 second, without pumping fluid).b)The pump runsc)Pump stops but fog will be produced for several seconds to get all the fluid outof the vaporizer.2. Safety instructionsA fog machine is not a toy!•Very hot steam escapes from the nozzle. Danger of getting burnt.•Occasionally very hot droplets of fluid may escape when in operation.Thus never aim at persons directly and keep a minimum distance of 10 ft from the nozzle.•Never touch the nozzle when in operation. Danger of getting burnt.•The location for the machine must be non-flammable, non-combustible and not sensitive to heat. It has to be twice as big as the machine.•Keep a minimum distance of 2 ft from all flammable, combustible objects and objects sensitive to heat.•Glycol is alcohol and burns with a slightly bluish, almost invisible flame. Never point the fog at strong sources of ignition like fire or pyrotechnic effects.•Never open the machine and leave the machine unattended when connected to a power supply.•The visibility has to be more than 6 ft in rooms where people walk around.•Only use the supplied TINY-FLUID. Different types of fluid do not generate the fog you require and destroy your fog generator.•Do not swallow the fog fluid. Keep it away from children. In case of eye contact, rinse with a lot of water. Consult a doctor should you have accidentally swallowed some fluid.•Spilled fluid or splashed fluid droplets can cause slip hazard. Mop up the fluid and dispose of it according to regulations. TINY-FLUID is completely water-soluble and biodegradable.•Fog may activate smoke detectors.•Use only Look Solutions Tiny-Fluid in this machine.Artificially-made fog can be produced in many different ways. The method used here to produce fog, with a device which works according to the vaporizer principle, is the most harmless one.No case has so far been reported in which a sound human being has been harmed because of using our device to produce artificial fog. However, this can only be guaranteed if the professional fog generators are used accordingly, i.e. at the correct vaporization temperatures as well as with the correctly mixed fog fluid.We, however, recommend: People with health problems or problems of the respiratory tract or with an inclination for allergies should avoid any contact with artificially-made fog.3. Description of the parts5:· Fluid tube6:· Battery connector (Speakon)7:· Screws (thumb screw)8:· Quick-connector for fluid tube 9:· Fluid tank· Adjusting knob· LED/Battery status display · Socket for battery plug · 3pin-XLR-socket10:11:12:13:1:· Start button 2:· Fog nozzle3:· Socket for charger 4:· Battery pack(Battery with housing, PCB, fuse and connector)123456789101112134. Fluid4.1 GeneralThe Power-Tiny is built to be used with original Look Tiny-fluid. Use of other liquids will clog the vaporizer and void the warranty.Please do not use Tiny-fluid if it looks blue or green. This can clog the vaporizer! Note: If the Power-Tiny will not be in use for a long period, please empty the fluid tank and pour the fluid back into the original fluid bottle despatched with the unit.5. Operating the Power-Tiny5.1 Selecting the LocationThe location for the Power-Tiny must•be dry•guarantee sufficient air supply•have sufficient distance (at least 2 ft) from inflammable materials•have very little vibration•have an ambient operating temperature between 40° F and 115° F•have a relative air humidity of less than 80%.5.2 Mounting the Power-TinyIf the Power-Tiny is to be built in props or similar, make sure that a fog-free air supply is guaranteed. Too high fog concentration can condense inside the machine and can result in damages caused by moisture.When installing the Power-Tiny make sure that•no fog is passed back into the fog generator,•no condensed fluid runs into the apparatus,•no objects jut out into the fog nozzle [2]5.2 Starting-up the Power-Tiny1)Pour the TINY-FLUID into the fluid bottle and firmly lock the bottle. Plug theconnecting spout of the fluid tubing into the quick connector of the fluid bottle (audible click). Check the cleanness of the fluid bottle, so that no dirt (fluff etc.) can be sucked in by the pump. Even the smallest impurity immediately leads to clogging of the machine.2)Connect the battery pack to the machine. Therefore plug in the batteryconnector (Speakon) [6] into the socket [12]‚ at the back of the machine.3)Press Start-key (grey) [1] briefly.5.4 Control choicesYou may control the Power-Tiny externally through the XLR socket [12].5.4.1 0 - 10Volt (+) DC controlConnect the Power-Tiny to an analog desk or with the cable remote (available as an optional extra), using the XLR socket [12] at the back of the machine.a)Connect the cable from the desk or the cable remote into the XLR socket atthe back of the machine [12].b)The knob on the cable remote or the fader on the analog desk will control thelevel of the pump.c)Pressing the On/Off switch at the cable remote starts the fog process.5.4.2 Control via Radio remoteA radio remote is available as an option. It will be delivered with a 3pin XLR plug.a)Connect the receiver of the radio remote to the machine, using the 3pin XLRsocket [12] on the back of the machine.b)Adjust the requested pump output at the machine, turning the adjusting knob[10].c)Press the first button at the transmitter of the radio remote as long as youwant fog to be produced (see manual …Radio remote“).5.4.3 Other controlsDMX 512: Connect the DMX-converter (DMXit, available as an option) to the machine, using the 3pin XLR-plug [12].Now the Power-Tiny can be connected to a DMX desk and can be controlled via DMX.Timer: Connect the Timer (TIMEit, available as an option) to the machine, using the 3pin XLR-plug [12].Now the wait and the fog time as well as the output can be programmed in.5.5 Battery Status Display/Sleep modeThe yellow light-emitting diode (LED) [11] on the Power-Tiny indicates how strong/efficient the battery still is and/or when it must be recharged.1)LED flashes slowly: Battery capacity of 15% – 100 %, the battery is fullyoperational.2)LED flashes fast: Battery capacity below 15%, the battery should be changedand/or charged.3)LED lights up permanently: the battery is flat or the vaporizer is damaged4)LED does not light although the battery is connected:Approx. 40 Seconds after the last fogging the Power-Tiny changes into the sleep mode automatically. It then only needs a current of 1.5 mA. To awake the machine press the startbutton [1].5.6 Changing the battery packThe battery pack [4] can be changed on site, for example if one battery pack is empty and there is not enough time to recharge it.To change the battery pack [4] unplug the battery connector [6] from the machine. Unscrew the thumb screws [7] and disconnect machine and battery pack. Put the Power-Tiny on a new battery pack and fix it with the screws. Connect the battery pack to the machine.5.7 Wiring of the connector3pin XLR (analog):Pin 1 = Ground, Pin 2 = 0-10 V + DC in, Pin 3 = 12 V + DC out, max. 50 mA6. The battery packThe supplied battery pack is supplied with a maintenance-free 12V lead-gel accumulator which is calibrated in the best possible way with the connected loads of the Power-Tiny. It can be used in every position.The connection to the Power-Tiny is done with a Speakon NL4FX high current plug, the connecting to the charger is done with a small connector.6. The battery pack6.1 CapacityThe battery has a capacity of 12 Ah and is supplied in a charged status. A fully-charged battery can generate more than 100 fog emissions of 4-5 seconds. The permanent fogging time amounts to 10 minutes.When used correctly, the battery holds its capacity for several years and/or some hundred charge/discharge cycles.6.2 Operating and StoringLead-gel batteries are a very robust bank of capacitors which need little care and maintenance. However, their working life can be shortened rapidly by storing them when discharged.Caution: Do not store a discharged battery! As a result, it can lose a large part of its capacity after two weeks!6.3 Charging the batteryFor charging the battery please use the supplied automatic charger. A discharged battery can be charged within 10 - 12 hours.If the battery is in charge, the LED at the charger lights red. If the battery is fully charged, the LED lights green.6.4 Safety Regulations•The supplied battery can supply high discharging currents. Therefore:– Never short-circuit the battery.– Never change the cable sizes.•Positioning of the battery– Make sure the battery is not placed near sources of heat,– Should you place your battery near a source of heat, the performance of the battery will decrease the more the temperature rises.•Using the battery in closed units– Don‘t use the battery in completely sealed casings or units.– To prevent a blast of hydrogen leaking from the battery, the casings must be ventilated.•Dismantling the battery– Don‘t dismantle batteries as they do contain electrolytes which may damage clothing or hurt the skin. If the electrolyte comes in contact with skin or eyes, immediately rinse with water or consult a doctor.6. The Battery pack•Avoid short-circuits– Do not short-circuit the Speakon-cable. This will destroy the FKS-fuses.•Keep away from fire– Do not expose the battery to fire or burn it. The battery might explode.6.5 Technical DataModel Lead-gel batteryOutput voltage12 V/12AhTemperature range40° F to 115° FDimensions22 x 10 x 11.5 cmWeight 4.5 kg7. The Charger7.1 OperationAn automatic charger for 12 V lead-gel battery is supplied.•Connect the charger to a power socket (100-240 V~/50Hz–60Hz).•Connect the output line of the charger with the battery to be charged.•Check whether the charge display (LED) lights red.• A green lighting LED shows that the battery is fully charged.•Disconnect the charger from the socket.•Disconnect the battery from the charger.7. The Charger7.2 General Notes1)If the control display lights up red permanently, this might indicate probablebattery problems:• short circuit within the battery or in the output lines• the battery voltage can not reach 13.8 V (especially in the case of old batteries)2)Protect the unit against rain3)Use the charger exclusively for charging the Power-Tiny battery7.3 Technical DataModel MPP 15 or similarInput voltage90 - 240 V~/50 Hz - 60 HzOutput voltage12 V =/1000 mAOperating temperature32° F to +105° FDisplay< 75 mA LED lights green (battery isfully charged)< 300 mA, U B > 6 V LED lights red(battery is in charge)Dimensions8.75 x 5.15 x 3.4 cmWeight165 g8. Service and Maintenance8.1 The machine does not work perfectly8.1.1 There will be no fog if…•the battery is discharged (yellow charge indicator (LED) lights up permanently, the pump automatically cuts off) => charge the battery•the fluid tank is empty => refill the fluid tank•the vaporizer is clogged or broken8.1.2 The yellow LED lights permanently if…•the battery is discharged => disconnect the machine from the battery and charge the battery•the vaporizer is clogged or broken8.2 Care and MaintenanceTo ensure perfect performance of the Power-Tiny, you should consider the following notes:•Make sure the fluid bottle is clean and free from small bits of dirt.•Clean the unit from time to time, especially if you use it in a built-in state/ condition.•If the Power-Tiny is not in use for a longer time, please take care that the battery is disconnected. The battery should be charged before storing.•PLEASE NOTE: It is not necessary to clean the vaporizer! Cleaning with any liquid/fluid can destroy the heat exchange module!9. Technical dataProcedure Vaporizing fog generatorPower requirement400 WattsVoltage12 V batteryWarm up time 1 secFluid tank capacity250 mlFluid consumption10 ml/min. with continuous output Continuous output with battery10 min.Temperature control microprocessorControl start buttonradio remote (option)XLR-remote (0 - 10 V analog)DMX 512 via converterTimerDimensions (L x W x H)22.3 x 10 x 21 cmWeight 5.6 kgManufactured for Look Solutions- Fog machines made in Germany10. Warranty conditionsFor the fog machine Power-Tiny Look‘ guarantee is:1.Free of charge, subject to the following conditions (No. 2 - 6) we will repair any defect orfault in the unit if it is caused by a proven factory fault and has been advised immediately after appearance and within 12 months of delivery to the end user. Insignificant deviations of the regular production quality does not guarantee replacement rights, nor do faults or defects caused by water, wrong fog fluid, by generally abnormal environment conditions or Force Majeure.2.Guarantee Service will be done in the following way: Faulty parts will be repaired orreplaced (our choice) with correct parts. Faulty units have to be brought to us or our service centres or to be sent to us or our service centres at customer‘s expense. The invoice and/or receipt showing the purchase date and the serial number has to come with the faulty unit, otherwise this will not be guarantee service. Replaced parts become our property.3.The customer loses all rights for guarantee services, if any repairs or adjustments aredone to the units by unauthorized persons and/or if spare parts are used which are not approved by us. The right of guarantee service is also lost if fluids other than the original Look …TINY-FLUID“ have been used or if units are sent to us with full fluid bottles. Also non compliance with the instructions in this manual or mistakes by incorrect handling/ treating of the machine will lead to a loss of guarantee and also any faults and damages caused by undue force.4.Any freight costs arrising in connection with the guarantee services have to be born bythe customer.5.Guarantee services do not cause an extension of the guarantee time or the start of anew guarantee time. The warranty for replaced parts ends with the guarantee time of the whole unit.6.We may, at our option, replace the machine rather than repair it.7.Further claims, especially for damages, losses etc. outside the unit are excluded.Other guarantee regulations may be valid outside the USA. Please check with your dealer!If you should send the unit for service, do not forget to remove any liquid from the fluid bottle.For warranty service in North America contact:Look Solutions USA Ltd.1-800-426-4189*********************。



