


题目:分析《白鲸》的象征手法Title: On the Use of Symbolism in Moby Dick


The novel Moby Dick, written by Herman Melville, is generally regarded as one of the most popular and the world’s greatest masterpieces in America literature. In this book, Symbolism is given a full use, providing readers with another way to understand the novel and creating the literary value above time and space.

Melville was born in New York City on August 1, 1819. His parents were of middle—class family background. His childhood was a secure and comfortable one, but his fate changed in 1832, when his father died and left the family with huge debts. Therefore he was forced to drop out, and engaged in lots of jobs. Among them, the early sailing experiences were quite rewarding. It not only became a store of raw materials for his visions of life but also broadened his horizon. That is to say his real education was at sea. Once he said “a whale—ship was my Yale College and my Harvard.” Melville began working on Moby Dick about a “whaling voyage” in 1850 when he was halfway in the work; he met Hawthorne, who is an American Shakespeare to him. As a result of his impacts for Hawthorne, Moby Dick appeared in late 1851.

Moby Dick is a whaling tale based on Melville’s experiences of sailor’s years; the direct source Melville’s sailing experiences accumulate to his writing. In addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry, the novel is also considered as an encyclopedia of everything: history, philosophy, religion, etc. (刘洊波. 2000. P.80). Unluckily, it was overlooked in its author’s time due to its deep worry about human civilization and gloomy atmosphere of pessimism. Melville’s reputation “surged from the lesser American writers into the rarefied company of Shakespeare and a few fellow immortals of world literature so that only Whitman, James, and Faulkner were seen as his American equals.”(Gottesman 2044). His literary reputation naturally leads to a study of the story of the big whale. Discussing on the use of Symbolism in Moby Dick, we mention The White Whale, Ahab, the ship Pequod. This

paper will show the tragedy by analyzing the symbolic meaning of the factors. Chapter I. Embodiment of Mystical Color in Moby Dick

In Webster’s New World College Dictionary, the word “mystic” means “beyond human comprehension; mysterious or enigmatic” and in the second entry under the word “mystical”, it interprets the word as “of mystics or mysticism; ESP. relating to or based on intuition, contemplation, or meditation of a spiritual nature”(Agnes 954). According to Steven Fanning, “mysticism is the direct intuition or experience of God or every religious tendency that discovers the direct way to God through inner experience without the meditation of reasoning. The constitutive element in mysticism is immediacy of contact with the deity (Fanning 2).

In Moby Dick, the essence of mysticism is not seen in a direct manner, but it is in meditation with some symbols. That is to say some symbolic designs of The White Whale are colored with a heavy mystical atmosphere. With regard to symbolic meaning of The White Whale, it has different views. Some people think it represents virtue and innocence, others suppose it is a symbol of inner evil. Still others say it symbolizes nature. To sum up, manifestation of mysterious color in Moby Dick is attained by symbols.

1.1 Symbol of Nature

Nature is all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people. The White Whale is an animal living in the water that nurses its young and breathes air just like human beings. In line with the definition of nature, obviously it belongs to a sort of species in a natural world. In the novel, Moby Dick is equal to immense ocean, namely nature. Melville prefaces Moby Dick with a brief list of the words for “whale”in thirteen different languages. Then he adds a list of “Extracts”from various references to whales found in literature all over the world. One of the important reasons of having compiled list of remarks is that “He wants us to realize that the whale has since time immemorial, been a symbol of the powerful

and mysterious forces of nature.”Meanwhile the writer expresses another subject which illustrates the relationship between people and nature. When the captain Ahab captures Moby Dick, who has torn away his leg, it implies the inevitable result of people and nature fight: the destruction of human.

As we all know, Moby Dick is a fierce and cunning creature, so it has powers to kill human aboard. In the eyes of ordinary people, whales are such great powers that they are frightened. On the contrary, some hunters who are good at whaling always take voyages to pursue whales. Perhaps it is a way to earn money. However it is very dangerous to do so and this action may result in extinction of whales. Finally it breaks the ecological balance. Nevertheless human must pay a heavy price and nature is capable of destroying the human world such as some major disasters: earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, debris flow etc. In the modern time, with development of science and technology, many countries make every effort to promote economy in the expense of environment. Consequently it causes some natural disasters as if nature had revenged on pollution of the environment. In the book the author conveys a message that if human plundered nature endlessly, human would take a risk of dying out. Man, no matter how hard he tries, is doomed and has to yield up to the mercy of nature.

1.2 Symbol of Evil

To Pequod’s crew, the legendary White Whale is a concept onto which they can displace their anxieties about their dangerous and often frightening jobs. Since they have no delusions about Moby Dick acting malevolently toward men or literally embodying evil, tales about the whale allow them to confront their fear, manage it, and continue to function. To Ahab, The White Whale is an evil because it takes off his leg on a previous voyage. Ahab is absorbed in great hatred and swears to take revenge on Moby Dick, a white whale that tortures him both physically and spiritually. Late Ahab insists on chasing the whale. In order to kill the whales, he asks people on aboard to assist him by the temptation of money. During three days of the war, they

defeat each other by turn. But on the third day, Ahab kills the White Whale, yet all the human beings involved, except the narrator, die in the process. Actually Ahab claims that Moby Dick is chiefly what he hates and he believes that Moby Dick is a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world, and he feels that it is his destiny to eradicate this symbolic evil. From the tragedy, the conclusion is reached that Moby Dick threatens and harms the human, even kills the human.

Considering human nature, the purpose of Moby Dick is to reveal the existence evil in life and human’ spirit. There is a proverb “No man is perfect.” After all, human is not God, and every person has merits and shortcomings. In effect, evil isn’t terrible, and it mainly depends on how we treat it. Sometimes we may show our weaknesses in real life, but just as the saying goes, a horse stumbles that has four legs. Regardless of our shortcomings, we enjoy a meaningful and fruitful life in general.

1.3 Symbol of Virtue and Innocence

In Melville’s life, he went to sea at about 20. Gradually he developed love for sea and aroused his desire for adventure. In 1841, he signed on for a long whaling cruise to the South Seas. At that time, whaling was an important industry for New England, and people would hunt whales to get the sperm which was used in making perfume. Working as a sailor, he gained a lot of information about whaling which displays some real situation about capturing whales. Apart from these facts, the novel’s setting is to describe the age of rapidly developing the whaling industry in 19th century, and Ahab on the ship Pequod is engaged in whaling for 40 years. It’s clear that it is common to catch whales in American society.

On the other hand, American literature gives a unique symbolic “white”and culture has a special meaning. Melville has intention in the choice of white color. In the common sense, the white color reflects pure and innocent, and we think nature is quiet, peaceful and friendly. As long as human is able to understand people and nature of the relationship between such co—existence and does n’t disturb it, nature will not destroy human. Otherwise human dooms to die. In natural world, the White Whales

live a carefree life; they never take the initiative to close to and attack human. However sailors try to conquer and destroy them, at last they are to be destroyed.

Chapter II. On the Duality of Captain Ahab’s Personality

Captain Ahab is the main human character of the novel. To some extent, justice and wickedness can be observed on him, who demonstrates an admirable quality: dauntlessness, courage, rich experience; and who possesses some fearful evil power: monomania, selfishness, despotism. (白凤欣. 2007. 第34卷2期). As the critic M.H.Abrams stated “such a tragic hero Ahab moves us to pity because he isn’t a complete villain, and his misfortune is greater than he deserves; but what he makes us fear is that we recognize similar possibilities of error in our own lesser and fallible selves.” The words summarize the existence duality of Ahab’s personality.

Unlike the heroes of older tragic works, Ahab suffers from a fatal flaw that is not necessarily inborn but instead stems from damage, in his case psychological and physical, inflicted by life in a harsh world. He is as much a victim as he is an aggressor, and symbolic opposition that he constructs between himself and Moby Dick propels him toward what he considers a destined end. Ahab’s motivation, personality and destiny reflect the tragedy of heroism temperament. Melville successfully creates the tragic hero which reveals the truth that the relationship of people and nature must maintain harmony and unity.

