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Veterinary Surgical operatio
Pull stomach out of the wound 将胃牵引至创口外
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
Arrows point to
dog is normally
Veterinary Surgical operatio
abdomen. This
the distended
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
very thin.
Biblioteka Baidu
背 survey 测 量
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
ingested pennies.
Ventrodorsal 腹 of the abdomen of a dog with radiograph
Select incising position between greater and lesser curvature of the stomach with less of blood vessel 在胃大弯和胃小弯之间血管较少处确定切口
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
Lateral survey radiograph showing stacked堆起pennies in the stomach.
【术后治疗与护理】 术后治疗与护理】
1.术后24h内禁饲,不限饮水。 术后24h内禁饲 1.术后24h内禁饲,不限饮水。 2.24h后给予少量肉汤或牛奶,术后3 2.24h后给予少量肉汤或牛奶,术后3天可给予软的易 24h后给予少量肉汤或牛奶 消化的食物,应少量多次喂给。 消化的食物,应少量多次喂给。 3.在恢复期间,注意动物水、 3.在恢复期间,注意动物水、电解质及酸碱平衡是否 在恢复期间 发生了失调,必要时应予以纠正。 发生了失调,必要时应予以纠正。 4.术后 天内每天定时给予抗生素, 4.术后5天内每天定时给予抗生素,可首先选用氯霉素 术后5 150mg/kg体重,每天二次肌肉注射。 150mg/kg体重,每天二次肌肉注射。 体重 5.密切观察胃的解剖复位情况,特别在胃扩张— 5.密切观察胃的解剖复位情况,特别在胃扩张—扭转 密切观察胃的解剖复位情况 的病犬,经胃切开减压整复后, 的病犬,经胃切开减压整复后,注意犬的症状变 化,一旦发现胃扩张—扭转复发,应立即进行救治 一旦发现胃扩张—扭转复发,
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
This is the x-ray image of the dog prior to the procedure to relieve the gas distension
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
第七节 犬胃切开术
Canine gastrotomy
【indication】 Extraction of foreign body in indication】 stomach, excision of tumar or necrotic stomach wall , correction of acute dilatation of stomachstomachtorsive, gastro decompression, biopsy of chronic decompression, gastritis and food allergy.胃内异物的取出、肿瘤的 allergy.胃内异物的取出、 切除,急性胃扩张—扭转的整复, 切除,急性胃扩张—扭转的整复,胃肠减压切开减 压或坏死胃壁的切除, 压或坏死胃壁的切除,慢性胃炎或食物过敏时胃壁 活组织检查等。 活组织检查等。
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
6. a percutaneous 经 皮 的 gastrotomy tube (stomach tube) enabling their owner to force feed kitty小猫 to re-establish consistent nutrition.
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
Close abdominal incision常规闭合腹壁切口 incision常规闭合腹壁切口
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
Put sterilized gauge at the sides of wound and apply retractor to the incision. incision. 切口两边衬以纱布后装置牵开器
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
This view is of the dog laying on its side under anesthesia. The ballooning of the abdomen is apparent.
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
Ligate and excise the falciform ligament 结扎后切除镰状韧带
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Veterinary Surgical operatio
Incise peritoneum 切开腹膜
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
Pull the falciform ligament out of the incision 将镰状韧带拉出切口外
【restrain】仰卧保定。 restrain】仰卧保定。 【operative approach】脐前腹中线切口。 approach】脐前腹中线切口。 【operative method 1】
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
【anesthesia】全身麻醉,气管内插入气管 anesthesia】全身麻醉, 导管, 以保证呼吸道通畅, 导管 , 以保证呼吸道通畅 , 减少呼吸道 死腔和防止胃内容物逆流误咽。 死腔和防止胃内容物逆流误咽。
Incise abdominal wall on medioventral line ahead navel and abdominal cavity 脐前腹 中线切开腹壁, 中线切开腹壁,暴露腹腔
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Suture 2 traction lines at the two ends of schedualed incision on stomach 在预定切口线两侧装置固定牵引线
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
【preoperative preparation】 非紧急手术 , 禁 preparation】 食 24h 以上 。 急性胃扩张 — 扭转病犬 , 术前积 24h 以上。 急性胃扩张— 扭转病犬, 极补充血容量和调整酸碱平衡。 极补充血容量和调整酸碱平衡 。 出现休克症状 的犬应纠正, 的犬应纠正 , 快速静脉内输液应有中心静脉压 监护,静注林格尔氏液与5 葡萄糖或糖盐水, 监护,静注林格尔氏液与5%葡萄糖或糖盐水, 剂量为80~l00ml/kgbw, 剂量为80~l00ml/kgbw,静注氢化考地松和氟美 松各4 10mg/kgbw, 氯霉素50mg/kgbw。 松各 4~10mg/kgbw , 氯霉素 50mg/kgbw 。 在静 脉快速补液的同时, 脉快速补液的同时 , 经口插入胃管以导出胃内 蓄积的气体、液体或食物,以减轻胃内压力。 蓄积的气体、液体或食物,以减轻胃内压力。
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation
Veterinary Surgical operatio
Connect serosa and muscle layer by inverting suture 内翻缝合胃壁浆膜肌层
Incise stomach wall切开胃壁 wall切开胃壁
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
Connect the whole stomach wall by continuous suture or Connel suture全层连续缝合或康乃尔缝合 suture全层连续缝合或康乃尔缝合
Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operation Veterinary Surgical operatio
Abdominal radiographs confirmed the presence of an air filled spherical(球形的) structure in (球形的) the area of the stomach