A N D A R I N ST R U M E N T SCPX400D | CPX400DPDual output PowerFlex dc power supply - 840 watts total power high performance autoranging outputs, 60V and 20A maximum true analog controls with digital functionality including S-Lock GPIB, RS-232, USB and LAN interfaces; LXI class C compliance isolated tracking for easy series/parallel use - up to 120V or 40A | | | CPX400D - Dual 420 watt PowerFlex dc power supply (840W total)The CPX series is a different type of laboratory power supply designed to meet the need for flexibility in the choice of voltage and current.A conventional PSU has a fixed current limit giving a power capability that reduces directly with the output voltage.The TTi PowerFlex design of the CPX series enables higher currents to be generated at lower voltages within an overall power limit envelope.Each output can provide considerably higher current than a conventional PSU of the same maximum voltage and power (see power curve).Example voltage & current combinations include 60V/7A, 42V/10A, 28V/15A,and 20V/20A.View and adjust setting limits at any time.Custom Limits enables the analogue controls to cover any voltage or current range.Voltage sensing can be changed between local and remote at the flick of aswitch.True analog controls make adjustment quick and simple.Safety binding post terminals can accept fixed-shroud 4mm plugs** as well as normal plugs, bare wires, and fork connectors.High accuracy four digitmeters have a fixed resolution for consistent readings at-a-glance.S-Lockdigitally locks voltage and current settings at the touch of a button.DC output switches enable voltage and current to be setup before connecting the load.Both On/Off providessynchronous switching of the outputs.Isolated voltage tracking facilitates tracking voltage rails or control for series or parallel wiring (120V max. or 40A max.).Individual over-voltage protection for each output.Range Control gives a choice of PowerFlex (60V/20A) or fixed range operation (60V/7A or 20V/20A).Lock your settings at the touch ofa button !Choose voltage and current combinationsto suit your applications !Building upon successThe CPX400D & DP are the latest models in the CPX series and were developed from the CPX400A, one of the most successful power supplies ever.Analog controls with digital stabilityAs technology has changed, many products have moved from analog controls to digital ones. Although digital controls suit many instruments, they do not necessarily suit a bench power supply.Customer research shows that many users prefer the speed and simplicity of conventional analog controls for setting voltage and current. Digital controls may offer greater precision, but often at the expense of ease-of-use. With this in mind, the CPX400D retains the true analog controls of its predecessor.The main disadvantage of analog controls is stability and security. The settings of analog potentiometers can drift over time. More importantly, the settings can be changed accidentally with potentially serious consequences.The CPX400D incorporates S-Lock. One press of the Lock button transfers control of voltage and current from the analog controls to internal digital circuitry. This offers not just complete security, but exceptional stability as well with each setting controlled by an instrumentation quality DAC.Isolated voltage tracking for maximum flexibilityThe two outputs of the CPX400D are completely independent and electrically isolated from each other.With V-Track selected, the two outputs remain electrically isolated, but the voltage control of the Master output sets an identical voltage on the Slave output.This enables the user to create two rails of either polarity and to reference them to different grounds if necessary (e.g. digital ground and analog ground). Alternatively the outputs can be wired in series or parallel to create a voltage capability up to 120V or a current capability up to 40A with the voltage set using a single control.Independent and simultaneous output controlThe Both On/Both Off button is in addition to the individual switches for each output, and allow both outputs to be turned on or off synchronously by a single button press.Synchronous switching of the outputs is of increasing importance for circuitry which can be damaged if one voltage rail is present without the other.CPX400DP - GPIB, RS-232, USB and LAN interfaces; LXI class C compliancePowerFlex design gives variable voltage and current combinations within a maximum power envelopeUp to 60V and up to 20A per output (420W maximum)Constant voltage or constant current operation Low output noise and good transient responsePowerFlex or fixed-range operation plus custom limits True analogue controls with digital settings locking Independent outputs or isolated voltage trackingOutputs can be wired in series or parallel for 120V or 40A Variable OVP trips; safety binding-post terminals4 digit fixed resolution meters; selectable remote sensing GPIB, RS-232, USB and LAN interfaces with LXI class C compliance (CPX400DP only)Compact ½ rack case; additional rear terminals on CPX400DP④④④④④④④④④④④④Bench and System use - CPX400DPThe CPX400DP is a bus programmable version of the CPX400D which includes all of the manual control features plus comprehensive digital interfaces and rear terminals.Rear output terminalsPower and sense terminals are duplicated on the rear panel for rack mount applications or other situations where rear connection is more appropriate.Digital remote controlTo meet the varying needs of today’s engineers, a comprehensive array of interfaces is provided. RS-232, USB, GPIB and LAN (Ethernet) with LXI support are provided as standard. Each of the digital bus interfaces provides full control of voltage, current, and output on/off, plus read-back of voltage, current and status. The interfaces are at ground potential and are opto-isolated from the output terminals.GPIBThe GPIB interface is compliant with IEEE-488.1 and IEEE-488.2. Currently GPIB remains the most widely used interface for system applications.RS-232An RS-232/RS-423 interface is provided for use with legacy systems. This type of serial interface remains in common useage and is perfectly satisfactory for the control of power supplies because data speed is not an issue.USBUSB provides a simple and convenient means of connection to a PC and is particularly appropriate for small system use. A USB driver is provided which supports Windows 2000, XP , Vista and Windows 7.LAN (Ethernet)The LAN interface uses a standard 10/100 base-T Ethernet hardware connection with ICMP and TCP/IP Protocol for connection to a Local Area Network or direct connection to a single PC. This interface supports LXI and is highly appropriate for system use because of its scalable nature and low cost interconnection.LXI ComplianceThe LAN interface is compliant with LXI-C. LXI (LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation) is the next-generation, LAN-based modular architecture standard for automated test systems managed by the LXI Consortium, and is expected to become the successor to GPIB in many systems. For more information on LXI and how it replaces GPIB, or operates along side it, go to: /go/lxiIVI DriverAn IVI driver for Windows is included. This provides support for common high-level applications such as LabView*, LabWindows*, and HP/Agilent VEE*.Low noise and good dynamic responseThe PowerFlex regulation system used on the CPX400D & DP combines a high frequency pre regulator with a linear post regulator to give both low noise and good transient response. Each output can operate in constant voltage or constant current mode with automatic crossover and mode indication.Precision metering and remote senseSeparate voltage and current meters on each output give a resolution of 10mV and 10mA. The fixed resolution avoids the misinterpretation of readings that can occur with auto-ranging 3 or 3½ digit meters where the decimal point position moves as the reading changes.Coarse and fine voltage controls are provided. The current control is logarithmic enabling low current levels to be set accurately. A View Settings button enables limit settings to be checked and adjusted at any time.Each output incorporates remote sense terminals that can be enabled or disabled at the flick of a switch. Remote sensing is essential for maintaining precise regulation at the load and true metering of the load voltage.Compact design uses minimum