2.1 A God—Like Man

Long before Ahab’s first appearance, there is an air of mystery about captain of the Pequod. The first we learn of the captain’s appearance is that he does n’t seem to be ill but looks “like a man cut away from the stake, when the fire has overrunning wasted all the limbs without consuming them.” Next we are told that Ahab looks like a sculpture of solid bronze; he is compared to an oak or some other sort of great tree. The captain has a prominent scar, “lividly whitish,” running from the top of his head down his face and neck until it disappears beneath his clothing. It’s compared to the mark of a lightning bolt, and an old Indian on board claims that it runs the length of Ahab’s body, “crown to sole”; we get the feeling that a lightning bolt pierced this

“grand, ungodly, god—like man”(Chapter 16) to his very soul. There is a grim look on the captain’s face, “infinity of firmest fortitude, a determinate, and unsurrenderable”willfulness in his visage. This is all so overpowering that it takes Ishmael a few seconds to notice the leg------barbaric, white, ivory prosthesis “fashioned from the polished bone of the sperm whale’s jaw.”The lower tip of the artificial leg is anchored in a hole in the quarter—deck, apparently bored for that purpose. The description indicates a man larger than life; touched by heaven’s bolt. Perhaps he even wants to be God. Ahab refuses to submit to any higher power and doesn’t worship or even acknowledge the superiority of forces beyond him.

Ahab himself is a fearless, brave and experienced captain, so he has a rich knowledge of sailing and owns superb skills about whaling, which makes him a well—known sailor. On board the Pequod, Ahab as the ship’s captain assumes the role of king or dictator that gives him the elevated status to fit this traditional view of the hero Melville himself wrote: men may seem detestable; men may have mean and meager faces; but man, in the ideal, is so noble and so sparkling such a grand and glowing. Indeed, all the ship’s commanders in the novel should examine in the light of Ahab’s character for using Ahab as the touchstone. Whatever power controls the universe, Ahab wants to attack it as he feels he has been attacked. The vastness of his objective sets Ahab apart from most tragic figures, as does the fact that, even with his dying breath, he refuses to repent for his actions. Despite Ahab’s apparent madness, he still seemed able to reason clearly. He carefully and methodically located the region of the sea that Moby Dick is most likely to be in (an almost impossible task, considering the size of the Earth’s Oceans). When he first set sail, Ahab’s original plan was to hunt only Moby Dick and ignore other whales. Once he realizes that his men will abandon him if they don’t make some sort of a profit while at sea, he encourages them to hunt other whales and boosts the morale of the crew. Ahab is an excellent leader and a man of great depth but few words. In chapter 36 we can see how he has led the men perfectly to the precise pitch of excitement that he desires.

2.2 A Selfish Devil

An archetypal character is a character who appears over and over in the legends, and who brings depth by drawing on your memories of the legends. In Moby Dick, we could see from the fact that captain Ahab’s name is taken from biblical King Ahab. This not only makes the symbolism of figures understood through the names displayed, but adds a religious atmosphere of the novel. Ahab’s name just what is said would “somehow prove prophetic” (Melville 96). The way that Melville endows the name of his hero with its symbolic meaning will let you think that captain Ahab will have something in common with King Ahab in the Bible. King Ahab, the seventh King of Israel in “First Kings”, commits crimes and offends the Lord. Simply speaking, he is arrogant and violates of God’s commandments repeatedly. In the eyes of God, he is an evil and heinous king, and finally dies of fighting with the Jewish king Sofa miserably. In the article, Captain Ahab is an emperor—like figure, arrogant with the enemies of God constantly and descends to hell. Both Ahabs are blasphemers. On the part of Captain Ahab, he is courting blasphemy through his quest to find Moby Dick and will suffer a tragic end because of his actions. With some hints, King Ahab’s end foreshadows fate of Captain Ahab. The Bible of the prototype for understanding the article plays a significant role. To some extent, Melville enters into the worlds of epic and Shakespearean tragedy by describing Captain Ahab as a biblical archetype.

In Moby Dick, Ahab, the man with one leg, is angry in that his pride is hurt and resolves to hunt the white whale to the kill. He cuts himself off from his wife and kids and stays away most of the time from his crew so as to avenge himself. After the loss of his leg in his encounter with he white whale, he holds God responsible for the presence of evil in the universe and is bent on killing the whale. (王蕾,刘著妍. 2007. P.61). He hangs a doubloon on mast as a reward for anyone who sights the whale first. The Pequod makes a good catch of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. He repeatedly refers to monomaniacal, which suggests he is driven insane by one goal. He hears of objection, being totally lost in his own impulse and his selfish desire. He is egocentric to such an extent that he starts to lose humanity,

and becomes disconnected with other people. His radical obsession with finding and killing the white whale known as Moby Dick causes Ishmael and others of the crew to become frightened at his abnormal behavior. He has a maniacal presence about him and would risk his life and the lives of his crewmen just to fulfill his mission demented revenge. What Ahab seeks is not the actual whale but a whale that stands for the ultimate mystery of the universe. This is shown in Captain Ahab’s rebellious struggle against the overwhelming mysterious vastness of the universe. But the superiorities contribute nothing to a meaningful life if his ardors sway from the truth. Ahab’s blind and purposeless fury of the whale eventually destroys himself and the crew except Ishmael. If Ahab had abandoned his goal, he would have lived a better life. Here Melville intends to tell us man can’t do whatever he wants and some things are simply beyond his power. The reader could really experience the insaneness of the voyage, and the cruelty of the mission that they have set out to accomplish.

Chapter III. The Destruction of Pequod

Named after a Native American tribe in Massachusetts that did not long survive the arrival of white men and thus memorializing extinction, the Pequod is a symbol of doom. It is painted a gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones, literally bristling with the mementos of violent death. It is, in fact, marked for death. Adorned like a primitive coffin, the Pequod becomes one. Melville uses the name to rename the whaling ship, symbolizing it is bound to perish. As Ishmael said, the crew did everything possible and worked hard through the endless sea, only to have access to their death. They tracked and chased to the Ends of the Earth as a result of searching for what destroyed them.

As an only survivor planned to tell the story, it predicts the miserable ending of the Pequod and all the crewmen. In the article, the Pequod represents the microcosm of human society and Americans’ soul. Melville expresses his themes by the struggle between the ship and the white whale.

3.1 The Microcosm of Human Society

In the 19th century, America was flourishing into an independent country. Historically it was time of westward and overseas expansions. (张伯香. 2006. P.399) Moby Dick is extensively concerned with several major dimensions of the American imperialistic vision such as the voyage of Pequod. To some degree, it stands for this spirit of expanding into the overseas. What is more, during the period, the Civil War broke out. It proved that most of Americans then were in dire straits, especially the Black. They were breathing in the heavy oppression of slavery and the most fundamental purpose was that they were opposed to the domination of White and that they would like to abolish slavery. Therefore although democracy became the ideal of the new nation, yet loneliness and self—destroyed individualism were the theme. The author understood it and expressed his opinion from the tragic ending of self—destruction in the search for the whale; the loss of faith and the sense of futility

and meaninglessness which characterizes modern life of the West are expressed thoroughly in the book.

From another point of view, the narrator Ishmael intends to escape from modern “civilization” society by going to the sea. In the opening of the novel, it begins with the famous statement by the book’s narrator “call me Ishmael”. The readers are informed that Ishmael is so tired of land life that he could not bear it any longer. The most effective way to escape it is to go to the sea, so he has the habit of going to sea whenever he starts to grow “hazy about the eyes”. He goes to sea as laborer, and as a simple sailor. He does so because he may be paid and it affords him wholesome exercise and pure sea air. From another perspective, Ishmael hints there is something wrong with our realistic life. “The sea is an archetypal symbol of the mystery of life and creation—birth, the flowing of time into eternity, and rebirth.” In Ishmael’s view, it is only through the sea that man can keep in touch with things of terminal truth; “in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shore less, indefinite as God”, and thus it is better to die at sea than on land. Ishmael poses the idea that a certain class of persons could operate better on the sea than on land. Ishmael attributes this to a certain psychological attainment, claiming that truth belongs to sea for its indefinite quality and flexibility. In other words, compared to the more definite atmosphere of dry land, the sea represents a degree of mystery and abstraction. Furthermore, in contrast to the land, traveling on the sea could seize an opportunity to be confronted with the fundamentals of life itself. By setting a contrast between land and sea, Ishmael stresses the significance of the sea. The sea, as the opposite and expansion of the land, is “the image of the ungraspable phantom of life”, where man can get a glimpse into the truth of all things, so Ishmael’s going to the sea is his request for the mystery of the life.

