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$k Thousands of dollars千美元

$M Millions of dollars百万美元

% R & R Gage % Repeatability and Reproducibility % 重复性和再现性

ANOV A Analysis Of V ariance 方差分析

AOP Annual Operating Plan年度运营计划

BB Black Belt黑带;A process improvement project team leader who is trained and certified in the Six Sigma breakthrough methodology and tools, and who is responsible for project execution.经“六西格玛”方法论和工具使用培训并认证的过程改进项目的项目负责人,负责项目的执行。

BOD Board of Directors董事会

BPM Business Process Management商业流程管理

BTS Breakthrough Technology Solution 突破性改进解决方案

C & E Cause and Effects matrix因果矩阵

CAP C hange Acceleration Process加速变革流程

Capability 能力The total range of inherent variation in a stable process. It is determined by using control charts data.在稳定过程中全部内在固有变化的改变范围。它由控制图的数据来确定。

Capability Index 能力指数A calculated value used to compare process variation to a specification. Examples are Cp, Cpk. Can also be used to compare processes to each other. 能力指数为一计算值用来比较对给定区间的过程变异。例如:Cp, Cpk能用来对过程进行相互比较。

CEO Chief Executive Officer首席执行官

CFO C hief Financial Officer首席财务官

CIO Chief Information Officer首席信息官

CNM Customer Need Map顾客需要图

COB Chairman of the Board of Directors董事长

Control Plan A process control document that describes the system for controlling processes and parts. 控制计划流程控制文档来描述控制流程和部件的系统

COO Chief Operating Officer首席运营官

COPQ Cost of Poor Quality劣质产品成本Cost associated with poor quality products or services. Examples: Product inspection, Sorting, Scrap, Rework, and Field Complaints. 由低质量产品或服务所导致的成本。例如:产品检验,挑选,废品,返修和客户抱怨。

COQ Cost Of Quality质量成本

Cp Index of process capability–process centered过程能力指数–对中心点过程

C-P Capacity-Productivity能力-生产率

Cpk Index of process capability–process not centered过程能力指数–非中心点过程

CTQ Critical Of Quality 关键质量点

Defect Any characteristic that deviates outside of specification limits or customer requirements.瑕疵任何偏离限制或客户需求的特征

DFSS Design Of Six Sigma六西格玛设计

DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control定义,测量,分析,改进,控制

DOE Design Of Experience实验设计:An efficient method of experimentation that identifies, with minimum testing, factors (key process input variables) and their optimum settings

that affect the mean and variation.一种试验的有效方法,通过最少次测试,来识别因素(关键过程输入变量)以及影响均值和变异的优化设置

DPMO Defect Per Million Opportunity百万机会缺陷数

DPU Defects Per Unit单位产品的瑕疵

EHS Environment Health Safety环境、健康和安全

FMEA Potential Failure Modes and Effect Analysis潜在失效模式和效果分析

FPY First Pass Yield首次产出率The percentage of products or services that are successfully completed on the first attempt without requiring remedial action or rework. 在第一次尝试中不经补救和返修得到的产品或服务的成功率

FTA Fault Tree Analysis故障树分析

Gage Bias (aka Accuracy) The difference between the true or reference value and the observed average of multiple measurements of identical characteristic on the same part. 标准测量偏差对同一部件的某一可识别特征多次测量的平均观察值与真值或参考值之间的差异。

Gage Repeatability The variation in measurements obtained with one measurement instrument when used several times by one appraiser while measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.标准测量重复性当同一位观察者使用同一测量仪器对同一部件的某一可识别特征进行多次测量,所得结果的变异。

Gage Reproducibility The variation in the average of measurements made by different appraisers, using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.标准测量再现性当不同观察者使用同一测量仪器对同一部件的某一可识别特征进行多次测量,所得结果的变异。

GB Green Belt绿带

GR&R Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility测量系统重复性和再现性

Histogram A graphic way of summarizing data by plotting possible values on one axis and the observed frequencies for those values on the other axis. It helps one visualize the central tendency and dispersion of the data.直方图一种把可能出现的值标注在一条数轴,把观测频率标注在另一数轴上从而形成图像的数据归纳方法。

HR Human Resources人力资源

IS Information Systems信息系统

ISO International Standards Organization国际标准化组织

IT Information Technology信息技术

ITSPM IT Small Project Management信息技术小项目管理

KJ Tool to Organize and Focus Qualitative Data分析客户需求并转化为产品功能要求的工具KPIV Key Process Input V ariable关键过程输入变量The vital few process input variables that have the greatest effect on the output variable(s) of interest. They are called “X’s”, (normally 2 –6) 至关重要的过程输入变量,对过程输出变量具有最大影响。它们被称作:X,(通常有2至6个)

KPOV Key Process Output V ariable关键过程输出变量The output variable(s) of interest. They are called the “Y’s”, (usually 1). May be process performance measures or product characteristics. 过程的输出变量。它们被称作:Y,(通常只有1个)。可为过程表现结果或产品特性。

LSL Lower Specification Limit下限

MAIC Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control测量,分析,改进,控制