bench or rack spaceDespite the high power output of 840 watts, the CPX400D & DP has a small bench footprint taking up less space on a crowded bench.For rack-mount applications the half-rack by 3U case size enables two units (providing four outputs) to be fitted into a single rack slot.Range control offers even more flexibilityAs an alternative to PowerFlex operation (60V/20A subject to a power limit), the CPX400D & DP can be used as conventional fixed range power supplies of either 60V/7A or 20V/20A at the press of a button.Fixed range mode ensures that, whatever the load, the output can only be in constant voltage or constant current mode and never in power limit. Additionally finer resolution is provided on the current or voltage controls respectively.A further button offers full customisation of voltage and current limits which can be set to suit the users application. This has the advantage that the controls cover the exact voltage and current range required, providing easier setting and reduced risk of error.For example, the range could be set to 30V and 14A to create a 30 volt PSU of maximum current capability. Alternatively it could be set to 5V and 3A if this was all that was required for a particular application.Safety binding-post terminalsCPX series power supplies are fitted with the new TTi designed output terminals. These can accept a 4mm safety plug with rigid insulating sleeve, a requirement specified by an increasing number of laboratories for safetyreasons.C P X 400D P R e a r P a n e lSpecifications CPX400D & CPX400DPOUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS (each output)Voltage/Current/Power LevelsVoltage Range: 0V to 60V.Current Range: 0A to 20A.Note: Actual maxima for voltage and current are typically 1% greater than the figures given above. Power Range: Up to 420W subject to power envelope.POWER ENVELOPEThe maximum current atany voltage settings is limited by the power envelope which is set to give 7A at 60V rising to 20A at 20V under all ac supply conditions (both outputs loaded). At lower output voltages the power is restricted by the 20 amps current maximum.See PowerFlex power envelope graph on previous page.Output Setting & ControlVoltage Setting: By coarse and fine controls.Current Setting: By single logarithmic control.Output Mode: Constant voltage or constant current with automatic cross-over.CC indicator lit in constant current mode.Output Switch: Electronic, non isolating. Preset voltage and current limit displayedwhen Output is off. Output rise time no load <10ms.View Settings: With the output On, the meters show actual voltage and current.The preset levels can be viewed and adjusted at any time by pressingthe View Settings button.Status Indication: LED indication of Output On, V/I Limits, CV, CI, Power Limit, Remote,LAN status. Message on meter display for trip condition.S-Lock(Settings Lock) Voltage and current settings can be locked by a single button press.Lock accuracy is equal to the meter accuracy (see Meter Specifications).Output PerformanceRipple & Noise: Typically <3mV rms, <15mV pk-pk, (5mV rms max.) in CV mode. Load Regulation: Voltage - <0·01% of maximum output for any load change withinthe PowerFlex envelope (remote sense connected).Current - <0·05% of maximum output for any load change withinthe PowerFlex envelope.Line Regulation: Voltage - <0·01% of maximum output for a 10% line change.Current - <0·01% of maximum output for a 10% line change. Transient Response: <250µs to within 50mV of setting for a 5% to 95% load change. Temp. Coefficient: Typically <100ppm/°COutput ProtectionOutput Protection: Forward protection by Over-voltage Protection (OVP) trip.Reverse protection by diode clamp for currents to 3A.OVP Setting/Range: Via screwdriver adjustable preset on front panel. Range 1V to 66V Over-temperature: Output trips off for over-temperature.Safety Interlocks: Operations that could cause an unexpected change in voltage orcurrent settings are interlocked with the output switch.Output ConnectionsOutput Terminals: Universal 4mm safety binding posts on 19mm (0·75”) spacing at front.Screw terminals at rear (CPX400DP only).Terminals can accept fixed shroud 4mm plugs, standard 4mm plugs, fork terminals and bare wires. Remote SenseSense Selection: Voltage sensing is selected as Local or Remote by front panel switch. Sense Terminals: Sprung loaded screw-less terminals at front.Screw terminals at rear (CPX400DP only).METER SPECIFICATIONS (each output)Display Type: Dual 4-digit meters, 10mm (0·39”) LED.Voltage MeterResolution/ Accuracy: 10mV / ± 0·1% of reading ± 2 digitsCurrent MeterResolution/ Accuracy: 10mA / ± 0·3% of reading ± 20mAVOLTAGE TRACKINGIndependent ModeIn the normal mode of operation, each output is fully independent and isolated. Operation is equivalent to two single output power supplies.Voltage Tracking ModeThe two outputs remain isolated, but the Slave voltage controls are disabled and the Slave voltage is set equal to the Master voltage. This can be used to generate tracking bipolar voltages, or tracking unipolar voltages relative to different grounds.When voltages greater than 60V are required, the outputs can be wired in series to generate 0 to 120V with the voltage controlled from the Master.When currents greater than 20A are required, the outputs can be wired in parallel to create the equivalent of a 40A power supply with the voltage controlled from the Master.Track Accuracy: Slave voltage = ± (0·1% of Master voltage setting + 10mV)BOTH ON / BOTH OFFEach output has an independent DC On/Off control, however, an additional control button is provided which turn both outputs on or off simultaneously.DIGITAL BUS INTERFACES (CPX400DP only)The CPX400DP offers full remote control and read-back using RS-232, USB, GPIB or LAN (compliant with LXI class C). All interfaces are at ground potential and opto-isolated from the output terminals. Note: Remote/Local Sense, is manually selectable only.RS-232Standard 9-pin D connector. Baud rate 9,600.USBUSB 2.0 connection (backwards compatible with USB 1.x). Operates as a virtual COM port. GPIB (IEEE-488)The interface conforms with IEEE-488.1 and IEEE-488.2.Ethernet (LAN)Standard 10/100 base-T hardware connection. ICMP and TCP/IP Protocol for connection to Local Area Network or direct connection to a single PC.LXI ComplianceLAN interface is compliant with LXI class C. (LXI is the abbreviation for Lan eXtensions for Instrumentation). For more information visit: /go/lxiDIGITAL PROGRAMMING PERFORMANCE (CPX400DP only)Voltage SettingResolution/Accuracy: 1mV / ± (0.05% +10mV)Current SettingResolution/Accuracy: 1mA / ± (0.3% +5mA)Programming SpeedCommand Delay: Typically <25ms (this must be added to any of the figures below) Voltage Up Time: <10ms* to 1%Voltage Down Time: <80ms* to 1% (full load); <1.5s* to 1% (no load)* The up and down times vary with range and voltage step size. More information is contained in the operating manual which can be downloaded from our web site. DRIVER SOFTWARE SUPPLIED (CPX400DP only)IVI DriverAn IVI driver for Windows is supplied. This provides support for common applications such as LabView*, LabWindows*, HPVEE* etc.USB DriverAn installation file is supplied which calls a standard Windows* USB driver.* LabView and LabWindows are trademarks of National Instruments.HPVEE (now Agilent VEE) is a trademark of Agilent Technologies.* USB interface is supported for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista.Windows is a trademark of Microsoft.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSInputAC Input: 110 to 240 volts ±10% 50/60Hz. Installation Category II.Input Power: 1250VA max.Temperature & EnvironmentalOperating Range: +5ºC to +40ºC, 20% to 80% RHStorage Range: -40ºC to + 70ºCEnvironmental: Indoor use at altitudes up to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2.Cooling: Rear discharge variable speed fan.Safety & EMCSafety: Complies with EN61010-1EMC: Complies with EN61326PhysicalSize: 210 x 130 mm (½ rack 3U) x 375mm(size excludes feet, knobs and terminals).Weight: 6.3kgOPTIONSRack Mount (RM300A)19 inch 3U rack mount suitable for one or two power supplies.Accuracy specifications apply for the temperature range 18o C to 28o C after one hour warm-up. Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd. operate s a policy of continuous development and reserves the right to alter specifications without prior notice.Brochure Part No. 82100-1400 Iss. 3。