3.2 The American’s Soul

As it is mentioned ahead, to Ahab, the White Whale is either an evil creature in itself or the agent of an evil force that controls the universe, or perhaps both. In fact,

an evil of symbolic meaning in White Whale also refers to defect or shortcoming in one’s soul. In a word, that is the good and evil aspects of human nature which is inner self. Those outside oneself are called objects, which are impervious to the desires or wills of men. For instance, the blind can see nothing but light does exist, the deaf can hear nothing but voice does exist, and the dumb can’t speak but spoken language does exist. Melville shows that evil exists in human nature. If human would like to root out evil, he would be destroyed by evil. The same is true with Captain Ahab’s fate. In a word, what is important is one’s attitude towards life. People who show negative attitude toward life are those who know what is right but do the other way round. The evil prevails over the good in their inner selves. They can’t stop themselves from pursuing the wrong thing. Just as the saying goes, the thing rightly done is always 10 times better than to do things right. If one wants to see the sunset, he has to go to the west. Otherwise he will never see it even he has made great efforts. Therefore this kind of people is doomed to live a meaningless and futile life even though they do fight fate. If the good prevails over the evil, one is living a meaningful and fruitful life.

According to the background of Melville writing, it was Transcendentalism that inspired many American writers to greatness. Writers such as Hawthorne and Melville—were influenced by many of its concepts. (童明. 2005. P.86). Transcendentalism has been defined philosophically as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively, or of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the senses.”Transcendentalists highlight the positive aspect of nature and believe in the inherent goodness of humankind, but to Hawthorne and Melville, everyone is potentially a sinner, and great moral courage is therefore indispensable for the improvement of human nature. Emerson, the most representative Transcendentalist, tells us that transcendentalist must struggle with self—doubt. The problem is not in achieving a mystic transcendence that momentary sense of oneness like Ishmael’s mast—head reveries, but in living on after the experience, returning from ideality to actuality. Emerson’s advice to the transcendentalist who can’t and never will experience “continuous day” or Ahab’s longed—for “repose of if” is to find

a Quakerly contentment in waiting for the light. And this requires a perpetual balance between self—reliance and communality. Ishmael takes to sea democratically to confront his fear of nothingness just as Aha

b takes to sea autocratically to kill that fear in the form of the White Whale. The two approach the matter differently. Ahab’s approach to the problem of nothingness is denial. In “The Quarter Deck”, he rallies the crew by playing fast and loose with transcendental ideas, making the whale out to be a “pasteboard mask” or symbol of an evil and reasoning force. Ahab’s rhetori

c is ba

d transcendental thinking on two counts. In “Th

e Poet,”Emerson argues that we come closest to transcendence when we do what nature does. Since nature is our most immediate example o

f the creative force of Ideality, doin

g what nature does means creating, and what nature creates are palpable symbols of universal concepts. Thus to approac

h transcendence, we must create symbols. However Ahab attempts to transcend by breaking through and reducing symbols and does so assuming that destruction, not creativity, is the universal ideal. Ahab can appear to performing an act of self—discovery by cutting through nature’s surface in order to apprehend its ideal reality, but his method is destructive rather than re—creative. Melville loses no opportunity in his criticism of New England Transcendentalism. Constantly under his attack is its emphasis on individualism and over—soul. To say that the whole of Moby Dick is a negative reflection upon Transcendentalism is not in fact an exaggeration.


The story of Moby Dick begins with some character or problem and ends with a short epilogue. The writer lets the story rise and fall many times and often interrupts the narrative flow to reflect on subjects related to the whaling industry. Clearly it is an epic tale of the voyage of the whaling ship. It also can be read on different levels: an adventure story, a revenge story, a horror story, a nature story and so on. The distinctive feature of the book is symbolism. Symbols in literature are usually objects used to represent or suggest important concepts that inform and expand our appreciation of the book; furthermore these symbols make it more interesting to the reader by making connections from one idea to another. Moby Dick offers some of the most widely known symbols in American literature such as the symbols of isolation, monomania and duality.

Moby Dick has richness in various aspects, such as allegory, symbolism and theme which has had enduring value for generations. Its symbolism is vast and a romance of moral inquiry. Each of the main characters struggle with good and evil, with fate, with the conflict they see between God and nature. People must learn to establish harmonious relationships between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. However Melville overly exaggerates the arrangement of nature and animals’ magic; the development of science and technology and powers of destroying nature is undervalued then. With regards to all endeavor and actions of the conservation and salvation of whales nowadays, Melville may be unexpected.


(1) Moby Dick: Analysis of Major Characters


(2) The Surprising Moby Dick


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南师范大学学报, 2007年第2期.


Abstract Moby-Dick is regarded as the masterpiece of Herman Melville. It contains plenty of symbolism. Understanding the symbolic meanings of the characters and subjects in the novel is important. This paper analyses the symbolic meanings of different individuals in order to make a better understanding of the novel. Moby Dick represents God owing to his godlike characters and his awfully severe beauty. Ahab symbolizes the league human with evil. In the whaling trip, we can see his bravery and patience, as well as his madness and stubbornness. The third symbolic element is the idea of the “counterpane” that is woven throughout the story as a symbol of the world’s multiculturalism. Melville develops the symbol proving that the world is indeed a counterpane of diverse cultures, races, and environment, in which we are always connected by our humanity. Key words:symbolism; Moby Dick; Arab; counterpane 摘要 《白鲸》被看作是赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的杰作。它包含了大量的象征主义。在这部小说中,理解人物事物的象征意义是非常重要的。为了更好的理解这部小说,这篇论文将分析不同个体的象征意义。其中的白鲸被描写成无处不在,无所不能的万能的上帝。埃哈布船长为复仇远涉重洋捕捉白鲸,最后自己,同伴与白鲸同归于尽的事迹,既表现了人类的勇敢与忍耐,也反映了他们的偏执与疯狂。另一个贯穿全文的象征就是“床单”,它象征世界不同文化的混合与交织,世界就像一块由多种布拼凑而成的床单,由不同的文化、种族、背景交织而成,人们在一起相互依靠,相互依存,小说中来自不同国家的船员就是最生动形象的体现。 关键词:象征主义;白鲸;埃哈布; 床单


