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artificial leather人造革baseball leather棒球革basketball leather篮球

革bellow leather风箱belt leather带皮 belting leather带革; 轮带book-binding leather书面革 bottom leather底革boxing-glove leather拳击手套革 buck leather(雄)鹿革buckle leather带用革buffed leather磨面革 butt leather底革card leather梳革 case leather箱皮 charred leather皮炭chamois leather麂皮chrome leather铬革chrome tanned leather铬鞣革clothing leather服装革combination tanned leather结合鞣制的革combing leather梳刷革cow leather牛皮 crown leather上等皮革crup leather马臀革crust leather

坯革; 半硝革cup leather制动缸皮碗diaphragm leather隔膜革

[皮] dogskin leather狗皮(制的)革dressing leather饰革 drum leather鼓皮 drycleanable leather耐干洗革easy-care leather易保养革 embossed leather压花革 enamel leather漆皮 enamelled leather漆皮fair leathe r集市皮

革fancy leather美术革, 装饰用革 finished leather成革; 整饰过的皮革football leather足球革 football-helmet leather橄榄球头盔革 furniture leather家具革garment leather衣服革gas meter leather气表革 glace leather白鞣革 glove leather手套皮 hair-on leather带毛革half leather半皮面装订, 半革装 harness leather马具

革 hat leather制帽革hat sweatband leather帽圈革heavy leather厚革 heel leather (鞋)后跟皮 hunting leather粗绒面革hydraulic leather水压机革(密封用革) imitation leather充牛皮装订, 漆布装订, 人造革装订industrial leather工业用革iron tanned leather铁鞣革japanned leather漆皮kangaroo leather袋鼠

革 kaspine leather开斯宾 levant leather皱纹革; 摩洛哥革light leather轻革line leather马具革 lining leather衬里革 luggage leather箱包革 mountain leather石棉napped leather绒毛皮革 oar leather桨革 oil seal leather油封革oiled leather涂油革oil-tanned leather油鞣革organ-pipe leather风琴管革 packing leather皮碗 paper based artificial leather纸基人造革 patent leather漆皮patent leather漆革 piano leather 钢琴革piston packing leather活塞填密皮plated leather熨压皮革portmanteau leather

旅行皮包革 rein leather马具革rock leather一种石棉 rolled leather轧制革roller leather 机轴革rough-tanned leather粗鞣革rubbing leathers【纺】搓条皮圈 Russia(n) leather俄罗斯革saddle leather鞍皮[革]saffian leather山羊革; 摩洛哥革scrap leather废皮; 碎皮 semi-aniline leather半苯胺革 softleather软革semi-chrome leather混合铬鞣革 sheep leather(绵)羊革shrink leather皱纹革 skirt leather植物鞣牛皮坯革slick-surfaced leather光面皮革soccerballleather足球革softleather软革soleleather底革stirrup leather镫革strop leather磨刀皮革suede leather起毛皮革sweat band leather(帽中)汗带皮synthetic leather合成皮带textile machinery leather织机用革tie and dye leather扎染革two-tone leather双色调革upholstery leather装饰用皮革upper leather面革valve leather阀皮vegetable tanned sole leather植物鞣鞋底革velvet leather正绒面革zirconium tanned leather锆鞣革volleyball leather排球革wash leather可洗皮革washable chamois leather可洗麂皮welting leather 镶边革; 贴边革white leather白革; 矾鞣革


wet operation 湿场作业

trimming and sorting 削整及分皮

soaking 浸水

fleshing 削肉

unhairing 脱毛

bating 酵解软化

picking 浸酸

tanning 鞣制

wringing 挤水

splitting and shaving 起层及削里retanning, coloring 再鞣,染色

setting out 张皮

dry operation 干场作业

drying 干燥

conditioning 回湿

staking 铲软

buffing 磨皮

finshing 整饰

measuring 量皮

grading 分级


alligator 鳄鱼皮也称为crocodile皮antelope leather 羚羊皮革


buckskin 鹿绒皮

buffalo hides 水牛皮

buffalo hides, salted, wet 盐湿水牛皮bullhide 公牛皮

butt-branded steers 臀部有烙印阉牛皮

butt leather 臀皮


cabreta 卡利大皮

calf leather 小牛皮

calfskin 小牛皮

calfskin, with the hair on, dyed 染色小牛皮camel leather 骆驼皮革

cape skin 开普皮

carpincho 河马皮

cattle hide 大牛皮

cattle leather, dyed 染色牛皮

cattle leather, metallized 烫金属牛皮

cattle leather, patent 漆牛皮

chamois-dressed leather 油鞣皮(雪米皮)