QB Sync Made Easy 用户手册说明书

QB Sync Made Easy 用户手册说明书

USER MANUALQB Sync Made Easy is developed and owned by HIC Global Solutions.Please read the License Agreement and Terms of Service before using the app. HIC Global Solutions is not liable for any harm incurred by the deployment of the app, or its use thereof. Please maintain adequate software backup and consult an IT professional before software installment-related decisions.Do not record, reproduce, or redistribute this document electronically, or otherwise, without the written consent of its owners.All rights reserved.HIC Global Solutions, 2023Preface - An Introduction to the AppWelcome to the user guide for the QB Sync Made Easy App! This guide is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview and step-by-step instructions on how to utilize the app effectively.Whether you are a small business owner, an accountant, or a financial professional, this integration app will simplify and streamline your financial management processes.Here is a walkthrough of the Setup, Configuration, and data fields mapping process to get up and running with the app effortlessly.Prerequisites1.Installation and Permission1.1.Connect Quickbook Companies in Salesforce1.2.Configure Mapping For Salesforce to Quickbooks& vice versa2.Quickbooks to Salesforce ‘Historical Sync’2.1.Salesforce to Quickbook2.2 2.3.Mapping for Account-Customer in object Edit page on Account Record2.4.Filling up Design Attributes field3.Mapping for Product-Item in object and fieldsetup3.1.Fill the Pricebook on Record Page3.2.Edit Page on Product Record3.3.Fill Design Attributes Field4.Mapping for Opportunity-Estimate in object andfield setup.4.1.Add the Account and Product for Sync4.2.Edit Page on Opportunity Record4.3.Filling the Required Design Attributes4.4.Sending Estimate to an Email From Salesforce4.5.Convert Estimate to Invoice From Salesforce5.Quickbooks To Salesforce Real-time Sync6.SupportFeatures of QB Sync Made EasyFacilitate seamless integration of financial data, such as invoices, expenses, and customer information, between QuickBooks and Salesforce CRM.●Real-time Sync: Keep your QuickBooks and otherplatforms up-to-date with synchronized data in real time.●Bi-Directional Sync: Enable data flow between QuickBooksand your systems in both directions, ensuring consistency.●Historical QB Data Sync in Salesforce: Easily importhistorical QuickBooks data into Salesforce forcomprehensive financial insights.●Support for Multiple QB Environments: Effortlessly manageintegration with multiple QuickBooks environments forenhanced flexibility.●Dynamic Mapping: Map data fields dynamically, allowingyou to tailor the integration to your specific businessneeds.Prerequisites●Need to Assign Permission Sets ( wehave shown it below).●Not Supported in professional & Groupaddition orgs.1. Installation and Permission●Step 1: Login to Salesforce from youraccount.●Step2: After logging into Salesforce from your account, youwill see the installation screen, Something like this. Here, click on Install for All Users.●You will now see that the Quickbook Made Easy app isInstalled for All Users.●Step3: Now the QB Sync Made Easy app installed insalesforce.●Step4: After installing the QB Sync Made Easy app, theHome’ page will appear as shown and search the Users.●Step5: Go to Users and Check the Permission set.●Step6: Then Assign the Permission Sets (QB made easyadmin user & business user).Figure - 11●Step7: After installing the Quickbook Made Easy app, youshould be on the Homepage of the app. And click on the Qb Setup.● 1.1. Connect Quickbook Companies in Salesforce●Step8: After clicking on the QB Set up page click on theConnect with Quickbooks online.●Step 9: We have to click on the Connect with Quickbookonline, then Choose the Quickbook Environment(Sandbox/Production) then click the Connect button.Step 10: After that select the Company and then click on the next tab.Step 11: Then login to the same Salesforce Account that you want to connect to.●Step12: You have to log in to the Salesforce Account then youwill see the Message that the company has successfullyconnected. Then you click on the click here to ProceedButton.●Step 13: After that you will see that your company has beenconnected.●Here, We have finally connected with the Quickbookscompany.●Step 15: After you click on the continue button you can seethe company details. And in the email section, you can enter Email if you want to be notified after the Historical sync has been Completed.●Step 14: Then You click on the Continue button.& Quickbooks to Salesforce.●Step 17: For this, we have to choose the Quickbook toSalesforce in the combo box. After that we have to choose the objects that we want to sync then we choose the fieldsof those objects.2. Quickbook to Salesforce ‘Historical Sync’.●Step 16: Here you can see the mapping page where we willdo Mapping for Quickbooks to Salesforce & salesforce to Quickbooks Sync.●Step 18: We can also load the Default mappings For(Customer, Item, Estimate) with Salesforce’sAccount,Product,Opportunity respectively.●After you have added the Mapping Click on the SaveAll(If youjust want to save the mapping) or Save and Sync Button(Ifyou want to save and Start the Sync Process).●Step 19: After that click on the save and sync button then aModal will Popup then you can Sync.●Step20: Here you can see the status of Sync.● 2.1 Salesforce to Quickbooks●Step21: For Salesforce to Quickbook Mapping Go to theObject And Field Setup Page.●Step 22: Then you can do the Mapping same as above andclick on the save button.●Step 23: Now we will show how to sync the SalesforceAccount with a Quickbook customer.● 2.2 First we create the mapping for Account-Customer inobject and field setup.● 2.3 Then go to the account record and click on the Editpage.● 2.4 Then you can Drag and Drop Sync Qb custom Buttononto the page and Fill in the Required Design Attributes.●i) In choosing QuickBooks CompanyId Design attribute Selectthe company Id that you want to sync with(Mapping isrequired).●ii) Choose the QuickBooks entity Design attribute to Selectand sync with.●Note: These two Design Attributes are required to sync.●iii) Now you can Go to the Record and click on the SyncQBbutton to Sync that Record in the Quickbooks.●Step24: After you have synced the Record, Go to QuickbooksOnline and check for the record.●Note:You can also add the QB Redirect Button to Redirectinto that Quickbook Record.●Note: You can also Sync record with the help of RecordTriggered Flows.● 1. Create Flow on the Salesforce Object that you want to syncin quickbooks .●Go to the home and search the Flows:Figure 33●Then you have Choose the (Sync QB Acc) and click on theApex Action Fill required fields in Flow then you have tocreate an Account.●Then you have to click on the Save As Button again show thesave as page and click on the save button then click on the Activate button Now ur Flow has been activated.●If you have to update the account you choose (Sync QB onUpdate Account) and click on the Edit and fill the required Fields that you want in Flow.Then you have to click on the Apex Action (Create QB Record) Fill the required fields thenyou have to Update the account.●Now you have to click on the Save As Button again show thesave as page and click on the save button then click on the Activate button Now ur Flow has been activated.NOTE:● Flow create on the Product Choose the (Sync Qb Product)Flow Update on the Product Choose the (Sync QB on update Product).● In the Opportunity the Flow is only working on the UpdateYou can choose the (Sync QB Opportunity on Update).● 3. Create the mapping for Product-Item in the object andfield setup.● 3.1 After that you can go to the Record Page and click on theRelated and Fill the Pricebook. And fill in all the requiredfields.● 3.2. Then go to the Product record and click on the editpage.● 3.3 Then you can Drag and Drop Sync Qb custom Button ontothe page and Fill in the Required Design Attributes.i) In choosing QuickBooks CompanyId Design attribute, Select the company Id that you want to sync with (Mapping is required).ii) Choose the QuickBooks entity Design attribute to Select and sync with.Note: These two Design Attributes are required to sync.iii) Now you can Go to the Record and click on the SyncQB button to Sync that Record in the Quickbooks.●Step25: After you have synced the Record, Go toQuickbooks Online and check for the record.Note: You can also add the QB Redirect Button to Redirect into that Quickbook Record.● 4. Create the mapping for Opportunity-Estimate in objectand field setup.● 4.1 After that you can go to the Record. Add the Account andProduct that you have to Sync.● 4.2 Then go to the Opportunity record and click on the editpage.● 4.3 Then you can Drag and Drop Sync Qb custom Button ontothe page and Fill in the Required Design Attributes.i) In choosing QuickBooks CompanyId Design attribute Select the company Id that you want to sync with (Mapping is required)ii) Choose the QuickBooks entity Design attribute to Select and sync with.Note: These two Design Attributes are required to sync●Step 26: After you have synced the Record, Go toQuickbooks Online and check for the record.Note:You can also add the QB Redirect Button to Redirect into that Quickbook Record.4.4 Sending Estimate to an Email From Salesforce.Step 27: Add the button to a record page(Which is Synced with Quickbooks Estimate).Step 28: The model will pop up here you can fill in the Email and Click on the Send button to send that Estimate as a pdf to the Email.● 4.5 Convert Estimate to Invoice From Salesforce.First, we have to add the button and click Then your Invoice has Created.Step 29: Now Go to the App launcher and Search for the Invoice then you have to See your Invoice.5. Quickbooks To Salesforce Real-time Sync.Step 30: Go to the QBSetup and add a company if it is not added. After adding a company go to the Bi-directional Company setup page and click on the Allow for QuickBooks To salesforce connection.Step 31: Then, you have to log in to the same Salesforce Account that you want to connect to.Figure 48●Step 32: You have to log in to the Salesforce Account thenyou will see the Message that the company has successfully connected. Then you click on the Click here to ProceedButton.●Step 33: MappingsGo to Objects and field setup and then Configure the Quickbooks online to Salesforce mapping according to need and click on the SaveAll.●Step 34: Now just create a Record in the Quickbook andCheck in the Salesforce.Dashboard:We can also create reports and dashboards in salesforce to see how many quickbooks records have been created in our salesforce.We can show them based on theirquickbook company id.。