摘要:麦尔维尔以其丰富的想象力和创造力赋予小说《白鲸》中的莫比·迪克多重象征寓意。白鲸丰富的象征意义赋予小说永恒的艺术张力和无穷魅力。 关键词:白鲸;矛盾化身;艺术张力 阐释学认为,文本意义总是相对的,理解是生产性的。不同时代的阐释者对一部作品意义的理解,总是根据理解者自己的需要做出对文本的新解释,正所谓“诗无达诂”。事实上,作品中的人物对作品的某个事物的理解也是触景动怀,别有激发,各不相同。以此出发,梅尔维尔《白鲸》中富有传奇色彩的白鲸莫比·迪克在不同人物独特视角的诠释中赋予其多重的象征寓意,各随所得,见仁见智。 一、对小说的叙述者伊希米尔来说,白鲸既代表高洁安宁,也代表恐怖死亡,它是宇宙间一切对立矛盾的结合。它象征宇宙的浩阔与奥秘、上帝的无边神力、人类的命运与前途,它给伊希米尔的重要启迪不是简单的摧毁,而是努力完善认识、不懈地追求真理的神秘力量。首先,伊希米尔描述了白鲸莫比·迪克在人们的心中引起的善与美的遐想“,在它那巨大而温和的头部的上方弥漫着由于它难以言全的沉思默想而产生一片重重的雾气;而那片雾气,正如有时候你所看到的那样,又被彩虹照耀得光辉四射,仿佛上天已在它的思想上盖上了他那朱红印似的。”这种庄严与华贵几乎可与上帝的形象相媲美。特别是,它雪白的前额和山一样的脊背更增添了它的神秘莫测。让人觉得它是一种神化之物,是神圣不可侵犯的。这也是众多捕鲸者把白鲸看成是上帝的象征,极力劝阻亚哈不要去捕杀它的原因。其次,伊希米尔认为,白鲸是自然的代表,令人捉摸不定。它是神奇的大自然的产物,它代表着自然界的神秘和力量。只要人类不去打扰它,自然是安静、和平的、友善而美丽的。面对大自然,梅尔维尔通过伊希米尔表达了对白鲸自然美的赞美“,白鲸!……白鲸!……这美得出奇的乳白色庞然大物……在地平线上光彩夺目的太阳照耀下,它像清晨蔚蓝的海面上一块富有生命的乳色玻璃闪闪发光,熠熠生辉”。再次,白色对伊希梅尔而言,象征宇宙的不确定、空虚、无限,对于作者那似有似无的颜色既代表美丽纯洁,又代表死亡与灵魂。从一开始,伊希米尔就承认白鲸的白色“比什么东西都更让我害怕……不管它们是愉快可敬的,或者崇高的,反正在这种颜色最深层的意中总是潜藏着一种捉摸不透的东西,比让人恐惧的血之红色更让人的灵魂为之惊恐。”白色是大鲸、雪山、海洋、熊和信天翁以及亡灵裹尸布的颜色。可是伊希米尔又告诉读者白色就是明显的没有颜色,它什么也不表示,又象征着一切事物,是各种颜色的凝结物和综合体。因此,白色在这里与其说是象征着上帝、魔鬼或死亡,还不如说代表着让人发抖的虚空。在这里,伊希米尔尽管感受到了巨大的恐惧,却不知道它到底源于何处,这就是白色的威力。它的存在,其实本无所谓善恶,但是人无法清楚地理解它所体现的宇宙奥秘而使其显得神秘莫测。人类和白鲸抗争,无异于和命运抗争。所以,在伊希米尔看来,白鲸真正的可怕在于它的白色,在于它身上的那一缕耀眼的白色以及它所象征的无形的力量。它就是女妖“塞妊”的美妙歌声,引诱水手走向死亡。在全体船员中,只有伊希米尔幸存,因为只有他对白鲸的看法不断地发生变化。最初,他认为,白鲸是恶的化身,与其他人一起要发誓杀死莫比·迪克,但随着认识的深化,他觉得人还不如鲸,尽管人类爱他的伙伴,然而人类毕竟是唯利是图的趋利动物。这种趋利癖好常与人的仁爱之心格格不入。他对人类的进一步认识,即他的成长和他对白鲸的逐渐了解使他相信白鲸是神的化身,是一种神性和灵性的动物,它可以体察到某种恐惧,然而却能与之共处的。他这种对白鲸、对自然的理解使他明白了人与自然的关系,同时也使他获得了精神和灵魂的重生。二、伊希米尔把白鲸看作是大自然的化身,而在船长亚哈眼里,白鲸是邪恶的化身“:一切最使人狂怒和痛苦的事情,一切足以搅起事物的沉渣的东西,一切附有恶念的真理,一切使人焦头烂额的东西,一切在人类生活中和思想上对鬼怪神魔的不可理喻的信奉,一切的邪恶等等,都是摩比·迪克这一有形的化身”。它是亚哈心中邪恶与恐怖、难以征服而又必须予以摧毁的仇敌。白鲸不仅是肉体上的大敌,也是“万般邪恶的偏执的化身”的精神宿敌。白鲸莫比·迪克有着“雪山一样的背峰”,它天生使人畏惧,它突击的时候,一再表现那种无以伦比的充满机

《白鲸》读后感600字 - 读后感大全

《白鲸》读后感600字-读后感大全 【传奇与感伤的戏剧—读《白鲸》有感】 波澜如画的海面映着天边雕饰的云朵,一只白色的海兽正穿梭其间肆意玩耍。一座座小喷泉充满了欢乐,喷泉深处隐藏的不是海兽可爱的身姿,而是一支支插在肉体中的残缺的标枪…… 初次接触麦尔维尔的作品,让我感到一丝陌生感,看着书面上充满生机的封面,我心里又添了一份新鲜感。本书讲述了一段传奇的捕鲸故事,中间穿插介绍了关于鲸的内容。例如,鲸的历史,鲸的分类,更是将鲸从嘴到尾叶都做了详细的叙述,至于对如何捕鲸,如何割脂,如何提炼鲸油毫不吝惜地做了一番记述。待读完此书,我感觉自己都快成了半个捕鲸能手,想要出海捕鲸了。 打开此书,犹如走进了社会的大门,形形色色的人物走进了我的视线,首先当推冷漠、报负心重的亚哈船长了。他是个出色的捕鲸手,却因捕鲸失去了一条腿,现实的痛苦将他折磨成了一个偏执狂,最终带领全体船员走向死亡深海;其次令我印象深刻的便是标枪手魁魁格,他刚出场,是一个贩卖人头的生人番的身份,但生人番出身的他却有一颗善良、热情、乐于助人的心,使他多次不顾自身安危去拯救他人的生命。没想到凶蛮的外表下还隐藏着一双天使的翅膀。当然还有许多血肉丰满的人物:忠厚、朴实的大副斯巴达克,充满神秘色彩的妖教徒费达拉等。 读完此书,让我为这本具有传奇色彩的悲剧感到愤懑,如果没有亚哈船长的偏执,如果不是他鬼迷心窍想要复仇,如果不是他向船员们灌输疯狂的报复信念,如果不是他一味地冷漠无情,那全体热情而善良的船员怎会葬身大海,他怎么会勒死在捕鲸索中? 合上此书,我的心仍在震撼当中,我的脑海中浮现着这样一幅画面:一只白色的大鲸,蠕动着自己伤痕累累的身躯,游向大海深处,再也不曾浮上来过……


外国文学名著简介:白鲸 美国著名作家梅尔维尔的长篇小说《白鲸》创作于1851年,小说描写一位捕鲸船长在在海上捕鱼时,不慎被白鲸咬掉了一条腿,他发誓要找到白鲸。船长航行了几乎整个世界,历尽千辛万苦,终于找到了白鲸。于是,船长命令船员们靠近白鲸叉死它,船员明知九死一生但不得不服从船长的命令,他们叉中了白鲸,受伤的白鲸凶狠地冲向他们的鱼船,鱼船被撞得粉碎,船上的人除一人死里逃生外,都与白鲸同归于尽了。 小说中称霸海洋的白鲸被写成一种强大可怕的、对人怀有敌意又难以制服的怪物。它是人类难以摆脱并深受其害的人间罪恶的象征。小说描写了捕鲸的艰难和捕鲸工人的智慧和勇敢,很有现实意义,有浓重的象征意味和神秘色彩。小说扑朔迷离、欲辩难言的意境在20世纪30年代引起欧美文学界强烈反响,成为浪漫主义的杰作。 梅尔维尔是美国浪漫主义小说家和诗人。青年时代当过水手,在长达四年的海上生活中,品尝了捕鲸船上的艰难与困苦。在南太平洋航行期间,他在一个海岛上的土著泰比人中间生活了一段时间。他初创作的小说《泰比》和《奥穆》都是以他的经历见闻为基础,描写异国风土人情的作品。作者把未开化的、未被近代文明玷污的人们的纯朴生活同资本

主义的文明相互对照,对资本主义制度进行了深刻的揭露。梅尔维尔是美国浪漫主义后期的代表人之一。作品带有一种神秘和悲观的色彩。代表作品长篇小说《白鲸》所表现的神秘和悲观的浪漫主义色彩引起当时欧美文学界很大的反响,并因此被尊为美国第一流的浪漫主义作家。 本片根据美国著名作家梅尔维尔的巨著《白鲸》改编拍摄。片中主人公亚哈由美国著名影星格里高利·派克饰演。 捕鲸船船长亚哈被一条叫莫比·迪克抹香鲸咬断一条腿。为了复仇,他利诱威逼船员们不顾一切地去追捕白鲸,既不顾船员们的生命安危,也不顾陆续出现的凶险以及袄教徒的不祥预言,他们像发疯似的在大海上与白鲸周旋恶斗,最后终于击中白鲸,他的捕鲸船也被狂怒的白鲸掀翻,船员们葬身海底,亚哈本人被缠结的捕鲸绳绞死,只有水手以实玛利一人死里逃生,成为悲壮故事的叙述者。


