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Along with the modern science and technology development, the elbow technology has widely applied in many realms of production, specially in the boiler, the pressure vessel as well as petroleum petrification project. Bidirectional pipe bending machine that we research is the specialized equipment used widespread in boiler profession, belongs to the hydraulic pressure pipe bending machine.It mainly curves the serpentuator pipes,which is a part of the boiler.

In this research we had mainly designed the mold lifting gear and the hydraulic system,which belong to the bidirectional pipe bending machine.The function of the mold lifting gear is that makes the elbow piece mold promotion or drop, therefore, we designed that was made by the locating cylinder, the release lever, and the base, provided the power by the hydraulic pump, transmited by the release lever, then makes the elbow piece mold promotion and drop. After designing all components of the installment, analyzing the stress, the intensity situation of the major parts, wo carried them on the three dimensional entity modelling and the assembly with the Pro/E software.

Moreover, we designs the hydraulic pressure provides the power for the bidirectional pipe bending machine, that can satisfy each functional element through the high-pressure oil outputed by hydraulic pump.We designe the station of hydraulic pressure pumping, the tank and some auxiliary parts. There are many installments provided power by hydraulic in the work of curving pipes, such as the step-up installment, the extension mold installment, the lifting gear , therefore the hydraulic system is especially important.

Key words: Bidirectional pipe bending machine; Mold promotion; Hydraulic system



第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 本课题研究的目的及意义 (1)

1.2 弯管机的概述 (1)

1.3 课题背景 (3)

1.4 国内外相关领域研究现状及成果 (3)

1.4.1 弯管机的发展概况 (3)

1.4.2 弯管机模子提升装置的发展概述 (5)

1.4.3 弯管机动力系统的发展概述 (6)

1.5 本章小结 (7)

第2章机械结构总体方案设计 (8)

2.1 模子提升装置总体设计要求及内容 (8)

2.1.1 提升装置的设计要求 (8)

2.1.2 提升装置的设计内容 (8)

2.2 模子提升装置的设计方案 (8)

2.2.1 模子提升装置整体机构的设计 (8)

2.2.2 模子提升装置主要部分的设计方案 (9)

2.3 模子提升装置的设计 (9)

2.3.1 定位油缸的设计 (9)

2.3.2杠杆的设计 (19)

2.3.3机架的设计 (21)

2.4 本章小结 (21)

第3章模子提升装置三维实体建模 (22)

3.1 Pro/E软件简介 (22)

3.2 模子提升装置三维实体建模 (22)

3.2.1 定位油缸的建模 (22)

3.2.2 杠杆、机架的建模 (24)

3.3 模子提升装置的装配 (25)

3.3.1模子提升装置的装配 (25)

3.4 本章小结 (26)

第4章双向弯管机液压系统设计 (28)