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Ceyone 太阳能充电器套件用户手册说明书

Ceyone 太阳能充电器套件用户手册说明书

SOLAR KITA SUSTAINABLE BATTERY CHARGING GEAR User ManualWSBC-50Contents1. General Information (1)1.1 Key Design Features (1)1.2 Warnings (2)2. Components and accessories (3)2.1 Accessories (3)3. Specifications (4)3.1 Module electrical specifications (4)3.2 Module mechanical specifications (4)3.3 Charge controller specifications (4)3.4 Rooftop box specifications (5)4. Packaging information (6)5. Installation (7)5.1 Wiring guidelines (7)5.2 Kit fixation guidelines (8)6. Operating Instructions (9)6.1 Charge controller (9)6.2 Features of charge controller (9)6.3 Display symbols (9)6.4 Special Instructions (10)7. Troubleshooting (10)8. Frequently Asked Questions (11)9. Limited Warranty (11)User manual – Ceyone solar kit1.General InformationPlease read this user manual carefully before using the product.Dear Customer,Thank you for purchasing Ceyone solar kit.We hope that you get best results from our product which has been manufactured with high quality and state of the art technology. Please read this entire user manual and all its accompanying documents carefully before using the product. Keep this manual and its accompanying documents safe/stored to refer them in the future.1.1 Key Design FeaturesSuperior product efficiencies as per international benchmarksOur high quality components are designed for best in class product durabilityMaximizes the state of charge of the battery which ensures that the lifetime ofbattery is extendedAdequate protection ensuring hazard free operationDesigned for off-grid applications1.2 WarningsPlease read all the warnings carefully before operating the product. It is necessary to understand and keep them in mind when the system is in use. Any negligence may lead to severe damage to you and your surroundings.Disconnect all the operating battery Exceeding current and voltage rating Use in presence ofponents and accessories2.1 Accessories3.Specifications3.1 Module electrical specificationsThe figure below shows the performance curve of 50Wp module under Standard Test Conditions (STC): 1000 W/m 2 irradiance, Air Mass 1.5 and 25°C cell temperature.3.2 Module mechanical specifications3.3 Charge controller specifications3.4 Rooftop box specifications3.5 Mounting kit specifications4.Packaging information1.Rooftop box2.Charge controller3.Mounting bracket & fixing ancillariesNote: These additional inclusions are kept in position by utilizing double sided tape. Exercise caution whenremoving/ detaching the accessories.5. Installation5.1 Wiring guidelinesIn order to achieve optimized output, it is recommended to that the electrical connections are made in the correct manner using 14 gauge wire. Verify that the connections are secure to ensure safe operation of the kit. It is recommended to use a 10 amp rated fuse before the battery for enhanced safety. As a precaution use properly insulated tools & appropriate PPE’s.Line Diagram Of ConnectionExterior Wiring Guide10 Amp Fuse 14 GaugeWire5.2 Kit fixation guidelinesThe following steps should be adhered to for kit installation/ fixation.1.Connecting the rooftop box: The solar panel need to be connected to the rooftop box as shown in wiringdiagram. Please use appropriate mating connectors between the inter-connecting wire(s) to ensure safe operation.2.Fixing rooftop box atop vehicle: The rooftop box should be fixed atop the vehicle. It is recommended touse appropriate sealant & dispenser for this operation. Kindly allow the sealant to dry for minimum of 6~8 hours in a moisture free environment to obtain a permanent bond.3.Fixing the mounting structure on solar module: Use the 4 mounting clamps and fix each of themalongside the mounting hole as provided in the rear side of the module.4.Fixing ancillaries: Follow the mounting process by utilizing M6 bolt, M6 split lock washer, M6 flat washeron one side of the mounting clamp Lock the bolt by in position by utilizing M6 flat washer and M6 nut on the other side. Use appropriate tools like Spanner, Plier, etc. for obtaining a perfect fit. Connecting the rooftop box Fixing rooftop box atop vehicleModule fixation guide Mounting kit fixation guide6.Operating Instructions6.1 Charge controllerBefore making initial connections, please ensure thatthe battery has enough charge or is at adequatevoltage level such that the controller can sense thebattery.The controller is only suitable for LEAD ACIDBATTERIES: OPEN, AGM, and GEL type. It is notsuited for nickel metal hydride, lithium ions or otherbatteries. Charge controller is only suitable ofcontrolling solar PV modules as input. Never connectanother charging source to the charge controller.6.2 Features of charge controller1.The PMW charge controller is IP 68 with built-in open circuit and reverse protection2.It is equipped with dual mosfet for reverse current and low heat protection3.It has enhanced size of display for clearly observing and recording the dataDisplay the battery voltageIndication that the solar panel is charging the batteryDisplays the battery state of chargeonce its voltage is above 12.6V6.4 Special Instructions3.To obtain maximum output it is suggested that the panel’s direction is adjusted such that it faces the sun.4.Locate a clear sunlit area, free from overhanging branches, wires or obstructions to ensure maximumgeneration5.Broken modules cannot be repaired and contact with any module surface or frame can lead to electricalshock. Do NOT use a module with broken glass or torn substrate6.Do not disassemble the modules or remove any part of the module7.Do not drop Module or allow objects to fall on the Module. Do not stand or step on the Module8.Ensure the battery clamps/ connectors do not come in contact with one another to avoid short circuiting9.Ensure that all the electrical connections are secured before using the kit. Verify that the battery is beingcharged by the kit10.V erify the tightness of mechanical connections before using the kit11.P lease connect any type of load via the battery only7.TroubleshootingThe common problems are listed below. For any additional technical support, please get in touch with the local sales coordinator.1)PV Array Short CircuitIn case of array short circuit, check all the interconnections. In case of fault, immediately disconnect the faulty connection. Please take help of local sales coordinator if you find it difficult to repair the fault.2)Load Short CircuitCheck the continuity of fuse placed before battery. If blown, replace the faulty fuse and the faulty wire as necessary.3)Battery Reverse PolarityThe controller has protection against battery reverse polarity. It is however suggested to immediately correct the wiring to prevent any mishap.4)Overheating ProtectionIf the temperature of the controller heat sink exceeds 85 °C, the controller will automatically start overheating protection. However in case the system temperature rises, please keep in cool place such that its temperature drops before re-using it.5)High Voltage TransientsIf you are using this system in lightning prone areas, it is suggested that additional externalsuppression (such as using the system in range of lightening arrestor, etc.) is used.Question 1: Can the kit charge two or more 12 V batteries connected in parallel?Answer: Yes, it is possible if the batteries have the same type & capacity and are wired in parallel as a single 12V battery bank.Question 2: Is there any risk that the solar kit will over charge my battery?Answer: One of the functions of the solar charge controller is to ensure that your battery is not over charged. Question 3: Do I need to clean the solar panels?Answer: Yes, it is recommended for better performance. Dust and dirt should first be swept off the panel surface using a soft brush. When the sweeping is complete, use a wet cloth to wipe the panel surface to remove remaining dirt and/or stains.Question 4: Can I place my solar panels anywhere?Answer: To maximize generation, ensure that the tilt angle of system resembles the latitude of the place. If this is not possible, kindly ensure that the module is facing the sun and receives maximum irradiation. Further the solar module should not be operated under shadow.9.Limited WarrantyThe solar module of the kit has a 5 years of limited warranty and 10 years of power output warranty. The controller & rooftop box comes with a 1 year limited warranty. This warranty is valid against defects in materials and workmanship. It is not valid against defects resulting from, but not limited to:•Misuse and/or abuse, neglect or accident.•Improper installation, including but not limited to, improper environmental protection and improper hook-up•Damage in handling, including damage encountered during shipment or installation•Acts of God, including lightning, floods, earthquakes, fire, high winds, etc.•Exceeding the unit’s design limitNote:1.Warranty would stand void for module(s) whose type or serial numbers appears to be changed, erased,removed, illegible or in any manner altered or tampered.2.This warranty does not cover any cost associate with on-site labour and any cost associated with theinstallation, removal, reinstallation, shipping or transportation of the kit(s), any customs clearance or any other cost of return or re-shipment of kit(s).3.Any damages caused by abrasion, artificial damage or animals are exempt from this warranty.4.Defects and/or failures caused by unauthorized maintenance, operation or modification regardless ofwhether such act is wilful misconduct or negligence are exempted from warranty。



YQ4000变压器油色谱在线监测系统操作手册有限责任公司2011年10月20日第1章YQ5000变压器油中气体含量在线监测系统简介 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2变压器油中气体在线监测系统 (3)1.2.1适用范围及监测对象 (3)1.2.2系统功能 (3)1.2.3 系统特点 (3)1.2.4 系统主要技术指标 (4)第2章YQ5000变压器油中气体含量在线监测硬件和软件安装要求 (4)2.1服务器 (5)2.2客户端 (5)2.3系统发行 (5)2.4安装YQ5000系统 (5)第3章系统维护菜单 (7)3.1事项查看 (7)3.2用户管理 (8)3.3参数设置 (8)3.4编码维护 (9)3.5从站方下载数据 (9)3.6其他功能 (9)第4章参数设置 (10)4.1启动时间设置 (10)4.2E MAIL报警设置 (10)4.3短消息报警设置 (10)4.4:声音报警设置 (11)4.5数据下载 (11)第5章用户管理 (14)5.1添加用户 (14)5.2编辑用户 (15)5.3修改密码 (15)5.4添加用户IP设置 (16)5.5删除用户 (16)第6章数据建模 (16)6.1供电局配置 (16)6.1.1 局端设置 (17)6.2变电站配置 (18)6.2.2 站端设置 (18)6.3监测设备配置 (19)6.4论询设备配置 (20)6.5气体菜单功能 (21)第7章数据查询 (21)7.1波谱历史图 (21)第8章历史数据查询 (22)8.1历史数据查询 (23)8.2其他功能 (24)第9章实时显示 (27)9.1实时数据显示 (27)9.2其他功能 (28)第10章标定 (28)10.1参数设置 (28)第11章标定开始 (31)11.1标定开始 (31)11.2其他功能 (33)11.3数据库操作 (35)第12章通讯 (37)12.1设置 (37)12.1.1 一通道出峰时间设置 (37)12.1.2 二通道出峰时间设置 (38)12.1.3 数据采样设置 (38)12.1.4 波形分析计算参数 (39)12.1.5 试验参数 (40)第13章通讯开始 (41)13.1开始 (41)13.2其他 (42)第14章气体诊 (42)14.1产气速率诊断 (43)14.2三比值法诊断 (44)14.3大卫三角形图形诊断法 (45)第15章图形分析 (45)15.1气体显示界面 (46)第1章 YQ4000变压器油中气体含量在线监测系统简介1.1概述YQ4000变压器油中气体含量在线监测系统是我公司结合在高压电气设备领域多年研究与现场运行经验基础上而推出的新一代状态监测与专家诊断系统。



上海沈泉泵阀制造有限公司■ 性能简介既能抽送流动的液体,又能输送一些不易流动的介质,具有自吸泵、潜水泵、屏蔽泵、泥浆泵和杂质泵等输送机械的许多优点。

1、不需灌引水,吸程高达7 m ,扬程达7 0 m ,出口压力≥6kgf /c m 2;2、流动宽敞,通过性能好,允许通过最大颗粒直径达1 0 mm 。

抽送泥浆、杂质时,对泵磨损甚微;3、扬程、流量可通过气阀开度实现无级调节(气压调节在1-7 kgf /c m 2之间);4、该泵无旋转部件,没有轴封,隔膜将抽送的介质与泵的运动部件、工件介质完全隔开,所输送的介质不会向外泄漏。

所以抽送有毒、易发挥或腐蚀性介质时,不会造成环境污染和危害人身安全;5、不必用电,在易燃、易爆场所使用安全可靠;6、可以浸没在介质中工作;7、使用方便、工作可靠、开停只需简单地打开和关闭气体阀门,即使由于意外情况而长时间无介质运行或突然停机,泵也不会因此而损坏,一旦超负荷,泵会自地动停机,具有自我保护性能,当负荷恢复正常后,又能自动启动运行;8、结构简单、易损件少,该泵结构简单,安装、维修方便,泵输送的介质不会接触到配气阀,联杆等运动部件,不象其他类型的泵因转子、活塞、齿轮、叶片等部件的磨损而使性能逐步下降;9、可输送较粘的液体(粘度在1万厘泊以下);1 0、本泵无须用油润滑,即使空转,对泵也无任何影响,这是该泵一大特点。

QBY air operated double diaphrafm pumps not only can exhaust the flow liquid,but also can convey some uneasyflowed medium,with the merits of self-pumpinf pump,divinf pump,shield pump,slurry pump and impurity pump etc. 1.It's unnecessary to pour the drawinf water, the suction lift reaches 7 m heifht,the delivery lift reaches 70 mlenfth and the export pressure >6kgf/cm2; 2.Wide flow and flood performance.The diameter allowed to pass the max frain reaches 10mm. The damafe is very less to the pump while exhaustinf the slurry and impurity. 3.The delivery lift and flow can pass the pneumatic valve open to realize the stepless adjustment(the pneumatic pressure adjustment is between 1-7kgf/cm2);4.This pump has no rotary parts and no bearinf seals.The diaphrafm will completely separate the exhausted medium and pump runninfl parts,workin~ medium.The conveyed medium can't be leaked outside.Thus it will not cause the environmental pollution and human body safety danferous while exhaustinf the toxin and flammable or corrosive medium.5.No electricity. It's safe and reliable while usinf in the flammable and explore places.6.It can be soaked in medium.7.It's convenient to use and reliable to work.Only open or close the gas valve body while starting or stopping.Even if no medium operation or pausing suddenly for long time because of accident matters,the pump will not be damaged caused by this.Once over-loading,the pump will automatically stop and possesses the selfprotectionQBY气动隔膜泵function.When the load recovers normally, it also can start automatically.8.Simple structure and less wearin9 parts.This pump is simple in structure, installation and maintenance.The medium conveyed by thepump will not touch the matched pneumatic valve and coupling lever etc.Not like other kinds pumps,the performance will drop down 9radually because of the damages of rotor,gear and vane etc.9.It can transmit the adhesive liquid(the viscosity is below 10000 centipoise). lO.This pump needn't the oil lubricant.Even if idling, it has any influence to the pump. This is a characteristic of this pump.■ 工作原理在泵的两个对称工作腔中A、B中各装有一块隔膜,由中心联杆将其连结成一体。