在小说《白鲸》中, 作者梅尔维尔描述了亚哈船长带领“裴廓德号”全体船员疯狂追逐白鲸的场面,整部小说叙述了亚哈追杀白鲸的疯狂心理和不杀白鲸, 誓不罢休的坚定决心。笔者从象征主义的视角出发来分析说明亚哈船长对白鲸的追杀行为不仅是一种精神的追求与探寻, 而且, 作者对这种精神探寻赋予了多重象征意义。 一、终极真理的探寻 对亚哈船长精神探寻的阐释与对白鲸的象征意义理解是密不可分的, 白鲸象征着退近亚哈的一堵墙, 这堵墙压得他近乎窒息, 他在墙内苦苦挣扎,企图冲破它, 但却不能, 他看到了这堵靖的强大, 感觉到它的力大无穷, 深不可测, 有时他也想, 即使冲破了这堵挡在他面前的培, 发现的只是空白一片。这不正说明了亚哈在寻找问题的答案, 探索宇宙的真理吗而这墙就像知识的面纱一样挡在他的面前, 使他永远看不到墙的另一面, 找不到问题的答案, 但他仍在苦苦追求, 努力探索, 亚哈岂不知, 这堵墙就是终极真理的象征, 而对它的探寻就像亚哈所感觉到的那堵冲不破的培一样, 是不可能的。那是因为人的能力受其知识局限性的限制。而且, 这种盲目的探索肯定会招来失致, 甚至是人类自身的毁灭。因此, 亚哈在探寻终极真理的过程中也感到了宇宙的神秘和它所给人类带来的威胁。 二、寻找自我的过程 亚哈精神探寻的第二个象征意义解读墓于亚哈和白鲸关系的理解。在整部小说中梅尔维尔在亚哈和白鲸之间创造了一种很徽妙的关系。他的腿是亚哈在海上第一次与白鲸相遇时被白鲸咬去的, 那次事故不仅给亚哈带来了肉体的痛苦, 更使他的精神受到了极大的创伤。后来他让工匠为他打造了一条鲸骨假腿。装上鲸骨假腿的同时, 也就表明了亚哈要找到白鲸的决心。从肉体上来看, 白鲸成了亚哈的一部分, 而亚哈也成了白鲸的一部分, 因为白鲸带走了亚哈的一条腿, 并把它消化在体内。从这层意义讲, 两者是密不可分的。进一步分析亚哈的心理, 我们会发现, 亚哈冥冥之中感到白鲸对他有一股强大的吸力, 这种吸力催促着他必须找到白鲸, 找到他丢失的魂魄, 原来的自我。找到白强烈的欲望令他心烦意乱。坐卧不宁, 在“ 裴廓德号”上,亚哈要么就呆在他认为是自己的“ 墓穴” 中, 好似一具僵尸, 要么就出现在甲板上, 来回踱步, 就像一个幽灵, 亚哈脑海中唯一的目的就是不惜一切地找到白鲸, 这种追寻白鲸的欲望使他不顾一切, 迷失了生活的方向, 成为了一个偏执狂, 复仇变成了他重新找回自我的唯一手段, 因此, 惟有重新找回丢失的灵魂才能挽救亚哈精神的空虚与迷茫。 三、裹读和叛逆的表现 从宗教意义上来看, 白鲸不可理解的沉寂和神秘的生活习惯, 可以被理解为象征了不可知的上帝。在小说中以实玛利多次提到白鲸, 但是无论怎样描述都不能说清白鲸的具体特征和习性, 梅尔维尔自己也承认, 尽管花了很大功夫也不能真正了解白鲸, 它好似一个迷宫。白鲸在太平洋里到处游动,正如无处不在的上帝。但水手们和亚哈始终看不到白鲸的真正面目。迩百列认为白鲸就是上帝, 他曾多次预言, 捕杀白鲸的下场就是死亡, 他的预言也感染到船上的船员, 使他们对自己的行为产生了怀茄和动摇的想法。但亚哈不接受任何别的法则, 不服从任何意志, 只是按照自己的意志行事, 他是一个反对上帝的撒旦式的人物, 他是从不忏悔的约拿。他说, “ 自己是火神的儿子, ”他鄙视上帝, 崇拜火, 像波斯徒一样迷恋太阳。当亚哈的捕鲸枪被打造好后, 他说他是奉魔鬼之命, 而不是上帝之命来为它洗礼。亚哈的行为自始至终表现了对上帝的蔑视和憎恨。因此, 亚哈追逐白鲸的行为就象征着对上帝的裹读和叛逆。为此, 他也受到了上帝的惩罚,付出了生命的代价。 四、西方文明和社会规约的挑战 在梅尔维尔的时代, 美国的文明发展到一个两难的境地。一方面, 随着科学技术的进步, 人们的物质生活水平日益提高, 越来越多的人们在不断地追求着物质财富, 贪欲和索取充斥着人们的头脑。在享受着物质快乐的同时, 另一方面, 美国人也出现了精神空虚和心理压抑。许多人丧失了生活的意义感和目的感。他们开始寻求精神的满足, 人们把目光投向了海洋,


Literature Review of Moby Dick Studies Introduction Herman Melville is a typical American writer who was recognized after death. It has been almost 100 years since Melville Revival in 1920s, and there are many stuy on Moby Dick in home and aboard from various angles. This paper attempts to summarize critics from various journals, which focus on the narrative theory, the author's attitude toward capitalism and the contradiction between Puritanism and Transcendentalism embodied in this book. Narrative Theory The reviewer described Moby-Dick as three books rolled into one: an encyclopaedia of sperm whale, a fiction of sea adventure, an essay collection of philosophical questioning. In terms of the non-narrative chapters,they are structured around three patterns: first, the nine meetings of the Pequod with ships that have encountered Moby Dick. Each has been more and more severely damaged, foreshadowing thePequod's own fate. Second, the increasingly impressive encounters with whales. In the early encounters, the whaleboats hardly make contact; later there are false alarms and routine chases; finally, the massive assembling of whales at the edges of the China Sea in "The Grand Armada". A typhoon near Japan sets the stage for Ahab's confrontation with Moby Dick. The third pattern is the cetological documentation, so lavish that it can be divided into two subpatterns. These chapters start with the ancient history of whaling and a bibliographical classification of whales, getting closer with second-hand stories of the evil of whales in general and of Moby Dick in particular. In terms of the narrative chapters, it’s"narrative architecture" is an "idiosyncratic variant of the bipolar observer/hero narrative", that is, the novel is structured around the two main characters, Ahab and Ishmael, who are intertwined and contrasted with each other, with Ishmael the observer and narrator. In addition, one of the most distinctive features of the book is the variety of genres, such as sermons, dreams, travel account, autobiography, Elizabethan plays(inspired by Shakespeare), and epic poetry. Moreover, Ishmael's explanatory footnotes can be regard as an invented documentary genre. Attitude Toward Capitalism Melville registers the global system of capitalism as it begins to emerge in the Pacific and assert its dominance in the USA. And It was at the dawning of industrial capitalism that Melville created his major work Moby-Dick.That is why it may not be baseless to argue that this masterpiece should be a product depicting contradictions arising from the disturbing early stage of industrial capitalism. The whaling ship Pequod as a joint‐stock company is also a pioneering outpost to spread industrial capitalism to many coasts around the world. Thus, as an


白鲸的简短自我介绍五篇范文 白鲸的自我介绍(一) 白鲸,学名:Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas,1776),一角鲸科白鲸属的一种动物。额头向外隆起突出且圆滑,嘴喙很短,唇线宽阔。身体颜色非常淡,为独特的白色。白鲸与其他鲸类相比,惟一明显不同的是:当夏季皮肤呈淡黄色的色调时,可以蜕换。 游动时通常比较缓慢,在海浪和浮冰中难以辨识。白鲸喜欢生活在海面或贴近海面的地方;潜水能力相当强,对于北极的浮冰环境有很好的适应力。 世界上绝大多数白鲸生活在欧洲、美国阿拉斯加和加拿大以北的海域中。几个白鲸集中的地区已成为赏鲸圣地,包括加拿大东部的圣劳伦斯河下游与哈德逊湾西部的丘吉尔河河口。 白鲸的自我介绍(二) 白鲸躯体粗壮,呈白色或黄色,头圆、喙短,没有背鳍。成熟 的白鲸整个躯体会呈现独特的白色,头部在比例上显小,上有额隆,喷气孔后有轮廓清晰的褶皱。