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Agilent87050 50 ohmMultiport Test Sets Configuration Guide87050 50 ohm multiport test sets, 3 MHz to 2.2 GHzThis configuration guide describes standard configurations, options, accessories,firmware upgrades, and service and support products. Agilent 87050E multiport test sets are designed to operate with the 8712E series of network analyzers. Selected information on the 50 ohm 8712ET, 8712ES, 8714ET, and 8714ES is included. For more information about these test sets and network analyzers, please read the following documents: 87050E Technical Specifications 5968-4764E 87050E Brochure (color) 5968-4763E 8712E series RF VNA Technical Specifications: 5967-6314E 8712E series RF VNA Configuration Guide: 5967-6315E 8712E series RF VNA Brochure: 5967-6316E For additional information, please contact an Agilent representa-tive at one of the offices listed on the back page of this guide.Agilent 87050E 50 ohmmultiport test setsStandard test sets include:Three-year return-to-Agilent warranty, power cord,test-set calibration disk, as well as:87050-60058interconnect cable (reflection port) 87050-60060interconnect cable (transmission port) 8120-6818parallel port interface cable87050-9002687050E/87075C User’s and Service Guide Standard test set options(Must order one of the following options with the87050E)❑Option 004 (4 ports)❑Option 008 (8 ports)❑Option 012 (12 ports)Additional test set options❑Option 1CM rack-mount kitIncludes:87050-60059interconnect cable (reflection port) 87050-60061interconnect cable (transmission port) (These cables are shipped with Option 1CM only. Use these cables if you are rack-mounting your system, or if the bottom feet of the analyzer have been removed)❑Option UK6commercial calibration certificate with dataTest set documentation❑Option 0B0delete manual❑Option 0B1add additional manualLocalizationAgilent often provides localized user guides in many languages for no additional charge. The user guides include information on installation, instrument func-tions, measurement optimization, and calibration. Check with your local Agilent sales representative to find out if a localized user guide is available for your multiport test set.Agilent 8712E seriesRF vector network analyzers❑8712ET transmission/reflection vector network analyzer, 300 kHz to 1.3 GHz❑8712ES S-parameter vector network analyzer,300 kHz to 1.3 GHz❑8714ET transmission/reflection vector network analyzer, 300 kHz to 3.0 GHz❑8714ES S-parameter vector network analyzer,300 kHz to 3.0 GHzStandard network analyzers include:• Fully integrated synthesized source and test set• Built-in 3.5 inch floppy disk drive• Narrowband and broadband receivers• LAN interface• IBASIC programming language• 50 ohm system impedance• Type-N economy test-port cable• 175 MHz demonstration bandpass filter• Operating and programming manuals (in binder and CD-ROM format)• Example program disks• Three-year return-to-Agilent warranty2Network analyzer options1❑Option 1E160 dB step attenuatorAdds a built-in 60 dB step attenuator to extend the output-power range down to –60 dBm. This option only applies to the transmission/reflection analyzers (ET models), as the attenuator is standard in theS-parameter analyzers (ES models).❑Option 1CL keyboardAdds a full-size, standard PC keyboard with a mini-DIN cable (model number D4950B, Option ABA). A keyboard overlay is also included (part number 08712-80028) to aid in instrument operation using the keyboard.❑Option 1CM rack mount kitAdds a rack mount kit (without handles) for installation in a test rack.❑Option AFN extra 50 ohm economy cableAdds an extra 50 ohm economy cable and a type-N female-to-female adapter (for high-volume applications,Option B20 is recommended).❑Option B20extra 50 ohm precision cableAdds a (m-m) type-N 50 ohm precision cable. This rugged cable is recommended for high-volume applications. To replace the standard 50 ohm economy cable with a precision cable, order Option B22.❑Option B22replace 50 ohm economy cableReplaces standard 50 ohm economy cable with a rugged (m-m) type-N 50 ohm precision cable. This durable cable is recommended for high-volume applications.❑Option 1FP performance-test software(used for recalibrating instruments)❑Option UK6commercial calibration certificate with test data❑Option 0Q8factory-delivered service training Network analyzer documentation❑Option 0B0delete manual set❑Option 0B1add additional manual set❑Option AVB delete service guide❑Option AV7delete programming guidesThe following options provide manuals that are partially or completely translated into the specified languages, depending on the region.❑Option AB0Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) manual❑Option AB2Simplified Chinese (PRC) manual❑Option ABD German manual❑Option ABE Spanish manual❑Option ABF French manual❑Option ABJ Japanese manual❑Option ABZ Italian manual System measurementaccessoriesA complete line of RF test accessories can be found in the Agilent RF and Microwave Test Accessories Catalog (literature number 5968-4314EN) or at/find/mta.Calibration kitsCalibration kits include mechanical standards such as opens, shorts and precision loads, which are measured by the multiport system during calibration. After a cali-bration has been performed, subsequent measurements are more accurate.❑85032B type-N standard calibration kitContains both male and female 50 ohm precision load, open, and short standards. To delete the 7-mm-to-type-N adapters, order Option 001.❑85032E type-N economy calibration kitContains only male 50 ohm precision load, open, and short standards.❑85033D3.5 mm calibration kitContains both male and female 50 ohm precision load, open, and short standards. Order Option 002 to replace the 7-mm-to-3.5-mm adapters with type-N-to- 3.5-mm adapters.❑85038A7-16 calibration kitContains both male and female open, short, and fixed termination standards. No adapters are included. An 11906B 7-16-to-type-N adapter kit is recommended.❑85038M7-16 calibration kitContains only male open, short, and fixed termination standards. No adapters are included. An 11906B 7-16-to-type-N adapter kit is recommended.❑85038F7-16 calibration kitContains only female open, short, and fixed termination standards. No adapters are included. An 11906B 7-16-to-type-N adapter kit is recommended.CablesTest port cables are used to connect the test set to the device under test. One economy test port cable is shipped with each 8712E series network analyzer as a standard accessory. Test port cables are not shipped with 87050E test sets. Agilent precision test port cables are recommended to ensure high measurement accuracy.❑Economy (m-m) test port cable(part number 8120-6469)Economy 50 ohm 0.61 m (2 ft.) cable. Comes with male type-N connectors on both ends.❑Precision (m-m) test port cable(part number 8120-8862)Precision 50 ohm 0.61 m (2 ft.) cable. Comes with male type-N connectors on both ends. RF performance includes SWR < 1.1 (up to 3 GHz).1. This configuration guide lists only those network analyzer options that are applicable for use when measuring multiport devices. For a full list of network analyzer options, refer to the 8712E series RF VNA configuration guide, publication number 5967-6315E.3Adapters❑11852B Option 004type-N 50 to-75 ohm minimum-loss padThis impedance-matching attenuator is used to con vert a 50 ohm test port to 75 ohms. One end has a 50 ohm male type-N connector and the other end has a 75 ohm female type-N connector. Nominal insertion loss is 5.7 dB.❑11853A type-N accessory kitContains 50 ohm type-N (m-m) and (f-f) adapters, and type-N male and female shorts.❑11854A BNC accessory kitProvides the components generally required for measuring devices with 50 ohm BNC connectors (up to 3 GHz). Contains four type-N to BNC adapters in all combinations of connector sexes, plus a male BNC short.❑11878A3.5 mm accessory kitContains 50 ohm type-N-to-3.5-mm adapters, in all combinations of connector sexes.❑Type-N female-to-female adapter(part number 1250-0777)Can be used to connect two 50 ohm male type-N cables together. Suitable for use with economy and precision cables.❑11906B7-16-to-type-N adapter kitIncludes adapters for 7-16 (m) to type-N (m), 7-16 (m) to type-N (f), 7-16 (f) to type-N (m), and 7-16 (f) to type-N (f).Test fixtures and device handlersInter-Continental Microwave offers an extensive line of stan-dard RF and microwave test fixtures and non-coaxial calibra-tion standards. They also provide custom design services to satisfy unique customer requirements. ICM also designs and manufactures custom automatic-device-han-dling systems to maximize production throughput.Phone:(408)727-1596E-mail:****************** Fax: (408) 727-0105 Web: ManualsExtra copies of the CD-ROM containing all the manuals for the 8712E series of vector network analyzers and the 87050E mul-tiport test sets can be ordered as part number 08714-90051. For the latest list of instrument manuals available online, please visit our web page at /find/8712.General accessories❑Anti-static mat kit(part number 85043-80013) Agilent recommends using the multiport system on an anti-static mat that has been grounded properly, to minimize the risk of damage due to electrostatic discharge (ESD).❑Barcode readersFor more information about Agilent's line of barcode readers, including a worldwide list of distributors, please visit our web page at:/barcode.❑Foot/hand switchesA rugged footswitch with a 2.4 m (8 ft.) BNC cable is available as Special Option 8714B-K87. Other custom foot or hand switches can be fabricated to suit your particular needs. Please contact your local Agilent sales representative for more information. PeripheralsMonitorsFor enhanced viewing, any external VGA-compatible color monitor can easily be connected to the network analyzer to provide operators with a clear, full-color view of all display information, such as trace data and pass/fail indicators. For information about HP monitors, please visit the web page at /go/monitors. PrintersHardcopy measurement results can be obtained from printers with LAN, parallel, serial and GPIB interfaces. Most PCL-based printers are supported. Windows ® -only printers are not supported. For more information about HP printers, please visit the web page at/go/printers.For a list of HP printers compatible with the RF vector network analyzers, please visit our web page at/find/pcg.Interface accessories❑10833A GPIB cable, 1.0 m (3.3 ft.)❑10833B GPIB cable, 2.0 m (6.6 ft.)❑10833D GPIB cable, 0.5 m (1.6 ft.)❑HP C2950A parallel (Centronics) printer cable, 2.0 m (6.6 ft.)❑HP C2913A serial (RS-232C) printer cable, 1.2 m (3.9 ft.)❑HP 92268A Ethertwist "straight-through" LAN cable, 4.0 m (13.1 ft.)4System service andsupport productsA three-year, return-to-Agilent warranty is standard. Customers may convert the standard three-year warranty to a one-year on-site warranty (at no addition-al charge) by ordering Option W01. This option must be ordered separately for the test set and network analyzer at the time of the initial purchase. Please note thaton-site support is not available everywhere (check with your local Agilent sales or service office for availabilityin your area).Selected service and support products are listed below. The options are available with both the 87050E multi-port test sets and the 8712E series of RF vector network analyzers. For more information on the full range of service, support, and training products available, please consult your local Agilent sales or service office.❑8712E series service kit (part number 08712-60012) Service kit includes extender board, extender cables, voltage reference, and special wrench.Calibration options❑Option W32three-year return-to-Agilent commercial calibration agreement❑Option W34three-year return-to-Agilent mil-standard (standards-compliant) calibration agreement❑Option UK6commercial calibration certificate with test data❑Option 1FP performance-test software (used for recalibrating instruments)Service options❑Option W01converts three-year return-to-Agilent service to one-year on-site service (check with your local Agilent sales or service office for availability in your area)❑Option W50five-year return-to-Agilent service Training options❑Option 0Q8factory-delivered service training Firmware upgrades via LANTo download the latest instrument firmware via LAN, please visit our web page at/find/enasupport.VXIplug&play driverTo download a free VXIplug&play driver, please visit our web page at /find/8712.5Recommended test equipmentThe following test equipment is recommended for self support, adjustments, and performance tests to verify proper instrument operation.Power meters and sensors❑437B power meter (discontinued), or❑438A dual-channel power meter (discontinued), or❑E4118(EPM-441A) power meter, or❑E4419A(EPM-442A) dual-channel power meter❑8482A power sensor❑8481D diode power sensor (for models with step attenuators only)Function generators❑8116A function generator (discontinued) or❑33120A function generatorInstrument controllers and computers❑PC with an GPIB interface card (82350A) andHP BASIC for Windows(model number E2060C) or ❑HP 9000 series 200, 300 or 700(discontinued)Calibration kits❑85032B50 ohm type-NAccessories❑8496A or 8496G10 dB step attenuator❑8491A series20 dB fixed attenuator❑Voltage reference(part number 08712-60031)For service of VNA. Note: this part is included in the service kit (part number 08712-60012)Additional test equipment and accessories that may be helpful include Agilent 8560 series or 8566A/B spectrum analyzers, plus miscellaneous fixed attenuators, cables, adapters and RF power splitters.Additional informationFor online information on Agilent's 8712E series of RF vector network analyzers and multiport test sets, please visit our web page at /find/8712.Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation6Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and Assistance Agilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equip-ment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers.When you receive your new Agilent equipment, we can help verify that it works properly and help with initial product operation.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by con-tracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and onsite education and training, as well as design, system integration, project manage-ment, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain depend-able measurement accuracy for the life of those products.For more information on Agilent Technologies’ products, applications or services,please contact your local Agilent office. Phone or Fax United States:Korea:(tel) 800 829 4444(tel) (080) 769 0800(fax) 800 829 4433(fax) (080)769 0900Canada:Latin America:(tel) 877 894 4414(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) 800 746 4866Taiwan :China:(tel) 0800 047 866(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 0800 286 331(fax) 800 820 2816Other Asia Pacific Europe:Countries:(tel) 31 20 547 2111(tel) (65) 6375 8100Japan:(fax) (65) 6755 0042(tel) (81) 426 56 7832Email:*****************(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Contacts revised: 05/27/05The complete list is available at:/find/contactusProduct specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2001, 2005Printed in USA, June 28, 20055968-4765E/find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Email Updates/find/agilentdirectQuickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence.Agilent Direct/find/openAgilent Open simplifies the process of connecting and programming test systems to help engineers design, validate and manufacture electronic products. Agilent offers open connectivity for a broad range of system-ready instruments, open industry software, PC-standard I/O and global support, which are combined to more easily integrate test system development.Agilent Open。




目录1 概述2 工作原理3 主要技术指标4 操作方法5 活塞清洗6 保养7仪器的配套设备1.概述气体活塞压力真空计是高精度压力标准器,用气体做工作介质,可精密地测量-0.1~0.4MPa之间的压力,是进行测量和校准表压和真空压力的精密仪器。

1.1 本活塞压力真空计的活塞杆材料是不锈钢,活塞筒材料是碳化钨。


1.2 气体活塞压力真空计与用气体做工作介质,液体(变压器油)润滑活塞的压力真空计相比,气体活塞压力真空计除在下降速度技术指标上低于油润滑压力真空计外,在重复性、延续时间、灵敏度等技术指标上都远远优于液体活塞压力真空计。

1.3 该气体活塞压力真空计带有压力控制器,能够方便地控制所需的压力值。

1.4 该气体活塞压力真空计具有压力和真空为同一面积优点。


其平衡方程式如下:G (M+M0)gP = --- = ----------(Pa)S S式中:P --------- 被测压力值(Pa);G --------- 专用砝码产生的重力S --------- 活塞有效面积值(m2)M0 --------- 活塞杆本身质量值,包括0号砝码 ( kg );M --------- 专用砝码质量值(kg);g --------- 使用地点的重力加速度(m/s2);3.主要技术指标:3.1 测量范围: -100~400kPa;3.2 工作介质:氮气或纯净的空气;3.3 准确度:±0.05%;±0.02%;±0.01%;±0.005%3.4 储存和使用:储存温度:20±5℃环境温度:20±2℃(准确度±0.05%;±0.02%);20±1℃(准确度±0.01%;±0.005%)检定温度:20±2℃(准确度±0.05%);20±1℃准确度±0.02%);20±0.5℃(准确度±0.01%);20±0.2℃(准确度±0.005%)湿度RH:40%- 80%3.5 活塞有效面积:活塞组件有效面积范围(1.990~2.010)cm23.6 材料:活塞材料:不锈钢;碳化钨活塞筒材料:碳化钨;砝码材料:不锈钢;铝合金线膨胀系数:活塞杆:不锈钢:10.5×10-6碳化钨:4.5×10-6活塞筒:4.5×10-63.7 活塞下降速度:在全载荷下,以30~60 转/分的速度测定下降速度为 2.2mm/min;( 准确度±0.05%);下降速度为 1.8mm/min;( 准确度±0.02%);下降速度为 1.5mm/min;( 准确度±0.01%);下降速度为 1.2mm/min;( 准确度±0.005%);3.8 活塞的延续时间:活塞延续时间不小于:40s(准确度±0.05%)活塞延续时间不小于:1min(准确度±0.02%)活塞延续时间不小于:1min30s (准确度±0.01%)活塞延续时间不小于:2min(准确度±0.005%)3.9 活塞的灵敏度:在全载荷下测定灵敏度 0.05g;3.10专用砝码:专用砝码允许误差:±0.02%(准确度±0.05%);±0.008%(准确度±0.02%);±0.003%(准确度±0.01%);±0.001%(准确度±0.005%)(数据见证书);4 .操作方法:4.1 表压测量:4.1.1从仪器箱中取出压力真空计,放在清洁、平稳、牢固的工作台面上,将压力源连接到压力真空计底下控制器后面的压力口上,再把被检仪器与压力真空计上部表接口连接。



自动电势编号使用手册序号 EB 版本编辑人 更新日期 1 EB6.2赵轶馨 2011-6-13 23目录自动电势编号使用手册 (1)1. 关于QA-工具 (3)2. 如何启动QA-Tool (3)3. QA-工具概要选项 (5)4. 查找未使用对象 (6)5. 对象名称 (8)6. 材料 (9)7. 接线 (11)8. 统计 (12)1.关于QA-工具质量管理工具是用来选择定义质量标准,并检查项目或个别对象的质量标准。




1.在Engineering Base浏览器, 选择一个对象。



3.在Engineering Base浏览器中选择项目或设备文件夹,可以直接在快捷菜单中选择质量管理工具。

























1. 取下电极臂右侧的塑胶盖。

2. 使用十字螺丝刀适度拧紧螺钉。

3. 安装塑胶盖至先前的位置。

连接电极1. 取出包装盒内的电导电极,按下述步骤将电极插入电极臂的左或右侧。

1. 插入电极2. 勾入线缆3. 勾入线缆2. 将电极的6针连接器插入仪表背面板标有EC/DO的连接器座,确保连接器完全就位。


连接温度探棒1. 取出包装盒内的温度探棒并插入电极臂中间的圆孔。

2. 将温度探棒的连接器插入仪表背面板标有°C的连接器座,确保连接器完全就位。

连接电源适配器1. 连接电源适配器前,请确保其电压及规格符合您所在国家的供电要求。

2. 将电源适配器插入电源座,仪表现在可以使用了。

开关仪表• 按住键,仪表开机,屏幕显示测量值。

• 按住键3秒,仪表关机。



设置默认选项1. 在测量模式,按住键3秒进入设置菜单。


9、啤酒花及发酵粉稀浆、糖浆、糖密。 10、泵吸矿井、坑道、隧道、选矿、矿渣中的积水。泵吸水泥灌浆及灰浆。 11、各种橡胶浆。
13、各种剧毒、易燃、易挥发液体。 14、各种强酸、强碱、强腐蚀液体。 15、各种高温液体最高可耐150℃。
式物料输送泵。பைடு நூலகம்
5、在有危害性、腐蚀性的物料处理中,隔膜泵可将物料与外界完全隔开。 6、QBY气动隔膜泵可用于输送化学性质比较不稳定的流体。 气动隔膜泵在工业领域的作用是巨
1、按安装系统的要求,应在配气阀前端安装空气过滤器,以滤去空气中的水分,同 时还要在空气过滤器的油杯中装入32#抗磨液压油,以润滑长期工作的活塞。 2、为方便顾客使用,我公司的配气阀装有油壶,请注意加油。 3、泵停止使用时应清洗,避免泵腔内的介质凝固,引起泵的损坏。 4、泵有可能在使用过程中停止,请按下启动杆,启动杆在配气阀上。 5、泵安装时一定要固定,留足维修空间,备用泵必须配置。
1、泵吸花生酱、泡菜、土豆泥、小红肠、果酱苹果浆、巧克力等。 2、泵吸油漆、树胶、颜料。 3、粘合剂和胶水、全部种类可用泵吸取。
5、油井钻好后,用泵吸沉积物及灌浆。 6、泵吸各种乳剂和填料。 7、泵吸各种污水。
1、由于用空气作动力,所以流量随背压(出口阻力)的变化而自动调整,适合用于中高粘度的流体。 而离心泵的工作点是以水为基准设定好的,如果用于粘度稍高的流体,则需要配套减速机或变频