躯体表面常布疤痕,也可能有褶皱与脂肪褶层。背脊取代背鳍,位于上部中后位置,尾鳍后缘或呈暗棕色,中央缺刻明显,尾叶外突随年龄增长愈加明显。颈部可自由活动,能够点头及转头。胸鳍宽阔呈刮刀状,活动自如;唇线宽。雄性胸鳍上弯,随年龄增长愈加明显。[1] 身体大部分皮肤很粗糙。成鲸的白色皮肤有时会在夏季发情时稍带淡黄色调,但蜕皮后即消失。白鲸体色会随年龄而改变,从初生时的暗灰色转变成灰、淡灰及带有蓝色调的白色;当白鲸长到5至10岁性别特征成熟时,就会变成纯白色,而背脊、胸鳍边缘以及尾鳍终身都保持暗色调。 发声时额隆改变形状,并可能产生共鸣。齿式:16~22/16~18。 初生仔鲸长1.5~1.6米,重80公斤;成体约3~5米,重0.4~1.5吨 白鲸的自我介绍(三) 主要栖息于河道入口、峡湾、港湾以及北冰洋常年有光照的温暖浅海,夏季也会出现在河口水域。栖息地水温一般8~10℃。白鲸群进入河口迁徙目的地时显得十分兴奋,虽然已经进行了长距离迁徙,但似乎一点儿都不觉得累。除了用不同的歌喉不停地“交流”之外,还用自己宽大的尾叶突戏水,将身体半露出水面,


圣斗士人物大全 圣斗士人物大全(含大量图文资料)!!!!! 神 胜利女神:雅典娜(城户沙织) 城户沙织是雅典娜的人间代言人,爱神和女战神,带领圣斗士们为了正义与爱,与邪恶势力不断战斗,每次都陷入危险境地,但又用小宇宙帮助星矢他们取得胜利。 海皇:波赛冬 海皇波赛冬的人间代言人,企图称霸世界,把雅典娜关进生命之柱,最终被星矢的黄金箭打败,曾在冥界之战中援助雅典娜。 冥王:哈迪斯 冥王哈迪斯借用瞬的身体复活,但由于瞬强大的意志的反抗,他的真身复活了,最终被雅典娜打败,去刺杀了星矢。 太阳神:阿波罗 太阳神阿波罗是雅典娜的哥哥,想和雅典娜一起统治世界,遭拒绝后妄想杀死雅典娜,最终被星矢的黄金箭打败。

月亮女神:阿尔忒弥斯 奥林匹斯12主神之一的月亮及狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯,是雅典娜的姐姐,她要代替众神惩罚同神作对的人类,派出属下三位天斗士刺杀星矢,接替雅典娜掌管圣域。 纷争女神:艾莉斯 借绘梨一的身体及黄金苹果复活,最终被星矢的黄金箭打败。 堕落天使:路西华 堕落天使路西华被众神打入地狱,却利用波赛冬、阿波罗、艾莉斯的小宇宙重返人间,并妄图成为众神之尊,最终被星矢的黄金箭打败。 睡神:许普诺斯 睡神许普诺斯是哈迪斯的左右手,被紫龙,冰河,瞬,一辉合力打败。 死神:达拿都斯 死神达拿都斯是哈迪斯的左右手,许普诺斯的兄弟,被星矢打败。 希蒂斯 北欧奥丁神的人间代言人,但被海皇波赛冬带上复仇指环,向雅典娜宣战,但最终被星矢用奥丁的所罗门神剑打败。

德路巴鲁 剧场版中奥丁的代言人,最终被星矢的黄金箭打败。 典和圆 省级精英 圣斗士 青铜圣斗士 天马星座:星矢 本作头号主角,天马星座。平时像个孩子,性格天真活泼。但战斗时,尤其是雅典娜遇到危难,便会不顾一切的去战斗,是其他人的精神领袖。总冲在战斗的最前边。修炼地是希腊圣域。魔玲的弟子。 天龙星座:紫龙 星矢最可靠的伙伴,每次都协助星矢渡过难关,为了雅典娜,不顾自己的爱。在中国庐山五老峰修炼,黄金圣斗士童虎的弟子。


[摘要] 《白鲸》是美国作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的代表作, 被认为是世界上最有象征意义的小说之一。本文将对小说中的象征主义进行探索性的分析。象征主义在小说中无所不在: 裴考德号全体船员的最终灭亡, 象征着人类在社会、自然及至宇宙的命运; 这艘船的名字本身就象征着灭亡; 而它的船长亚哈伯是人类本质中邪恶的一面的象征; 这次航海本身象征着对人类生活最终真理的追求; 白鲸既象征着那庞大的资本主义生产方式又象征着自然, 而它的白色象征着纯洁和无辜 《白鲸》是美国作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的代表作。它作为一部在发表时反响平平而在半个多世纪以后才越来越受到人们广泛重视的“奇书”,其内容之丰富、寓意之深邃、意象之奇谲, 确为美国文学上不可多得的一部作品。自20 世纪20 年代以来, 人们从不同的角度对这部作品进行了分析, 尤其对他的象征主义进行饶有兴趣的探索, 可谓百家争鸣, 在本文中, 我也将对此进行探索性的分析。 一、裴考德号全体船员悲惨命运的象征意义 《白鲸》描写的是一艘名叫裴考德号的捕鲸船在船长亚哈伯的带领下追击白鲸的故事。从表面上看, 全书的焦点似乎集中在船长亚哈伯和白鲸莫比·迪克之间不共戴天的仇恨上。但实际上, 它不仅仅是一部离奇曲折、充满异国风光与浪漫情调的历险小说。贯穿作品始终的是对人类命运的深沉的忧患,处处闪耀着象征主义的光芒。小说中裴考德号全体船员向白鲸一步步的逼近以及他们的最终灭亡, 象征着人类在社会、自然及至宇宙的命运。这一命运带有浓厚的神秘色彩和悲剧意绪, 而作者正是通过象征主义来表达他对人类命运的忧患意识。 1. 裴考德号的象征意义 显然, 裴考德号及全体船员的悲惨下场是从一开始就已注定了的。首先, 这艘船的名字本身就象征着灭亡。裴考德是美国印第安人一个种族的名字, 在美国被白人殖民者占领以后, 许多本土的印第安人部落和种族在和白人殖民者的冲突中被消灭了。裴考德就是一个已经被白人消灭了的种族。赫尔曼·麦尔维尔用这个名字来命名捕鲸船, 象征着它必定灭亡的悲惨下场。其次, 因为全书的叙述者伊史玛利是这艘遇难船上的惟一生还者, 他的叙述只是将业已酿成的灾难复述一遍而已。正如伊史玛利所说的, 船员们做着一切努力, 千辛万苦的穿过那无垠的大海, 只是为了奔赴他们的死期。他们天涯海角的跟踪、追逐, 只是在搜索那条最终会毁灭他们的东西。作者安排惟一的幸存者来讲述这个故事, 预示了裴考德号及全体船员的悲惨下场。 2. 裴考德号船长亚哈伯的象征意义 其实, 裴考德号船长亚哈伯曾经有过许多次调头的机会,但每次都被他毅然拒绝了。书中写到该船先后与“信天翁号”、“处女号”、“玫瑰蕊号”、“拉吉号”等好几艘船在海面上相遇。这几次相遇都起到对裴考德号的警告和劝戒作用。船长亚哈伯一次又一次被告知, 莫比·迪克具有超自然的力量, 谁要与它抗争必死无疑。然而, 这些忠告都未被采纳。直到最后一天的决战来临之前。船员斯达巴克最后一次劝船长及早停手时,他还是执意的表示, 一切都无法更改了, 因为这一切都是既定不移的天意。亚哈伯是人类本质中邪恶的一面的象征, 他对白鲸的仇恨象征着人类对自然的敌视, 而他以及船员们对白鲸疯狂的追逐, 象征着人类意识中疯狂的失控状态。当人的意识处于这种失控状态时, 就会被邪恶的一面完全控制, 从而招受自我毁灭, 也毁灭他人。亚哈伯正是处于这样的状态, 所以他才不顾一切的寻找白鲸, 并且不惜在桅杆上挂起一枚金币以奖励首先发现白鲸的水手, 而水手们在金钱的刺激下, 也变得疯狂了。在亚哈伯的带领下, 他们不顾一切的冲向安静的海洋搜索被他们视为敌人的白鲸, 在打破了海洋的宁静和白鲸的和平以后, 和白鲸一起葬身于海底。亚哈伯以及全体船员的这种疯狂的邪恶为他们带来了最终的毁灭。 二、这次航海本身的象征意义 这次航海本身象征着一种追寻和发现, 是对人类生活最终真理的追求。故事的叙述者伊史玛