用友BQ Mobile操作手册1用友BQ Mobile简介用友BQ Mobile是北京用友华表软件技术有限公司推出的一款商业智能平台,其支持用户通过iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch随时随地、及时安全的获取企业财务、供应、生产等多方面的数据。

1.1用友BQ Mobile应用前景手机是目前最便捷、最广泛应用的通信工具,随着手机逐渐升级为掌上电脑开始,大量的工作内容逐渐被随身携带的手机而取代,例如:收发邮件,关注时事动态、手机搜索、GPS定位等,且实时在线的特性PC 无法替代;与此同时商业智能(BI)的应用也随着信息化的不断深入扩展,得到决策者们的认可。

在手机数量、使用时间井喷和商业智能深入人心环境推动下,北京用友华表软件技术有限公司推出用友BQ Mobile,让用户在任何时间、任何地点在移动设备上轻轻一点就可以从众多数据源中获取自己想要的数据,且这些数据的呈现不再是单调的文字,而是漂亮的、动感的图表,BQ Mobile的出现势必会对企业的运营模式产生巨大影响,让企业实时决策、提高运营效率、实现灵活的工作流程,并加强对客户的响应能力。

1.2用友BQ Mobile平台技术结构图1.3用友BQ Mobile产品特色z随时“掌”控,运筹帷“握”:借助用友BQ Mobile,无论何时何地,均可实时访问企业的BI应用,提高工作效率,提升决策质量;z实时钻取,主题分析:用户可以利用移动设备实时访问企业的数据,并实时进行透视、钻取等分析;此外北京用友华表软件技术有限公司还提供标准主题分析,如财务分析、供应链分析、销售分析、人力资源分析等;z定制推送,角色驱动:支持推送定制,可根据用户的角色、工作习惯和企业运营特点,自定义推送方式、推送内容和推送时间,为每个用户推送专属的“经理报”或“总裁报”或“董事长报”等。



● 机器仅在室内使用,应放置在水平和干燥坚 固的地面上,周围 500mm 范围内不应有温 度超过 70℃的热源,
● 机器周边与墙壁或其它物品的距离如图 3, 机器的冷凝器进风口及出风口应保持畅通, 附近不应有可吸入物。 图3
● 有脚轮刹车装置的机器放置到使用位置后,应踩下脚轮刹车装置,防止机器 操作时移位(视机型而定)。
2. 生产时间设置操作 a. 机器在停止状态时,按时间“加”或“减”按钮,显示器显示上次设定时 间值,同时,时间显示器开始闪烁,再按“加”按钮可增加设定时间的“分” 值,按“减”按钮可减小设定时间的“分值” 。 b. 设定时间的值从 1 分钟到 60 分钟,以每次 1 分钟的步长变换。 c. 在显示器闪烁时,如果 5 秒钟内未对“加”或“减”按钮进行操作,将 退出时间设定方式,保存设定的时间值,恢复到显示“00”状态。 d. 建议机器初次生产时间选择 12 分钟,然后根据成品的软硬情况来适当调 整。
A.输出喉座漏 料。
输出喉座和搅拌筒之间 更换方形胶圈。
B.齿轮箱漏油 或漏料。
齿轮箱中的 Y 型或 O 型 *更换损坏的密封胶圈。
A.落料不足。 料缸的冰淇淋配料过少。 补充冰淇淋配料。
A.配料中糖含量过少。 B.冰淇淋过硬。
注: ①产量是在环境温度 250C,配料温度 70C 下测定。 ②每小时出料杯数以每杯 60~70ml 计算。
1. 搅拌轴 4. 输出喉座 7. 道轨套 10. 出料盖

























BQY(Brio Query)开发目录一、开发流程 (3)二、设置OCE数据库连接文件 (3)三、建立QUERY及RESULT (6)四、建立旋转透视表、图表 (13)五、创建仪表板 (16)六、备注 (22)一、开发流程1.安装客户端(省略,请参考hpsu_install.pdf);2.设置OCE数据库连接文件;3.建立QUERY及RESULT;4.建立旋转透视表、图等等;5.将透视表和图等元素组装成仪表板,方便用户操作和查看;6.备注,控制菜单和快捷键,防止用户编辑和查看源代码.二、设置OCE数据库连接文件1.点击菜单【文件】【新建】或者快捷工具栏上的“新建”图标,选择第一项“新的数据库连接文件”,然后【确定】,如下图所示:2.选择连接驱动及数据库类型,并选中“显示高级选项"。


其中“主机”是本地的net服务名,作者用的net 服务名和IP相同.关于本地net服务的设置请参考ORACLE相关文档。








1.建立QUERY及RESULT点击左上角查询区中的“查询”,右键,【重命名区】,输入“Q_main”,【确定】;点击“结果",右键,【重命名区】,输入“R_main” ,【确定】;点击“Q_main”,进入查询页面,在左下角的表区找到表“DJ_BG”和“DM_SWJG”,将之拖到查询页面。

Cry Baby Q Zone Fixed Wah 产品说明书

Cry Baby Q Zone Fixed Wah 产品说明书

QZ1®™1 VOLUME knob sets output level of effect2 Q ZONE knob adjusts bandpass shape from wide to narrow3 PEAK knob sets frequency center of effect4 FOOTSWITCH toggles effect on/bypass (red LED indicates on)EXTERNAL CONTROLS12431BASIC OPERATIONPOWERThe Cry Baby® Q Zone™ Fixed Wah is powered by one 9-volt battery (remove bottom plate to install), an AC adapter such as the Dunlop ECB003/ECB003EU, or the DC Brick™ and Iso-Brick™power supplies.OPERATION1. Run an instrument cable from your guitar to the QZ1’s INSTRUMENT jack and another instrument cable from the QZ1’s AMPLIFIER jack into your amplifier’s input.2. Start with VOLUME, Q ZONE, and PEAK controls at 12 o’clock.3. Turn effect on by depressing footswitch.4. Rotate VOLUME knob clockwise to increase overall output of effect or counterclockwise to decrease it.5. Rotate Q ZONE knob clockwise for a narrower bandpass to emphasize higher end harmonics or counterclockwise for a wider bandpass that emphasizes lower end harmonics.6. Rotate PEAK knob clockwise for a brighter frequency center or counterclockwise for a lower frequency center.SPECIFICATIONSInput Impedance 1 MΩOutput Impedance< 2.2 KΩPeak Range380 - 2000 Hz Max Gain @ Center Freq+16 dBV* Volume0 dBV to 20 dBv Bypass True Hardwire Noise Floor-91 dBV** Power Supply9 volts DC Current Draw 4 mA* Q Zone full CW**A-weighted, All controls at mid。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

BQY(Brio Query)开发目录一、开发流程 (3)二、设置OCE数据库连接文件 (3)三、建立QUERY及RESULT (6)四、建立旋转透视表、图表 (13)五、创建仪表板 (16)六、备注 (22)一、开发流程1.安装客户端(省略,请参考hpsu_install.pdf);2.设置OCE数据库连接文件;3.建立QUERY及RESULT;4.建立旋转透视表、图等等;5.将透视表和图等元素组装成仪表板,方便用户操作和查看;6.备注,控制菜单和快捷键,防止用户编辑和查看源代码。



其中“主机”是本地的net服务名,作者用的net 服务名和IP相同。




















双击“审批日期”,【自定义SQL】,输入条件如“DJ_BG.审批日期 IS NOT NULL”,以过滤审批日期为空的数据。

































如将“SWJG_DM”字段设定为限定条件,自定义SQL“DM_SWJG.SWJG_DM like '12101%'”,即限定为沈阳市。











代码://初始化下拉列表框lsb_swjg.RemoveAll();lsb_swjg_dm.RemoveAll();var count1=ActiveDocument.Sections["R_dm_swjg"].RowCount;for(var i=1;i<=count1;i++){lsb_swjg.Add(ActiveDocument.Sections["R_dm_swjg"].Columns["SWJG_JC"]. GetCell(i));lsb_swjg_dm.Add(ActiveDocument.Sections["R_dm_swjg"].Columns["SWJG_DM "].GetCell(i));}//默认选择第一项lsb_swjg.Select(1);//调用querybtn_query.OnClick();BQY脚本的语法遵循javascript规则,用到的对象方法和属性可以通过双击左侧的对象树来完成coding。



代码://取得用户选择的纳税人税务机关代码var swjg_Index=lsb_swjg.SelectedIndex;var swjg_dm=lsb_swjg_dm.Item(swjg_Index);ActiveDocument.Sections["R_main"].Limits["NSR_SWJG_DM"].SelectedValues.Re moveAll();ActiveDocument.Sections["R_main"].Limits["NSR_SWJG_DM"].SelectedValues.Ad d(swjg_dm);5.保存文档,退出程序。




代码://隐藏其他区Application.ShowMenuBar = false;Application.ShowStatusBar = false;ActiveDocument.ShowCatalog = false;ActiveDocument.ShowSectionTitleBar = false;for(var i = 1; i <= 4; i++){Toolbars.Item(i).Visible = false;}。