试论白鲸的多层象征意义 摘要:赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的《白鲸》是世界文学长廊中的一颗璀璨明星,无数文学家,评论家写文章解读该作品,他们的切入点各不相同,而象征手法是其中重要一项,对于作品的理解起着十分重要的作用。本文剖析了作品中的人物亚哈,白鲸莫比·迪克,及航船裴廓德号及海洋的象征意义,和主题的象征意义,从而更加深刻的理解这一名著。 关键词:白鲸;象征意义; 《白鲸》是美国作家麦尔维尔发表于1851年的一部小说,在当时,没有引起人们的重视,甚至可以说受到了出奇的冷落。但是,到了20世纪30年代,人们才惊奇地发现,这是一部文学史上少有的杰作,它的深刻与伟大可以和任何一部名著相媲美。其实,《白鲸》的故事很简单:就是一条鲸鱼和一个船长的故事。莫比、迪克是一条凶猛无比的白鲸,它横行海上多年,曾使无数捕鲸船和水手命丧大海,成了许多航海者心中恐惧的妖魔;亚哈是一艘船的船长,在一次与白鲸的遭遇中,他被咬掉一条腿,为了复仇,他网罗了一群冒险者,开始在茫茫大海中搜捕白鲸行动。经过多年苦苦寻找,终于,找到了白鲸,经过六天六夜的激烈搏斗,虽然命中白鲸,可是,亚哈本人及其他水手、捕鲸船也都粉身碎骨,同归于尽。《白鲸》的确代表了梅尔维尔的艺术顶峰。《白鲸》是一部独具魅力的作品,小说的风格奇异多变,主题多解,最主要的是作者成功地运用了19世纪美国小说最多用的象征手法。 一、白鲸奠比·迪克的象征意义 莫比·迪克是一条带有传奇色彩的白色巨鲸,小说就以这条巨鲸的名字命名。“异教徒水手”把它收稿当成海怪,疯子迦百列把它当成镇教神的化身,亚哈把它当作自己的仇敌,以实玛利则认为它代表着残酷的空虚和宇宙的浩阔。自鲸莫比·迪克天生使人畏惧,它常常在大海里翻腾,施展出可怕的暴力,它曾使无数的捕鲸者藏身大海。它无处不在,并且会在同一时间里出现在不同的地方。人们的铁叉对它毫无伤害,它身上插遍了铁枪头,却还能安然无恙地游来游去。“白鲸”在这里成了一种超然的对人怀有敌意而又难以征服的神秘力量,进而它又被人们理解为世间一切“恶”的化身,凡是一切最使人狂怒和痛苦的事情,一切足以搅起事务的残渣的东西,一切附有恶念的真理,一切使人焦头烂额的东西,一切有关生命思想的额神秘而又不可思议的鬼神邪说,一切的邪恶等等,都是莫比·迪克的明显化身。若从社会政治的角度去理解和阐释白鲸的象征意义,这白鲸在一定程度上可以说是象征着那庞大的资本主义生产过程中与生产者相对立的那种力量。正如批评家安妮特·鲁宾斯坦所指出的那样:“由于要在船上提取并储存油脂,捕鲸船实际上就成为一座流动的工厂。它是一种将现代企业与极权的君主制相结合的组织形式;”白鲸这个尚不被理解而又威力无穷的怪物,实际上是作者对资本主义强大的生产力既感到不可理解又感到恐惧不安的心理的真实反映。也表现出他对处在这一变动时代的人类命运的忧患意识以及他们处境的深切同情。白鲸同时又是上帝神力的象征,“在它那硕大柔和的头顶,由于它那无法言传的沉思默想而挂着一顶雾气重重的华盖,而这种雾气??你有时看得到又被??彩虹耀得光辉灿烂,仿佛上天已经批准了它的思想似的。”白鲸还是大自然的化身。这样,小说的象征意义在于表明:人类如果一无止境地疯狂掠夺大自然,必将被大自然所埋葬。白鲸的象征意义究竟是什么?这就像白鲸身上那“雪白的异常的前额,”“金字塔似的白色背峰”一样叫人难以琢磨,它既代表着高洁安宁,又代表着恐怖邪恶,或者它干脆就是矛盾冲突的化身。 二、船长亚哈的象征意义 亚哈船长是白鲸的对立面,他又象征着什么呢?首先,亚哈为了报私仇,一意孤行,无视船东们的利益,置船员们的生死于不顾,并且,他充分利用自己作为船长的职权,对水手们进行威逼利诱,最后使所有船员(一人除外)都葬身海底。这时,亚哈成了比白鲸还要邪恶的魔王。但是同时,亚哈又是一个敢于反抗神明,反对习俗常规,坚毅无畏,百折不回,英勇善战,经验丰富的船长。他跟可怕的大海斗争了四十年,他遭受过一次又一次的挫折,但是他永远不会被击败。这也正如海明威的《老人与海》中圣地亚戈所说的:人不是为失败而生的,一个男子汉可以被消灭,不能被打败。作品中亚哈自己也印证了这句话:“我要走遍合恩角??走遍挪威的旋涡流,走遍地狱的火坑去追击到它后,这才散手。”表面上,亚哈追击的是白鲸,但更深层次上,它要打败的是一种邪恶的化身。此时亚哈成了人类挑战自然,战胜自的代表。另外,亚哈还代表着资本主义大生产方式,代表着那些不顾一切掠夺大自然的狂徒。所以,亚哈的象征意义和白鲸一样,不是唯一的或者绝对的,其性格是多重的,矛盾的,其象征意义也是复杂的,难以把握的。在它身上,善与恶并存,美与丑共在。它既是害人者,也是受害者,它对大自然的反叛必然招致灭亡,而社会从一开始就已使亚哈成了精神上,肉体上的受害者和畸形人。他自杀性的自我表现和反叛社会的疯狂行为,原本是社会对他彻底孤立的必然结果。亚哈的悲剧具有及其深刻而又恢弘的意义。 三、航船裴阔德号和海洋的象征意义 在《白鲸》中,裴阔德号航船是来自陆地的力量,海洋则代表着自然,他们之间的对立比较也具有明显的象征意义:航船裴阔德代表的陆地是有限的,但是相对海洋来说它是安逸舒适的;而海洋是元边无际,变幻莫测的,它象征着凶险。同时水是生命之源,因此海洋在这里也代表着深奥难测


《白鲸》读书笔记范文 《白鲸》是麦尔维尔的代表作,是中学生必读的外国名著之一。接下来橙子给大家整理了《白鲸》读书笔记范文,仅供参考。 《白鲸》读书笔记范文 1 我读了《白鲸》。冒险是从这篇故事的主人公——以实玛利走进“鲸鱼旅馆”的那一刻开始的,他来到了一艘名为“裴廓德号”的船只上,就这样,以实玛利成了船上一名小杂工。“裴廓德号”的船长——亚哈船长。它被白色幽灵————莫比迪克,那头白鲸咬掉了自己的一条腿而心中充满了仇恨,并发誓一定要报复白鲸,在确定了每个人都乐意为自己卖命后,开始了这危险的旅程。 和白鲸作对自然不是什么好事,他们最后还是输了,唯一幸免的以实玛利被别的船只救起。而白鲸被亚哈船长戳瞎了一只眼睛。 从头至尾,我一直都认为亚哈船长是一个疯狂的人,他们在追杀白鲸的中途,已经收获到了很多的鲸油,可以卖很多钱了,可是船长还是一意孤行,为了自己那个“杀死白鲸”的梦想断送了整条船上的人的性命,我要是他我就会放弃,不会在继续追捕白鲸了。虽然他是个疯狂的人,可是我为他追求梦想的执着所折服。 在追捕白鲸途中,他的老朋友的儿子所乘坐的小船失踪了,因此那位船长非常着急,希望裴廓德号与他的船同行一段时间,来帮助他找回儿子,可是亚哈船长摇了摇头,说:“不,我要继续追捕白鲸!”

后来我才知道,原来亚哈船长之所以不去找人是因为他想赶快找到白鲸,然后杀了它,从而避免更多的人受害。从这里就可以看出,其实亚哈船长可以从远处看事情,可是他的梦想最终还是没能实现,自己反而被捕鲸绳吊死了。 感觉情节非常的惊险、曲折、惊心动魄、扣人心弦,读了这本书我还知道了只有用真诚、无私的心来对待自己的好朋友,一定会获得一笔最珍贵的财富——友谊!只有团结合作才能做得更好。 《白鲸》读书笔记范文2 波澜如画的海面映着天边雕饰的云朵,一只白色的海兽正穿梭其间肆意玩耍。一座座小喷泉充满了欢乐,喷泉深处隐藏的不是海兽可爱的身姿,而是一支支插在肉体中的残缺的标枪…… 初次接触麦尔维尔的作品,让我感到一丝陌生感,看着书面上充满生机的封面,我心里又添了一份新鲜感。本书讲述了一段传奇的捕鲸故事,中间穿插介绍了关于鲸的内容。例如,鲸的历史,鲸的分类,更是将鲸从嘴到尾叶都做了详细的叙述,至于对如何捕鲸,如何割脂,如何提炼鲸油毫不吝惜地做了一番记述。待读完此书,我感觉自己都快成了半个捕鲸能手,想要出海捕鲸了。 打开此书,犹如走进了社会的大门,形形色色的人物走进了我的视线,首先当推冷漠、报负心重的亚哈船长了。他是个出色的捕鲸手,却因捕鲸失去了一条腿,现实的痛苦将他折磨成了一个偏执狂,最终带领全体船员走向死亡深海;其次令我印象深刻的便是标枪手魁魁格,他刚出场,是一个贩卖人头的生人番的身份,但生人番出身的他却有

白鲸记 英文

Analysis of the symbolism of the Pequod in Moby Dick "Moby Dick " is a typical work of the most use of symbolism in American literature.The whaling ship named Pequod also has profound symbolic significance. Pequod, an Indian race eliminated by the white American, was one of the most tragic-fated Native American Indian nations. The name of Pequod itself indicated sinking doom of the whaling ship and the tragic end of the ship crash. Meanwhile,the voyage of Pequod was also a symbol of long-life misery journey. All the hardships of hard work was only for the end to perish, and the strong natural forces cannot be resisted by the great determination or perseverance as well as the ultimate fate of destruction cannot be changed.Although Pequod that was characterized by human wisdom played a significant role in the whaling process, the tragedy between the Moby Dick and human beings embodied nature and mankind cannot conquer mutually. Thus the stubborn confrontation will only bring disastrous consequences. In the novel, Pequod was portrayed as a company with all the shareholders, a floating factory at sea, which has the typical characteristics of capitalist industry in nineteenth Century. In the


《海底总动员——海洋生物解密》课程论文 学生姓名: 学院: 系别: 专业班级: 学号: 2015年6月16日

神奇抹香鲸 抹香鲸(学名:Physeter macrocephalus):头部巨大,下颌较小,仅下颌有牙齿。主要食乌贼。体长可达18米,体重超过50吨,是体型最大的齿鲸,头部可占身体的1/3,无背鳍;潜水能力极强,是潜水最深,潜水时间最长的哺乳动物。体型似鱼,用肺呼吸。颈短,头似与躯干相联;颈椎愈合;鼻孔为喷孔,位于吻端,前肢成鳍,前臂退化,掌部变长,趾数增加,但从外部看不出趾和爪;后肢退化;尾似鱼,有水平尾鳍,游泳靠尾挥动。 抹香鲸肠内分泌物的干燥品称“龙涎香”,为名贵的中药,用于治疗咳喘气逆、心腹疼痛等症。抹香鲸广泛分布于全世界不结冰的海域,由赤道一直到两极的不结冰的海域都可发现它们的踪迹。 一庞然大物 抹香鲸是齿鲸中体形最大的一种,成年雄鲸体长能达到23米,平均体重40吨,雌鲸体长能达到17米,平均体重14吨,就连刚出生的幼鲸也有4米长、1吨重。抹香鲸的长相很奇异,有一个大得跟身体不成比例的头,其长度占到总体长的1/3,重量也占到总体重的1/3,是地球上存在过的所有物种中头最大的。抹香鲸的大头呈长方体,头顶左前方两侧长着两个鼻孔。左侧鼻孔畅通,可以用来呼吸,右侧鼻孔则天生阻塞。因此,抹香鲸在呼吸时身体会向右倾斜,将左侧的鼻孔露出,喷出的水柱也以45°角向左前方倾斜。与其硕大的额头相比,抹香鲸的下颌短小狭窄,很不成比例。下颌上长着40颗18厘米长的尖牙。上颌没有牙齿,只有被下颌牙齿戳成的一个个小洞。从大头到尾巴,抹香鲸的身体逐渐变小,尤其是尾巴显得又轻又薄,这使得抹香鲸看上去就像一只巨大的蝌蚪。抹香鲸背部的皮肤是灰黑色的,其上常有水平排列的褶皱,和其他鲸类平滑紧实的皮肤很不一样。在成年抹香鲸的头部常常能发现累累伤痕,雄鲸尤其明显,可能是雄鲸间发生争斗留下的印记。 抹香鲸的分布很广,从赤道到两极,只要是不结冰的海域,都能找到它们的踪迹。不过,它们更偏爱食物丰富的深海。雌鲸在养育幼鲸时,喜欢停留在较温暖的热带和温带海域,长时间地栖息在1000米以下的深海,活动范围通常不超过1000平方千米,它们这样做可能是为了避开其他凶猛的鲸类。抹香鲸的生长速度十分缓慢,雌鲸在9岁时才性成熟,每4~6年产一胎,怀孕时间超过一年,甚至长达一年半。抹香鲸的群落以雌鲸群为核心,雌鲸长大后不会离开群落,而雄鲸性成熟后则会离开母亲和姐妹,变成独自遨游的单身汉。抹香鲸对幼鲸的照料时间很长,雄鲸在4~6岁大时才离开母亲,独立得最晚的雄鲸记录是21岁。随着雄鲸年龄增大,它们活动的范围不断扩大,逐渐从热带向温带和寒带移动。年龄和体形越大的雄鲸,活动范围越广。 抹香鲸是哺乳动物中的潜水冠军,无论是潜水深度还是潜水时间。它们拥有超大的肺活量,呼吸一次可以换掉肺里85%的气体,然后在水下潜游两小时,深


安徽农业大学 毕业论文(设计) 论文题目谈《白鲸》中象征主义运用 姓名学号 学院专业 指导教师职称 中国·合肥 二零壹壹年五月

On The Use of Symbolism in Moby Dick Thesis submitted to the faculty of School of Foreign Languages, Anhui Agricultural University in partial fulfillment of The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts By: Supervisor: School of Foreign Languages, AAU May 2011

Acknowledgements I have eternal gratitude to Ma Wen, my thesis supervisor, for her/his inestimable help and valuable instruction, and to Professor Xu Y oujiang for his insightful lectures, which inspire me to compose this dissertation. I also thank those who help me in course of the writing and whose names I can’t list here one by one. Finally, I would also like to acknowledge the continuing support and kindness from my parents. Without their love, I could never have gone this far.
